HomeMy WebLinkAbout46791 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ORDINANCE NO. 4 6 7 9 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING AUBURN CITY CODE SECTION 10.04.010 ENTITLED "ADOPTED--COPIES FILED" CONTAINED IN CHAPTER 10.04 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE ENTITLED "MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE" TO ADOPT THE WASHINGTON MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE AS CONTAINED IN THE WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, CHAPTER 308-330 WAC. WHEREAS, the state legislature has provided that the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance presently contained in Chapter 46.90 RCW, will expire on July 1, 1994; and WHEREAS, the provisions of the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance have been readopted by the state legislature in the Washington Administrative Code in Chapter 308-330 WAC, which will become effective on July 1, 1994. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Ordinance is as follows: To amend Section 10.04.010 entitled "Adopted--Copies filed" contained in Chapter 10.04 entitled "Model Traffic Ordinance Adopted By Reference" in order to adopt the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance as readopted by the state legislature in the Washington Administrative Code, Ch. 308- 330. Ordinance No. 4679 June 15, 1994 Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 section 2. AMENDED SECTION 10.04.010 OF AUBURN CITY CODR CHAPTER 10.04. Section 10.04.010 entitled "Adopted-- Copies filed" contained in Chapter 10.04 entitled "Adoption of Model Traffic Ordinance By Reference,, is hereby amended as set incorporated herein forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference. Section $. Constitutionality or Invalidity. If any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, as it being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted and approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4. Amendment of Section 10.04.010 entitled "Adopted--Copies filed" contained in Chapter 10.04 entitled "Model Traffic Ordinance Adopted By Reference" does not affect any pending or existing litigation and does not operate as an Ordinance No. 4679 June 15, 1994 Page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 abatement or bar to any action or proceeding pending under or by virtue of the amended ordinance. Section 5. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. 8eotion 6. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 1994. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: MAYOR Ordinance No. 4679 June 15, 1994 Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ATTEST: Robin Wohlhueter, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Michael J. Reynolds, Acting City Attorney Ordinance No. 4679 June 15, 1994 Page 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 EXHIBIT "A" Chapter 10.04 MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE Seotionsz 10.04.010 Adopted--CopySes filed and authenticated. 10.04.020 Beverability. 10.04.010 Adopted--Copyles filed and authenticate~. The "Washington Model Traffic Ordinance," ~a~e?--l~ Chapter 308-330 WAC, is hereby adopted by reference, including all future amendments or additions thereto as rovided in Chapter 46.90 Rcw, and under the provisions of RCW 35A.12.140, the ordinance codified in this section shall be published as required by law, but the aforementioned Model Traffic Ordinance adopted by reference need not be published but shall be authenticated and recorded with the Auburn city clerk, and not less than one copy of such chapter statute in the form in which it was adopted shall forthwith be filed in the office of the Auburn city clerk for use and examination by the public. Ordinance No. 4679 Exhibit "A" June 15, 1994 Page 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 10.04.020 Sevarability. If any provision of this chapter or the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance adopted by reference in this chapter and effective from and after Julv 1, 1994 or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of this chapter or the its application of the provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. Ordinance No. 4679 Exhibit June 15, 1994 Page 6 '.t011-12l- I~ WAC .M)8-12S-100 Examination requlrx, d.--Scope. ~.~0-172 The dirccmt shall ap~ove an examination for licensure and certification of reul estate appraisers. 'l~is examination may be prep3red and administered within a state agency, or thc 3M-3~O-1LI director may request bids for contracts to prepare and administer thc exam. Such rcquests for IXOpo~ls shall be ~M.3.~o. 11o done in accordance with the scale law. (I) Tbo director will determine thc gope of thc exami- nation and provide information concerning thc scope of the ~0L~20-20S examimaion to an individual upon request. (2) if the director determines to seek proposals for ~M.3M-2IS testing services, the director will establish criteria for. ~M-320-225 evaluating the pr~s. [Summa7 Autbm4~- RCW II.ldG(~l). 93-17.0~, i 308-12.1-190, film 3M-330-23S 8/lO/93. effe~Jveg/10/93. StMutMy Au0A0~7: RCW 11.140.030. 9J-(M- WAC 3~12f~210 Requital recod~--A~bHIW of records to the department o~ IJcensin& All appraJ~rs ~-3~265 c~fified or licensed un~ chapter 18.140 RCW mint ~tain ~ ~qui~d by th~ Uniform Standards of professional 3M-33o-~75 Appraisal Practice for n minimum of five years. Such 3o~330-30o rocords will bo subj~:t to random audit by tho depa~nont 3o~3~o-~0~ without tmdc~ and must bo readily availabl~ for inspection I/IO~3.~T~ztiwgll0~3. Sunaov/Amhodty- RC'Wltlqo. . 30~$~0-~12 07d. J 3(~12~21~ flJd 2;~91. effective ~/l~l.I 30L33~314 Title .MS WAC: Deplrtment M' Liceminl WAC 308.12S-22S Meetinp--Notice. The ~al e~me ~ advi~F/commin~ mccu ~t d~ ~11 of ~ ~3~ director. Individuals desiring notice of d~ date, timc. location, and agenda of thc mecdngs must make a wriu~n 2(~-320-32s [Slatui0~Auih~. RCNV Iti~0.C[30(l~ 93.17..0~.13~-12~225. fikzl 30~33~9 WlO~3. ~T~cti~ ~t10/93.] 30~-330-330 Clmp~r 30&330 WAC WASHINGTON MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE . [!~ WAC Sapp--pqe IS221 Kw --~- m~vud--Abudm~ um~n~k ,[ - Wmhlngtou Model Traffic Ordinance Chapter J~-JJO ~.330-d72 J0~.330-d75 ~0~-330.47! 30[-330-4~1 306-330-300 ~3~510 ~3~515 ~3~5~ ~3~5M ~3~535 ~3~ ~3~5 ~3~ ~3~ ~3~10 ~3~710 ~3~ ~3MI0 ~3MI5 ~3~910 WAC 308-330-00S Patinae of this chapter. The purpmc of thls chapt~ is to cncourqc hifhway esfety and uniform traffic laws by amhorizin$ the department of licensinj to adopt a comlx'ek,--~ve compilation of sound, uniform [ral~ law; to serv~ m a piti* whkh Iceal mthm'i- ~Mch adopts rids chapte~ by ~ereuce may at any time chapter is not intended to deny any local authority its lefinlafive power, but rather to enhance safe and efficient movement of traf~c thmugbum the rote by buying eu~nt, [smut~ Auhod~. KW ~6.9~010, ~-0t-~2, ! 20e-320-005, reed 12/13~3. e~ective ?~.] WAC 308330-010 Amendments to this chapter automatlcany Included. Tb~ addition of any new section to, o~ ameedmem or rqx*Jl of any sec~on in, this chapter shall be deemed to amend any city. town. or county ordi- hake which has adop(cd by rtfcreKe to ;his chap;er ~ any part thereof, and it shall not be ne~e~.q~ry for the legislative authority of any city. town, or county to take any a~tion with respect to such additiofl, amendment, or repeal ncxwithstand- iflg the provisions of RCW 35.21.180. 35A.12.140, 35A. 13.180, and 36.32.120(7). [Statma~. Aulho6ty: RCW 46,90,010. 944)1~2. ! 30~-330-010. fikd 12/13/93, effective '7/I/94.] WAC 308-330-030 Uniformity in applk:ation, The provisions of this chapter relating to the operation of vehicles shall be applicable and uniform upon all penons operating vehicles upon the public highways of this slate, except as otherwise Sl~:if"~:ally provided. [Stamto~/Amhodty: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01.M2, J 30S-330-030. filed 12/13'93, effec~e ?/1~4.] WAC 3~-330-100 Chapter 46.04 RCW (Deflni. th)m) adopted by referenc~ All sections of chapter 46.04 RCW as now or hareaf~r amc __~___~___ are hereby adop*-d by reference as · part of this cbup~* in ali req2ects as ;hough such sectious we~ set fot~ he~in in full. [Smuto~ Audux~t~. RCW 46.90.010. 94-01412, ! 306-330-1~0, film 1~13~ effecti~ ?11/~.] WAC 308-330-109 Bus. 'Bus' means eva',/motor vehicle desisned for carrying more than ten passengers and used foc transportation of penous, and eve~ ~ vehicle, of per3ons for compensation. {smuto(y A~ RCW 46.