HomeMy WebLinkAbout4750 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24' 25 26 vot Aubur~ ~noe Dep~rt~nt ;~ ~6/. Main Auburn, WA 98001 ORDINANCR NO. ,~ 7 ~ 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE ERECTION 0'F SIX 80 FOOT TALL LIGHT STANDARDS AT RIVERSIDE HIGH SCHOOl, ON PROPERTY ZONED P-1 (PUBLIC USE DISTRICT) LOCATED AT 501 ORAVETZ ROAD, WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, Application No. CUP0005-95 dated April 10, 1995, together with site plans therefore, has been submitted to the City of Auburn, Washington, by AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT, requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow the erection of six 80-foot tall light standards at Riverside High School in a P-1 (Public Use District) zone located at 501 Oravetz Road, within the City of Auburn, Washington, hereinafter described in Section 2 of the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, said request above referred to, was referred to the Hearing Examiner for study and public hearing thereon; and WHEREAS, the Hearing Examiner, based upon staff review, held a public hearing to consider said petition in the Council Chambers of the Auburn City Hall, on May 16, 1995, at the conclusion of which the Hearing Examiner recommended the approval of the issuance of a Conditional Use pel.~mit to allow the erection of six 80-foot tall light standards at Riverside High School in a P-1 (Public Use District) zone; and WHEREAS, th~ City Council, on June 5, 19951, considered said request and affirmed the Hearing Examiner's decision for Ordinance No. 4750 June 13, 1995 Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 the issuance of a Conditional Use permit to allow the erection of six 80-foot tall light standards at Riverside High School in a P-1 (Public Use District) zone, located at 501 Oravetz Road, based upon the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions, to-wit: e e e The applicant, Auburn School District, applies for a conditional use permit. The proposal is to allow the installation of six 80-foot tall light standards. The light standards are for the athletic fields, which are part of the Auburn Riverside High School currently under construction at 501 Oravetz Road. The subject property currently has a Public Use District, P-l, zoning designation. The maximum height for structures in this zone is 45 feet. As a result of the fact that public uses have a need to be higher than 45 feet; for example, light standards and water tanks, the conditional use permit process was dete]n~ined to be appropriate to review these issues. Accordingly, a conditional use permit is required to be issued pursuant to Section 18.40.030(b). The requirement of a conditional use permit is necessary primarily due to the fact that schools, parks, and other public uses with the P-1 zone could be impacted by tall structures and therefore, the conditional use permit process would allow for public input. The environmental impact statement (EIS) analyzed eight lights with a height of between 75 and 90 feet. The EIS concluded that the off-site impact of the lights would be insignificant. There are no residential developments which are adjacent to the fields, existing or proposed. The nearest resident is in Lakeland Hills. However, at the time of the public hearing, one witness advised that there is a house located closer to the field than staff was Ordinance No. 4750 June 13, 1995 Page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 indicating. To the north and on the opposite side of the river is a mobile home park, which is 1,.400 feet away from the lights. Impacts of the lighting were fully discussed in the environmental impact statement. Unfortunately, the Auburn School District has already installed the light standards, however, they are not yet operational. Accordingly, the conditional use permit application is late and should have been submitted prior to the installation of the lights. CONCLUSIONS OF L~N me e The criteria for a conditional use permit are set forth in Section 18.64.040 of the Zoning Ordinance. The evidence establishes that the lights will be located so as to not be reasonably close to a residential area. The lights do abut a city park, an elementary school, and a commercial venture. Accordingly, there will not be an adverse affect on adjoining properties. The proposal is in accordance with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. The proposal can be constructed and maintained so as to be harmonious and appropriate in design, character, and appearance with the existing or intended character of the vicinity. 