HomeMy WebLinkAbout6570 ORDINANCE NO. 6 5 7 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6533, THE 2015-2016 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6558 AND ORDINANCE NO. 6563, AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2015-2016 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A`' AND SCHEDULE "B" WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 1, 2014, adopted Ordinance No. 6533 which adopted the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of April 6, 2015, adopted Ordinance No. 6558 (BA#1) which amended Ordinance No. 6533 which adopted the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of July 6, 2015, adopted Ordinance No. 6563 (BA#2) which amended O�dinance No. 6558 which amended 4he City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2015 budget as ouflined in this Ordinance (BA#3); and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6570 November 9, 2015 Page 1 of 3 Section 1. Amendment of the 2015-2016 Biennial Budget. The 2015- 2016 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B". A copy of said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumsfance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of 4his legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6570 November 9,2015 Page 2 of 3 FIRST READING: NOV 1 6 2015 SECOND READING: DEC - 7 2015 PASSED: DEC - 7 2015 APPROVED: �('^7 �_' ANCY KUS, MAYOR ATTEST: ��u�( L�w'm"y�'✓ Danielle E. Daskam City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: iel B. Heid City Attorney PUBLISHED: �*�G�/��i d�/5���'"�°'L�`J T'u'""J Ordinance No. 6570 November 9, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Schedule A Summary of 2015 Budget Adjustments�,by Fund Budget.Amendment#3 (Ordinance#6570) Beg.�Fund 2015 2015 Ending Fund Balanee Revenues Expenditures Balanee GenerelFund #007 2075 Amended.Budget 19,360,131.89 58,822,400:78 64,663,126.24 13,519,406.43 ParksDepanment_.._...__....-�----�-�--�-�--�-�-°-�-�-�--�-�-------�-----�---°--�---......_.__.._._._._._..._._._..-------�--�-�-�-----.__..___._._-�---�----------�--�--.. �CitYof Aubum Tourism Grants(Geocaching�and�Veteran's_Day Parade!___ - 70 000:00_ �10,000.00 - ....-- -.._._....-'--"---'-- -...i_..---' '-'------"----'---'-'-'------... 4Culture Grant/or New Liqht Board _________ - 3,500.00 3,500.00 - ----�-- -.._...._ - ------'---'—'—'-'--`._._._._._..___...---"----'--'-----'--"-'--'---'---'---'--'---.._.__.. MIIIPondandPSEWaIkin�Trall,Repaire_ �___________�_�_______ _ � _ _ _� ___ 25�600:00 25,600.00 - HumanResources Departrnent_-.--.-.---_._.__._.--.-.---.--.---.--.-------.-.-.-.---.._._._._._._._....---.---.-----.----.._...-----°--.._._._...----..__._..__.._.._.__.. --.._-'-----...._.._.. _Increase Charges from KingCounlXfw DistriM Court Services_____________________ ___ _____ _ 336,400 00_____�336i400.00) Non-DePartmental --'--'-'----'------`--'-'-'---"-'-'-'-'--'-----'--'-'--'---'--_._.--'-----'---'-'----'--'-'--"----___.._._.-'---"-------�---'---._..__..._..