~0.010. M-0I-~S2, I 308-330-109, filed 12/13/VJ, efbc~e 7/1~4.] WAC ~-3~*112 Bm st~ 'Bus stop" means a fixed porlJon of the highway parallel and adjacent to the curb to be reserved exclusively for bum for layover in operating scheduha or while waidn~ h', JoadiM, or unload- ins pusenfm: Prm,~ That such bus Ixovidus regularly ~,. [s~ Anho~. new 46.~o.0tt ~ot~12. ! ~x-~tt~ nkd 12/13,~J, effeclive WAC J08,3J0-11S C~y. rated city and towt [$tatmm,/A-.k,~y: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01~8~ J ~08-D0-11J. ~ WAC 3~-330-118 Demdish. "Demo~h" means to dmmy oomple~y by use of a hydrau~ hi~ and thn~ or [StatlmX7 A~*'----~')': RCW 46.90.010. 94-01-4~, ! 308-330-11K filed 12/13,;93. effective WAC 308-330-121 Department. "Department" means th,~ __. _,~_~n~nt of liceusing unk',s mhcrwise specifind in ems chq~c WAC Sups--pap ittle J0& WAC: U~partment of Licemlng ISoluh~/ Auflkmf), R('W ,16q(1010 q4 ol Ira.', ! 14~-1~0.121. fik'd I~/f WI. cffcLl~,,c 71IA~ J WAC .10&-3.tO-IZJ Director. "Director" means thc director of licensing unless the direct()r of a different dcpann~nt of government is specified. ~Slatu)ory Authoflly. RCW 46q0010 I~1.%'q;.1. effechv¢ 7/I/94 J ! 10~-.130-12.1. filed WAC -MS-Xt0-145 ParkinI meier space. "Parking meier spa:e" means any space within a ~j~ent lo a ~ing ~ a~ wh~h b duly ~signafed for ~ ~king of a single vehicle by a~opdate ~rkMgs t~ pave~nl ~ ~ Cu~. ~Sl~ul~ A~ly R~ ~.~.0l0 WAC 308-330.127 Holichlys. "Holidays" include the tr3t day of January, commonly called New Year's Day: the third Monday in January, COmmonly called Mania Luther IGng Jr. day; the third Monday of February, being cel~.b, ated WAC 30~330-1,18 Parking meter zOne. "Parking meter zone" means any highway or pan thereof or any off- .sb'eet parking lot on which paddng me.rs a~e installed and m operation. as the annlvefsa~ of the birth of George Washington; the [Smme~ Auemm~: RCw ,16.90.010. thirtieth day of May, commonly known as Memorial Day; 12/13/93, effecti*e 7/1~4.l 94-01-0r2. ! 30e-330.14~, filed the fourth day of July, being the annive~ary of the Declara- ~°fIn~.ndc~e_ ;~heC~stMondayin~nbor, m~ WAC~Isl Pasmnlerioedblzmu. -p,,~.,. ,,u~[vmg uay; the twenty-fifth day of .Day:.-, any --"- o, ~ .. ....... m.~ ..v ~ IO¢~1 authofjly to be a i~tmma~ Au~.y:. RCW 46.g0.010. 94-014~2. I 3~-330-1Jl, film 12/13~3, effe~ ?/1~94.I holiday. Whenever any holiday falls upon a Sunday, the following Monday shall be · holiday. [$mutoej. AmberS: ROY 46.g0.010. 12/I.V93, effe~ve 7~1~4.] 94-01-0~2, ! 30~-330-127. ¢ded WAC 308-330-133 Loadinl zone. 'Loading zone' m .e.e.e.e~s a space re~crved for the exclusive use of vehicles dunng the loading or unloading of ~ or passen~s. [S~tato~/Aet~;;~ RCV/46.90.010. 12/12/93. erfectiYe 711194.] 94-01-(~., ! 30~330-133. fged WAC _.,30~1~.!~4 Planting ~ "Plandnf sUio" meansthatpormmofahi~hway~,...bet~nen.~ - . ed curb, or edoe of ts`- ~..,L.'_.'''~ -- -- me consauct. exclusive of fhe sidewalk area. Y · property hne vi3;93, effec~,e 7/L'94.i ~4-0146Z ! 301-330-1S4. fi~d or police officer includes the --': ~ ~-~ um~ or a cJ~, a WAC ~1~ ~ ~ ~ -~_, m~ ~, ~ ~ ~ff ~ ~ ~ ..... _ ~ ~n ~iu~ _~ ~. ~ ~Y ~ m ~t [~ A~y, R~ ~.010' J--~-~, va ~ I~ ~. I~1~. e~ 7~.] ~1~ J ~3~1J7, · c~ef ~ o~ of a "~,a ~ a ~ ~ m~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ of a ~nw, W~hev~ is appli~ble, [~ A~ R~ ~.~.01~ ' ' ' ' 1~3. e~ 7~.1 ~1~ ~ ~3~i~,~ ~m ~ m ~ ~, ~ ~y~ ~ ~. wac ~42 ~ ~. ~. adjacent to a -~k~ ..... ,~ ~ m~ p~ ~ ~ . WAC ~1~ PoI~ de--ertL 'Poli~ ~ .~s m~mr space, tor ~e pu~se of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~ng~ ~n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. of ~ ~ ~s ~ ~a ~.~ ~:~_- s~h ~km~ me~ sp~ by ~y v~e~. ~n~ ~~-u~ ..... me~r ins~ll~ s~ll indicate by pm~ le~e~ ~ lej~ ~ ~ ~. - -- m ~ ~ ~ of I~ ~iM ~ ... _. ~_~ s~ ~ A~a~ ~ ~.m.m0. time ~k:~k ~..,_. _._ ,d~)si. te~L_ ,mu ue limited period of ,.,.a. --a-a~--gnated ~ of the highway nlon the for _,.,.. panong ~s mwmlly nes~tiR~d ;..k. ..... de~ipntM hou~ ..... ~ sc,,~,] onset during me~r s3ace in which such meter is'l~L '" um FeuT, mg _ [Smuta7 A _,,,k,~/_': RCW 46.M010. [Slafu~.y A~: RC'W 46.g0.010. 94-01.(~., ! 3C~3.10-142, filed 94-01-4~2, j 3G6-3.10-169, filed 12/13/93, efta ?//Ad.] 12/13,q)3, effec~ve 7/1~4.I WAC J0g-JJ0-17,! Service parkinL 'Service parking" me-~ns thc use of a parking meier space while r~ndcr~ng vervi¢c in cleaning, painting, adjusting, or making minor repairx or repla,'¢ment.~ in or lo building~ or buikJing equipment or m public utilide,~. [Slal~do~'y Au(ho~ly' RCW 46qO010. 94-0t-0~2, § ~9~.330.17.~, filed I~/I.V93, cffck'~lV¢ 7/I/~4 J WAC 308.330.175 Street. "Street" means a "city [S~at~ Amho~ly: RCW 46.90,010. 94-01-0~2, ! 30~-330-175, Iiled 12/13,'93. effe~ivg 711/94.1 ~"&~hington Model Tramc Ordinance 3~-J30.17. WAC 308-J30.197 RCW sections adopled.--Ofl road and noflhighway vehicles. The following sectionx the Revised C(~Je of Wa~hingkm (RCW} peflaining road and nonhighway vehicle,4 a,~ now or hereafter are hereby adol~ed by reference as a part of this ehap~er in all rcspcc~ as though ~uch sections were full: RCW 46.09.020. 46.09.120. 46.09.130, 46.09.140, and 46.09.180. [Slatulm'7 Autho~ly: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01.~2. ! ~-J30-197. fi~ed 12/13~g3, effeclive 7/h~LI WAC 308-330.178 Taxicab. "Taxicab" means a mot~ vehicle for hire u__,~_ for the U'ansponation of pet~ons for compensation, and not operated exclusively over a fixed ron~ or between fixed m~nini. [.~tm~7 Amhedty: RCW 46.~0.010. 94-01-082. j 30~330-178, filed 12~13~3, effective 7/1~1.] WAC 308-330.181 Taxicab stand. 'Taxicab stand" means a fixed pertion of a M~hway se~ aside for taxicabs to stand or wait for passenger. [Smutoey Authority: RCW 46.~0.010, 94-01-4M2, J 301-330-181, filed 12/13~3, effective WAC 308-3~-184 Tow msdt operator. 'Tow uuck ~.c~m~ .pe?n, firm, pmnersldp, association, or m ~ com3e of busines~ provides towing semces f~ vehicles and automobile hulks. [Smutm7 Ambodty: RCW M.90.010. 9401-082, J ~-330-114t, filed 12/13/93. effective 7/U94.] WAC 308-330-187 Traflk division. 'Traffic divi- sion' means the ~affic d~vision of the police depa~nent of the local authority, or in the event a I~af~c division is nm established, then said term whencver used in this chapter WAC 308-330.200 RCWsections adopted-- Snowmobiles. The following sections of~he Revised Code ~o_f~W_~ashin~m .(RCW) pertaining to snowmobiles as now or of thJ- -~' ...... set forth herein in full: RCW 46.10.010. 46.10.090, 46.10.100, 46.10.110, 46.10.120, 46.10.130, 46.10.140, and 46.10.190. [Smuta7 Auae~ty: RCiW 46.90,010. 94..01-0t2. j 30~-330.20o. filed 12~13~3. effective VISIons of the drivers of ail vehicles owned or al~ .Y States, the state, or any COunty, city, town, district, er any other political subdivision of the itata, iubje~l Io such specific exceptions as are forth in this duper. [Smum~ Autlmdty: RCW 46.90.010. ~o1~2, 12~3,93, effective 7/I/94,] WAC 3~-330-210 Police admhistrMkm. cstabllshed in the poUce ~...o.,. ....... _trafr,~c dtvmon to be under the eon~ of a [s~ Autho~. new ,~.~o.oto. 9,s.ot.m:. I ~22o.2to. reed · .-~.,.~,~ oy omer members of the police department to v~mations, to investip~ eppos' ire~on on the tym I~ · · - division by~ si~:~Y ~ upon Ihe said this chapter and the Iraf~c ordinances of the ·, WA.: 3_=01-330.1~$ RCW se¢liona &dopted-- ~ aulJ~,ity. ~V~'~ ~ec~frTl°win. g.s°"'l~m'~ of the Revised Code of . ~.W) pertamm~ to liveu,~-k on highway en e. u a part of chpter in resn and 16.24.070. * ...... or other emergency or to expedito Irafflc or to safeguard pedcs~ans, oft=~ers of the police del~cat may dlr~ct WAC SeW--pp mS] 30~330.220 Title J~ WAC: Department of LkeJt~ing Ir:,ffic a~ condhi.nq may require notwithstanding the provi~i~m.~ of law. (2) Officer~ of ~ fi~ ~nt, w~n at t~ ~nc of a fire. olay direct or a~sisl the ~dice in directing traffic t~;cal or in ;~ im~diatc vicinily. I~l~uh~ Am~)nly R~ ~010 g4~1~2. ! .~R-~-2~, filed WAC 30~-.130-225 Recoils of~'alflc violations, ti) The police depanmem or the traffic division thereof shall keep a record of all violations of the Irnffse o~linances of the local authority or of the state motor ve.~icle laws of which any person has been charged, with the exception of illegal parking or standing violations, tegeth~ with a record of the final disposition of all such alleged offenses. Such records shall be so maintained as to show all types of viohdons and the total of each. Such records ~hail accumulate during at least a five-yee~ period, and from that time on the records shall hc maintained complete for at least the most recent (2) All forms for records of violations and notices of violations shall be serially numlx~cL For each month and year a written record of ail such forms shall be kept. (3) Records and repons concerning a person shall be available upon request only to that particular person request- imt such record or report concerning himself, or the legal guaMian thereof, the parent of a minor, or any autlmdzed ~pr~entativ~ of such interested pray, or the attorney or insurer than:of. [Smutm,/Aut~,:~y: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01~e2, ! 