HomeMy WebLinkAbout6239 ORDINANCE NO. 6 2 3 9 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING TITLE 17, SUBDIVISIONS, OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE WHEREAS, by means of City of Auburn Ordinance Nos. 6182, 6184, 6185, 6186 and 6187, the Auburn City Council has amended the Auburn City Code ("ACC") to require all appeals of City land use decisions to be heard by the City's hearing examiner and by the superior court, rather than the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined that a review of the City's subdivision code, ACC Title 17, was appropriate in light of the Council's changed role; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn formed a volunteer code advisory group, which met five times on October 29, 2008, January 22, 2009, February 23, 2009, April 16, 2009 and April 27, 2009; and WHEREAS, working with the code advisory group, City staff prepared draft revisions to Title 17; and WHEREAS, a public open house on the code update project was held on January 28, 2009, with notice provided on the City's web site, with additional notice provided by mail and by a display ad published in the January 23, 2009 edition of the Auburn Reporter; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Community Development Committee of the Auburn City Council conducted six duly noticed special meetings outside of its Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 1 of 114 regular bi-monthly meeting schedule on issues and ideas pertaining to the code update project, which were held on January 13, 2009, February 26, 2009, March 5, 2009, March 26, 2009, March 30, 2009 and May 12, 2009; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed work study session at its regularly scheduled March 3, 2009 meeting to review and discuss with staff potential amendment issues and ideas inclusive of the potential amendments; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Community Development Committee and the Planning Commission conducted three duly noticed joint special public meetings on April 14, 2009, April 23, 2009 and April 27, 2009 at which the proposed amendments to Title 17 were reviewed and discussed; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed amendments on May 5, 2009, which was continued to May 7 for additional testimony on the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission voted on May 7, 2009 to recommend adoption of the proposed amendments to the Auburn City Council; and WHEREAS, the City transmitted written notice of its intent to amend ACC Title 17 to the Washington State Office of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED) pursuant to the requirements of RCW 36.70A.106, on March 30, 2009, and did receive a receipt and acknowledgment letter from CTED (Material ID # 14223) on March 31, 2009 indicating that the procedural Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 2 of 114 requirement of RCW 36.70A.106 for state agency notification had been complied with; and WHEREAS, No comments regarding the proposed amendments have been received from CTED or other state agencies; and WHEREAS, after the required comment period, the City issued a Final Determination of Non-Significance SEP09-0012 for the amendments to Title 17; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed amendments improve the readability and ease of use of the City Code, updates the technical aspects of the code, and improves the City's development review process. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Amendment to Citv Code. That Title 17, Subdivisions, of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Ti#le 17 I LAND AD,IUSTIViEN7'S ANL? C}IVISIC?NS * Chapters: ~ 17.01 User Guide 17.02 General Provisions 17.04 Definitions 17.06 Bcaunciary Line Adjustments.!,elim+pac'-Eat 17.08 Bounda Line Eliminatic~ns 17.09 Short Subdivisions 17.10 Preliminary Subdivisions ` . 4 P~ 17.12 Final Subdivisions 17.14 Im rovernent Re uirements - Subdivisions Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 3 of 114 17.16 Neighborhood Circulation Plan BOU^d°^, Li^Q Adiustmnnts 17.18 Modifications of Standards and Specifications 17.20 Subdivision Alteratians Vasatasns 17.22 Subdivision Vacations Alt+eFatieRG 17.24 Bindina Site Plans e.ne,,dr.,e.,+s 17.26 Cluster Subdivisions * For statutory provisions on the regulation of plats, subdivisions and dedications of land, see Ch. 58.17 RCW; for provisions on subdivisions of land in code cities, see Ch. 35A.58 RCW. , . . . , Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 4 of 114 Chapter 17.01 LAND ADJUSTMENTS AND DIVISIONS USER GUIDE Title 17 of the Auburn City Code (ACC) contains standards, requlations and processes for the division of land and adjustment of property boundaries within the City. What is a subdivision? The racess of dividin land into smaller lots is often enericali referred to as a subdivisian. Howeuer, in this Title, fihe term subdivision refers specifically ta the division of land into five or more lots while the division of land into four or fewer lots is called a short subdivision. Most of the re ulations for subdivisions and short subdivisions are the same but a short subdivision is an administrative process where an application is reviewed and decided upon by City staff whereas a subdivision is reviewed and decided upon by the City's Hearinq Examiner. A plat is the drawinq or map which shows the subdivision or short subdivision. How is a plat reviewed? The plat review process for a short subdivision, includinq the infrastructure improvement requirements for approval, is set forth in Chapter 17.09. The plat review process far a subdivision, from the pre-application conference to preliminary approval by the Hearing Examiner, is set forth in Chapter 17.10. Chapter 17.16 includes additional requirements for planning and other studies to be submitted for review alonq with the preliminarv plat. What *c *h° ^r"*°piaare the criteria for approval? A plat must be laid out in accordance with the standards and specifications set forth in Chapter 17.14. What happens after a plat is approved? Once the layout of a subdivision has been approved bv the Citv, it is said to have "preliminarv approval". Then the applicant must submit construction drawings of the infrastructure that was proposed in the preliminary plat. Once these construction drawinqs are approved by the City and the infrastructure has been built, inspected and accepted by the city, the plat has "final approval" and can be recorded with the ~ppropria#e county. In the case of a subdivision, an additional Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 5 of 114 application, review and approval process is required for this "final approval". This final plat process is set forth in Chapter 17.12 What about a simple boundarv line adiustment or elimination? Other land adiustment tools are also outlined in this title, includinq boundarv line adjustments (Chapter 17.06) and boundary line eliminations (Chapter 17.08). Boundarv Line Adjustments are the movement of a boundary line that does not result in the creation of a new lot. Boundary Line Eliminations are the merginq of two or more lots bv eliminatinq one or more lot lines. How do vou modifv an exisfiinq subdivision? The applicant can request a modification of subdivision standards and specifications throuqh the process set forth in Chapter 17.18. How do vou chanqe a recorded subdivision? After a subdivision has been recorded with the Coun in which it is iocated an proposed change to the subdivision is called a subdivision alteration. The alteration process is set forth in Chapter 17.20. If the applicant proposes to make a change to an approved preliminary plat before final plat approval and recordinq, then the apqlicant mav request an adjustment to the preliminary plat throuqh the process set forth in Section 17.10.100. How do vou eliminate a recorded subdivision? A plat mav also be vacated, or eliminated, after recordinq. Chapter 17.22 outlines the process by which a plat may be vacated, and to whom the title to the vacated property shall vest. Is there another process by which vou can subdivide land? The binding site plan process is an alternative form of land division. It mav be used for the division of land for commercially- or industrialiy-zoned property, or for certain tvpes of residential development. This process is set forth in Chapter 17.24. Can you cluster lots within a subdivision? The Citv of Auburn allows clusterinq of lots within a subdivision onto a portion of the site, while maintaining the density of the residential zone. Clustering allows future development to occur at an appropriate densitv for infrastructure services; it also protects environmentally sensitive areas or cultural/historic features by Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 6 of 114 ckusterin Iots awa from these areas. The standards b whicFi clusterin is aIlowed is set farth in Cha ter 17,26. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 7 of 114 Chapter 17.02 LAND J T ENTS D IVI I S a GENERAL PROVISIONS Sections: 17.02.010 Short title. 17.02.020 General authority. 17.02.030 Purpose. 17.02.040 Scope. 17.02.050 Exceptions. I 17.02.060 Administration. 17.02.065 A lication Re ~irgments 17.02.070 Consent to access. I 17.02.080 Enforcement. 17.02.090 Amendrnents 17.02.010 Short title. The ordinance codified in this title, together with any amendments hereto, shall ~ be known as the "Auburn Land Division Ordinance" m the ^oty wG"and shall constitute Title 17 of the Auburn City Code and shall hereafter be referred to as "this title." (Ord. 4501 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.02.020 General authority. This title is adopted under the authority of Chapters 35A.01, 35A.58 and 58.17 RCW. (Ord. 4501 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.02.030 Purpose. The purpose of this title is to regulate the division of land lying within the corporate limits of the city, and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and prevent or abate public nuisances in accordance with standards established by the state and the city, and to: A. Prevent the overcrowding of land; ~ B. Les-~ep-GGRqestie~ Promote safe and convenient travel by the public on streets and highways; ~ C. Promote the effective use of land; D. Provide for adequate light and air; ~ E. Facilitate adequate provision for water, sewerage, storm drainage, parks and recreational areas, sites for schools and school grounds, and other public requirements; F. Provide for proper ingress and egress; G. Provide for the expeditious review and approval of proposed land divisions which comply with this title, the Auburn zoning ordinance, other city plans, policies and land use controls, and Chapter 58.17 RCW; Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 8 of 114 H. Adequately provide for the housing and commercial needs of the citizens of the state and city; 1. Require uniform monumenting of land divisions and conveyance by accurate legal description; J. Implement the goals, objectives and policies of the Auburn comprehensive I plan„ .(Ord. 4772 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4501 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.02.040 Scope. Every division of land lying within the corporate limits of the city shall comply with the provisions of this title, except as provided by ACC 17.02.050, and shall also comply with the provisions of Chapter 58.17 RCW. Wherever conflicts may arise between this title and Chapter 58.17 RCW, the latter shall prevail. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner, applicant and the city to ensure that a I land division complies with this title and Chapter 58.17 RCW. No building permit;- t-~ ° or other development permit shall be issued for any lot, tract or parcel of land divided in violation of this title or Chapter 58.17 RCW unless the authority authorized to issue such permit finds that the public interest will not be adversely affected thereby. (Ord. 4501 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.02.050 Exceptions. The provisions of this title shall not apply to: A. Cemeteries and other burial plots while used for that purpose; B. Divisions made by testamentary provisions or the laws of descent; C. Assessor's plats made in accordance with RCW 58.18.010; a-d' ~ ~ ~~&-are---~~~~~--~~~~~-- (Ord. 4501 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.02.060 Administration. A. This title shall be administered by the director of the dep-artment buildin_g_ a,nd communs`~ artmenthereafter ~eferred to hepl~~nir~c~ qep~~t~~~ All applications for land division approval under this title shall be submitted to the p1gDni!jg_department--Gf pI~nn-inq--em~d--c~ornm.L~inity--deve`I~~ent. In cases where an environmental impact statement is required under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act ~(SEPA - Chapter 43.21 C RCW), the nab department shall not be considered to be in receipt of an application, for the purpose of complying with time limitations established by this title, until the date of issuance of a final environmental impact statement. (Ord. 4501 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) B. llnless otherwise stated herein, all references to days are ta be consfirued as calendar days. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 9 of 114 17.02.065 Application Reauirements. A. An applicatian shall consist of all materials required bv the applicable a lication submittal checklist the a licable develo ment re ulations and shall at a minimum, include the Fallawinq: 1 . A campleted project permit application form si nq ed by the propertV owner s and/ar a licant; 2. A statement that the a licant attests b written oath to the accurac and completeness of all information submitted for an aplip catian; 3. A statement by the applicant that #he propertv affected bv the application is in the exc[usive nwnershi of the a licant or that the a licant has submitted the a lication with the written consent of ail awners of the affected ro ertand such written consent is supplied with the application; 4. Aleqal description of the site; 5. A_(icable filin fee s if an as established in the current Git of Auburn Fee Schedule and relevant de osit s if an as ermitted or re uired b other chapters or sections of the Auburn Citv Code; 6. Evidence of Water and Sewer Availability: a, Availabilit of water and sewer service insicfe the munici al limits of the city shall be confirmed by ci#y staff. b. Except far Boundary Line Adjustmenfis or Boundary Line Efirreinafiians, if outside the Citv's Water or Sanitarv Sewer Service Area, application shall include evidence of wrater or sanita sewer availabilit or evidence of a roval from Kin Count ar Pierce Count Hea(th De artments for a se tic sstem ade uate ta accommodate the proposed development: c. The application shall tnc[ude a conceptual utility plan shsawinq a!I utilitv infrastructure needed to serve ths subdivisionv, 7. Conce fual radin lan showin existin and ro osed rades with crass sections demonstrated, as applicable; 8. Conceptual access plan showinq existinq and proposed access points and access points adjacent or on the opposite side of the subiect properties frontaqe; 9. An additional information as re uired b the s ecific submittal checklist ar Title 17 cha ter for each s ecific a licatian t e10, A roject permit application is complete when it meefis the submittal requiremenfis specified by the Director. The determination of completeness shall not reclude the de artrnent from re uestin additional information or studies either at the time of notice of completeness or subsequently if r~ew ar additional information is required or substantial chanqes in the proposed action occur, as determined b the de arkment. B. The C7irector shall have the authorit to re are revise andlor waive an of the speeifiic submittal reguirements listed herein that are determined ta be unnecessary for review of an application. 17.02.070 Consent to access. I'~Pe+sons+ applying for land division or c~ther subdivision-related ivt ir-.c approvals under this title shall permit free access to the land subject Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 10 of 114 to the application, to all agencies considering the proposal, for the period of time I extending from the time of application to the time of final a roval of the short subdiuisian or subdiuision-aGt-ian. (Ord. 4501 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.02.080 Enforcement. ~ The buildi- i pianninq directar, or h+s--designee, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.25 ACC, shall be charged with the responsibility of enforcing the provisions of this title or any conditions properly imposed by the hearing examiner, planning commission or city council. (Ord. 4501 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.02.090 Amendments A. [nitiation af Amendments 1 , The cit council or fannin and communit develo ment committee of the city council, upan its own motion may request fihe planninq commissian to conduct a public hearinq to amend any portion or all of this title; provided, that no ublic hearin is re uired for a urel administrative or rocedural amendment of anv portion of this title; 2. The planninq commission may upon its own mafiian call for a ublic hearinq to amerrd anv portion or all of this title, with the exception of purely admirsistrative or rocedural amendments° 3. Any resident or property owner of the citv may pefiition the citv to reguest an amendment to the text of this title. (4rd. 6198 § 2. 2008; Ord. 4840 § 1, 1996.) B. Public Nearing and Notice. 1, VVith the exce tion of urel administrative or rocedural amendments the pIanninq director shall schedule a pubiic hearinq to be held before the pIanninq commission for any proposal to amend this title ar to adopt or repeal an ordinance under the authorit estab9ished b Cha ter 58.17 RC1IV, The director shall cause natice of such hsarira to be iven as follaws: a. By sendinq to any individual or orqanization which has submitted a request for notification a ncatice indicating the time and place of public hearing, describin the eneral na#ure of the ro asal and indicatin how co ies of the ra osed ardinance ar amendment can be obtained; and b. g publishinq in a neuvspaper of general circulation in the area a notice indicatinq the time and_place of public hearinq, describinq #he aeneral nature ofi the ro osal and indicatin how co ies of the ro osed ordinance or amendment ma be obtained. 2. For all propasals fn make purely administrative or procedurai amendments to this titie, the p[anning director shall cause notice of such ro osed amendment to be iven as follows: a. B sendin to an individua[ or or anizafiion which has submitted a request For nofiificafiion, advance notice of the proposed amendment that indicates how capies of the proposed amendment can be abtained. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 11 of 114 b. B ub{ishin in a news a er of eneral circula#ion in the area advance notice of the ro osed amendmen# that indicates how co ies of the ro osed amendment can be obtained. 3. For the purposes of this chapter, substantiue amendments shall be distin uished from rocedural or administrative amendments in accordance with the followin :"Substantive" matters relate to re ulatinns that define or limit what can be done in terms of canduct, use or action {e.q., what use may be made of land, what requirements applY to development, and "procedural" or "adminis#rative" matters are those that relate to the rocess of how an a lication to take such action must be ursued e. time 6imits for a lications and appeals, what forms must be used, and where or how applicafiions must be submitted. Essentiallv, "procedural" cir "administrative" matters are the mechanical rules b which substantive issues ma be ursued . Ord. 6198 1 2008; 4rd. 6006 5 20M Ord. 4840 1 1996; Qrd. 4296 2 1988. C. P#anning Cammission Recommendation. After the public hearinq has been clased, the lap nning commission shall recommend to the council either ado tion ado tion with modifications or re'ectinn of the ro osed ordirrance or amendment. In formulatin its recammendation, fihe commission shall consider, among other thinqs, the relationship between the proposed ordinance or amendment and the com rehensive lan other a licabie cit aiicies and other existin land use controls. Ord. 4840 1 1996° Ord. 4296 2 1988. D. City Council Action. The pfannina directar shall forward the planning commission's recommendation in writin to the council. The council ma elect to hold its own ublic hearinci, either before the full council or before a council committee in which case the citv clerk shall cause adequate nntice ta be qiven. The council shall cansicier, but shall not be baund by, the planrsinq commission's recommendation in reachin its own decision. Urd. 4840 1 1996° Ord. 4296 z , 19$8.1 Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 12 of 114 Chapter 17.04 DEFINITIONS Sections: 17.04.010 General definitions. 17.04.020 ACC. ( 17.04.025 Alle . 17.04.030 Applicant. 17.04.040 Application. 17.04.045 Area of special flood hazard. 17.04.050 Binding site plan. 17,04.055 Bcaunda line ad'ustment 17.04.060 Boundarv line eliminatian 17.04.0659 City. 17.04.070 Code. 17.04.080 Commission. 17.04.090 Comprehensive plan. 17.04.100 Council. 17.04.110 Dedication. 17.04.120 Department. 17.04.130 Development permit. ~ 17.04.140 Director, planninq. 17.04.150 EIS or environmental impact statement. 17.04.160 Final plat. 17.04.170 Hearing examiner. 17.04.180 Improvements. 17.04.190 Land division. 17.04.200 Lot. 17.04.205 Lot area. ~ °17_.04e2_40 Lot line adj~~~U-nvent, 17.04.220 Lot of record. 17.04.225 Monument. :Z7 (1 flnn rs~srrcan+ flnr-gr1 hn-nr.^I •nrr3•~TlrLY '9-C3T (l/l'3p -T-I'"'V.'~w ~./OrTV_'lr3 P~7~T\:T&7~- T 1i~. 17.04.236--234 Original tract. 17.04.235 Owner 17.04.240 Panhandle. 17.04.245 Parcel 17.04.250mm Planning agency. I 17.04.260 Planning commission. 17,04.265 P IgqniEg_Q i rector 17.04.270 Preliminary plat. 17.04.280 Public way. 17.04.290 RCW. 17.04.300 Regulatory floodway. ( 17.04.310 Beserved R°cn^ns'hE° ^ff°^°al, Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 13 of 114 17.04.320 Short plat. 17.04.330 Short subdivision. 17.04.340 Street. 17.04.350 Street, half. 17.04.360 Street, private. 17.04.370 Street, public. I 17.04.380 Subdivision. 17.04.385 Tract 17.04.390 USC and GS. 17.04.400 USGS. 17.04.410 Zoning ordinance. 17.04.010 General definitions. Except where specifically defined in this chapter, all words used in this title shall carry their customary meanings. Words used. in the present tense include the future, and the plural includes the singular; the word "he" or "his" shall also refer to "she" or "her," the word "shall" is always mandatory, the word "may" denotes a use of discretion in making a decision, the words "used" or "occupied" shall be considered as though followed by the words "or intended, arranged or designed to be used or occupied." (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.020 ACC. "ACC" means the Auburn City Code. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04,025 AI[ey. "Alley„ means a public travel way or ofiher public riqht-of-wav under the jurisdiction and contro[ af the citv and not desiqnated for eneral traveC and used rimaril as a means af access fio the rear of residential andlor business establishments. 17.04.030 Applicant. "Applicant" means the owner or owners of record of the property subject to an application for land division or lot line adjustment, or the authorized representative of such owner or owners. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.040 Application. "Application" means all of the application forms, plans and accompanying documents required by this title for any particular land division, boundarv line adiustment, or lotbouridary line °dj u;telimination request. The city shall not be considered to be in receipt of an application under this title until the planning director has verified that an application is complete. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.44.045 Area of pecial FIQod F1azar . "Area caf S eciai Fload Nazard" means the land within the flood lain in a cammuni~y subi~ct to a ane percent or qreater chance of floodin_ in an r i~q ven Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 14 of 114 ear, as indicated in the Flood Insurance Rate Ma FIRM Pro ram entitled Flood Bounda and Floodwa Ma . 17.04.050 Binding site plan. "Binding site plan" means a drawing prepared pursuant to Chapter 17.24 ACC -1-8-:~0e060, and showing the location and general characteristics of streets, utilities and other physical features of property divided under the procedures of Chapter 4-917.2-0-24 ACC. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.055 Soundary lins adjustment. "Bounda line ad'ustment" means #he relocation of the boundaries of a lot which relocation does not resuit in the creation c,f an additional lat or Iots. Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.060 ounda line eliminatwon. "Bounda line elimination" means the removal of one or mrare interiar lat lines of two or more se arate lots with conti uous ownershi . 17.04.065 City. "City" means the city of Auburn, Washington. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.070 Code. "Code" means the Auburn City Code. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 1 7.04.080 Commission. "Commission" means the planning commission of the city as established by Chapter 2.45 ACC. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.090 Comprehensive plan. "Comprehensive plan" means the comprehensive plan for the Auburn planning area, as now constituted or hereafter amended, or its successor. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.100 Council. "Council" means the Auburn city council. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.110 Dedication. "Dedscation" mear~~ the deliberat~ ~~nveyance of fee ownership of land, or the owners of thee6and fio the cit fqL ~~erg!_~r~d ~ ~ ~ ~ reserving to the owner or owners no other rights than such as are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public uses to which the property has been devoted. The intention to dedicate shall be evidenced by the owner or owners presenting for filing a final plat showing the dedication thereon. Acceptance by the city shall be indicated by the approval of Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 15 of 114 the city council, as evidenced by the presence of the mayor's signature on the face of the final plat. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.120 Department. "Department" means the city department of planning1 I~~ and community d~~lopn%ent, or its successor, unless otherwise specified. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.130 Development permit. "Development permit" means any permit issued by the city allowing the physical alteration of real property, including but not limited to building ( construction or alteration, street construction, utility construction or installation, grading, filling or excavating. Approval of a subdivision, short subdivision, binding ~ site plan, boundary line adjustment or 4otboundarY line ad}ustmentelimination shall not be considered a"development permit" for the purposes of this title. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.140 Director, Planninq. See Planning Direcfior (ACC 17.04.265}. 9 1 URIeSS . . 2 17.04.150 EIS or environmental impact statement. "EIS" or "environmental impact statement" means a document prepared to assess the environmental impacts of a proposal which has been judged to have, or to likely have, a significant adverse effect upon the quality of the environment pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 (Chapter 43.21 C RCW), as now constituted or hereafter amended. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.160 Final plat. "Final plat" means the final drawing of a subdivision and dedication prepared for filing for record with the county auditor, and containing all elements and ~ requirements as set forth in Chapter 17.120 ACC and as set forth in Chapter 58.17 RCW. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.170 Hearing examiner. "Hearing examiner" means the city hearing examiner, as established by Chapter 18.66 ACC. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.180 lmprovements. "Improvements" means the street/transportations,-s;dewalks, sir°c°ctlights,fiFe h"'^'~s; sterM wa#-e; ~°^i,;~~es, sanitar-y °ct-is °.atefutilities #aGoloties, and other-a#e'i+a°a-facilities required by this title1 ofiher titles of Auburn City Code_, or the City design and ccanstructian standards to be constructed in conjunction with any particular land division. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 16 of 114 17.04.190 Land division. "Land division" means the creation of any new lot or lots for the purpose of sale, lease or transfer of ownership, whether such lot or lots is created by subdivision, short subdivision, or binding site plan. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.200 Lot. "Lot" means an area of land under single or common ownership, which has been created by any of the various land division methods for the purpose of lease, sale or transfer of ownership, defined by fixed and definite boundaries, and having sufficient area and dimension to accommodate development allowed by the zone in which it is located. As er RCW 58.17.020 9 the term lot shafl include tracts or parcels. The term shall not include those tracts or parcels which are not buildable, but are created for common or public use such as road and utility tracts. (Ord. 6006 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.205 Lot area. "Lot area" means the total horizontal area within the boundary lines of a lot, however, the area contained in access easements, tracts, or panhandles shall not be included in the lot area or any other lot size computation. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) iL P) F whiGh  . La~7 Y4!°t{' YIIC11 . , Inre4 67 17.04.220 Lot of record. "Lot of record" means a lot which has been recorded by the county and appears on the official maps of the county assessor. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.225 Monument. ' "Monument" means a permanent type survey marker which conforms to the I C.ity's desIQn {~r c~~~~~uc4fon sla~~~~~~' 6tnnrlnrd a'etail fnr mnnumnntc in accordance withflr-- reved-suNsr;}6vte RC1N 58.09 Surve s-Recordin . (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) u a of""'g'~eatC' year, ~ Si 9f . . q 17.04.235-230 Original tract. "Original tract" means a unit of unplatted land held under single or unified ownership, the configuration of which may be determined by the fact that all land abutting said tract is separately owned by others, not including an applicant or Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 17 of 114 applicants; provided, that where a husband and wife own contiguous lots in separate or community ownership, said contiguous lots shall constitute the original tract. (Ord. 6006 § 2, 2006.) 17.04.0235 Owner. "Owner" means the vested awners of the praperty and the beneficiaries of Deeds of trust (owners of fiinancial interest) as indicated in a current title repart coverinq the property. 17.04.240 Panhandle. " „ , way. . , "Panhandle" means a lot with access to a street bv means af a ortion of the lot h~vin less ~~ar~ the re uir~d lot width and situated so that another Iot is located between ~h~ rr~air~ ~rtit~r~ c~f tf~e (o# and the street. 17.04.245 Parcel :`Parce!" means an area of kand for which riqhts or ownership and use can be bou ht. For ur ases of this title see ACG 17.04.200 "Lot". 17.04.250 Planning agency. "Planning agency" means the Auburn department of planning, b~ and community , or its successor. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.260 Planning commission. "Planning commission" means that body created by Chapter 2.45 ACC. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.265 lannin irector. "Plannin Directar" means the direetor af fhe Auburn de artmenf of iannin buildinq, and communitv, ar its successor, unless otherwise specified. 17.04.270 Preliminary plat. "Preliminary plat" means a neat and approximate drawing of a proposed ~ subdivision showing the general layout of streets and alleys, lots, blocks, utilities and other elements of a subdivision consistent with the provisions of Chapter ~ 17.06-10 ACC. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.280 Public way. "Public way" means the surface the air s ac~ above fhe surface and #he space befow the surface of anv pubEic street, includinq, but nat fimited to, any public alle , bridge. Iand path, trail, court, circle, roundabout, bo ulevard, drive, tracts ri ht-of-wa or sidewalk under the jurisdiction of the cit as is now, ar in the future laid aut im rnved or unim roved within the limits of the cit resentl and as sueh limits mav be hereafter exfiended Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 18 of 114 i vehi^idnr i , . (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.290 RCW. "RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington, as now constituted or hereafter amended. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.300 Regulatory floodway. "Regulatory floodway" means the channel of a river or other water course and teget#ef ;A -Q:it-"--the adjacent land areas which must be reserved in order to discharge a flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation by more than one foot, as indicated on the a(icable Flacad Insurance Rate Ma FI( RM) " (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.310 Rese ed . i{ 49 4'2-`u~° ~'-~~2+ 1-988-f 17.04.320 Short plat. "Short plat" means a neat and accurate drawing of a short subdivision, prepared for filing for record with the county auditor, and containing all elements ~ and requirements as set forth by Chapter 17.094-4 ACC. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.330 Short subdivision. "Short subdivision" means the division or redivision of land into four or fewer lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease or transfer of ~ ownership, consistent with the provisions of Chapter 17.09444 ACC. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.340 Street. "StreeY" comprised of apublic or private street means any land legally c°nr°^'t°d dedicated or reserved for the purpose of providing for ~t~Ga!ar ublic travel and access to real property. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.350 Street, half. "Half street" means a street with improvements built only from the centerline to one edge of the ultimate right-of-way, or to a minimum width as defined in the cit 's desi n and construction standards bux--oR",e^w;~~-designed and built in accordance with all applicable ordinances, standards and requirements; provided, that appropriate measures shall be taken to protect the structural ~ integrity of the exposed edge of pavement i, as determined by the city engineer. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.360 Street, private. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 19 of 114 ( "Private street" means any easemeRt, -trast -er street which is not a public street. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.370 Street, public. "Public street" means any hiqhway, street, or Qther public riqht-of-v+ray for motarized or non-motorized travel under the 'urisdiction and control Qf the Cit , , (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.380 Subdivision. "Subdivision" means the division or redivision of land into five or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease or transfer of ownership, consistent with the provisions of this title; provided, that the term "subdivision" shall also include the redivision of land into four or fewer lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease or transfer of ownership where such land has been short subdivided within the previous five years and does not meet the criteria of ACC 17.09444.010(B). (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.385 Tract "Tract'F means of a land division that is not a 6ot of recard or a street or ublic ri ht-of-vva . Tracts are creafed and desi ned fior aspecific pur nse. Land uses within atract are restricted to those uses consistent uvith the stated pur ose as described on ft pIat, car iro the mairrtenaroce a reements. Exam 1es include but are not limited to starmwater mana ement tracts rivate streei or Ie tracts tree reservatic~n tracts environmental resource tracts and o en s ace tracts. 17.04.390 USC and GS. "USC and GS" means the United States Coastal and Geodetic Survey. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.400 USGS. "USGS" means United States Geoloqical GeodetiG (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.04.410 Zoning ordinance. "Zoning ordinance" means the Auburn comprehensive zoning ordinance, codified as Title 18 of this code, as now constituted or hereafter amended. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 20 of 114 Chapter 17.06 ~ BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENTS Sections: 17.06.005 Purpose. 17.06.010 Scape. P4eappliGatien . 17.06.020 Applicatian. AppliGatie , . 17.06.030 Administrative review. PubliG r 17 llt', flAtl A r°Iminisz tral°iaeo rnari,~sa~ ^I "7 (1-C. ^t 1f1 Tii°r9n limaiatinnc 17.06.005 ur ose. The purpose of this chapter is to define fihe criteria used by fihe cifiv of Auburn fio review baundarv line adjustments. Braundary line adiustments are intended ta rovide a rocedure for minor chan es ta the location o# a bounda line. This cha ter is also intended to ensure com liance vuith Cha ter 58.09 RCW and wAc 332-13a. JOrd. 6006 §_4, 2006.j 17. . 10 Scope. The boundary lines separatinq tvvo or mcare lots of record may be adjusted under the rovisions of this cha ter: rovided, that such adjustment: A. Vtfiif not result in the creation of an addifiona[ Iot tract, arcel, site or division: B.1fVill not create any Iot, tract, parcel, site or division which contains insufficient area and dimensions to meet the re uirements of ACC Tit[e 18~ C. VVill not adversel affect storm draina e water su 1 existin or future sanitary sewaqe disposal, access easements far vehicles, ufiilifiies and fire protectian; D. Will not create or diminish an easement or otherwise de rive an arcel af access or utilities; E. 1Nill be consistent with any applicable heafth, building or similar requlations, F. Will not increase the nonccanforrninq aspects of an existinq nanconforminq la# unless as a result of the bounda line adjustment one arcel becomes more conformin while anofher arcel remains norrconformin . Ord. 6006 4 2006: Qrd. 4840 § 1, 1996; Urd. 4296 § 2, 1988.) Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 21 of 114 17.06.020 Application. A. In addition to the re uiremen#s for submittin a com lete a lication as set forth in ACC 14.05.424 re uirements for a fication materials for Bounda Line Adjusfiments include; 1. Application requirements found in ACC 17.02.065. 2. A bounda line ad°ustment ma sha16 be submitted to the lannin de arkment in a format rescribed b the lannin director, si ned and stam ec1 by a professional land surveyor iicensed in the State of Washinqtan and clearlx shawinq the followinq informatian: a. The propased lot lines for all affected lats; b. The existing lot lines proposed #a be chan edf c. Location and dimensians of all structures and improvements existing upon the affected lots in proximitv to the lat lines beinq adjusted; d. the oriqinal leqal deseription of the oriqinal parcels fiogether with new separate leqal descriptions for each revised parcel; e. Parcel numbers of all affected lotsi f. Location and dimensions af any drainfield, easement ar riqht-of-way existinq within the affected lot; g. Declaration blocks shall be provided for the lot owner s, surveyor, approving gove.rnmental agencies and recordinq certificatian in a manner; and h. AIl ather requirements as specified in the application checklist. 3. The fina! M lar for recordin shall contain all surve information re uired far a record of survev under Chapter 58.09 RCW and Chapter 332-130 VVAC, and all requirements of Chapter 58.09 RCVV and Chapter 332-1 30 WAC gaverninq minimum standards for Iand bounda surve sshall be met and a note shall be laced on the M lar fihat reads: THIS SURVEY CC7 PLIES V'V1Tk-I r1LL TNE STANDARDS AND GUIDEL.INES OF THL 6`VUBl YEH i 1L.4Y1 \DING A lCTsy c..lE i! 9P6 6..8 A#Jbl.bd9 3 1bfY YAilD V Y8 l@ 332' 130. 4. A boundar 1ine ad'ustment rna ma contain conve ance Ian ua e that provides for the transference caf pro ~~rtV between the affectecl lots. 5. A tit(e re ort, with liability for erresrs not to exceed the assessed value ofi the lots on the date of a lication, The titls re art shall be issued no more than 30 da s rior to the a licati~n date. The cit ma re uest an u dated title re ort prior fio approvaC at its discretion. B. A[I newly estabiished IQt corners shall be permanently marked with the land surve ar's re istration number. 1Nhen the ~ounda lines fallow a meanderin line the "corners" shall be set as directed b the cit of Auburn, (Ord. 6006 § 4, 2006; Ord. 4840 ~ 1, 1996; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 22 of 114 17.06.030 Administrative review. A baunda line ad'ustment shall be reviewed in accardance with ACC Title 14 as a Type I decision. A. The planninq director shall forward copies of the proposed boundarv iine adiustment plan to the buildinq afficiai, public warks department and fire authorit who shall review the lan and submit comments to the lannin d i rector. B. Follawinq receipt of fihe cammenfis of thase consulted under subsection A of this section, the planninq direcfior shall approve or deny fihe requested boundar~! line ad'ustment. Follovvin a decision the director shali notif the a licant to file a final M lar drawin for si natures. The M iar shall be transmifted to the apprapriate county office fior recordinq. The boundary line adjustment must be recorded Uvithin 30 days or the boundary line adiustment shall be nuli and void. A recorded M lar co shal( be rovided to the cit . C. An a rieved erson ma a eal the director's decision on a bnunda iine adjustment, within 14 davs of mailinq fhe director's decision, to the hearinq examiner, in accordance with procedures prescribed in ACC 18.70.050(B) throu h E. The hearin examiner's decision shall be finai unless a ealed to su erior cnurt as rescribed in ACC 18.66.160. C>rcl, 6186 14 200$; Ord. 6061 § 5, 2006; Ord. 6006 § 4, 2006; Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4840 § 1, 1996; Qrd. 4296 §2, 1 98~.) w#hwFl4e-Gity _.Fe 3rs°.,G'll-r S~-1"1t °-a--GGF'fe;°M f)k-at=tt- - ' e--Gqy--st : ~ rp prnent., 9 f tJi'iT.t' _.'YY s apply. - , ?--a ~1n~to----t mncr ir,r»]~ fr(ea h_S; -s'c . e-.-,, . - . 5140 § 1, 998, • r 1996; • 17• • 9 • A-A . d #e f4cati s 149 Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 23 of 114 f • T the • _ nvailahln #rnni fha rlerearFmors#• F . , 1 an nrevirnnmtantaf impnr*# rt_ntamnnt me,c# hn nranararl• 1 9 system, 1 K t e ' d G o n GffCl'CT~'7"e:7"f . I 1 . reqWl e t..~ t approved 4hY9dttIf4nC! Ygr°3~ C? ' -'Y"i7C. LSCIPAYIY~.TTI's--o'i de deparb4m f . • • GtiG 9 f"I "i'7 ' B. RreepaFation. 6~kFt~ - . g p~%3~l7YX'CyGert ."i 'q #kYa'~.. "Fe-Ci'3'Cf't ,Y13f"~ ~`~c~ €77"L'h.w-410", Gontrorks- c.--SGa1-,°_.....andr-Fo;ma'E:--- y~a-r:-Al"f-g " C'-fn , ~ in , 9 ti nn th~ rathnr chna#c n} aanr~rnr~r~ la, .,~.rhall hn nr ~~esr~c~ny--cr-rt. crcx-.~~rawwca, csc c~ ,Far-r ov . D. MR9 , &heet-ef_a-p4:9l_imXarjfQ ~ Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 24 of 114 • S i{ , ii. 1 . ~ G. The ) address, 1 ° NumeNG f graphiG ) Gfi'~Q'C1V T T } , t . t ' e. . DireGtor, Date f. ~ . , . . . . ,y C. .....[~rv>vl ydncr*rir9tinn nf nr,~lim~r»na nin#• . y . G . tB`te ,~vvuiiv bound , ary plat; 3.E'7C'C- ' E~ Features. ExGept a's r'°ttI"1L]Y1hBBG edigBB~.~.o~""-'Pl,at-i 3 thE°:--f£3l wing , sll- --{`e4c, . 8 . g L7 ""'o1-T.d- e "7"V~pe4li 9 B C"3Y~`;Y9yffi o "L'T'A tAY'Y I f~GTal-fTtA~-'~A'~ L .JR' ^f stid w y • GJ~ ~ a b div! nd -pavement G.The , } Y I-tted 1 1 i nt 4 311f3.,'7,i~ ,TV,tr'1Y- . t d:-- , Hs --e~ s,, . , and iarn}Qr linnj*~Yari4hin r^.r adirnn# fn 4hn PrvPrr&4r{ c~ chr°~icricine ,v.... ti. . .v.. ti.. . , ~ a yy -ithi s Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 25 of 114 s s e f e.g., e ' lines, F 9 ° . o 0(.., 11 hG ~ ~+hr~axas^~: Fnn}~ ~rT" eS~'(4.7'f~`~'ttrPii^Ta77 YpY'P7T ' S CgTTi V L--aF'l"oT' blE)Gkj b. The F ~tree,t;-.....aII-leyea -Fp ---`~I.; ' ay #-~^-b° ~ -n -GOF ' a=-ae_- ' ; . , reated; . , and n~,~n , . f c€nnn~ nvrnar[~rerm f° te,s,rn fr~e5# fnr clnn~e nr,t exaee4iRg-five. . F=k4a~--GGRtIGUFG all- bc-indiGate4-by-so4d s-exj&Wig , C°1A°F {'A `~.-O-feet, fe t'f'al a+ c/r3'"-GF$y-dc1'Lt fm ° 1'1 R,tGVD- br-s i.a , iatt-vE?- otheffwoposed ' phIG4£'r° . e's; . 3 . .Z ) 9 t rEi GYfYCG "1FT-da!'SII-L1 . j . g ara: 7-S ~r^erarr,vimn}e .~r~nA...'i.~'-i:'9nf"v~ rm•slla Ir4tr Y 'T'~7~.BTT7s'~~ A , b--P4 fGrs rof ~e-&tiv ~ic..u` C clflranlit' r Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 26 of 114 G. Prnnn nrJ awarsn di nnsal syctnm-, y, . ; done. • • • r s Ord. , ' f t ' e A. , nrson °}n tha n,~h,[ir ~nr~1 ~ r 11 rxa ~ma-cz r appliGant r , B. ARy ~ -4pt1 . . . ..ap"c r--- C-U n '"~';_th.hn su~, . . ' s,ab,dM ion-+s---lec y . NOtiGe w4F_ " y' G-V 44. . 9 . ~ ~ ' -he~--~ ' ~t~# ~ y } !1°F n °f+''tt- kltYk4A(:51!' AvC4V'G'"' s a e . T' y9 at , Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 27 of 114 , T-FanspoFtation. (QFd. , 2003; OFd. 5140 , ; Ord. , 1996; Gird. , 17.06. A. , preliminary 9 1 7 4 utilities; and 9f--the-,apPliGant: department, lOGa-I 1 9 f • 9 } c rlir~r+,°yr .Snrl ce~hmit~~ in ho~rin.^{ ~~~~ca-rrs.. ~ ~ c-v- r-r~vrrrtz~ examiner, G. 7 r -1-'I:S163:-05-0-#~eaf i-ng-exaraimef-~~. . fsua-n -pf4va ~ gs-- ` a --1-3: - , , , renrsmmnnrf •-s the_______,~rn[imErr.