HomeMy WebLinkAbout6358 Return Address:. 1479 Cuburh of Aubu n1e~ 2011 68.00 ~ PACIFIC NW TIT ORD 25 West Main St. PAGE-eei oF 007 Auburn, WA 98001 KING$COUNTY16wA RECORDER'a .rvvCrc*rtet l- Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein); Final Plat (Ordinance 6358) Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: 0Additional reference #'s._on page _ of document Grantor(s)/Borrower(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) Auburn, City of z Grantee/AssBgneeBeneficiary; (Last name first) 1. Kendall Lee Ridge LLC Pa s::C 2. :`yl. i.iYl3 itlfi': iJ'~.V' Legal Description (abbreyiated: i,e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) Kendall Ridge - the south half of the west half of the north half of the NW quarter of the NW quarter of Section 10, TWP 21 N, R5E ❑ Additional legal is on page rJ of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number 1021059006,1021059032,1021059044;1021069074,1021059063,1021059022 ❑ Assessor Tax # not yet assigned -N O jU1%4 2a ORDINANCE NO. 6 3 5 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF KENDALL RIDGE WHEREAS, the Plat of Kendall Ridge, Application No. PLT08-0008 was filed with King County; Washington, while it was unincorporated territory in the County, prior to the premise being annexed into the City of Auburn; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat for this plat was by the King County Hearing Examiner on May 3, 2006 with identified conditions and requirements; and WHEREAS, the premises of the Plat of Kendall Ridge was annexed into the City of Aubum, effective Janua ry 1, 2008; and WHEREAS, in connection with the annexation, the City and King County entered into an Interlocal Agreement, pursuant to Resolution No. 4113, whereby the finro jurisdictions identified a cooperative process for handling pending plat activity; and WHEREAS, in accordance with that cooperative process, the City of Aubum received a recommendation of approval:from King County on the final plat applicafion for the Plat of Kendall Ridge; and WHEREAS, insofar as the plat meets the requirements of applicable codes and plans; and the conditions and requirements of the preliminary plat, it is incumbent on the City Council to approved the final plat, as no new conditions or requirements can be - added at this point. Ordinance No. 6358 ' March 28, 2011 Page 1 of 3 NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Aaaroval. Kendall Ridge, a subdivision involving property located within the City of Aubum, Washington, which plat is legally described on Sheet 2 of the Final Plat and set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is. hereby approved, and deemed fo conform to the applicable requirements for Plat approval. Section 2. Constitutionalitv or Invalidity. If any section, subsection clause or phase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional such . invalidity or unconstitutionality shall_ not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, as it is being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed adopted and approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that nay one or more section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid or unconstitutionaL Section 3. Kinq CountY Approval. As a portion of the Kendall Ridge Final Plat lies under King County jurisdiction, the final plat shall be recorded once the King County Council takes action on the final plat. Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section S. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. , INTRODUCED: APR 4 2011 PASSED: APR 4 2011 APPROVED: Q!PR 41011 Ordinance No. 6358 Match 28, 2011 Page 2 of 3 - ' CI F AUBUR N-~ PET R B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPRO ED TO FOR : ba6.ieB. Heid, Cityttomey Published: Ordinance No. 6358 March 28, 2011 Page 3 of 3 : Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 6358 • PARCBI; A: " • THE SQUT1i HALF OF THE WSST HALF OF THB NORTH HALF OR THE NORTHW&ST QDAt2TBR OF 3'HS NORTAi5t88T QUARTSR OF SSCTION. 10, TOS±NSHIP 21 NQRTH, RA24t3E 5 EF1ST. WILSrAMSTTS MSRIDIAI3. IN ICIIW COQNTY. WASFiIIdGTON; BJCCBPT THS WE.ST 30 FBET TFERHOB; A13D THE }V0gTH HALF OF THE SOUI'ti HALF OF TRB NORTfi4PSST QIIARTSR OF THE NORTFilRS3T QZTARTSR OF 3BCTION 10. TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, IZANOB 5 8AST, P1rLY+ANETTS NMIDFAN, IN ~ KING CQiJ1vTY $ WASHING'1'ON f • , SXCSPT THE WBST 330 BBST OF SAID NQRTH HALF OF TF38 3QUTH HAT,F ACCORDIDYG' TO KINQ. COIINTY 7,OT LINB ADJIIS'iMT NUABER 1082065 APPROVSD OCTOBSR 27, 1982 ; ALS0 i - BXCEPT THUSS PORTIONS TFEREOF COND$mmSD BY THE 3TATS OP NASHINGTON FOR SR 18 UNDER KINC3 COUNTY SIIPSRIOR COUR't' CAUSB AiUMSSt2 95-2-29883-3. ' PARCBL B: ' . . THB..WEST 330.FBBT:OF THE NORTH NAI,F OF.'PFIB SOUTH HALP QF THE.NQRTHWSBZ` QUARTBR aF TFFS N4T2TFIWEST, QUARTBR OF SBCTION iQ. TOiaDT3EiIP 21 NpRTFI. I2At1(iS 5 BAST, 4VILLAMTFB , ME2IDIAN, IN KING COIINTY, WASSiNGTOAii , BXCBPT THE WSST 190 FBBT OF THE S4IITH HALF niFRBQF• AISO • . BXCBpT THAT. PiDR-pION THSi2BOF LYZNG. WITHIN THE RIdHT OF WAY OF 1321QD AV&HIIB SOLlTHBAST: AT,SO . . • BXCBPT - TFhT PORTION T'HSRHOF CONVSYSD TQ THE STATB OF M.SHINGTON BY WARItANTY D$BD gg(;QRA13p L7AlDSR RBCORDING N(JNIDSR 9506301758•. PARCBI, C : • • ; TH8 NORTH HALF OF THE I9SST 190 FSST OF THE SOUTH FIALF OF THE NORTfi HALF OF THE SOUTH HArR OP` THE NOR1'HLffBST QUAItTSK OF TfiF3 NOATH~ST QUARTSR OF 58CTIdN 20, . . . ~ TOwNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANQB 5 BA3T;' WIFsiANUTTS MSRIDIAN, IN RINa COUNTY, 4IASHINCiTONj ' SXCBPT THAT PORTION THS1tSOP LYIIQG T?ITHIN THE RIGHT OR WAY OFr 132ND 3'~BSP • . . BOUTHF.A8T AS BSTABLTSMD BY DBBA R$(:ARDBD UNDBR R$CORDM NUNBER 2680901; AISO BXCSPT TfAT POl2TI0N TFER80P' COAMfXBD TO THE STATS OF NASHINGTQ27 FOR SUTR ROUTB ' SES NBXT PAGS i . ~ . 18 •:BY MRRANY`Y DF3BD-RSCORDBD UNDF3R RHCORDING 21UMBER 9506070779, SAID PORTION BEING MORg PARTICQLARLY DBSCRIBBD AS FOLLOWB: , THAT Pa$TION DP SAID IdORTH HALF OF THE WBST 190 FEST LYI1M 4QBSTSBLY OF A LINB 'BSGINIQING AT A POINT QPPOSITB ;HIGHFWAY HNGINBER'S STATIQDI (J;Sgg7NAgTgg ligggRREp Tp 195 HSS ) C 141+45 OPT THE C LTD7S SIIRVSY 'OF SR 18, S.R. 3 04TH STREBT INMCHAN(3S VICII!TZTY. AND 42 FBBT BASTERI,X.THSRBFROMr . . THEldCB NiOItTHBRLY PAR2lLLBL WITH SAID C IZNE SURVSY TO A. POINT OPPOS ITE BBS C . 