HomeMy WebLinkAbout5834 ORDINANCE NO. 5834 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5808, THE 2004 BUDGET ORDINANCE AND AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2004 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 1, 2004, adopted Ordinance No. 5808 which adopted the City of Auburn 2004 budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2004 budget; WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.33.120. NOW THERFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of the 2004 Budget. The 2004 Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.33 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A". A copy of said Schedule "A" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the ------------------------- Ordinance No. 5834 March 12, 2004 Page 1 of 2 remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: MAR 152004 PASSED: MAR 15 ~ APPROVED: MAR 15 - ~~=0 PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: iJlj;:txlil2.¿b~ Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk aniel B. Heid City Attorney PUBLISHED: -3 -/7' d-CTCf 'I ------------------------- Ordinance No. 5834 March 12, 2004 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF AUBURN 2004 BUDGET AMENDMENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendment #1 Ordinance 5834 ACCOUNT # / DESCRIPTION CURRENT BUDGET REQUESTED AMENDMENT REVISED BUDGET BUDGET ADJUST. GENERAL FUND 001: Revenues: Operating Transfer In 160,000 73,000 233,000 Increase budget due to rate increase effective 04/01/04 Increase budget due to rate increase effective 04/01/04 Increase budget due to rate increase effective 04/01/04 Increase budget due to rate increase effective 04/01104 2004 GMA grant-per res 3663 on Dec 1,2003 Operating transfer In from Fund 328 $70K for Main street Project & 3K from Water, Sewer & Storm (1 K each for GIS microfiiming) Property Tax Electric B&O Tax Natural Gas B&O Tax Telephone B&O Tax Dept of Commerce, Trade & Econ dev 12,400,000 1,678,900 475,000 1,326,000 275,000 139,900 39,600 110,500 30,000 12,675,000 1,818,800 514,600 1 ,436,500 30,000 Change In Revenues 668,000 668,000 EXDendltures: Mayor/Council: Salary Benefits Intergovernmental Services 115,300 3,900 119,200 increase Mayor Pro Tem Salary 20,500 400 20,900 And Benefits 312,700 4,300 317,000 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 91,000 1,300 92,300 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 119,300 (2,900) 116,400 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 34,800 (900) 33,900 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 285,200 12,300 297,500 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 83,900 3,500 87,400 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 281,500 6,800 288,300 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 89,400 2,100 91,500 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 292,500 25,000 317,500 2003 Budget carry forward for MSCI 267,700 7,500 275,200 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 78,100 2,200 80,300 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 556,400 11,100 567,500 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 162,600 3,300 165,900 Reallocation of Airport budget due to contract 25,000 20,000 45,000 2003 budget carry forward for evaiuation of HVAC system 427,100 24,000 451,100 2003 Budget carry forward for Neighborhood Matching Grant Increase budget 15K for agreement with Robertson Properties 50,000 115,000 165,000 for the Environmental Impact Statement & 1 OOK for Main Street Intersection Study (30K from GMA grant & 70K from Fund 328 transfer) 12,000 5,000 17,000 Carryforward for KC Historic Preservation-Grant match to complete Auburn Historic Resources survey 2,255,300 135,000 2,390,300 2003 Budget carry forward for disputed Incarceration bills 78,200 20,000 98,200 Increase budget $20K for Admin office remodel & repair 55,000 55,000 Main office Remodel 28,100 28,100 2003 Budget carryforward for GSA Ball field project C317 A Human Resources: Salary Benefits Finance: Salary Benefits Salary Benefits Salary Benefits Machinery & Equipment Legal: Salary Benefits Planning: Salary Benefits Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Police: Intergovernmental Services Fire: Repairs & Maintenance Capital Projects Parks: Construction Projects Non Departmental Health Insurance 420,000 50,000 470,000 AWC Retiree Medical Payments Construction Projects 170,000 29,500 199,500 Carry forward Repair city hall courtyard-(C305A) Construction Projects 150,000 65,000 215,000 Increase budget $65K for Les Gove Spray Pool project C403A Construction Projects 30,000 14,900 44,900 2003 Budget carryforward for Gateway project C221A TOTAL EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS 641,400 641,400 Designated Ending Fund Balance 4,248,600 4,248,600 Undeslgnated ending fund balance 2,458,800 26,600 2,485,400 FUND 102 ARTERIAL STREET FUND REVENUES Estimated Beginning Fund Balance 1,839,071 3,696,664 5,535,735 Operating Transfer In 994,000 110,000 1,104,000 C302A Transfer In from Sewer fund 431 3,806,664 EXPENDITURES Operating Transfer Out 110,000 110,000 C302A Transfer to Capital Projects fund 328 (should have come from Sewer Fund) Other Improvements 5,808,000 937,500 6,745,500 2003 Projects Budget Carry forward Ending Fund Balance 199,071 