HomeMy WebLinkAbout5817 ORDINANCE NO.5 8 1 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 12.12.1i'0, 12.16.070, 12.20.030 AND 12.24.060 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATED TO STREET, SIDEWALK AND PUBLIC WORKS FEES WHEREAS, a review of the current code revealed a need to darify the language throughout the chapter, and to remove the fees from City Code and add them to the City's Fee Schedule. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE. AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE. That Section 12.12.170 of the City of Auburn Code (ACC) is amended to read as follows: 12.12.170 Permit - Fees. A. Permit fees to cover permit processinq and inspection shall be applicable for all sidewalks and associated curb and qutter. B Th e fees shall be as shown in the City of Auburn Fee Schedule as adopted by Ordinance 5707. and anv amendments thereto. The permit fee sh311 include the cost to the city for making the necess3ry surveys 3nd for the inspection of al1- }!1BIic improvements. Such fees and costs shall bo paicHf1..-aGvance to the fffiaMe-4ìFeGtef."'*-tRe- timo tho apf)11Gatkm·.for parmit iE: E:ubmitte4- A-Fee-fef issua~mìt-- $10.00 B. InE:poction roo- for construction and inGpoction-measured -a1GRg·-Ðl!FB IÎf\e7 75 Iine31 feet or less 15.00 +ê-to 110 lineal foot 20.00 +-1-1-te-~line31 feet 25.-GG E3ch additional 75 lineal feat or portion thoroof 10.00 -------------------------- Ordinance No. 5817 December 7, 2004 Page 1 C. I\nytimo it iE: nOCOE:cary to have a survey crow place stakes for cldowalks, the fee for the pormit shall be increased 50 percent in addition to the regular.fe.e-for-fuis--sePJiœ, G-cEach driveway and/or curb openiRg--1-G-cOO E. Replacement of low curb and gutter, each 50 lineal feat 15.-GG F. Placement of curb and gutter: Fee to be same as for ¡¡idowalk above in additkm-lo fees charged for sidewalk placement. (Orcl-394á--§-4,-4BMi--Gf{ ·, 3926 § 5,...:U+~ SECTION TWO. AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE. That Section 12.16.070 ACC is amended to read as follows: 12.16.070 Permit - Required when - Fee. Any owner desiring to construct a sidewalk other than by a local improvement district shall first obtain a permit for the work from thE~ buildinq department. city clorl<. The fee for such permit shall be as shown in the Citv of Auburn Fee Schedule as adopted by Ordinance 5707. and any amendments thereto.a-minimum of $-1.00 for the first 50 feet of sidewalk and $o.oa-pef-ro0t fer--eaGh- additional foot of sklewalk._ Sidewalks to be constructed under one permit shall be continuous. The permit fee shall cover the cost of staking once and of inspection. The owner shall preserve the grade stakes until Ithe job is completed. If the stakes are lost through neglect on the part of owner or contractor, the contractor will be required to pay the cost of replacememt. (1957 code § 8.12.060(a).) SECTION THREE. AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE. That Section 12.20.030 ACC is amended to read as follows: 12.20.030 Permit - Required when - Fee. Any owner desiring to construct a driveway on a public street, avenue or thoroughfare shall first obtain a sidowalk permit for the work from the building department. The fee for such permit shall be as shown in the City of Auburn Fee Schedule as adopted by Ordinance 5707, and any amendments thereto If the drive....'ay is to bo-constructod togothor ·....ith a sidowalk, than no ;:¡dditional pormit fee shall be charged. If the drivoway is to be constructed where thoro is 3n existing sidewalk or curb, then tho permit toe ¡¡hall be $1.00. If tho dri'¡oway is to be constructed where there is no sidewalk or curb, then the permilf-fee-sRaII be-$~ (Ord. 5143 § 1,1998; 1957 code § 8.14.050.) -~---------------------- Ordinance No. 5817 December 7, 2004 Page 2 SECTION FOUR. AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE. That Section 12.24.060 ACC is amended to read as follows: 12.24.060 Permit - Fee. A. The city engineer shall have charge of issuing construction permits to all persons upon the application for the permit to perform any work within the city's public ways, easements, or upon city or public property. The city engineer shall provide application forms to be completed by each applicant. Prior to permit issuance, the city engineer or his/her designee shall assure that a fee for the permit is deposited with the finance department. The fees shall be as shown in the City of Auburn Fee Schedule as adopted by Ordinance 5707, and any amendments thereto.based upon the city's avorago administrative and inspection labor cost¡¡ a¡¡ of the paGsage of tho offiiRaMe codified in this chapter. The finance director will issue the annual adjustment to the 3bove rates affective J¡muar:y--4-6t-- of each calendar yoar basad upon the cost of li'¡ing incroaso for the Seattle Everett area. Tho annual 3djustmont will be rounded to the nomost dollar amount for ease of aGCounting. :¡:j:¡e...fees- are based upon the length of excavation and/or o'JerA<~-wGfk involvod aE: foIlO'.'s: Excavation Rates Longth of Excavation (toet)Foo ----íf--W~OO (b3slc fee) 31 100----- 110.00 101 250 179.00 251 199 351.00 ----·---WQ--OO-9--4moo For overy 100 linear feet over and above 1,000, add to tho abovo rate tho current value of ono hour of inspootion labor ($31.36). Overhoad ratos me based upon the duration