30L330-D.~. filed 12/1393, effec~.e 7/I/94.] WAC 30L330-230 Traffic division to Investigate accidents. It shall be the duty of the traffic division, assisted by other members of the police department, to investigate traffic accidents, to anent, and to assist in the pms~uti. 'on of those pet3ons charged with violations of law cans~ng or contributing to such accidents. [~ A~ RCW 46.90.010. 94-0t.~2. ! 30~.330.230, ~ 12/13~3, ~ 7/1~4.I WAC 3e8.330.23S TrnnU accident smdlas. When- ever the aecldents at any particular lucafion becotm= humor. ous, the traffic division shall cooperate with the traffic engineer in conducting studios of such ancidenu and in ISmmmy X-~-'--~y: ItCW 46.90.010. M-0I-~2, I ~Oe-330-23S, filed 12/1~3. e~ecdve ?/1~4.J WAC MLa.M.240 Tenffk anddent report& The traffic division shah maintain a suitable system of filing to them shall be filed alphabedcally by location. Such ~ shall be available for the use and the inform?~Lon of [Smutm7 Authority: RCW 46.g0.010. 9~01-082, J 30L330-240, filed 12f13/93. effec~e 7/U94.I WAC 308-330-24S Traffic d~Mon to mbmlt nm-ad tratlle safety report. TIM Waffle division shall annually [1St3 WAC Supp--pee ~ ?e[~ve a t~afl'u: R~x~fl which &hall be fried with the a~)inl- mg am~ ~ ~ ~'al au~ly. S~ ~ ~11 contain information on traffic mattcr~ in I~ local authority a, ( I ) The number of traffic acci~nts, the number of ~rsons killed, the numar of ~r%o~ injured, and other ~iflent t~f~m ~cident data: (2) ~e numar of traffic acci~ats investigated and ot~ ~nincnt ~ta on t~ ~fety ~ti~s of ~ ~lice: (3) ~ pla~ and ~om~ndati~ of t~ division fm fut~ ~c ~y ~viti~. 1~1~3. e~ 7/1~.] WAC ~0~3~0-2S0 Pofiee deporlment to administer bkTde Ikemas, The police deparmmm or some oder off'me or deperm~nt ¢%ignst-d by the local mhority shall admin- ister the bicycle license regulations required by this chapter. [Smmmy A.~d~y: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01-e82, ! 30S-330-250, filed 12/13;93, effa:th, e 7/I,'9~.] WAC 308-330-2SS Pollee depamnent to regulate parlrln., me.rs. Tbe polic~ de~ ,droll be responsible for the regulation, control, operation, and use of parking meters instaJled la all pad[inn meter znses. [Smmop/A.dmdv/:. ICW 46,90.010. 94-01-~2. I 308-330-2~$, filed 12/ta~J, e~zd~e 7/~4.J WAC ~-1.~260 Traffie engtmer. (I) The office of traffic engineer is established: Pro~, That if tizm is no traffic en~inoer, then the engineer of Ibe local authority shall serve as traffic engineer in additioe to his/her other functions, and shall exercise the powe~ and duties with respect to Irnffic as provided in this dmpter: Provided ~rf/~r~ That if I~ b an engineer in thc lucal authority. then the appointing lutho~ty shat] de~gnate a person to exe~-ise secb powm and dudes. (2) It thall be the genersl duty of the tzaffic angineec to datennine the instafladon and maintenance of u'afl~ control devices, to co,~,~ engineering analysis of u'afl'm accidents mvemgaUcos of eaffe cco~fians, to pim the o~era~a of powm3 and dmles impesed by any ordiasuces of the lucal alflhorhy. ' [Smutmy Au~,~:~y. ItCW 46.gO.0t0. M-OI.012. ! 3~-330-260, filed 12/13,'93, effettilm 2/I/M.] (l) To Plaee and maintain official eaffic conac4 devJc~ when and as mquind nsder the trsffm mdianuces or rasohi. dons of th~ local amhority to make effec~ve the lxovisions of .said ordinances or resolutions, and may place and maintain such additional official Iraffie com~ol devices as he/she may deem necessary to regulate, warn, or guide Washington Modal (2) To place and maintain nfl~cial traffic comnd device~ as he/%he may deem necessary to r¢lzulatc, warn. or guide traffic f'or ~'on%truction. detours, cmcrgen~'i¢~, and special ¢o~Jilions: (.3) TO dcsignate and maintain, by appropriale dcviccs. marks, or lines upon the surface of the roadway, crosswalks at intersections where in his/her opinion there is particular danger to pedestrians crossing the roadway, and in such other places as he/she may deem necessa~: (4) To establish safety zones of such kind and character and at such places as he/she may deem necessary for the IXtXuction of pedestrians; (5) To mark traffic lanes upon the roadway of any highway where a regulus alignment of traffic is nucessary; (6) To regulato the timing of traffic signals so as to permit thc movement of traffic in an orderly and safe manner, (7) To place official traffic control devices within or adjacent to inter'a~'tions indicating the course to be Itavelad by vehicles tundng at such intersections, in ac~x-~ence with as so indicated may conform to or he other than as pre- sc~hed by law; (8) To determine those intcrsectious at which dtiver~ of vehicles shall not make a tight, left. or U-mm. and shall turns may he prohihi~d I~wcen cemin homx of any day and parmiund at od~r houri, in which ~nt ~he same shall be plainly indlc~!~-,~ o~ the signs or they may he removed when such mras aro permitted; (9) To erect and maintain stop signs, yield signs, or other official traffic control devices to designate arterial highwnys or to designnto intersection or othar rondwny junctions at which ~icular u'affic on ~ or mo~ of tha roadways shall ykld or ~p and ~ield hefor~ entering fl~ intersection or junction, except as provided in RC~ 46.61.195; (10) To ~ou _~ _~,~ai~' permits to mh~ze ~ I,~d~ina of a ve~ick to fl~: ~ub for fl~ porpose of Ionding or unkmling property subject m fl~ ~orma end condi~om of such permit. Such permits may be issued eithe~ to the own~ or lessee of real proporty alongside the curb or to the ownor of the (11) To erect si&ns indicating no parking upon both sides ofn highway when the width of the in~,,ml roadway roadway ts between twenty and twenty-eight fce~ (12) To determine when steading or parking may be is reseicted to one dlfectJon ulxm eny such rnadway end to erect slsne Wing notice thorsof; 03) To detmnine and desigme by ~opor.aSna ~ not exceeding one hundred feet in length in which the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles would create an to traffic; (14) To determine the' location of loading zones. Traffic Ordinance and maintain art'~'~riate sign~ or curb markings suppl.'moni- ed with the appropriate words stenciled on the ~'urh lng thc ~me and ~tating the hi~ur~ during whit'h the ~ion~ of this chapter a~e applicable; (15) To e,tablish bus stop~, bus stands, taxicab stand~. and stands for other for hire vehicles ou such highways in such places and in such numher as he/she shall determine to be of the greatest benefit and convenience to the public, and every such bus stop, bus stand, taxicab stand, or other stand shall be designated by appreptiate signs or by curb markings supplemented with the appropriate words stenciled on the curb; (16) To erect and maintain official traffic control devices on any highway or part thereof to impose gross weight limits on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation: (I ?) 'Fo erect and maintain official traffic control devices on any highway or part thereof to prohibit the operation of trucks exceeding ten thousand pounds gross weight on the basis of an engineering and tragic investiga- doff: Provided. That such devices shall not prohibit neces- sary local operation on such highways for the purpose of making n pickup or deliver,/; (18) 'Fo erect and maintain official traffic control devices on any highway or part thernof to impose vehicle size restrictions on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigadco; (19) 'Fo determine and designate those heavily traveled highways upon which shall he prohibited any class or kind of traffic which is found to be incompadbic with the nomul arid safe movemem of I~e on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigadco and shall erect altec, prints official traffic control devices giving notice tbem)~, (2o) To instal paddng metro in the emblished piking meter zones upon the curb adjacent to each designated parking space; (21) To designate the parking space adjacent to each parking me~r for which such o,e_,_~ is to he .__~l_ by pr]ate matifings upoo the curb end/or the pavement of thc highway: (22) To post app~)fiat~ signs making it unlawful for pade~inns to cross highways in certain ctossw0Jks when such cmuing would endanger either pedesahn or vehlcalar traffic ming the highway;, (23) 'Fo test new or proposed traffic control devices under uctnal oundifione of uzlT~. 