2,759,164 2,958,235 Adjust Estimated Ending Fund Balance 3,806,664 FUND 249 LID GUARANTEE FUND REVENUES Beginning Fund Balance 1,825,839 (1,764,400) 61,439 Adjust Estimated Beginning Fund Balance (1,764,400) EXPENDITURES Ending Fund Balance 1,834,839 (1,764,400) 70,439 Adjust Estimated Ending Fund Baiance (1,764,400) FUND 328 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND REVENUES Beginning Fund Balance 9,197,600 1 ,764,400 10,962,000 Adjust Estimated Beginning Fund Balance $15K transfer from Storm fund for underground utility vault at Operating Transfer In 500,000 125,000 625,000 West Beve~y Park :$110K Transfer from Fund 102 (original Transfer should have come from 431) 1 ,889,400 EXPENDITURES Intergovernmental Services 50,000 50,000 Redassify budget from Transfer Out Operating Transfer Out 200,000 20,000 220,000 $70 KTransfer Out to General fund for Main Street less $50K Redass from T/O to Intergovernmental Svcs Other Improvements 70,000 70,000 $55k Station 33 HVAC System (MS771) approved per res 353910/16/02, $15k West Beve~y Machinery & Equipment 295,000 20,000 315,000 Increase budget for Aid Car Equipment Improvements other than Building 30,000 11,300 41,300 2003 Budget carry forward for Public Art Ending Fund Balance 8,104,367 1,718,100 9,822,467 Adjust Ending Fund Balance 1,889,400 FUND 430 WATER FUND EXPENDITURES 2003 Budget carryforward 1 Ok for Meter reading/radio read Miscellaneous 1,500 15,000 16,500 software & transpondits; Increase 5K for Utiiity biliing system upgrade Repairs & Maintenance 214,000 8,800 222,800 2003 Budget carryforward for Academy pump station re-roof Operating Transfer Out 1,000 1,000 Operating Transfer out to General Fund for GIS Microfilming Capital Projects 1,841,900 152,500 1,994,400 2003 Projects Budget Carry forward Ending Working Capital 3,952,775 (177,300) 3,775,475 Adjust Ending working capital FUND 431 SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES Miscellaneous 1,500 5,000 6,500 Increase budget for Utility biliing system upgrade Construction Projects 3,037,500 113,800 3,151,300 2003 carry forward for C228A -2003 Sewer replacement program 11 OK Carry forward Project C302A balance shouid have been Operating Transfer Out 144,000 111,000 255,000 budgeted as Transfer out; 1 K TO to General fund for GIS microfilming 431.00.597.100.55 Ending Working Capital 7,440,457 (229,800) 7,210,657 Adjust Estimated Ending Working Capital FUND 432 STORM FUND REVENUES Capital-Outside Development 75,000 75,000 CamWest construction on Christa Ministries property per ReS# 3659 on 12101103 75,000 EXPENDITURES Professional Services 117,000 30,000 147,000 2003 Budget carryforward for Environmental Park Miscellaneous 1,500 5,000 6,500 Increase budget for Utility billing system upgrade Operating Transfer Out 16,000 16,000 Operating Transfer out to General Fund for GIS Microfilming & $15K to Fund 328 for West Beve~y Park Capital Projects 1,511,100 7,600 1,518,700 2003 carry forward for C227 A P Basin Pre-Design Ending Working Capital 1,473,800 16,400 1,490,200 Adjust Estimated Ending Working Capital 75,000 FUND 435 AIRPORT FUND REVENUES Fuel Facility Rent 18,000 18,000 Flowage Fees 5,000 5,000 10,000 Charging Manager $.08 per gal of gas sold 100 Octane Fuel Sales 120,000 (120,000) 100 Octane Fuel Sales 165,000 (165,000) Oil Sales 1,000 (1,000) 291,000 (263,000) EXPENDITURES Salaries and Wages 51,600 (51,600) Remove Operating expenses Benefits 15,000 (15,000) Professional Services 16,300 293,300 309,600 increase budget for Airport Management Fees Communications 6,000 (6,000) Travel 1,000 (1,000) Advertising 500 (500) Insurance 24,000 (24,000) Public Utility Service 54,000 (54,000) Interfund Rentals 11,600 (11,600) Interfund Printing 300 (300) Salaries and Wages 41,700 (28,000) 13,700 Benefits 12,100 (8,100) 4,000 Communications 6,000 (6,000) Operating Rentals 16,100 (16,100) Salaries and Wages 87,000 (87,000) Overtime 500 (500) Other Wages 500 (500) Benefits 25,500 (25,500) Uniforms 500 (500) Office Supplies 234,500 (234,500) Small Tools 10,200 (10,200) Operating Rentals 2,700 (2,700) Repair & Mntc 48,500 (48,500) Miscellaneous 2,600 (2,600) Interfund Supplies 1,300 (1,300) Miscellaneous 2,000 (2,000) Ending Working Capital 210,663 81,700 292,363 Adjust Estimated Ending Working Capital 831,063 (263,000) FUND 436 CEMETERY FUND REVENUES Operating Transfer In 30,000 30,000 Operating Transfer In from Cemetery Endowed Care fund 30,000 EXPENDITURES Ending Working Capital 253,634 30,000 283,634 Adjust Ending Working Capital 30,000 FUND 437 GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENDITURES Building 21,400 21,400 2003 Budget carryforward to complete Storage building Machinery & Equipment 53,000 10,600 63,600 2003 Budget carryforward to purchase equipment Ending Working Capital 168,905 (32,000) 136,905 Adjust Ending working capital FUND 438 COMMERCIAL RETAIL FUND REVENUES Estimated Beginning Working Capital 33,300 191,300 224,600 191,300 EXPENDITURES Construction Projects 192,000 192,000 2003 Budget carry forward Ending Working Capital 36,300 (700) 35,600 Adjust Ending working capital 191,300 FUND 611 FIRE RELIEF AND PENSION FUND EXPENDITURES Health Insurance 125,000 17,000 142,000 Increase budget for AWC Retirees Medical Undesignated Ending Fund Balance 3,270,400 (17,000) 3,253,400 Adjust Ending Fund Balance