-arir-~1~~„-._.., ! ~,~--Wh° finrlc thn nrnnn stFb 4ia-9~ li--is~ e--- ~ B. . . , ietrrrfIIi°sc 1P eG 1:1-~n,f tth^u~~v~a.m.Fnnr seahn ne IIA PFOGedure 9 9 r.~~--v~'p'i~cis.r .+stri#4nrar~na taet fr+r retitin °~~an av~smirta~r +arifhan cr~msan n aa rt. uacc'~c'r-i-rr~,~sa~~rcmr s_"'b.'e . T'he j reGon f , °hami^e3___._dc -p : The--ex-arp,4ne, iG# Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 28 of 114 ' , later. (OFd. > 2008; Qr-d. , 1998; Ord. 4840 , 1696; Ord. 4296 , 19984 . . . , 1998; Ord. , 1996; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1°994 17.06.070 F;ndingc nf far+ A. , , streets, alleys, a water , , parlis, SGhGGI GOMpreheRsive ; . -pe oth el. . . ; 17.n2.03nve ~ -s' ° ~~-a _-Sp . .c. 1-1 the 3 F<'-The._-""piJ€V11t7al-~fl~[Fr~FBY~°F"'417~°lY2~YiE -1`1~CT the E'S $'AYS1S a aJ"~hQ"dlVg~f3T~$F`e „_„~.Yn mitiga M avE.?-- -Ge ` se 9 publiG anG . rd---5 ~ Av-~~ ; . 44,~ W&; : 4 -~-§--1; , Qrd• , preliminaFy , the- A; _w"'I -hall notify the apPliGant of the de--isie-l-l. a'Y'4"1 ~ np+G~n'~ P'.Y'~~1'3-"'k~~ va~~-E£3 s; flE3tf~a a ~A-G- pare--afl . shall . mi' " . . red Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 29 of 114 • (Ord. 9 2008; Ord. ) 1998; Ord. 4940 4 1996; Ord. 1 f let, t let, 1 . (Ord. } 1999; Ord. F 1996; Ord. L::',-''" 9W. nlonninn rlireGtO't-tYFtF~~~ S °Y--ar° ckr-'a-°1' ~'i-f-" r-rru-'y'-affert the p requ , > a .___..yYen.__..defa.`~rm.'nar~ C2 1\f(•,inr Llniiu MajoF i-mimm-nic "~.r°i-hese serrt-+r 9 ~ i } l rervesirnrl ~n rA e .'h-ll ha c ~_a , . Z°°° -~rru,r-Ea~ . q 1998; . ~ 49W ~ . 42t3+J 1 ^ - 4 preliminary F 9 7 • B ~v1-L7.~7'~~Q T4s ~~X'C+'r~~~4X~G~'r 7P~4TH ~~~~.i~T.r~ t..7-~lTi~ ggod fa4h_...+# . n.~ar,}o #h~t nvtnncinn h m~ea-a'lcn +~r4r!c~-caT-Crr ~[frca.,-~r r~l . ~-{~eq,, x e~~rac~rYC-rcr-i'~x'c -r-r-rc~-~nata'crca"'a.a~,nr °--c-s B. } ) } ` 9 ) " F 009; ° ! Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 30 of 114 Chapter 17.08 OUNDARY Li E ELI INATIONS Sections: 17.08.010 Pur ose. improvement . 17.08.020 !\%VI&sYV 3LLL+Sa7. f2B'flf L1CSP[BY9IIIIY'}G 1+CiYt!film!9t0 P1f 9YT'1Y1YY'ttIpYYSLZP9'fC' 17.0$.030~ riCatIC.3nS. 17.08.040 Drawing requirements. 17.08.050 Recordation. 17. 1 ur ose. The ur ose of a boundar line elimination is to remove one or more interior lot lines of a arcei com rised of two or more se arate lots with conti uous ownershi~. 17.0 .02 evie rocess. A. A boundary line eliminatian shall be reviewed in accordance vvith ACC Title 14 as a T e I decision. Bounda lins e(imina~~~eviewed admini~i~l b ~~~t, B. An a Cication for a boundar line elimination is eu~luated an the basis af the information provided by the ap,plicant, and compliance with Title 18, zoninq, No flther revievv rc~~e~s und~r ~his tit~e sh~l9 ~e r~ ~ir~~ f~r baunda line eliminations. 17. .030 Agplicati¢an. A Iications far bounda line eliminations shall be submitted to the de artment as described belovu and shal6 include the followinq information: A. A lication materials as noted in ACC 17.02.065; B, A dacument entitled "Declaration af lot combination." This document shall contain the followinq. a. Existinq and revised lot descriptions; b. Existinq property lines; c. Revised propert(i~nes_ d. Siqnature line for all property owners; and, e. A notary block. C. A scaled drawinq(s) prepared and stamped by aprofessional surveyor licensed in the State of Washin ton clearl showin the existin and revised property lines; D. ceed the assessed value of the 1~~~ on the d~~~ ued no rnore than ~a re uest ar~ ~ ~~~~d titlq_Leprrt prior to ~~al its discretic~r~; and ~ . E. The existinq and proposed leqal description far the affected parcels, which shall be re ared b a rofessional land surve or licensed in the State of V1lashinqton. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 31 of 114 17.08.040 ecardation. All a roved boundar line eliminatians shal9 be transmitted to the a ro riate count ofFice for recordin .A co of the documents stam ed with the recardin number, shall be forwarded to the applicant, the file, and the county department af assessments for assessment purposes. Al1 fees for such recarding sha[1 be aid b the a licant rior tca recordin . Chapter " 9 pproval, ) °°uriiy,950 peF e,n+i ^-._._~°.°che~es,tinmcx~°~ .Qst-9f h°c___,r-°c~-c~;a-i r°'-Ic-pu'v1Fv iements, , -bythe.'•.Gity engin-eer. , subjeGt4a 9 $ Thnr nf ~hc~ 11. '17TGra rmmrnair°arl Y~i 4 I YQi~-1 Cl' . ~ eT,- a-.-T-rie-Gt'k'1 ~ e-t6°4art--t#u-p--pi°~a#,ai-r"-al°~°«.~a-^r~ ~°:4if=P'=' a't" p ~ n 1111ef1^s °}hn nvnb F~Fi t3'T'- ntr~ aa~e=r~r~."+r. s t o o y S rdrivnw<aar F i(l3 imif-s•-,}i9r°sf i+0. nnrd '~o.+~r~,t-p7'CZ"Y~iTY7~rYCp ~ ~C". rc~etnmar-,i° ~o`7rla4fl_r_mi»c~r~ E-, f~.K~C7TYfTY~Gy the niFs, ar~avinaar• 9 provided, but 1 'R~*m4.rid^ CuX'Yie~~, ~l t'°h °}C _bIddiY"1q--Tr+o -~(~5+5~74~ Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 32 of 114 1 4 . appreval-F-the f indudiRg tirne i f ^ e°t C'~ u ~,s j'}1L1 C'~2fG1. ChapteF . 1 and in aGGOrdanGe With Gity standards and speGifi ~_~r~,a_rWcinre nf the nif°y ortr°aircnnr artirJ ~ ~ er the 4..~ f„ ~d . E. , bs'.Gti!t71-f-Cr-1he ~ 3 "$346'ki RT"fd-pubk r water f e t ih~ SGhn~ule fur Gon&±r:.t-..fiGn-G'f__°t:tefauftet#-~~~ Que'; ~ki~~l...-...s , ments-&hall- developer, . . 1; 20-02; ' ~ -C), , 198€3.) -t-he GenS , 9 stai -1, 1998; Ord.--4296 2, 1t988A Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 33 of 114 Chapter 17.09 SHORT SUBDIVISIC?NS Sections: 17.09.010 General provisions. 17.09.020 Preapplication conference. 17.09.030 Preliminary Application. 17.09.035 Survev. 17.09.040 Reserved. 17.09.050 Development requirements. 17.09.060 Preliminary Shart Subdivision Approval. 17.09.070 Final Short Subdivision Approval. 17.09.080 Distribution and filing. 17.09.090 Conditional Approval Rec~uirements. 17.09.100 Release af Improvement Guarantee. 17.09.110 Time limitations. 17.09.010 General pravisions. Every short subdivision shall complv with the provisions of this chapter. Land shall be divided by the short subdivision method according to the provisions of this title, if the three followinq criteria are met: A. The division will not result in the creation of more than four lots~ B. The original tract being divided has not been created by a short subdivision within theprevious five years, except that when the short subdivision contains fewer than four parcels, a revised short subdivision mav be filed within the five- vear period to create up to a total of four iots within the oriqinal short subdivision boundaries. C. The entire originai tract except adjacent platted or short subdivided land) shall be included within one shorf subdivision application; provided, that a pre- existing, unplatted adjacent parcel mav also be excluded if it is 20 acres or qreater in size. (Qrd. 6006 § 3, 2006; Ord. 5164 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4840 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4296§ 2, 1988.) 17.09.020 Preapplication conference. Persons considering makinq applicatian #o short subdivide land are encouraqed to request a preapplication conference with appropriate city staff. Preapplication conferences may be requested by filinq necessarar materials as required by the planninq director. (Ord. 6006 § 3, 2006; Ord. 5164 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4840 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.09.030 Preliminarv Application. In addition to the requirements for submittinq applications as set forth in ACC 14.05.020 and ACC 17.02.065 a lication materials for relimina short Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 34 of 114 subdivision shall include all information specified by the Planning Directar in the Preliminary Short Subdivision application and accompanyinq checklist.: 17.09.035 Survev Requirements. A. A licensed professional iand surveyor licensed in the State of Washington shall complete all lot staking prior to the recordinq of the short subdivision. B. All lot corners, including interior lot corners, shall be marked with a perrnanent marker that bears the land surveyor's reqistration number. When the baundary lines fiallow a meandering line, the "corners" shall be set as directed bv the citv of Auburn. C. When the leqal description of the short subdivision utilizes partial or camplete section subdivisional breakdown to establish the boundaries, section . subdivision survev information shall be shown in accordance with the requirements of WAC 332-130-030. D. All reference monuments used in the establishment of the short subdivision corners shall be identified described and noted as set or found. When appropriate, the survey shall reference previous surveys that served as the basis for the survev. E. When the short subdivision is adjacent to a constructed public right-of-way and the plat corners or its offset represent a quarter corner, section corner or donation land claim that is not of record or has been lost (or oblifierated), a standard monument shall be p(aced. F. Whenever a short subdivision is adjacent to existing right-of-way, the centerline of the riqht-af-way shall be located on the plat drawing. If the construcfied improvements fall outside of the documented riqht-of-way, the surveyor shall identify the existing edqe of the pavement and limits of the maintained riqht-of-wav section on the drawincand show its relationship to said centerline. G. AH requirements of Chapter 58.09 RCW and Chapter 332-130 WAC qoverning minimum standards for land baundary survevs shall be met and a note shall be placed that reads: THIS SURVEY CQMPLIES WITH ALL THE STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES (JF THE "SURVEY RECORDING ACT" CHAPTER 58.09 RCW AND WAC 332-130. (Ord. 6006 § 3, 2006.) H. The side 6ot fines of each iot which if extended wouid intersect with the curb shall be marked on the curb. 17.49.040 Reserved. 17.49.050 evelop ent requirements. A. Lot Area and Dimensions. Each fot created bv short subdivision shall cont ain sufficien# square faotage and lot dimensions to meet the requirements of ACC Title 18. Each lot ta be served by an on-site sewage disposal system shall Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 35 of 114 be a minimum of 15,000 square feet in area and shall also meet the minimum lot area requirements of the county department of health rules and requlations. Land contained in access easements, tracts or panhandles shall not be included in lot area or lot dimension calculations for the purposes of this section. B. Every lot within a shork subdivision shall be capable of being served bv public or private sewage disposal, water, storm drainaqe facilities and streets. The city will not approve a short subdivision for which a buildinq permit cannot be issued because of insufficient infrastructure. C. Conformance with Adopted Plans. Street, water, sewer and storm drainage facilities adjacent to or within the short subdivision shall be in conformance with adopted city ordinances, s#andards and policies. Easements for utilities recommended b sY uch plans shall be pravided to the citv, with the exact location of such easements to be determined by the city en qineer. D. Floods, Flood Control and Starm Drainaqe. 1. Where any portion of the proposed short subdivision lies within an area of special flood hazard or requlatary floodwav, conformance with adopted citv flood hazard area ardinances, standards and policies shall be re uq ired. 2. A conceptual starm drainage/site grading plan shall be required to be submitted, as part of the short subdivision applicatian, unless waived bv the city enqineer. E. Adiacent Streets. When anv public street Iving adjacent to the property beinq short subdivided has insufficient width or for anv other reason does nat conform to minimum street standards, in accordance with the City desi_qn and construction standards, sufficient additional right-of-wav shall be dedicated to the citv and appropriate improvements shall be made by the subdivider to conform the abuttinq half af the street to such standards consistent with AGC 12.64A. Deferral of such improvement requirements shall be in conformance with ACC 12.64A. F. Access. 1. All short subdivisians shall border on an opened, constructed and maintained public stree#. All lots within a short subdivision shall either border on an _opened, constructed and maintained public street or shall be served bv a private stree#, access easement, tract or panhandle having direct access to such a public street. Where private streets and access easements are provided, they shall be in conformance with the city of Auburn design and construction standards. 2. All private streets, access easements and panhandles shall be capable of ineeting the fire access requirements af Chapter 15.36A ACC and the develapmen# standards of Chapters 18.31 ACC and 17.14 ACC, in addition to any other requirements of this title, includinq, but not limited to, an adequate surface for access and minimum turnarounci requirements on dead-end streets or access easements as specified bv the fire department. G. Dedication ofi Streets. 1. Dedication of a public street or streets mav be required, whenever the Gitv Enqineer finds tha# one or more of the following conditions applies: Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 36 of 114 a. The general aliqnment of a proposed private street, access easement or panhandle foilows the qeneral aliqnment of a future arterial as shown in the comprehensive plan; or b. The general alignment of a proposed private street, access easement or qanhandle can be reasonably modified to provide a desirable through-connection between two or more existing or planned public streets or arterials; or c. A public street would be necessary to provide adequate access to adjacent property not subject to the proposed short subdivision. H. Fire Hydrants. All lots within a short subdivision shall be capable of beinq served by a fire hydrant as required by Chaqter 13.16 ACC. Property zoned RC, residential canservancy, may be exempt, provided the requirements of ACC 13.16.030 are met. (Ord. 6186 § 12, 2008; Ord. 6006 § 3, 2006.) 17.09.060 Preliminarv Short Subdivision Approval. A. Preliminary Short Subdivision Approval. The Director or designee shall issue a written decision approvinq_ approving with conditions or denyinq a preliminarv short subdivision. In makinq a decision, the Director or designee shall use the fallowing criteria in decidin_ oc~ n an application: 1. Consistency with RCW 58.17 (Plats-Subdivisions-Dedications); 2. Consistency with applicable provisions of the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan, 3. Consistency with the City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan: 4. Consistency with the City of Auburn Enqineering Design and Canstruction Standards; 5. Consistencv with applicable provisions of Title 12 (Streets, Sidewalks and Public Works 6. Consistency with applicab#e provisions af Title 13 (Wafer, Sewers and Public Utilities) 7. Consistencv with applicable provisions of Title 15 (Buildinq and Construction) 8. Consistency with applicable provisions of Title 16 (Enviranmentai) 9. Cansistency with applicable provisions of Title 18 (Zaninq) 10. Consis#ency with applicable provisions of Title 19 (Impact Fees) B. Upon receiving a complete applicatian for short subdivision approval. the planning director shall transmit a copy of the short subdivision toqether wifih co ies of an accom an in dacuments as the directQr deems a ro riate ta the followinq: 1. City enqineer, who shall review the proposed short subdivisian with regard to its conformance to the peneral purposes of adopted traffic and utility plans; adequate provisions for storm drainage, streets, aAeys, other public ways, water and sanitary sewer; and conformance to any applicable Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 37 of 114 improvement standards and specifications and compliance with Chapter 58.09 RCW and Chapter 332-130 WAC; 2. Fire Marshal, who shall review the proposed short subdivision with reqard to adequate provisians for emerqencv access and fire suppression requirements; 3. Citv building official, who shall assess building code compliance issues, as appficable addressing reguirements for each lot within the propased short subdivisian; 4. Anv other city department, utili#y pravider, school district or other public or private entity as the director deems appropriate. C. Conditions and Restrictions. The Director or designee shall include in the , written decision any conditions and restrictions that he or she determines are reasonably necessary to mitigate any undesirable impacts of granting approval. Any conditions and restrictions that are included bv the Director or designee become part of the decision and are enforceable. D. Contents of Written Decision. The Director ar designee shall include the following in the written decisian: 1. A statement rg antin_q, modify and granting with condition or denyinq the short subdivision application. 2. Anv conditions or restrictions imposed as part of the approval of the short subdivision application. 3. A statement of facts presented to the Director that support the decision, includinq any conditions and restrictions that are imposed, 4. A statement of the director's conclusions based on those facts. 5. A statement of the criteria used by the Director in makinq the decision. 6. A statement of anv threshold determination made under the State Environmental Policy Ac#, Chapter 43.21 C RCW, if applicable. 7. The date of the decision. 8. A summary of the rights, as established in this chapter, of the applicant and others to request consideration and to appeal the decision of the Director. 17.09.070 Final Short Subdivision Approval A. Timeframe for Final Shart Subdivision Approval. A#ina! short subdivision meetinq all requirements of this title and the conditions and requirements of the written decision qrantinq preiiminary shart subdivisian approval shall be submitted to the Auburn Planninq, Buildinq and Community Department within five years of the date of preliminary short subdivision approval, unless otherwise extended by the Director or desicnee. B. Pracedures. Final short subdivision applications shall be processed as a TVpe II land use action. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 38 of 114 C. Application. An application for final short subdivision approval meeting all requirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW and this title shall be submitted to the Department of Planning, Buildinq and Community accompanied bv the foilowinq: 1. Application materials consistent with the requirements of ACC 17.02.065. 2. A copv of the approved preliminary short subdiVision. 3. A final short subdivision drawinq meetinq the requirement of RCW 58.17, including certifications, dedicatians, and title reports; 4. Agency recommendations pursuant to RCW 58.17.150; 5. A recordable survev and survevor's signature meeting the requirements of RCW 58.09 and RCW 58.17.250. The map and leqal descriptions included in the application for final short subdivision shall be preparsd and certified by a professional land surveyor licensed in the State of Washington in a format acceptable to the city of Auburn and the Survey Recordinq Act. 6. A title insurance repork, not older than 30 days prior to the date of application, confirming that the title of the land in the proposed subdivision is vested in the name of the owners whose signatures appear on the final short subdivision's certificate; 7. Computation data for all lots, streets and easements located within the plat; Failure of an applicant to submit all required appiication materials shall be considered a lack of compliance with this section, and the Director ar designee may withhold the application from further consideration until such tirne as the application is complete. 9. Declaration blocks shall be rovided far the ari inal tract owner, surve ar approving qnvernmental aqencies, and recordinq certification, in a manner as prescribed bv the director. 10. Proof o# the date of last le al se re ation of the arcel of land to be short subdivided if deemed necessa b the fannin director 11. Copy of restrictians, if any, to be impased upon the use of the land. Such restrictions must be recorded simultaneously with the shork subdivision; 12. In anv short subdivision where lots are served or to be served by a private road, the subdivider sha(I furnish a copy of such further covenants or documents that will result in: a. Each lot owner havinq access thereto and havinq responsibility for maintenance of anv private road contained within the short subdivision in such a condition as to allow free access for emerqency vehicles; b. Such covenants or documents shall abligate any seller fio give actual notice ta any praspective purchaser of the method of maintenance of the rivate road which notice shall be caused to be included in an deeds or contracts relating to such sale and such covenants ar documents shall be recorded simultaneously with fihe short subdivision. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 39 of 114 D. Preparation. The final short subdivision shall be prepared by a professional land surveyor licensed by the state of Washinqton. The preparer sha11, by placinq his or her siqnature and stamp upon the face of the final short subdivision, certify that the final short subdivision is a true and correct representation of the land actually surveyed by the preparer, that the existinq monuments shown thereon exist as located and that all dimensional and qeodetic details are correct. E. Scale and Format. The final plat shall be drawn with reproducible ink on Mvlar measurinq 18 inches by 24 inches in size, with a one-inch border on one edqe and a one-half inch border for the other three ed es far proiects in King II County and measuring 18 inches bv 24 inches with a two-inch border on the left edge and a one-half inch border for the other three edges for projects in Pierce County. The final short subdivision shall be accurate, legible and drawn to an enqineering (decimal) scale of 100 feet or fewer to the inch. If more than one sheet is required, an index sheet shawinq the entire subdivision with street and highway names and block numbers (if any) shall be provided. Each sheet, including the index sheet, shall be of the above- speeified size. All siqnatures or certificafiions appearinc1 on a final shart subdivision shall be in reproducible black ink. F. Final Short Subdivision Contents. A final shart subdivision drawing shall contain the followinq information: 1. The name of the short subdivision, if applicable; 2. Leqal description of the property being subdivided; 3. Numeric scaleLqraphic scale, basis of bearinqs and date of preparation af the final short subdiuision; 4. The boundary line of the short subdivision, referenced to citv datum in accordance with cit desi n and construction standards and based on an accurate traverse, with anqular and linear dimensions and bearinqs; 5. The exact location, width and assiqned name ofi all sfireets, alleys and other public wavs within and adiacent to the short subdivision; 6. A table depictinq the assigned address for each lot within the short subdivision; 7. The exact Eocation, width and purpose of all easements and dedications for riqhts-of-way provided for public and private services and u#ilities; 8. True courses and distances to the nearest established street lines or section or quarter section corner manuments which shall accurately locate the short subdivision; 9. Municipal, township, coun#v or section lines accurately tied to the lines of the plat by distances and courses 10.A11 lot and block numbers and lines with accura#e dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet; 11. The radii, internal anqles, points af curvature, tanqent bearin.qs and lengths of all ares; Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 40 of 114 12. The accurate location of each permanent control monument. One such monument shall be located at each and every controlling corner on the boundaries of the parcel of land beinq subdivided; at each street centerline intersection, each point of curvature (PC), each point of tanqency (PT)t and each point of reverse curve (PRC); and at each intersectian of a street centerline with a plat boundary;, 13.A11 plat meander lines or reference lines alonq bodies of water shall be established above, but not farther than 20 feet from, the high water line of such bodv; 14.Accurate outlines and legal descriptions of any areas to be dedicated ar reserved for public use, with the purposes of such dedication or reservation and anv limitations indicated thereon and in the dedication; 15.Accurate outlines of anv areas to be reserved by deed covenant for cammon use of owners of property within the subdivision, together with the purposes of such reservatian; 16.Any restrictions or canditians on the lots or tracts within the short subdivision, as required by the Director, or at the discretion of the property owner, 17.A siclned certification statinq that the short subdivision has been made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the owner or owners. If the short subdivision includes a dedication the certificate or a separate writ#en instrument shall contain the dedication of all streets and other areas to the public, any individual or individuals, reliqious society or societies, or ta any corporation, public or private, as shown on the plat, and a waiver of all claims for damages against any oq vernmentai authority which may be occasioned to the adjacent land by the established consfiruct_ion, drainaqe or main#enance of said street or ofiher areas so dedicated. Such certificate ar instrument shall be siqned and acknowledged before a notarypublic by all parties having any interest in the lands subdivided. An offer of dedication may include a waiver of right of direct access to any street firom any property. Such waiver mav be rectuired by the city engineer as a condition of approval. Roads not dedicated to the public must be clearlv marked on the face of theplat. Any dedica#ion, donation ar grant as shown on the face of the plat shall be considered as a quit daim deed to the said donee or qrantee for use for the purpose intended by the donation or grant. At the discretion of the city enqineer conveyances of riqht-of-way may be required to be by statutory warranty deed. The acceptance of ri,ght-of-way by the city shali not obligate the city to improve or develap the lands in the riqht-of-way; 18. Forms for the appropriate certificatians of the citv engineer and planninq director, as foilows: CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 41 of 114 I hereby certify that this short plat is in compliance with the certificate of improvements issued pursuant to ACC 17.14.015, and is consistent with all applicable City improvement standards and requirements in force on the date of preliminary short plat approval, this day of 20 Auburn City En iq neer PLANNING DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify on this day af , 20 , that this final plat is in substantial conformance with the preliminary plat and any conditions attached thereta, which preliminary short plat was approved on the day of , 20 20.A form for the approval of the applicable countY(King/Pierce) assessor, as follows or as required by the applicable county, if different: ASSESSOR'S APPROVAL Examined and approved this day of , 20 Cauntv Assessor DeputV Countv Assessor Accaunt number 21.A form for the certificate of the applicable county recorder,(KinqfPierce), as follows or as required by the applicable county, if different: REC4RDING CERTIFICATE Filed for record at the request of the City of Auburn this day af , 20 at minutes past .M., and recorded in Volume of Plats, paqe Records of (King or Pierce) Countv, Washington. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 42 of 114 Countv Recording Number Manaqer Superintendent of Records 22.Any additional pertinent information as required at the discretion of the city enqineer or planning director. G. Decisian-makinq Criteria for Final Short Subdivision Approval. The following criteria shall be used by the Director or desiqnee in consideration of final short subdivision approval: 1, VVilhether conditions imposed when the preliminary short subdiVision was a roved have been met- 2. The cQm 8etion of the re uired im rovements or their Financial uarantee in conformance with Chapter 17.14 3. jlVhether the finaf short subdivision is in conformance with the city's zonina re ulations and all other a licable land use re ulations: 4. The Directar or desi nee shall not a rove a final short subdivisior shali until he ar she determines that it conforms to fihe approved preliminary short subdivision and anY conditicans and restrictions im osed at time of relimina a roval, 17.09.080 Distribution and filinq. The Mylar original of the appraved final short subdivision shal( be forwarded ta the appropriate county office fior recording. The final short subd'avision must be recorded within 30 days or the final short subdivision shall become null and void. A recorded Mylar co,py shall be provided to the city and app(icant. (_Ord. 6061 § 4, 2006; Ord. 6006 § 3, 2006; Ord. 5164 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4840 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4296 ~ 2, 1988.) 17.09.090 Conditional approval requirements. Where a short subdivision is approved subiect to conditions, no buildinq permit shall be issued for property subject ta the short subdivision prior to the conditions either beinq fulfilled or guarantees provided to ensure the conditions are met. (Ord. 6006 & 3, 2006; Ord. 5164 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4840 $ 1, 1996; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 43 of 114 17.09.0100 Release of improvement guarantee. If the re uired ubiic im rovernents have been financiall secured as rovided in ACC 17.14.060(B), such uarantee will be released in confarmance with the applicable facilitv extension agreement as reg,uired in ACC 13.40. 17.09.110 Time limitations. A. Preliminarv approvals for short subdivisions shall be valid for a period of five years follawing the date af the notice of final decision. B. Extensions. The Director or desiqnee may administratively authorize throuqh a Type I land use action extensions to preliminary short subdivision approvals. Far purpases of this Section the authoritv to issue extensions shall apply to preliminary short subdivisian approvals previously issued by the City. Extensions shall be issued in one (1) year increments up to a maximum of three (3) years, subject ta the followinq criteria and conditions: 1. An applicant for an extension shall make a written request for the extension a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days prior to expiration of the preliminary short subdivision approval. 2. The Director or designee shalf in consideration of qranting an extension find: a. There have not been any substantial changes in the iaws gaverning the development of the shart subdivision, with which lack af compfiance would be contrary to the public health, safetv and welfare; or b. The applicant has pursued final plattinq in qood faith. Good faith shall be evidenced bv progress an final surveying, en ineering, construction or bondinq of improvements; or c. There have been substantial chanqes in economic conditions and market forces that have substantively limited the ability of the applicant to pursue final platting. 3. A condition of any extension approval shali be that the subject short subdivision shall comply with state or federai mandates required of fihe Cifiv and/or life, hsalth and safety requirements of the Citv in effect at the time of any extension approval. C. At the same time the Director or designee is considerinq the extension he or she may add conditions or requirements upon factual determination that the addition of conditions or requirements wilf benefit the public health, safety and welfiare. D. A shork subdivision granted preliminary approval, but not filed for final plat apJaroval within the applicable time period or extended time period, shall be void. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 44 of 114 Chapter 17.10 ~ PRELI INA Y SUBDIVISIONS L--RL Sections: 17.10.010 Preapplication conference. . 17.10.020 A lication submittal and contents. n; tra' 17.10.030 Review process. 17.10.040 Administrative review, Ter„-,s-of a . 17.10.050 Hearinq examiner review of preliminary lats. 17.10.070 Findings of fact. , . f4d 17.10.080 Notice of decision ta applicant. ~~~~,~asG ^f ~arantee: 17.10.090 Transfer of ro ert. 17.10.100 Adjustments of an approued preliminarv pfat. 17.10.110 Time limitations. 17.10.120 Develo ment standards fior anhandle lot access and rivate access tracts. 17.1 .010 Preapplication conference. Persans considerinq making application ta subdivide land lvinq vuithin the citX of Auburn are encouraqed to file a request for a pr.eapplicafiion conference be held with a rc+ riate cit staff. Such re uest shall be direeted to the lannin director, and u an its recei t the director shall schedule a conference between fhe prospective applicant and apprapriate citv staff. The _purpose of a oreapplication conference is far the prospective applicant and city st~ff fia e ain a comman understandin of fihe nature of the contem lated subdivision and szabse uent develo ment and an rncedures rules standards and olicies which rr~av apply. The prospective applicanf is encouraged to brinq fa the conference whatever ir-tfiormatian deemed appropriate to help describe the existin nature of the site and its surroundin s and the ro osed nature of the contem lated land divisian and subse uent develo ment. Such in°Formation Da include hotn raphs, sketches and maps. The direcfior ar the prospective applicant mav request that an additional conference or conferences be held to further the ur ose af this section. flrd. 5140 1 1998: flrd. 4840 1 1996; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.10, 2 lication su ittal and carttents. A. A lication. In addition to the requirements for a completed ~pplicatian as rovided in ACC Title 14 a lication for subdivision a roval shall include: 1. A lication re uirements found in ACC 17.02.065; Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 45 of 114 2 Apreliminary plat meeting the requirements of RCW 58.17.110 for a pre{iminary subdivision; 3 A neiqhborhoad circulation plan meeting the requirements of ACC 17.16; 4 Where any lot is proposed to be served by an on-site sewage disposal system results of preliminarv percolation tests for each such proposed lot, canducted under the county department of health rules and requlations. 5 A conceptual utility/site gradinq plan and/or methodoloqy prepared in accordance with the citv's comprehensive plans standards or ordinance requirements The conceptual utility/site grading plan shall include adequate horizontal and vertical information to insure that utilities can be constructed cansistent with the preliminarv plat layaut; 6 The locatian of other utilities ather than those provided bv the city. 7 The application shall include a transportation site plan far streets, pedestrian +and bike facilities The site plan shall include adequate horizontal and vertical information to insure the transpartation facilities can be constructed consistent with the preliminary plat layout. 8 A title reportwith liability for errors not ta exceed the assessed vaiue of the lots an the date of application The title report shall be issued no more than 30 days prior to the application date. 9 Capv of restrictions if any to be imposed upon the use of the land. Such restrictions must be recorded simultaneously with the subdivision; B Preparatian The preliminary plat or short plat shall be prepared bv a professional engineer or prafessional land surveyor registered or licensed by the state of Washington The preaarer shall by placinp his or her signature and stamp upon the face af the plat certify that all information is portraved accuratelv and that the praposed subdivision or short subdivision camplies with the standards and requirements of this title the Auburn zoninq ordinance and any other applicable land use and development controls. C Scale and Format The preliminary plat shall be drawn with reproducible black ink on Mylar. All geagraphic information portrayed by the preliminarv plat shall be accurate legible and drawn to an enqineerinq (decimal) scale. D Preliminary Plat Cantents A preliminary plat shall pravide the follawinq infarmation: . 1 General Infarmation. The fallowing information shall appear an each sheet of a preliminary plat ar short plat: a The name af the proposed subdivision tagether with the words "preliminary plat"; b. The name and address af the applicant; c The name address stamp and signature of the professional engineer or prafessional land surveyor wha prepared the preliminary plat or shart plat; d Numeric scale graphic scale true north point and da#e of preparation; e. a form for the endorsement of the planning director, as follows: Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 46 of 114 APPRC3VED BY RES4LUTION UF TNE C1TY COUNCIL ON (Date) Director, Planning and Cammunity Development Dept. Date f. Leqal description of preliminarv plat: 2. Existin Geographic Feafiures. Existinq qeographic #eatures, as detailed in Cit a lication re uirements shall be drawn li htl in relatian to ro osed eo~graphic features: 3. Propgsed Gecagraphic Features. Proposed geographic fieatures as detailed in City application requirements shalf be shown: 4. Additional Infarmation. The followin additional information shall be shown on the face of the relimina lat: a. Far propased subdivisions involvinq residential land uses, a table providing the following infcsrmation for each distinct residential area: i. Pro osed land use e. . sin le-famil du lex multifamil ii. Number of dweflin units; iii. Gross acreaqe; iv. Existinq zoninq desiqnatican; v. Pro osed zonin desi nation; vi. A roximate area of smallest 1ot~ b. Proposed source of domestic water supply;. c. Proposed sewag,e dispasal s stem; d. T ical street cross section s° e. Pro osed storrr draina e s stemv fi. For preiimiraary plats that are re1ated ta a Planned Unif Development (PUD) fihe fallovving information shall aIsa be provided; i. The ordinance and contract of the PUD rezone if reviousl done. ii. The location of perimefier waICs and fences on the boupdarof the PUD and an indication of the heiqht and materials. iii. The location and size of an entranc~s. iv. A Iandscapinq plan. v. Anv covenants not previausly a rgved. 17.10,030 eview r cess. A. A pre[iminarv plat shal[ be revieanred in accordance with ACC Title 14 as a T e I[( decision, Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 47 of 114 17.10.040 Administrative review. A. The direc#Qr shail transmit co ies of the ro osed relimina la# to the cit en ineer ta e#her with co ies of an a roriate accom an in documents. The cify enqineer shall reuiew the preliminary plat as to the ar9equac oy f the proposeci means of sewage disposal and water suppiv; the canformance of the proposal ta an lans olicies or re ulations ertainin to streets utilities; and re ardin an other issues related to the interests and res C3CiS1bilEfl@S f?~ the Ctt en ineer and the department of public vvorks. B. The director shall saEicit the comments of anv other appropriate city de artment local utilit rovider, lacal school district and an other a ro riate ublic or rivate entit cancernin the roposed subdivision. Camments received in a timeiy manner, as well as anv writfien comments received in respanse to a notice of public hearinq, shall either be transmitted #a the hearinq examiner or incar rarated into a re ort re ared b the director and submitted to the hearin examiner, rior to the scheduled ublic hearin . C. The direc#or shall ensure that, fia the extent possible, the prelirninary lap t will be processed simultaneouslv with other approvals refated to the sub'ec~ t propert rL. 4rd. 5140 1 1998° C}rd, 4840 1 1996; Ord. 4296 2 1988. 17.10.050 earin exa iner revie of relimi nar lats. A. Pursuant to the ravisions of Cha ter 18,66 ACC, the hearin examiner shall within 10 calendar days of the closure of thepublic hearina a,pprove denv or approve with conditions the preliminar rpiat. The hearing examiner sha[i not recommend a rovai of the re€imina lat unless he finds the ro osed stabdivision is in ccanformance with the findin s of fact as outlined in ACC 17.10.070. B. Pursuant to the provisions of ACC 18.66.150, the pIanaing_j~r ar a~ interested art affected b the recammendation of the examiner who asserts that the hearin examiner based that recommendation on an erroneous pracec~~ar~, ~rrors c~~ lauv ar f~~f, ~rror ir~ u~dqment, c~r th~ discaver~ of new evidence vvhich could not be reasonablv available at the prior hearinq ma make a written rs uest fcar review b the examiner vvithin seven calendar da s after the written decisron eaf the examiner has been rendered. The re uest for reconsideration shall set forth the specific errors relied upon bv such appellant and the exarniner mav, after reuiew ofi the record, take further action as the examiner deems ro er. The examiner ma re uest further information v+rhich sha91 be rovided within 10 calendar da s of the examiner's re uest. The examiner's written decision on the request for recansideration shall be firansrnitted tca all parties of record within 10 calendar davs of receipt of the re uest for recansideration or rscei t of the additional information re uested whichever is later. t~rd. 6186 4 200~Qrd. 5140 1 19~8; Ord. 4840 1 1996; Ord. 4296 § 2, j988.) Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 48 of 114 17.10.07A Findinqs of fact. F'relimina lats shall onl be a raved if findin s of fact are drawn to su ort the followinq_ A. Adequate provisinns are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for apen spaces, drainaqe ways, streets, alleys, ather public waYs,. water su Eies sanita wastes arks la rounds and far schaols; B. Canformance of the ra osed subdivision to the eneral ur oses of the camprehensive [an; C. Gonformance of fihe proposed subdivision to the qeneral purposes of any other a licabie olicies or lans which have been ado ted b the cit council; D. Canfarmance of the ro osed subdivision to the eneral ur oses of this title as enumerated in ACC 17.02.030: E. Conformance of the proposed subdivision ta the Auburn zoning ordinance and an other a licable lannin or en ineerin standards and s ecifications as ado #ed b the cit or as modified and a roved as art of a reviousl approved PUD ; F. The potentiai environmental impacts of the proposed subdivisian are miti ated such that the relimina lat wi1l not have an unacce table adverse effect u on the ualit of the environment; G. Adequate prouisions are made sa the preliminaryplat will prevent or abate public nuisances. (Ord, 5140 § 1, 1998; Qrd. 4840 ~1, 1996; C7rd, 4772 §_1, 1995; (3rd. 4296 2 1988. 17.10,08 otice of ecision to a licant. Followin the decision of the hearin examiner a rcavin or re'ectin a preliminar lat, the director shall natif the a licant of the decision. The notice sha9l be accompanied bv acopy of the decision. Ifi the decision is for ap roval or a roval with conditions the notice shall advise the a licant to re are an im rovement method re ort. as described by Cha ter 17.14 ACC and shall pl~~ infarm the a licant regardinq the appl'scable time 6imitations on final submsttal. This notice of decision is in addifiican to any natice of decisiQn required under ACC Title 14. C)rd. 6186 5 2008; Ord, 5140 1 1998C>rd. 48401 1996; Ord. 4296 2 19$8, 17,10.090 Transfer of propertv. If perfarmance of an affer or aqreement ta sell, lease, or otherwise transfer a Iot, tract or parcel of land followinq preliminary plat approval but prior to final plat a rova! is ex ressl conditioned on the recordin of the final lat containin the lot tract or arcel under this cha ter the affer or a reement does not violgte an provision of this chapter. All payments rrn accounfi of an offer or aqreement conditioned as provided in this section shall be deposited in an escrow or other re ulated trust account and no disbursement to se[lers shall be ermitted until the final lat is recorded. Ord. 5140 1 1938° Qrcl. 4840 1 1996° Ord. 4296 2, 198~.) Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 49 of 114 17.10.100 Adiustments of an approved preliminary plat. A. Minor Ad'ustments, Minor ad'ustments ma be made and a roved b the lannin director. Minor adjustments are those which ma affec# the recise dirnensions of the plat but which do not affect the basic character or arran eq menfi of the Iots and streets. Such dimensionaf requirements shall nat vary more than 10 ercent from the ori inaE. The ad'ustments cannot be inconsistent with the re uirements of the reliminar plat a rovai. The ad'ustments cannot cause the subdivisian to be in vic,lafiian af this title, the zQning ordinance, any other applicable citv land use cantrol, Chapter 58.17 CW, or any other applicable state law or re ulation. Niinor ad'ustments shall be reviewed for consistenc with this cha ter and the re ulations af this Title as well as the fol(owirs criteria: 1. The adjustment rnaintains the design intent or purpose of fihe oriqinal approval; and 2. The adjustment maintains the ualit of desi n or roduct established b the oriqinai ap,proval; and 3. The adjusfinent does not cause a significanfi envirQnmental or fand use impact or+ or bevond the site; and 4. The ad'ustment is not recluded b the terms of this Tit(e or b state law from bein decided administrativel ° and 5. Circumstances render it impractical, unfeasible or detrimental ta fihe public interest to accomplish the subject candition csr req,uirement of prelirninary Ip at or shart plat a roval. B. Ma'or Adjustments. Ma'or ad`ustments are those when determined b the planninq director, substantially chanqe the basic design, layout, Qpen s ap ce or other requirements of the plat. For the purpczse of this section, substantial change includes the creation af additional Iots the elirnination or si nificant reduction af o en s ace chan e to the overalE Iayout that would chan e the ualit of the desiqn or product, or chanqes to conditions aF approval an ar~ g0roved prelim- ina p(at. a10/hen the planning director determines a chanqe canstitutes a ma~or ad'ustmen#, ~ r~~w a~icat~c~n ~or a relir~inar lat is re ~aired and shall be rocessed as a new and se ara~e ~[icatic~n, C)r~. ~140 1 1998Urd. 4840 1, 1996; Ord. 4296 ~ 2. 