HomeMy WebLinkAbout6408 ORDINANCE NO. 6 4 0 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 18.31.200 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO ADMIN�STRATION OF ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN REVIEW STANDARDS WHEREAS, from time to time, amendments to the City of Aubum zoning code are appropriate, in order to update and better reflect the current development needs and standards of the City; and WHEREAS, periodically amendments to the City of Aubum zoning code are appropriate, in order to increase consistency of the code sections enacted over different periods of time; and WHEREAS, periodically amendments to the City of Auburn zoning code are appropriate, in order to facilitate the use arid understanding of code sections; and WHEREAS, currently the Cit�r has architectural and site design standards that apply to three distinct geographical areas of the City and some that apply throughout the City but only concem spec�c land use types; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this amendment to the code is to provide a consistent administrative review process for evaluating the design and arrangement of site iievelopments and buildings to ensure quality design of the buik environment; and WHEREAS, these code amendments are exempt from environmental review under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Section WAC 197-11800 (19), since they are rules and regulations related to governmental procedures and contain no substantive standards respecting use or modification of the environment; and ------------------ Ordinance No. 6408 June 6, 2012 Page 1 of 10 WHEREAS, these code amendments were considered by the Planning Commission at a duly noticed public hearing on June 5, 2012 and after the close the public hearing the Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation for approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the code amendments were reviewed by the Planning and Community Development Committee of the City Council on February 27, 2012; and an June 11, 2012; and thereafter the Committee forwarded a recommendation for approval to the full City Council. WHEREAS, upon the recommendations, the City Council determines that the following code changes are in the best interest of the City NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN, as follows: Section 1. Amendment to Citv Code. That section 18.31.200 of the Auburn City Code entitled "Multifamily development and mixed use developmenY' is changed to read: "Architectural and site design review standards" and the section is hereby amended to read as follows: 18.31.200 Architectural and site design review standards and_�ese�esrequlations. A. Intent and Puraose. The architectural and site desian requlations provide an administrative review process for evaluatinq the desi4n and arranaement of de_v_elopment. The architectural and site desian reaulations are intended to be consistent with and imqlement the policies of the comprehensive plan. The quraoses of these design review regulations are to: 1. Foster qood decision-makinq for development throuqh architectural and site desiQn within the context of the communitv's built and natural environmental character, scale and diversitv: 2. Promote the use of approariate scale of buildinqs and the confiquration of open space and parkinq areas for developrrient to safelv and comfortablv accommodate pedestrian activities: ------------------ Ordinance No. 6408 June 6, 2012 Page 2 of 10 3. Coordinate the interrelationship of buildinqs and qublic and arivate open sqace, 4. Discouraqe monotonv in buildinq desiqn and arranqement, while promotina harmonv amonp distinct buildinq identities: and 5. Mitiqate. throuah desiqn and site alan measures, the visual impact of larqe buildinq facades, particulariv those which have hiqh public visibilitv (Encouraqe the creative use of architectural and landscaoe features in order to reduce the actual and perceived scale and bulk of structures). B . Applicability The following land uses, tvoes of development activities, includinq all related site improvements, and qeoqraahic areas' ia�raveFae�ts, are subject to the architectural and site design standards and the ; processes and re ulations for conducting design review contained in this chapter• 1 —Multiple-Familv and Mixed Use Developments. The followinp land uses and tvpes of development are subiect to the City's Muitiple-Familv and Mixed-Use DesiQn Standards document unless addressed bv a different set of architectural and site desian standards aoplicable to a specific qeoaraohic area. a. Multifamily development inclusive of triplexes and fourplexes in all zones in the city where permitted outright or as a conditional use and not othervvise addressed through the city's Residential Iinfiil Development desiga Sstandards (ACC 18.25); and �b Mixed-Use Residential Development. Mixed-use development containing residential living units in all zones in the city where permitted outright or as a conditional use, and, � �c. Retirement apartments, congregate living facilities and senior