HomeMy WebLinkAbout1758 -/ ., ......... " ....,:,-..;. ~. ORDINANCE NO. 175E AN ORDI:\M;CE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, dASHIt-lGTON, RlcLATIl';G TO MlO PI~OVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF AUBU~N OF II CONTtJUOUS ARCA OF LAND LYING ADJACENT TO,THE NORTHEASTERLY MARGINAL LIKE OF ThE EXISTING CITY LIMnS OF THE CITY OF AUBilRl';, WlllCH LAND IS DESCRIBED IN A PETITION DULY FILED 'lI'ITH' THE? CITY COUN{;ll OF THE CITY OF AUBURN. \'/HE-REAS, the City Coun\:i I of tlie City of Auburn was notified by . . owners of prOpe rty hay i ng more tha n ten percent in ya I ue of the asse!3sed valuation within the proposed area,to be:: annexed: that they desired to . , c i rcu I ate a pet it ion 'bp comme.nce il,nnE\xaij ion "proceed inss to the city of ,. ..... ~ ..... Auburn; and", . WHLREAS, the City Counc i I of 1;he City of Aub urn subsequent! y author i zed the circulation of the petition within the proposed area to be annexed; dnd, WHEREAS, the petit i on for annexat i on of the prope rty here i nafter described was duly filed with the City Council of the City of Auburn on c - - . the 18th day of Ja"uary. 1965, which petition was signed by the, Owners of more than 75%. in value of all of the property lying within the I imits of the proposed are~ to be annexe~ accord i n9 to the assessed va I uat i On for gene.ral taxati'on of the property for which an annexation is petitioned, said petition setting forth th<:> leglll description of the property tQ be annexed a~d being accompanied by a plat outl ining the boundaries of said bree sough{ '6 he' annexed;" a~d. HHERtAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn fixed a date for 'public hearing ,to be held at 8:0Q 1',14, in the City Hall of the Cit~ of Auburn on 'February 1, 1965, setting forth not ice of said publ ic hearing for arm~;)("tion tO,be publ ished in the official City newspaper of the City of Auburn in One issue of SQid newspaper, clnd prOviding ~or the posting in three public places within the Qrea proposed fOr annexation of copies of said notice of public hearing; and, ''iHEREAS, notice of public hearing of said petition of annexation to the City of Auburn has been duly published in the official newspaper of the City of Auburn in one regular issue of said newspaper, and the said notice of public heaping having been posted in three publ ic places within the area proposed for annexation by the City Clerk of the City of Auburn, and said 'publ i.c hearing being held. at 8:00 P,M. in the City Hall of the City of Auburn on February 1, 1965f and the City Council of the City of Auburn having determ'ined that said ailnexation is in the best interest and Page One ~ ... , " " '~ welfa~e of the City of Auburn did 'accept and approve the petition above described and directed the Mayor of the City of Auburn to convene a Board of Review to consider the proposed annexation, as required by Section 2L Chapter 282, Laws of the State of~ashinqton~ for the year '1961; and,. WI1fREAS, on February 15, 1965> at a meeting of the Board of Review conve'ned to consider the annexation, by motion duly mode and carried, a majority of the Boa~d of Review' approved the petition for anl'lexation to the City of Auburn, as submitted; .and forwarded their findinss to. the City Counci I of the City of Auburn; NOW, THERt:.Fvt/E, 6EIT OlmA/NEI> BY tilE. CITY'COUNCIL"OF THE CITY OF _ ..t" AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: , .,...... j.. Section 1,. That the pe1;ition for annexation of the following described property has been duly and properly filed with the City Council of the '. ,City of Auburn, and cOmpl ies with all requ irements of law. Section 2., That by regular mot ion adopted and passed by the City .counci I on the 18th day of January" 1965, it was ordered that a publ ic hearin9be hele! on said petition for annexation at 8:00' P.M. in thc City Hal I of the City of Auburn on February 1, 1965, providing for the proper notice to be publ ished and posted a<;;c,ording to law. Section 3. That p':oper not ice-' of public hearing was duly published in the officja f newspaper of the City o,f Aubu'rnon ,the 20th day of JanuarYr 1965, and was duly posted in three pub! ic places within the area proposed for annexatiOn hereinafter described, and that a,public hearing was held . at. 8:00 P.M, in the City Half of the City of Auburn on thc 1st day of FebruarYr 1965,- Sect ion 4. That at the concl us.ion of the publ ie' heer i.ng in the City Hell of the City of Auburn On the 1st day of February, 1965, the City 'Counci I did approve the petition for onnexat ion and directed the I,~ayor to convene a Board of Review to cons ider the prop.osed annexat ion to the City of Auburn. Section 5,' That on Febru!lry 15,.