1988.) 17.10.11 Ti e li itations. A. Preliminant approvals for subdivisions shall be valid for aperiod of five ears followin the date of the notice of final decision. B. Extensions. The Director or desi nee ma adminis#rativel authorize throuqh a Tvpe I Iand use action extensians to preliminarv plat approvals For purpases of this Section the authority tca issue extensians sha[I apply to relimina plat a rovals reviousl issued b the Cit . Extensions shall be issued in one 1 ear increments u to a maximum of three 3ears subiect to the folfowinq criteria and conditions: Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 50 of 114 1. An a licant for an extension shall make a written re uest for the extension a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days priar to expiration af the preliminarY plat ap roval. 2. The Director or desiqnee shall in consideration of grantinq an extension find: a. There have not been any substantiai chanqes in the laws qoverninq the developrnent of the plat, wifh which lack of campliance would be confr~r~fio the public health, safety and wel#are; or b. The a licant has ursued final lat#in dili entl as evidenced b ra ress on final surve in , en ineerin construction or the financial securit of impravements; car c. There have been substantial chanqes in economic conditions and market forces #hat have substantivel limited the abilit of the a licant #o ursue final lattin . 3. A condition of any extension approval shall be fihat the subdivision shall compiy with state ar federal mandates required of the Citv andlor life, health and sa#et re uirements of the Ci# in effect at the time of an extension a roval. C. At the same time the Director or desi nee is considerirr the eatension he ar she mav add condifiions ar requirements upon facfiual determinatian that the addition of conditions or requirements will benefit the public health, safety and welfare. D. A lat ranted relimina a raval but not filed for final lat a rova[ within the applicable time period or extended time period, shaiC be nul1 and void. tQrd. 6186 § 6, 2008; Ord. 5140 § 1, 1998; Ord, 4840 § 1, 1996; Qrd. 4296 §2, 1988.3 17.10.120 evelca ent s n ar s for anhandle lot access and rivate access firacts. A. Panhandle Lot Access, 1 . The maximum Ienqth af a panhandle lot access vsrithin the R-5, R-7. R- 10. R-16 R-20 RQ zones and residential PUDs shall be 150 feet. 1Nhen fihere are uni ue hsical limita#ians of the ro ert includin but not limited tQ stee slo es, si nificant ve etation or sensitive environmental areas that would be impacted Iess if a Conqer panhandle Ienqfih were pravided then the planninq director ma allcavv additional lenqth. The planninq director may also ~Ilovv for additional len t~r if there is ~n existin intervenin arcef ~f the r~ ert that has a lot de th reater than 150 feet between the ro osed anhandle Iot and the abuttinq street. There shaCl be no (imitatian of Iengfh within the ather zoning districts af the citv. 2. All residential and nonresidential anhandle accesses shall meet #he standards of the Cit of Auburn En ineerin Desi nand Construction Standards Manual. 3. If twQ panhandle accesses within the same plat abut each other then one common aved drivewa sannin both anhandles ma be rovided as art af th~ tvvc~ ~nhar~dle~. Th~ ~vement vvidth of the drivewa shall be defiermined usinq the same methcadoloqy as subsecti+~n (A2} af this secfiion. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 51 of 114 4. Not more than two anhandle accesses within the same lat ma abut each other. Alternativel a se arate access tract shall be re uired in lieu af more fihan twa separafie panhandle accesses. The separate access tract shall meet the requirements of subsec#ion B of this section. B. Private Access Tracts andlor Easements. 1. Private access tracts and/or easements will be aliowed when it is physically impractical to provide a lot with direct access to apublic street due ta unique physical limitatians of the property including but nat limited to steep slo es si nificant ve etation or sensitive enviranrnental areas. If the lot abuts an arterial an access tract ma also be allowed #a provide an alternate access to the lofi if it is impractical to provide far anather public street due to the aforementioned physical limitations. The use of access tracts cannot preclude ar ' hinder the a(i nment Q# future ublic streets that wauld otherwise serve the area. 2. Access tracts can onl be created throu h a lat rocess ursuant #o Chapter 17.10 and 17.09 ACC. Ownership and maintenanee responsibilities will also be determined as part of the piat pracess. 3. The maximum number of lots to be served b one access tract shall be six. If a lot abuts an access tract and a ublic street #hen the front Iot line shaH be arienfied fio the public. 4. All access tracts andlor easernents must connect to a pukalic street and the maximum len th shall be 150 feet as measured from the ed e of the ublic street ri ht-of-wa . Additional len th ma be allowed if the uni ue h sica6 limitafiions of the praperty inc(udinq but not limited to steep slopes, siqnificant vegefiation, ar sensitive enviranmental areas would be impacted less if additional len th were rovided. The access tract shall no# allow for throu h vehicfe access. 5. Private access tracts and or easements shali meet Cit of Auburn desiqn and consfiructian standards. C. Emerqency Access F'rovisicans. Erres ective of the requirements of this sectian additiongl rovisions ma be re uirsd if needed to provide for ade uate emer enc access as determined Auburn fire mar~~~l. The addition~{ provisions mav include but not be limited to providirag For turnarounds, additianai access tract vuidth, fire hydrants ar sprinklerinq of the buildinq. (Ord. 5533 § 1, 2001.,) A. AppliGation. An appliG--tJGR for final plat appl Chapter 58.17 RC;VV and this title shall k~ +k- '4~- i iitted to H - p- departmeRt. -k-li "e aGGG-mpanied by a GO of the approved prelirn; -py-- , Gu ent-s-~tir-e u~1~ ~~Rt--ag~e-s- -,4n--wE # . h-e department, t-be-- Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 52 of 114 this , . • , , , nan,-!e}in rJn}7ilc 7ro rnrran4 1-8-f n , -ber4ef-.The F . i e ~fT ' EaGh ) ) shall . . • iVl • . • ) . ; g q' a E'11 1 T~YIC&+R[ at° } -latum • r s . ~ . o + pcAii'r+nn# i~n'.. 4ha -4 ci~hrlivi~.iu~ 2CV .~`TL~~~~LV~t7T't~.~t?fTJCiTN S sLR 71S"0T-i p . q f9" Gf -,Gr rv.~ubdivi_i 9 _ , , -S~'~t-#E}{~---~F ~F'"1~''_~f~--~n f h ~ I 1 n ~ e 1, at~ ' r 10. p °~1 h~ -r-r-r°i--r~- a , , ~~6-1~~-S nf ~ nl rtf I+'nrd h'nn nc;hr~icrirlrcrc flrl• ~t besrkh ctmrr~at r^~on#a I' r~u~e, -~a-~m..~~ ,--~.~~~t.. rrc;r~ne bound -vr a , e 'F 9 F Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 53 of 114 established ) 9 ~ ) 1 1 rse arnnco nf Unh rca .°+r> rn}oQ44_., , subdivision, 9 _i_ ) . 17. Thra ri fT ~'y~qn •~nri c* n~ QI ! R('~ arl 6~-+nr[ c~eenravV~~- per~ w nnc•ihla fnr -7-T'f4-l>7'TT~Y~. c~ ~E izE7'CB~f- Y'~+9~,~'T'--f ~ 9 ) 1 J } ~ 44 °a-hull Gon -rnr--rhr,°-°U° rzf .'II ntc P+rrr[ nthef,.,areas to the puhlin ~ ,..__.~ny 9 f y t , hll thn n .t+°][1~ed' . c-4 tif1rate eF instl-ument_sh~l---be.-... signed nd ,;,~rrnsc #~F~*nfry _rfra,.Yn_ i~ ~mni--a4~yry_prc`F't"i~-S-L1G4-wa}ve.r 4-n~y h--r~~ ~acirciri hir thcx ritzr =~~~3f- A--~4-t ' ' i^--FF~`.~~ done t I- of +Ihe-c4ty--engfn -G ,s--9f--rigb~-A FC~#~`ii~ fnr an ~~n#~c~a_~.{.f,}r•~#ivnnc~ r~ r~ firshnrn ni}cr r r m pfe "tt7'1. ws;' F3,y a.7iXA7jeGrY-k~W'LTfis-*;XCRbdT"'4 TfT GE~t4e l4r' f'I'ldF 3Ytd^~ ~°{Y]'f --~~1--~}~- }3 , Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 54 of 114 street6, 9 1 f d ITY ENi~.'9\It~~K~Y ! ~KT~hl3 ~Th 17.08.020, J ] 20T. L1' fhurn ("'itaf Enninoar r~ -r~~r~ ~~ar-,~v-~1 ~v~?'4 C''~t:?TlClf"`A Ti i--r~'rc°.~v'.p..-u~ii#~'~~-~~i-~{~'.~------- ;-i~-..-•... ; that-th~s , ~ tiort Rla'mher r~f + c-",erathr~ ~ frer • f'4,Y, nf Ll, iburn rdcs ~ e daxr nf "lQ_ Auburn ing-DireG' F 2- . '6.n~R-fGr--the-a.p~=f3 , -~:-~-~;03 , f~.,:- A~P p D!°l~ E--xam` " , _ d--a -ade~~--4-by-th"+jbufR-6ty Cr, ur, " the -caa'p'-o f -20 Mayof -a,,,,,,,\yT,e Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 55 of 114 21. , . FINANCE: , , and F p4jblio icr~ z~,aa-;,°°;_full thi -_-4-i, ~ `?n ~ ManaW Deput ' , AGr n e.. ,~aM... R6 23. -(TT- G ` f 9 . rr± menF 1 7c£ ftA anr$ Cn rd 9'7 t - -rrrrm:r .a ~ ; ~ , page County, Washington, C-Q ^F er Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 56 of 114 44aw °+itir nnninnar nw rsi.9r+r.enn rlir n#nr . r uhmit+ad n[nnry cari#h thn finnl nl af , e 1 3 f L' ry a Jh~] li3 -y~TGe'r.nQ- Q8-T e feot • 3-1- f . . ~ erest said 4 ncnrarc c~r°~ninn rha rlcar°1iratinn r°~erF~fi,~+~nfics° raf tha r' v , -s',y 4 -tw r-s -ndler mumber. 1--A- alre to k- A di-at-A tG the-G#y--a,,:-p-r+ of the s , . . :A: t44 9 f-th2---ity-ei4q . 4-:- - -#F --:Aat .-..G -I4--Caft-h-e . fop4he-pfGperty uestion. . . 6186 , 2998; ~ 1 § 1-, 2006; Ord. 17 ° , 0~-;--04 4296 Iz. 2, 1--90-8-A/ 171f1 (1211 4rdmirce f°ra#imrn raviflcnr n rnr4nint nf ppfvGtha- a4___ &e~.~~~~"11 r°~1~re trhFn nG+i n4a- ea-.~ ' ~#ag--~ s~--9# rtme t evE . The &f a~- er---shall_ re~ew-t-he--finat i4at 'nA Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 57 of 114 #er- rminn if ~t :y in r~m 'cr-rrrr'3~~G ,-r•~~vr,-, 17.08.020, r agenc-y's . } ~ . (Ord. 4296 t shaW g disapprove, t 17.10.020(A), 9 ) P11 t CFf4h t R e reqWr hapter 58,17 ) • £ 9 1 l pi ' , : 4 -2; =1-988.) d--w. _b , '6% U.i....Svd-..Gha-nge"TrTZ~KT„fY3T1d"tF°!C G 8°+rY,6^-£aC+ y's i* g "Tp"1HT tgy7i~i y-g # t Rp^~({F.7T~~ "K A-Tb ^''~yT~~~_ ~E3--~~---- ~ 1~ reG ; . g C. , ~ filne e~ ~Yf ~nr~i [7t. ~4A-Y4s~'~ TJ6A` ~ ("3nn r~~,~nr9~Lii= Eca r~ia h•~ll ~1 --~~I~~- -'3$Y4aJ ~ CY H'i.,s YX~Y 03 93 Y3' J . d-.z-JV6.'&,~'.L j 3.. .4".": 6 § 2, . a.~ , 9 , Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 58 of 114 F J f 17.06.090. (OFd. , 17. . , . } f fnr rUnh imprnvnmantS~ nr t . . , . , , . ~ ~ ' C:tiBJ'i' Y!1Yld C#AYnM 7'f1q'fi'9~fw ~1- GYV'm°1L''f'~1'" 3~ p tNl~ ---c rr , po e K3 tng Genditions: 1-8:04: ~ ufpose-of-a- - -tio n_and4is~y-of 44G ~ . ~--~a-- - ~~~i h ,°~s.,.,.; e--a-~ ~ ni - a#-s-+ ~ess-a# 7nnrncrnrl bcr ti-sa n~#cr nr°'rrinaar arsrJ firca marc3-ea1 4°: QriY air'''vd°r-r~ ~s °'1[ he In.c,vae 0 fvea`af GWafing-fire norrniacirtr°~ rrr~~c# hn rarniernr°°i1 frnm fha }°4'aglr°°~inn nffir N ' 9R4di~~tes-Ahe4nodel44Gme-4neets-a4-appk-" wn,i A. . } ~ . y Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 59 of 114 17 10tl9tl Rnlnaca nf imnrnVmmer5i nuor7ntea Se i3 5 } • (OFd. P 1998; Ord. t Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 60 of 114 Chapter 17.12 FINAL SUBDIVISIONS Sections: 17.12.005 Purpose 17.12.010 A licatian submittal and contents. Plan preparation, submittal and approval. 17. 12.015 Review Process 17.12.020 P"BdlIOinis3tIaLiYIw rirY1WYV. ALrdr.+ntf sa'fY4fj'+Yl QRhIIIY hY1d 4x/a°f}p!^ Y1l'°3Yl 17.12.030 Cit council actian. Dr^ ' 17.12.040 Terms of approval. . 17.12.050 Distributian and fi[inq. . 17.12.060 Transfer of ownership. c+ree+ faquEraman+C 17.12.070 Buildin occu anc and model home ermits. k 17.12.080 Release of improvement guarantee. c+r°°+ gFad°c. 4-742.-? 0~*~° '~-7:12.1-"T- . '9 '7 '1'`31 D' arnl rn(lnntnr arf°erial r . . .~-Wr-°--r~s~r-c~r.-.vrrccrc s: 4- . . . 1-7. 1-0--Y 5u "t.~r'_"r'cva tr i F ~ s*aGt&vr n^ ns't°,np#,~,.,, '47-A'.2'490 ~-D . t,y:` 1a - .'-i2:1-..r v-Chan rv ca c i re rr res rl cs '1-v7='1'2. rant ciFenc arsrl nhrrirrnre-~9se~Y,~."~,c~.x . 1-7.12:210 St 4-T.42:-22O---c-'`"'~~-C lighting. 1? .-r 12~'74, g !#4~°r . 4-74c: 5fl 1 ° requirerne ts: 47--.~ -m4r,. 1r7.-12. riifinnal rara3 iirmm-r°sic 17.12.005 UI' OSe. This Cha ter establishes s ecific a lication materials review rocesses and re uirements and terms flf a roval for final sLibdiv€siaris. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 61 of 114 17.12.010 Application submittal and contents. A. A lication. An a lication far final subdivision a roval meetin all re uirements of Gha ter 58.17 RCW and this title shall be submitted to the planninq department accompanied by the followinq: 1. Application materials consistent with the rsquirements af ACC 17.02.065. 2. A co of the a roved relimina lat. 3. A finai plat meetin the re uirement of RCW 58.17 inc{udin certifica#ions dedicatians, and fiifile reparts; 4. Agency recommendations pursuant to RCW 58.17,150; 5. A recordable sunre and surve Qr's si nature meetin the re uirements of RCW 58.09 and RCW 58.17.250. 6. Proposed Gst oF public improvemenfis fhat enril[ be incamplete at the time af final plat approual and the associated cost to complete the work. The list shall be usetf to determine the financia{ securit re uired as art of the final plat review rocess. The En ineer's certification is re uired rior to set#in the date for cansideration by the City Council for final plat approval. The Engineer's Cerkification will nat be issued until the requirements of ACC 17.14.010 have been met. B. Pre aration. The final plat shall be re ared b a rofessional land surve ar licensed by the state of Washinqton. The preparer shal[, bv placinq his ar her siqnature and stamp upcan the face o# the pIat, certify that the plat is a true and correct re resentation of the land actuall surve ed b the re arer that the existin monuments shawn thereon exist as located and that all dimensional and geadefiic details are correct. G. Scale and Farmat. The finai plat shall be drawn vvith reproducible ink an M lar measurin 18 inches b 24 inches in size vvith a one-inch barder an one ed e and a one-half inch border for the other three ed es for ro'ects in Kin Countv and measurinq 18 inches bv 24 inches with a two-inct~ border an the left edqe and a one-half border for the cather three edges for proiects in Pierce Count , The final plat shall be accurate 3e ible and dravvn to an en ineerin decimal scale of 100 feet or Fewer to the inch. If more than one sheet is required, an index sheet showinq the entire subdivision with street and highway names and block numbers(if any) shall be provided. Each sheet, includinq the index sheet shall be of the above-s ecified size. All si natures or certifications a earin on a final plat shall be in re roducib[e black ink, D. Fir°a! Plat Canfents. A final plat shall confiain the followinq information: 1. The name of the subdivision- 2. Le al descri tion of the ra ertbein subdivided- 3. Numeric scale ra hic scale basis af bearin sand date of re aration af the final pIafi; 4. The boundar line of the plat, referenced to citv datum in accflrdance with the Cit Desi n and Construction Standards and based an an accurate traverse. with an ular and linear dimensions and bearin 5. The exact iacafiion, width and assigned name of all strgets~~ j acent to the subdivision; other iDublic ways within and pd Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 62 of 114 6. A table de ictin the assi ned address for each Iot within the subdivisian; 7. The exact iocation, width and purpose of all easements and dedicatians for rights-of-way provided for public and private seruices and utilities; 8. True courses and distances to the nearest established street Cines or section Qr uarter section carner manuments which shall accuratel locate the subdivision; 9. Municipal, township, county ar section lines accurately tied #ca the lines of the lat b distances and courses; 10. A1I Iot and black numbers and lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet° 11. The radii, internal anqles, points of cunrature, tanqent bearings and len ths of all ares12. The accurate location of each ermanent controf monument. One such monument shall be located at each and every canfirolling corner on the baundaries of the parcel of land beinq subdivided: at each street centerline intersection each oint of curvature PC each oint of tan enc PT and each oint of reverse curve PRG ; and at each intersection of a street centerline with a la# boundarv~ 13. All plat meander lines or reference lines alonq bodies of water shail be established above but not farther than 20 feet from the hi h water line of such bodL, 14. Accurate outlines and Ieqal descriptions of any areas to be dedicated or reserved fcar public use, with the purpases of such dedicatican or reservat_iQn and an limitations indicated thereon and in the dedicat€on; 115. Accurate outlines of an areas to be reserved b deed covenant for common use of awners of propertv vvithin the subdivision, toqether with the purposes of such reservatican- 16. An restricticans or conclitions on the lots or tracts vvithin the subdivision as re uired b fhe hearin examiner, or at tf~e discretian of the property_awner; 17. The name and seal of the licensed land survevor responsib9e for re aration of the final lat and a si ned certificafiion on the lat b said surve or to the effect that it is a true and correct re resentation of the land actuall surveyed bv him or her, that the exisfiinq monuments shown thereon exist as Iocated and thafi a11 dimensional artd qeadetic detaifs are correct; 18. A si ned cerkification statin that the subdivision has been made with fihe free consent and in aceordance with the desires of the owner or owners. If the plat incfudes a dedicafiion, the certificate or a separate written instrument shail contain the dedicat€on of all streets and other areas to the public, any individua] or individuals reli ious societ or soc'seties ar ta an cor oratian ublic cr rivate as shown on the lat and a vvaiver of ali c[aims fcar dama es aqainsfi any governmentaC autharitv which mav be occasioned ta the adjacent Iand bv ~h~ ~~fiablishe~ cc~nstruction, drainaqe or maintenance of said street or other areas so dedicated. Such certificate or instrument sha[I be si ned and Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 63 of 114 acknowled ed before a nota ublic b all arkies havin an interest in the lands subdivided. An ofFer of dedicatian ma include a waiver of ri ht of direct access to any street from any praperfiy. Such waiver may be required b ty he citY engineer as a condition of approual. Roads not dedicated to the public must be clearl marked on the face of the lat. An dedication donation or rant as shown on the face of the plat shal[ be considered as a uit claim deed to the said donee ar rc~antee For use for the purpose intended bv the donafiion ar qrant. At the discretion of the city enqineer conueyances af riqht-of-way mav be required ta be b statuto warrant deed. The acce tance of ri ht-of-wa b the cit shalk not obli ate the cit to im rove ar develo the lands in the ri ht-of-wa • 19. Forms far the appropriate certifications of the finance director, city enqineer and planninq direcfior, as follows: FlNANCE DIRECT4R'S CERTIFICATE I hereb certif that there are no deiin uent s ecia! assessments for which #he property subiecfi to fihis subdivision may iae liable fio the cifiy, and that all special assessments on anv property herein C011ta1ned dGdPCated as streets alle s or for an other ubIic use have been dul aid satisfied or dischar ed this da af 20 Auburn Director ofi Finance CITY ENGlNEER'S CE TIFICATE I hereb certif that this final plat is in com liance with the certificate af imprcav~rr~~nts i~sued ~~arsu~n~ to A~~ 17.14.015. and is consistent with al9 applicable Citv imprcavement standards and requirements in force on the date of reliminar plat a rova( this da af 20 Aukaurn City Engineer FLANNING D[RECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereb certif on this da of , 20 that ihis final plat is in substantial canfiormance uvith fihe preiiminary plat and any conditions attached therefio, which preliminary plat was approved by Resolution Number of the Auburn Git Gouncil on the da of 20 or bthe Decision of the Nearin Examiner far the Citv of Auburn dated the dav of ,20 Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 64 of 114 Auburn Plartning Director 20. A form for the approval ofi the mayor, pursuanfi fio ACC 17.12.030, as follows: APPROVAL Examined and a roved this da of 20 pursuant to City Ordinarce Number . adopfied by fihe Auburn Citv Council on the dav af , 20 M_ aX._or ATTEST: . Auburn Gity Clerk 21. A form for the certificate of the a licable Kin 1Pierce count finance division, as follaws or as required by the applicable countv, if different: FINANCE DIO/ISIO CERTIF{CATE 6 hereb certif that aI1 ro erfi taxes are aid, that there are na delin uent s ecial assessments certified to this office for co89ectian and that all special assessments cerCified to this office for collection on anv of the property herein cantained dedicated as streets, alleys csr for ather ublic use are aid in full this da ~f 20 Manac~er Deput 22. A fQrm for #he a roval of the a licable Kin /Pierce count assessor, as follows or as required by the applicable county, if different: ASSESSOR'S APPRUVAL Examined and a roved this da of 20 Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 65 of 114 Count Assessor Deputy County Assessor Account number 23. A form for the certificate af the a licable Kin /Pierce count recnrder, as follows ar as required bv the applicable county, ifi different: RECQRDCNG CERTIFICATE Filed for record at the re uest af the Cit of Auburn this da of ZO at minutes ast M. and recorded in Volume of Plats, paqe Records of (Kinq or Pierce) Countv, Vt{ashin. tc~ on. Count Recordin Number Man3qer Su erintendent of Records 24. An additianal ertinent information as re uired at the cfiscretion of the cifYenqineer or pIagr~ning director. 1 7.1 2. 1 5 Review Process A final 2Lat shqjt_be reuieweci in accordance _vvith ACC Tit)1e 14 as a Type decision. 17.12,02 Ad inistrafiive revie . A. U on recei t af a final lat fior council a roval the Iannin directQr shall place the final plat on the nexfi council aqenda that allcaws for at least 10 warking, days of staff review rior to the council mt~~tin. B. The lannin director shall forward the lat to the cit en ineer and to other cit de artments for review. The cit ~r~ ineer shall r~view the fir~al !at and defermine if it is in compliance wifih the certificate of impravements issued under ACC 17.14.020, is cansistent with all applicable citv improvement standards and re uirements in effect on the date of reiimina lat a roval. C. Prior to the date at which the council will consider the final lat the director shall Farvvard to the council the ori-qinal raf fihe final plat, alonci with the planninq Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 66 of 114 a enc 's re ort which discusses the conformit or nonconformit of the final lat with: the terms and conditions of the relimina lat a roval; the re uirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW and other applicable state laws in effect at fihe time of prelimina pr~~ lat approval; and the requirements of this title in effect at the time of relimina lat a roval. Ord. 4296 2 1988. 17.12.030 City council action. The cit council shall have sole authorit to a rove final lats. The council shall approve, disapprove, or return fio the applicant for modification or carrection, a proposed final plat, on the date af the meeting set for cansideratian of the final lat under ACC 17.12.020(A), unless the a licant a rees in writin ta an extension of the time eriod rovided b RCIN 58.17.140. If the council finds that the subdivisian proposed for final plat approval conforms to all terms of fihe preliminanr plat approval, and the said subdivision meets the requirements ofi Cha ter 58.17 RCW other a licable state laws and this titfe which re uirements were in effect on the date of relimina lat a roval it shall direct and authorize the rravor to suifiabCv inscribe and execute its writfien approval on the face of the final plat. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.12. 0 Ter s of a prcaval. A subdivision shall be overned b the terms of a roval of the final lat and the zonin ordinance and re ulatiops in effect an the date of relimina lat approval for a period of five years after final plat approual unless the hearinq examiner finds that a chanqe in conditions creafies a serious fihreat to fihe public health or safet in the subdivision. Ord. 6186 8 2008: Ord, 4295 21988. 17,12.050 istribufiiors and filinq. The direc#or shall distribute the ori inal and co ies of the approved finial lat as follows: A. The oriqinal shall be forvvarded fio the appropriate countv affice for recordin . The Eat must be recorded within 30 da s or the Iat shall become null and void. A recorded M lar shall be returned to the cit and ke t with the Cit 's records; B. Twca paper capies shall be transmifited ta the county assessor° C. One re roducib[e co shalf be retained in the files of the de artment. D. One re roducible co shall be rovided to the a licant. Drd. 6061 2 2006; C?rd. 4296 ; 2, 1988.} 17.12. Transfer of o nershi . Whenever anv parcel of land I in within the citv is divided uncier the rovisions of this title nc+ ersan firm or cor oration shall sell or transfer, or offer or advertise for sale or transfer, an such lot tract or arceE without havin first had an approved final plat of such subciivisian filed fcar record, except as provided by ACC 17. 10.090. (Ord. 4296 2, °1988.) Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 67 of 114 17.12.070 uildinci, occupancy and mcdel home permits. A. No buildin ermit for a structure other than a tem ora contractor's office or tem ora stora e buildin shall be issued for a lat or arcel within an approued subdivisiora priar to a determinatian by the fire marshal that adequate fire protection for construction needs exists. B. No buildin ermit for a structure other than a tem ora cantractor's office or tem ora stora e buildin shalf be issued for a Ccrt ar arcel within an apprcved subdivision until: I 1. The minimum required improvements which will serve the subiect lot or arcel have been canstructed in accardance with ACC 17.14.070: and 2. All remainin im rovements have been financia[I uaranteed under the requiremenfis ofi ACC 17.14.010. C. Pricar to final plat apprcaval of an approveci preliminary p1at, building permits for mode1 hames ma be ran#ed b the buildin official in cansultation with the cit en ineer subject ta the followin conditions: 1.IVIadel homes are sinqle-family dwellinqs as defined by AGC 18.04.340(A). The purpose of a madel home is for sales promotion and displa y of homes that will be t icali built within a subdivision and are o en to the ublic for viewinq. 2. Up tn two model homes mav be allowed far preliminary piats up tp 20 lots, Up to faur madel homes may be allowed for preliminary plats in excess af 20 lots. 3. All model homes shall be served b an all weather surface access as approved by the city enqineer and fire marshal. 4. A61 moclel homes shalf be Icscated within 300 feet af an caperatinq fire h drant as determined and a roved b the fire marshal. 5. Prior to the ub1ic bein allowed to access a model home written permission must be received fram fhe buildinq official. 6.Information must be submitfied with the final !afi application that indica#es the model home meets all a licab[e zonin code standards of the Iot on which it is 1ocated. Ord. 5094 1 1998; Ord. 4296 2, 1988. D. VVhere a plat is approved subject ta conditions, no buildin permit shall be issued for property subject to the subdivision prior to the conditians either beinq fulfilled or uarantees rovided to ensure the conditions are met. Ord. 6006 3 ~c~~~C~r~. ~164 1 1~9~: ~r~. 484Q 1 1996° t`~rd. ~~~6 2. ~ 988. 17.12. 0 ReIease of i rove ent uarantee. A. Cf a financia[ security for the impravements has been submittecl under ACC 17.14.010 or 17.12.070 such uarantee shall onl be released u orr acce tance b the cit of a ro erl executed bill of sale for such im rovements and submittal ofi adequate recorcl drarr,rinqs for which the quarantee was submitted far. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 68 of 114 B. A ortion of the uarantee e uivaient to 10 ercent of the value of the ublic im rovements uaranteed shalf be retained as a maintenance uarantee by the cifiy for a minimum period of one year from the date the city en iq neer certifies the eamplefion of the plat improvements have been satisfied, to ensure fihe ade uate o eration of such im rovements followin which an unused ortion of such uarantee shall bs released. This shall be consistent with the facili~~ extension pravisions of Title 13 (Water, Sewers and Public Utilities). 17.12.090. Surve e uire ents. A. A licensed professional land surueyor shall complete all [ot stakinq prirr to the recording of the final subdivision. B. All lot corners includin interior lot corners shall be marked with a permanent marker that bears fihe lancl survevor's registration number. When the boundary lines folfow a meanderinq line, the "corners" shall be set as directed by the city of Auburn. C. When the le al descri tion of the finaf subdivisinn utilizes artial or com lete section subdivisional breakdown to establish the bounciaries section subdivision surveu informatian shall be shown in accordance with the requirements of WAC 332-130-030. D. A11 reference manuments used in the establishment of the final subdivision comers shall be identified described and noted as set or found. 1111hen apprcapriate, the survey shall reference previous surves~that served as the basis for the surve . E. When the final subdivision is ad'acent ta a constructed ublic ri ht-of- way and the pfat corners or its offset represent a quarter corner, sectian corner ar donation Iand clairm that is not of record or has been los# (or obliterated), a standard monument shall be Iaced. F. Whenever a final subdivision is ad'acent to existin ri ht-of-wa the centerline af the righfi-of-way sha11 be located on the Plat draw!nq. If the ccanstructed imqrovements fal1 outside of the dcacumented ri ht-of-way, the surve or shali identif the existin ed s of the avement and limits of the maintained ri hf-of-wa section on the drawin and shouv its relationshi to said centerline. G. All requirements of Chapter 58.09 RC1lV and Chapter 332-130 WAC avernin minimum standards for land bounda surve sshail be met and a note shall be laced fhat reads: THIS SURVEY CflMPLIES 1NITN ALL THE STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES VF IHG "c7LJi-1V Ei Cl~COl-iDItVG l"i1,.t I•9r tI 11"1P1Ef\5CJ.VJ IYLVV f"tND VV/"tla JJL^ f JV, H. The side lat lines of each lot which if extended would intersect with the curb shall be marked an the curb. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 69 of 114 17.12111I1 Qlon nronara ' r . A. 9 syned, the 1 1 ` ` } water, ;StGrm r • B. S 9 1 enoneeq • C. f paimuaiic-to--th°tar,rEas-r1c --~~~'-ec~r~-~~} •s~r r-~ #r-~~ cuhran._.rTnrlifvcrrried_.in ~w f. . 9 aqqea~rnnar --a~--~F~/ s$ . ' ' s~~ " .r.--~ . ~00$', --~d-:-51 64 NN r ^ , 17.12. F . Plap 4 8C'918!'"JBC* ~ Gh e , , roved -by-4~-...GI eedr:---- s 5 9 9 t / /yryp~ {~q ~t~9,., r Chapter . . (QFd. , ; Ord. 4296 , ,,,~IIYlf,;„~,4~„tt`L^a 4-742.,:044PA"7 1C-VLa4GY L+ ~ E"eC'°h lf°lt 74°f +'e C+B I.bA84~'fLJTB--cF'e$sT1'dd -CtTnF8.3er" ~~~~]~~A~1~3~~~~~~KJ~ ~ . • } ~ ity, m4a.r Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 70 of 114 Plan; and . , welfare; and , , 7 1 • (Ord. 7 1998; (Drdr:-4Ct6 fi 2, 19S294 47.:...`~2.nvc~D'' ` Fy sewor sa , • , y 1 developrnental yTef--s+'la r-€ B. ' ~e irA 1-to-~ ; and 9 and P ~ `~__T_ Q g&). AOOP . rd. 16-34r 4, 4 , GF'cAa . -~P 9"_ esal 17. . . weff4en't-u_ . ~ e ~ rc rcard_ ~,t„ . r ti te'f-I I f~-- ~ '~tJy t"`1ffc~t inEaranrf°innc h711 hn '31d(96fILZPI' , 'C;T.~ wTl-i'VG~'T77-F~T.UfF3~44.••6T(:fF~4~-Ba.1' f D Si°rentc ia --at gl°s u~ryear(ar ac r^sca~.-.-iit---tl-o Y this ' el~'a9,'G quiFed 6 a-"w~F ~1~ &'TG~f-CY~a.~7~'~T1YXS ~4F-fG . d r . . , _ . ! ! Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 71 of 114 't °7 1'? fl7ll RlnnJr rone iirament A. , , 11 , WhiGh B. , ,324)4eet. GIVI s • • 1 1998, QFd. 9 17.12. (1S2t1 <,`trcaee ` „r. , 1998, ~ , , (Ord. 5164 subdivision, n1n~meyr~,Fc-of 1, la fl ew'_'-r n ~o MpTeh£jnsi-1fe~ r ~ ~ other-- -Gper#e6--or--m{-3bEl Itt~~e.-...a~ ~ar*ir°~at tE3C~n,-~ •~Itnrnm~,~.um, ~Y- __-cem ' , , ' ' ~1,e 1 ° . --prev4oos ) 1 :-42 §-2-,-4989.~ ~ 17.12- `-ner- "als:- , u-onr-_trUvi-~..-R^vr--1mpra;tzi1v rn°c.-°t, fii13:~--G,c`'ytvI--°-r~Wv'~~'-csT F'd'~'--tFkGfiGn standafd6-a-nd.-c4"f-A-L4btifn-SPeGifiGatinn~,- -+j,--fA@ .~.....#1_+ 9 arin~ tc fs ee~r(ir~rt mtsr~~^+r°'i a^n $e°^s y^+/"g F ~~f~yy.n rnr^ie j'vrear9 rmns-n~rcaca't ~r llf nr nY167Ak7 ~[~G~i-HXeiTFS-L~ BTTGV~~r~~$~~~Hl~ 1iJ '~~Ci~~1lrtC~ f~.+~G 4 0 f ' F Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 72 of 114 17 'I 1 1Il Rncirlantiaf rnllent9r a#errWs-. e r r r irnprovernents. s respensible, f ' F } Ord. i 17 'I'? 12Il Nnnrncirlen4ial r0E9ar+t0r aa°$nrialc <s ~~::rjrliaGnrs+ tr, #ho aA vhr^ieesicinnf a rla ignnteri ~yiyt fhn r+itcs ~s€~anirs.~nr ir~ t+r,no~ ~f~a~inn ca-crr -ci"~-vY-cjr s dG°s---nvt-1-°nrr~ev°--'~r"..~°ss- rl-za'°rr-e~$~~t frr nr~innnnt ~r~a`~~s-n~ arr~nca nf . 9 .e'.d riririr 3e= :JC, i Yri1ri9ilM7 ^,r.._..~.pCY1~L4°.}j'1,'1'LiiY.{is~~J ~ ~ v.. 51.64 . , 17. 2T Z121 ~1 1 f"CLb ~ TlCS k" 93"'F'CSY9+_]l T~ 7-RTC , t e --n+ of +I-e A 'LikUr„ Gn~~,.~~ Ga - -a--d~ ign--aad--Gon 'co i , t °fCSB^Y CJ' ~ m~-'-P- ' I75.~j ~~T= "t"2~~~ P't33 4rs{'I1t, ~d 'E'u V'C7.mp -._fe . A":"~"'T7 1°7 1'j 1^I'J I nral renv°eracirdcsntial c#ruea..a, 9 3 _ ~QT-etg~a,~ d ~ y ' `..~.4.' y Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 73 of 114 . , , , , , • /Ord, 9 inOO; ° 9 'ii1f1 ~a~r~! rncirtareti~l cirnats- 17.12. f r rural ) 1 7 to-se1`YC-+e4y" f . . f , nrA, } 17A2.1 r-fl A ] lnys. Proposed r a ~!'rr~ri~tinrc c~ha r„'GtzA[s cra i~~"` € a . (Ord. , 1998; Ord. , 17.12. F . 9 e ° wkanG e- ~en--2:-95---9~-- ~ ~ ubuff-i-- - sqr- d--GanstwGt+Gn rrAO 18A8.130. • P 2001; QRJ• 9 1998; Ord. 9 ~1'2,~ '1Atl 9`~n~d-e€=id--stre S: ~i'7 . ~ . a ar~s' a~ s.a ~ a -rhe-~trt4Gt+o-n--o#- a R-d---s e~~hafl---be' - ~ nGe ,~,a~-~- _ -city-Gf 1712 1Qf1 f`1-'an.~g,~c Erx nrar4e nifv nf fl e ahurn rJt°sign-and GeaStruGtion-st°'n4°'r . 0f d-: - ~1; 4_9 . 2 14894 17A2, C1rc~~C-rE r°tharencsfi-raFinn , rlneinn anr( rn~ ~ry~r4 Y-Gllien c. lfDri-1. 516 , OG1S2• (lrrl ~l'?C3 9ClRi~1 - .~.a~ Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 74 of 114 17 12''~'1Il C+rent trenc . (QFd. , 1999; gFd. , 19984 1 7.'I'7.^I2(l G+ra-t lir~htir~~w . , _ rlr--~,v: 4296 § '?,~1_U884 r § 1, Q-; ~rcd'~- ~ 4o~~ ~ 19884 17°['7 °3l1(1 1 Endnrnrreunrd , afi3itin A. All utiky lines sewing the 6ubdiViSiOR, s ~d-a"her-s#reet--is-~e~,~+,-~ Gr--' ~-4n the4eWi~ i , , future, 4 P $:IEo uit-~if s YTzafion-40f `CA . 'W - 5 1998; ' ) 1-7--1i ,--z-v'(1 ! nt rcarv c t i res m cs Ms, A. The y it . ' , -~~~atio+a--af--~~~-,ha~--b~--~r-epr+ate-fr3r=~~e4oGata~n; C.-_t~~V~ VL+~4(~4i4pr~~] r^at ch~ll h-+ara a mertir9sp ~m r,~F d !'~'V~.~~-i.~Yi9Y1Tl~ITiF~F L$ b30V stmet-(- a#E. ` , . E. El-~rnnr Ee^,t }-s~11 hnr.°4nr nr, an nn~~~-,-,_.}m . ~Gess_# a-p. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 75 of 114 *T77e'-sfiaC~"G f9t4 1 J irk 5 ' ' l 2001; ' 1 Ord. ) f f 1 • r~eahlir naii ~nrnc t~onor~al icticinr> >nrilE rr~c~~il# er+ Fhu acrcre , ~rr re-rrTC~ o,.. th; 7 . s l dediGation f r drnin•-vt^sn, ra<^°st e er-l nmer,i ies . . ~ . ~ r + .410 InO&N . xinundatiort 9 ct nr nncs Ef~~rn t1r n~sr ~ n ~ n~ ahlir~fuc~&a ;en~n~ ~ F-edefa-l-~me-r-ger-te-y--Managem~~ ~c-y--{F€-A4A,)-#l~d-#az-ar4-requsRL6. ,l suG4-s-ase-s; .....ne-d~v,-lop+nent--pefrait---assec-+at~-wi#h-the-p~-opes+SieR feveme nt&-a r--G-ditions v saFy te pfot, , ta-in&t-f , . , 2008; (Dpd. 5164 , 1998; rd q,772 § 1, 1-9-191155; 10-1; d-4 296-Iz, 2, 198&) 'l'7.'1'7.'~S'~tl ISrirli$rnn-1 rarv'viramr~nic i . 5-Tt*~_;_,_„~'h ~ ~ 9 . k~A ^r TT'C4" a.~" 'FfT . G'i ~ ~-iS~YLfL.T~~~$ ~ - 4l$t~ . . . -#m° ` ~ , Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 76 of 114 , the . (QFd. r 1998; s 1995; C)Fd• a Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 77 of 114 Chapter 17.14 I IMPROV ME T REQUIREMENTS - SUBDIVISI Sections: 17.14.005 Plan re aration submittal and a rovai. 17.14.010 lmprovement methods. . 17.14.015 Gity enqineer's certificafie ofi improvements. 17.14.020 5fireet, sanitary sevver and water plans. pliGatisr~ GGn. e. e..Ge-. 17.14.030 Public water service. App4Gatk)n 17.1-4-:835--~urvey: 17.14.040 Public sanitarv sewer service. . 17.14.050 Street re UIremeCIfS. inictrativce 17.14.060 Block requirements. Planning ' . 17.14.070 Minimum Improvemenfi Requiremenfis for Approval af Subdivisians and Short Subdivisions. 17.14.080 Undera,round utilities. nts-: 17.14.090 Lot requirements. . 17.14.100 Parks and pIaygraunds. 17.14.110 Floods and flood control.Repealede 17j4.120 Addifional re uirements. 17.14.045 Plan re aration, submiftal ~r~d A roval, A. F'lans for im rcavements shall be re ared si ned, dated and stam ed b a rofessional civil en ineer re istered in the state af Washin ton and shall be in accordance vuith city desigD and construction standards. Plans shall be submitted tca the citv, under the applicable permit process, following preliminary plat a roval. No cranstruction ermit or a roval shall be issued and no construction activit shall commence relatir€ to subdivision im rovements unfiil the lans requirpd bv this chapter have been approved and si_ ned bv the city enqineer. Plans sha[I be ccsnsistent with the approved preliminary p1at. A11 sanitarY sewer, water, draina e and street im rovements to be dedicated to the cit shall be covered b a ublic facilities extension a reement as re uired 0 ACQ Titles 12 and 13. B. For preliminary plafis that were appraved, but not constructed, priar ta the effective date of the amendments to th€s cha ter as ado ted b the ordinance codified in this cha ter the owner/develo er ma choose to use the standards in effect at the time af the Preliminarv plat approval car, if appraved by the cifiv engineer, use the standards adopted pursuant to this chapter. Ord. 6186 9, 2008; Qrd. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 78 of 114 17.14.010 Im r~a ovement methQds. Followin relimina lat a rova( and a rovai of all lans re uired b Cha ter 17.14 ACG and rior to settin the date for consideration b the Cit Councii for final plat approval, the applicanf/plat developer shall quarantee the public improvements required far the plat are completed by one of the fcallowing methods: A. B com letion of constructiran of the minimum re uired iat im ravements in conformance with AGC 17.14.070 (Minimum lmprovement Requorements and furnishing to the citv an assiqnment of funds or an irrevocable letter of credit or guarantee band ar other similar security satisfactory to the city engineer, in which assurance is given the cit that the installation of the remainin re uired ublic improvements will be carried aut as provided bv plans submitted and approved pursuant to Chapter 17.14 ACC and in accordance with the city's desi-qn and construction standards, and under the su ervisian of the cit en ineer. 1. The amount of the assi nment of funds or irrevocable letter of credit or ofiher security shall be 150 percent of the estimated construction cast of all remaininq required public improvements, as determined by the ataplicant, and a roved b the cit en ineer. A substantial ortion of the remainin re uired ublic im rovements sub'ect to the satisfactor securit , shall be com leted wifihin the initial 12-month period of fihe satisfacfiaLNr security Far the plat improvements. The remainder of the improvements shail be corrrpleted within six months. Durin canstruction the ci# en ineer ma alCow a artial re€ease of the financial securit as construction rca resses: a. The eity enqineer shalC allow nat more than one parfiial release of the financial securitv durin p3at construction; b. The se uencin of the artial release of the financial securit is tQ kae determined b the cit en ineer rior to the acce tance nf the securit . 2. The citv erqineer may allaw a single incrementaC six-mnnth extensian of the satisfacto[y security time fra me, beyond the initial 18-month period, if there are unfareseen circumstances be ond the controf of the lat develo er that do not allow the cnm letion of the ublic im rovements, 3. As a condition of the lat improvemenfi permitfiing approval, th~ develaper shall aqree that in the case of the deveCo er's defau4t or failure to com lete the im rovements as er the a roved Ians and conditiorss includin time schedules the cit shall have the authorit to com lete the construction of public impravements utilizing the above described satisfactory securifiy. 4. The city enqineer mav further aqree to ai[ow the develQper to utilize assi nment of funds or irrevocabie letter of credit or other securit acce table to the cit en ineer to couer the mindrrium warrant eriod. B. By the formation of a local impravement disfirict consistent with the provisions of Chapter 3.20 ACC and any other applicable reguirement of the city and the state. C. B actual installation flf the re uired im rovemerats in accardance with the provisions of Chapter 17.14 ACC, and in accordance with the ~it~~ d~~iqn and construction standards and under the supervision of the city enqineer, Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 79 of 114 D. B a combination af these methods. E. For an of the abave combinations of inethods other than subsection C#he plat developer shall execute and record against the p(at praperties, a statement approved bthe city attorney which holds the city harmless and Cimits the cit 's financiaf ob[i ation ta construct an defaulted rivate u#ilit facifities and ublic infrastructure for streets water utilit sanita sewer utilit or storm water utilit sysfiems to the face vafue of fihe bond shall be memorialized an the I..afi documents. The statement shall also recaqnize the citv's reserved, unilateral ri hts to establish the schedule far construction af defaulted lat infrastructure. Such statements shall be le all bindin u an the heirs and assi ns of the developer, subsequent praperty owners and their heirs and assigns. (Ord. 5670 § 1, 2002: t7rd. 5093_ ~ 1, 1998; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 97.14.415 Citv engineer's certificate of improvements. Prior ta finai a roval and after com letion of a!I re uired im rovements and/or the financial uarantee of the construction of all re uired im ravements, the cit engineer shall provide a certificate stafiinq the reguired improvements, in accordance with the provisions of this title and in acccardance with city design and construction standards have been com leted or uaranteed or a combination to the satisfaction of fihe cit era ineer. Urd. 5093 1 1998: Qrd. 4296 2 1988. 17.94.020 Street, utilities and qrading plans. Street, vwater, sanitary sewer, storm drainage and grading plans shall be preparecl in conformance with the cit 's design and constructiQn standards. 17.14. 30 u iic ater se ice. Each lot in a subdivision created under this title shal[ be senred b a ublic uva#er s stem owned and o erated b the cit unless the c6t finds that: A. City water service is n~t practical due to tcapography, distance from citv water facilities of ade uate capacitY, extreme low proposed developmental densit pr qimi3ar factor: and B. Private water service will not be detrimental to the im lementation of the adcapted camprehensive wafier pIan; and C. Private water service will not pose a threat ta the public heaith, safety or we9fare~ and D. Private water service is necessa to accom lish the ur oses af this title. If private water senrice is approved, preliminary plafi apprnval sha[I be conciitianed on the abilitv of the subdivider ta cabtain all necessary approvals for the rivate water s stem or s stems and the final lat shail not be a roved until fhe subdivider demonstrates to fihe safisfaction af the cit en in~er that the proposed water system or svstems vvi11 adequatelv serve the damesfic water needs Of future ovvners of prQ ertv within the subdivision. fQrd. 5164 § 1, 1998: Qrd. 4296 2 1988. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 80 of 114 17.14.040 Public sani#ary se er service. Each lot in a subdivision created under this title shall be served b the Auburn sanita sewer s stem, consistent with the Sewer Com rehensive P[an unless the citv finds that: A. City sanitary sewer service is not practical due to topo .c,raphy, distance fram cit sanita sewer facilities extreme low ro ased develo mental densit or similar factor; and B, On-site sewaqe dispasal svstems wilk not pose a threat ta the public health, safiety or welfare; and C. On-site sewa e dis osal s stems are necessar to accom lish the ur oses of this title; and D. The city engineer has reported favarably on fihe use af on-site sewage disposaf svstems. (C3rd, 5164 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4296 2, 1988.) 17.14.050 S#reet requirements. A. The subdivisian shall abut on andlor be served b an o en maintained ublic street s and the street and block la out shalE confarm to the most advantageous development af adioininq areas, the entire neiqhborhaod, and shall meet the requirements of the Citv desiqn and constructian standards. Ord, 5164 1 1998° Qrd. 4296 2 1988. 17.1 . 60 lack r2quire e~ A block shall consist of any two or more conjiguous [afis which are not separated by a street. Blocks shall rneet the reguirements af the City design and construction standards. flrd. 5164 1, 1998: C}rd. 4296 2 1988. 17.1, 7 ini u ! r~~~r~en~ e~irs ~r~~~ ~~r A roval ~f u ivisiQns an hort u divisions A. Prior to final a roval of a subdivision or short subdivision the fallowin minimum irn rovements shail be consfiructed consistent with the a raved Ians except that the City Enqineer may aIlovv pcssting of a financial guarantee andlor the execution caf a delay of im rovement agreemen#, based on a findin that the deferral of #he re uired im rovements is in the best interests of the cit , 1. Draina e facilities and erosion control measures consistent with the ap roved pians; 2. V4'ater mains, seruices, and hydrant installed, oqerational, and fire flow available, if required, consistent with the appraved plans; 3. Underground electrical and telecommunication improvements required for alublic ar private utilities and public illumination or traffic signal systems, if required, consistent with the approved plans; Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 81 of 114 4. 5ewer facilities installed and o erational if re uired consistent with the approved plansi 5. All curb and c~utter installed in all streets within the subdivision ar short subdivision consistent with the approved plans; 6. All streets aved u to the final lift of avement to all lots v,rithin the subdivision or shart subdivisian consistent with the a roved lans 7. Street name si naqe insfialled consistent with the approved plans; 8. Specific site improvements required by the preliminary plat approval ordinance or relimina shart iat a roval decision if the decision re uires com letion riar to Iat recordin ; 9. Delineafiion of critical areas fhafi are to remain undeveloped andprotected bV easement or placement in a separate tract pursuant to Title 16 (Environmental) of the Auburn City Codei 10. Tem orar contral monuments set b a land surve or licensed in the state of Washington, Iocafied in conformance with this title, and in place prior ta final approva( of the subdivision car short subdivision. Permanent monuments and control oints sha61 be set and verified b a Eand surve or ficensed in the state of Washin ton within 90 da s of fhe final !ift of avement: and 11. Improvements withaut which the director determines a safety hazard would exist. B. The Cit shall have ri ht of ent onto an Iot tract easement or arcel that is art of fhe final !at ar short lat ta ensure com liance with the minimum subdivision improvements required in subsection A of this section. 17.14.080 Under round utilities. A. Consistent with Titles 12 and 13 and fihe cit 'y s design and construction standards all utilit lines servin the subdivision includ6n but nat 6imited to awer tele hone and teleuision cables shalE be insta!{ed under round. Ade uate easements shall be.provided for all such utilitv lines vuhich will not be located within public riaht-of-wav. Te4evision canduit and miscellaneous hardware shall be installed accordin to the re uirements of Cha ter 13.36 ACC. B. Whenever an intersection of an arterial and an pther street is constructed or improved under therequirements of this fiitle, and when the cityengineer has determined that traffic siqualization of such intersection will be needed in the future the cit en ineer ma re uire the insfiallation at the subdivider's ex ense, of under raund conduit which wil1 be necessar for and wi11 facilitate such future signalization. Ord. 5164 ~ 1, 1998; C)rd. 4296 21988.) 17.14.090 Lot re uire ents. A. The area, width and depth of lats shalf confiorm to the requirements of Title 18 ACC exce t for devefo men# utilizin cluster subdivisican as rovided for in Cha ter 17.26 ACC. The area within a " anhandle" access to a lot sha11 not be considered for the purpose of determininq conFormance wifih lot reguiremenfis. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 82 of 114 B. The size sha e and orientation of lots shali be a ro riate for the Iocation to o ra h and other natural features of the site and far the t e of develo ment contemplated. C. Every {ot shall have a minimum af frontage on an improved public street or rivate access trac# as rovided in Title 1$ unless otherwise a roved b this title. D. Corner lots designafied for residential uses shall be platted at Ieast five fieet wider than required by the zoninq ardinance. E. Eve [ot shall barder on an a ened im roved and maintained ublic street or rivate access tract. {Ord. 5542 § 1, 2001; CJrd. 5164 § 1, 1998; .Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.} 17.14,100 Parks an fa rounds. tlVhere dedication of land for park and recreation purposes is required, the hearin examiner shall be uided b the olicies and recommended standards of the Auburn arks recreation and o en s ace lan. It is the olic of the cit to re uq ire park iand dedication where a proposed subdivision will result in a substanfiial increase in demand for park land or is needed to prevent or abate ublic nuisances. Generall this will Qccur where a subdivisian wilf result in the creation of (ots ca able of su artin 50 or mare residential dweilin units- howeuer, where it is determinecl thafi the proposed subdivision, toqether wifh anY reasonably anticipated future devebapment on adjacent or nearbv iand, wiil act in a cumulative manner to substantiall increase demand for ark land dedication ma be re uired of smaller subdivisions. The acce tabilit of the size confiquration and location of 9and ropased for park dedication shall be determined bY the hearinq examiner based upon such factors as to ography,. draina e natural amenities and access. Ord. 6186 10, 2008° C,trd. 5164 1 1998: Ord. 4772 1 1995° Ord. 4296 2 19U. 17.1 .110 FIoa s a d flaod control. The cit ma disapprove aproposed subdivisian because of flood, inundation or swamp ccandition if the citv finds that such candition poses a threat to the ublic heafth, safet or eneral welfare or causes a ublic nuisance. VVhere an arfion of the ro osed subdivision lies within the area of s ecial flood hazard or fihe floociway, the hearinq examiner shall impose a condition an the preliminarv pEat requirinq the subclivider to confor°n to the citY's flood hazard area re uirements, !n such cases no develo ment ermit associated with the ro r~sed s~abdivision shall be is~ue~4 b t~se cit unt~l ~aid fCood hazarcl area requlaticans have been met. The cit may require dedication of land to anv public bQdv andlor the construction af im rovements and ma im ose other conditions necessar to rotect a ainst floodin or inunda#ion. Ord. 6186 11 2008; Ord. 5164 1 1998; Urd. 4772 ~ 1, 1995; Ord. 4296 2, 19881 Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 83 of 114 17,14.120 diticanal re~uirements, The standards and re uirements established or refierenced b this cha ter are minimum re uirements, These standards ma be increased and additional rer~uirements ma by e imposed for the purpose af preventinq ar abatinq public nuisances or motiqatinq identified adverse environmentai impacts pursuant to the State Environmental Polic Act of 1971 Cha ter 43.21 C RGW as now established ar hereafter modified. Such additional re uiremen#s ma include but shall not be limited ta off-site improvements to any public facility, the dedication and/or improvement af parks and open spaces, and monetarv contributions to an cit fund established to finance the roVision of ublic services re uired b the subdivision. C}rd. 5164 119W Ord. 4772 1 1995; Qrd. 4296 2 1988. thi6 y . . ~ i o~ali#asmiT a fh nrrc.-....FrCIIV°`°-'c'rS~~rr~t° ~ 9 Y ha ir-~rll€r~,~r~ tielifhin • V'"-&TC77-~'i'7=7F gY--Y • f f ° . P " . . ° . 1988.) ~l'"Tt . E`~Y'.\.YL ~~~rtiCA • _~J.~" appliGation t.o-.-.--s.3[lal1~s3 tbT]7Sl7lYe l•^rC-qd aYe --+ty--s " . (Ord. , . , 1998; Gfd-4840--§-l-;--4-0,96;-Of4d-:-42-96--§4-4-9884 17.14.0130- , . 14.05.020, a..._fc ,rm•~#r+~r__pfescr-~`r.h7ed-Whe--d$fc'Gtorr~~.,--..1i'.t.--th~-fvi9rorswiri . . ~ , 7'f'~C"s"f4;$ 'a7"a'7 s:'P"~" C,ea~i~i~w+~9"'j""""a7" V7 5 lABF'gJCYi'~7""" ~"'""Ch'P"E P~ Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 84 of 114 ; AFigFnal traGt; D. , ; I he --ne, - in fee sirnple shall sign a st--te. indiGating the plat is rn with their free Gonsent and in aGGOFdanGe with their desires as pFoperty owners; , • s H. ~ repert; . e-de F -&u p~'~-°cv; aF°enll hQ rsrQp,.,~~,a'oti~r9 ~nr~ ~r~~rcal r+cCres~rr,-rucr ~rfi'finr^I htt~_~_Y~G #'-'-.'~upjey-or 1p"-'r.~ ~~t~ca- , rveyor, ) yy /°^y ^9/~ p1 L a3'~'I~T[B7W Gi F.~Yy-"L~~~B~"' ~FF IrG is . . y . 4 4J .•.-_.~"STG+' V y 'MJ''Sd i7"I" !"V 03 f 17A4.035 St piey, . r --c-(ll --mpIete""'a444G"ta""0Gt__'to ` 7 t P p_ y n a pefmanent }~"xpw9Ya.,~rrJ'~~'!!~" 1"~C°li"~S t'~c~~JVI'""s""T"e'~'F's'3'Lk~+°]j°3AY4 t°6I tYl'3RIIC tfi&{'tp3] ~'~i,e a~r Yr rc.. " C+tz c,-,1 ~ l3~PTT I TTA tTTp~i ~TYTTGT~C~I ` ii ~I~~T4%'i-w7~~~~ ~ i IY1afU./i.ef&-R; GOMPI , ~ or ~-----s-hf? - SF--Slial? ~o,-~ ,-~~~.rri -afi-1d +9t -----s . en ap ° , . su I I- r-ef F uF ~ sis ~ Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 85 of 114 , , . , , ~.'nte4{-4E?- c hhfl hn ntared +€-rnt rnrye-E : THIS SURVEY G-0011,41,01-IIES INITH ALL THE STANDARDS AND " » (Ord. 6006 4T-2-QW) VlflT. . uhr°le~rirlnrl if rsnmarl e°eor~ e&t~ n. J ~*%9Gff~j~ } ~T"'V~e t ILLT-f-I~i4 B. ~44 ~ he 3 C--A--,,et~~ tal--e"e_ -_ll lil -st,-~~ -44.e-d-&laGrt--sub i a&- r-e° 'de' ion-requ~rements-- G 44744- ` . , , . fe&tFic-tic)446--must-be--re-corded-simu#aneeus4y~wi#h tae--~~rt 6ub4ik4s-ien-;- E4n-ar4y--&heft--&ubd4 ' e-_~erved4bj-a-p4vate 4:--~~4~t---owf4-_-r--I~~iffg-~cGess thern+o an„d hav#q ;g&pansi~~r- i-SiOR--in-..BUG--~ 9 3',+R"' 4'd'P&_' f-iiT aE 6'1te3'S "°1 t'f Gt3 V-f4hg.+~Jl FvGi te jTGTk". V "..of-,,..,~ . . . ~ y . ~ ; Qrd:-4~4n..~,..§.._1.;caca.~~61..0fd--42-96...~?...;,...'~?;--~@$&.-} Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 86 of 114 ~r'l7:'i ~i.vv fl~',Il ~cl 7 scaminiac~r7frrsrni~i,~ ra~aiaiwr -°a~'-r-r-v--r-r~~~Tn-~r~a~c-a~~x~v-r~v~: A. 3 f 1 } writing, • Gels_th 17. . 17.14.040, B. , the 1 . ~ plans; 1 3 alleys, 9 ; sab4e-4Fnpr0v , F • } 9 " • } 9 • f 9 iar~#cs antit3r ~ #hn rdirnrtnr rEnamc ~ ~`Yi-1..'."tfansmitting the proposed sheft-p4at-tG,4he-pt~ffie-&4eferen~ - . Gr-der-to-~ ns' . ~*ved_ by_that-d -wifl-fof ~a--# ever;_.._...i.~..J~--e , Y 9 i design - 'G~C-'C:i7"fLi- i m& TTTBGt-GTearo7-`H-hs pi.La.nY1ItYi°i d1YQf`j'C1Y 1 sb7;:k~"TT " "aTI"'7"""a7'L7- CYT'3"'-L'X-+JLaGG~1,~Y1.'~-4LSFC~r'~7 fC-~7C. s the GEt\t C16'1lY9Y"3Lat`JY' 'isT7TTl ne~i lwJT a-T+ r • • , 2006; • t Ord. ) 1998; Ord. , f Ord. 1 . 1995; Ord. 4296 . 4'9894 Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 87 of 114 ..1„7:_1..4055 Imnrniramer+¢ rnnt @irmments. -t AFea and Dimensions. EaGh lot GFeated by sheFt SqUaFe footage and lot dimensiGn6 to Fneet the FeqUiFeFnents o AGG Title 18. EaGh lot -ke- 6eNed by an on 6ite sewage disposal systern 6hall be a minimum of 1 5, e r f ' C. Confem fC • , Werlt s . 7 of-SUv--h-°asear °r~nw't&-C:'ti%-A.i Gf".+I'GS!"YttifYlLlf"I F^tl{ thn ~it,y...e.~ineer: D. G'~. 1: . 9 p}at.._,.r~i ~,~~.r~~r;~#co 6}^arliaairlrsr tn rnnfnrm #n t . ~ gement-AgenGy4FIiMA)4k*d44azafd4eq' i . : sr; 9 F G1 . enineerZI F: F . , 4-7."$'e.'~. ' 'p "-sY:4ffTG4 `-a' . t-Y3 y'"' C3Gi ~to the-G4y--~a -+ate--' evem s-&hai~-- -by-- s 'v~d -c;rm-the f4Y!^~d1"~ lA8(~t`f"""thc-o d~~T~.l'iH"""'EJ~ ' , . iay--,,ho-u4 9 5 f V' y irG radeLT pe 1Gr 3~'~~,A.-~i-he-Ci': , GY e a, All ~ g - {e1'G t+eY1Ied,bI~ ~ 4~xc7 t -G . j Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 88 of 114 . pF;vate , 18.48 , , inGlUding, . , , and nerefinrl hgr tha fira rlor»r}mant . , . , , . , aGG adjar.ent property not subieG ka -:,h 8 a---sub~. 15t1 --,E-rcrne^~ m~*I~ r~deir-tr +i~ivr4 Ceeh-.nc~r°taa~n# fnr°~ ' ari~vrs~r, inn . . -°i-rg-c+...a~ - ..at Yi~....,~u~.,.~~r-rc~1'~F~"--~c~r; t , aGtion. e_hydra_a.n_t a+ rnrra airndh~ . . -a a'm',p°r-'-'~t ~an~r' r! [?0_ nr-l , , . ~ , i~' , . , a6.030 " rd-. f ) • f 17.111. 1 Yl t1F;(5 C31ar°~ni3 rsn rlirarfrrer'c rlcaricEne°s "-f~-GTiP'S.sVT'G/3-eT . . ~ `e$'7 IIteA FA°1A tf "(~gsePrd3TGe -LE -C+L.30.7"V . . Approve ~ t • , , w+t ' -ffie- sheF. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 89 of 114 . , , final • , _ r ± r • t 18.0616.1.1601. • S 9 ° f 2006, Ord. 5164 1 1998; nrr4, ) i • F days or-4he- plat " . dnd Ii~AtrJ_j.«~ ~ARy { . . -4-644 " F 1 ' f F ' 9 Yl~ IC*C*1 B~t°E ._P-l'O t A~ ._.eY'CX~~'T~~b'S--'&E~.+ FT L7 6Y~F~ YflCLi'lY ~f1 __L("1~~~~ e F=-b ' _..C3f--C-~~6~C~-~~2~ are meet~ 4840 h h ' , h Ord, J 1998; ' F V -1- T. _'fr--r : v,q0.,..~~~eF°aS`*.w ~.,,.I F~~3f~3 . T7UT~7i yy~, __W /yy^pg*~_ _"~7T (°qp°-6Ty'~t. T~ ~snf4n h aAn hmTTTi4tnrla~nr7tnr 1f ara""7TTim8'~.irV44sSn~°n~r~. $^y^9~gy °y 7Y' ~{+TeT.J{~~yVS~~TC'k. r"UTTYL~r FT L T3TCC~1~~CaT . . h released - ' aOo5'Tiri.i "b-y. rnt-oncdrl Tv- - ~ ha~ aar af+nr •~rrnr~4hnro tn @--y v SUG- ~.'ETK~~s;--...fo# -lng-.-...'d iG . . 600-6 y Ord. 3 2 3 1998; Ord. f 1996; Ord. . Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 90 of 114 17 1/( 11111 imnrnsromanf r,snfairmme~ . 6006. (OFd. > 1998; QFd. s r • > 1996; gFd. 4296 § 2, 19984 . 6006. (OFd. , 1998; GrA. A 0-40 § 1, 1996; QFd. 4296 § 2, 1*.,v94 I Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 91 of 114 Chapter 17.16 MEIGHBC1RH00 CIRCULATION PLAN Sections: 17.16.010 Nei hboncood Circulation Plan. SGOpe. 17.16.01ei hborhood Circulation tan. A. Purp,ose. A neiqhboncood circulation plan is canceptual plan that oufilines the vehicuiar and nan-motorized circulation vuithin and between a r~opased lat and the surroundin area consistent with fihe Cit 's com rehensive trans ortation lan. The nei hborhaod circulation plan allows the cit to coordinate and plan far future circulation networks thaf will provicie firanspcartation aIfiernatiues for citizens o# the city. B. A licabilit . A nei hborhood circufation plan shall be submitted far all preRiminarv p1ats and binding site lans pursuant to aopl6cation requirements of ACC 17.10 and ACC 17.24. G. Com anents af a Nei hborhaod Circulation Plan. The Neiqhboncood Circulation Plan shall shaw th~ foliowing: 1. Planned street s stem, The lanned street sstem musfi be com a#ible vuith th~ ci~ 's corr~ reher~sive #r~~s a~t~tian lan. Develo ment which is proposed in areas of fihecifiy which have aplanned street systet°n which is a part of the comprehensive plan or the city's six L6~ear p1an, and anv other street lan, shall rrake rovisions for such sfreets and must not cause im lementation of such street lans ta becorne unattainable. 2. Non-motorized trans cartation routes. Preliminarv plats and bindin_qsite Eans which are roposed in areas of the cit vvhich have {anned routes or facilifies for bic cles e uestrian or other non-motorized trans ortat€on mode which is a part aF the comprehensive plan ar the cit 's six (6) year lan, and anv other street plan, shall make provisions for such routes and rnust nat cause im 4ementation of such routes to become unattainable. 3, Anon-motcarizecC circulation system sha[I be inteqrated infio the overall subdivosion and surraundinq area. a. When abuttin vacant or underdeve9o ed land new develo ments shall rovide for the o arkunit for future cannectian to its interior athwa system fihrouqh the use cafpathwa stub-outs, buildin configurafiion, andlar Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 92 of 114 arkin Iot la out. The ro osed location of future non-mc,torized and edestrian connections shall be reviewed in con'unction with a licable develo ment a praval. b. DeveEopments shall include an integrated non-matorized circulation s stem that connects buildin s o en s aces and arkin areas with the ad'acent street sidewalk s stem. c. Pedesfirian connectians fio existinct or proposed trailslpedestrian routes on adjacent properties shall be prouided unless there are physical constraints such as sensitive areas that reclude the construction af a edestrian connection. 6006 §A-; 20AQ94 ~ 7..-€-r--1v.01 e: '1'ha hr°oeer'd<srer ienns-sepaTr-at;ng°haacv~v-vi re--4 -`oi-f-e - ; -~GvW d; , a 7UG4jU:" , . d°,~ioriL -P-Y Y Yii il ~1 ls-f-G 6~Agn , Yl"` 4 P'_i~~ 9~L7~57C f_.'-parG 9 +.TTL,-- w~$FT H V P i f°d°tYB'f'_? IYS C dre ~ , y jnSLA ' ° 5 6-1 . 1 1 . F d€ ° 'sh-any-~aze,-~~qt-er - 'se-depr ~ef aGGes&-Gr-ut+4t' ; F. ; M. . , -2 ;-0r4-484 4 . 9 , 1-19 . q. 14.0&02 , SiX ~£ncc~innl±E irveyer , ,aw h-- als-40 . prGved nmrtnyarl ated y-ha•s'1er enl r; Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 93 of 114 . , fi7tG1 : oY s ~,',n.•.. ; , -rke ~QG . t W ~ c(. -Tl'1T })P it i' 4Ti-39Jf } A- Y~~Ys I^Sa'+Qi 9 GP' f . lets y s • r easement }g~~ ; ~~jur+mflnt• , . A'S y ff-appliGable, ' n^. . W v syst°'ra'~ 44. aton-bl$ck-s- ded....-.f^uF_.-_.. tn4 n~w_ner( )c>ursa.~ayvr; a - -g -t~}-- ` ~ pr-Gvide-s-#or-~ ~ ~ sLfefe-RGc, -r et$hv.- ed--1 . 9: - - ' g i ) . ....-..."e-6ty-m u ed- W 4epe# 3G-~~ys-p4Gr4G4he-a i~~ ~ t-e. ..-r ~ surveyor's fl)lttflt fl }K"S~~E ~9 ' § , . ~ .-u F1 - ~ .s--~' - ^ -ing F ° GOMPI sy ~eGtigR l.X( • Q7~~7 .7'd-' "'t4 i~ require, 1-1 u ient--~°.ef+-~ nti , deSGFibed t---Gr-fGu . Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 94 of 114 VVhen rn.rvpriate, th° supjey .Jhuii-fefer-~..-rrrv°-3i°.'ivis 6 +Unreesc t'at J.nn~,~arlaj...,~the , H. , the + rent r"r " " ' ) 2006; (Drd. f f ' Y 1922-1 Tc~'a-tt'Z(1 pr~lminEC~ r~~itrn ra~riaen~ , c$F1 , 4Gant4Ci#'-~-1odiff~~ops--C3r der'ried-"y"v'.Eth~}E-._-...'~-3Aa,7 s-d d --to-bE.' GOMplet . . , , the ire . A. The ~ -fG " ~ ~ayS-4f~- . $ w 9f-#tGS ' l un , G#G . 9 , ' f`f YJT""s 'E'""niFi3i~1,~' !]YSE'1"1f°!~Y4F J . ~ fee-orded Mylar-C 1- t c4ty appIiGa . . ff -aggr-ae~ved--pe t '&-c-ec-asien- - e a+y--1-iqe 9 9 tt't-~~ (E-~-~'j° ' _e ' 'ereEn ah..ll e4na4 e3r'tla nnrannled iv ~su n""A4X-j-8. . , . . 2008 ; . 6061 Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 95 of 114 . r ° r e - r 1998, (DFd. r 19 r • . , 1988.) Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 96 of 114 Chapter 17.18 ~ MODIFICATIONS OF STANDARDS AND SPECiFICA1`IONS Sections: ~ 17.18.005 Purpose. 17.18.010 Formal subdivisions. 17.18.020 Short subdivisions. 17.18.030 Findings of fact. 17.18.040 Conditions. 17.18,005 Purpose This cha ter details methods of modif in standards or s ecifications of either aformal subdivision or a short subdivision and fihe findings of fact that must be made to approve such modification. 17.18.010 Formal subdivisions. A. The hearing examiner may approve a modification of any standard or specification established or referenced by Chapter 17.144-2 ACC ar established or referenced in the city's desiqn standards or construction standards, upon making the findings of fact in ACC 17.18.030,pr4vided that the hearinq examiner shall cabtain the concurrence of #he cit en ineer far an re uests ta modif an Cit of Auburn desi n or construction standard. B. The request for modification shall be processed simultaneously with the preliminary plat and the applicant shall submit the modification on forms provided ~ by the ~~~~~~nc g-department. (Ord. 6186 § 15, 2008; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.18.020 Short subdivisions. A. The planninq director ~ ~-xan*4ef may approve a modification of any standard or specification established or referenced by Chapter 17.0944 ACC ar established or referenced in the citv's desiqn sfiandards or construction standards u on makin the findin s of fact in ACC 17.18.030 rovided that the iannin director sha3l obtain the concurrence of the cit en ineer for an requesfis ta madifv any Citv of Auburn design or construction sfandard.; 4 ca-at g.~.,Ft s ~ ca-'sn-rcar°vtc~r~4 L1rC",~' I -t~- c.~c~-rr~rr-r~ , i . • • _f. B. The applicant shall submit the modification on forms provided by the ~--department. 17-14:-{~59(A): . . . . (Ord. y 2008,L-. r 19884 Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 97 of 114 17.18.030 Findings of fact. A. Such modification is necessary because of special circumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property, to provide the owner with development rights and privileges permitted to other properties in the vicinity and in the zoning district in which the subject property is located; B. That, because of such special circumstances, the development of the property in strict conformity with the provisions of this title will not allow a reasonable and harmonious use of the property; C. That the modification, if granted, will not alter the character of the neighborhood, or be detrimental to surrounding properties in which the property is located; D. Such modification will not be materially detrimental to the implementation of the policies and objectives of the comprehensive land use, GiFGulatien transpartation and utility comprehensive plans of the city; E. Literal interpretation of the provisions of this title would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district; F. The approval of the modification will be consistent with the purpose of this title; G. The modification cannot lessen the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Any such modification must be processed as a variance pursuant to ACC 18.70.010. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.18.040 Conditions. ~ In authorization of a modification, the hearing examiner ar lannin director may attach thereto such conditions regarding the location, character and other ~ features of the proposed modification as he or she may deem necessary to carry out the spirit and purpose of this title and in the public interest. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 98 of 114 Chapter 17.20 ~ SUBDIVISION ALTERATIONSVAGATIOIf~~-" Sections: 17.20.005 Purpose. 17.20.010 Sc~e.AppliGation, Streets 17.20.020 A lication. , , aRd . 17.20.030 Public hearing. 17.20.040 Assessments. 17.20.050 evised lat drawin s. 17.20.005 Purpose This Cha ter rovides the rncess and re uirements for alterin an existin subdivision af land that cannofi be accomplished thraugh anofiher Cand diuision process. 17.20.010 5cope. Alterations ta an existin subdivisian which cannot be rocessed as formal subdivisions, shnrt subdivisions. boundar line adjustments or subdivision vacafiions shal( lae prncessed pursuanfi fio the requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 17.2 ,020 pplication. A. When an erson is interested in the alteration of an subdivisian or the alterin of an cartion thereof. that erson shall submit an a lication to the cit . B. The applicetion shall contain siqnatures ofi the majoritv of fihcase persons having an ownership interest of lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions in the sub°ect subdivision or ortion to be alfered. If the subdivision is sub`ect to restrictive covenants vvhich vvere fiied at the time of the a roval of the subclivision, and the application for aIteration would result in the vioiatian of a covenant, the application shall con#ain an aqreernent signed by aII parties subiect to the covenants rovidin that the arties a ree to terminate or alter fhe relevant cavenants to accom lish the ur ose o# the alteration of the subdivision or partian therecsf. G. The application shall also be accompanied by a drawinq shQwinq the details of the alteration. Qrd. 4296 2 1988. 17,20,030 ubliShearinq. The hearin examirrer ~hall cor~duct a ublic hearin ursuant ta ACG 17.10.030 on the ap licatian for an alteration and may a rave or rleny the applicatian for aIteration of the subdivision after determining the public use and interest to be served b the alteration of the subdivision. Ord, 6186 17 2008: Urd. 4296§ 2. 198U Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 99 of 114 17.20.040 ssessments. If an land within the aiteration is art of an assessment district an outstandin assessments shall be e uitabl divided and levied a ainst the remaining lofs, parcels, or tracts or be levied equitably on the lafis resulting fram the alteration, (Urd. 4296 2, 1988.) 17.20.050 evised pla# dra ings. A. If the hearin examiner a roves an alteration the a licant shall ravide a revised lat drawin to reflect the alteration. The drawin shall also con#ain an revised Iegal descri tip ons. B. The revised drawinq shall be prepared bv a prafessionaf land surveyor iicensed in fhe 5tate of ilVashin ton if the director determines the altera#ion is detailed enc,u h to re uire com lete and accurate drawin s. C. The revised drawinq shall be signed by the applicable departments pursuant to this title and be recorded at the appropriate King County affices for ro erties located in Kin Count ar recQrded at the a ro riate Pierce Count offices #or ro erties located in Pierce Count . Ord. 6186 18 2008; Qrd. 5170 § 1, 1998, Qrd. 4296 ~ 2, 1988.} P-0rtinri tharore°~ y~rc~ rJac~~a~,n~+carl n"fr-~~Yi4Gffr,iC'~L.'~.r41 T~+.,rl r[tir-lin~}ntl fnr k--~sa°-irhnt peF6on 4 --5'S+fGTrT-~C t..YCrr/QT.3 3 Ci"d'Yfa77'CF`fT"'-"'L7'~ T,s'$-~C :%L'°~'~~Y9,Y1 1'~ ~'~'9Gt. C*11{"1!^~Il$IC If1F^t EC'_'C'Cl'~=~i:1"tb'Ci'V .r.+ 813Y~ 13-C7T'G43L.1B.T~741~7ffiJTI'- F? a'7 , r-VAI'FiG-~i-Wefe- --a~- - -,ubdNf , d4e ~ ar rik; n parr~' .-~+o r~, ~ e° oe ~GGe I ~ . 9 1-m~O.st)a-voz-v--c`sii°~ja°'~a-, 7v1a,-~i~ise ° 9 ! f~r ~ie'~~lv1t'a iGn _i-anr~r-t-t~~sn_'1'? Ar ~ntac'.~E43_ ho e eteli~ -`t~ vaGat . . (v'-ca;--"-h~ -9&§,,,,2.....4.988-.) . . ` . ~ ~ % . tt~ g-pufsuY"~"E't'- jGG Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 100 of 114 . . , . , , , , , C. #ai . - t--t*-e pFopeFty, Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 101 of 114 Chapter 17.22 ~ SUBDIV151ON VACATIONS ALTERATI Sections: 17.22.005 Purpose. 17.22.010 A lication, . SGope- 17.22.020 Streets, raads, and alleys. AppliGat+en: 17.22.030 Public hearing. 17.22.040 Title to vacated properkv, ~~meRt. 17°:22:050.,.-,...TD°~$~~C.°'1 17.22. 05 PUf°p(JSe This cha ter rovides s ecifications for the rocess and re uirements of vacating a subdivision ar pcartion of a subdivision, ar any land cledicated for public use, except riqht-af-ways associated with public streets. 17,22.0l0 Ap,plication. A. The a licatian shalE set forth the reasons for vacation and shall contain si natures of all arties havin an ownershi interest in fhat ortion of the subdivision subject fio vacation. If the subdivision is subject to restricfiive cavenants which were filed at the time of the apprQVa( a€ the subdivisican, and the a lication for vacation would result in the violation of a covenant the a lication shall con#ain an a reement si ned b al( arties subject to the covenants providing that the parties aqree fia terminate or aIfier the relevant covenants to accomplish thepurpose of the vacafiion of the subdivisiQn or portifln thereof. Grd, 4296 2 1988. 17. . 20 treets raads,,,an alleys. A. When the vacation a lication i§;~ oecificall far a road, street or aEle the procedures for sfireet vacatian in Chapter 12.48 ACC shall be utilized for the vacation. B. tlVhsn the a lication is for the vacation of the lat to ether with the roads, streets, and/or al6e s the rocedure for vacatian in this cha ter sha6l be used. (Qrd. 4296 § 2, 1988.1 17.22.030 u lic hearin , The hearinq examiner sha11 cQnduct a public hearinc~pursuanfi to ACC 17.10.030 on the a lication far a vacation and ma recommend to the council to a rove or den the a lication for vacation of the subdivisiqn after ~~~in fhe public use and interest to be served bv fihe vacation of the subdivisior. The caunci[ shall adot.by ordinance any apprcaval of a vacation pursuant to this cha ter. Ord.4296 2 198U Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 102 of 114 97.22.0 0 Titfe to vacated property. A. [f any portion of the fand contained in the subdivision was dedicated to the publc forpublic use or benefit, such land, if not desded to the city shall be deeded to the eifiy unless the city council shail set forth fiindinqs thafi the public use would not be served in retaininq title to those lands. B. Title to the vacated ra ertshall ves# rrvith the ri htful owner as shown in the caun records. If the vacated land is land that was dedicated to #he ublic for pubEic use other than a road ar street, and fihe citv cauncil has found that retaining title tca the land is nat in the pub(ic interest, title therefio shall vesfi wifih the erson or arsons ownin the ro erfi on each side thereof, as determined b the cit councif. VV'hen the rnad or street that is ta be vacated was contained wholly within the subdivision and is part af fihe boundary of the subdivision, fiitle fio the vacated road ar street sha(1 vest with the owner or owners of property contained within the vacated subdivisian. C. If it is necessa to retain an easement #hrou h an artion of vacated ro eC#Y, the easemenfis shall be ~roperly executed and recorded concurrent with the ardinance approving the vacation. (C>rd. 4296 § 2, 1988.) 4 7 fl 1 ~nr,n P lT$ ti-nS t- "C(E7 '~V7~C3~v 11Tf('~1111 lOTB€7H-i-"VY7~L/-d-C"""hJ~ + '~HQr~J"na~+ Gti'~--~~ , , ~~.'ra'~~--0r-....v~6 17.22.020 a "of ~e^sat nnl^Fenn {'~k~ reef, ti`x~~~~sGR""'C ""s+j $rt f',~...`h.a._i'tt.s.,L 7 . -c-opta&n--&f tur9nae-'" r ' A 9 ! festra-ot+ve wi4i~ f4ed---at-4he--4ime---ef -t#e appfeva-I-ef , firi'a'fia~=a- ~$rC ~ ~ ~lt- . , pe ' eF ef: of .;;.a altera+; n n . ( rd-4-296 2, 894 Ther~'s~' _....._---mI nQf --S~-4-GGR4° h I ic~rr~ h°an --arad--Mc~a ar---~~..'ny --tl4e . . , 20W; Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 103 of 114 "TTCL . 4I4' p l~ Ca~Sr~'71 6lIIRtS. ) any ~ / ~y remainiRg 1 yyy fyyy }~~G •'S{'& Y1 1 i iT~1>lAN1 § py 1988.) 17/7 If+^alA RGSlli IIPf k1~~4'"~C-9~YR1lnMC A. , tho rlircartne- rln#aermin.ns4he- ° , ~.°s4ori in Lfen • r , • s f , A')96 § 2, 19894 Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 104 of 114 Chapter 17.24 I t !1" PL.A 17.24.010 P~arp€~~g . 17.24.020 A roval F'rocess °lann;-n hda+i„h 17.24.030 17.24.040 Certification of Site Plan ~~ornpliance . 17,24.050 Vacation or AIteration of Appfc~~~~~~~ 17.24.01 0 Pur Pcrse. The ur ose of the bindin site fan rocess is to rovide an alternative to the standard subdivision process for s ecific types af development. The binding site plan shall only be applied far the purpose of dividing land for: A. Sale or [ease of commerciall - or industriafl -zoned ro ert as rovided in RCW 58.17.040(4}; B. Mixed use develo ment; and C. Candominiums as rovided in either RCtN 64.32 or 64.34 consistent with RCW 58.17.040(7). 17.24.020 raval rocess. A. Approua4 process. An ap~lication for a bindiroq site plan review shall be rocessed b means o# a T e II rocedure in Title 14 and ursuant ta a licable sections of Title 18 the Zonin ~c~~e usit~ ~ raval criteria ir~ ~ec~ic~n B below. B. Preliminary bindinq site plan approval. The Planninq Director or des6qnee shall have the authority to review and apprave, denv or approve with conditions a ro osec! bindinq site lans for the ur oses of Iand division as described in ACC 17.24.010. To rant reliminar a roval for a bindin site I~r~ ~ lic~tic~n the Planning Director or desiqnee, wifih concurrence from the City Enqineer for public facilities, must determine that the bindinq site plan is in accordance vvith the followim. 1. A licable standards of Title 12 Streets and Sidewalks Title 13 Vidater Sevver and Public Utilities Title 15 Buildinci and Gonstruction Titfe 16 (Environment). Title 1$ (Zoning) and Tifile 19 (Impact Fees) and the applicable plan policies of the Comprehensive Plan outlined by staff as bein applicable to the roposed devel~ me~t: Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 105 of 114 2. TechnicaE standards contained in ACC 17.14 Im rQVement Re uirements for Subdivisions,); and 3. Re uired miti ation measures im osed as a art af the SEPA review rocess if applicable. C. The City Enqineer shall approue the desiqn and construction of all public water, sanita sewer, storm draina e and streets or that invalves rivate storm draina e or that lies within an arsa of s ecial flood hazard. This a roval shal( be obtained prior to the grantinq of fiinai binding site plan pursuant to the provisions of ACC 17.24.040 and shall accur in accordance with the City's specified engineering approval procedures. D. All develo ment shall be in conformit with the a roved bindin site plan and an existin or subse uent a licable ermit a roval, Each bindin site plan documenfi shall reference fihe requirement for compliance vvith any existing or subsequent permit ap roval. E. Final approval must be acciuired vvithin 5 vears of Preliminary approval, after which time the relimina bindin site plan a roval is vaid. The Plannin Director ma rant an extension for 1 ear if the a 1icant has dili entl ursued submittal ofi the final binding site plan within the 5vear time period; provided, however, the a licant must fils a writterr re uest with the ori inal decision maker re uestin the extension at least 30 da s before ex iratian of the 5 ear eriad. 17.24.430 A lication u ission e uirements. A. Submission re uirements, tNhenever an a licant desires to create le aI lots bv means of a binding site plan pursuant fio this Chapter in canjuncfiion with a new develapment car existinq development. the applicant shall com 1 varith the re uirements of this cha ter and shall submit the fallgwin in addition to a11 other infarmation specified in fhe binding site plan application checklist: 1. A lication mafierials in accordance with ACC 17.02.065. 2. A neighborhocad circulation plan meetinq the requirements of ACC 17,16. 3. Plans. The a lican# shali rovide the followin plan information: a. Existin Conditions Plan, An existin condition plan that prouides information, includinq but not limited fio: land uses and land development vvithin the vicinity, proiect site detaii, anc! location, names details relatin to existin and ro osed Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 106 of 114 s#ructures existin and ra osed infrastructure and other detail as re uired b the bindin site lan a lication. b. Bindin Site Plan. The ro osed bindin site lan and detail as nofied in bindin_q Slte plan application checklist. c. Narrative. A camprehensive narratiue addressing how the develo ment com lies with #he technica( standards in ACC 17.14 Im ravement Re uirements - Subdivisiansalicable sfiandards of Title 12 {Streets and Sidewalks). Title 13 (Water, 5ewer and Public Utilities), Title 15 (Buildinq and Construction), Title 16 Environment Title 18 Zonin and Title 19 lm act Fees and the a licable fan olicies of the Com rehensive Plan autlined by staff as being applicable to fihe proposed development. d. Conceptual utilitv/site rq adinc~pian and/or methadoloqv prepared in accordance with the Cit '~m_prehensive plans, standards or ordinance requirements inclusive of adequate horizontal and vertical information to insure that utilities can be constructed consistent with the binding site plan lavout and the locatian of other utilities other #han thase provided b t~he city. e. Conceptual transportation site plan for streets. pedestrian. and bike facilities inclusive of adequate horizontal and verkical information to insure the trans orkation facilities can be canstructed consistent vvith the bindin site lan ia out. f, Title report, with liability for errors not to exceed the assessed ualue of the lots on the dafie of application. The tifile report shall be issued no more than 30 davs priar to the a lication date. 17.24.040 Certificafiion of `rte tan o liance. A. Certification rocess. An bindin site lan a roved under the rovisions pf Section 17.24.020 shaii be certified to complv with the requirements af this chapter bv the Director or desiqnee. Certification shall consist o€ the signatures of the Plannin Qirector and Cit En ineer and other Cit de artment re resentatives and re resentatives af outside a encies as deemed a ro riate by the Planning Directar, and recarding with the apprn riafie counfiv affice with a record of survev. The survey document shal6 include aII required notes pertaininq to develc~ ment o~ the r~ erties ~n~ ~~f~terr~er~~ !e a[I bindin a[I current and Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 107 of 114 future owners to com f with the conditions of a rpval. These ma be rovided as separate dacuments. B. Revacation af certificatiarr. Certification ma not be revaked unless the Director finds that the plan, use ar development project vvauid vialate the requirements of the Auburn City Code or the Revised Code of VVashington. C. Criteria for creation of lots arcels or tracts. Lots arcels or tracts created thrau h the bindin site Ian rocess shall be considered le al Iots of record. The number of lats, tracts, parcels, sNtes or divisions shall not exceed fihe maximum number allowed by the applicable zaninq district designation and other applicable re ula#ions of Title 18 Zonin . D. Le all res onsible art . All rovisions conditions and re uirements of the bindin site lan shall be le all enforceable on the urchaser or an other person acquirinq a lease or ofiher ownership interest of anv lot, arcel or tract created pursuant to the bindinq sifie plan. 17.24.050 Vacatian or Iteratron of A roved Bin in ite lan, A. Alteration or vacation. A bindinq site plan may be altered or vacated if re ues#ed in writin b all owners of the ro erties direct! affected. An appiicatican shall be submitted on a fcarm prescribed bv the Director or desiqnee. In the instance of a revision the applicant shall submit all a€ the materials re uired for relimina bindin si#e ian review. In the instance of a vacation the burden of roof for 'ustif fn the vacation of the bindin site lan shall be on the applicant. The a,pplicant must prove that no property, either within the baundaries of the property ta which the binding site plan is applied or adiacent pro erty, will be adversel im acted; the vacation will not have an adverse im act on the rc~vi~ion o~ ~tilities in the area; no o~r~ s aces csr recreational facilifies will be adversely affected by the uacatian. B. Procedure fvr alterafiican or vacation. The decision on an alteration or vacatian af abindinq site plan shall be reauired to go throuqh the same procedures as an ori ina! a iication includin notification and re aration of staff re orts. The aeal rocedures for bindin site lan a rova[ sha€I aIso be a licable to a requested alfieration or vacatinn. 17.24. Pl1Pl Ruhlir hearinn nr°'r4 -f rsr°sEirrac.-rvc..nn r rc. . ~ r srhn''~'e'fc+-"p-,f"F A-...~+I. ' 'Rg te^'s E^ce hIIld p'asfn~rr~_5. ° , Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 108 of 114 , ~ ; the , 1 J s r-^cap^v~°va--,~r'-~-'ref'rur icrr °"'~a°--se~'rQi ined: 6( Ji 2ntha+ u hn mar°1e--of , .g.. 66 9? i4 11 PFGGedural 1 maoc°~ hn ncer~i~arl _~~y,-. ; c~ befh<±t fnrm~r- mu~ rr-rcxz:ra F;r=..~rrx 3 -c~--j ~ • r , it ?9 iS 9: f'af+.yp ° f 2008; Ord. 9 . Afterr-the-p ' --4,4 +ng----ha-s_ bee se , a# FeG 9 YY1Y59CeY'efYSbiT139y 'fYILR f+_Q TQ~3° L31~~-GG4J` C~'4oi y f3'g"` 7"""`"bhBY]/Y ' 3YfLl i&3L -Gr......._... l 3 G8#$#~ak~:-~~ , 0-§ , OCZ; n . 4 296 § 2g 19881 17.204 113Cl a~tionr: Thct ndY~..i~nn~nti rti'[1'~i rn~_~~~ o,h,~,},~ "7~GTTY~Y~Y~fns-~ai~rrlQ tho planni-g ~ul~~-- Od~~f-Y-I lll R~-Cil.Td~~ 9 T'F..._@'Y'7'- y . . publiG 9 J Shal 1 GZ7 ' erT-bL Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 109 of 114 . (Ord, , 1996; Ord. 2; Gity 9 • Gity f , ' idorar $ha# T B. The planniRg GOM y upon its owR motion rall for a publiG hearing to arnend any portion or ali of thi- t'itle, ~'t t^~~urniiii sKFat 1 • • e t nrA. f Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 110 of 114 Chapter 17.26 CLUaTER SUBDIVISIONS 17.26.010 Purpose. ' 17.26.020 Sco s. 17.26.025 Process. 17.26.030 Requirements. 17.26.010 Purpose. The ur ose of this cha ter is to rovide for the clusterin of lots within a subdivision anto a portion of the site, while maintaininq the underlying allowable density. Cfustering allavvs development ta occur at an aopropriate density for infrastructure services. It also rotects environmentall sensitive areas b clusterin lats awa from these areas. 17. 6.020 Sco e. This requirements of #his chapter shall be mandatory fior all residential subdivisions and short subdivisions located in the urban se arator overla area as delineated in the cify of Auburn ccsmprehensive zoninq map. 17.2 . 2 rocess. Clus#erin shall be accom lished beither a short subdivision or formal subdivision _process as outCined in Chapters 17.09 ACC {shorf subdivision}, or 17.10 ACC and 17.12 ACC (formai subdivision) based upon the number of Iots beinq created. 17, .fl30 Requirements. A. All subdivisions and short subdivisions in the R-1 zanin disfrict shafl be re uired to be clustered pursuant to this section when fihe propertv is lacated wholl v oir parkially within an urban separator as designated on the cifiy of Auburn com rehensive 1gnd use Ian ma . B. Cfuster subdivisions and short subdivisions shall be sub'ect to ~he develapment standards outlined in Chapter 18.07 ACC, as modified by Ghapter 18.21 ACC, These standards include but are not limited tca minimum Iot size width, ards setbacks arkin landsca in si na e e#c, C. A licants for cluster subdiv€sitans shall demonstrate com [iance to all applicable desiqn standards and consfiruction standards for the City of Auburn. D._The--pravisions of this Title, as well as other applicable portions of the Auburn Cit Code, shall a I unless s ecifica[I exem ted. In addition the followin standards shall a Pto clus#ered subdivisions ar short subdivisions: 1. Location. `T'he cluster residential development shall be required in the R- 1 zoning district within urban separator areas. Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 111 of 114 2. Permitted uses. Permitted uses in cluster residentiaf develo ments shall be consistent with Chapter 18.07 ACC, as modified by Chapter 18.21 ACC. In no case shall zeralot line development be permitted in a cluster subdivision. 3. Minimum area. No minimum area is established for a c(uster residen#ial devel4 pment. 4. Permitted densit . The maximum number of dwellin units ermitted in a clusfier development sha11 be na qreater fihan the number of dwellin-q units al6owed pursuant to Chapter 18.07 ACC, as modified by Chapter 18.21 ACC. 5. Lot size. The lot area of individual buiEdin lots within a cluster subdivision or short subdivision shall be no less than #hat rovided for in Cha ter 18.07 ACC, as madified by Chapter 18.21 ACG. New lots ereated by any subdivisian or shork subdivision action shall be clustered in groups not exceedinq ei ht 8 units. There ma be more than one 1 cluster er ra'ect. Se aration between cluster rou s shal[ be a minimum of ane hundred twent 120 feet. 6. Lot width. The lafi uvidth far individual building lots in a cluster subdivisiQn or short subdivision shall be na less than that provided for in Chapter 1$.07 ACC, as madified by Chapter 18.21 ACC. 7. tJther development standards. Deve[opmenfi standards ather than lcat size and lat vdidfh shall be the same as are reciuired by Chapter 18.07 ACC, as mQdified by Chapter 18.21 ACC. 8. Common p en s ace. a. Rmount re uired. The common a en saCe Itl a CIUSter SUbdIVESfOt1 Or shorfi subdiuisian shall be a minimum of fifty (50 ercent aF the parcel, and mav include crifiical areas and their buffers, b. Nonconstrained areas defined. For ur ases of this section the nonconstrairsed area of the arcel is defined as all areas of the arce6 minus critical areas, as defined in Chapter 16.10 ACC as currently and hereinafter amended, and buffers, c. Buildable Area. After accountin for the 50 ercent o en s ace re uirement, the remainder of the nonconstrained area of the arcel sha61 be the buildable area of tbg_parcel, d. Lavout of common capen sace. The common open space tracts created b clusterin shall be located and confi ured in #he manrter that best connects and increases rotective buffers for environmentall sensitive areas, ccannects and protects area wiidlife habitat, ereates connectivity between the o en spaceprovided by the clustering and other adjacenfi open spaces as well as existin or lanned ublic arks and trai[s and maintains scenic vistas, e. Future develo ment rohibited. Future develo ment of the common open space shall be prohibited. Except as speciFied on recnrded documenfis creatinq the cammon open space, all common open space resultinq from lot clusterin shall not be altered or disturbed in a manner that de rades ad'acent environmentall sensi#ive areas rural areas a ricultural areas or resource lands; impairs scenic vistas and the connectivit betvveen the open sace rrauided by the clustered development and adiace~~~de. r~ Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 112 of 114 wildlife habitat° and im airs the recreational benefits en'o ed b the residents of fhe development. f. Gonveyance of common open space. Such common open spaces shall be conveyed to residents of the development, ccanveyed to a hameowners' association for the benefit of the residents of the develo ment or conve ed to the cit wi#h the cit 's consent and a roval. Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 3. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law, and the changes to the Auburn City Code set forth herein shall take effect on June 15, 2009. INTRODUCED: ,IUN 12009 PASSED: JUN 12009 APPROVED: -11-~I~ nno Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 113 of 114 CITY J PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Dan'elle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP VED TO FORM: , ni B. e' , ity A orney ~ Published: v, Ordinance No. 6239 May 27, 2009 Page 114 of 114 CITY OF T AliBURN Peter B. Lewis, Mayor WASHINGTON 25 West Main Street * Aubum WA 98001-4998 * www.auburnwa.gov * 253-931-3000 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTIES OF KING AND PIERCE ) I, Danielle Daskam, the duly appointed, qualified City Clerk of the , City of Auburn, a Municipal Corporation and Code City, situate in the counties of King and Pierce, State of Washington, certify as follows: 1. The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 6239 (the "Ordinance") duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said City of Auburn, on the 1st day of June, 2009, as that ordinance appears on the minute book of the City. 2. Ordinance No. 6239 was published as provided by law in the Seattle Times, a daily newspaper published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on the 4th day of June, 2009. Witness my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this 29th day of June, 2009. Danielle Daskam, City Clerk City of Auburn AUBURN * MOKE THAN YOU IMAGINED