HomeMy WebLinkAbout6645 , . ��� Fjnc-r FtP%:E^nTl��4IJ---� " � -� � I IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII�I IIIII IIIII IIIII lu II III II ry IIIII IIIII�I II IIIII IIU I IIII lu I Return Address: G017041100�916 Auburn City Clerk PqGE 001EOF�004� �e.ee City of Auburn KING1COUNTV14��10 26 West Main St. Aubum, WA 98001 RECORDER'S COVER SHEET Document Title(s) (or transac4ions contained therein); Ordinance No. 6645 Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: ❑AdditionaLreference#'s on pa e of document Grantor(s)/Borrower(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) Aubum, City of � Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: (Last name first) ""'�d es a�acmmoaacio�o�iy. � it h85 nOt been examfned as to 1. SCh1181d2f Far1111y H0111es LLC aroper exewt�on or as to Its 2 °-�f�ct upon title Legal Description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) North half of the SE quarter of the NE quarter of the SE quarter,Section 2,Twp 21 N, Range 4 East �Additional legal is on pages 3, of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number 0221049038 9577900310 Q Assessor Tax#not yat assigned ORDINANCE NO. 6 6 4 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE _ CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF WYNCREST DIVISION III WHEREAS, the City of Auburn received a final plat application for the Plat of Wyncrest Division III, Appiication No. PLT16-0008, the final approval of which is appropriate for City Council Action; and WHEREAS, based on the review given this Plat by the City, the City Council hereby makes and enters the following: FINDIiVGS OF FACT 1. Schneider Family Homes; LLG has made application for the Final Plat of "Wyncrest Division III". 2. The Preliminary Plat of "Wyncrest Division III" (PLT08-0018) [originally known as ``Frederic Allen"] was approved by the City's Hearing Examiner on August 2, 2010, as a si.ngle phase. 3. The Plat of "Wyncrest Division III" has been developed in accordance with all applieable conditions of the Preliminary Plat. 4; A Gertificate of Improvements has been issued by the City Engineer. The applicant has provided a security in lieu of completion for the outstanding improvements which includes the final Iift of asphalt, installation of permanent monuments, and the raising of utilities to grade. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Final Plat is in compliance and in conformity with applicable Zoning and Land Division Ordinances and other applicable land use controls. 2. The Final Plat of "Wyncrest Division III" is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Plat meets the requirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Ordinance No. 6645 March 21, 2017 Page 1 of 3 Section 1. Approval. Wyncrest Division III, a subdivision involving property located within the City of Auburn, Washington, which plat is legally described on Sheet 1 of 6 of the Final Plat and set forth below: Parcel A: The north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, Section 2, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; Parcel B: Tract G, Wyncrest, According to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 266 of Plats, Page(s) 52 through 56, inclusive, Records of King County, Washington. [King County Tax Parcel Nos. 022104-9038, 957790-0310] is hereby approved, and deemed to conform to the requirements for Plat approval pursuant to State and local law and Chapter 58.17 of the Revised Code of Washington and Section 58.17.140 thereof. Section 2. Constitutionalitv or Invaliditv. If any section, subsection clause or phase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, as it is being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance and eaeh section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted and approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 3. Recordation. Upon the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Auburn shall cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the King County Auditor's Division. ---------------- Ordinance No. 6645 March 21, 2017 Page 2 of 3 Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. INTRODUCED: APR - 3 2017 PASSED: APR -3 2017 APPROVED: APR -3 2017 CITY OF AUBURN NA CY BAC , MAYOR ATTEST: r5��� ��J� Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP ED A TO FORM: ie B. Heid, ity Attorney a/, l.�aJ Published: ' lo �/ 7:� � P�-��t'�'�� . ---------------- Ordinance No. 6645 Macch 21, 2017 Page 3 of 3 ----- - - - - - ------ __ SHEET 1 OF 6 VOL./PAGE __ _ - - WYNCREST DIVISION III A PORTIDN OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, _____ _____.___ ___ SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGAL DESCRIPl'ION APPROVALS PARCEL A: FlNANCE QIREC70R'S CERI1FlCAlE. THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST�QUARTER OF�hiE NORTHEAST�UARTER OF�THE SOUhiEAST QUARiER, I HEREBY GERTIFY hIAT h1ERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPEGIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR WHICH THE P.ROPERTY SUBJECT SECTION 2. TOWNSHIP 21 NOR7H, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TO THIS SUBDIVISION MAY BE-LIABLE�TO THE��CITY, AND THAT:ALL SPECIAL�ASSESSMENTS ON ANY PROPERN EXCEPT THE N'EST 15 FEET THEREOF.. HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE HAVE BEEN DULY PAID, PARCEL B: � - ' SATISFlED OR DISCHARGED,. TRAGT G, WYNCREST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF�RECORDED IN VOCUME 266 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 52� - hIROUGH 56,�INCLUSIVE, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY;WASHINGTON. � � THIS npY OF 20_. � DEDICATION KNOW,ALL,PEOPLE.BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE„hiE.UNDERSIGNED O,WNERS OF INTEREST IN THE IAND HEREBY AUBURN DIRECTOR OF FlNANCE SUBDIVIDFD,..HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC-REPRESENTATION OF hIE SUBDIVISION MADE HEREBY, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE.TO THE USE OF hIE PUBLIC FOREVER, ALL S7REETS_AND AVENUES-NOT SHOWN AS� PRIVATE HEREON_.AND DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR ACL_PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INqON51STENT W1TH-THE USE - THEREOF�FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY_PURPOSES, AND ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL.NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND � . . . . . . ... ._ _ . . . . . . . ._ . ._ _. . . FILLS�UP.ON THE L07S SHOWN THEREON.IN hIE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID.STREETS AND AVENUES,. qTY ENqNEQtS�f:Qt71F'ICAIE AND FURTHER DEOICATE TO�THE USE OF THE PUBUC:ALL.EASEMENTS_AND 1RACTS SHOWN..ON THIS PLAT FOR ALL. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT hilS FINAL��PLAT.IS IN COMPGANCE.WIJH_..7}i.E_CERi1FICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS ISSUED � PUBUC PURPOSES AS INDICATED.iHEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO..PARKS,_OPEN,SPACES, UTILITIES AND PURSUANT T,O,ACC 17.14.015, AND IS CONSISIENT WITH ALL.APPUCABLE CITY IMPROVEMENT$TANDARDS�AND DRAINAGE�UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TR�ACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFlED�ON"THIS PLAT AS BEING�.DEDICAlED REOUIREMENTS�IN FORCE ON THE DATE OF,PRELIMINARY PLAT.APPROVAL, OR CONVEYED�TO A PERSON�OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE�PUBLIC, IN WHICH CASE WE�DO HEREBY DEOICATE SUCH ' STREETS.�EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO hiE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENIIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE'STATED. � . .. .. _. . . . . _. _ . . . '. THIS_DAY OF , 20_. � FURTHER, THE UNDERS�GNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVI�ED, WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND � ASSIGNS�AND��ANY�PERSON�OR fNTITY DERIVING T7LE FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND'ALL CLAIMS FOR � DAMAGES AGAINST THE CITY bF AUBURN,�ITS SUCCESSORS AND�ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BE�OCCASIONED BY 1HE ESTABLISHMENT, CONS1RUCilON, OR MAINTENANCE_OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OTHER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY h1E CITV OF AUBURN.. AUBURN CITY ENGINEER , . ..._ . . . . . ._. . _._.. .. _ _ . . . . FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY,SUBDIVIDED,.AGREE FOR THEMSELVES, 1kEIR HEIRS � . . . . . . . . . . _. . _ . .. .. . .. . _ .. _._. _....__ . AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF AUBURN, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HARMLESS.FROM COMIMUNITY DEVELOPIAENT ASSISTANT DIRECTOR�S(�R1IFlCATE . . . ANY DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COSTS OF DEFENSE; CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN.OR N7THOUT THIS:SUBDIVISION TO I HEREBY�CERTIFYON THIS-DAY OF � -20�_, THAT THIS FINAL PLAT IS IN SU85TANTIAL HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTERATIONS OF THE�GROUND SURFACE�, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE,.OR SURFACE OR� CONFORMANCE WITH THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND��ANY-CONDITIONS-ATTACHED TFI�ERETO, WHICH PRELIMINARY PLAT SUB-SURFACE WAlER FLOWS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OR BY ESTABLISHMENT;CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE OF �WAS APPROVED BY THE HEARING EXAMINER ON THB 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER,,�2013: i THE�ROADS WITFiIN'hIIS SUBDIVISIINJ. PROVIDED, hIIS WAIVER AND iNDEMNIFlCATION SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS - RELEASING THE�CITY OF AUBURN,�ITS�SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS,�fROM LABILJTY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE � - i COST OF DEFENSE, RESUL'hNG IN WHOLE OR�IN�.PART FROM�THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE..CITY OE AUBURN, ITS � SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS.� � � . - AUBURN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THIS�SUBDIVISION, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLE55 IS MADE WITH THE FRfE . � . CONSENT AND�IN AbCORDANCE W1iH THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. . . _ .._. . ... . _ .. _ _. _ ... . IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS,AND SEALS. . � . APPROVAL � � EXAMINED�ANO APPROVED h115 DAY OF 20_� PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NUMBER � . SCHNEIDER FAMILY HOMES, LLC, ' .UMPQUA BANK, � ADOPTED HY THE"AUBURN COUNCIL ON THE DAY�OF 20_ A WASHINGTON��LIMITED�LIABILITY COMPANY � � AN OREGON STATE-CHARiERED BANK �� ��- �� -" - � � . - _� ATTEST: � - -- . - � ����-�� �-- � MAYOR � AUBURN CITY CLERK BY: BYi �� . . 7T5: ITS: ....._ .. _ . . _. FlNANCE..DIVISION CERIIFlCATE SCHNEIDER HOMES,.INC: . � I.HEREBY CERTIFY THAT,ALL PROPERiY TAXES_ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE�.NO_DELINQUENT�SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS A WASHINGTON WASHINGTON CORPORA110N GERTIFIED TO THIS OFflCE FOR�COCLECTION,._AND THAT.ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERI1FlED TO THIS OFFlCE FOR . COLLECnON ON ANY OF iFi�E PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICAlED A5.51REET5. ALLEYS OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC USE ARE PAID IN FULL THIS _DAY OF - --- 20���� 8Y: � � � MANAGER � DEPUTY I�: . ... . . . .. ASSESSOR'S APPROVAL � EXAMINED AND APPROVED iHIS _DAY OF . 20_ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS — _ _ _. ___ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) � .� KING.COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY COUNTY ASSESSOR ) SS COUNTY OF___ ) � KING COUNTY PARCEL N0. 9577900310 AND 0221049038 ..... _ .. . . .. . . _... ._ . . I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVI�ENCE THAT SIGNED THIS IN5IRUMENT-0N�OATH STATED�THAT HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO,EXECUTE THE.INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT - AS'THE - - � OF SCHNEIDER�FAMILY HOMES,.LLC,.A WASHINGTON LIMITED GABILITY COMPANY-�AND THE�� - � � � �-� --� - ---- ------0F SCHNEIDER HOMES; INC. A WASHINGTON CORPORATION TO BE��THE FREE�AND VOLUNTARY ACT'OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AN� PURPOSES MENTIONED� IN�THIS INSTRUMENT: . . _ _... ._._. ._. .. ._ _ _. NOTARY PUBUC IN AND FOR hiE�STATE OF�WASHINGTON RECORDING.CER7IFICATE . _ _ . � FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REOUEST OF SCHNEIDER FAMILY HOMES; LLC, hilS. --��-�- DAY OF____� � . . 