12/I 3r'93, effective WAC 308-330-270 Local authorJtT--Authority. After an cnr~ng and traffic invesfigal~e by the traffic engineer, the local anthor~ may by rudmina: (I) Dec~..-se maximum speed limits IRUanam to RCW 46.61.415; (2) Increase maximum speed limits pmanant to RCW 46,61.415; (3) Deteflnine and declare the maximum s._,~__ limits on arterial highways pursuant to RL-q~ (4) Determine and declare upon what highways angle parking shall be permitted pregnant to RCW 46.61,575(3); [1~3 W.~C S.~--pe~ ~ - *. JO~JJO-270 Title .108 WAC: Department of Licensing (~) Pn)hibit. regulate, or limit, stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles on any highway al all times m' during such times as shall be indicated by official traffic control dcvice~: (6) Determine and declare puking meter zones upon those highways or pans Ihereof where the installation of pa;king meters will be necessary to regulate parking; (7) Close any highway or pan thereof temporarily to any or all traffic; (8? Determine and declare one-way highways pursuant to RCW 46.61.135: (9) Determine and declare afle~ial highways pursuant to RCW 46.61.195 and 46.61.435. [S~atmo~ Authoc~ty: R~W 46.4H).010. ~1-01-~2, J ~0~-330-270, 12/13/93. effective 7/I~M.] WAC 308-330*275 Traffic sofety commbslont Powers and duties. (I) There is established a traffic safety commission to serve without ~mpensation, consisting of th~ traffic engineer, the chief of police., ne. in hLOher discretion as his,~cr representative, the chief of the traffic division or otber cognizant member of the police department, one representative each from the engineer's office and the attorney's office, and such number of otber ogre. r3 of the local authority and representatives of unofficial bodies as may be dutmmined and appointed by the appohting authnei- be appointed by such appointing authority and may be removed by such authority. (2) It shall be the duty of the traffic safety commission, and to this end it shall have authndty ~hJn the limits of the funds at its disposal, to coordinate traffic activities, to supe~se the preparadoo and publication of traffk: ~pom, to receive complaints having to do ~ Irafr~ maum~ and to recommend to the legislative Ixxly of the local autbefity and to the traffic engineer, the drier of the traffic division. and other officials, ways and meaes for improving Irefi~ IStmmx~ Amlm~y: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01-e~2. ! 30~-330-2'75. filed 12/1~'93, effective ?/I/9~.] WAC 308-330-300 RCWsections adopted~ ag to vehicle c~rfi _~m__~_ of ov~ and reh, JstFations as as u part of this chapter in all respects as though such sections were set forth herein iu full: RCW 46.12.070, 46.12.080, 46.12.101, 46.12,102, 46.12,260, 46.12.300, 46.12.310, 46.12.320, 46.12.330, 46.12.340, 46.12.350, and 46.12,380. ISEi~oK/Authcu~. R~V 40.g0.010. ~4-Ol-Ol~ ! ~0[-330-300, ~:d 12/13~, effe~ve 7/I/944 WAC 308-33~.3~ RCW sections adupted.==Veldde licenses, The following sections of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pe~alning to vehicle licens~ as now or hereafter amended a~ Imeby odqand by reference as a pm of this chapter in all ~j as though ~ech sections were net forth herein in full: RCW 46.16.010, 46.16.011, [lv;J WAC Supf--pe~ Ual 46.16.025, 46.16.028, 46.16.030. 46.16.(MR,, 46.16.140, 46.16.145, 46.16.17t). 46. 16.180, 46.16.240, 46.16.260, 46.16.290. 46.16..~t6, 46.16.381, 46.16.390. 46.16.500, 46.16.505, 46.16.595, and 46.16.710. [Slalulov/ Amho~ly: RCW 46 90010 q4.OI I~1J~q3. effective 7/It94.I WAC .MM1-330-.t07 RCW sections ndopted--Deiver licenses Mentlcards. The following sections of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pertaining to driver licenses identification cards as now or horeafte~r amended are hereby adopted by reference as a pan of this chaptm' in all respects as though such sections we~ set forth herein in full: RCW 46.20.02 I, 46.20,022, 46.20.025, 46.20,027, 46.20.03 I, 46.20.04 I, 46.20,045, 46.20,190, 46.20,220. 46.20.308, 46.20,336, 46.20,338, 46.20,342, 46.20.~43, 46.20.344, 46.20,391, 46.20,394, 46.20,410, 46.20,420, 46.20.430, 46.20.435, 46.20.500, 46.20.510, 46.20,$~0, and 46.20,750. [Stawtc~ Amho~ty: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01-~2. J 30[-330-307, filed 12/13/93, effmive 7/I/~4.] WAC 308-330-309 RCW sections adopted~ Uniform Commefdal Driver's license Act. Tbe following .sections of the Rcvisnd Code of Washington (RCW) pemin* mg to the Uniform Comme~clal Drlv~r's Lk:en~ Act as now o~ herea~ amended are lmeby adopted by ~ference as a pan of this chapter in all respecls as though such sections were set forth herein in full: RCW 46.25,010, 46.25.020. 46.25.030, 46.25,040, 46.25.050, 46.25.110, 46.25.120, and 46.25.170. [Sta~o~ AudK~y: RCW 46.90,010. 9dl-01-0L~ ! 3C~-330-to9, ~ 12/13~J, effec~ve ?/1~4.] WAC 308-330-310 RCW sections adopted_ FJnanciM responsibility. The following section of thc Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pertaining to finaeci~ rupoasibility u now or ha:Lq~r amended is badly odoped by reference as a pan of this chapter in all respects as though such section were set fo~h herein in full: RCW WAC 308-330-312 RCWsuctionsadopted~ Mandatoey liability Insurance. The following sections of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pertaining to are he--by ndopted by reference as n pm of this chap~, in all raspects as dm~gh such sections wore set forth herein Jn full: RCW 46.30.010, 46.30.020, 46.30.030, and [Stouter7 Authority: RCW 46.90.010. 94.01.0~, j 30S-3.M-312. filed 12/13~J. effective 7/U94.] WAC 30~x330..314 RCW sections adopted=Vehicle inspection. The following sections of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pe~aining to vehicle inspection as now or ~ amended are hereby adopted by refem~:e as a W&~hington Model Tramc Ordinuor~ i~rt of thi~ chapter in all respects as though such section5 v, crc ~..t 1'4~h h~cin in full: RCW 4~.32.0~) and 46..~2.07(). WAC ~8-320-316 RCW sectlom adopted--Vehlc~ lighting and olher equipment. The following sections of the Revised Code of Washingto· (RCW) pertaining to vehicle lighting and other equipme·t as now or hereafter ameodcd are hereby adopted by reference as n part of this chapter in all respects as though such secdo·s were set forth herein i· full: RCW 46.3-/,010, 46.37,020, 46.37,030, 46.37.040, 46.37.050, 46.37,060, 46.37.070, 46,:37.080, 46.37.090, 46.37. 100, 46.37. 110, 46.:37.120, 46.37.130, 46.:37.140, 46.37. I $0, 46.3-/. 160, 46.3'7.1,/0, 46.3-/. I go, 46.37.184, 46.3,/.185, 46.3"/.186, 46.37.18'/, 46.37.188, 46.37.190, 46.]7.193, 46.:37.196, 46.37.200, 46.3-/.210, 46.37.215, 46.37.220, 46.3'/.230, 46.3`7.240, 46.37.260, 46.3"/.270, 46.3'7.280, 46.3'7.290, 46.:3'7,300, 46.37.340. 46.37.35 I, 46.37.360, 46.37.365, 46.37.369, 46.3?.3`75, 46.3-/.380, 46.3-/.390, 46.37.400, 46.37.410, 46.3'7.420, 46.3,/.423, 46.37.424, 46.3-/.425, 46.3-/.430, 46.y7.43.~, 46.37.440, 46.37.4~0, 46.3'7.460, 46.3-/.465, 46.37.46'7, 46,37.4-/0, 46,37.480, 46.3-/.490, 46.3-/.500, 46.37.$10, 46.37.$13, 46.3'7.58'7, 46.37.520, 46.3,/.522, 46.3?.$23, 46.3'/.524, 46.37.525, 46.3?.$2-/° 46.3'/.$28, 46.37.J29, 46.37.530, 46.3?.$35, 46.37.537, 46.37.539, 46.37.540, 46.3?.550, 46.3-/.560, 46.37.570, 46,37.590, 46.37.600, 46.37.610, and 46.3-/.620. iStatuto~y AmbOettT:. RC'W 46.90.0t0. 94..0t-0~. ! 308-330-316, filed 12/1~93. effecfi~ ?IIA4.I WAC 308-330-320 RCW sectiom odopted---Si~., wdlhl, Ioed. The following sections of the Revised Code load as now or hereafter amended are hereby adopted by reference as · pm't of dds chapter in all respects as though such s~dons were m forth harein in full: RCW 46.44,010, 46.44,015, 46.44.020, 46.44,030, 46.44.034, 46.44.036, 46.44:037, 46.44.04 I, 46.44.O42, 46.44,047, 46.44,050, 46.44,060, 46.44.0'/0, 46.44,090, 46.44.091, 46.44,092, 46.44,093, 46.44,095, 46,44,096, 46.44.105, 46.44.120, 46.44,130, 46.44.140, 46.44.1-/0, 46.44,173, 46.44.1'/5, and 46.44,180. [S&trdtmy AnG,~'--~; RCW a,6.~O.010. 94-01-0t2, ! 308-320-320, filed 12/13/93, ~ `//U94.] WAC 308-330-322 RCW sections adopted-- Trampor~tiou d bmrdom mterM~. Thc following sec~x~ of the Revised Cede of W~ington (RCW) ing to uansponation of hazardous materials as now or of d~s chapu~ lo ~ rc~_,:,~__ as thoush such sec~fl wac m fo~h herein in full: RCW .4~.48.170. iSLmmm7 Audm~y: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01-0L~ ! 3C~3~0-322. fi~d 1 2/!~/93. effective '//I/94.] WAC 308-330-32S RCW sections adopted-- Acddent~ reports. Tine fuHowin8 secures of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pmaining to accidcots and accident repons as now or hereafter amcndcd are hereby adopted by reference as a pan of this chapter in all respects a~ t[~mgh %uch ~:ction~ were ,ct fi)nh herein in full: RCW 46.52.010, 46.52.020, 46.52.030,, 46.52.0~0, 46.52.0~8.46.52.