HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-C-2 * Aij~UrtN WASHINGTON AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Date: Final Pay Estimate #1 to Contract 06-13 November 7,2006 Department: I Attachments: Budget Status Sheet, Budget Impact: Public Works Final Pay Estimate #1 and Map ($14,398.00) Administrative Recommendation: City Council approve Final Pay Estimate #1 to Small Works Contract 06-13 with Doolittle Construction LLC and accept construction of Project No. CP0612, 15th St SW Pavement Preservation. Background Summary: This project constructed a double chipseal on the north half of 15th ST SW from C ST SW to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks, along Kersey Way from 53rd ST SE to the South Auburn city limits, and 53rd St SE from Kersey Way to Randall Ave SE. A project budget contingency of $14,398.00 remains in the 102 fund. W1120-3 04.9.1 CP0612 Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: D Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: o Building o M&O D Airport o Finance o Cemetery o Mayor o Hearing Examiner o Municipal Servo o Finance o Parks o Human Services o Planning & CD o Fire o Planning o Park Board i:8JPublic Works o Legal o Police o Planning Comm. o Other i:8J Public Works D Human Resources Action: Committee Approval: DYes ONo Council Approval: DYes DNo Call for Public Hearing -'~- Referred to Until -'-'- Tabled Until -'-'- Councilmember: Wagner I Staff: Dowdv Meeting Date: November 20, 2006 litem Number: V.C.2 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED IProject No: CP0612 Project Manager: Robert Lee Initiation Date: June 26, 2006 Advertisement Date: July 19, 2006 Award Date: August 7, 2006 The "Future Y Funding 102 Fund - Unrestricted Total Activity Design Engineering - City Costs Construction Contract Bid Line Item Changes Construction Engineering - City Costs Total *102 Funds Budgeted () 102 Funds Needed *102 Fund Project Contingenc 102 Funds Required . ( # ) in the Budget Status Sections ind W1120-3A BUDGET STATUS SHEET Project ritle: 15th StSW Pavement Preservation I 0 Project Initiation 0 Permision to Advertise Date: November 6, 2006 0 Contract Award 0 Change Order Approval @ Contract Final Acceptance ears" column indicates the projected amount to be requested in future budgets. Funds Budaeted (Funds Available) Prior Years 2005 2006 Future Years Total 175,000 175,000 0 0 175,000 0 175,000 Estimated Cost (Funds Needed) Prior Years 2005 2006 Future Years Total 4,275 4,275 178,000 178,000 (23,583) (23,583) 1,910 1,910 0 0 160,602 0 160,602 102 Arterial Street Bud et Status Prior Years 2005 2006 Future Years Total 0 0 (175,000) 0 (175,000) 0 0 160,602 0 160,602 y() 0 0 (14,39B) 0 (14,398) 0 0 0 0 0 icates Money the City has available. MC,J!l "";" .2 c CD .... 41 o ~ E o <<l 41 Z II) ~ . e .. OQ.Q. o....E C - <<l Gi E e ~ ~ C1l Q.<i, S:w I/).J 4)5 ew -:J: 1/)0 :5U) It) .... 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