HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM VII-ACITY OF WAS H I NGTON AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subiect Date: Application No. PLT03-0001 11/25/2003 Department: Planning Attachments: H.E. Decision, Staff Budget Impact: Report, Vicinity Map, D.N.S., Application Administrative Recommendation: City Council to approve the preliminary plat based upon the Hearing Examiner's Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Conditions; and, to instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary Resolution. Background Summary: The Hearing Examiner on November 18, 2003, conducted a public hearing on the request of Lakeland Land Development LLC, the owners of the subject lot within the Lakeland South Planned Unit Development (PUD) in Pierce County, for preliminary plat approval for a 64-1ot subdivision. The property is located within the annexed area of Pierce County in the Lakeland South Planned Unit Development (PUD). The project is located on the west side of Evergreen Way SE, extending from its intersection with Elizabeth Avenue SE approximately 1,380-feet south and to the top of slope The subject lot extends approximately 1,200-feet west of Evergreen Way SE at its southern terminus. Subsequent to the hearing, the Examiner recommended to the City Council approval of the preliminary plat. The City Council may now either affirm the Examiner's decision, remand to the Examiner or schedule a closed record hearing. The Council can only modify or disaffirm the Examiner's decision after conducting their own closed record hearing. HE\PLT03-1 L1201-3 03.5 Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: [] Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: [] Building [] M&O [] Airport [] Finance [] Cemetery [] Mayor [] Hearing Examiner [] Municipal Serv. [] Finance [] Parks [] Human Services [] Planning & CD [] Fire [] Planning [] Park Board []Public Works [] Legal [] Police [] Planning Comm. [] Other [] Public Works [] Human Resources Action: Committee Approval: []Yes []No Council Approval: []Yes []No Call for Public Hearing / /__ Referred to Until / / Tabled Until / /__ Councilmember: Borden Staff: Krauss Meeting Date: December 1, 2003 Item Number: VII.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU iMAGINED WASHINGTON Peter B. Lewis, Mayor 25 West Main Street, Auburn WA 98001-4998 · www. ci.aubum.wa.us, 253-931-3000 November 25, 2003 LAKELAND LAND DEVELOPMENT ATTN: RANDY FORSYTH 11624 SE 5TM STREET BELLEVUE WA 98005 RE: APPLICATION NO. PLT03-0001 Dear Randy: Attached is the Heating Examiner's official recommendation regarding your request that was considered by the Hearing Examiner on November 18, 2003. The City Council will consider your request on Decemi~r 1, 2003 in the City Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. You or a representative are requested to be at that meeting to answer any questions the City Councihnembers might have regarding your proposal. If you have any questions regarding the attached, please give us a call. Paul Krauss, AICP Director PK:pz Attachment cc: Building Deparlment Public Works Department City Clerk WASHINGTON FINDINGS AND DECISION OF THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN APPLICATION: APPLICANT: REQUEST: LOCATION: APPLICATION FILED: SEPA STATUS: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: DECISION ISSUED: DECISION: STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: PUBLIC TESTIMONY: WRITFEN TESTIMONY: PLT03-0001 Lakeland Land Development LLC Preliminary plat approval for 64 lots The west side of Evergreen Way SE, extending from its intersection with Elizabeth Avenue SE approximately 1,380-feet south and to the top of slope The subject lot extends approximately 1,200-feet west of Evergreen Way SE at its southern terminus. October 2, 2003 EIS issued in 1992. An addendum was issued on October 21, 2003 November 18, 2003 November 25, 2003 Recommend approval Sean Martin, AICP None Exhibit #1: Case file and environmental file INTRODUC~ON ARer due consideration of the evidence presented by the applicant, ali evidence elicited during the public hearing, and as a result of the personal iuspee6on of the subject property and surrounding area by the Hearing Examiner, the following Findings of Fact and conclusions shall constitute the decision of the Hearing Examiner on this application. FINDINGS OF FACT: FINDINGS OF FACT Lakeland Land Development LLC, the owners of the subject lot within the Lakeland South Planned Unit iDevelopment (PUD) in Pierce County, have requested preliminary plat approval for a 64-1ot subdivision. The property is located within the annexed area of Pierce County in the Lakeland South Planned Unit Development (PUD). Chapter 18.76 of the Auburn Zoning Code governs the land uses allowed within the PUD. I-IE~DEC~LT03 -01 Page 2 Findings and Decision Application No. PLT03-0001 10. 11. 