housing complexes in all zones in the city where permitted outright or as a conditional use. 2. Downtown Urban Center. The followinq locations of development activities are subiect to the Citv's Downtown Urban Center Desiqn Standards document. a. Properties located within the boundaries of the DUC. Downtown Urban Center zoninq district as identified on the Comprehensive Zoninq Map. 3. Aubum Junction. The followin4 locations of development activities are subiect to the Citv's Auburn Junction Desiqn Standards document. a. Properties located within the boundaries of West Main Street, 2nd Street SE/SW, A Street SE, and A Street SW as identified with Auburn Citv Code 18.29.070. Desiqn Standards of the DUC , Downtown Urban Center zone. 4. Northeast Auburn Special Plannina Area. The followinq locations of development activities are subiect to the Citv's Auburn Gatewav Architectural and Site Design Standards document. a. Properties located within the boundaries of the Auburn Gatewav Proiect as defined bv the Development Aqreement approved bv Citv Resolution No. 475fi. The Aubum Gatewav Architectural and Site Desian are addressed In Section 4 of this Resolution and arovided as Attachment 4 to the Resolution. C�. Exemptions. The following activities as determined by the P�lanning D�irector shall be exempt from the provisions of the design standards: 1 Any building activity that does not require a building permit; or --------- - ----- - - - Ordinance No 6408 June 6 2012 Page 3 of 10 � 2. Interior construction work which does not alter the exterior of the structure; or 3. Normal or routine building and site maintenance/repair that is exempt from issuance of a permit �ire�eats including the repair or maintenance of structural members; or 4 Interior alterations that do not ^"°• «'^° °�'°•;^• � ^s � °'•„^'„•° eFmodify an existing site condition; or 5. Site and exterior alterations that do not exceed 10 percent of the assessed valuation of the property building or land per the most recent county records; or � 6. Building additions that are less than 10 percent of the existing floor area of the existing building. Any cumulative floor area increase from the adoption date of the ordinance establishing these architectural and site design standards that totals more than 10 percent shall not be exempt unless the Pplanning Ddirector determines compliance with these standards would be unfeasible and/or unreasonable. �: . ' • � � D Design Standard Documents. Adopted by reference are the followinq architectural and site desiQn documents ' staadards-a, copiesy of which shall be maintained by the city clerk. Theseis documents contains the standards for the desiQn and development of the built eav+reaFaec�t environment. ....�i„ �..a .,,�..ea ���.. a�,,.,b......e... � ......r,....tin. ..�ti, ��The Pplanning Ddirector or designee shall have the authority to apply the standards to specific development proposals. The followinq specific architectural and desianse standards documents may be amended upon approval by the Pplanning and Ddevelopment Csommittee of the Auburn Csity Csouncil-, 1. Mixed Use and Multiple Familv Develooment Desipn 5tandards. 2. Auburn Gatewav Architectural and Site Desiqn Standards. 3. Downtown Urban Center Desian Standards. ------------------ Ordinance No. 6408 June 6, 2012 Page 4 of 10 � 4. Auburn Junction Desiqn Standards. E. Timing of Administrative Design Review 1 Design review shall be conducted by the P�lanning Ddirector or designee prior to or_concurrent with the processinq of building permits �ssaaase and/or review of discretionary land use approvals/permits. 2. The decision on the administrative desiqn review shall be issued prior to issuance of the buildinq oermits and/or issuance of discretionarv land use �provals/permits. F. Pre-application Meetinq —When Required Associated with a Desiqn Review. 1. A pre-application conference is required for the followinct instances: a. For multi-familv develoament in the R-10. R-16. and R-20 Residential zones: and b. For mixed-use development containinq residential livinq units located within R-10, R-16 and R-20 Residential zones; and c. For mixed-use developmerit containinq residential livin4 units located within commercial zones: and d. For retirement apartments. conqreaate livina facilities and senior housina complexes located within R-10. R-16 and R-20 Residential zones, and all commercial zones. 2. A pre-application conference is strongly recommended for all other proiects subiect to the citv's architectural and site desictn �Ereview but is not required_ 5. A�e-a....�;,.��--�o,,TeFe e �,� :,. .,.;. .,« .,..... ..