20_, AT MINUlES PAST_�d. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME OF RLATS, PAGE(5) RESIDMG AT �---- ---... ___... _ .._. . .. . � � � AFN RECORDS OF KING COUN7Y, WASHINGTON. ' � PRINTED NAME =--- ---...-. -. . . �. . . . COMMISSION EXPIRES --------�-_ . MANAGER SUPEftINTENDENT OF RECORDS � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) , � � ) SS � COUNTY OF - )_ . � � ----- ' - - ' I;CERTIFY hIAT'I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TIiAT SURVEYOR'S CERiIRCAlE SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT ON OATH STATED THAT HE WAS AUTHORIZED,TO EXECUTE THE INSIRUMENT AND I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT hil5 PLAT OF WYNCREST.DIVISION III IS BASED UPON_AN_.ACTUAL SURVEY AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE - - - - � - � � �OF UMPQUA�BANK-, AN OREGON STAIE=CHARTERED SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH,RANGE 4 EAST,.W.M.,.AS REQUIRED BY STAlE STA7UTE5;.THAT BANK TO BE THE FREE AND�VOLUNTARY ACT�OF�SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE DISTAN S, COURSES AND ANGLES ARE SHOWN hiEREON CORRECTLY; THAT THE MONUMENTS.SHALL.BE SET hilS INSTRUMENT. �� � � � � � � � - ��- � � � � � � - AND T D� BLOCK��CO�SHALL BE STAKED CORRECTLY ON.THE GROUND. AND THATI HAVE FULLY. COM TH TH �PROVISI OF THE STATE-AND LOCAL STATUTES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING'PLATIING. � 03/01/1 NOTARY PUBLIC�IN AND FOR hiE STATE OF WASHINGTON STEPHEN J.SCHREI,•PROFESSIONAL-LAND.�SURVEYOR. � ���DATE � - ' CERTIFlCATE N0. 37555 D.R. STRONG CONSUUING ENGINEERS /�'� RESIDING AT .._ __. -.-.. - -�_ - -..-.� 620 7TH AVE . . . .. --.. ._ ,. " � ((�� . � � KIRKLAND. WASHINGTON 98033 . -N J S� ���_�/ �`��.]J � PHONE: (425) 827-3063� � �PRINTED NAME--- - - � o�. a 1�/� ,p`�/ ',� . � a� COMMISSION EXPIRES � � �' � - � D.R:STRONG ��5 0 ' CONSUL T/NG ENG/NEERS ' � �QlHTSa4r _ . . . � f�. ENO/NEERS�PLANNERS SURVEYORS� �- // .620-7MAVENlIEK/R/Q1INDWA8IQO.A? . 042SB27.3083 F425.827.?429 CITY OF AUBURN FILE N0. PLT16-0008 PROJECT N0. 14116 ORD.A Page 20 of 84 SMEET 2 OF 6 VOL./PAGE WYNCREST DIVISION III A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION COVENANT NOTES/RESTRICTIONS hIIS SUBDIVISION IS SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS, CONDiTIONS, AND RESTRiCnONS FOR THE WYNCREST 2 &3 HOMEOWNERS 1. THE ROAD AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE CONS7RUCTED ACCORDING�TO 1HE APPROVED PLAN AND PROFlLE, ASSOCIATION RECORDED��UNDER KING�COUNTY'RECORDING�NUMBER�_ �� �� . RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, - PLAN�NO.�FAC15-0013 ON FlLE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN. ANY DEVIATION FROM hIE APPROVED PLAN WILL REQUIRE WASHINGTON. �SAID�HOMEOWNERS�ASSOCIAl10N SHALL OWN AND MAINTAIN THE TRACTS AND EASEMENTS AS INDICATED AN� WRITIEN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY. . . . ... . . .. . ... .. . . . .... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . CONVEYED HEREIN, UNLESS OhiERWI.SE APPRO.VED.BY'THE CITY OF AUBURN OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY..THIS COVENANT _,___ ; SHALL RUN WITH��hif LAND AND SHAIL BE,BINDING UPON THE.OWNERS OF LOTS 1_THROUGH�12 INCWSIVE,_THEIR.HEIRS,._ 2. ALL BUILDING DOWNSPOUTS,.F0071NG DRAINS, AND DRAINS FROM ALL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES SUCH AS PATIOS AND SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. SHOULD THE WYNGREST:2.&.3 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA170W BE.DISSOLVED_OR.OTHERWISE_CEASE DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO TFfE PERMANENT STORM DRAIN OUTLET AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION TO FUNCTION, OWNERSHIP_OF.LOTS 1..THROUGH�12, INCLUSIVE WILL.INCLUDE..AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN 1RACT5 A ORANANGS. hIIS PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITIED W1TH 1HE APPLICATION FOR ANY BUILDING PERMIT. ALL CONNEC110NS OF THE AND�C, TOGETHER�Wlhl AN EQUAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILIIIES FOR SAID TRACTS. . DRAINS MUST BE CONSIRUCTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE�FlNAL BUILDiNG INSPECTION APPROVAL. FOR.THOSE LOTS�THAT . ARE�DESIGNATED FOR INDIVIDUAL LOT1NflLT2ATI0N SYSIEMS, THE SYSTEMS SHALL BE�CONSTRUCTED AT THE�TIME�OF�THE � BUILDING PERMIT AND SHALL COMPLY WITH PLANS�ON FILE.� � �� � ���� �- � -������� �� �- � 3. PRIOR TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ON ALL LOTS, TEMPORARY EROSIDN AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES, PER hfE CONSTRUC110N STORM WAIER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN jCSWPPP) W1LL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED hiROUGH FINAL TRACT NOTES LOT STABILIZATION. PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION FOR THE SIRUCTURE(S) ON ALL COTS, ROOF DOWNSPOUTS, FOOTING DRAINS, AND ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS NOT�DESIGNATED FOR SHEET FLO.W TO THE ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS, OR AILOWED 1. 7RACT A, A PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 7RACT IS HEREBY CONVEYED�TO THE WYNCREST 2 & 3 HOMEONMERS ASSOCIAiION TO�BE TREATED ONSITE, SHALL�BE�TIGHILINED TO THE PUBLIC ROADWAY DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND SHALL BE 1NSPECiED BY CIlY UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT. SAID HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IS HEREBY�RESPONSIBLE FOR TF{E MAINTENANCE OF AUBURN.-FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE CSWPPP PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL. ASSOCIATED�WITH SAID TRACT. . - 4. STORM DRAINAGE SY5IEMS CONSTRUCTED ON THE INDIVIDUAL LOTS MUST BE MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER FOR 2.TRACT B IS A PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS_AND UTIUTIES.AND IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND SHALL BE. THAT LOT. AN EXCEPTION TO h11S REQUIREMENT IS WHERE hIE PRIVATE STORM COLLECTION SYSTEM CROSSES LOT LINES. IN GRANIED_TOGETHER WITH,ALL OBUGATIONS TO MNNTAIN THE TRACT CONSISTENT WITH GTY CODE,._TO THE.OWNERS, . THIS CASE PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND hIE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES RELATED hIERE?0 HAVE BEEN SUCCESSORS.,AND ASSIGNS:.OF LOTS 4, 5, 6 AND T WITH AN.EOUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST. USE OF.SAID TRACT IS IDENi1FIED HEREIN. � RESTRICTED TO THAT SPEqFlED IN THE APPROVED FlNAL PLAL THIS 1RACT SHALL REMAIN AN APPURTENANCE�TO AND ' INSEPARABLE FROM EACH LOT AND ALL FU7URE DEED TRANSFERS MUST INCLUDE SAID PROPORTIONAL ONE FORTH INiER£ST. S. IN CONJUNCTION WI.TH OR UPON COMPLETION OF RESIDENIIAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION,BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (BMP) 3. TRACT C IS A PRIVAiE�SENSITIVE AREA TRACT AND IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO iHE�WYNCREST 2 & 3 HOMEOWNERS C126: TOPSOILING REQUIREMENTS PER hIE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL(SWMM), SHALL 6E�INCORPORAIED NATH ASSOCIATION UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT.�SAID HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IS HEREBY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LANDSCAPE PLANTNGS IN PERVIOUS AREAS OF EACH INDIVIDUAL LOT. MAINTENANCE ASSOCYATED W1TH�SAID TRACT. THE CITY OF AUBURN�SHALL�BE ALLOWED TO ENTER UPIXJ SAID�TRACT-C IN 6. EXISTING FENCE ENCROACHMENTS HAVE BEEN SHOWN PURSUANT TO RCW�58.1 7:255 AND SHALL BE DISCLOSED IN THE . CONNECTION Wlhl MONITORING, MAINTAINING, PRESERVING AND ENHANCING THE ON-SITE SCOPES AND hIE ASSOCIATED 7171;E REPORT PREPARED�BY hiE TI1LE INSURER-AND��ISSUED AFTER THE�FlL1NG�OF�THIS FlNAL PLAT.- �� �� - BUFFER AREAS. . .. . . . _ . .. . . - . . . .. . . . 7. WHENEVER ANY RIGHT OF WAY LANDSCAPING IN THE C�TY OF AUBURN HAS BEEN IMPROVED, INCWDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO . . ... . .. ... .. . . . . . . . . _ _ . . .. _ _ . . .. . ._ . THE PLANTiNG OF SHRUBS,PLANTS, GRASS, OR OTHER LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS, THE.DUTY, BURDEN,_AND EXPENSE OF MA�NTENANCE, WATERING, AND GENERAL UPKEEP OF_SUCH LANDSCAPING SHALL QEVOLVE.UPON.THE OWNER OF THE PRIVATE � PROPERN DIRECTLY ABUTTING 7HE SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO THE LANDSCAPED AREA OR ABUTf1NG hIE LANDSCAPED AREA. .. ... _. . . .. ._ . .... � .. . . _ . . S. IF AT THE TIME THE NUMBER OF LOTS ACCESSING THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAV WIiHIN THIS PLAT REACHES 7 AND A SECOND RIGHT OF WAY ACCESS TO 64TH AVENUE 5. HAS NOT BEEN DEVELOPm, PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE 7TH BUILDING PERMIT hIE DEVELOPER WILL COMPLETE THE IMPROVEMENTS OF 'fHE 20 F00T EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENTIN PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT COVENANT nccoRonNCE �nrH aTv oF nueuRN sTnNonRos. THE OWNERS OF PRIVA7E PROPERTY NATHIN THIS�PLAT„ENCUMBERED WI7H:DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHOWN AS'PRIVATE' HEREBY 9. ANY FUTURE RESIDENCE CONSTRUCTED ON LOT 4 IS REOUIRED TO HAVE AN APPROVED RESIDENTIAL FlRE SPRINKLER GRANT AND CON�EY TO 1NE CITY OF AUBURN, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, THE RIGHT BUT NOT SYSTEM. � THE OBLIGATION TO CONVEY OR STORE STORM AND SURFACE WATER PER hiE ENGINEERING PLANS APPROVED FOR THIS PLAT BY THE CITY Of AUBURN, TOGEh1ER WITH,THE RIGHT OF REASONABLE ACCE55(INGRESS AND EGRESS) TO ENTER SAIO DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR TIiE PURPOSE OF OBSERVING THAT hIE OWNER(S) ARE PROPERLY OPERATNG AND M,4INTAINING�THE DRAINAGE FACILIiIES CONTAINED hiEREIN. .... . .__ . .__. .. . _ . � hIE OWNERS OF SAID PRIVAiE PROPERTY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OPERATING;MAINTAINING, AND REPAIRING TH£DRAINAGE� LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT EASEMENT PROVISION FAqLIT1ES CONTAINED WIhiW�SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO OBTAIN ANY REQUIRED PERMITS pN EASEMENT IS HEREBY IRREVOCABLY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED T0�LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT AND ITS AGENTS, FROM THE CITY OF AUBURN PRIOR TO�FlWNG, PIPING,.CUTTING OR REMOVING VEGE'fATION (EXCEPT FOR ROUTINE LANDSCAPE SUC,CESS.ORS�ANO ASSIGNS, FOR 50 IONG AS�IT SHALL OWN AND MNNTNN THE-UTILITtES REFERENCED HEREIN UNDER AND MAINTENANCE SUCH AS LAWN MOWING) IN OPEN VEGETATED DRAINAGE�FACILI�IES (SUCH AS SWALES, CHANNELS, DITCHES UPON THE AREA SHOWN ON THE FLAT AND DESCRIBED HEREIN AS 'WATERUNE EASEMENT" (WLE) AND "SANITARY SEWER PONDS, ETC.) OR PERFORMING ANY ALTERAilONS OR MODIFlCATONS TO THE DRAINAGE FACILIIIES CONTAINED INhiIN SAID EASEMENT" (SSE) TO INSTALL, MAINTAIN, REPLACE, REPAIR AND OPERATE WATER�AND SEWER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES DRAINAGE EASEMENT. FOR THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY��TOGETHER�WIhI THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON SAID EASEMENT AT ALL 11ME5 FOR ADDInONALLY; h1E OWNER(S) OF�THE LAND HER�Y SUBDIVIDED DO HEREBY GRANT AND CONVEY TO THE OWNER(S) OF hiE PURPOSES INCIDENT hiERETO. NO BUILDING, WALL, ROCKERY, FENCE,.iREES OR�STRUCNRE OF ANY KIND SHALL BE EREbTED LOTS BENEFlTED OR ANY OTHER PRIVATE ENTITY AS STAIED IN THE EASEMENT PROVISIONS�AND 7HEIR ASSIGNS A PERPETVAL OR PIANTED, NOR SHALL ANY FILL MATERIAL BE PLACED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF_SAID EASEMENT AREA. NO EXCAVATION EASEMENT FOR 7HE STATED U1ILITIES. THESE EASEMENTS AND CONDITIONS SHALL BE A COVENANT RUNNING��W1TH THE LAND SHALL BE MADE WITHIN THREE (3) FEET OF SAID WATER OR SEWER SERVICE FACILITIES AND THE SURFACE LEVEL OF THE AND SHALL BE BINDING ON hIE SUCQESSORS,HEIRS, AND ASSIGNS OF�hiE OWNERS(S).OF THE�.LAND HEREBY BURDENED. hiE GROUND WITHIN THE EASEMENT AREA SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT hiE ELEVATION AS CURRENTLY EXISTING. GRANTOR HEREBY OWNER(S) OF hiE LOT BENERTED AND THEIR ASSIGNS SHALL HAVE THE RICHT W17HOUT PRIOR�INSIINTION OF�ANY SUIT OR AGREES THAT NO WAiER AND/OR SEWER SYSTEM FACILITY�OR APPURIENANCE OF ANY KIND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OR. PROCEEDINGS OF LAW AT SUCH TIME AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO ENTER UPON SAID EASEMfNT FOR iHE PURPOSE OF LOCATED BY GRANTOR, OR ANY THIRD PARTY AC11NG UNDER AUTHORITY Of'GRANTOR, WIh11N OR PROXIMATE TO SAID CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING; ALTERING OR RECONSTRUCTING SAID UTILITY OR MAKING�ANY CONNEC710N hIERETO �+�MENT, UNLESS SUCH IN57ALLATION IS APPROVED 8Y GRANIEE AND IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH.THE THEN-CURRENT WITHOUT-INCURRING ANY LEGAL OBLIGATON OR LIABILITY THEREFORE; PROVIDED�hiAT�SUCH SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED�IN �A EDITION OF iHE "CRITERIA,FOR,SEWAGE WORKS DESIGN"PUBLISHED_BY THE.WASHINGTON.STATE DEPAR?MENT OF.ECOLOGY. MANNER THAT�IF EXISTING PRIVATE IMBROVEMENTS�ARE D151URBED�OR DESTROYED�THEY�WILL��BE�REPAIRED��OR�REPLACED TO GRANTOR_HEREBY.FURTHER AGREES iHAT_NO OTHER UTILJTY FAqL1TY OR APPURTENANCE OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING UTILITY A COND11)ON�SIMILAR AS THEY�WERE�IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THE-PROPERTY WAS ENTERED UPON�BY THE��ONE'BENEFlTED.