12. Auburn City Code (ACC) Section 18.76.060 allows for the single-family plat and will be governed by the "SFD-5" regulations. The "SFD-5" regulations require a minimum lot size of 2,730 square feet and a minimum lot width of 40 feet. A final development plan (map) was also adopted as part of the approved PUD. The plan illustrates the area of the preliminary plat to be appropriate for residential uses at a density of two to fourteen units per acre and 600 maximum dwelling units. Otller approvals in this planning area combined with the proposed lots bring'the cumulative total dwelling count to 386 units to date. The proposed "Trac~ F" identified for future development (to be reviewed under a separate process) is considered "lot 64" of this plat. The City of Auburn will provide police protection, fire protection, sanitary sewer and storm drainage services. The plat is within the Auburn School District and the City collects impact fees for the school district. The City of Bonney Lake, pursuant to a previously executed agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Bonney Lake, will provide water. A water availability certificate has been provided to the City of Auburn for the construction of the 63 single-family homes. The development of proposed lot 64 (Tract F) will be subject to future review and another certificate will be sought at the time the future development permits are considered. The configuration of the underlying original lot has resulted in plat that is linear in nature. As such, the principal street circulation pattern relies on a single private street corridor with three points of access leading to the public street, two relying on internal access to the adjoining development. Access limitations and design requirements to these access corridors to the public street are needed to ensure that they remain open and unobstructed to allow for adequate public safety response and overall site circulation. The City limits the length of dead-end streets or single access roads to 600 linear feet and serving not more than 25 units. The issuance of building permits for individual lots shall be commensurate with the completion of the road network. In accordance with Auburn City Code Section 10.36.175, the private street shall be posted as a Fire Lane with parking on one side only, to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. The Final Environmental Impact Statement "Proposed Lakeland Hills South Mining 7 Reclamation Plan & Planned Unit Development" issued by Pierce County July 21, 1992, identified that a 25-foot building setback to t~he top of slopes equal to or greater than 40% should be observed to prevent landslides and buffer to landslide hazard areas. The requirement was made based oftbe "Soils, Geology, Geologic hazards and Geohydrology report", dated May 1991, prepared by Associated Earth Sciences and incorporated as a ieferenced technical report for the subject ElS. The topography and proposed lot configuration require additional provisions to ensure the placement of the proposed structure meets thc applicable setback requirements of City Code. Auburn City Code sections 18.48.130 and 18.48.140 define the provisions related to access tracts and gated subdivisions, respectfully. The applicant shall be required to demonstrate that the subject plat meets all (:ode requirements related to those provisions during the civil review processing phase of the project's development. Nothing in the preliminary plat approval is intended to relieve the applicant fxom those requirements. The plat illustrates a number of"tracts". Most of the tracts are for landscaping and signage that will be owned and maintained by the homeowners association. 13. At the time of the public hearing, no public comments were received. HE~DEC~PLT03-0 ! Page 3 Findings and Decision Application No. PLT03-0001 14. The contents of the case file, PLT03-0001, of this project are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of the record of this hearing. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The undersigned has concluded that the preliminary plat may be approved in that it is consistent with the following criteria necessary to approve a preliminary plat as outlined in Section 17.06.070 of thc Land Division Ordinance. Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds and sites for schools and school grounds. The PUD ordinance, the preannexation agreement, and compliance with the City's regulations have ensured that adequate provisions have been made regarding the above items. 2. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan. The density of the plat is less than 14 dwelling units per acre and is consistent with the "Moderate Density Residential" designation on the Comprehensive Plan Map and consistent with the final development plan of the PUD. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of any other applicable policies or plans that have been adopted by the City Council. The plat is consistent with the Lakeland PUD Ordinance, the preannexation agreement, and the specific utility studies that have been done for the Lakeland project. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the Land Division Ordinance as enun~erated in ACC Section 17.02.030. The plat is not inconsistent with the purpose of the Land Division Ordinance. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the Auburn Zoning Ordinance and any other applicable planning or engineering standards and specifications as adopted by the City. The plat has been or is capable of being designed in accordance with all applicable engineering requirements including the City's Design and Construction Manual and all development standards of the Auburn Zoning Ordinance. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed subdivision are mitigated such that the preliminary plat will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the quality of the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (ELS) was prepared for the PUD in 1992. The proposal, as conditioned, is consistent with the EIS. DECISION For each of the above reasons, the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner to the Auburn City Council on this preliminary plat application is approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. Except for proposed lots 64 (Tract F), all lots within the plat shall access to Montevista Drive SE. HEkDEC~PLT03-01 Page 4 Findings and Decision Application No. PLT03-0001 2. Prior to the application for Final Plat, the applicant shall document that sight distance triangles at all intersections have been met and that the standards for gated communities have been implemented. This may result in mino~r changes to the design to provide proper curb radius dimensions to ensure that all applicable requirements are satisfied. 3. The applicant shall prepare a Final Landscaping Plan that demonstrates in addition to the landscaping within the proposed tracts, at least one street tree shall be provided within the width of each lot. Based upon the suggested street tree planting requirements for a 5-foot planter width, as defined by the City's Design and Construction S~ndards. lots proposed at a width greater than 50-feet may capable of supporting two or more street trees. Care should be given by the applicant to account for individual lot ingress/egress when defining the location of proposed street trees. 4. The applicant shall provide root deflection devices or similar mechanism for all trees planted within the 5:-foot width of street landscaping to ensure that mature trees do not contribute to sidewalk or pavement deterioration. These devices shall be shown on the landscaping plan to be approved concurrent with the applicant's street constmctiont plans. 5. A 25-foot building setback shall be provided to the top of slopes equal to or greater than forty percent (4(~'A) for proposed lots 33-63, as applicable. The restriction shall be shown on the face of the Final Plat. 6. In order to ensure the accurate siting of the homegstructure(s) in relationship to the setbacks required fi'om property lines, easements or other similar features associated with a lot, the City's Building Official may require that all applicable comers of the structure be surveyed and staked prior to the pouring of footings or foundations. Dated this 25th day of November, 2003, pursuant to the authority granted under Chapter 18.66, Zoning Ordinance, City of Auburn. Diane L. VanDerbeek, H(nu'ing Examiner REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION Any party of record who feels the decision of the Examiner is based on error of procedure, fact or judgment, or the discovery of new evidence may file a written request for reconsideration with the Heating Examiner no later than seven dztys from the date of mailing of the decision. Reconsideration reqtiests should be addressed to: Hearing Examiner, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA. 980014998. CITY COUNCIL ACTION This decision of the Hearing Examiner is a recommendation to the City Council and will be considered by the Council at their December 1, 2003, meeting. At the December 1, 2003, meeting the Council may either affirm the Examin¢~s recommendation, remand the decision back to the Examiner, or schedule a closed record public hearing. HE~DEC~PLT03-O 1 Page 5 EXCERPT FROM THE NOVEMBER 18, 2003 HEARING EXAMINER MEETING The meeting of the Auburn Hearing Examiner was held on November 18, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Auburn City Hall. Those in attendance were as follows: HEARING EXAMINER: Diane L. VanDerbeek STAFF: David Osaki, Jeff Dixon, Sean Martin and Patti Zook Ms. VanDerbeek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. explaining the order of procedures and swore in staff and those in the audience intending on testifying. PUBLIC HEARINGS: APPLICATION NO. PLT03-0001 The request of Lakeland Land Development LLC for preliminary plat approval of 63 single family lots to be known as Lakeland Hills Area 5, Division 2A. The project is located at Evergreen Way SE and Elizabeth Avenue. Hearing Examiner opened the public hearing. Planner Martin presented the staff report. This is the last subdivision action in Area 5. The plat proposes an internal road that ties into Montevista. He spoke about the Lakeland South PUD. He mentioned the minimum lot sizes and maximum density of units. Tract F is for future development and