143+00 'TIiSRSON ADID THB MM OF THIS LINB*'AESQ2IPTTQN. ' • PARCBL D • . . .l . THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOi3TFY HALB OF 'PFi$ IdORTfiWS$T QUARTBR OR THH NQRTBWSST QUARTBR OF SBCTION'10. TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RAWC3S 5 BAST, PtILLANlSTTS MSRIDIAN, IN KING CODNTY, ➢JASHINGTWt % • • BXCSPT THAT PORTI4D1 THSREOF CONVSYBD T8 ItI2dG COUDITY FOR ROAD PURPOSBS BY DBBD ' RBCORDBD QNDBR RSCORDING IJOMBBR 2680900: ALSO . BXCSPT THOSB. PORTIONS CONVBXBD T0 7'fE 3TATB OF WAST3INQZ'aN HY WARRANTY D$BD RBCaRDBD UNDSR RBCOF;DIbiG. N(JNlBBR 9566211051. . , . PARCBL 8: ' : TfiS; '30DTH QUARTSR 0k THE NORTH97S6T QUARRBR OF TFiH NORTHWS$T QIIARTBR OF SBMOId I0; TOT!]iTBHIP 21 NORTti, RA1408 5 SAST, WILLANE'ITS NlSRTDIAN, TN KING CQDWY, WASAIIJCTONN: TOGBTH812 WITH THAT PURTIOAI OF T.EE NORTHBAST QUARTSR OF THE 1QORTHWBST QJARTSR OF SAID $ECTIOI+T 10, DB3CRIBED AS FOLI,OWS : BEC3TNNIM AT THE SODT#ISAST CORNBR OF THE NORTHPTBST QIIARTSR OF THS DiORTHW$ST 4UARTBR OF SAID SSCTION lOj . ' TH]3iiCS NORTH, ALOIdO THE SAST IrIATE THEREOF, 719.15 FEBT; • • , THSNCB gABT 540.8 FBBT; THMCB SODTH 185.7 FBST: , TFiMCE BAST 529.9 FBBT; . TFENCE NORTH 34.9 THSN'CB DiORTH 30050' 00" BAST, ALONG., THS SQOTHBA$TSRLY LINTi OF A TRACT QQNVBYBD TO THB NORTIiSRN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY BY HSNRY S. SINKAN AND HIS WIRS L'OIIISS SINKniX, &BCORDgD.UNDER RBCORDIATiG NUMBBR 784021, TO A POINT OPT TFiB BAST LINS OF THE NORTHMST QUARTBR OF THE NORTHWSST QOARTER OF ,SAID BECTI4N 10~. , - TFiSIJCE SOUTH AIANG SAIII 9A3TLINB TO THE SOUTHBAST CORNBR OF SAID•NORUMAS'1' QUARTBR OF THE NORTHhBST QIIARTSR= • ~ THEDTCB, VBST AIAIJG TIiB SOt3Tt1 LINB OF 9AID NORTH&AST QUARTFR OF THE NORIEWBST QUARTBR. T0 TFiFi POINT OF BHGIIQNING: ' - BCCSPT TFIB VTB3T 30 F&BT THSRSOF CONVSYBD TO ICING COIJNiTY POR 132ND AVS S.E. BY DME) It'SCORDBD @IDgR RBCORDIDIG NUbIDBlt 2680901; AND BXCSPT THAT TORTION THSRHQF CONVBX$II. T0 TH8 BTATB OF WA9HIW1'ON FdR WId7E'tING OF 132ND AVS S.S. BY DBSD RBCdRDBD UNDSR RSCORDIld(3 NUMBR 9506280270, AND • . B$CBPT '!'HA'I.' `PORTION OP SAIA PRBNII3BS LYING NORTIiSRLY OF TEIS 300TH I+INBc OH THE ' NOitTH HAY,F 'OF TFTI.# 30DTH HALF OR TFIE SOIITFE HALF OF THE NORTHWB3T QIIAitTffi2 OF THS NORTHWS5T QUAR7,'BR OF SAID- SBCTIOlq 10, AS CONVSYSD --TO HOWARD R. LARSON AND 3HIRLBX LARSON, EiUSBAND AND WzFS, BY QUIT C'LAIM DSSD RSCORDBD @TDER RIiCORDING NUNIDSR 49103481 AND , BXCSPr THAT PORTION OF THE N0RTHSAST. QUARTBR OF THS .NOB.TfiFQBST• QUARTBR OF SAID 3HCTION 10, DBSCRIB$D.AS FOLLOPTS: • . , BEGIII WING AT A POINT 313.98 RBBT DTORTA OP THE SOUTHWSST COiRBTBR OF 3AIB NORTHBAST QUARTSR OF THE NOitTFi4MT QIIARTSR; . THSNCB 140RTH 405.17 PMj ' THffiJCB SAST 540.8. FM; ' • THSNCB SODTH 185.7 PSST; . THBTTCE SAST 529.9 FSBTj . . . THSNCB NORTH 39.9 FMTj _ . • THID,QCB NQRTH 30050r00" $AST,. AIA4Jd T}IB SODZHEAS'FERLY, I,I1JB OP A TRACT 0O1dVBXBD TO THB. N0RTIiEtN PACIFIC RAILW,AX CQMPANY BY HSNAY S. SINKAN AND HIS WIFS LOIIISB STNKAN, R$CORDBD p1QDER RBCORDINO iiONBBR 784021, TO A POINT ON THE SAST LINS OF THE N(niTHRA3T QUAItTBR QF THE NO1tTHWBST QIIARTgR OB SAID SECZ'ION 10; , TFIffiUG8 SODTIi AYAIJG SAID BAST. LIl~7B TO A POINT 313 . 98 FSBT NORTH OF. TH8 SOa1'fEA3T CORNSR OF SAID. IJORTfEA3T QOA1tTBR OF THE NORTHWSST QIIARTBR: THENC6 1WB3T ALON(3 TfE 30DTH LINB 'OF 3AID N0I2'TFiSAST QUARTBR OF THg NORTMBS'P QIIARTSR, TO THE POINT OF. BSG4INNIDIf3s AND ' $XCBPT TIi09B PORTION3 OP SAZD PREMISSS CONVSXBD TO THE STATS OF WA5HII34TON FOR STAT& ROUTB 1d0. 18, FORMBI2LY RNOW A3 STATE HIGHWAY NTO. 2 BY DEBDS RBG'ORDBD IINDBR RBCORDIDTG WAMBRS 4905070 :ANA 9506280270. , '