HomeMy WebLinkAbout4810 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ORDINANCE NO. 4 8 i 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING FEDERAL ISTEA GRANT FUNDS WITH LOCAL MATCHING FUNDS AS PROVIDED IN THE LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO PREPARE AND IMPLEMENT THE MAIN STREET ENHANCEMENT PROJECT ON AUBURN AVENUE TO "B" STREET. WHEREAS, the City Council of adopt and approve all appropriations Chapter 35A.33 RCW; and THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to Chapter Council hereby approves the expenditure and Federal ISTEA Grant Funds in the amount of local matching funds of $112,370.00 from the the City of Auburn must by Ordinance pursuant to AUBURN, ~%SHINGTON, DO 35A.33 RCW, the City appropriation of $720,000.00 with 102 Gas Tax Fund to prepare and implement the Main Street Enhancement Project on Auburn Avenue to "B" Street and authorizes the Mayor to execute a Local Agency Agreement between the City and the Washington State Department of Transportation approving said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and is incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to such administrative procedures as may be necessary out the directions of this legislation. implement to carry Ordinance No. 4810 November 21, 1995 Page l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. APPRovED: ATTEST: CHARLES A. BOOTH MAYOR Robin Wohlhueter, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /~ds, City Attorney Ordinance No. 48 l 0 November 21, 1995 Page 2 City 'of Auburn 3uly 27, 1994 WASHINQTON STATE -~' O(PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOOAL AOENOY AGREEMENT ~JPPLEMENT NO. '~ The Local Agency of Auburn and executed on ~-1 R-q4 effect except as expressly rr~ified by this supplement. The changes to Ihs agreement are described_ aa follows: desires to supplement the agreement entered into as identified above. Ail provisions in the basic agreement remain in PROJECT DESCRIPTION Name Main Street Enhancement Pro~iect - Auburn Ave to 'B' Street Termini City CB0 Length 850 Ft Oescription of Wo~ Reason for Supplement Street itll be resurfsced and the profile modified to improve dratlwge dram the street to a new storm sewer piping system. Xnstallatton of cement concrol~ sidewalks, trees, shrubs, and luminaires consistent vith recently completed East Main Street sidewalk theme. Building roof drains to Improve standing vstor problees oa the sidewalks, planter boxes, pedestrian seating, and larger sidewalks are also planned. Request construction funding. ESTIMATE OF FUNDINa TYPE OF WORK (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) d. Tot~tEs6~(a+b+c) 10~.099 105,099 14,1~ 90,911 ~ght~-W~ e. ~e~ Wo~ ...................................................................... g. ~ate ~ces h. To(~ ~ ~st Esfima~ (e+f+~) ~on8tructbn j. ~er ...................................................................... k. ~her ...................................................................... I. O~er m. To~ ~ntr~t ~ts (i+j+k+l) ~ns~c~n Engineering p. State ~ces 1 .~ 1 ,~0 135 865 q. Tot~ ~nsL Enginee~ng (n+o+P r. To~ C~t. ~t Estate (re+q) ~ 727,271 727,271 98,1~ 629,089 s. TOTAL CO~T EITI~TE OF THE ~E~ (d+h+r) 727,271 832,370 112,370 720,~ By:. ~ ~- Charles A. Booth Mayor The IocaJ agency further stipulates that pursuant to said ~tie 23, regulations and policies a~d procedures, and as a condition to payment of the Federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions. WASHINGTON STATE Dt~PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OOT 140-041 Washington State Departnunt o! Transportation AbtNCY Local Agency Agreement Agency Address CITY OF AI~T]RN 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Project No. STPUL-1090 (002) Agreement No. ~ I:or Hoadquartorv WSDOT uso only. l-ll~hway AdmlnlsUattc~. M1 ~ c~n no* ~imbuxsed by the Feder*l C,~verranent shall be the responsth~ity o~ the Local A~ency. Project Description N~me Main Street Enhancem~nt Project-Auburn Ave. to 'B' St.L~g~ ~50 T~n~ City CBD Description of Work Street will be resurfaced and the profile modified to improve drainage down the street to a new storm sewer piping system. Installation of cement concrete sidewalks, trees, shrubs, and luminaires consistent with recently completed East Main Street sidewalk theme. Building roof drains to improve standing water problems on t~e sidewalks, planter boxes, pedestrian seating, and larger sidewalks are also planned. Estimate of Funding ~ of Work (n (2) o) 15,000 2,025 12,975 PE a. Agency work ......................................................................................................................... 89,099 12,028 77,071 b. Othe~ 1,000 135 865 ~ Total PE c0~t es~mate (a+b+c) 105,099 14,188 90,911 Right of Way e. Agency work ............................................................................................................................. h. Total R/W co~t e~timate (e+ f+g) k. O~h~ ............................................................................................................................ m. Total conlract c~ts (l+)+k+l) n. Agency ......................................................................................................................... q. Total construction engtne~ing (n +o~p) r. Total construction c~t Estimate (m+c0 s. Total ¢o~t estimate of the project (cl+h+r) 105,099 14~188 90,911 *Federal partktpdlon be condf~ctton engineering (q) b limited to 15 percent of the to*a] contrad costs (line m, column The federal aid imrflcilmtion rate in this project will be 4etezmined by the Federal C, overnment. Th~ pafl2es expe~ that it will be 80 · 5 percent; however, it is DOt R~ ~ ' C0i struction Method o: .aancing Method A -- Advenor Payment -- Agency share of total construction cost (based on contract award) Method B-- Withhold from gas tax the Agency's share of total construction cost (line 4, column 2) in the amount of $ at S l~r month for. months Local Force or Local Ad and Award 2 MethodC--Agamcyco~tincorredwithpartialrelmbur~ment The Local Agency furthar stipulates that pursuant to said litle 23, regulations and policies and procedures, and as a col~dition to payment of the federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions set forth below. Adopted by official tv:tion on ,19 , Resolution/Ordinance No. Ag~mmcy Of Rcial Charles A. Booth Mayor of Auburn Washingto~ State Department of Tr~spori~tion JUL 0 "/ Lq.q4 Executed Provisions I. S~ope of Work The Agoncy shall Provide ali the work, labor, materials, and esrvicas naces~acy to perform the project which iz described ,_~n,d set forth in ~ In the aProjest Description" and "ryp~ of Work. When the State acts for and on behalf of the Agency, the S~ate shall be desmed an agent of the Agency and shall p~form the s~wices d~cribed and indicated in "Type of Work* c~ the faca of this agr~ment, in ·ccordar~ with plato and sp~:iflcaflona as proposed by the Agency and al.,l.,~,,ved by the State and the Federal Highway Adminiswation. When the State acts for the Agency but is not subject to the right of control by the Agency, the State shall have the right to perform the work subject to the ordinary procedur~m of the State and Federal Highway Adrnlntsttation. Il. D~l®gmtJon of Authority The State is willing to fulfill the responm~oilities to the Federal Government by the adminis~'ation of fi-ds pro~. The Asency a~rees that the ~Late shall have the adininis~ation. The State shall review, process, and approve documents required for federal aid reimburs~nent in accordance with federal req~ente. If the State advertises and awarcb the contTact, the 5tare will hu-ther act for the Agency in all matters concerning the project as requested by the A~ncy. I1 the ~ Agency advertises and awards the pro,,ct, the State shall review the work to e~ure cor~ormity with the approved plans and s~cations. III. Project Administration Certain types of work and services shall be provided by the .