~}. and 46.52.100. [SlatUlt~/ Au~ho~y: RCW d6~OOI0. 94~);-092, ! ~0~.3.t0-325. flied 1~1.'~/93, elf~ive 7/I/94 ] WAC 308-330-327 RCW sections adopted.-Hulk haulefl and ~p procesaoes. Thc following sections of thc Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pet~ning to hulk haulers nd scrap processo~ as now or harea~' ~'c hereby ~ by rcfcr~Kc as a pa~ of this chep~ in all r~spucts as though such sections were set forth ha~in in full: RCW 46.'/9.010 and 46.'/9.120. [Smmq~ AuthedlT: RCW 46.90.010. 94-014]S2. J ~0~-3~0.~7, 12fl 3f)3. effec~ 711/94.1 WAC 3~-320-320 RCNV m adopted--Mo~ vehicle ~ke~ ~ following ~fion of ~ Revi~ C~e of W~in~on (RC~ ~nin8 ~ mot~ vehicle ~f~ u a~ offs ~ in ~1 ~ m ~ s~h ~ ~ ~ f~ ~in b ~11: R~ ~.010. [S~ A~: ~ ~.~.010. ~1~ I ~3~ M I~1~ ~ 71~.1 WAC 308-330-360 Owner of record presumed linbk for omb when vehicle n~ (I) The abandonment of any vehicle or automobile hulk shall constimt~ a prima facie pr~ani~n that the last owner of r~m~ is T~onsJbk for such ahaodonmc~ ud thas IM3~ any Ihaodm~l vddck. (2) A reamed own~ ~lmfefTblg · vehicle sh~! ~ rgllcvod fTmn ~ lilbi]ity unda d~s secdon if widdn five dlys of the tm~c~ hdshe t~P.S~tS to the dqm'onm a seBa"s ~ of sale on · fo~m ~c.~.-n'had by the _db,~____. IStatu~f~ ,&,6,,qy: RCW 46.90.010. 94-oi-412, 1 3~-330-M0, ~ 12/13/93. ~ '/fi/M.] WAC 308*3M-26S Ceutrud with rqbW~d d~es* er to dispose or vehicles and hullr~--Complhnce re- quired. (!) The ~ amhodty m~y contract with ny t~v u~ck oFerator who is engaged in nemovlng and stming of vehlclcs and who is ~gistg~ed as · ~ cl~_n,~_ by d~e department for the pmlx~e of disposing of certain amomo- bile hulks, abandoned junk motor vehicles, and abandoned [1~3 WAC hpl)--pep Lt2~I .~4JA-J.~J..t6$ Tit~e .t08 WAC: Depnrtment of Licensinl~ ~11 ¢om@ly with I~ ~flt~fli~lrJlive ~ulal~m~ relative to thnm~h ~6.61.~ I~ s~ll a~ly upon h~hways I~ ha~ling a~ dispo~in~ on' vchic'lc~ or hulks 3~ m~ ~ thrt~ut t~ ju~tiofl of lhe I(~al aut~ity. ~ulgal~ by t~ h~al sultrily m t~ dimctm. WAC 30&3JO.370 Stolen and abandoned vehicles.- Reports of--Recovery, report required, penally~ Disposition. it shall be the duty of the chief of police to report immediately to the chief of the Washington state patrol all motor vehicles reported to them as stolen or recovered, upon forms to be provided by the chief of the Washington state patrol. In the event that any motor vehicle reported as stolen has been recovered, failure of lite person so reporting the same as stolen to report the recovery theronf to the chief of police to whom such motor vehicle was mix.ed as stolen is n uafl'm infraction. It s~udl be the duty of the chief of police to relx~ to the chicf of the Washington state pa~oi all vehiclas or automo- bile hulks found abandoned on a highway or at any other place and the same shall, at the direction of · law enforce- ment officer, be placed in the custody of a registered disposer. [Smmmy Amho~ty: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01.~., ! 12/13/93. eife~ive 7/I/~lt.i 30~J30.~0, filed thstanding any o~ef provision of law, the chief of police on his/her own volition, or Upon request from a private person having the fight to possession WAC JOa.3JO-403 Required obedience to tra~c ordinance. It is unlawful for any person to do any act forbidden or fall to perfocm any act required by this cf~p~er. [Sl~lmof.y Aulho~ly: RCW 4690010. 94-01.0~'~ i 30~-3,30-40J. filed 1~13/93. effective 711~,J " WAC 308-330-406 RCW sectlonsadopted_ Abandoned, unauthorized, and Junk vehicle tow U'uck operators. The following sections of ~e Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pertaining to abandoned, unauthorized, and junk vehicle tow tru~k oporston as now or hereafter amended are hereby adopted by reference as a part of this chapter in all ~,pecxs as though such sections wac w forth herein in full: RCW 46.$$.010, 46.55.020, 46.55.030, 46.55.035, 46.55.037, 46.55,040, 46.55,050, 46.55.060,, 46.55.070, 46.55.080, 46.55.085, 46.$5.090, 46.$$.100, 46.$$.105, 46.55.110, 46.55.113, 46.$5.120, 46.5.5. ! 30, 46..55.140, 46.55. I $0, 46.55.160, 46.$$. 170, 46.55.230, 46.55.240, and 46.55.910. [Smulo~ Aulh~: RC'W 46.90.010. 94-01.~2. ! ~.330-4~. find 12/13/93, cffee~m ?11/9~.] la WAC308.330..4~ RCWsectioma~Trsffle ws, ~ signals, markinp. The following secure of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Pertaining to available, and shall also detail the damaged or missing equipment to substantiate a fair ~ valoe ne scrap only. He/she shall prepare in duplicate for each such abandoned junk minor vehicle as an amhorization to dispose on a form provided by the director. He/she shall issue the original copy of such authorization to dispose to any licensed hulk hauler, motto- vehicle wrecker, or scrap processor for ~e purpose of acquiring an abandoned junk motor vehicle: Provided. Thnt such acquisition is for the purpose of of property upon which an abandoned junk motor vehicle obedience to and effect of traffic laws, I~affic sips, dp,ds has been left, shall inspect and may amhodze the da--- · ,, and markings as now or hereafter amended are hereby record the make of such vehicle, the serial;-~;n~be'r*~ mougn such seclw were scl forth herein in f~lh i~'~ 46.61.024, 46.61.025. 46.61.030, 46.61.035, 46.61.050, 46.61.055, 46.61.060, 46.61.065, 46.61.070, 46.61.072, 46.61.075, 46.61.0~0, 46.61.0~5, and 46.61.220. [smu~y Amhodty: RC'W 46.90.010. 9&01-0~.. ! ~-330-4~. ~ 12/1~'93, effe~-,,e 7/I/~1.l WAC 308-330,*409 Traffic control devices re. ultimate transfer to and demolition by a licensed scrap regulation, or limita~on relating to stopping, standing, or pracessor. Jun~ motor vehlole~ shall be denosi,,..s :. ~- . .L ..... ny. w~?n aanm control devices are renu~d fund. ~ ~,, m u~ County ~neral ~ oc eneclwe unless o~cial Irafl'~ Control devi~ erected and in place at the time of any a0e~ed offense. IS~mO~ A~r,,~,ay:. RCW 46.~0.010. 94-01-0~, J 30L330-375. ~led 12/l~. ~ ?11~4.] WAC 308-330-400 Provisions CnalXer relating to the q~cration of vehicles refer to the opcration of vehicles upon highways excepe . (I) Where a different place is specifically referred to in a given s4~ction; (2) The provisions of RCW 46.~2,010. 46.$2.020, 46.52.030, 46.52.070, 46.52.0~0, 46.52.090, and 46.61.500 WAC Sq~--fqt ~1 12/13/93. elfe~ve 711/~4.1 WAC 308-330,,412 Crossing new pavement and markings. No person shall ride or drive any animal, bicycle, or vehicle, across any newly made pavement ar ~m ~iH~y appli .ed mar~n~s on any highway When a sip, cene otAer warning device is in place warning persmts m onve across such pavement or marking. lSm,,~ A.~/: acw ,~.Moz0. 12/1.~3, effe~ve 7/I/94.] 94.01-~2, j 3~-330-412, W&,hington Medel Tram¢ Ordinance .ML3J0-415 WAC J08-JJ0.4 I$ RCW se~tlens adopted--Right a vehk. lc other Ih-'*n at the angle lo the curb m' edge .f the of way. The following seclions of Ihe Revised Code of roadw3y indk'aled by such sign, or markings. Washington IRCW) pertaining to vehicles and u~ of roadv, ays. riehl of' way. rights and dulies as m~w or hereafter amended are hereby ad<~pted by reference as of this chapter in all respects as though such sections were scl forlh herein in fuji: RCW, WAC .108,330.4.t3 Parking ne4 to obstruct trafllc. 46.61.1 I0,, 46.61.120, 130. (I) No person shall park a vehicle upon n highway in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less 46.61.135, 46.61.140,,, than rea 46.61.160, 46.61,180,, 46.61.190,, feel of the width of'the roadway for Free movemenl 46.61.200, 46.61.202,, 46.61.210,, of vehicular ~rdfflc. 46.61.230,, 46.61.240,, 46.61.250, (2) No person shall stop, s~and, or park a vehicle within 46.61.255, 46.61.260, 46.61,261, 46.61.264, 46.61.266, and an alley in such position as to block de driveway entrance 46.61.269. lo any abusing ixopefly. IS~fmory Aulho~y: RCW 46.90,010. 944)1-C82, i 301-330-415. filed ISmmmT Au~.G~i;,: RCW 46.90.010. ~4-014B2. ! 30~-330-433. flied 12/13~93. eflre~ive 7/I,q~4.J 12/13;93. effecUw 711,~4.1 WAC 3(m-230-42! RCW ~ odol~d~aart~ amd stopping. The following sec-dons of the Reviso:l Code of Washington (RCW) pertaining to turning, s~fling, signals on stopping and turning, and special stops as now or he,afar amended are hereby adopted by refereoce as n pan of this chapter in all respects as though such sections were set forth herein in full: RCW 46.61.290, 46.61.295, 46.61.300, 46.61.305, 46.61.310, 46.61.315, 46.61.340, 46.61.345, 46.61.350. 46.61.355, 46.61.365, 46.61.370, 46.61.371, 46.61.372, 46.61,375, and 46.61.385. [SUfut(~, Atabo~ty: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01-~82. ! 