HomeMy WebLinkAbout3728 , . . . ' ORDINANCE N0. 3.7 2 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ADDING TO AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE CHAPTER 10.04 TWO STATE STATUTES ADOPTED BY'REFERENCE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is herewith added to Auburn Codified City Ordinance , Chapter 10.04, two state statutes adopted.by reference, to-wit: . ~"46.61.021 - Duty to obey law enforcement officer - Authority of'Officer. 46.51.022 - Failure to obey officer --Penalty." Section 2. Three copies of the above state statutes.adopted by reference shall be on file in the office of the city clerk and shall be made available at aTl times, to the public. , Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in.force five (5) tlays from and.after its passage, approval and.publication, as provided by law. • . INTRODUCED: FEBRUARY 1. 1982 PASSED: FEBRUARY 1, 1932 . APPROVED: FEBRUARY l, 1982 • ^ /~d~~~ s~~y`u`G~ ~ M A Y O R ATTEST: . ' ' . . , , City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney PUBLISHED: FEBRUARY 7, 1982 Ordinance No. 3728 1-20-82 ~ 64 . . ^ti...~ ' . i - - • . TITLE 46 MOTOR VEHICLES CHAPTER 46.61-RULES OF THE ROAD Abandoned Junk motor eehfclea: RCWA 46.62.146-46.52.160. 18 Am Jur Triels p 143 (unwi[neseed automoblle flccldent casea). ~..fy.ODa A[ty Qen 1972 A*o. 3(nDUlicatlan of Drorialona o[ thie chuDter to United Stntee Foreet Servfce roade). • . 4 AI.R Fed 6(Federal Tort Clafine Act: Automobllo negllgence caeea). ' - 46.61.010 Required obedience to traffic laws-Penaltiea Amended by I.aws 2nd Ex Sesa 1976-76 ch 95 4 1. e(fectlve Mnrch 19. 1976. and 5~repealed by Lawe le[ Ex Seea 1979 ch 196 q 309, e(fective ]anuary 1, 1981. . Revlaer's note: RCtVA 46.61.010 was repealed by 1979 ez.e. c 196 q 309, eftectlve . July I, 1980: the ef[ecUve date of 1979 ex.e. c 196 wae delayed until Jnnuary 1, ~b M 1981, by 1980 c 128 p 9. For later ennctment, aee RCR'A 46.63.020. ODS Atty Gen 1976 No. 19 (tratfic offenaee ea crlmea; canmltment for contemDt -for fallure to comply wlth order to pay casta). ' .y: - • ODS At[y Gen 1979 No, 1(sl[hough the pilvilege from nrree[ in Artlcle II, S 36 of the Waehington constltu4on extende beYand the term of a leglslfltlve eeaelon, i[ relates to the Dossiblllty o[ civli aireat only and Is not a prlvilege trom arreet - for the commleelon o[ a crlme: therefore,Artlcle II. 0 16 dcee nol preclude [he errest o( a member o( the Wnshington etate leglelature for the wmmleelon ot e trafflc offense wlthln [he Durvlew of RCR'A 46.61.010). ' 9heri[f who obeerved defendanYe After having etoDDed defendant'e suto- ~ antomobile [oilowing another vehicle too mobile and arreeted defendsn[ for verl- cloaely, defendan['e auaDicioua move- ous mlademeanor ot[enaea relatlng to men[a In the automoblle e[ter he be- defendant'x operatfon of the au[omoblle. ~ came awere o[ aherlff's Dreeence, de- aherlH wna entltled to enter nnd eecure fendanYn Intoslcated condltlon, anit out- Ihe automoblle, which, IePt by Iteelt on o(-dnte temporan' llcense Doseesseel bY the hlghway, would heve been eubJect detendant, wee Justl[ied In srreatlns de- - to vandalism antl might have threatened ' (endant (or misdemeanor of(enees relat- Dubllc eafety and comenlence. UNted Ing to de(endan['e conducL UNted S[atea v MeCambddge (1977) 661 F2d Y~. State v SlcCambridge (1977) 551 F2d 865. 565. . 46.61.015 Obedience to police officere, flagmen, or fire fightera No person shall wilfully fail or refuse to wmp1S a9th unS lawful order or direction of nnp dulp nuthorized fingmnn or ang pollee ofticer or fire iigh[er ~w inves[ed bp law with enthori[p [o dtrect, control, or reguhite traffic. [Amend- ed bp LnNcs 1975 ch 62 § 17J . ' Sevenblllty-1975 c 62:. See no[e foilowing RCW 36.75A10. . 46.61.0. Duty to obey law enforcement officer-Authority of of- ficer • , (1) Anc pertion requested or signalrd to etop by a law- enforcemeiit nYticer for a tr¢fflc infractlon has x duty to stop. (2) \Chenecer nny person is s[oppe[1 for a[rfli[IC infrnc[ion, the otficer . maf de[uin that Uerson for n rensoneble pcriod ot tlme neces=ary [o iden[ify ~ • thc nerson, cheek the stntns of the Person's license nnd [he vehide's regis[ra- - [ion, ancl wmple[e and issue a notlce o[ Vattic infrectlon: , . f . . . . .`~k . I . . . . vs.-rtv.,..__. . ~ . . 