__.—'-'---"---.. TransfecCemete Debt Service to the General Fund • 23,017.00 23 017.00 __.._._._.___._.__.._._.�'...__._.___.....---"-'---.._.._....._..__..._...._._._._.._.._._..---'---...._._.___._.___._._._..__.___.___..___._.._...._-----..._....._._._._.._._.._...._...__.._._._.�._..s..._....._..�. Trensfer Excess from LID Guarant Fund to General Fund er RCW�35.54.095 - 21 443.24 - 21 443.24 .__..__........_.._._.._._._._._._...._.__..__._..__X_..__........---._.._._.._.._._..__1P._.__..__.._..--•-•--._.L_-.-.--.--..---.___._.__._...._,_.___...__..__._.__.._..____..----.-•-•--.s._.---.. TOTAL BA#3(Ordlnance#6570-Broposed) 60,543!24 398 517.00 (337 973.76) Revised��2015�Budget-Fund001 19,960,131.89 58,682,944.02 65,061643.24 13,181432.67 HotellMOtel Tax Fund� #104 � 2015 Amended Budget 166,895.68 94,040.00 86,000.00 174,935.66 .__.__.._.._._..-'-'---.�__._.__.___.___._---'-'-'--...-'-'---.._.__.____..__.._.__.._.._._._.__._.___.._._.._---....._.._._.__.___.___---'---.___._.__..___..--'---..._..__._.. Advertlsements in the�sitSeattle Visitor Guide and the Trevel Planners' Guide - - 20,000.00 20,000.00 _....___.__.._._.....----.-.--.._._..__....._.._.._...._._.._..__._.�..__.._..__...._.....--..-.---_.___..---_--�--.___a. TOTAL BA#3(Ordinance#6570 -Proposed) 20,000.00 (20 000.00) Revised 2075 Budget-Fund 704 166,895.66 94,040.00 106,000.00 154,935.66 Arterial Street�Preservatlon�Fund #105 2015 Amended Budget 3,180,979.82 2,937,040.00 5,870,756.35 247,263.47 --....._.._._._._.____.__._._.___-__..__.._..-'--'-°._.-'°-'-'-'-'---'--'-'----'---'--'°--._.--'--°._�.___.___.._._._.....__.._____..__...�_.---_.___..._..__._____�----.. Reflect Expec[ed.Savin�s In Annual Arterial Street Preservatlon Pro�rem ___ - - (100,000.00�__ _ 100,000:00 TO7AL BA#3�Ordinance#6570-Proposed) (100000.00) 100 000.00 Revlsed 2015 Budgel-Fund 105 3 180,979.82 2 937,040.00 5,770,756.35 347,263.47 F'�Bud�ei Dirx�op�1015 6udeel`13udgn Nuendmeui k3�2015�DA No3.xlsm(Schcd A) Page � O� ; I Ii92015 9:10 Ahf Schedule A Summary of 2015'Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#3(Ordinance#6570) Beg.Fund 2015 2015 Ending�Fund Balanee Revenues Expenditures Balance LID Guarentee Fund. k249 2015 Amended Budget 24,546.96 �20.00 2,000.00 22,566.96 .__..__.____.---.---'--'---'---_._.__.._..__.._._._._.__.___..__._....__.___.__..__._.___-'---'-'-'--'-'---'-'--'---....__..._.._._.._._._....__.._.__...._._..__.__.._._..___.. Close Out LID 250 _ qqg,q� _ qqy.q� '--'--`----'---'-----'--..___..---..__._.._..___._-'---'--'-'--..__._._._.__._.._..--"`--'--"--'-'---'-----'-'---._._..--'-'---'-'--...._..---._..__.._.._..__... . Transter Excess to General Fund lper RCW 35.54:095�._..__...._._.__._.._._..---......_-.-.---..--.---.---.-.--.---.....__:._.._._.__._.21,473.24----_--_�21,443.24).. TOTAL BAif3(Ordinanee#6570-Proposetl) 449.47 21,443,24 (20 993.83) Revlsed 2015 Budget-Fund 249 24,546.96 469.47 23,443.24 1 573.73 LID 250 Fund p250 � 2015 Amended Budget qqg.q� _ _ qqg,q� __._._..____._._._.._..