-THE SERVICE�CONNEC110NS; SHALL BE CONSTRUCIED OR LOCATED BY GRANTOR, OR ANY THIRD PARTY AC11NG UNDER AUTHORITY ONTI.ER(S) OF hiE BURDENEO LOT SHALL RETAIN THE RIGHT TO USE THE SURFACE OF SAID EASEMENT IF SUCH USE DOES NOT OF GRANTOR, WITHIN THREE FEET(3', MEASURE� HORIZONTALLY FOR PARALLEL ALIGNMENTS, OR WITHIN SIX INCHES (67, INTEREERE W1TH THE INSTALLA110N OR USE OF SAIO UTILITIES. HOWEVER, THE OWNER(5) OF THE BURDENED LOT SHALL NOT MEASURED VERTICALLY FOR CROSSING OR PERPENDICULAR ALIGNMENTS, OF ANY PORTION OF THE GRANTEES FACILITIES. ERECT OR MAINTAIN ANY BUIIAINGS OR STRUCTURES WITHIN.THE EASEMENT. ALSO THE ONMER S..OF THE BURDENED LOT GRANTOR ADDITIONALLY GRANTS TO THE LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT AND ITS AGENTS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGN$ THE USE � ) OF SUCH ADDITIONAL AREA IMMEDIAiELY ADJACENT TO SAID EASEMENT AREA AS SHALL 8E REQUIRED FOR iHE CONSTRUCTION, SHAIL NOT PLANT TREES, SHRUBS OR VEGETATION HAVING DEEP ROOT PATTERNS WHICH MAY�CAUSE DAMAGE TO OR RECONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SAID WATER OR SEWER FAC{LITIES. THE USE OF.SUCH ADDITIONAL AREA INiERFERE NATH SAID UTILITIES.,Al50 THE OWNER(S) OF THE BURDENED LOT SHALL NOT�EVELOP OR BEAUTIFN'7FIE EASEMENT SNALL BE HELD TO A_REASONABLE MINIMUM AND 8E RElURNED TO THE CONDITION EXI§TING IMMEDIAlELV BEFORE THE , . AREAS IN SUCH A WAY TO CAUSE EXCESSIVE COST T0.THE OWNER(5) OF h1E LOT BENEFIlED PURSUANT TO ITS.RESTORAi1'ON PROPERTY WAS.EN'fERED UPON.BY THE LAKEHAVEN U1ILITY DISTRICT, IT§�AGENTS,.SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN,ADDITION TO DU1IES�HEREIN. THE OTHER RESiRICTIONS HEREIN, GRANTOR SHALL NOT CONVEY TO A THIRD PARTY ANY EASEMENT OR OTHER INTEREST OR RIGHT OF USE OF PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENT THAT WOULD IMPAIR OR LIMIT THE�USE�OF THE EASEMENT RIGHTS hilS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AND IS BINDING�UPON hIE OWNER(S) OF SAID PRIVATE PROPERTY, THEIR HEIRS, GRANTED HEREIN. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. � EASEMENT PROVISIONS CENTURY LINKE,NC�OMCA�ST AND ANY OTtfERRPRVATERUTIL.I.TY.TAND TNE�R ESPECTIVE S CCE SORSNANDNASSIG SOM NDER AND RESTRICTION FOR SENSITIVE� AREA _ UPON TRACT_B AND THE EX1El210R 10 FEET OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS,_PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE EXISTING OR TRACTS AND SENSIIIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS PROPOSED PUBUC_RIGHT-OF-WAY,_IN_WHICH TO INSTALL,_LAY„CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERAlE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS.WITH NECESSARY FAqIJTIES, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER EQU�PMENT FOR hIE PURPOSE OF_SERVING.THIS OEDICAlION OP A SENSITIVE AREA TRACT/SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER CONVEYS TO THE PUBUC A BENEFlCIAL INTEREST IN SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY W1TH UTILITY SERVICES�AND�SIDEWALKS, TOGETHER�WITH.hIE RIGHT TO EN7ER UPON THE T}{E LAND N7THIN THE SENSITIVE AREA TRACT/SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER. THIS IN7ERE5T INCLUDES THE PRESERVAII.ON OF LOTS AT ALL TiMES FOR THE PURPOSE HERON STATED. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR 1HE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC�CURRENT, NATIVE VEGETATION FOR ALL PURPOSES�THAT BENEflT-THE�PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY-AND WELFARE.-INCLUDING CONTROL OF OR FOR TELEPHONE USE.CABLE TELEVISION,FlRE OR ROLICE SIGNAL OR FOR O1HER PURPOSES, SHALL BE PLACED OR BE �SURFACE WATER�AND�EROSION, MAINIENANCE OF��SLOPE STABILITY, AND PROTECTION OF PLANT AND ANIMAL�.HABITAT. PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPaJ ANY LOT UN�E55 THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A . ... _ .. . . ._ . ... . . . . . . . BUILDING. THE SENSITIVE AREA TRACT/SENSiTIVE AREA AND BUFFER IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND FUNRE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS THE OWNERS OF SAID PRIVATE PROPERTY SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY BLOCK, RESIRICT OR IMPEDE ACCESS AND EGRESS TO OR OF THE LAND SUBJECT TO THE iRACT/SENSITIVE AREA AND BUF'FER hIE OBLIGATION, ENFORCEABLE ON BEHALF OF hiE FROM SAID EASEMENT AREA, ANO/OR IN ANY WAY BLOCK�,�RESTRICT OR.IMPEDE FULL USE_OF hiE REAL PROPERTY NATHIN PUBGC BY iHE GTY OF AUBURN, TO LEAVE UNDISTURBED AlL TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION WITHIN THE TRACT/SENSIi1VE THE ABOVE DESCRIBED EASEMENT AREA BY hIE CITY OF AUBURN FOR THE ABOVE DES6RIBED PURPOSES. NO BUILDING, WALI, AREA AND BUFFER. h1E,VEGETATION WITHIN hIE iRACT/SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER MAY NOT BE CUT,PRUNm, COVERED ROCKERY, FENCE�, 1REES, OR STRUCNRE�OF ANY KIND SHALL BE ERECTED OR PLANTED, NOR SHALL ANY FILL MATERIAL BE� 8Y FILL, REMOVED OR�DAMAGED NATHOUT APPROVAL M.WRITING FROM THE CITY OF AUBURN OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY, � PLACED WITHIN hiE BOUNDARIES OF SAID EASEMENT AREA, WIhIOUT THE EXPRESS WRITiEN CONSENT OF THE CITY OF UNLESS OTHERWISE-PROVIDED BY�LAW. AUBURN. WITH CITY OF AUBURN PERMISSION, THE OWNERS OF SAID PRIVATE PROPERTY MAY FENCE ACROSS SAID EASEMENT � �'"� "� �� � '"� " - " � ' �� --- 1HE COMMON BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE 1RACT SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER AND THE AREA OF DEVELOPMEN7 AC11V1TY MUST AREA AND/OR ALONG THE BOUNDARIES OF.SAID EA$EMENT AREA,�PROVIDFD THAT A GATE IS CONSTRUCTED IN SAID FENCE.. � SND GATE�SHALL BE OF SUFFlCIENT LENGTH AND LOCATION TO ALLOW THE GRANiEE FULL USE.OF, AND ACCESS.AND.EGRESS BE MARKED OR OTHERWISE FLAGGED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY AF AUBURN PRIOR TO ANY GLEARING;�GRADIN�, TO AND fROM hiE REAL PROPERTY NATHIN THE EASEMENT AREA. IF SAID GATE IS TO BE LOCKED, KEYS�SHALL BE PRO�I�ED BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OR OTHER DEVELOPMENT ACTVITY ON A LOT SUBJECT TO 1'H.E SENSITVE AREA.7f2ACT/SENSITIVE TO hiE CI?Y OF AUBURN. AREA AND BUFFER. THE REQUIRED MARKING OR FLAGGING_SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNT1L ALL DEVEIOPMENT PROPOSAL ACTIVITIES IN h1E VICINITY OF THE SENSITIVE AREA ARE COMPIElED. �2:THE�FRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 2 AND 3 AND TRACT A IS FOR THE BENEFlT 9F LOTS 1�, 2 AND ... _ .. . 3 F.OR PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE�FACILITIES. THE OWNERS OF SAID.LOTS 1; 7�AND 3 ARE HER�Y RESPONSIBLE�FOR 1HE NO BUILDING FOUNDATIONS ARE ALLOWED BEYOND THE REOUIRED 15-FOOT BUILDING SETBACK LINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE MAINTENANCE-OF iHEIR RESPECTIVE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACWTIES AND SHALL�SHARE EQUALLY IN hIE MAINTENANCE � PROVIDED BY LAW: � RESPONSIBILI7IES OF THE�PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILITIES USED IN COMMON WITHM�SAID�EASEMENL � �� � 3. THE PRIVAIE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN�ON LOTS 4�AND 5 IS FOR THE BENEFlT OF LOTS 5 AND 6 FOR PRIVATE - STORM DRAINAGE FACIL1T1E5.�THE OWNERS'OF�SA�D LOTS�4, 5 AND 6 ARE HEREHY RESPONSIBLE�FOR THE MAINTIIJANCE OF ......_ .. ._ . ._ ... . _.. .. . ... _. . ... .. . .. _..._ _ . ._.__... ._ .. . . THEIR RESPECTIVE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACIl1TIE5 AND SHALL SHARE�EQUALLY IN THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PRIVA7E�DRAINAGE�FACILITIES� USED IN COMMON WIhiIN�SAID EASEMENT: 4. THE 10 F00T PRIVAlE STORM �RAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOT 3 AND TRACTS A AND B IS FOR hiE.BfNEFIT OF COTS Z�AND 3�FOR�PRIVATE-STORM�DRAINAGE�FACILITIES. h1E�OWNERS OF�SAID�L0T5�2 AND 3 ARE HEREBY�RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THEIR RESPECTIVE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACIUTIES AND SHALL.SHARE EOUALLY IN TFIE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PRIVATE DRAfNAGE FACILITIES USED IN COMMON WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. _ _ 5. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON.LOT 7 IS_FOR.THE BENEFIT OF LOT.B FOR PRIVAlE STORM � . - DRAINAGE FACIUTIES. hfE OWNERS OF SAID lOTS 7 AND B ARE.HEREBY RESPONSIBLE FOR 1HE MAINTENANCE OF THEJR_ , _ RESPECTIVE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FABILITIES AND SHALL SHARE.EOUALLY�IN THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILIPES OF THE PRIVATE � �. �� ' DRAINAGE FACkLIiIES USED IN COMMON N7THIN SAID EASEMENT. � . 8. THE 10 F00T PRIVAIE S?ORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWN ON.LOTS:70, 11 AND 12 IS FOR THE BENEFlT�OF LOTS 9, 10 � J' 'S D � � � AND 11 fQR PRIVATE_STORM DRAINAGE FAGLITIES. 7HE OWNERS_OF SAID_LOTS 9,10, 11 AND 12 ARE HEREBY RESPONSIBLE ot " �� FOR hiE MAINTENANCE OF THEIR RESPECTIVE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILIifES AND�SHALL SHARE EQUALLY IN THE�MAINTENANCE � � a� RESPONSIBILITIES OF 1HE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAGLITIES USED IN COMMON WIhIIN SAID EASEMENT. i 7. THE 10 FOOT PRIVATE WATER LINE EASEMENT SHOWN ON LOTS 5, 6 AND 7 IS FOR 1HE�BENEFIT OF LOTS 4, 5 AND.6 FOR D.R.STRONG PRIVATE WAiER L1NE FACILITES. THE OWNERS OF SAID LOTS 4,�5, 6 AND 7 ARE HEREBY�RESPONSIBLE FOR THE�MAINTENANCE CONSULT/NG ENGINEERS OF THEIR RESPECTIVE PRIVATE WATER LINE FAC�LITIES WIhiIN SAID EASEMENT. �� v.� . �l.9TSR ENO/NEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS I -. � � _..._._._ . . .... . . .. . // 820-7yiAVENUE KlRqJWD,WABB093 04ZS977.3063 FIZ6.9271I29.. CITY OF AUBURN FlLE N0. PLT16-0008 PROJECT N0. 14116 ORD,A Page 21 of 84 - -_ - - _ _ _ _ _ _------ - _ _ SHEET 3 OF 6 VOL./PAGE __ _ . WYNCREST DIVISION III A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 35 � 2 � w MONUMENT NOT 0 o SEARCHED FOR HELD . a � LOCATION PER REF.�3 P a p N Z 3 42 �1_ N89'S4�30'W . 2 — — � N89`54'30'W _ _ _ 2 - 1 -O (� 2604.05' 1296.22' 648.11' 648.11' � � FOUND 6" CONCRETE MONUMENT NOT MONUMENT WITH COPPER��PLUG SEARCHED FOR HEID � STAMPED '%' LOCATION PER REF. 3 . w I I� h N �I c I I� �I� �I I in - ry N89'S8'45"E N89'S8�45"E__ o � - --_. __ _ . _. — — _. .. - - - - M 648.66' � 648.66' m I I I N YI - � W (�--PARCEL B ,� � ^ I WIN_ n I � M � I PARCEL A M O m. O Z . . o N89'55'�23'E N89'55'23"E o ... .. — — � . ._ .. z 648�.83' � 648.93� a ad N M N O� 0 ■ ■ �GC � Of W ^ Oi W M � M N GRAPHIC SCALE o N 0��100' 200'��0' p I I � I "' o N89'52'01'E 649.21' Z 649.27• o 11NCH=200Ff. z �r —�— — — — — � - I 1298.41' I � N89'S2'01"E . I o BASIS OF BEARINGS Z N0053'05'E BETWEEN THE�MONUMENTS FOUND IN ` . FWND 4' CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH _ PLACE AT THE SOUTHEAST SECTION CORNER AND hIE c� � 2'B R A S S D I S K A N D S C R I B m "X" I N � EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 2-21-4 � MONUMENT CASE, RECOVERED AGAIN I IN AUGUST, 2074 I WI �I � M] � � �I IN �Ih O O � M Z "� FOUND 4"�CONCRETE�MONUMENT Wlhl FOUND CONCRETE � MONUMENT WITH 2" . FOUND 4'CONCRETE PUNCHED 2' BRASS DISK 0.1'E OF BRASS DISK STAMPED� �MONUMENT NATH 1./2" CALCULATED SUBDIVISION CORNER µq�}{ •x• REFERENCES COPPER PLUG. 1. KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 883127. RECORDED UNDER Q � 1300.63' 2 � RECORDING NUMBER 8 41 21 00260. �� _?300.62� _ _ _ _ _ _ � �� N8938'35"E ��..