HomeMy WebLinkAbout6441 ORDINANCE NO. 6 4 4 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, CREATING A NEW CHAPTER 2.07 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO THE AUBURN JUNIOR CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the youth of the City of Auburn are a valuable resource for the future of the City, the State and the Country; and WHEREAS, the City and the schools serving Auburn students work very well together on projects to cultivate and foster this valuable resource; and WHEREAS, there already exists, as a resource/program in the Parks, Arts and Recreation Department, a youth commission to assist in functions involving recreation and youth activities to foster healthy environments for youth; and WHEREAS, there is an alternate need to create an environment which would give to the youth of the City opportunities to acquaint themselves with local government, and foster an understanding of municipal law and the functions and operations of cities as well as government in general; and WHEREAS, to continue promoting the youth of the City toward these areas of civic involvement, it is advantageous to create a Junior City Council which could work with the City Council to add a youth perspective to matters being addressed by the City Council, and through which the City Council could: • receive from the Junior City Council proposals and suggestions, give such proposals and suggestions due consideration for possible action, • provide timely feedback to the Junior City Council about the status of such proposals and suggestions, welcome their testimony and presentations at meetings of the full City Council and its committees regarding proposed proposals and suggestions from the Junior City Council, and -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6441 January 7, 2013 Page 1 of 7 • support in other ways the role and participation of the Junior City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows. Section 1. New Chapter to City Code. That a new Chapter 2.07 of the Auburn City Code - Auburn Junior City Council - be and the same hereby is created to read as follows: Chapter 2.07 AUBURN JUNIOR CITY COUNCIL Sections: 2.07010 Created 2.07020 Purpose. 2.07030 Goals. 2.07040 Membership 2.07050 Term of Office. 2.07060 Responsibilities. 2.07070 Meetings. 2.07080 Sub-Committee Structure. 2.07060 Staff support. 2.07010 Created. There is hereby created and established an Auburn Junior City Council in and for the City of Auburn. 2.07020 Purpose. The Auburn Junior City Council shall serve as an advisory body to the regularly elected or appointed Auburn City Council (City Council), other city boards, commissions and city staff on youth aspects of all City functions, including but not limited to, Parks, Recreation, Transportation, Public Works, Land Use Planning, Finance, Public Safety, Diversity and Human Services. 2.07030 Goals. The Auburn Junior City Council shall promote leadership skills and the communication of ideas of youth, particularly as they relate to local representative government and governmental services. The Auburn Junior City Council's goals shall be to- -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6441 January 7, 2013 Page 2 of 7 A. Find solutions for local youth problems and report these to the City Council. B Provide community youth with an outlet for expressing interests and opinions, including: 1 Interests and opinions regarding city ordinances, proposed ordinances and other matters that might lend themselves to future ordinances. 2. Interests and opinions regarding city policies, proposed policies and other matters that might lend themselves to future policies. 3 Interests and opinions regarding action that the city is taking or action that the city is considering. C Consider issues in light of the legal parameters applicable to city action. D Help make the public, including the youth of the city, aware of the action of the City Council and the role the Auburn Junior City Council can play in connection therewith. E. Suggest ways to improve the quality of life for young people, and suggest other programs beneficial and of interest to the youth of the city 2.07040 Membership A. The Auburn Junior City Council shall consist of nine (9) members. The members shall be appointed by the Mayor, and confirmed by the City Council from among students who have been nominated by the principals of the schools that they attend, with input from their teachers and counselors. The nomination of members shall be based upon consideration of criteria including: interest in government, positive participation in civics classes, academic accomplishments, involvement in school and community activities and other factors that identify a prospective member as a valuable contributor to the Auburn Junior City Council. Those considering prospective members, making nominations and appointing or confirming members to the Junior City Council shall endeavor to include diverse members of the City's population, including one or more representatives of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe B In the process of nominating members to the Junior City Council, those nominating such members shall strive to seek representation of various schools, and to the extent reasonably possible, assemble a slate consisting of eight members, one each from the four high schools and the four middle schools and one member at large, or such other strategy representing various schools so that their membership represents a diverse cross-section of the student population of middle schools and high schools in the city C All students on the Junior City Council shall be residents of the City of Auburn, and shall be residents of the city during their entire term of office. If a student is a resident of the City of Auburn but attends a school located outside the City, a g., Thomas Jefferson High School, such student would be eligible to participate on the Junior City Council, if selected D The Junior Council members shall serve without compensation. -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6441 January 7, 2013 Page 3 of 7 E. Each member shall serve a term of two years. The Mayor and City Council shall annually solicit nomination from the school principals, and appoint and confirm new members to fill the expiring terms on the Auburn Junior City Council. The City Council may remove an Auburn Junior City Council member at any time if the City Council determines that member is not fulfilling his or her responsibilities to the satisfaction of the City Council. Members of the Junior City Council who fail to attend two consecutive regular meetings of the Junior City Council without being excused by the Chairperson, or excused by a majority of the membership of the Junior City Council, shall forfeit their positions on and be removed