__.._._._-°..___.._--"'--'-'---.�.___.__._....__.._._.._._._..__._._'--'-'-'-'_._._._--'---"--'..___._._'--'--'--._.___.__.-'---._._._.�_._.._._.._.. Close Out LID 250 . _ _ ._.._..---"---'-'-"----"--"----"------.._.__._._._..---'-------'---'--'-'-'-'--__.___._.._._..--"---.__-'---.._..---�--'---'--449.41 ---._._.__�449:� TOTAL 8A!!3(Ordinance#6570-Proposed) _ qqg.q� (qqg.q�� Revlsed 2015'Budget•Fund 250 4q9,q� qqg.q� Ca ttal�lm ovements Fund #328 2015 Amended Budget 9,680,897.36 3,359,630.48 -6,347,296.00 6,699,231.84 ---.._._..----'-'--'---'-----'--'---'---'--_._._._._.._..__.._..--'-'--...._.._.._._._.._._._._.__--'-----'-------._.._..--'----"----"---'---'-'-'-'----.._..-'----.. . Purchase of 41•.5 Aeres_of Vacant Land from PSE�Resolution#5160:July 2015� _ ____ 92,g55:00 _ .92,955.00___ - Demolhion of Liyuldators BuildmQ____ __ _ _______ ____,__ 35�000 00 �35i000 00) TOTAL BA#3(Ordlnance#6570-Proposed) 92,955.00 127 955.00 (35 000.00) Revlsed 2015 Budget-Fund 328 �9,680,897.36 3,452,585.48 6 469 257.00 6,664 291.84 �WatenFUnd�� if430 2015 Amended-Budget 14,027,405.35 20,828,757.69 27,770,653.80 7,685,509.24 --'-'-•—"-'-'-'-'----.._._.----"---.._._._..__-'--'--'-----'---'---'--'-'-'--'-"-'-'----'-"--'-'--'-'--'---��-'--'-'--...."--------'---'---'-----'-'----.. R�laee Cast Iron Main in Con�unction wlth M St,SE,Storm Im�rovement P%jeet _____� �_ -�__ _ �_ _ . 50,000.00____L50y000.0� TOTAL BA#3(Ordinance#6570-Proposed) 50 000.00 (50 000.00) Revised�2015-Budget-Fund 430 14,027,405.35 20,828,751.69 27,220,653.80 7,635,509.24 ' P?IIudge�Dirw�ory`�015 6udeeD�udget Amrndmeot k3-2015�D.4 No3.xlsm(Schcd A) �'eQr 2 oT 3 I 1;92015 9:10 7,A1 Schedule A Summary of 2015 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#3 (Ordinance#6570) Beg.Fund 2015• 2075 Ending Fund Balance Revenues. Ezpenditures Balance CemMe Fund q436 , 2015�Amended BuAget 294,546.88 7,108,300.00 1,085,178.96 317,667.92 --.._._..----------------.._...._............._.._..---------------------'-'--'---'--'--'-'-'--'-'-'-'-"--'----"---._....---`-----'----"---"----'---`---'--"---'-'-'--.. _Trensfer Cemeterx Debt Servlee to the General Fund � �_ � �_�_ � � _� � ___ __ __ _ __�23i017.00� __ 23�017,00 TOTAL BA#3(Ordinance p6570-Proposed) (23,077.00) 23,017.00 Revised 2075 Budget-Fund 436 294,546.88 7;708,300.00 1,062,161.96 340,684.92 !Facllities�Fund I1505 2015'Amended Budget 2,408,711.64 3,638,820.00 4,382,369.00 7,665,762.64 --'-------'-------------�--'-'--'------'--'--'---'-------'-'--'-'-------------`--------'--'---'-'-'-'-'-'--'----'--'---.._.__._.. _Reverse B/W2 Ad�ustment Movin��_BuA�et from 2016 to 2075 for CH Atrium.RePalr`__ ;_ _`. _ ______ (300,OOD.00�____300,000.00 TOTAL BAp3(Ortlinance#6570-Proposed) �300,000.00) 300,000.00 Revlsed 2075 Budget-Fund 505 2,408,711.64 7,638,820.00 4,082,369.00 1,965,762.64 Grend Total-All Funds 2015 Amended Bud et 116,724 068.61 185 307 241.43 223 278 568.46 78 752 741.58 TOTALBAft3 Ordinance#6570 153947.65 195347:65� 41400.00 Revised 2075 Budget � 116,724,Ofi8:67 185,467;189.08 223,477,916.77 78;771,341.58� 302,785,257.69 302,185,257.69 FDu�e�DirectorN_'OISBudgn�HudgnAmzndmrn�k3-201SAANo3.xIsmlSched.�) Pe�ClO� � 11�9R0159:IO.U1 Schedule B 2015 Appropriations by Fund 2ots stw� enuz. eaa3 za�s �� Adopted Total Revised I F.und� � Budget (Ord q6558) (Ord#6563) (Ord#8570) Amendments � Budget GeneralFund(f1001) 73,360,404 507,174 4,314,954 60,543 4,882,672 78,243,076 Arterial Streel Fund(#102) 15,463,434 6;508,221 738,892 - 7,247,114 22,710;548 Local Street Fund (#103) 2,948,568 770,053 76,856 - 846,909 3,795�,477 Hotel Motel Fund (#104 234,031 - 26,905 - 26,905 260�,936 Arterial Streel Preservation Fund (#105) 2,656,610 2,659,063 802,347 - 3,461,410 6,118,020 Drug Forfeilure Fund(#117) 602,505 - 34,416 - 34,416 636,921 Housing and Community Developmen�Grant Fund(#119 477,371 - 77,533 - 17,533 494�,904 RecreafionTrailsFund�(#120) 43,847 - (761) - (761) 43,D86 BusinesslmprovementAreaFund (#121) 96,272 - (9,841) - (9,841) 86,431 Cumulative Reserve Fund (#122) 6,896,304 - 1,517,482 - 1,517,482 8,413,786 Mifigation Fees Fund(#124) 6,200,854 770,213 (675,666) - 94,547 6,295,401 1998 Library Fund(#229) 279,500 - - - - 279,500 2070 Annex A&B Bond Debt Fund (#230) 1,695,917 - - - - 1,695,917 2010 C&D Local Revitalizalion Debt Fund (#231) 594,637 - - - - 594,637 LID Guarentee Fund(#249) 24,569 - (2) 449 447 25,016 LID#250(#250) - - 449 - 449 449 LID#350(#275 15,121 - 1,995 - 1,995 17,116 Golf Course Debt Service Fund(#237) 389,195 - - - - 389,195 Municipal��Park�Construction Fund(#321) 1,047,236 3;800;987 78,465 - 3,879,452 4,926,686 Capital Improvements.Fund (#328) 70;765�,236 653,000 1,402,291 92,955 2,348,247 13,133,483 Local Revitalization Fund (#330) 229,620 329,450 (881) - 328,569 558,189 Golf Course Debt Service Fund (N417) - - - - - - WaterFund #430) 23,685,082 8,855,102 2,315,979 - 11,171,081 34,856,163 SewerFund (tt431) 18,779,904 1,819,579 731,883 - 2,551,462 21,331,366 Storm Dralnage Fund(#432) 20,815,381 5,297,080 1,012,848 - 6,309,928 27,125,309 Sewer Metro Fund (#433) 18,549,048 - (346,911) - (346,911) 18,202,137 Solid Wasle Fund (tF434) 15,619,881 1,250 218,393 - 219,643 15,839,524 AirporfFUnd #435) 1,743,117 165,950 8,461 - 174,411 1,917,528 CemeteryFund #436) 1,205,055 - 197,792 - 197,792 7,402,847 Golf Course Fund(#437) - - - � - - - Insurance Fund(#501) 1,614,131 - 40,926 - 40,926 1,655,056 Workers Compensation Self Insurence Fund (#503) 983,100 - 317,004 - 317,004 1,300,104 Facilities Fund (#505) 5,185,047 213,800 648,685 - 862,485 6,047,532 Innovation and Technology Fund�(#518 8,024,125 855,639 394,683 - 1,250;322 9,274,447 Equipment Rental Fund (#550) 8,534,744 783,953 806,463 - 1,590,416 10,125,160 Fire Pension Fund (#617) 2,656,481 - 28,981 - 28,981 2,685,462 CemeteryEndowmeniFund (#701) 1,697,864 - �5,984 - 5,984 1,703,848 �Total 253,734,787 34,190,517 14,706,606 153,948 49,051;071' -302,185,258 I F:\Budgel Directory�2015�BudgetlBudget Amendmenl#3-201 S\BA No3�.xlsm(Sched B) 11/92015 9:10 AM