-1965, by motion duly made and carried, a majority of the Board of Jeview' approved the petition for annexation to ~'" , . the City of Auburn. Sect ion 6. That the property I y i ng coot i gu,ous to the Northeaster I y marginal line of the existing city limits of the City of Auburn he"einafter Page Two .' ....' I.'" " described be and the same is hereQy annexed ,to the City of Auburn, said property being more particularly described as: Beg. at a point on the City of Auburn I imits, said point being the intersection 'of the. West bank of Green River with the North line of the SW{ of Sect ion 8, Townsh ip 21 North, Range 5 E,W.M..; th W along the N , ine of the swi of Section 8. Township 21 North, Range 5 f.W.M. and the N line of the SE{- of Section 7,. Township 21, Nort.h, Range 5 E.\'i,M. and said lin~ extended Wly to the E line of JOrgenson and Cramer Addition (Vol. 55~3); th N along the Eline of Jorgenson and Cramer Addition to the NE corner of aforesuid addition; th W along the N line of Jorgenson and Cramer Addition and the extended N line of aforesa i d Add it i on to a po int 30 ft. W of the N\~ corner of Lot 1 of Jorgens on and Cramer Add it ion; th N 211.2 ft; th W 412.5 ft; th N 330.3 ft,; th W to a point 536.5 ft. E of the E margin of Primary State Highway No.5; th N parallel tn Primary State Highway No.5 to the S marg in a I line of South 307th Street; th W a long the S marg i na I I ine of South 307th Street to the E marginal I ine of Primary ,State Highway, No.5; th N at ong Pr imary State Highway No. 5 to the NW corner of Lot 30, Block I, Maplewood Addition to Auburn (Vol, 17-98); th E along the N I ine of aforesaid Lot 30 to the NE COrner of Lot 30, Block I, Maplewood Add it i on to Auburn; th N a long theE line of Lots 1 thru 29, Brock 1. Maplewood Addition to Auburn to the 5 marginal line of South 303rd Street; th E along the S marginal I ine of South 303rd Street to the West bank of Green River; th Sly along'the west bank of Green River to the pob.; situate in the County of King" State of Washinqton., . <) Section 7~ That the effective date of the annexation of the above described property to the City of A~burn shall qe the effective date of " " ,~ , the passdge of this ordinance providing for such annexation. Section 8. That in accordance with the terms of the petition for annexation of the above described property. the area to be annexed shall aSSume the indebtedness of the City of Auburn existing at the effective date of the passage of this ordinance. Section 9. 'This ordinance shall take effect f.ive (5) days from and . after i ts pa~sage, approva I and pub I i cat i on as prov ided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: ,APPROVED: fEBRUARY' is"- 1965 FEBRUAHkTS;. 1965" FEBRUARY "15. 1965 -. ..., "{.-" ~:,.. t ~........ . .r .' ~ ;: __ ) ~, >to "- -'.~ .. \ p~ '.~k~:>>~/'.:J .,,' M A YO;~~ ".,<' :.' . , , '" r AP/LHWEjS TO ( V' ~-,J\ .1~ tlt PUSL ISHED: Jr:., 7';(,_CiYJ~~1..h_7Lgagt},JtJr~e ........ .z",.,.... ^ ~I~rk l FORM: " ,.., .~"....._.~T.Q" .. 'Wx."T. (!.1~ WNl\T~ _ .. v ..., r \~ ~ ; i 1- - ~ --, ~ .. <l . \. . . .l ~< :"" '. ,- ~ . \J ,. S . .,;.- ~ > a; " )!"'-'" , ~. .~ -..... ,.'.or: ~I', '-, ,,- '. . .~:' . .i" . ,< I",~ ~',,": ~ ... , ":"'~. ."A' ! " " :,,1 'i,. I, '. ',l .~... ' ,....'J'. ~ ..~ f ',' . r ,- (i/'~. -I'~ ~, '," , .. , ,,:~~_oio , /." . , 'f .... . ~ 'j::" .-;".,1, " ~..., .; " 1''' .' ~ '. " ,"''*!- i-".'- . .' "11;' ,:".'~;- :"', ,,,,-~~ ./ 'o4i ,~; ~.t..1r',i~.. t"".""" ''', '.':' . ,'~ :~ _,/ 'iJ..""..~, ~:....~,j. ,r... ,loot' -~I,;: ,0 \ .'f;,.:, I' ''".~ ,.>~ .~'~, ", <"' "... ~ . ,+.;.' ;.~... 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