from the Junior City Council. F In the event of a vacancy on the Junior City Council, the Mayor and City Council shall solicit nominations from the school principals and shall appoint and confirm a new member to fill the unexpired term of that Auburn Junior City Council member; Provided that the Junior City Council may also nominate members to fill the un-expired term vacancies. Unless the appointed replacement member is replacing the at-large member of the Junior City Council, the appointed replacement member shall be from the same school as the member being replaced. Notice must be made to that school to solicit applications and nominations for the position to be refilled at least thirty (30) days before the appointment is intended to be made G All members of the Auburn Junior City Council shall serve until their successors are duly appointed by the City Council. H. The members will elect a Chairperson from among themselves. The Chairperson will be elected annually at the first meeting following the beginning of the school year The Chairperson will be allowed to vote on all matters. I A quorum of the Junior City Council shall consist of at least five members, and a minimum of five members must be present to vote on matters. J The Deputy Mayor or designee shall serve as Liaison to the Junior City Council, participating as a non-voting member of the Junior City Council, to encourage and counsel the members of the Junior City Council in connection with their duties as members of the Junior City Council. 2.07050 Term of Office. A. The term of office for the members of the Junior City Council shall be two years. Members shall be students during their entire term. Middle School students shall be selected for two-year terms from 7th grade classes, so they can fulfill their full terms while attending the same school. High School students shall be selected for two-year terms from 9th, 10th or 11th grade classes, so they can fulfill their full terms while attending the same school. B. Terms of office shall run from September of the first year of appointment through August of the second year of appointment, provided that for the initial appointees to the Junior City Council, five (5) of the members shall be appointed for terms commencing upon appointment and confirmation, and -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6441 January 7, 2013 Page 4 of 7 expiring at the end of August of the following year; and four (4) of the members shall be appointed for terms commencing upon appointment and confirmation, and expiring at the end of August of that same year Thereafter, members shall be appointed in staggered terms for the full two years, commencing with the expiration of the term of those they succeed C An additional two year term for members of the Junior City Council may be allowed so long as the member will be a student during the entire additional term. 2.07 060 Responsibilities. A. The Auburn Junior City Council shall be responsible for 1 Holding regular public meetings at least once a month, pursuant to a regular agenda, and to keep a written record of its proceedings which shall be a public record, all in accordance with state law; 2. Serving as youth advisors to the City Council and the City Council's various boards, commissions and task forces; 3 Adopting bylaws for the regular operation of the Junior Council; 4 Providing outreach to the community in an effort to place youth issues before our citizens in a positive manner; and 5 Forwarding to the City Council copies of the minutes of its meetings and reporting to the City Council as requested and/or as appropriate. B Members of the Junior City Council are encouraged to attend meetings of the City Council as well as meetings of the various boards and commissions of the City 2.07070 Meetings A. The regular meetings of the Junior City Council shall be held once per month at a regularly scheduled date and time, and shall be held in the Auburn City Council Chambers at City Hall. B The Chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the Junior City Council. In the absence of the Chairperson at a meeting, the members of the Junior City Council shall select a member of the Junior City Council to preside over such meeting. C All meetings of the Junior City Council shall be open to the public, except as provided by law D In the meetings of the Junior City Council there shall be the opportunity for public comment. Such public comment shall usually be limited to three minutes per person, provided that the Chairperson may, in his/her discretion, allow more time. E. Members of the Junior City Council shall display mutual courtesy, patience and appropriate behavior in all meetings of the Junior City Council, and in any interactions with City staff -------------------------------- Ordinance No 6441 January 7, 2013 Page 5 of 7 L 1 g abed £lOZ 'L tienuer l.ggg 'ON 90ueu1PJ0 -seouelswnoj!o jo suosiad iagjo o} uogeogdde s3! 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Daskam, City Clerk APPRO A TO FORM: Daniel B Heid, y Attorney Published'T -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6441 January 7, 2013 Page 7 of 7 e ,Seattle ticn es c1�of CRY A(l8U '�G� �(S OF�Cr- ���' u 101, City of Auburn, Finance Dept City Clerk 25 W Main St Auburn, WA 98001 Re: Advertiser Account# 107302 Ad #• 281938 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON Newspaper and Publication Date(s) Counties of King and Snohomish The undersigned, on oath states that he/she is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of Washington. The Seattle Times has been approved as a legal newspaper by others of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties. Seattle Times 01/28/13 The notice, in the exact form annexed, was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers and distrib- uted to its subscribers during all of the said period. Justyne Ho Menesind Signature Agent,m, V NNA, ,y ''', �' �VIQ 4ry,4Or qi. J r a t7Subscribed and sworn to before me on Q `O" a DATE ' ) 1 !'hrtstina C. MCKent,e DJ t1r= n s � tary o i Signature) otary Public in and forte to St of ashington, residing at Seattle STATS, (� e Sea�le �im�es C, Cjrr�F ,, Re: Advertiser Account# 107302 Ad# 281938 CITY OF AUBURN AD TEXT ORDINANCE 41 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUN. CIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASH- INGTON,CREATING A NEW CHAPTER 2.07 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELAT-ING TO THE AUBURN JUNIOR CITY COUNCIL INTRODUCED, PASSED, APPROVED. January 22,2013 The full text of the above Ordinance, which is summanzed in this Publication, will be mailed without charge to any per- son who requests the text thereof from the Auburn City Clerk. Published in the Seattle Times January 25, 2013. This ordinance is effective five days after Publication