3(M-330-421. filed 12/13/93. eff~c~ve 7/1~4.] WAC 30~-.1.10.436 Parking for certain purposes unlawful (I) No penon shall park any vehicle upon any highway for the principle of: (a) Displaying advertising; (b) Displaying such vehicle loc sale; ,utl~(c.(c.)andSe!ling merehandise from soch vehicle, except when (2) No person shall park any vehicle upon any eoadway for thc ixiociple purpose of washing, greasing, or repairing [Smuto~ AtU~5,~,: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01-0~2, ! 308-330-436, filed 12/13/93. effective WAC 308-330-423 RCW sections adopted~Speed res~rlctiom, The following sections of de Revised Cede of Washington (RCW) peruining to speed ruaic6ons as now or heruaf~' amended arc he~r. by adopted by refe~'eoce as a part of this chapter in all respects as though such sections wore set forth herein in full: RC~V 46.61.400,, 46.61.425, 46.61.427, 46.61.428,, 46.61.440, 46.61.445, 46.61.4:50,, 46.61.460, 46.61,465, 46.61.470, and 46.61.475. WAC 308-330-439 Standing In passenger loading zone. No person shall stop, stand, or park n vehicle for any purpose or period of time other than for the expeditious loading or unloading of pa~_~ngen in any place ~ as a passenger loading anno during hours when de resulatinns applicable to the loading zone are effective, and then unly for a period not to excocd three minutes. [StafuKe7 &'~------':,v. RC'W 46.90.010. 94-01412. ! 306-}30.439. filed Pe~.on....shal. I stop, sttnd, 0r park a vehkk for any .i .nt,~_ ___ __ or WAC 308 330-425 RCW sections adopted-- ~l/~ive_o.t__l~. ?hen th~n..for.the expeditious unJeading and ~ drive., v~..cula~_ homicMe and assault. The , -,7 or plcnup an~ loaning of property ia lay place m tug sections ot the Revised Code of Washington ~ as a loading zone during ha~s when de ixovisions icating fiquor or any d~g, vehicular stop nor toadm8 and unloedmg of properly exceed thirty homicide and assault as now or hereafter amended are minutos. hereby adopted by reference as a ~ of this c~ in ali (2) The drivor of n vehicle may stop len~y at a I°ading zono loc the pu~ose of and while actually ensaged in loading or unloMing p~_~_ngc~s whan such sto~ping does not intetfeee with any vehicle which is waidng to ente~ or [smutm~ A~----a~; Itcw ~6.9o. oto. 94-ol-o~2. ! ~22o-,2, nad ]2fl 2/r~, effec~e WAC 208.2M.420 Ohemenor to an~lel~.kl~ ,a,,~ marked for ungle-parking, no person shall park oc stand WAC 308-330-445 StandIng in a tow-away zone. No person shall stop. stand, or part. a vehicle in a place m.a~ked as u tow-away zone du~ng Imms when de p~vi- stuns aFplleable eo such zone are in effecL [1~ WAC Sulq~--peee IS31] t flJe ~ WAC: Department of Lleensle~ INlaluhu? Anti, WIly R('W 46q00t0 q4.0 .(~.~ ! MII(..;V).44S. filed I~/I.I/'~1. eJ'l'¢k~lt*¢ ?Il/q4 ~ WAC J0~-JJ0-448 Vi(dating permits for loading or unloading ·l an angle to the curb. It shall I~ unlawful for any PCnuiuc¢ or mhcr pcr,~)n to violate any of t~e special terms or conditions of any permit issued by thc traffic engineer for the backing of a vehicle to the curb for the purpose of loading or unloading property. [S(mulm.y AmhocRy: RCW 46.90.010. 1~1~'93. eflfec~ive 7/I/94.1 94-01.082. 1 30~-330.44~, filed WAC 34~.330.4SI S~mdin~ or parldng on cue*way roadways, in the event a highway includes two or mor~ separate roadways, no person ahall stand or park I vehicle u. pon the left*hand side of such one*way roadway unleas s~gns are e~cted Io permit such standing ne parking. IStatumr~ AiIl~.- RC~V 46.90.010. 94-01.G~2, ! 12/I J,q~J, ,~-*l~live ?ii)M.i 34~-330..4Sl. WAC J~-330-4S4 St,,~.d~, stindin ' of -'r~..q~ ~, and lmses and teak·be ,.~,t.t~d. ,,, ..._ pi'kin; '*~--- t~z a ne eporator of a baa WAC J~-JJ0-460 Right of way for parking. Thc driver of any vehicle who first begins driving or mahoU,er_ lng hi.v~cr vehicle into a vacant parking space shall have d prior ril~hi of way Io park in such place, and il shall bc unlawful for another driver lo altempt to deprive him/her thereof by blocking his/her access or otherwise. Fur thc purpose or* establishing riehl of way in ~s secdon it shall be considered proper lo hack into any but a from-in angle parking space. [Simulol~ Authg~ly: R~V 46.90.010. 12/13/9], effective 711/94,1 ! 30~-330..M0. filed WAC 308-330.462 RCWsectlons ado t ~ Stopping. standing, and .,..d,~-. ..._ .... p ed r-.-,~s, toe following sections ot thc Revised Code of Washington (RC"W) pertaining to ~mehic .~ .slopping, standing, and imrking as now or hereafter ena~l am bemby ndopled by reference as a part of this chapter in all respects as ~o~gh such sec6om were set forth herein in tull: RCW 46.61.$00, 46.61.$70, 46.61.$?$, 46.61_581, 46.61..582, 46.61.$83, and 46.61.~90. lSmmmy Au~odty: RCW a,6.90.010. 94-01-fi~2. j 308-330~6Z filed shall not stud or park such vehicle upon any highway at 1~1.183. errec~e ?yl**~.l any place other than · designated bns stop. This pmviskm WAC 308-330.464 RCW sections ado t shall not prevent thc operator of a bus from temporarily stopping in accordance with other stopping, standing, or Operation and r,,~,d.,~r.,--. ..... . p ed packing regu~ at any plane for the puqx~e of and while . - --- .,...,~s. t ne following secUons of _R. cvl.s.ed C.odc of Washington (RCW) n~rtai,,; .... Kmally engaged m the expeditious loading or unloadlnt o~ ~on or vehicles and ~- ==-=:-~'-- r. ..... · m me passenge~ or their baggage, g practices of vehicle operators and Passengers as now or (2) The operator of a bus shall enter a bus stop or hercaftor amended are he~.by ndep~l by refe~nce as · part of this chapte~ in all respecu as though such sect~m were passenger bading zone on a h/ghway in such a manner u~u the bus when stopped to load or unload peasen e baggage shall be in a ~osidon .,~,k ,4~ _- .... g. rs or set forth herein in full: RCW 46.61.600. 46.61.605, 46.61.606, 46.61.608, 46.61.610, 46.61.61 I, 46.61.612, ankh vehicle not fanMr dmn einhteen i,~,'J--- ~- .... 46.61.614, 46.61.615, 46.61.620, 46.61.625, 46.61.630, . ~ bus al~.oalmately m~qel ,,. ,L_ _ ~ c~go 46.61.635, 46.61.640, 46.61,645, 46.61,655, 46.61.660, mm ' ~--- -- .-= curo so 8s 46.61,665, 46.61.670, 46.61.675, 46.61.680, 46.61.685, u(~)nni~:de u~e movement of ~ vehicular ~F~n~. M 46.61.687, 46.61.688, 46.61.690, 46.61.700, 46.61.710, T~e operator of n taxicab shah not stand or park such vehicle upon any hi-Lwa . . deslgmed taxicab ~.~.~&n..~w~y at any ptnce Mhe~ dmn h a 46-61.720, and 46.6 i .730. the operator of a taxicab from temporarily stop m m aa:ordance wlth od~. · . p'g' lion ....... sa~p/ng, star. ling, or m~*; .... ~. ,R any pmce for ~e pn se o r-.--..e ..ama* cng·ned in ,~- ....... ,p_u_ ~q? f ·nd Whde asluall _ WAC 30~.330-466 Fonoral Pror~sio gm. ...... ~laous m~amg or unloading ofl~,~ mnend · ns. (I) A ISm~ AC,_:-~,: nc'w 4t~o. oit S4-Ot-OS2. ! ~ae*3 (2) A funeral process/on shall be accompanied by t~la~/j, ef~g~e ?/t~4.I ~ Rkd adequate escort vehicles for Iraffie . .WAC3~-330.4~ Res~letod- ~- delenaiond by the chief of aolk:e, fpo as .~.a_?.ea.b s~nds:. No person shall stoo. s a VeHICle other H~ln I bee ;- - L. . .. tan_, ... park · J~-M]U&ma Im'DeO on or tnsicah i= · ....... -_~- ..- - ,,us stop, or other than a ~ method as may be de~.~,.,,~ ...... by such for ~,, .,'__,~-- 6- ,fl;mc~e may temm~mlh~ ff~, ~ operamo as near -- -.- ox. - ,- -----., ~ ~sa~; · .,~-~mno eog~ ~'~ as. .p.rpose , or while sctuall on · ~ble nd shall folh)w unload,n~ n~v__~n ...... Y ~aged in, loading or such step or s~td. ~ m enler or nix)ut I0 ealer [sunm~ A _,,'h,:~dy_: RCW 46.~0.010. 12/13/93. effeclive IS~mov.z AmAemy** RC*W 46.~0.010. I~I~,V~, ¢ffmive ?/b~4.] ~,*Ot*e~** ! 3~*~4p. ~ WAC 30~-330-469 When permib reqnlrod for Iiw~ WAC ~ lsat! processions and im'ades of the tuned f4xcas of the Unlr~ WashinlUon Model States. tb.e millt.ary force~ of this stale, and tl~e forces of lite police and fire depanmcms, no processions or parmles shall be conducted on the hi~hway~ within the ]uri~Jiction of thc local authority except in accrual·ncc with a pe~it issued by the chief of police and such other regulations a.~ ~e ~et fo~h in this ch·pier which may be applicable. [$tatulo~/Authtmty: RCW 46.90010. 94-01-(~2. ! ~0~-330-469. filed 12/1~/93. effective ?11/9~.1 WAC 3~-330-472 intedering with processions. (1) No person shall unreasonably interfere with a procession. (2) No person shall operate · vehicle that in not past of a procession between the vehicles of the procession. This provision shill not apply it intersections where traffic is controlled by ffaffic conffol devices unless I police officar is present at such intersections to direct traffic so Is to prese~e the continuity of the procession. [Statuary Authority: RCW 46.90.010. 