will be reviewed under a separate SEPA project. The City of Bonney Lake will provide water. Staff recommends approval. He summarized the six conditions. HE observed there are no lot numbers on the plat. Are lots 33-63 on the western portion of the plat? Planner Martin said yes and all lots except lot 64 (Tract F) will access to Montevista Drive SE. The applicant was not present. There was no public testimony. Hearing Examiner closed the public hearing and will issue the written decision on or before December 1. CITY OF AUBURN AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM ARenda Subiect: Public Hearing- Application No. PLT03-0001 I Date: November 10, 2003 I Department: Planning Attachments: Vicinity Map, Plot Plan, Bud,qet Impact: Application Administrative Recommendation: Hearing Examiner to recommend to the City Council approval of the preliminary plat based upon the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Conditions as outlined. REPORT OF FACTS: OWN ER/APPLICANT: Lakeland Land Development LLC AGENT: Randy Forsyth REQUEST: Preliminary plat approval for 64 lots SIZE: 29.46-acres LOCATION: The west side of Evergreen Way SE, extending from its intersection with Elizabeth Avenue SE approximately 1,380-feet south and to the top of slope The subject lot extends approximately 1,200-feet west of Evergreen Way SE at its southern terminus. EXISTING ZONING: Planned Unit Development (PUD), SFD-5 EXISTING LAND USE Vacant COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Moderate Density Residential SEPA STATUS: ElS issued in 1992. An addendum was issued on October 21, 2003 ZONING AND LAND USE DATA IN THE VICINITY: Existinq Zonin.q Existin,q Land Use North PUD Elizabeth Ave South PUD Under construction East PUD Vacant West PUD Vacant Comprehensive Land Use Plan Designation ROW and then Moderate Density Residential Moderate Density Residential Moderate Density Residential Open Space Reviewed by Council Committees & Commissions: Arts Commission Council Committees: Hearing Examiner Finance Human Resources Municipal Services Library Board Planning & CD Park Board Public Works Planning Commission. Other Approved: Call for Hearing: Committee Approval: Yes No Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ~ Airport X M&O X Building Mayor Cemetery Parks Finance Personnel X Fire X Planning X Legal X Police __ Library X Public Works Tabled Referred to: Until: Until: IStaff: Martin Meeting Date: November 18, 2003 Page: 1 CITY OF AUBURN AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM IA.qenda Subiect: Public Hearing - ApPlication No. PLT03-0001 IDate: November 10, 2003 Background Summary (cont'd): FINDINGS OF FACT: Lakeland Land Development LLC, the owners of the subject lot within the Lakeland South Planned Unit Development (PUD) in Pierce County, have requested preliminary plat approval for a 64-1ot subdivision. The property is located within the annexed area of Pierce County in the Lakeland South Planned Unit Development (PUD). Chapter 18.76 of the Auburn Zoning Code governs the land uses allowed within the PUD. Auburn City Code (ACC) Section 18.76.060 allows for the single-family plat and will be governed by the "SFD-5' regulations. The "SFD-5" regulations require a minimum lot size of 2,730 square feet and a minimum lot width of 40 feet. A final development plan (map) was also adopted as part of the approved PUD. The plan illustrates the area of the preliminary plat to be appropriate for residential uses at a density of two to fourteen units per acre and 600 maximum dwelling units. Other approvals in this planning area combined with the proposed lots bring the cumulative total dwelling count to 386 units to date. 3. The proposed "Tract F' identified for future development (to be reviewed under a separate process) is considered "lot 64" of this plat. The City of Auburn will provide police protection, fire protection, sanitary sewer and storm drainage services. The plat is within the Auburn School District and the City collects impact fees for the school district. o The City of Bonney Lake, pursuant to a previously executed agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Bonney Lake, will provide water. A water availability certificate has been provided to the City of Auburn for the construction of the 63 single-family homes. The development of proposed lot 65 (Tract F) will be subject to future review and another certificate will be sought at the time the future development permits are considered. The configuration of the underlying original lot has resulted in plat that is linear in nature. As such, the principal street circulation pattern relies on a single private street corridor with three points of access leading to the public street, two relying on internal access to the adjoining development. Access limitations and design requirements to these access corridors to the public street are needed to ensure that they remain open and unobstructed to allow for adequate public safety response and overall site circulation. The City limits the length of dead-end streets or single access roads to 600 linear feet and