�Q 2. PARK RIDGE AND PARK RIDGE PHASE II RECORDFD IN VOLUME 139 OF PLATS, PAGES t-5, UNDER RECORDING�NUMBER�8710200997. _ . ._ . ..__ _. ... . . _ . . _ 3. THE PLAT OF BRISTOL HE�GHTS RECORDED IN VOLUME 146 OF PLATS, PAGES 44 THROUGH�46, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER�8906270743. . � 4. THE.PLAT OF WYNCREST RECORDED IN VOLUME 266 OF PLATS, PAGES � 52 7HROUGH 56, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER�20740806001551.. SURVEY NOTES � 1. ALL TITLE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXTRACiED FROM FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE• . COMPANY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEf�ORDER NUMBER 2372226 DATED FEBRUARY 3, 2017. IN PREPARING hIIS MAP, D.R. SIRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC:HAS CONDUCiED NO INDEPENDENT TITLE SEARCH NOR IS D.R. STRONG - CONSUL7ING ENGINEERS INC: AWARE OF ANY 11TLE ISSUES AFFECTMG iHE�SURVEYED PROPERTY OTHER THAN THOSE � 1• S SHOWN ON h1E MAP�AND�DISCLOSED BY REFERENCED FIRST AMERICAN TTLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT. D:R. - 02 e � STRONG CONSUL7ING ENGINEERS INC. HAS RELIED�WHOLLY ON-F1RST AMERICAN TITI.E COMPANY REPRESENTAl10N5 OF �4' THE TITLE'§CONDITION TO PREPARE THIS SURVEY AND hIEREFORE D.R.�STRONG CONSULIING ENGINEERS INC. � '"�' - � OUALIFlES 1HE MAP'.S ACCURACY AND COMPLElENE55 TO�hIAT�EXTENT. ' � � 2. EXCEPT AS NOTED OTHERWISE ALL SURVEY CONTRO�INDICATED AS 'FOUND" WAS RECOVERED FOR THIS PROJECT IN sr555 0 MARCH, 2005.. � � ���� � � � �rBSEgti I 3. PROPERTY AREA= 217,5783 SQUARE FEET(4.9949f ACRES). /� 4. ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FEET: 5. THIS.IS A FIELD TRAVERSE SURVEY. A LEICA FlVE SECOND COMBINED ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED TO MEASURE THE ANGULAR AND DISTANCE RELA110NSHIPS BETWEEN THE CONTROLLJNG MONUMENTATION�AS'SHOWN. CLOSURE RA710S�OF�THE TRAVERSE MET OR�EXCEEDED�THOSE SPECIFlED IN WAC 332-130-090. ALL MEASURIN� INSTRUMENTS AND'EQUIPMENT ARE MAINTAINED IN ADJUSTMENT ACCORDING TO.�MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFIC�AiIONS. . .:_� 8. 7HIS SURVEY COMPLIES WITH ALL THE STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES OF hiE'SURVEY RECORDING ACi" CHAPTER 'D � �� 58.D9 RCW AN� WAC 332-730. D.R..STRONG EONSULT/NG ENGINEERS ENG/NEERS P4WNERS 3l/RVEYlN2S � BTO.-7YhAVENUE K/RpAND,WA8803t9 � 0425.82%9�ti3 F4Z5.8272�19 CITY OF AUBURN FILE N0. PLT16-0008 PROJECT N0. 14116 ORD.A Page 22 of 84 _ - - -_ _ _..__ __ - - - - - -- ___ - ------ - - - _ - SHEET 4 OF 6 VOL./PAGE WYNCREST� DIVISION III A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 2; TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON . . � . I I PARCEL B. . . I . . .. .. _ .I . UNPLATIED UNRECORDED PARCEL A KING COUNTY BLA 592L0021, � APPROVED 2/25/92 _ _ NB9'58'45'E 883.88' N.LINE N. 1/2, SE. 1/4, NE. 7/4, SE. t/4, SEC. 2-21-4 --- - - - . _ _ _ . _ -766.95'- 25' 25 ts 3 li2ACT A 4 .oC'�,� ��N8.10 045 E . 18 0 N61'29'23'E �5�Ag?�O ..N71'00'19'E � �( 19.10'� 23.28'. - � � SEE SHEET 5 FOR p,G REMPJNIN6 LOT DIMENSIONS �' 5 2 � \ 208'g5'11'E 20 •y • 17 � - � � � y'�y. 6 N4351'29'E N �' `r9• N47'38'47'E 9•4Z�. � 6 �^ `'o ��. - 8:52' N49'55OS E � � N �y 24.54' � � ti �� � � � �$� 7 .� N6416'S0'E � N 21 m WyNCREST 16 � R=100.00• / pa`�' .?,p � � � 23.81' � �40'S5�09' '� e, N5339�57�E � \ VOL. 268, PGS 52-56, af c� 5 12.70' _ REC. N0. 201 40806 001 55 7 n �-���42� `�s•�j ti° � N38'56'29'E 7RACT C / W � --- - �, i ` 71'S5'23'E 35.28'� 120682f S.F. ."� W m � � S _ � PRIVATE � .� �^,� � N S. 298iH PL � N34'59�16'W 33.71� SENSITIVE AREA � N2716�33"E �SEE TRACT NOlE � 22 • - N89'04'039.93'. 144_93' - � 9 5.65' 20.07' N0. 3.SHEET 2 / � Z �+ �w _ / 37.92' - � N� 5.00'-`� N89'04'09"W N2716'33'E � ��pUGET SOUND POWER & 14.06' !n - _ � � LIGHT ELECTRIC � 00 � W - -"� \ 48'16'77"E � TRANSMISSION/DISIF2UBUTION 23 . $ � n 1� �`- 38.82' � 80063000G9TMODIFIED BY � \\\ N54'42'36"E �� N40'56'9 8"�E � 35.82' � REC. NO. 20100319000217 / _ - 14 I 15 g �� N76'00'S4"E / 14' EASEMENT FOR CUTS. � 12 25.45' � FILLS, TURNOUTS AND� � � 25' 25 44'1�S'S4"E � CURVES REC. N0. 3177451 / 24 • 24.52 • �;°��oo N86'29'S5"E � � � POR. LOT 2 13.03' � o°D,°r.°.�� 550.98' J� a � � TRACT C N3439'53"E N89"SS'2S'E 883.93� 24.67� S. L1NE N.1/2, SE. 1/4, NE. 1/4, SE. 1/4, SEC. 2-21-4 � ` ' � UNPLATTED N69'S6�59'E - I I 33.29' UNPLATTED 13 \ , !\ � TRACT SCHEDULE TRACT SIZE OWNERSNIP PURPOSE_ - A 4;71Z SQ. Ff. WYNCREST 2 k 3 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION � OPEN SPACE� � B 2 706 S0. FT. LOTS�4 S� 6 AND 7 PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILJTY IV O F2TH WYNCREST 2& 3 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION GRAPHICSCALE 0 30' 60' 120' � � 1 INCH=60 FT. BASIS OF_BEARINGS. _ _ __ _ __ - - -- _ . .. _ N0053'OS'E�BETWEEN hlE�MONUMENTS FOUND IN PLACE AT-THE SOUTHEAST-SEC110N CORNER AND THE EAST DUARTER��CORNER�OF SEC710N 2-21-4 .. _ . ._.. __ ._ CITY OF AUBURN TITLE RESTRICTIONS STREET ADDRESS 1• THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE FACILITV CHARGES, IF ANY, INCLUDING BUT NOT IJMITED TO HOOK-UP,OR CONNEC110N CHARGES AND �ATECOMER ---- -- --- -- - CHARGES FOR SEWER, WATER AND PUBLIC PACIlJT1ES OF WATER DISTRICT N0. 724, KING COUNTY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER - LOT HOUSE STREET RECOR�ING NUMBER 8106010916. N0. NUMBER NAME 2. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR CUTS, FlLLS AND TURNOUTS�AND FOR CURVES AS DISCLOSED-BY 1NSIRUMENT RECOR�ED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 3777451 AND IS�PLOTTED HEREON. .. _. . .. . . . . . . ._ _ . . . . . . .. _. .. . . . . 1 6624 S. 298TH PL 630 S 298TH PL 3_THIS�SITE 1S SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF AN EASEMENT FOR PASS AND RE-PASS AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDEO UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 909952 THE IEGAL DESCRIPTION NATHIN SAID INSTRUMENT IS INSUFFlqENT TO DETERMINE hIE EASEMENT'S�EXACT LOCATION�NAhiIN 3 .6636 S. 298 H PL THE SITE. � 4 6657 S. 298 H PL 4. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. FOR AN�ELECTRIG TRANSMISSION 5 6657 S: 298TH PL AND/OR.�DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER,REBORDING��NUMBER 6006300069_AND THE.MODIFlCA110N AND/OR J AMENDMENT THERETO AS DISCLOSED BY INSIRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER.20100379000217AND IS PL0TIED�HEREON. � S � . .6 . 6645 S. 298TH PL � ot • �Z - 6639 S. 298TH PL 5. iHIS SITE�IS SUBJECT TO AN AGREEMENT BE�TWEEN FEDERAL WAY WATER AND SEWER DISIRICT, KING.COUNTY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORA110N AND DAVID � ��r PETRIE AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8803260385. hiE LIEN IN PARAGRAPH 26 OF SAID AGREEMENT HAS BEEN �� o. . � 8 6633 S 98 -P � RELEASED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER�RECORDING�NUMBER 20700106000836. ALL OhiER MATTERS AS SET FORiH THEREIN REMAIN IN AFFECT: �'� 9 882� S: 98 PL 6. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAKEHAVEN UTWTY DISTRICT, KING CWNTY AND WXNCREST, LLC REGARDING WATER�DISTRIBUTION 37565 0 70 6621. S 298TH'PL ?f'�.D SANITARY�SEWER SYSTEM AS_DISCLO�D BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER�RECORDING��NUMBER 20120218002348. . � �r8T8R� 7. THlS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. FOR AN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION f ' � 11. 6675. 5: �98TH�P q�jD/OR�DI§TRIBUTION SYSTEM AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 201 3 042 5 0 00 37 8. /� 7 6609 S: 298 PL 8. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL OFFERS OF DEDICATION, CONDITIONS, RE51RIC110N5. EASEMENTS, BOUNDARY DISCREPANCIES OR AUBURN WA. 9800� ENCROACHMENTS, NOTES AND/OR PROVISIONS SHOWN OR DISCLOSED BV THE PLAT OF WYNCREST RECORDED IN VOLUME'266 OF PLATS,P.AGE(S) 52 hIROUGH:56. � 9. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TQ.THE.COVENANTS, CONDITIONS,.RESTRICTIbNS AN�/OR.EASEMENTS;_TO_.THE.EXTENT SUCH COVENANTS, CON�ITIONS OR LE�END RESTRIC110NS ARE PERMITTED BY LAW AS bISCLOSED BY 1NSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20140911001439. � 10. THIS_SITE.tS SUBJECT.TO AN ACREEMENT BETWEEN LAKEHAVEN U1ILITY DISTRICT AND SCHNEIDER FAMILY HOMES, LLC AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT �.� D � �.. � MONUMENT SET FER REFERENCE 4, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER�20151223000146. S+iOWN ON SHEE�TS 4 AND�5 THEREOF. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...,.. �� .... � 11. THIS SITE I5�SUB�CT TO THE TERMS�AND PROVISIONS.OF AN EASEMEN7 IN FAVOR OF LAKEHAVEN U1ILITY DISTRICT FOR_WATER AND SEWER SET STANDARD qTY OF AUBURN FACILI7IES AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20160519000573 AND IS PLOTIED ON SHEET 6. MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISK�STAMPED � 'DRS 37555"�IN MONUMENT CASE . D.R.STRONG s sEr s/e' x:za• REe,oR �nrH P�,osnc CONSULT/NG ENG/NEERS CAP STAMPED"DRS 37555". . ENO/NEERS PUWNERS BURVEYORS � . 820-7MAVENUE K/RKL9NQ WA&8039 - 042Fx827.90&4 FIZ8.927.2I29.. CITY OF AUBURN FlLE N0. PLT16=0008 PROJECT N0. 14116 ORD.A Page 23 ofi84 - - -- - __ . _ _. SHEET 5 OF 6 VOL:/PAGE WYNCRES-T DIVISION III A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, --- -- -- - - SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WA$HWGTON I PARCEL.�B, TRAGT B, I � � . I N UNRECORDED p7pgf S.F. KING COUNTY BLA 592L0021, pR�VATE ACCESS AND . � APPROVED 2/25%92 UTILITY SEE TRACT Q NOTE N0. 2, SHEET 2 N00'01'75�W UNPLATTED� I �� ' - 5.17` PARCEL A '- � FENCE CORNER IS 1.3'S. OF FENCE IS 1�:3�5.� � � x - = PROP. UNE OF PROP:L1NE ;� in 863.86� --- N. LJNE N., 1/2, SE..1/4, NE. 1/4,.SE. 1/4, SEC. 2-21-4 � _ _ __ 6'.VHE N893B'�5'E ._ _ _ _ _ . �rn 142.84' 93.05� 26.00' 234.82' 6' VBF � � 166.95'--- Z 5.40 cni FENCE.IS 0.8'S. � TRACT A 51.43' N43'00'45'E 3 . � 47173 S.F. � OF PROP. LINE � 18.10' do m N89'S8'45"E 8188t S.F. o PRIVATE OREN SPACE � v�4Vv s�. ga�O�F. N71'00'19"E �8 � �3332'1Y � o o SEE 1RACT NOTE�NO.�1, ,c�Ysj, 10079t S.F. a p�� �23.28' �L=28.34' £ �EET 2 }�- " Js, y1' 110.93� A �a F, 6.3 � � S�K, Z ,p � . N89'S8�32"E J L e33�51• �A�p hp'S . G �J �o?iS Oy' O�,'S �i �. � N39'32'12'W(R) `�� �,y''y��. @,+ O�'h �a?�s. 5 ��. �P N38'35'11'E � ioX �y �'y. `L B J. 5432t S.F. � p ��, 0 24.02 .."� a! +. �yry6..O A �,�. 2 � 1�qP � 20:74' � 2 � Q �'+ R=45.00' `� �; p0 � fi7`.�"�i7` pr 04' . 17 �i 5847f�S.F. �N;�� `'`A. � Wl��a5 ,ycp°Y� . �". b��`�`�. .� � N9.10923�f ��� 9.3cj2���:�',���5' 6 ;j� ��' � N43'S1'29�E 110.80� 56, O 1• 9.42' _x , ,�� INw. y � .5549t S.F. 2 N89'S8'32'E 7.25' �.P P°N `S �? �24'38�16� 9s„2 ��{t, �u j)�. ��_ �"j N49'S5�05'E� L=19.35 ��?.O �o.• w ��. ,h• � 24:54' ���' � ,� N64'16�50"E .� . R=15.00��� � �dj 23.81' . � �7031�44° � �.A�,� . N5339'S7'E i6 ap 7168f S:F. 1=18.46' �c 4, ? � � 7 WYNCREST �n n 9� .a'ti� S'• 5327t S.F. 49, 12.70' VOL. 266, PG�S 52-56. 1.°j' ?S, pp0 h� �0�. �, b� ti � 23�� N38'S6'29"E . REC. N0. 20140806001551 � p9 � �h e��� ��;• ti5� ,,�� �s. m ,o.��� = � 35.28� SEE SHEET 4 FOR ��'y5�i � ��° °';`�°' �-"� esz3A•are REMAINDER OF TRACT C .. , . . . 37.92'- �3� / �0 9 y, � N71'S5'23'E / 70:75'= � 8. 33.71' � o � +�p %��� 4588t S.F. N27'i6'33"E � � S. 298TH PL. N� R9��5p9 y`�y�b�?� N34'S9'18•W Qp0 �20.07� �BCiTS.Fr., � - - 37.92' 142 .�(9a �; �. 5.65' � � N89'04'09"W��9� � �,� 9 ��e• ��! � N27'i6'33�E PRIVATE SENSIIIVE � N89'04'09"W�:% � 6 � 1d 0. ` AREA SEE TRACT NOTE� 5.00' o �� +,�p ,�,�•j,� 4799t�S.F. �y \ 14.06' N0. 