5. The proposal will not adversely affect the public infrastructure. For each of the above referenced reasons, the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner to the Auburn City Council on this Conditional Use Permit to allow located at 501 Oravetz Road, is approved. Ordinanc~No. 4750 June13,1995 Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The above cited Hearing Examiner's Findings of Fact and Conclusions, are herewith incorporated in this Ordinance. Seotion 2. A Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved to allow the erection of six 80-foot tall light standards at Riverside High School in a P-1 (Public Use District) zone, located at 501 Oravetz Road, within the City of Auburn, Washington, County of King, State of Washington, and is legally described on attached Exhibit "A". Section 3. Upon the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Auburn shall cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the King County Auditor. Section 4. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section $. This Ordinance shall force five days from and after its publication as provided by law. take effect and be in passage, approval and Ordinance No. 4750 June 13, 1995 Page 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14~ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 INTRODUCED: PASSED= CHARLES A. BOOTH MAYOR ATTEST: Robin Wohlhue~cir, - - City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Ordinance No. 4750 June 13, 1995 Page 5 ATTACI~d~NT A Ordinance No. Exhibit "A" Page 1 -..,e = ~a·c, ,.~., xn K~ng County, Wa·hing~cn, more Particularl described as follovs~ Y C:==.encing at n brass-surface monument markin tho northw ' c' ' ' g est COT~e~ .:.~a~d ~ec~zon, from vhich point t. he concrete mom~ent vita ~a.~-.n-~esc marking the northeast corner thereof bears sou S~c5!'27" ma·t; th :h~n:e south 88°$1'27~ east along the north line &~ said Section a c~s:an:e of 28~8.82 £eet to a 2cinch braes d~sk set ~n concrete (~/~a/a8) ~srk~ng the theoretical 1/4 corner bergson Sections 30 an~ 3~; :hence south 88052'27, east a distance of 3SI.19 feet aloe the ~cr:~ line of ·aid Section 31 to a point on the vest line ~f O~avetz ~:a~ Corrected E~ng County Alignment, Survey Nunba~ 3~-210S-~ O::cber 29, ~958; ' ~ence along sa~d vest line sou~h 22025'43" vest a distance of 21.48 fee: :o the sou~h nargin of 41st Street Southeast Led ~RUE ~0I~ OF ~hen:e con~inuing along the vest line of said 0 ~-=~=,.-. ............... ravecz Road South ...e...e ·;cng · curve to ?.he right having a radius of 447.68 feet and · cen:r·~ angle of 19°59'43' an arc distance of lS$.23 to · :hence sou~h 42°25'24" vest a distance of 141.01 feet to & po/nc of ~hence along a.curve to the left having a radius of 98S.37 feet and · central angle"of 02058'33" an arc dia~ance of 51.~6 £seC ~o t. he ' t~ence along said resllgnnent the following four courseet so. ih 43054'05" west a distance of 286.0S thence south 43e17'05~ west a distance of 67.76 feet to a point of thence along a curve ~o .the_left having a radius of 1137/12 feet and · central angle of 14"33'20" an arc distance of 288.88 reetto e point of tangency~ thence south 28043'45" vest a distance of 40.S0 £eet to a poin~ of thence leaving the vest ~lno of ssid Oravetz Road along a curve to ~he right having a rsdiue of 20.00 feet and a centre1 angle of 10~038'25" an arc distance of 37.22 feet to a point; of compound 4750 (legal'deacriptiono continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION, continued: i n~ ~inu~ng along ? cur~_e to ~he right hiving , radius of ~_~t~v ina · cen~ra~ angle of ~5o38'41. 3.~ :set to aePO~nt#o£ tangenc¥; an arc distance of thence nor~ 28 59 08 west I distance of 49.62 feet to I point of cu~vatMre; thence sling I curve to ~he left hiving i rldiue of 235.00 feet ·nd & cea:ri1 angle of $0o29'02# an irc distance of 207.06 flit to · point on the southeasterly line of the Ti-Wee! Memorial PIrk; t~ence sling said southeasterly line north 42~0&*$?