�� G� Design Review Submittal Requirements. In addition to any other documentation required for submittal of a complete application for building permit or discretionarv land use approvalsloermitssite-p4a�-Feview, the following items shall be required for the architectural and site design review• 1 Elevation drawings prepared by an architect licensed in the Sstate of Washington of all proposed construction including dimensional drawings at one-eighth inch equals one foot or comparable scale showing the type of exterior materials, color � (where applicabl ' ), exterior finishes for buildings and accessory structures, location and elevations of exterior lighting for buildings, the type, style and model of exterior lighting fixtures (where applicable staadards), parking areas, and fenestration details. , � - - - --------------- Ordinance No. 6408 June 6, 2012 Page 5 of 10 � 2. A to-scale landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect licensed in the state of Washington showing existing vegetation to be retained and proposed vegetation to be installed inclusive of the common and botanical name of ail vegetation, the location and quantity of vegetation, the initial planting size and �grewE# methods of irrigation-i€-appl+sable; 3. A context vicinity map that shows all structures on the property and within 200 feet in each direction of the subject property drawn approximatelv to scale-�aet 4 A neighborhood circulation plan consistent with the provisions of Chapter 17 16 ACC (Neighborhood Circulation Plan); and � 5. Conceptual plans for any public infrastructure, including roads, water, sewer, and storm facilities. H6. Interpretations. 1. The Planninq Director shall be authorized to interpret the meaninq of words, phrases and sentences which relate to the implementation of the specific architectural and desiqn standards document. Anv interpretations reqardinq imolementation of the sqecific architectural and desiqn standard document shall be made in accordance with its intent or auraose statements and the intent and ouroose statements of this chapter. For interpretations, life safety and qublic health requlations shall be qiven orioritv over all other requlations. 2. Administrative interpretations mav be appealed to the hearinq examiner as prescribed in Chaater 18.70.050 ACC. . , I##. Design Review Adjustments. 1. Authoritv for desiqn review adiustments. The Pplanning D�irector or designee shall have the authority, subject to the provisions of this section and upon � such conditions as the Pplanning.Ddirector or designee may deem necessary to comply with the provisions of this section, to approve design adjustments as follows: a� An adjustment to architectural or site design requirements such that no more than two of the total number of required menu items in the Csity bf Auburn M�ultifamily and Maaixed-Uase Ddesign Sstandards are out of compliance. b�. An adjustment to required building wall and roof modulation standards, as contained in the Csity of Auburn Ma�ultifamily and Ma�ixed-use D�esign SstancJa�ds, up to 20 percent of the amount of any quant�ed standards contained therein. c. An adiustment to the architectural or site desipn reauirements that. remains consistent with the purpose and intent of the architectural and site desian standards. 21 Required Findings to Grant Design Review Adjustments. Each determination granting an adjustment by the Pplanning D�irector or designee shall be supported by written findings showing specifically wherein all of the following conditions exist: ------------------ Ordinance No. 64D8 June 6, 2012 Page 6 of 10 � a� That the granting of such adjustment does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and/or zone of the subject site; and � b�. That the granting of such adjustment will not adversely affect the established character of the surrounding neighborhood, discourage maintenance or upgrades on surrounding properties, nor resul# in perpetuation of those design qualities and conditions which the comprehensive plan intends to eliminate or avoid; and � c�. That the project incorporates altemate design characteristics that are equivalent or superior to those otherwise achieVecJ by strict adherence to stated menu options; and .,a;,,�....e,,. �T 3d Public Notification and Action on Design Review Adjustment Applications. Upon the filing of a properly completed application and associated request for a design � review adjustment, the Pqlanning Ddirector or designee shall comply with the Csity's Type,ll land use review requirements for issuance of a properly noticed and appealable land use decision. 4�. Appeal of Director's Decision Astier� on Design Review Adjustments. a� If a written objection to the initiaf determination notice is filed within �9 14 business days of said notification, the Pplanning Ddirector or designee shall reconsider the initial determination in light of the objection(s) as raised and render a final decision � on the permit. This final decision shall result in either the Pplanning Ddirector's affirmation of the original determination of approval, the approval with additional modifications or denial. b�. Upon completion of the Pplanning Ddirector's reconsideration, all parties notified of the original determination shall receive notification of the Pqlanning D�irector's final decision. Any party aggrieved by the �Ianning Ddirector's final decision may file an appeal of that decision to the Hk�earing Eexaminer in accordance with the Csity's land use appeal provisions. Such appeals for H#►earing Eexaminer review must be filed within �8-14 business days from the date the written decision was made and shall include the following: ia. The appeal shall be filed on forms provided by the Ddepartment of Pplanning and Ddevelopment. ii�. The appeal shall clearly state the decision being appealed, setting forth the spec�c reason, rationale, and/or basis for the appeal. � iiis. Fees associated with the appeal shall be paid to the city upon filing of the appeal in accordance with a fee schedule established by resolution. � 53. Upon filing of a timely and complete appeal, the hearing examiner shall conduct a public hearing to consider the merits of the appeal. This hearing shall be subject to the city's public noticing and public hearing requirements and shall include not�cation of all parties notified of the �lanning Ddirector's final decision. The hearing examiner may affirm the Pplanning Ddirector's decision or may remand the matter to the Pplanning Ddirector for further review in accord with the examiner's direction. - --------------- - - Ordinance No. 6408 June 6, 2012 Page 7 of 10 64 If no written objection is filed to the initial determination within the specified time limits, the P�lanning Ddirector shall render a final decision on the permit in accord with the initial determination. J Approval Criteria for Desiqn Review.. The Planninq Director or desiqnee mav approve, or modifv and approve, or denv an aoplication for an administrative desiQn review. . desiga—Feview—Each determination granting app�oval or approval with modifications shall be supported by written findings showing the applicant satisfies all the followinq criteria . 1 The plans and supplemental materials submitted to support the plan meet the requirements of the �ecific architectural and site design documentsfeg�rla�ieps; 2. The proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan; 3. The proaosed development meets reauired setback, landscaoinq, architectural stvle and materials, such that the buildinq walls have su�cient visual varietv to mitiqate the aooearance of larqe facades, particularlv from public riphts-of- wav and sinqle-familv residential zones. 4�. A�4isable��4y--t�ln addition to the criteria in subsections 1 throuqh 3, for multiple-family residential and retirement apartment projects, the director or desiqnee must determine that the following key review criteria have been met: a. The proposed development is arranged in a manner that either• i. Provides a courtyard space creating a cohesive identity for the building cluster and public open space furnished to facilitate its use, or � ii. Possesses a traditional streetscape orientation that provides clearly identifiable and visible entries from the street, views from residential units onto the street and reinforces pedestrian-oriented streetscape characteristics (e.g., building edge abutting sidewalk, entries onto the street); or iii. Faces and facilitates views of a major open space system; b. The proposed development provides a variety in architectural massimg and articulation to reduce the apparent size of the buildings and to distinguish vertical and horizontal dimensions, � c. The proposed development contains a combination of elements such as architectural forms, massing, assortment of materials, colors, and color bands sufficient to distinguish distinct portions and stories of the building; � d. Residential buildings in large multiple-family projects or mixed-use projects are physically integrated into the complex possessing suffciently different I appearance or placement to be able to distinguish one building from another; , � e. Unit entrances are individualized by use of design features that make each entrance distinct or which facilitate additional personalization by residents; � f. Areas dedicated to parking are sufficiently visually broken up and contain a complement of vegetative materials to project a landscaped appearance; � g. Where applicable, a transition is created that minimizes impacts from multifamily and mixed-use development projects on neighboring lower density residential dwelling units in abutting or adjacent single-family zones; and --------------- - - - Ordinance No. 6408 June 6, 2012 Page 8 of 10 I � h. Where applicable, in cases of granting density or height bonuses, the project has provided community benefits, facilities or improvements above amd beyond those required in the municipal code and supports the goals, objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan; ,..^„ ^^�' °^^'° '°�^�'., �°°�^'^^'�^' � °° (Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord 6245 § 15, 2009 ) Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 3. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law INTRODUCED• .J�L 1 G.ZO1Z PASSED' APPROVED� �UL 1 s PO1Z IT UBUR 5 — --- � PETER B LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST ���� Danie e E. Daskam, City Clerk ------------------ Ordinance No. 6408 June'6, 2012 Page 9 of 10 APP ED TO FOR : Daniel B. Hei , City Attorne PUBUCATIONC��C:.�i /�/ de%L .�c.;: �w �a-z�t' ��"'"`-✓ / ' ------------------ Ordinance No. 6408 June 6, 2012 Page 10 of 10