~ate on this project as requested by the Agency m~d desczibed in the Type of Work above. In addition, the State will h]rnish qualified pe~onnel for the supercron and inspe~on of the work in Pro~re~ On Local Agency advertised and awarded projects, the super~sinn and inspecflofl shali be li]2dtad to 4msurin~ all work is in coofonnance with ut~9, of such en~tnenr or other supervi~r and all othe~ salaries and ccots incurred by Slate forces upon the pro~ect will be considered · cost thereof. All costs related to this proj~2 inculTed by employees of the 5tare in the customary manner on highway pal~olls and vouchers shall be ch~.rged es co~ts of the proie,:t I¥. Availability of R~ord~ All project records in support of ~1 costs incurred and aetual expp_ndib, u'es kept by the Agency are to be maintsined in accordance with procedures Prescribed by the Division of Municipal Corporations of the State Auditor's Office, the US. Department of Transportation, and the Washington State D~l~r~ent of Transportation. The rc~r~rds DOT n~ sh~ll be open ~o inspection by the State anfll Federal Government at all reasonable times ~d ~ ~ re~ ~d ~de av~able f~ ~ ~on f~ a ~ ~ ~t 1~ ~ ~e y~ ~ ~e ~ ~t of ~y f~ ~d ~ ~ ~e A~',~. ~ of ~ r~r~ ~ ~ ~ to ~e State ~d/or F~ ~t u~ r~u~t  nc~_ shali not incur any federal aid p~ . cation of work on this project un~ authorized in for projects are: 1. Preliminary engineering up to and including approvaL 2. Preparation o~ plans, specifications, and es6mate-~. 3. Right of way acquisition. 4. Project cons~uctton. of the road, for which preliminary engineering is undertaken is not started by the dosing of the tenth fiscal ye~u- following the fiscal year of this agreement (see Section VIII). provide the initially planned complete facility within the limits of this though such additional work is financed without federal aid participation. projects, the current fedar al aid regulations which apply to liquidated damages relative to the basis of federel pm-ticipation in the project ¥1. P~¥m~nt lnd ~rllll N®lmb#rs®m~nt The total cost of the project, including all review and engineering costs and other expenses of the State, is to be paid by the Agency and by the Pederal Government. Federal funding shall be in accord with the Intm-modal Surfac~ Trenspor ration Efficiency Act 1991, Title 23, United States Code, as amer~ded, and Office of not be ultimately responsible for any of the costs of the project. The Agency shall be ultimately responsible for all costs associated with the pro~.~t which are not reimbursed by the Pederal Government. Nothing In this agreement shall be conslrued as a promise by the State es to the amount or nature of federal participation in this project. 1. l~efimb~a~ £ng~neetin8, Right of Way Acquisition, and Audit Cos~ ~eAg~ ~ ~y f~Ag~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~, F~o~g ~ ~, ~u~ ~ ~ ~b~tt~ to ~e S~te ~ ~ ~t ~ by ~e S~te, ~ q~p~ta, not mo~ ~ ~e ~ m~. ~ ~te ~ r~ ~e Ag~ u~ to ~e ~ ~t ~o~ ~ ~e fa~ of ~ a~t for ~ ~ e~ble a~u~ble ~d ~ly ~ble to ~s ~. E~ by ~e ~ Ag~ f~ ~e ~b~t, m~t~, g~ a~- fl~ ~, ~d ~ or,head sh~ not ~ e~ble f~ f~ ~ S~te ~ ~y ~r ~te ~ ~ on ~e ~. F~o~g ~t, ~e S~te s~ b~ ~e ~ ~t f~ ~b~t ~ ~ ~b ~ble f~ f~ ~d~n to ~e ~ ~at ~ ~ ~ a~u~ble ~ ~ly ~ble to ~b ~. ~e ~te ~ ~ ~e Agen~ f~ ~at ~ffi~ of State ~ ~ w~ not r~ by ~e F~ ~m~t (~ ~. Project Cous~=~c~on Costs Pro~ect coest~'uctton ~g ~ ~ a~mP~sh~ by ~e ~ ~ ~ m~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~b a~t. Me~ A-~e AS~~ ~ pl~ ~ ~t ~ ~e A~s ~ of ~e ~ ~ns~ ~t b~ ~ ~ ~n~d a~& ~e S~ ~ ~y ~e Ag~ of ~e ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~e S~te ~ ~ ~e ~a~ u~ p~n~on of pr~ ~ ~e ~. ~Ho~8 ~ ~, ~e ~te ~ ~b~t a ~g ~ ~e F~ C~t for ~e ~ ~ ~e ~C ~ ~e p~ b s~st~y ~plef~ ~d ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~o~ ~ ~ det~ ~e S~te ~t ~ A~ ~ a ~ ~g ~o~g ~e ~o~t d~ ~e S~te ~ ~ ~t due ~e A~. ~s b~ ~ ~ ~ by ~ a ~t ~ ~e Ag~ to ~e ~te or by a m~d fr~ ~e S~te to ~e ~. Me~ B- ~ Ag~s s~e of ~e to~ ~on ~o~ ~ ~ fa~ ~ ~ a~ent ~ ~n~y ~ ~x ~. ~e fa~ of ~ a~m~t ~b~ ~e ~n~ ~ w~ ~e ~ol~g ~ ~e pl~ ~d ~e e~ ~t to ~ ~eld ~ mon~. ~e ext~t of ~ol~g ~ by ~t~ ~ ~e S~te at ~e ~e of ~n~ a~d. U~n ~ of p~ b~ ~om ~e ~n~ador, ~e ~ate ~ submit ~ b~ ~ ~e F~ ~v~t for ~t of ~d~g ~on of ~ b~. Me~ C- ~e Ag~ may submit vou~e~ to ~e State ~ fo~t ~ by ~e S~te, ~ q~p~te, not more ~ ~ m~ ~ ~ ~ e~hie for F~ ~fid~on to ~e ~t~t ~at ~ ~ ~ ~y at~butable ~d ~o~ly ~l~ble ~ ~b ~. ~m by ~e ~ A~cy for ~e ~ m~, 8~ a~a6on, su~, ~e ~te ~ ~b~ ~e Ag~cy for ~e F~ ~e of ~ble ~ ~ ~ in ~e ~o~t ~o~ on ~e fa~ of a~L At ~ ~ ~ aunt, ~ Ag~cy ~ ~de d~ta~n ~ ~ ~ ~ on ~e Pro~. ~e S~te ~ b~ ~e Agen~ for ~ ~ ~ by ~e ~te ~ve to ~e ~. ~e ~te ~ a~ b~ ~e Ag~ for ~e f~ ~ ~d by ~e ~te to ~e Agen~ for pro~ ~ w~ ~ ~6y d~ to ~ ~e~ble for f~m~ p~d~ ~ ~on ~ID. ~1. A~ ef F~ml Aid ~Jeet ___ ~,A~, ~ ~ of a ~t ~e t~ sh~ ~ .~aole ~ aunt of ~e ~ns~rs r~ to d~e ~bhi f~ ~d ~ on ~e ~. ~e t~t of ~d aunt ~ ~ ~ ~e A~s ~ ~d ~de av~able to ~e S~te ~ a~t ~ ~ ~ndu~ by ~e s~ ~ ~ by ~e U~t~ S~t~ by ~e ~H~ G~ of ~e U~t~ ~at~; WS~ ~ve ~A; ~d ~ of ~ag~t ~d Buds~ ~ A-128. ~ u~ aunt it b fo~d ~at ove~a~t or ~on of f~ money ~ ~ble it,s of ~t hm DOT n~ ~ shall reimburse the S~ate for the amount of such overpayment or excess partidpation bee Sect/on VIID. VIII. Payment of Billing The Agency agrees that ii ~ayment or atrrangement for paymemt of any of the State's bi~hlg ralative to the project (e.g.. State force work, project cano.t!~on, overpayment, c'~t ineligible for federal pertidpation, etc.) is not made to the State w/thin 45 days at't e~ the Agency has been hill~ the State shall effect ;reimbursement of the total sum due from the re.ar monthJy f~el tax a~otments to the Agency from the Motor Vehicle Fund. No additional Federal project funding W/~ be approved un~ fu.lJ payment is received unless othe~wLse dizected by the Aa~Lsta~t Se~etacy for Local Prose-ams. IX. Tmflla ~entml. Signing. Marldng. and Roadway Malnt®nanee The Agency ~] not pan~t any changea to be made in the provisions for par~ing regulations and traffic control on ~ project w/thom prior approva! of the 5tare a~d Federal ~Jghway Administration. The Agency w~ not instsll or permit to be inst~11ed a~y "~Sns, stg~als, or mar~d~ss not in couformanor with the standards approved by the Federal ~Sbw-ay Administ~ ation and MUTCD. The Agency will at its own expense, maintain the tmprovemant covered by this agreement. X. Indemnity The Agency shah hold the Federal Gowa-nment and the State harmless from and shall Process and defend at its own ex]:)e~e all ,-l~.i~.~s, demands, or su~ts, whether at law or equity brought against the Agency, State, or Fade'al Government, a~ising from the Agency's execution, performance, or faLtta-e to pe~r form any of the provisions ~ t~s agreement, or of any other agreement or contract connected with t~s agreement, or arising by reason of the par~ ticipatton of the Stste or Federal Covernment in the project, PROV DE D, nothing here~ shall require the Agency to re[mbo.rse the State or the Fedoral Government for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property caused by c~ tesult~g from the sole negligence of the Federal Government or the State. No Lishi~ty shall attach to the State or Parietal Covemment except as expressly provided herein. Xl. Nondlsarimlnatlon Provlalon The Agency hereby agrees that it will inoorporate or cause to be incorporated into any contract for constructio.n work, or modifica Hon thereof, as defined in the rules and reguJations of the Secretazy of Labor at 41 CFR Chapter 60, which is paid for in whole or in part w/th funds obtained from the Federal Government or borrowed on the o'ec~ t of the Federal Government ptu'sua~ t to a grant, contract, loan, insurance, or guarantee or understanding pursuant to any federal program involving such grant, contract, loan, insurance, or guarantee, the foUowi~g equal opportunity clause: "DURL.~C THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS COhrI'RACT, THE CONTIC~CTOR ACpI:~'~ A~ FOLLOWS:" (a) The contractor W/~ not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, cohir, religion, sex, or national origin. The contractor ~ take alfLrn~tatlve action to e~sure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such ac~on shah include, but :not be Limited to, the followLng: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; reo'uitmeat or recruitment adverlL~ng; layoffs or termination; rates of pay ot other forms of compensation, and selection for training, inc]ud~g apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, ava~able to employees and applicants for employman t, notices to be provided by the Agency setting forth the provisions of this ~ondiserimina~on dause. 0)) The contractor W/H, in all selicitatlons or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that al] qualified applicants w~l receive consideration for employment without regard to race. color, retigion, sex or national origin. (c) The contractor W/~ send to each labo:r union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the Agency advising the said labor union olr workers' representative of the coniractor's commitment, s trader chis Section ! 1-2 and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and appfic~nts for employment. (d) The contractor ~ comply with ali provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, a.nd of the rules, regulatiuna, and relevant orders of the Seo-etary of (e) The colltractor will fl~rllish ~ information alld reports required by Executive Order 11246 0f.September 24,1~65, and by the rules and regulations and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will pel'mit a.~ to his books, records, and sccotu~ts by the Federal Highway Adminis~'ation and the Secretary of I~bor for purposes of investigation to escertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. GO In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this cun~'act or with an), of such rules, reg~alions or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in p~t and the contractor ma)' be declared ineligible for furthes' ~overnment co~'ac~ or federally ~sedsted construction cuntracts in e~-cordance with procedures authoidzed in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other s,~nctions may be impo~d ~nd remedies invoked as provided in Exesuttve Order 1124~ of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Se~etary of Labor, ~x as otherwise provided by law. ~) The contr~--~or will include theprovisions of this Section 11-2 in eve~ subcontract or purchase order unles~ exempted by roles, r~s~ctt--ulatioi-.s, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pu~uant to on 204 of Executive Order 1124~ of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon e~ch subcontracior or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respact to any subcont~ct or r~r~order es the Agency, Weshington State Department of tion, or Fesle~al Highway Administratt~ may ~ as a meuns of e~forcing such provisions including sanctions for noncomplinnce! Provided. however, that in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is Otreatened with, litigotion with a subconWactor, he may request the United States to enter into such Iliigotion to protect the interests of the United States. The Agency ft~-tha~ a~rees that it wt~ be bound by the above equ~l opportu~ty clause with respect to its o~n employment practices when it Pa~iclpates in federaliy esalsted construction work: Provided, that if the applicant so Participating is a State or Local Government, the above equal opportunit~ clause is not applicable to any agency, instrumentality, or subdivision of~ch government which do~ not pa~icipate in work e~ or under the co~tract. The Age~-y also (1) To a~ist and cooperate actively with the State in obtaJntog the compliance of con.actors and subcontractors with the equal opportunity clau~e and rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the (2) To furnisli the ~tate ~ch information a~ it n~ay req~ir e for the SUFervisinn of such compliance and that it will otherwise assist the S~ate in the discharge of its primary responsibility for securing compliance. (3) To refrain from enter~g into any contract or contract modificntion subject to Executive Order, 11246 of September 24, 1 with a contrnclor debarr~l from, or who has not de~onstrated eligibiJit y for. government contracts and federally essisted construction contracts pursuant to the Executive Ord.n-. (4) To carry out such sanctions and Pamdties for violation of the equal oppor t~rilty claus~ as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by the State, Federal Highway Administration, or the Seo'etary of Labor pu~uant to Part 11, subpart D of the Executive Order. In addition, the Agency agrees that if it fails or refuses to comply with these undo-takings, the State may take any or all of the foliowing actions: (a) Cancel, terminate, or suspend this a~$eement in whole or in part; 0)) Refrain from extending any further aasistance to the Agency under the program with respect to which t~e failure or refusal occurred until satisfactory assurance of fut~'e compliance has been received from the Agency; and (c) Refer the czze to the Department of Justice for appropriate leg~ procesd~gs. Xll. Liquidated Damage, The Agency hereby agrees that the liquidated damages provisions o/23 CFR Part 6~0, Suhpar t 305, as supplemented, relative to the amount of Federal Par tict?atioo in the l~roject cost, shall be applicable in the event the contractor falls to complete the contract within the contract time. l:ailure to include liquidated damages provision will not zelieve the Agency from rec[uction of federal participation in accordance with this paragral~. Xlll. Termination for Public Conv®nlence The Secretary of the Washington State D~pari~ent of Transportation may terminate the contract ia whole, or from time to time in part, whenever. (1) The requisite federal funding becomes unavailable through failure of appropriation or otherwise. (2) The contractor is prevented from prcceeding with the work as a direct result of an Executive Order of the President with respect to the prosecution of w-at or in the interest of rtationa] defense, or an Executive Order of the President or (~overnor of the State with respect to the preservation of energy resources. (3) The contractor is prevented from prcceeding with the work by reason of a preliminary, special, or permanent restraining order of a court of competent jurisdiction where the issuance of such order is primarily caused by the acts or omissions of p~rsons or agencies other than the contractor. (4) The Seo'etary determines that such termination is in the best interests of the State. XIV. Venue for Olalms and/et Causes of Action For the convenience of the parties to this~ contract, it is agreed that any claims and/or causes of action which the Local Agency has against the State of Washington, growing out of this contract or the project with which it is concerned, shah be brought only in the Superior Court for Thutston County. Additional Provisions