of the permit, allowing one f1ffi1f-of inspection time per day. The inspection fe& shall be calculate€l-ilSiAg-the Gurrent hourly labor rate for inspection times the estimated number ofworkdaYG in the projoct schodulo. Tho total permit fee shall be the basic fee abo·.'e, plus the inspection fee. 1-A-lieu of the above standard rates, the city engineer or his/her· designee may calculate-the- foe baE:od upon curront labor rate!:; for administfativo 3Ad inGpection staff after developing 3n estimate of staff effort involved. For projocts that are expectod to in'.'olvo significantly more than ai, 000 toot of street 8*GaVatie-A-er-when the scope or duration cannot be accurately ee:timated, the Gity engineer may ostablish a deposit account to manage permittee QI9posits in advance of permit issuanco for roimbuming actual labor coste of 3dministering the permit. Such deposit accounts ",..ill not be interest be3ring and willlJo cloGod ~---------------------- Ordinance No. 5817 December 7, 2004 Page 3 at the end of tho permitted work when a final accounting of tho permit adminietr3tion coet ehall bo calculated and a final bill or credit iSE:ued to tho permittee. B. The permit fee will be collected at the time the permit is issLled. Upon approval of the application by the city engineer, a permit will be issued to the person paying for the permit. (Ord. 5042 § 1 (Exh. C), 1998.) SECTION FIVE. AMENDMENT TO AUBURN FEE SCHEDULI:. The Fee Schedule of the City of Auburn is amended to inc:lude and provide for the fees and charges for Right-of-way, sidewalk and driveway permits, applications and activities, and for other areas of municipal activity of the City, and the City of Auburn Fee Schedule is updated with the inclusion of the fees as set forth on the document attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION SIX. ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORIZATION. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this ordinance. SECTION SEVEN. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, clause, phrase, or sentence of this Ordinance, is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance, as it is being hereby expressly declared that this ordinance and each section, subsection, clause, phrase, or sentence, hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted, and approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that anyone or more ......------------------ Ordinance No. 5817 December 7, 2004 Page 4 section, subsection, clause, phrase, or sentence, be declared invalid or unconstitutional. . SECTION EIGHT. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPRO DEC 2 0 2004 DEC 2 0 2004 o 2004 ATTEST: lO~~ Danièlle Daskam City Clerk Published: \2.\ z'tl o'-\- ...--------------------- Ordinance No. 5817 December 7, 2004 Page 5 ~ PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR -- ~ EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF AUBURN FEE SCHEDULE FEES FOR CITY PERMITS AND ACTIONS H. Public Works Department Fees (NEW) Construction Permits (Per Ordinance No. 5817) The fees for Construction Permits are as follows: Basic Fee (BF) Hourly Inspection Rate (HIR) Normal Business Hours After Hours = $137.00 = $46.00 = $60.00 After hours work includes weeknights, weekends, and Holidays and will be at the After Hours HIR x the duration of the work. For Excavation Type Work: Lenath of Excavation (feet) 31 -100 101 - 250 251 - 500 501 - 750 751 - 1000 Additional Fee (AF) $46.00 $138.00 $230.00 $322.00 $414.00 Permit Fee = BF + AF(for the appropriate length of excavation) If the excavation exceeds 1000 linear feet the following will be used: Permit Fee = BF + $414.00 + (HIR x (Length of Excavation - 10130)/100) For Non-Excavation Tvpe Work: This work includes any work in the public right-of-way that is not covered by any other permits and includes such things as overhead utility work, geotechnical borings, horizontal directional drilling and vault installation. Permit Fee = SF + (HIR x Permit Duration in days) .---------------------- Ordinance No. 5817 December 7, 2004 Page 6 In Lieu of Fee: In lieu of the above standard rates, the city engineer or his/her designel~ may calculate the fee based upon current labor rates for administrative and inspection staff after developing an estimate of staff effort involved. For projects that are expected to involve significantly more than 1,000 feet of street excavation or when the scope or duration cannot be accurately estimated, the city engineer may establish a deposit account to manage permitee deposits in advan<:e of permit issuance for reimbursing actual labor costs of administering the permit. Such deposit accounts will not be interest bearing and will be closed at the end of the permitted work when a final accounting of the permit administration cost shall be calculated and a final bill or credit issued to the permitee. Special Permits (Per Ordinance No. 5817) Permit Tvpe Sidewalk Residential Driveway Commercial Driveway Base Fee $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 Additional Per Linear Foot Fee $1.00 per foot for each foot over 25 Linear Feet $1.50 per foot for each foot ov,~r 20 Linear Feet* $2.00 per foot for each foot owr 48 Linear Feet* *Driveway widths are based on the width of the driveway apron in the right-of- way. -----------_.-._----- Ordinance No. 5817 December 7. 2004 Page 7