3, SHEET 2 � 10.75': N. �I 3"i �`�9� y � . ,y�� i-� `-A48'16�17'E . � � 37:92' �w��<398� �N "`Pa�i �;56 � 38.62' � � i �" 1 � ;� A=0532'S8' N ;� ��. �Q 8. - / I �p iy � N54'42'36"E n' L=72.77' � Z ��y� 512Bt S.F. 35.82' I ` ,� / � ��sb;. p. 6>y � Nt6'00'54"E � � � 15 �. 7127t1 S.F. �� ��ya 25.45' / � 0 1,� Z N44'13'54'E I 5899t S.F. �� � ryp � � . 24.52' � �' 12.47' '`ry. ) N86'29'S5'E � �� � .13.03' � N40'S6'S9'E � 3j•295g"6 :� 19.80' .73.30'. .6� ygF 39.65 .N69�56 N34'39'S3�E / 550.98'---. � _ . ._ _ . 24.67'�--- �-- ----- --.. - ---. _. ..._ _ _ TRACT C � SEE DETAIL B WOOD N89'S5'23'E 663.93' --- RETAINING �NCE IS 0.5�N. S. LINE N.1/2, SE. 1/4,NE. 1 4, SE. 1/4, SEC. 2-21-4 FENCE IS 2.D�N. . I OF PROP. L1NE � � - � OF PROP. LINE WALL UNPLATTED SEE SHEET 6 �3 FOR EASEMENTS UNPLATIED � � 4 12 11 5k � 5 ti°" oy Z. y h � � �i5��? h0�� �j D bi,�S. O�` � � �• FENCE IS 1�.6'N.-OF � (, � �PROP. LME ��C � _X . 6'VBFX X ¢ X - - s , x x- N J.S a N8955'23'E \ 663.93' iS4' °t • tn z2�E 2�', TRACT C `w000 � � • RETAINING - NyA'�6 ' WALL � - � UNPLATfEO 37556 q Rf3T8R6 � _ . � _ ._ ._ _""""._ .. . . . ._._. // DETAIL A DETAIL B NOT TO SCALE. NOT TO SCALE -��-�- -���� �� -- LEGEND ���'�-� � MONUMENT SET PER REfERENCE 4, � � ��SHOWN ON SHEETS�4 AND 5 hIEREOF. GRAPHIC SCALE � SET�STANDARD Cltt OF AUBURN `� 4 �� D � � � MONUMENT WITH�BRASS DISK STAMPED A 1 'DRS 37555"IN MONUMENT CASE. 1 INCH=40 FT. C1 39.00. 50'0157 - 34.06 C2_ ..65.00. 50'01 57 . 56.77� �� C3- 65.00- 13"11 30 -"�14.97 �� 0 �SET 5/H' X 24'REBAR WiTH PLA571C BASIS OF BEARINGS C4 65:00 19'12 48 - 21:80 CAP STAMPED "DRS 37555" . . CS�" -65.00 �1737 39 20.00 . N00'53'O5.'E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND IN p,R.STRONG --- � � }( SET TACK WITH BRASS�WASHER� PLAbE AT hiE SOUTHEAST SECTION CORNER AND THE STAMPED "DRS�37555", ON PROPERTY EAST QUARiER bORNER OF SECTION 2-21=4 CONSULT/NG ENG/NEERS _ . _ LINE EXlENDID AT OFFSET SFI.OWN, IN ENGGVEERs PLANNERS SURVEI,QRS LIEU OF FRONT CORNER _ _. tt SET PK WAIL WITH WASHER STAMPED B�D'7MAVENUEpR/Q.AND WABB0.Y9 'DRS 37555' 001S.B27.3Q6.?F426.A?71I79 HBF HORIZONTAL BOARD FENCE CITY OF AUBURN FlLE N0. PLT16-D008 `�F VERIICAL BOARD FENCE PROJECT N0. 14116 -- - - ORD.A Page 24 of 84 SHEET 6 OF 6 VOL:/PAGE WYNCREST DIVISION III A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., CITY QF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I N PARCEL B, I I UNRECORDED KING COUNTY BLA S82L0021, I „ � APPROVED 2/25/92 UNPLAT7ED I ' � I PARCEL A t0 m . N89•,.f8•43•E .-,-10.00' gg3,6 N. UNE N. 1/2:SE. 1/4, NE�. 1/4. SE. 1/4. SEC. 2-21-4 � _-=—. . . ._. _.. ._ . . .. . . . _. . �Z_. _._. _ _.._ ._.._._. _ . .... _ . . _--� �-- --� -- -�- - � --- -- --- ----- -- - - --- �=--=- � � � / N89'S8'45"E 7 200.77' , �o�an /� i I1 ���� ��'Jby1� WNN Tf2ACT A� �,� I�a.m �rJ' BSBL�/// /� ���'hhy�i 3 �a� j?SDE WIDTH �O�O� � �: —� 4 / J � a5 a w'� VARIES SEE E.P.�,� ���f � 18 � i � I �n,;,N 2 SHEET 2 F, - � �VAR ES S E E.P. �E NOTES AND � /� w �� � I RESTRICTIONS N0. 9. � / I m '^,��,"> .. . � 3 S H E E T�2 SHEEi 2 / /� —_ .ap, A, � � ;+� 10' PSDE SEE �/ � �/ N35'01'18"W i/ � � �i�v� I E.P. 4�SHEET��2 — PG� � ;z.»' CJ � � /��/ �NN � . . � / � . � �"�� // % � �26' $SE & WLE ��`oo �27' LAKE HAVEN p=1 g'02'S8"���'� \ OVER TRACT B SEE / i�� �7 i Z UnLITY DISTRIC � i � L=14.96' LHUDEF'�SHEET 2 i / �' i I EASEMENN REC.WNO. � � // 10' PWLE SEE /� ����e E.P52PS�HEE7E7 �_ 20160519000573� � I/ E.P. 7 SHEET 26 /� /��c , � � � ����� � 10' PSOE SEE� � � 10' UTLITY � - E.P. 5 SHEET 2 � / I EASEMENT�(TYP.) / � � �� - �"� �g SEE E�.P. 1, / � 7 �/ `MIN. 15' I SHEET 2 & 10'� x / � � SiEEP SLOPE� WYNCREST '' W L E S E E LH U D E P / � / � BUFFER PER VOL 266, PGS 52-56, do SHEET 2 / \ / 7 5 B S B L�� � GEOTECH ' REC. N0. 20140806001551 n I �� � / � /� � / _ � � i� . . � �I_ �� � � � / 8 / � . � 10' UTILITY � S. Z98TH PL / /� EASEMENT(TYP.) i TRACT C � � / � SEE E.P. 7�, SHEET 2' / . � - — . — _ � �`l k.70'WLE SEE . // 9 . LHUDEP SHE�2 � � / MIN. 10� � � STEEP.SLOPE / 4.00_. i � � 0' PSDE SEE ./ / � ��OQ� GEOTECHPER � � _— 1— —_��� .E.P. 6 SHEET 2 � / Q 5�' � W / �`�'h'� � n �� / �� / I � / /� / g is' ese� � / �� 15 / � �2 11 // �// / � . � I ,/ / / � — I , ,���� � / i I_ � / TRAC7 C _ NB9'55'23'E 883.93' --- � � S. LINE N.1/2, SE. 1/4, NE.�1/4, SE. 1/4, SEC. 2-27-4� SEE SHEET 4 AND 5 � UNPLATfED FOR LOT AND TRACT � ia l I DIMENSIONS u"P�nT'E° � a• s �4 A w � p�� _ s 37555 0 � f �l.STga` LEGEND: �7 � PSDE PRIVAiE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT ��^T� P�M.E PRIVA'fE WATERLINE EASEMENT K e E.P. EASEMENT PROVISION GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20' 40' 80' � � � WLE WATER LINE EASEMENT TO LAKEHAVEN �� U1ILITY DISTRICT 1 INCH=40 FT. � SSE SANITARY�SEWER EASEMENT TO ��""� m "�"mm� " '���`���` . LAKEHAVEN�UTILITY�ISTRICT BASIS� OF BEARINGS _ ._ .. LHUDEP LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT EASEMENT N0053'OS'E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND IN D:R.STRONG PROVISION P�A EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTIONNZRZiND iliE CONSULT/NGENGINEERS _ BSBL BUILDING�SETBACK LINE ENO�NEERS p�q�y�yERs SURyEy�S � . ' 820-7tliAVENUf KlRIQAND WA;9BO,R9 . � 0425.827.3089 F42SB271423. CITY OF AUBURN FlLE N0. PLT16-0008 PROJECT N0. 14116 ORD.A Page 25 of 84 -- - _ _ __ __. _ 1 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER TOR THE CITY OF AUB�JRN 2 . Pl�zl Olbrechts, Hearing Examiner 3 _ RE: Frederic Allen ' 4 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS 5 Prelimina�y Plat OF LAW AND FINAL DECISION. � PLT08-0018 . 6 7 INTRODUCTION g The applicant lias proposed to subdivide 4.77 acres into 12 singie-family residential � lots. The Examiner recammends appraval of tlie subdivision with soine conditions recommended by staff. 10 . ORA,L TESTIIVZONY - 11 12 The Examiner gave upening remarks about tl�e application, stating that this application was filed before annexation to tlie City of Auburn. Cansequently, the 13 applicable reguIations for t�his applicatian are those of King County. 14 Elizabeth Cliamberlain presented tlie staff report. Ms. Chamberlain reported that the praposed subdivision is to divide 4.77 acres into 12 single-family lots. 'This proposed 15 plat is located in the western portion of the city. Access is proposed through another 16 plat that has prelimin�ry ap�roval but is not yet constnicted. If that project does not move forward, Ms. Chamberlain stated that the applicant would be responsible for 17 providing adequate access. Ms. Chamberlain stated that two additional conditions of approval proposed by #he City included street lights and conshuction of the streets lg witli vei�tieal curbing fa match City standards. 1VIs. Chamberiain stated tliat these conditions had been requested, but that because the King County regulafions apply to 19 this application,the conditions cannot be requirecl. 20 The Exanli:ner asked several questioi�s. First, he asked wliere the steep siope buffer 2� was identified on the preliminaiy plat map. Ms: Chamberlain conf rmed it is . indicated on the map by the solid line, whereas the dark, broken line labeled "top of 22 slope" indicates tl�e actual slope. The Examiner then inc�uired abotrt tlie conditioiis of approval outlined in the Kiiig County staff xeport as Condition 12(a}. This conditian 23 says fhat the steep slope buffer must be 15 feet wide on lots 4-7. However, the 2� Examiner noticed that on the plat map, the buffer was only 10 feet wide on lot b. King County staff conf rmed th�t t}�e conditions ai•e correct and that tl�e plat map may 25 i�ot be exactly accivate with respect to the buffer widths. The Examiner then inqui�ed wllether the conditi�n to a•edt�ce flow to Trihutaiy 053, . which leads to the Green Rivei; l�ad been assessed for any potential adverse {PAOS07379.DOC;L\60083.9000001) Prelimi�iary Plat p. 1 Findings, Concli�sioi�s and Decision ORD.A Page 6 of 84 environmentai iinpacts on aquatic habitat. Bruce Whittaker, King County � � Department of Deve2opment and Envirorunental Services, who conducted the 2 drainage revzew for the application, responded that environmental impacts had been taken into account. 1VEr. Whittaker stated that in the Department's apinion, Tributaiy 3 0531ias suffered fiom significa�it erosion and flooding issued in the past and that the condition to tightline the water would improve the area. Mr. Whittaker also � confirmed tl�at the Examiner did not need to revisit o� review the decisian to consolidate the two drainage basins involved. In response to questions from. the s Examiner, Mr. Whittaker confirmed tlaat the plat would improve drainage problems 6 caused by ninoff from the plat area Uy tiglrtlining stormwater into the City's stormwater drainage system, 7 � � The Examiner asked whether the City was missing aut on any traffic impact fees, 8 given tl�at the County had already imposed traffic mitigation fees. Ms. Chamberlain said that because the traffic mitigation fees are collected oii building peimit issuance, 9 the City would nat be missing out. She also stated that the proposed improvements 10 �e consistent with Auburn Transportation Plan. . 11 Hans Korve, the applicant's representative, testified on behalf of the applieant. Mr. Korve reiterated that tl�e request to add streetligl�ts and vertical curbing was a request 12 and not a cade requirement, Mr. Korve stated the applicant was unopposed ta installing one street light as needed and to install vertical curbs. However, he hoped 13 to address the number of streetiights in the design phase and assured.tlie Examiner 14 �lat he would cooperate with staff on the issue. 1 S Mr. Korve stated that the applicant had no issue with Conditions 2 and 3. Mr. Karve did note an abjection for the recoatd with respect to park impact fees, stating that the 16 proposal includes installation of parks and that theze should be a credit process for 17 park impact fees. Ms. Chamberiain indicafed that this was correct but that agreement on the number of credits l�ad not been reached prior to the liearing. 18 Mr. Korve finaliy stated tliat with respect to Condition of Approval 7(a),the applicant 19 intended to eoordinate witli eity and county staff to create an altern.ate access plan tluough Sbth Street in the event tliat the western plat(Serrano) did not move forward. 20 Mr.Korve had no objection to Candition 7(a). 21 Mr. Korve stated that he beIieved the proposed plans would alleviate concerns about 22 current draivage iss�.ies in the area by collecting stornnwater and tight liiung it, thereby controlling an uncontrolled situation. Bruee Whittaker canfirmed that King County 23 regulations require tightlining over a Iandslide hazard area. Mr. Whittaker stated tliat sheet flow is present underneath the property and tiiat tlie stormwater will now go into 2`� the city's stormwater system. On the developed part of the site,t}xere are fwo existing 2$ sub-basi�is; one flows to the northwest into Tributaiy 053 and another flows to tlie south and southeast. The proposed drainage acijustment wiil affect the northwest sub- basin such that the water will, uistead of sl�eeting inta Tributary 053, flow into the . tiglitline. {PA0847379.QOC;1\00083:9t100001) ORD.A Preliminary Plat p. 2 Findings, Canclusions ai�d Decis�g�9e 7 of 84 1 Suzanne Kniglrt, an adjacent propei•ty owner, testified regarding l�er concern that 2 adequate access would not be provided and asked whether the right-of-way woiild be purcliased from Ba��Ic of America. � 3 Margaret Portlate, wl�o lives at 6500 S 298t1i Street, expressed her concern that any 4 access would create creek crossings,whicl� wouid adversely impact tl�e small Animals and birds tliat are in tlie area. Ms. Portlate felt that tl�e King Caunty staff report erred s in stating that tlie numbers of small animals and birds were limited d�ie to surrounding. � development. � Ghris Langley, King Caunty Departnient of Txansportation, addressed access questions from tl�e public. Ms. Langley confirmed that if the adjacent �lat does not 8 move forward, the applicant would have to acquire the necessary property for access. King County requires the applicant to constrtict 20-feet wide half street 9 improvements. Access, if the adjacent plat was eonstructed, would be provided 10 ��'ough 66th Avenue and would extend over to 64th Avenue S. Currently, 56th Avenue is unimproved right-of=way along t�ie wesf margin of proposed subdivision. 