serving not more than 25 units. The issuance of building permits for individual lots shall be commensurate with the completion of the road network. In accordance with Auburn City Code Section 10.36.175, the private street shall be posted as a Fire Lane with parking on one side only, to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. IStaff: The Final Environmental Impact Statement "Proposed Lakeland Hills South Mining 7 Reclamation Plan & Planned Unit Development" issued by Pierce County July 21, 1992, identified that a 25-foot building setback to the top of slopes equal to or greater than 40% should be observed to prevent landslides and buffer to landslide hazard areas. The requirement was made based of the "Soils, Martin Meeting Date: November 18, 2003 Page: 2 IA.qenda Subject: CITY OF AUBURN AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Public Hearing -Application No. PLT03-0001 Date: November 10, 2003 Geology, Geologic hazards and Geohydrology report", dated May 1991, prepared by Associated Earth Sciences and incorporated as a referenced technical report for the subject ElS. 10. The topography and proposed lot configuration require additional provisions to ensure the placement of the proposed structure meets the applicable setback requirements of City Code. 11. Auburn City Code sections 18.48.130 and 18.48.140 define the provisions related to access tracts and gated subdivisions, respectfully. The applicant shall be required to demonstrate that the subject plat meets all Code requirements related to those provisions during the civil review processing phase of the project's d&velopment. Nothing in the preliminary plat approval is intended to relieve the applicant from those requirements. 12. The plat illustrates a number of "tracts". Most of the tracts are for landscaping and signage that will be owned and maintained by the homeowners association. 13. The contents of the case file, PLT03-0001, of this project are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of the record of this hearing. CONCLUSIONS: Staff has concluded that the preliminary plat may be approved in that it is consistent with the following criteria necessary to approve a preliminary plat as outlined in Section 17.06.070 of the Land Division Ordinance. Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds and sites for schools and school grounds. The PUD ordinance, the preannexation agreement, and compliance with the City's regulations have ensured that adequate provisions have been made regarding the above items. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan. The density of the plat is less than 14 dwelling units per acre and is consistent with the "Moderate Density Residential" designation on the Comprehensive Plan Map and consistent with the final development plan of the PUD. 3. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of any other applicable policies or plans that have been adopted by the City Council. The plat is consistent with the Lakeland PUD Ordinance, the preannexation agreement, and the specific utility studies that have been done for the Lakeland project. 4. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the Land Division Ordinance as enumerated in ACC Section 17.02.030. The plat is not inconsistent with the purpose of the Land Division Ordinance. 5. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the Auburn Zoning Ordinance and any other applicable planning or engineering standards and specifications as adopted by the City. IStaff: Martin Meeting Date: November 18, 2003 Page: 3 JA.qenda Subiect: CITY OF AUBURN AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Public Hearing -Application No. PLT03-0001 Date: November 10, 2003 The plat has been or is capable of being designed in accordance with all applicable engineering requirements including the City's Design and Construction Manual and all development standards of the Auburn Zoning Ordinance. 6. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed subdivision are mitigated such that the preliminary plat will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the quality of the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared for the PUD in 1992. The proposal, as conditioned, is consistent with the EIS. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the Facts and Findings and Conclusions of the staff report, staff recommends that the Hearing Examiner recommend to the City Council approval of the preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: 1. Except for proposed lots 64 (Tract F), all lots within the plat shall access to Montevista Drive SE. Prior to the application for Final Plat, the applicant shall document that sight distance triangles at all intersections have been met and that the standards for gated communities have been implemented. This may result in minor changes to the design to provide proper curb radius dimensions to ensure that all applicable requirements are satisfied. The applicant shall prepare a Final Landscaping Plan that demonstrates in addition to the landscaping within the proposed tracts, at least