's'. ~Y - . . ; 46.61.021 MOTOR'VEHICLES MOTOR'• (3) Any person requcatr,it [i) Wen[ifp LimcEV to a 4nv enforcement officer l 46.61.035 Autho[ized emeigeRCy pursuanL [o uii investlgation of n[raffic infructlmi h;is n dnty tn identify him- , p^; 24 Am Jur Proo[ of Facta, Emergenc~ self, gice his curreut nddre.9, and Eign xn :tcAnov,9eilgemen[ of receipt of [he et negtlgent operation o[ emergency vo no[ice of infraCtinn. gency end of reeeonebleness o( oDeratlo [_Added bS Iaws ]st Ex Sess 1973 ch 136 § 4, effec[ice Sxnunry 1, 1951.1 vehicie). Efiective tlatr5evera0111ty-1879 tat ex.a. c 136: See notes tollowing RCK'A 16.63.010. 1. IP riEPiERAL ~CJS Arrest gg 38, 40. City ordinance whlch requires emer- ' Key Number Dlgesta: Arreat (563.6(6). Bency rehlcle to make NII stop betore .proceeding Ihrough red Iight is in con- ' AfiXa-422 Failure to obey officer-Penalty mec wicn 9tate iaw wh!cn Fives emer- gency v¢hicles VrIciiege to proceed Pas[ AnS person wlio wiVully fuils to stop when mquested or eignuled to do so red Ilsht or atoV efgnat or etop aign ~w. bS a person reasonaLlp identifiuble as a latc enforcement officer or [o eomply s(ter slowing down as necessary fol with ItC\C 96.61.027(3), i.a guiltr of a misdPmeiinOr. sate operatfon; ctty ordinance must m(Added bp Laws ]st Ex Sess 1379 ch 136 g 5, effec[ive dnnuarp 1, 7931.] g've way to etate law. Seaberg v Unit_ ed Stntes (1971) 148 F2d 391. ~ Eftecfive date-Severablllty-1979 Lt ex.s. c 136: See no[ea folbwin6 RCR'a . 46.63.010. - PARTTCULAR pER90W9, VE- - C7S 1I0t01' 1'¢hICIC9 9S 606 s2Q. HICLES AND EPE9TS Key Fumber lliges[s: Aulomobiles (==335. lle[ermirmtlona o( law entorcemenl Of(ICera in the (lel(l regarding the use o7 96.61A24 Attempting to elude pursuing police vehicle Anp driver of x motor cehicle who wilfully- tuiis or rePuses to immediately 46.61.050 Obedlence to end ieq bring Lis vehicle to n stop and who drives his cehide in n manner indicn[ing (1) rhe dricer of uny cehicle, ece a wanton and wiltul disregnrd for the ]ices or property of others while aU obey the instruct[ons o[ anp officifll temptiug tn elude a pursninR police vehide, aP[er beinR gicen n cisual or nndi- p~aeed in acwrdnnco ~ci[h the pruc ble siKnnl to bring the ~-ehide to a ctop, sLall be guilty of n cinss C fe]ony. directe~ by n trnffic or police officv The Signnl given b}• the police officer may be b3' hand, colce, emergene}• light, ~7ricer of ~in :~uthoriu~ emergeneg ~ or siren. The ofticer giving such n signal s6a11 be in uniform and his cehicle shall be approprlately marked showing it to be an officinl police vehide. (2) No procision of this ctlapter f [Added by Laws ]st Iis Sess 1970 ch'5 § l.] are required sliell be enforeed again. CJS Motor \'ehicles qg 606 et aep. piace of the ulle6ed violation au offi Key A'umber Digests: Automobllea (7335. stlfflcien[ly legibll' or cislble t,o bC R'henecer a par[icular sec[ion does . 46.61.030 Persons working on highway right of way-Exceptions vices nre renuired, such seccion sh: ~i• are erected or in P1nce. ' tinder RCW 46.61.W0, which excludes A police o[[icer on [oot on a higha~ay (3) \F'henl'cCr o}YiCial [raffiC Con[rv vehictes engaged in "work upon the dghbof-a~ay whlle controlling [raffic is aur[ace o[ the h16hw¢y" from the aD- not a"pedestrian." within the meaning pln[flp CUnlonniilg [o [he requiremeI preSUNefI to ltave bCen vo placed bp ~ 0«cation o( the rules o[ the road, evuip- of ACWA 16.61.210(1) whlch requires ment and rehides are nu[horized to pedesViaos not in a croasw¢Ikto yield th0ri[p, ut11255 thC COntraq' ShHll b( dx disregard normnl rules of the road only to ell vehidea. Such an ofOCer fs a An}' offiCinl traftic Control de when within a consVUCtlon 91te area. "peraon engaged In work" within the O[ th15 chnptCl' iind puiPpO[ting to e f; For the purposes o[ the stntute, a sign dghbof-way of s h16hway within the tgjp(pg [O Buch dCViCes shflll bE Prf (y facing Jrlvers Ieav.InF the construc[ion meaning o[ RCNN'A 46.61.030 and is no[ 01 thi5 Chflp [Cq unlrcg [~~C cOn[rni area and stating "End of Conetructlon" held [o [he eame duty of care as a pe- } marks the Iimlt o( the conatructlon eite deatrien imder RCWA 96.61.250, or re- dCntt. [AIIICndI'(1 by LflwS 1975 Ch6 y~ area. Derheim v Fiorito (N.) Co, qutred [o keep s cons[ant lookout tor Severabllity-1975 c 62: See note tolloo (1972) 80 IVn 2d 161, 192 1`2d 1030. approaching vehiclec. Dailey v Lange ' ~+r (1978) 20 R'n ADD 12, 578 P2d 1322. ' 96.6I.055 Traffic-control signal \Chenever trnffic is controlled bp enc colomd li6hts, or colored IighEed combinntion, onlc [he colors green,~i ~SPBCIflI })C(1CS[[IRII SIS081$ CHP[glpgFB -ca[e and applp tu dricers of rehiclc: (1) Green indicatlon ' (n) Vehfcnlnr trnffic tncing a cin through or [urn right or lef[ unles's': 16 ~ . i ~ 1'ia .1 K yj:J 1'q