11 If the adjacent plat does not proceed, the appiicant would have to negotiate for right- of-way. Haweyer, the applicant mentivned that the other access option was going �2 north along 56t� Stxeet. Ms. Langley stated that this might require the applicant to � 13 obtain access to abutting properties to constilict the half-street improvements because 56th Street is only 30 feet wide. Thus, it may be diff'icult to construct a 20-foot-wide 14 1�alf street withouf encroaching on neighboring properties. Z g Ms. Chamberlain addressed the question of ereek crossings and stated that any creek crossings would be located in the adjacent pla�. Tlius, any adverse environmental . 16 iinpacts to the creeks would have been addressed in that decision. In response to 17 questions froin the Examiner, Ms. Chamberlain noted that the proposed subdivisian would not trigger ariy madifications to the access across the adjacent plat, so that the 18 same impacts to the creek would occur whether or not the proposed plat were approved. 19 EXHIBITS 2U 21 See page 4 of the Staff Report prepared by Aubum staff, dated July 9, 2010, for a full list of hearing Exliibits. 22 FINDIIVGS OF FACT 23 24 Procedural:� 25 1. Applicant, The applicant is Frederic Allen. 2. Hec______,1I'121g. The Hearing Examiner eonducted a heuiiig on the a�plication at 5:30 p,in, at Auburn City Hall in the Council Chanibers on July 21, 2010. {PA0807379.DOC;1100053.9000001} Prelitninaiy Plat p. 3 Findii�gs, Conclusions and Decision . � ORD.A Page 28 of 84 1 Substantive: 2 �3. Site/Proposal Description. This is a request to subdivide.a 4.77-acre site 3 into l2 lots fox single-family residential use. The parcel has an existing home,. detaclied garage and carpoi�t with patios and sundecks near the center of the site, The � 4 liouse is surrozanded by Iarge trees and rolling lawn/pasture. The eastern portion of 5 the property consists of steep slopes. 6 The propose�i subdivision's features will include aceess tl�rough the Serrana plat (adjacenf western plat), a drainage tightline on the eastern portian of the propei�ty,t 7 and provision of. major utilities. The development is expected to generate approximately Y20 velucle trips per day. S g The proposed subdivision will be served by Meredith Heights Elementary, Kilo Middle, and Thomas Jefferson Senior High Schools, all located within the Federal 10 �ay School Dis#rict. The nearest public park is Gamelot Park, located at South296th Street and 43rd Avenue South. The application has proposed providing on-sifie 11 recreation space. King County's fire flow standards are satisfied such that the site will be adeqitately served, according to the Certifcate of 'Water Availability fio�n 12 Lakehaven Utility District. The applicant proposes to serve the proposed scibclivision �3 by means af a publie sewer system by Lakehaven Utility District. A Certificate of Sewer Availability, dated August 16,2005, indicates the sewer district has capacity to 14 serve the development. Lakehaven UtiIity District will ]ikewise provide water ta the � site, and the Certificate dated Angust 16, 2005 also confirms the capacity to supply 15 water to the site. 16 4. Characterist�cs of the Area. The surrounding area was annexed by the 17 City of Auburn on January 1, 2008. The areas to the north, sou#h, east, and west are all zoned Single Fami[y Residential, R-S. The land to the e�st and west is currently �g vacant, though the Serrano plat l�as been preliminary approved to the west, but has not yet been const��ucted, Accorciing to the testimony of Mr. Whittaker, the area has 19 been plagued by flooding and errosion due to stormwater sheeting into the Q53 � Tributary. � Za� . 21 5. Adverse Im�acts. The Examiner concludes that there are no significaizt adverse impacts that will result froin the proposed deveiopment: Testitnony from Mr. 2z Whittaker,who reviewed the site drainage plan, has confirmed that the fl.oading and , erosion issues on the site will actually improve when the required tightline is � 23 constructed. Furthermore, tlie King County Staff report ide_ntifi.ed that the traffic generated by the proposal falls below the tl�reshold that requires niitigation according 24 �S � The drainage tigittline is required.for this subdivision per Core Requirement 1 of the.Kaig County Surface Water Design Manual. A Concep;ual Dcainage Plan for ttiis tightline was received June 27, 2008. The City has revie�ved this plan and has provided a conditional approval letter dated Juna 20, 2008,for the do�vnstream connection in Auk�urn. , {PA0807379.DOC;I10Q083.9000001} ORD:A Preliminary Plat p. 4 Findings, Conclusions and Decisi�.9 29 of 84 to intersection standards, King County Cade 1�.80. Other impacts to schools, traffic, � parks, and fire services will be adequately rnitigated through impact fees or providing 2 onsite improvements. 3 Thotigh Ms. Portlate indicated tl�at she was eoncerned about creek crossings when access is extended to the site, as testified by IVIs. Chamberlain, the creek crossings 4 will occur whether or nat the snbject plat is approved. S CQNCLUSIONS Qr LAW 6 Proceclurai: 7 1. Autltority of Hearing _Examiner. ACC 17.10.050 grants the Hearing 8 Examiner with the authority to approve, deny, or approve with conditions an � application for preliminary plat approval. In accordance with ACC 17.10.430, g preliminary plat appzoval is a Type III decision, ai�d the Hearing Examinex's decision 14 is final unless appealed to the council. In this case, the application was filed before the area was annexed to the City on January 1, 2008. Aecordingly, King County's �1 Code criteria for evaluating proposed subdivisions applies under the vestecl rigl�ts doctrine. Pursuant to Secfion 2.4 of the Interlocal Agreeinent hetween King Gounty I2 and the City of Auburn, the County prepares a report and recommendation to the City's designated decision maker for a final decision. The City is further responsible 13 �or seheduling,providing notice, conducting any public hearings or appeals for vested 14 land use applications that require a qttasi.judicial approval, and making any final decision on such applications. As stated above, the Heariiig Examiner is the City of 15 Aubiun's designated decision maker. 16 Substantive: 17 2. Zoning Desi ng a#ion. The property is zoned R-5 Residantial (Sdu/acre) 1S under the City of Auburn's zoning designation. Tl�e Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation is Single FamilyResidential. 19 3. Review Criteria and Application. As stated above, King Caunty review 20 criteria for proposed sub.divisians apply in this case. The code criteria are quoted in 21 bold below;with coi�esponding conclusions of law written beneath the criteria. . 22 ICCC 19A.08.060 Review_for coszformity iville otlier codes, pla�zs r�ncl policies. Applicrrtiosts for �rpprovals�rrrstrrc�:t to tliis title sfi�rCl be reviewe�l in accortlafzce 23 ivitft tlte �rpplic�rble procedu�'es of ntty co�rrbiirrrtiofe of iftis titJe rrszd IC.C.C. cfi�pters 20.20 arid 20.24. Fiirtlternrore, �rpplications for subdivisiorrs, sliorl subdivisiotts z� and Gi»tling site pint:s »tay be approve�l, apprOVell Wlflt CD)illlt1Q11S OI• tlereiecl i�r. 25 rtccorrXnnce,ivitli tlre followir�g cr�lo,�ted cocurty nrzd state ��ules, �•egttlatiotrs, pla�ts rtnd policies i�tcludi�tg, hut�tot litt:itert to: A. Chaptef�43..2.1 C RCW(SEPA); I�. Chtrpter 58.17 RCW{Subriryisrorrs),• � {pA0807379.DOC;1\00083.9000001 j � Preliminu•y Plat p. 5 Findings, Concltisions and Decisian ORD.A Page 0 of 84 C. Clrrrpters 36.70A nnd 36.70B RCW (GrorUlle Mntt�tgetrte�tt rrn�l Pr•oject � Review}; 2 D. K.C.0 Tiile 9 (Stt�fnce Wrtte��M�rrr�rgert:e�lt); � E. IC C C. Title I3 (Setiver rutd Wtrte�); 3 F. If.0 C. 7'itle 14(Roarls rutd Bridges); G K.GC. Title 17(Fire Code}; 4 H. K.C.G. clrapter 20.44(SEPA); .I. K.C.C. Title 21A (Zo�zitig); 5 J. K.C.C. Title 23(Code Etrforcement); 6 K K.C.0 Ti11e 25 (Sltorelitie Mnster Progrrr�n); L. Adr�zitiisfratiue rttles a�opte�l�ccrsu�nt to K.C.C. cltapte��2.98; � M. Kir:g Coujity bonrr!of prrblic ItealtlZ rules�tnt!regulatio�zs; N. King Cortnty approverl r�tility cotttprelie�rsive pl�rns; 8 O. Kif:g County Co�rrpreheflsive Pl�cri; P. Cou�tfy tivirle Pl�n�z��:g Policies; 9 Q. T{eis title. �� KCC 19A.0$.160 Minit�uun subdivision artd sltoj�t srx��livision if�rproyemejzts. 11 A. P��im� to firrnl recording of a plat or sliort pl�tt, ti'ie follofving nzit:i�num itnprovemejtts sle�tll fie cojtstructed co►tsiste�:t with the approved pl�r�zs, except tlint 12 tlie director�nay nllow posttttg of cc fr.itrrncial grcarantee i�Z the event tt:nf exp�rntion 13 °f ttte plcrt or sl:ort plat is imh:ittetrt or otl:er eatraordinary circtutrsta�ices preve�it the constructio�r of sucl: irttproverrtettts. 14 1• Dr�innge facilities t�ntl erosiost control tftensures eonsislettt tvit/a K.GC. . 9.04.090; 15 2. Wrrler jteai�ts arrrl I:yd�nitt inst�l[erl rrriri frre flow avnilnble,f reqirired; 3. Ra�dways grarled to all lots fvitl:i�r tl:e sccbdivisio�t or sliort subclivisio�: anci 16 eRpnble of proyiclittg access by passenger vefiicle; 17 4. Specific site in;provernents required by the pretimit:rrly plat �ep�t�ovtcl ordina�tce vr prelinzi�rary sfiort pl�t �pproval decision, rf tl�e decisio�i i'C[fllli•es 1 g conrpletion prior to pldt recordi�rg; S. Delit:eatiort of sensitive are�rs lhat nre to t�e�rit�irr itrideveloped; ag 6. Te�rzpor�ry corttro! moftr�ntefrts set by �r l��rrl surveyor, lacate�l in � corefof��n�rnce witli ffiis title, iriZd iti pX�ce �rt fin�tl i�lspectiorr. Pe�•n:rr�rent � 2fl frzo�:rrrner:fs cr�trl control,�oints sllall be set atid verified by �r la�r�l surveyor within 21 niriery days of tFie flrnl lift of nsplialt; 7. Iinpi�ove»zenfs tivitliot�t w{riclz tlie rlirectot�rleterj�ti�res re srrfety liazat�d wottlrl 22 exist; at:d 8. All priv�te i�nproveme�its oartsirle of tlie rigtit:of-wc�y or t�aa�l easejttent. 23 B. The director slrcrll l:�rve rigfet of ey�try onto ntry lot, trtcct, e�rsetnent or p�rrcel tfint is pnrt of tfee final plaf or sl:ort pl�ci to er�srrre complircrtce wif/i tlte �srif:irnrcln 24 sub�livisio�t i�nproveinenfs reqitirecl i�t subsecliol:A of tliis se.ction. 25 4. The criteria above reflect the requirements contaiued in Chapter 58.17 RCW, the state law regardiiZg subdivisions. That is, beforc approval of a proposed subdiyision the city must make written findings that: (a) appropriate provisions are {PA0807379.DOC;1100083.900000\} ORD.A Prelimina�y Plat p. 6 Findings, Conclusions and Decis�ge 31 of 84 nnade for the public healtli, safety, and general welfare and for suclz open spaces, 1 drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, otlier public ways, transit stops, potable water 2 supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schooIs and school grounds and all other relevant facts, incltidiiig sidewalks and other planriing feafures 3 that assure safe walking conciitions for students who only walk to �and fi•om school; and {b) the ptiblic use and interest will be served by the platting of sucl� s�ibdivision � 4 and dedication. RCW 58.17.110. � • In this case, taking into consideration the cQnditiolis for final plat approval set forth 6 below, tlae proposed plat meets the criteria above. One of the most s'ignificant factors for approval of a preliminary plat is the provision of adequate access. In this case,fhe � applicant has apparently opted to wait for the completion of street improvements ini adjoining subdivision, the Sen•ano plat. Due to this reliance upon the work of other 8 deveiopment projects, the staff recoinmends tliat fiial plat approval for the subject applicatioT� be contingerit upon completion of the conditions of preliminary plat � approval for the adjoijiing subdivision. (Condition of Approval 7(a}). 10 The Examiner agrees that generally as a matter of constitutional due process, the 11 apploval af,a development projeet should not be entirely dependent upon the actions of a third party. However, this is a situation of the applicant's own making. The 12 appiicanf wishes to avail himself of the work of third parties in order to meet the 13 street improvement requirements for his own subdivision. Under these circumstances, it is reasonable to require that those third-party improvements be �4 completed prior to acquiring final plat approval for the subject appIicafion. The applicant's access cannot reasonably be canstrued as "adequate" according to the ' �5 above-quoted criteria if there is no assurance that the streets to which they connect will be completed., Tlie Condition of Approval7(a) guarantees that the prior to final � 16 plat approval,this access must be obtained. 17 The foregoing is based upon the presumptioii tliat tl�e applicant is free to make off- �$ site improvements himself in lieu of relying upon the adjqining subdivisions, if such an opportunity exists. Mr. Korve ind.icated at the hearuig fhat the applieant would 19 work with staff to create an alternate aecess plan through 56th Street in the event that � the western plat(Serrano)did not move forward,or tliat the applicant would negotiaCe 20 tlie right to construct the street improvemen#s in flie Serrano plat himself However, 2I Cl�ris Langley, King County Depaz�tnnent of Transportatian, #estified that access tluough 56th Street niay nat be feasible because it is only 30 feet wide. Thus, to 22 construct the half-street zmprovements necessary, the applicant may be requit�ed to obtain construction easements to encroach on neighboring properties. Nevertheless, 23 the applicant can at any time apply for a ptat alteratiori for altezmate aceess if that is an option the applicant would like to pttrsue. Should tlie adjoining subdivisions take an 2� unusually Iong amount of time to complete or zf access is to be obtained by differe�it 25 means, a plat alteratian is available to adc�ress tlie situ.ation. With respect to stormwater, the testimony given at the public hearing demonstrated � that the tightline requirement will improve floodiiig and erosion issues ui the �ea. . {PA0807379.DOC;1�aQ083.40Q000\} Preliminai•y Plat p. 7 Findings, Conclusions ai�d Decision ORD.A Page 32 of 84 Rather tlian sheeting toward Tribufary 053, tlie water will be st�eamlined and � contained. Any potential environmental adverse impacts to tlie Tributary and 2 downstream bodies of water were considered when making th'ts a eondition of �approval. 3 Given the certificates of availability obtained from Lakeh.ayen Utility Dista�ict, 4 adequate provision has been made for sewer, water service, and en�ergency fireflow. However, an additional condition of approval requires the applicant ta ohtain the 5 approval of the Ki_ng Gounty Fire Protection Engineer for adeqt�acy of the f re 6 hydrant,water inain,and fireflow standards of Chapter 17,08 KCC. 7 Finally with respect to open space, the applicarit has proposed� providing on-site recreation space. Though the a�plicant objected on the record tliat a credit system . 8 must be worked out with respect to�park impact fees, given the provisioi�of recreation space, the Examiner is eonfident that this can be worked out with staff. A final 9 agreement on credits simply could not be reached prior to the hearing. Other impacts � 10 to schools, traffic, and fire seiwice will also be addressed through impacts fees as well. 11 � The Examiner incorporates by reference the King County staff report's c�iscussion of ' 12 othei specific requirements under the King Caunty Code, such as steep slope buffers, tree planting and preseivation, recreation space, sprinklers, archaeological sites, and • �3 grading. � � 1� DECISION � 15 The Hearing Examiner approves PLT08-Q018, subject to the following conrlitions, 16 which must be completed prior to final plat approval: ' �7 1. Complia��ce with all platting provisions of Title 19A of the King County Code. 18 2. All persons having an ownership interest iii the subject propei�ty shall sign on the �9 face of the final plat a dedicataon which includes the language set forth in King . County Council Motion No. 5952. 20 3. The plat shall comply with the density requirements af the R-4 zone �I classification. All Iots shall meet the minimum dimensional requi�ements of the R-4 22 zone classificatioa or shall be as shown on the face of tlie approved preliminary plat, whichever is Iarger, except that minor revisians to the plat wluch do not result in I 23 substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Departmeiit of � Development and Envirorunental Serviees, , 24 25 �. All const�uction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards establishect and adopted by Ord'uiance No, 1118'1, as an�ended(1993 KCRS). {PA0807379.DOC;1104083.9000041} ORD:A �'xeliminary Plat }�. 8 Fiiidings, Coriclusions anci Decisi��g 33 of 84 5. Tlie applicant must obtain the appxoval of the King County Fire Protection 1 Engiiieer for the adequacy of the fue hydrant, water main, and fre flow standards af 2 Chapter 1'7.08 of the King County Code. 3 G. Final plat approval sliall reguire fiili compliance with the drainage provisions set £o�•th in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing t1�e nu�nber 4 and/or locatiori of lots as shown on the prelitninary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of 5 the drainage requirements. All otlier applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the � Surface. Water Design Mamial (SWDM) must also be satisfied dtiring engineer'ing and final review. 7 a. Drainage plans and analysis shall_ comply with the 2005 King Cotinty 8 Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King Counfy: DDES approval of the drainage a�id roadway plans is required prioi• to any 9 construction. 10 b, Cunrent standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by pDES 11 Engineering Review,shall be shown on the engineering plans. 12 c. The foIlowing note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: 13 Ali building dowiispouts, footing drains, arid drains from all imperviaus sui�faces sucli 14 as patios and dz�iveways shall be connected to the peimanent starm drain outtet as shown on the approved construction drawings. This plan shall be submifted with the 15 application of any building permit. Ail connections of tlie drains niust be constructed and approved prior to the finaI buiIding inspection appi•oval. For those lots that are i G design�ted for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be const�ucted at 1� the time of tl�e b�ilding permit and shall comply with plans on f le" 18 d. The drainage facilities shall meet .the requirements of the 2005 King County S«rface Watei• Design Manual {KCSWDIV�. The clrainage design shall meet 19 at a minimuxn the Conservation Flaw Control and Basic Water Quality requ_irements in the KCS WDM. 20 � 2I e. An Offsite Dra.inage Tightline is required per Core Requirement 1 of the - KCSWDM, This Tightline shall be designed in general confo��mance with the 22 Concep€ual Drainage Plan reeeived rune 27th, 200$; unless otherwise approved by the reviewing agency. Appropriate easements shall be provided for this Tightline 23 construction, as required by the reviewing agency. 'The City of Auburn has granted conditional approval of the Tightline �iownstream conneetion, in a.letter dated June �4 20`n,2008 from City of Auburli to DMP,Inc. The condifions of approval Iisted in t�us ` 25 �Ietter slzall be met prior to approval of the engineering plans. {PA0807379.DOC;I IOOQ83,9000001} , ' Prelitninary Piat p. 9 Findings, Co�iclusions a:xd Decision ORD.A � Page 34 of 84 f. Drainage adj,ustment LOSVQ107 is approved for tliis project. . Ali 1 conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be _met prior to. engineering plan 2 approval. 3 g. To implement the required Best Management Practices {BMPS� �Q2 treatment of storm water, the �nal engii�eering plans and technical information report 4 {TI:R) shall clearly demonstrate compliance with all applicable design standards. The requirements for best management practices are outlined in Chapter S �of the 2005 s KCSWDM. The design engineer shall address the applicable requirements on fhe 6 f nal engineering plans and provide all necessary dacument for implementation. The f nal recorded plat shall include all required covenants, easements, notes, and other � details to implement the required BMPs for site development. � $ 7. Tlie propased subdivision sliall comply with the 1993 King Gounty Road Standa.rds (KCRS) including the following requirements: 9 10 a. South 298�h Place shall be improved at a minimum to the urban minor access street standard, with a cul-de-sac at the east end. lI Note tflat this subdivision is dependent on tlie construction of offsite access roads in 12 the Plat of Seriano LOSP0010. This subdivision shall therefore comply with Section I,03(D) of the KCRS {Continuous Public Access). In the event that the offsite roads 13 �e not constructed with the plat bf Serrano, adequate public access and RJW is 14 required to be provided with the development af this subdivis�oix. 15 b. The Tract B private access tract shall be improved per 2.09 of the KCRS. This Tract shall be owned and maintained by the Lot owners served. Aii :access 16 easement across Tract B shall he provided for maintenance of the TrRct A drainage 17 facilify; as required by the reviewing agency. 18 c. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. 19 8. All utilities within proposed riglzts-of-way must be included within a frar�chise . 20 approved by tlie T�ing County Councit prior to final.plat recording. 21 9. The applicant or subsequen# ownex shall comply with King Courify Code 14.75, 22 Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined hy the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has 23 tl�e o�tion to eitlier: (1} pay the MPS fee at fnal plat recording, or{2) �ay the MPS fee at the tiine of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid 2`� shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on 25 ttie faee of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King Caunty Code 14.75, Mitiga#ion Payment System (MPS}, have been paici." If tlie second option is chosen, the fee paid s1ial_i be the amount in effect as of the date af building permit application, {PA0807379.DOC;110U083.900000\} ORD.A Preliminary Plat p. 10 Findiiigs, Conclusions and Decis��ge 35 of 84 10. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King Counry Code 21A.43, wiiich � 1 imposed impact fees to fund school syste�in improvements needed to serve new Z development. As a condition af final approval, fifty percent(50%)of the impact fees . due for the plat sliall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using 3 the fee schedules in effect when tlie piat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee sliall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be 4 collected prior to building permit zssuance. 5 11, The planter islands (if any) wit�iin the cul-de-sacs shali be maintained by the � abutting lot owners or homeowners asso:ciation. This shall be sfated on ttie face of fhe finial plat. 7 . 12. The pzoposed subdivision shali comply with �l�e Critical Areas Code as outlined $ in KCC 21A.24. Fermanent survey marking and signs as specified in KCC 21A,24.160 sliall also be addressed prior to final plat approval. Temporaiy marking � of critical areas and tlieir buffers (e.g., with hright orange construction fencing) shall 10 be placed on the site and shall remain in plaee until all constiuction activities are � coinpleted. 11 � Preliminary plat review has identified the following specifc requirements whieh 12 apply to tlus project. All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also 13 �e addressed by the applicant. 14 Geotechnical: 15 a, Tlie steep slope buffer as shown on the preliminary site plan must have a ininimum width of 15 feet where adjacent#o lots 4 through 7 and a minimttm.width of 16 10 feet where'adjacent to lots 8 througli 12. These buffer widths aie based on ottr i 7 concurrence with recommendations in the Steep Slope Critical Areas Supplemental Report by Golder Associates Inc. dated August 121,2006. 18 h. A 15-faot-wide building setback area must be established adjacent to the . 19 steep slope buffer. No building foundations at�e allowed within this building setback area. 20 2� c. Stormwater nmaff and discharge should be cont�olled during and following development, Uncontrolled discharge may pxomote erosion and sediment 22 transport. Under na eircumstai�ces should concentrated discharges be allowed to flow � over the top of the steep slopes. All raof c�rains must be connected to the plat storm 23 water drainage system. „ 24 d. Tlie common botindary between proposed Tract D and the buildii�g 25 setback area must be niarked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any cleat•ing, grading,building conshuction or other develapment activity on a lot subject to a critical area tract. The required marking or flagging s1�aI1 remain in place until all develapment proposaI activities in the viciniTy of tjie seiisitive area are {PA0807379.DOC;t100083.9000001 f Preliminaiy Plat p. 11 Finclings, Gonclusians and Decision ORD.A � Page 6 of 84 completed. The buffer is identified separately on the site pian but included within the 1 Tract. 2 e. All earth wvrk on the site shall be monitored and approved by an 3 experienced geotec}inical engineer or engineering geologist. This will include structural f ll placement, cut and fill slopes and the placement of rockeries and 4 retaining walls, 5 f. The engineering plans shall be submitted an reviewed by Critic�l Areas 6 Staff . � g. The following note shall be shown on tlie final engineering plan and recorded plat: 8 - RESTRICTIONS F'OR CRITIC.AL AREA TRACTS A1VD CRITICAL 9 AREAS AND BUFFERS �� Dedication of a criticat area traederitical area and buffer conveys to flie publie a 11 beneficial interest in the land within the tract/critical area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public 12 health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenanee of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. Tl�e �3 critical area#racticritical area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owneis ' 14 �nd occupiers of the land subject to the tract/critical aiea and buffer the obligation, eiiforceable on behalf of the public by Kuig County,to leave undistui�bed all trees and 15 ofher vegetation witliin the tract/critical are and buffer. 16 The vegetation within the tract/critical area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, 17 covered by f ll, removed or damaged wifihout approval in writuig from the King County Department of Development and Environiriental Services or,its successor 1 g ageney;unless otherwise provided by law. 19 The convnon boundary between the tiact/critical area and buffer and the area of � development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King 20 County prior to any cleai•ing, grading, building constiuction or other development 21 activity on a lot subject to the critical area tract/criticai area and huffer. Tlie required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development propasal activities in � �z the vicinity of the sensitive area a�•e completed. 23 No building foundations are allowed beyond the rec�uired I S-foot building setback line,unless otherwise provided by law. � 24 �5 13. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements of KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.190 (i.e., sport courf[s], children's play equipment,picnie table[s], bencl�es, etc.). � {PA0807379.DOC;1140483.90000Q1� ORD.A Preliminary Plat p. 12 Findings, Conclusions and Decis�g�ge 37 of 84 a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., area calculations, dimensions, 1 landscape specifications, equipment speci:fieations, etc.) shall be submitted for review � aiz�i approval by DDES and King Coiinty Parks priar to or COI1CllTrent with tlie submittal of tlie engineering plan. 3 b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted 4 prior ta recording of the plat. 5 i4.A homeowners' association or other wo.rkable organization sl�all be established to . 6 tlie satisfac�ion of DDES which� provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, ogen space and/or sensitive area tract(s). ? � 15. Street trees shall Ue provided as follows(per KCRS 5.03 and KCC 21 A.16.050): 8 a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 44 feet of frontage 9 long all roads. Spacing may be modified.to accommodate sight distance requirements 10 for driveways and intersections. �� b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance withDrawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King�County Road Standards,tinless 12 King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be � lqcated in the street right-of-way. 13 � 14 c. If King Cot►nty determines that the requirements street trees shouid not be located within the right-of=way, they sliall be located no more than 20 feet from the 15 street right-of-way line. 16 d; The trees shaIl be owned and maintained by tlie abutting lot owners or the �� homeowners association or other workable organization unless #he County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance sliall he noted on the 1 g face of the final recorded pl"at. - 19 e. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES if located within the right-of:way, and s}iall not inciude poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, guin, any fruit- 20 bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots a�re likely to obstruct sanitary or 2� storin sewers;or that is nat cornpatiUle with averhead utility lines. 22 f. The applicairt sliall submit a street tree plan and. bond quantity sheet for revievv and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approval. 23 g. The applicant shall contact Metro Service Plannin� at 206-684-1622 to 24 dete�•mine if South 298�' Place is on a bus route. If South 298` Place is a btts route, 2� the street tree plan shall also be reviewed by Metro. h. The st�eet fi�ees must be installed and i�ispected., or a pei�formance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees (PA08U7379.DOG;1100083.9000001} Preliminary PIat p. 13 Fir�dings, Conclusions and Decisioi� ORD.A Page 8 of 84 niust be installed and inspected withiii one year of recording af the plat. At the tinne 1 of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a 2 maintentxnce bond mtist be suhmitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may � be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees haye been kept lieaithy and tluiving. 4 . i A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. 5 The inspection fee is subject'to change based on the current County fees. 6 16. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of KCC Chapter 16.82, � concerning the presexvation of"significant trees" on subdivisions located in the King Counry"Urban"designated area. A detailed tree retentian plan,which complies with 8 KCC 16.82.156B2 and ather applicable requixements of this Code section, sliall be submitted to DDES for review and approval prior to engineering plan approval. 9 Bonding may be required by DDES to assure implementa#ion of the tree retention 10 Plan. No cleacin�or rg adin�of the site shall occur_until DDES approves the detailed , tree retention plan. � 11 � ', 17, SPRINKLER REQUIREMENi`: All futwe residences constructed within t�iis 12 subdivision are required to be sprinkled NFPA 13D unless the re.quirement is ' removed by the King County Fire Marshal or his/lier designee. The Fire Code 13 requires all portions of the exterior walIs of structures to be within 150 feet as a person would walk via an approved route around the buildin�) from a minimum 20- 1� foot-wide, unobshucted driying surface. To qualify for removal of the sprinkler 15 requirement, driving surfaces between curbs must be a minimum of 28 feet in width when parking is allowed on one side of the roadway, and at least 36 feet u� width 16 when parking is permitted on both sides. � 17 Additionally, the driving surface of the access tracts within this subdivision must ', have minimum unobstrueted wid#hs of 20 feet (no parking permitted}; or respective ' 18 � • lots aecessed by those tracts will have to be sprinkled. 19 � 18. In the event that any uchaeological objects are un:covered an the site, the 20 applicant shall comply with RCW Chapter 27.53, Archaeological Sites and 21 Resources. Immediate notification and consultation with the State Office of Archaeology and Historical Presezvation, King Counry Office of Cultural Resources 22 anci relevant tribes {including the Suquamish, Puyallup aiid MuckIeshoot tribes) is reqiiired if discovered materials are prehistoric and a site is present. . 23 19:The applicant must install at least one sUeetlight on tlie cul-de-sac. Thot�gl� �`� Auburn staff conceded that because King County Code standards applied, the zS Examiner has no authority to otherwise impose a requirement to install streetlights, tlie applicant agreed to install at least one streetlight on the cul-de-sac at the public hearing. The applicant must work with staff during the desi�n review stage to ftnalize the design. {PA0807379.DOC;1100083.900000\} ORD.A Plelimina�y Plat p. 14 Findings, Conclusioiis and Decis�age 39 of 84 I 20. The applican.t rnust install vertical curbing to �natch the City of ALibi�rn's street 2 standards. Though Auburn staff conceded that because King Cot�nty Code standards appiied, the Examiner has no authority to otherwise impose a requirement to install 3 vertical curbing,the applicant agreed to install vertical curbing at fihe public hearing. 4 21.Nothing in tlus decision shall be eonstruec€ as exemptizag the applicant from City of Auburn impact fees. Amaunts and any applicable credits shall be governed by the 5 Auburn City Code. �' OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 7 I. The subdivision shall canfoi7n to KGC 16.82 xelating to trading on private 8 property. 9 2. Development of the subject prope��ty may require registration with the 10 �ashington State Department of Licensing,Real Estate Division. �1 3, Preliminaiy approval of this application does not limited the applicant's responsibility to obtain any required permit or license from tlie State or other I2 reguIatory body. This may include,but is not limited to,the following: �� a.. Forest Practice Permit from the Washington State Dept. of Natural 14 Resources. 15 b• Natianal Potlutant Disclia�ge Etimination Systen� {NPDES) Permit from WSDOE. 1G 17. c. Water Quality Modification Permit from WSDOE. I g d. Water Quality Certification (401) Pez7nit from U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers, 19 , Dated tlus 2nd day of August 2010. 20 21 �•-- �. 22 � - Phi OIbrechts 23 City of Auburii Hearing Examiner 24 25 {PA0807379.DOC;1100083.900000\} Preliminary Plat p. 1 S Findings, Conclusions and Decision ORD.A Page 0 of 84 �... �k CITY OF * * _ 3°" 3 � � � _ p p.p pp B �/� � * ' - ��R���I�/°�►! � O�I�V��ROV�IOC����';� t .. .. _ ,..e........ �.�r.�s,.�....1>..... _,«..W�",r..,:. ..�«.a.:�.�.,. . ,,.5. .v.�..E»�-...,,,_ �......_ .,..r.�..,:....r£ 1NASHINGTON FIIVAL PLAT APPLICATYON FAC15-0013 COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS The required improveme:nts for the Final Piat of have been completed in accordance with the Land Division Ordinance and the City of Auburn's standards and speeifications. City Engineer Date *�*****�****,�****��**�**�******,�*;�****************,�*,�**********�***********�����****** SECURITY_IN LIEU.OF..COMPLETION In tieu of the required public improvements for the Final Plat of WYNCREST III, an approved security Plat Security Bond for$29,436.00 (150% of the estimated costs of improvements) has been submitted and approved by the City Engineer. _ - - __ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ ' Engineer —� D_te 1, The developer has provided references and demonstrated a minimum of 3 years successful, non-defaulted plat development experience in the Puget Sou:nd region. 2. The bond/securify is based on the following costs: Street: $29,436.00 for t.he Final Lift, Installation of Permanent Monuments and the Raising of Utilities to grade cc: File: FAC15-0013 Thaniel Gouk, Senior Planner Harry Schneider, Schneider Homes Inc. ORD.A Page 41 of 84