~ east · distance cf 206.55 feet; =hecta north 44~29'00. east · d~etlnce of 722.69 feet to a point on =he south 2ina of 41st Street Southeast; ~kez:e along said south line south 88~51'27. east 223.30 feet to ~,he TRU~ ;O!NT OF BEGINNING. A parcel of Se::ion 3~, land situate in that portion of northwest quitter of Township 21 North, ~lnge S £aet, W.M., :in King County, described es follows: Cc.-..-..encing at a braes-surface monument marking the northwest corner cf sa:d Sec=ion 31, from which pein= a concrete monument with a ~.a:k-~-lesd marking ~he nor~eas~ co~e ~c°51 ~7" ease a distance of S16 . 2 ~o~.~ere°f be&rs sou~ *~ -- · * . 4_0 ..... , ~..~...e SOUth 88 51 27 eiS~ along ~e nor~ line of BaLd Sec clszance of 1892.08 fee~ to a ~* --J~ ...... ~Lon 3~ se= xn concrete (3/28/8s marki-- ~e:=icns 30 and 31; ' .,w ~ ~a~re=xcaA 1/4 co.er be=ween =hen:e sou~ 01e08'33~ wes~ at a riqht-~ le ~o distance of 834.0 g .~e s~diviaion line . . .. 6 feet to ~e ~x~i A~es on a cu~e whose cen~er bears sou~ OOO40,S~'.:~ =ne...e on a cu~e to ~e right, =brough a cen=ral ingle of 02e04'32 a pein= of compound ~a~ure~ =hence o~ a c~e to ~e,rA~t wi~ a radius of 175.00 feet centraA angAe of 59 37 1Su. ~ arm ~4e+. .... ~ q~ ... ~ ~ough ~hence so~ 28°59'08~ eas~ a dish.ce of 49.62 feet to a ina of .......... Ordinance No~-~7~ Exhibit "A" Page 2 thence on a curve to .the left with a radius of 183.46 feet, through a central angle of 2103S'17", an arc distance of 69.12 feet to I poin~ of reverse curvature; thenc~ o~ a c~rve to ~t~e,ri~ht with a radius of 30.00 feet, through % · r o;. n2 l Lo to th. r ~ 198S (legal description, continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION, continued: thence eou~h 28o43t45. vest ·long said margin · d~atance of 677.78 fee~; ~hence sou~h 60058052" east · distance of 6.35 £eet to · point on ~he margin of Ornvetz Road corrected alignment &a ~ound in I~Lng Count2 Survey No. 31-2105-2, in Field Rook 1246. pages 1-lO, corrected 10/29/S8, which point lies on 8 cu north 60oSS,S2. west; ~ve whose canter bears thence along slid margin t. he following five =n. ou~n a cea=rs1 angle of 04°43'~~ ~o · point of tangency; -- , ~' ~ =hence sou~h 33°44'13u wist I distance of ~54.99 feet c=rva:~re; to · point of ~ence. on a curve to the Fight having a radius of 379.51 feet, ~rcu~ · central angle of 33004'54. an afc distance of 219.12 feec ~o a poln~ of tangency; ' ~e~ce 3ou~h 66°49'07" west a distance of 171.24 feet to a potn~ of curve:ute; ~hen~,on a c~rve to _~he.le~t with a radius of 316.48 feet a ce..,,al angle of 13~02'17-, an afc d~st-~- ~ -- A~ ---~ through =..e..~e lea%lng Slld mir=tn no *~ ~AO,e*,A# i~'~.~==~ ~O ~fle ~oun~ary of TA-~eel Memorial Park at a ~.~e ~,,ose cen~er metre north 36e13'10" west; r ....... ~ence along said boundary the following four courses; ~nence o~ a c~rve to _~he.left, with · radius of 661.14 feet through [.C~=r~A_angAe of 34°09'05", an arc distance of 394.08 ~ency; :hence nor=h 19°37'45# east a distance of 139.04 feet; =hence n~rth 46003'15. east a distance of 449.11 feet; =hence north 42~O6057~ east · distance of 33S.24 feet to ~he TRUE POINT O~ aEGIENING. ~ITE 4: A parcel of land situate in that portion of the east half of the northwest quarter of Section 31, Township 21 North, Range S East, W.M., in King County, Washin~on, more Particularl~ described as follows: Com.~encing at a hFIII*IUFflCl monument marking ~he northwest comer of sa~d Section, from which point the concrete monument with ~ack-~n-lead marking the northeast corner thereof benra south 88051'27" east;' Ordinance No. 4750 Exhibit "A" Page 3 (legal description, continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION, continued: ~hence sout~ 88e$1'27.eest · di-* ..... ' Brass disk set in concrete (3/28/88) m·rking co=ne= between Sections 30 end 31, which ~oint a~ ~e s~utheas~ c~e= o~ ~e p~a~ or ~e Parker Homes~eid and southeast corner o: said not.west ~Ar~er bears Iou~ 00oSSa20. thence south 00°$5'20. west ·long BaLd line · diet&ace of 98S.~! feet to the north line of Mill Pond Park; thence north 89004'40" wes~ along e&Ld perk i distance of 287.06 [ee~ to the east ~srgin of Orevetz Road ~98S reeli eat r · t~en:e so~ ~ ~ooA~,f~. ..... · ._ ~Frmt p oposed, ~ .... ~ ~ -~-~ ~ong ee~a m&rgLn n dis, t·nce 0£ 227.92 ..S= ~.sv~ng sa~o eas~erzy margin and relieving the bcun:ary of Mill Pond Park the following 6 courses; =hen:e · non-tangen~ curve to t. he right having a radius of 20.OO fee=, and · central angle of 106°15'$8~ the center of which sou:h 61°16'1S. east, en arc die=ante of 37.09 feet to a point of tangency; t~ence south 45000'17" east ~en:e south 02°23'35" east ~e~:e south 40°43'56~ east ~kence sou:h 07°5~'~2~ east :ken:e sou:h 82°08'48' west line of Mill Pond Drive, as Nurber 2; · distance of 79.74 ~eet; a distance o£ 297.00 feet; · distance of 237.$4 feet; a distance of ~46.37 feet; a distance of ~SS.S$ feet to the north per PlaC of Lakeland Hills Division :hence north 72°57'0S" west (Plat north 74044'36. vest) · d~etance o~ ~4~.04 feet to s point of curvature; thence along a curve to the right hewing a radius of 170.00 £eet and a central angle of 51e14'30#, en arc distance o~ 152.04 feet to · point of reverse curvature; thence ·long a curve to the left having a radiul of 334.12 feet and · central angle of 28006'09. an arc distance of 154.07 £ee~ to · poin~ of reverse curvature; thence leaving the north line of Mill Pond Drive along · curve to the right having · radius of 2S.O0 feet ·nd · central angle o~ 78°32'30~ an arc distance of 34.27 feet to · point of tangency on ~he east line of Oravetz 1985 Road realignmen~ propoeed~ thence along said line north 28043'45u east · distance of 454.31 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING~ EXCEPT Oravetz Road. Ordinance No. 4750 Exhibit r'a' Page 4 (legal description, continued) continued= A parcel of ~·nd lying in · portLon o£ ~he neFf. byes· ~uez~cer of Section 31, ~ovnahip 23 North, Range S East, M.N., In F~ng County, o~ sa~d Section . , ~na~caceo ~n A~ng ~ty Record of Su~e~ under ~ecording~er 8807289001, from which point a concrete ~c=u=en~ w~ a Cack-~n-lead marking ~e nor~eas~ co~er ~ereof bears so~h 88°5~'27~ ease a d~at~ce or 5164.02 feet, :~ence sou~h 88°5~'27w eaa~ a distance of 1085.28 f V~'~ ' · e II~ ~O I o~n~ .:-:.. po~n~.be~r~ nor~ 88 SI 27" veoC a dish.ce of 1433.24P~00~ z:c... ~ cwo-~ncn ~raaa disk ae~ ~n concrete March 28 ~ann ~ence sou~h 0~°08t33n west at Figh~ angles a d~s~ce of 1852.95 fee~ ~ ~he TR~ POI~ OF BE~I~IN~ :~ence s~ 36013'10" east a d~s~ce o~ 356.26 fee~ to a point on ~ne nor:ne:A~ marvin o( Orave~z Road corrected alL.eeC as ~o~ X:n~ Coun~ Su~eM 31-23-S01, Field Boom 2246, pages X ~rough ccrre:~e~ Oc~o~er 29, ~9S8; :hence ·long sa~d margin ~e follow,ns ~our courses. :he~ce on a cu~e Co ~e le~ wl~ a radius or 3~6.48 fee~, ~e cen:e~ o~ which bears 8ou~ 36e13'10u eas~. +~-~,.~ - c. ~S 3S 43 , an afc d~sC~ce o~ 24~.47 ~en:e sou~ 28°~0'07" veaC a d~sC~ce o~ 288.66 ...e...e on a cu~e Co.~e Ftgh~ v~ a radius of ~43.62 foeC a ce~ra~ angle o~ S2040'29" a d~oclnce or 3S7.~0 feeC~ ~ence nor~A 89009'24" vest a d~sC~ce of 482.79 ~ee~ ~o ~e ~Aence ~eav~ng stud margin noF~ 0~047t54" eas~ a~ong said eas~ Park; thence north 84034'18n east ·long amid p·rkbound·~-Z · distant· of 564.22 feet; ~hence on a curve to Ge left vi~h · radAus of 681.14 feet, t~rough · central anglo of 10047e28", an arc distance of 124..S2 feet to ~Ae TRUE POI~Z' OF BEGI~ZN~. Ordinance No. 4750 Exhibit "A" Page 5 Addi~onal Atua To Be · m ~..~uI ~4~u.u~, wumnrax~ IIIOFI pI.I'I~IATIF de,~Tjb~ sa fOIlO~ ~ ~ Centana 14,11I ~ate leek motu or I~J. Ordinance No. 4750 Exhibit "A" Page 6 LOT '16 OF PARKER HOMESTEAD TRACTS, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 51, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR: ROAD BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 4883645; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO CITY OF AUBURN FOR ROAD BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9207301794; SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. LOT 17 OF PARKER HOMESTEAD TRACTS, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 51, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 4883645; SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Ordinance NO. 4750 Exhibit "A" Page 7 Z 415t ST SE ¢4th ST SE OTYOF AUBURN OTY OF PAOFtC LAKELAND