9401-012, J 308-330-472. filed 12/13/93, effective WAC 308-330-475 Boarding or alighting from vehicles. No person shall board ar dight from any vehicle while such vehicle is in motion. [Smuto~ Autho~dy: RCW 46.90.010. 9L01-0~. J 308-330475, filed 12/13/93. effcc~ 71U94.] WAC 3~-330-4'/8 Unlawful ridin& No per=~on shall tide upon any po~ion of a vehicle not ds~igned or intended for the use of Imscogers. This provision shall n~ apply to an employee cng·ged in the ~ discharge of a duty, or Io persons tiding within truck bodies in space intended for merchandise. [Suimm3, Amhodv/: ItCW 46.90.010. 94-01-082, ! 309.330-47L filed 12/13/93. effe~fi~ 7/U94.] WAC 308-330-481 RCWsections adopted-- Operation or nonmotorized vehicles. The following lng to the operation of nonmotorised vehicles as now or of this chepter/n all respe~.s as though such sections were set forth herein in full: RCW 46.61.?$0, 46.61.?$$. 46.61.?$$, 46.61.760, 46.61.765, 46.61,770, 46.61.775, and 46.61.780. ISmmo~ Ambofi~:. ItCW 46.90.010. 94.01-082. ! 308-330-48t. filed 12/13/93. e~ '/I.'94.1 WAC 30L330-S00 Bicycle license required. No person who resides within the jurisdiction of thc local authority shall ride or propel I bicycle on any highway or upon any public path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycle~ unless such bicycle has bore licensed and i license plate or decal is attached thereto as providrd in WAC 30~- 330-500 through 308-330-540. [Smmm'y Autbxity: RC'W 46.90.010. 94-01-082. J 30S-330-500, flied 12/1~3. effecn~ WAC 308-330-505 Bicycle license application. Application for · bicycle license and license plate or decal shall he made upon a form ptovidrd by and to the chang of Tramc Ordinance police. An annual liccnse fee as prescribed by the I~aJ authorily shall be paid to the local aulhi)rily bet*ore each license or renewal thereof is granted, Duplicate license plates or decals may be supplied for the same cost ~ the original plate or decal in the event of loss of the plate or decal. [Stouter/ Authoeiiy: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01-062, ! 30~-330-~05. filed 12/13/q3, effecuve 7/I/94.] WAC 3~-330-SI0 Issuance of bicycle Ilceme. (I) Thc chief of police upon receiving proper application therefor is authodz~l to issue a bicycle license which shall be effective for oue calendar ynat. (2) 'l'ne chief of police shall not issue a license far any bicycle when he/she knows or has reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant is not the owner of, or endded te the peasessinn of, such bicycle. (3) Thc chief of police shall keep a record of thc number of each license, the date issued, the name and address of the person to whom issued, and a record of all bicycle license fees collected by him. [Statute7 An~mty: RC'W 46.90,010. 94-01-(~2. J 3~-330-SI0, film 12/t .¥93, efta:tire 7/I,~4.] WAC 308-330-S15 Attachment of bic~de license plate or decal. (I) The chief of police, upon issuing a bicycle license, shall also issue a license plate or decal beating the license number assigned to ~ bicycle, and the name of the local authority. (2) Such license plate or decal shall be firmly attached to the rear mudguard or frame of the bicycle for which O) No pasen shall remove a llconse phte or dmal f,o.. a bicycle dufiog the perind for which issord except upen a transfer of owne~hip ar in thc event the bicycle is dish·n- tied and no longer ope~_!_,M_ upon any highway within the [Statute/Aufba~: ItC'W ~6.90.010. 94-01.~12. ! 308-330-$15, filed 12/13,'93, effa~ve 7/I/94.] WAC ~8-330-~20 Impect~m ~ bkycks. The of police, or an o~r ~ign~ s~h m~ibili~, my ins~ ~h b~ycle ~fo~ IJ~nalng ~ ~e ~ my ~a~y~le ~ ~~ in ~e ~ ~. [~ A~ a~ ~.M.01~ ~1~ J G3~G. b I~ ~ 711~.] WAC M8-3~0-~2S Rem. wd of bicycle Ikem*. the expiration of any bicycle license, the same may be renewed upon ~li~d~ ~ ~M ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ WAC 308-330-530 Bicycle tr~,,-fer of ownership. Upon the sale or other transfer of a Ucensed bicycle, the licensee shall rmnove the liconan plate or decal and shall proper app~_~_*3~, but without payment of additional fee, [1993 WAC ~-~m~, IS33J Title 308 WAC: Departmenl of Lk'enshg have ,,u,..h plait or do:al a~,~,igned to ann(her bicycle owned by the applicant. ISl~lUll~y Aulhoflly R~'W 46 qO nIo 12/I ~1. cffec~iv¢ ?ll~l I WAC 308-.130.$.1S BkTde rental agencies. A rcmal agency shall no! rent or offer any bicycle for rcm unle~ the bicycle is licensed and a license plate or decal is attached thereto as provided herein and such bicycle is equipped with 'he equipment requited by RCW 46.61.780. [Slafuto~ Aulho~ty: RC'W 46.90.010. 94,O1-(~2, ! ~08-330-~35. filed 12/13/93, effmive 7/I/94.1 WAC 30L3.10-S40 Bicycle dealers. Every person engaged in the business of buying or selling new or second- hand bicycle~ shall m~_._e a report to ~c chief of police of every bi~Tcle purchased or sold by such dealer, giving the name and address of the person from wham pomhased or lo whom sold, a dnscriMiou of such bicycle by name or make, the Frame numbor thereof, and number of license plate or decal, if any, found thereon. ISta~u~x7 Aufho~ty: RCW ;,6.gO.OlO. 94-01-0~2. ! 30~-330.540, §led 12/13~3, effe~ve 7/I/94.] WAC 208-~10-S4S Bicycles---Obedience to truffic control devices. (I) Any per3on operating a bicycle shall obey the instructions of official traffic control devices applicable ' office', to vehicles, unless otherwise direc~d by s police (2) Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating [Sla4mmT Amh~mtY 12/I.1~1. cff¢~lt~e 711AM I ~t-OI ~R2, t 1(~.].10.~5~. hied WAC -L~'3.10-S60 Birydes--Penaltiel. Violalion ol any jwovi~ion of WAC 3(J~-.1.tO-.~,)O Ilmmgh 30~-3.'gJ.540 i~ a traffic infra~,ion. ~S~31UlO~. Authority RCW 4690010 12/13~.1. effective 711~.1 94,OI4~2, j .108,330.~60, filed WAC 308-330.$65 Unclaimed bicycles. All un. claimed bicycles in the custndy of the police department shall be disposed of as provided in chaMer 63.32 RCW. [smute~ Amh~Jty: RCW 46.90-010. 94-01.012. t 3G~-330-~65, filed 12/1393. effe~i~,e 7/I/~L! WAC 308-330.600 Parking meter spaces. No person shall park · vehicle in any desi~mnd perking meier parking meMr zone in which such meter is Ioc~ted so that or~y~pu~ o~f s.uch ve .hlc.le occupies mote dm one Such space i,,~anmes ueyon~ lac markin.,s de~---.i .... -- except that a vehicle which ss ora size too large to be pa;keri within a single designated pad~ ~ space shall ~orhen .coins shall have been dqx~sied in the mr~ino ,~,.. other vehicles in such spaces, mc panong ot I'qmumrY A~-"=--=-Ay: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01412. ! 3~-330.~0, filed 12/13/~3. effe~i,~e 7/I~M.] that no right or Ich or U-turn is permitted, eo person co,_.W__A~.,308'.3.30.'~10. Perking rectors--Deposit of' °?ratingabicycleshalldisobuy the dlrcedons of any such . "~"ne mnenm-qs, (I)N°persunshall--d'avehi-' ex..c? ?? s.u pc.on dismounu bicycle ,n ny .......... '--" a.t me ngM-IJam2 .cure or as close as is practicable to the . ...L:ff_--T ? "."'". ~ mon~s~de of and next to to m.,e '"""'"""'"" ins.,nd ,,...- mgulatod time an~icable to ,~. ~.,~d**_.~ ... ,,~,nC~d and .......... ]ts. ucn person sha/I then obey the regulations - . ~-,-- -- ~ung m~,.~ zone ;- such meter ts located unJess n Unied Staes-L--- - applicable ~o poI3e~tri~ts aB or CO,ns or the approprinto denomination as indicated on the perkin l~S~r~°~ef~u~77~t~T 46.9o.0,0. 94-o,.2.1 ~e-,~0.s~s. r~ meter shall have ~'."n a--:ted ~---- --- g previously deposited therein for an unexpired interval of fimeL,.,,a,m~,,sald meter has been placed in opemion sJu]lW_~C .~8-..3~$s0 B. icydes.--pas4dn& No person ~-] r~o person shall permit a vehicle within bis/her .~I,~ .~.. u~ maoway except in _d~__.~sp.t,.a men.. ~ ~ reguinted lime applicable m ~e net~no t'Z UI:N:m the sidewaflt in a rack to~upjx~-tj~e ~ic.~cle: m winch such meier ,- = (3) Apinst a buildiaF, or -'-' for sunh space indicat,q ~.~_ .s .q~..while the psrkinf meier ----o, --- ~y sngnm tam the lawful parking (4) In such nmnne~ as to afford the least obseuction to time in such space has aspired. This ~vision shall no! [Smmm7 A~t-,a,~r.t.: RCW 46.g0.010. 94-.01.~ ! 30L330-S~0. flied 12/I.1;93, effeclive 7/1~.I WAC 30S.330-S$$ Bicy~RMI... on ddewalkL (I) No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk in a (2) A parma may ~de · bicycle on any eeet sidewalk or any roadway unless restricted or prohibited by traffic control devices. (3) Whenever any person is riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk, such person shall yield the right of way to any pedesu'ian. ilWJ WAC Supp.-in~le IS,MI apply to Ibc e of parting or ee necessary lime which is O) N° Ix:Fson shall peFk a vehicle in nsy perking me~. space for a consecutive period of time lOnger than that Ii .l~Jled porJod ~ time f(w which parkJna h inwfufl- ~:. m such me~.. !.4)?, of,,. .h.n rel . any provisions of this cha ............ ---,-; .;smcuve -i-o ---" ~ promomng or limiting the tsn~ ,~ -o. a._l~.ng, oF parking of vehicles in .,.-~.~ =, -" WnshinRton &lodcl TrslTIc Ordin~ncr WAC 308-3J0-620 Pnrking meters--Use of slogs psxshihll~J. No person shall deposil or attempt m deposit in any parking meter any bcnl coin, slug, button, or any other device or substance as substitutes for United States coins. IStafuto~y Authority: RCW 46.90.010. q4-01-(~2, ! ~08.330-620. fi~l I ~1.},~3. cffcclivc ?ll,'g4.J WAC 308-330630 Tampering with parking meter. No person shall deface, injure, tatnpor with. o~e~. or wilfolly break, destroy, or impair the usefulness of any parking me,er. [Smuto~/Aufltod~. RCW ,16.90.010. 9,~l-082. ! 308-330-630, filed 12/13/93. e~lJve 711/94.] WAC 308-330-640 Parking meterstRule of evJdenc~ The parking or standing of any motor vehicle in a perking space, at which space the parking meter displays the sign or signal indicating illegal parking, shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the vehicle has been parked or allowed to stand in such space for a period longer than pcnn~-,.a by this chapter. [Smat~xy Authomy: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01-~2. ! 30L330-640. ~ded 12fl~/9't_ effective 711/94.1 WAC 308.33O-650 Perking mate~,--Applicnt~°n or p~ (I) ~ ~im ~u~ m ~ ~i~ in ~ng ~ ~ kv~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~v~ ~ ~1~ ~1 of ~ng ~ ~ways, ~ ~ of ~n~ ~, ~ ~n~, ~ ~ ~ of ~nf ~ ~guladnf t~ ~n~ of vehicles in ~kins me~r ~; ~ ~ ~u of ~quifing, ~ublls~n8, impmHnL (2) ~e coins de~sit~ in p~kin8 meters shall ~ ~ ~ ~ duly au~ q~u of ~ I~ ~ shall ~ de.sited by ~cm n directed by ~c I~ (3) T~ I~al ant~ty shall pay from ~e moneys c~ie~ from p~inf me~ ~ cos~ f~ ~y ~kin~ ~e~ pu~h~ and inst~l~ u provided he.in, nd from such p~kinf meteu, and for the enforcement of ~ ~ ~ ~ of~nf ~ ~ ~nt of ~h ~ ~ ~n~, may ~ ~ f~ p~kin~ studies and for ~e acquisition, establishment, ~.~ ~n~ ~ ~ of~b~ ~ ~ f~li~. [~ A~ R~ ~.~.010. ~1~ J ~-3~ ~ 1~3. ~ 7~.] WAC 30~330-660 Servic~ parking. The chief of police is authorized to issue a permit for service Pa-king upon payment of the fee pp,.~crlbed by the local authority and upon the following condidcos: ( I ) Application shall be made to tbe chief of police such forms as the chief of police shall prescribe. Thc applicant ,~hall set forth thc applicant's bu~inc%s and thc necessity for such l~rmit. Thc chief of ~slicc shall invests. gate t~ fucts ~s n~cs~. (2) If il ap~ars that a necessity exists, thc chief of ~lice may aut~fi~ conditions ~e~fi~ in this ~tion. (3) issued a ~ to u~ in covering any parking meter. As many ~s ~y f~ ~ ~ c~efof ~l~e ~ms ~s~ or convenient f~ tow k~ ~ u ~nfi~cafion ~ at~h~ wi~ a b~ s~ ~. (4) U~ uy~ ~a~ ~ ~i~ I~k ~e ex~ pl~ w~ ~ ~ w~ ~ ~ing ~. (5) ~e ~it~ shall not place the h~ over uy mct~ w~n ~1 ~ v~6qg ~move in~o~w~ ~~ u au~ pl~ ~ 6~ p~. stopping in ~e p~king meter space is prohibit. No vehicle I~n~ s~e ~v~ ~ b ~ ~ ~r. (6) ~ ~li~ ~ ~ ~1 f~ ~d ~1 ~ f~ei~ ~ ~ng m~ ~on ~l~m~of~ ~) ~y ~ ~ u~ ~ ~6on s~, un~ ~v~ ~ ~ ~a~ of~ ~. (8)~ ~l~y a~t in u ~t ~1~ ~ I~1~ ~ 7~.] WAC 308-330-?00 RCW sections adopted~ Dis~tion or traffic hrr~ctioas. The following ~ of the Rgviml ~_,~ or Washinfmn (RCW) ~ -- ~ disposidco of traffic Jnfiagdoas ns now m' hetuf~r m~*,-i,a ere hereby adopted by such reference u a pm of this herein in full: RCW 46.63.010, 46.63.020, 46.63.030, 46.63.0~0, 46.63.(M0, 46.63,070, 46.63.080, 46.63,090, 46.63.100, 46.63,110, 46.63,120, 46.63,130, 46.63.140, and 46.63,151. [SLou~xy Authority: BCW 46.00.010. 94-01-08Z t 30S-330-'~0, ~ 12/13/93, ~ 7~.] WAC ~ mS] Title .MS WAC: Department of I,icenslng WAC $08-330.?05 RCWsections adopted-- Enforcement. The followin~ %e~'tions of thc Revi.~'d Code of W~shington (RCW) ~rlaining [u traffic enforcemem agc~te~ ~ now ~ ~reaftc~ a~n~ ~c ~hy ~ by rct~re~c as a p~ of this c~ptcr in all resters ~ t~)ugh such ~lions were ~t forth he,in in full: RCW 46.~O10, 46.~.015.4~.~.025, 46.~.030. 46.~.035.46.~.~8, and 46.~.050. WAC 308-330.710 Penalties. Unless another penalty is expressly provided by law, any person found to have committed an act designated a traffic infraction under the provisions of these roles shall be punished by a penalty of not snore than two hundred fifty dolinr3. [Stafutm~ Authority: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01-082. ! ~0~-330-710, filed 12/I.~, effective 711/94.] WAC 308-330.720 Citation on megally parked vehicle. Whenever any motor vehicle without driver is found parked, standing, or stopped in violation of this chapter, the officer finding such vehicle shall take its registration number and may take any other information displayed on the vehicle which may identify its user, and shall conspicuously affix to such ve~le a traffic citation. fStatmmy Authority: RCW 46,90.010. 12/1~3. effective ?/1~94.1 WAC ,M8.JJO.800 RCW se~lons edopted.--Traflic control devices. Thc following sections of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pertaining to traffic control device~ as now or hereafter amended arc hereby adopted by reference as a part of this chapter in all respects as though such ~ctions were ~t forth herein in full: RCW 47.~.060. 4?.36. 110, 4?.36.180. 47.~6.200, and 4?.36.220. [Sl~lutofy AmhO~ty: RCW ~90.010, 94"01..~2. t 3~-3.10-~0, filed 1~13~3. effe~ive 7/I/94.] WAC 3~-330-810 RCW sections adopted--4.dindted access facilities. The following sections of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pertaining to limited access facilities as now tx' hcreafm' amended are had~y adoptnd by reference as a part of this chapter in all respects as though such sections weft set foflh herein in full: RCW 47.52.010, 47.52.01 I, 47.52.040, 47.52.110, and 47.52.120. ISmutery Auhofity: RCW 46,~0.010. 94-014~2. ! 30~-330-~10, filed 12/I ~q~J. effe~ive WAC 308-330.815 RCWsections adopted~ Alcoh~ic beverage control The following sections of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) pertaining to drinking in public conveyance as now or hereafter amended are hereby adopted by refgrencc as a part of this chapter in all respects as though such sections we~ set fixth Imcin in full: RCW 66.44.240 and 66.44.250. [Statu~ AutO: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01.~2. ! 3(~330-115. filed WAC 308-330-730 FafluFe to comply with trBfflc 12/13~3, cffec~ve ?/1;94.I dtafloa attached to parked vehicle. If a violator of any provision of this chapter on stopping, standing, or parking an~ WAC 31~-330-820 RCW sections adopted---Guide ~ not ? !n ~s..pense to a wafts: citation affixed to .. a service dols. The followin,g sections of the Revised . . . the traffic court shall se. nd to the owner of the motor vehicle rcterence as a part of this chapter in all respects as though to which the traffic citation was affixed a letter infoflning such sections we~ set foflh herein in full: RCW 70.84,020, him/her of the violation and warning him/her that in the event such letter is disregarded for a period of five days, a 70.84.021, and 70.84.040. wanant of arrest will be issued. --' lStatutev/Authority: RC'W 46.90.010. 12/13/93. effec~ve 7/I/94.J 94-01-(]S2. J 3G8-330-820. filed [Stanm~ Amb~y: RCW ~.90.010. 94-01~82. J 308-330.730. fi]ed 12;13/93, effec~ 7/IA4.] WAC 308-330-82S RCWsections. adopted~ wse P .nm; o. raf...co. lowin.f. oo of? of ?~d parki~. (I).In any -fx--~'~-----~inn eharnlne a violation a ' -.. :-- r'-'---o "~ stopping, standing, or ohms,.,, in all --- ' __ .,'7 ss a p rkmg of a vehicle, proof that the particular vehicle --r-., u:specu as mongn such section were set fm~h herein in full: RCW 70.93.060. ,i-.c~__'bed in the c,~q, bint was stopping, sundlng, or parking [suns~x~ Mtho.ty: new 46.~0.0t0. 94-0t-0S2, in violation of any such law or regulation, together with 12/12/9~, eff~Jve ?fl~M.I Ixoof that the defendant named in the cemplalnt was at the .,._ ~__._c~_ tu~e. m evm~nce, a prima facle pre~umi~m that WAC 30~330.910 UnJformity of Interpretation. ,.nc [~gmeren owner oz such vehicle was the person who This chapter shall be so interpreted and conatmed as to time during which, such violation --'~--.,ned. tocm anmon.e~ which enact iL (2) The foregoing stated ,---,,-~ ........ r*,.-,,-q,~a;u MmU Ipply muy [Sututm~ Auth.: RCW 46.90.010. 94-01.0t?., j ~0S-330.910. when the Pmcodure ss prescribed in WAC 309_330.720 and 12/I 3~J, efrealve ?/lin.I 30S-330-7'30 Ires Ix:tn followed. [~afutoey Authority: RCW 46.90.010, 94-01.~g,., i ~M-~30-740, filed 12fl~;J. ~ ?11/~.] [1993 WAC Sapp---page IS36]