one street tree shall be provided within the width of each lot. Based upon the suggested street tree planting requirements for a 5-foot planter width, as defined by the City's Design and Construction Standards, lots proposed at a width greater than 50-feet may capable of supporting two or more street trees. Care should be given by the applicant to account for individual lot ingress/egress when defining the location of proposed street trees. The applicant shall provide root deflection devices or similar mechanism for all trees planted within the 5-foot width of street landscaping to ensure that mature trees do not contribute to sidewalk or pavement deterioration. These devices shall be shown on the landscaping plan to be approved concurrent with the applicant's street construction plans. A 25-foot building setback shall be provided to the top of slopes equal to or greater than forty percent (40%) for proposed lots 33-63, as applicable. The restriction shall be shown on the face of the Final Plat. In order to ensure the accurate siting of the home/structure(s) in relationship to the setbacks required from property lines, easements or other similar features associated with a lot, the City's Building Official may require that all applicable corners of the structure be surveyed and staked prior to the pouring of footings or foundations. HE~APP\STRPLT03-1 IStaff: Martin I Meeting Date: November 18, 2003 page: 4 ITE APPLICATION NO.: PLT03-0001 APPLICANT: Lakeland Land Development LLC REQUEST: preliminary plat approval of 63 single family lots to be known as Lakeland Hills Area 5, Division 2A LOCATION: Evergreen Way SE and Elizabeth Avenue Peter B. Lewis, Mayor 25 west Main Street ~ Auburn WA 98001-4998 ~k www.ci.aubum.wa.us ~ 253-931-300~ ADDENDUM TO THE LAKELAND HILLS SOUTH MINING AND RECLAMATION PLAN AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (FEIS), ISSUED JULY 22, 1992 BY PIERCE COUNTY ISSUING AGENCY: City of Auburn o 25 West Main Auburn, Washington 98001 DATE OF ISSUANCE: October 21, 2003 PROPOSAL: Modir~,,ation of the proposal for "Area 5" of the Final Development Plan to provide 63 single family lots, I lot for future development and 5 tracts in the north/northwestern portion of this planning area. REASON FOR ISSUING ADDENDUM: Since the FEIS was issued, the proponent has reevaluated the housing demand. As a result of this reassessment, the proponent has determined that a project composed entirely of single-family housing would better meet the current target market. Attached is a comparative analysis of the impacts and mitigation measures contained in the FEIS with the impacts associated with the current proposal. These additional ~rleme.nts have ~.n r,e.v, iew.ed for ~ pro.~, ble, significant adverse environmental m..pac~.. I ne re.v.~w am.a no~.resu.lt in the identification of such impacts; therefore, an aaaenaum is sumcient m satisfy me City's responsibilities under SEPA. LEAD AGENCY: RESPONSIBLE OFFICI-~-~: CONTACT PERSON: City of Aubum Paul Krauss, AICP Director Planning and Community Development Sean Martin, AICP Planner II for Environmental Review Planning and Community Development 253-931-3090 Preliminary Plat - Page 5 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME tDL-TD -& 0 D / APPLICATION NUMBER Sec. Twp. Rng. Area Code Zone Existing Scheduled Hearing Staff Project Coordinator: ~ ~~Received APPLICANT: COMPLETE THIS FORM WITH ALL ENTRIES BEING TYPED (except signatures) OR NEATLY PRINTED IN INK. IF ADDED SPACE IS NEEDED, ATTACH THE ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PAGES TO THIS APPLICATION. NAME OF SUBDIVISION.Lakeland Hills Area Total area of subdivision: Acres: 13.1 Total number of lots: 6 3 5, Division 2A Sq. Ft.: 570,636 Total number of dwelling units: 6 3 Proposed zoning: N/A Existing zoning: SF-5 Proposed land use: Single-family detached Minimum size of lot as shown on plat: Minimum lot width as shown on plat: Minimum lot depth as shown on plat: Proposed source of domestic water supply: 5,250 sq. ft. 50' feet 105' feet Public water - Bonney Lake Proposed sewage disposal system: Public sewer - City of Auburn Preliminary Plat - Page 6 ALL PROPERTY OWNERS INCLUDED IN THIS APPLICATION MUST BE LISTED BELOW OPPOSITE A "PARCEL NUMBER" WHICH IS ALSO SHOWN ON THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND INDICATES THE PROPERTY OWNED BY EACH APPLICANT. YOUR SIGNATURE ALSO INDICATES YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE CONTENTS OF THIS APPLICATION AND ITS ATTACHMENTS. PARCEL NUMBER 05-2006-2-046 NAME, ADDRESS&PHONENUMBER (PleasePrin0 SIGNATURE DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON: Name: Address: City: Phone: Randy Forsyth 11624 SE 5th Street Bellevu~ WA 425-586-7700 Preliminary Plat - Page 7 LEGAL DESCRIP~ON OFPROPERTY Lot 3, City of Auburn Lot Line Adjustment Recorded under Pierce County Recording No'. being a portion of Lots 1 and 3, City of Auburn Short Plat No. SPL02-0007 recorded under Pierce County Rec. No. 200211145001. FEE PAYMENT: ~ and $50.00 per lot plus $,7,50700 for Environmental Chcctdist T.R. #: DATE RECEIVED: CASHIER'S INITIALS: