HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-A-1* ,- crnoF JL-1V B V I\~ AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM WASHINGTON Agenda Subject: Lakeland Area 9 Preliminary Plat, Application No. Date: September 6, 2007 PLT06-0006 Department: Planning Attachments: Resolution No. 4227, Budget Impact: N/A Building and Community for remaining items please see exhibit list, below. Administrative Recommendation: City Council conduct the closed record hearing and adopt Resolution No. 4227 approving the preliminary plat for subdivision of a 1.48-acre parcel into seven single-family residential lots with the Hearing Examiner's recommended eleven conditions. Background Summary: The Hearing Examiner on July 18, 2007 conducted an open record hearing on the request of Martin D. Waiss, of Lakeland East, LLC for preliminary plat approval to subdivide a 1.48-acre parcel into seven single-family residential lots and one private access/utilities tract, for a project known as "Lakeland Area 9". The project lies northeast of the intersection of Lake Tapps Parkway East and Charlotte Avenue SE. The project site is within the Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development (PUD). On August 1, 2007, the Hearing Examiner issued a decision recommending to the City Council approval of the preliminary plat request subject to eleven conditions. The seven-day period to request reconsideration of the hearing examiner's decision ended August 10, 2007. There were no requests for reconsideration filed. The application was placed on the agenda for the regular City Council meeting on Monday, August 20, 2007. At the meeting the City Council decided to schedule a closed record hearing on the plat request. In accordance with ACC 18.66.180, "Upon (conducting) its own closed record hearing, the City Council may affirm, reject, or modify the Hearing Examiner's recommendation or take whatever action it deems appropriate pursuant to law." 03.5 PLT06-0006 L0820-4 e viewe y ounce ommittees: eviewe y epartme nt s ivisions: Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTE S: Building M&O Airport Finance Cemetery Mayor Hearing Examiner Municipal Serv. Finance Parks Human Services Planning & CD Fire Planning Park Board Public Works Legal P li W k Police R H u Planning Comm. Other or s ub c rces uman eso Action: Committee Approval: eyes eNo / / P bli H i C ll f Y N _ or ear ng _ a u c es o Council Approval: Referred to Until / / Tabled Until _7_T Councilmember: Norman Staff: Osaki Meetin Date: Se tember 11, 2007 Item Number: II.A.1 ABU~I~3 ~ ~Q~ TxAN You IM~c~N~~ Agenda Subject: Closed Record Hearing Lakeland Area 9 Preliminary Plat, Application No. PLT06-0006 List of Exhibits Date: September 6, 2007 Exhibit 1 Staff Report Exhibit 2 ** Notice of Application, March 23, 2007 Exhibit 3 ""` Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 4 ""` Affidavit of Posting Exhibit 5 "`"` Affidavit of Mailing Exhibit 6 ** Confirmation of Publication of Legal Notice Exhibit 7 Combined Final Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) and Adoption Notice, 4-11-07 Exhibit 8 Completed Master Land Use Application, 10-5-06 (and Preliminary Plat Application Form) Exhibit 9 Preliminary Plat Lakeland Area 9 (Sheet 1 of 1), Apex Engineering PLLC, Revised 12-22- 06 Exhibit 10 Lakeland -Area 9 Wetland and Stream Analysis Report, Sewall Wetland Consulting Inc., 06-21-06 Exhibit 11 Lakeland Area 9 Preliminary Plat Comment Response Letter, Sewall Wetland Consulting Inc., 01-03-07 Exhibit 12 Preliminary Drainage Report for Lakeland Area 9, Apex Engineering PLLC, 10-02-06 Exhibit 13 ** Certificate of Water Availability, City of Bonney Lake, 09-28-06 Exhibit 14 *" Final Plat North Tapps Estates (Sheets 1, 4, 8 and 9 of 101, Pacific Northwest Land Surveyors, Signed 5-2-07 Exhibit 15 Letter from Matthew Sweeney, Attorney for North Tapps Estates/Prium Development, 07- 11-07 Exhibit 16 An additional Finding of Fact and two Conditions recommended by Staff and presented at the public hearing on 7-18-07 Exhibit 17 Hearing Examiner's written recommendation on Lakeland Area 9, Preliminary Plat, issued August 1, 2007 ** -The indicated exhibits are not included in the packet but are available on request to the Planning Department, 253-931-3090. Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 4227 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION FORA 7 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS LAKELAND AREA 9 WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON WHEREAS, Application No. PLT06-0006, dated October 5, 2006, has been submitted to the City of Auburn, Washington, by Martin D. Waiss on behalf of Lakeland East, LLC, requesting preliminary plat approval for a seven lot single-family residential subdivision known as Lakeland Area 9; and WHEREAS, said request referred to above was referred to the Hearing Examiner for study and public hearing thereon; and WHEREAS, pursuant to staff review, the Hearing Examiner conducted a public hearing to consider said application in the Council Chambers of the Auburn City Hall on July 18, 2007, of which the Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting of August 20, 2007, the City Council considered the Hearing Examiner's recommendations and the material presented to the Hearing Examiner after which the Council voted to approve Application No. PLT06-0006 with the eight conditions recommended by staff as well as the three additional conditions recommended by the Hearing Examiner. Resolution No. 4227 August 20, 2007 Page 1 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The following Findings and Conclusions are herewith approved and incorporated in this Resolution. Section 2. The request for preliminary plat approval for a seven lot Single-Family Residential subdivision known as Lakeland Area 9 within the City of Auburn, legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Proposed Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the future Homeowners' Association (if one is to be created) shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to final plat approval. All tracts not dedicated to the City of Auburn shall be maintained by the future Homeowners' Association and identified in the CC&Rs. 2. In order to ensure the accurate placement of the home/structure(s) in relationship to the setbacks required from property lines, easements or other similar features associated with a lot, the City's Building Official may require that all applicable corners of the structure be surveyed and staked prior to the pouring of footings or foundations. 3. The final plat drawing shall include addresses for each lot as assigned by the City. ---------------------------- Resolution No. 4227 August 20, 2007 Page 2 4. Approval of the proposed preliminary Plat is conditioned upon the approval of the requested Major Amendment to the Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan, 5. The subject proposed preliminary plat application was submitted to the city prior to approval of the adjacent final plat of North Tapps Estates located to the west and south. The final configuration of the adjacent plat was therefore not known at the time of application, since this proposed plat relies on this adjacent plat for access and utilities, a revised plat drawing of Lakeland Area 9 shall be submitted showing the relationship of this preliminary plat to the final configuration and street name of North Tapps Estates. 6. The proposed plat development will increase the proximity of human activity and potential disturbance to the adjacent open space, wetland and wetland mitigation area. To ensure clear identification of the property boundary and to minimize intrusion, prior to final plat the applicant shall be responsible to install or financially guarantee the installation of uniform fencing along the northeastern boundary of the site. The type of fence construction shall. be reviewed and approved prior to implementation by the Directors of Parks, Arts and Recreation and Planning, Building and Community Department or their designees. 7. The proponent shall provide the City with an access easement for the plat's private storm drainage facilities. The easement shall be shown on the final plat. 8. The applicant shall submit a legal instrument setting forth a plan or manner of permanent maintenance, inspection and operation of the Resolution No. 4227 August 20, 2007 Page 3 private stormwater management system. All operation and maintenance of the private stormwater system shall be the responsibility of the property owners within the plat. The instrument shall further provide that the City may perform stormwater system maintenance at the expense of the property owners if the owners fail to perform needed maintenance within a reasonable time as specified by the City. Additionally, the obligation to maintain the stormwater system shall be an obligation binding on the owners of the lots of the plat and City maintenance efforts may be enforced by liens on the lots of the plat, and the obligation for such maintenance shall be stated on the face of the plat, and shall be binding of the owners of the lots of the plat shall and their heirs, assigns and successors in interest. The instrument shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to final plat approval. 9. Fire hydrants shall be located within 150 feet of every dwelling as required by ACC 15.36A.031. 10. stormwater conveyance and detention shall be designed and constructed as outlined in the Preliminary Storm Drainage Report for Lakeland Area 9 (Exhibit 12). 11. The financial security provided by Lake Tapps Estates for its improvements shall .not be used to pay for damage caused by improvement work for the subject subdivision. Section 3. The Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Resolution No. 4227 August 20, 2007 Page 4 Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this day of , 2007. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: niel B. , City Attorney Resolution No. 4227 August 20, 2007 Page 5 LEGAL DESCRIP710N THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST OF W.M., IN PIERCE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY OF THE FOLLO{MNG DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENgNG AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE NORTH 03'05'14" EAST 468.44 FEET ALONG THE WEST UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION 70 THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 4534'00` EAST 19293 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15'f 6'27" EAST 119.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 12'17'54" EAST .179.43 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY UNE OF LAKE 7APPS PARKWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTH 8909'19" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY UNE 101.63 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER-OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, BEING. THE TERMINUS OF THIS UNE DESCRIPTION. EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED;,TO PIERCE COUNTY FOR ADDITIONAL RIGHT OF WAY .FOR LAKE TAPPS PARKWAY FAST AND "MINING ACCESS RAMP," BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S N0. 97D3120171. ~. CITY OF _ ~-- .~ M ~~~ WAS H l NGTON Exhibi4 Number of Pa~e~ AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Public Hearing Application No. PLT06-0006 Date: Jul 13, 2007 Department: Planning Attachments: Please refer to Exhibit Budget Impact: NA Building and Community List, below Administrative Recommendation: Hearing Examiner to recommend to the City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat, based upon the Findin s of Facts, Conclusions and Conditions as outlined below. ~ Background Summary: OWNER/APPLICANT: Martin D. Waiss, Lakeland East, LLC REQUEST: Application for preliminary plat approval to subdivide a 1.48 acre parcel into seven single family residential lots, known as "Lakeland Area 9". The plat includes construction of an approximately 200-foot private street to provide access to six of the lots. The remaining lot will access to Charlotte Avenue SE, a public street bordering the plat. The proposed action includes the grading of approximately 4,000 cubic yards of excavated site soils and installation of water, sewer, storm -and other utilities to serve the individual lots. SIZE: Approximately 1.48 acres LOCATION: The project lies northeast of the intersection of Lake Tapps Parkway East and Charlotte Avenue SE. The site is within the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 20 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian. The site parcel number is 0520051036. EXISTING ZONING: Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development (PUD) and designated "Single Family Detached -Five" (SFD-5) EXISTING LAND USE Vacant COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: "Moderate Density Residential" within the Lakeland Hills South Special Plan Area SEPA STATUS: A Combined Final Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) and Adoption Notice was issued on April 11, 2007. Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ®Building ^ M&O ^ Airport ^ Finance ^ Cemetery ^ Mayor ^ Hearing Examiner ^ Municipal Serv. ^ Finance ®Parks ^ Human Services ^ Planning & CD ®Fire ®Planning ^ Park Board ^Public Works ^ Legal ^ Police ^ Planning Comm. ^ Other ®Public Works ^ Human Resources 1`1U~~~ * M~}R~ THAN YOtI ItvtAGINED Agenda Subject: Public Hearing Application No. PLT06-0006 Date: 7/13/2007 Action: Committee Approval: Council Approval: Referred to Tabled ^Yes ^No ^Yes ^No Call for Public Hearing / /_ Until _/_/_ Until / / Councilmember: Norman Staff: Dixon Meeting Date: July 18, 2007 Item Number: The Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning designation and land use of the surrounding properties are: Gomprehensive;~- ° zonmg'~ F ~ ~ `_ ~ Y - ;Land Use ,". -Plan ~ ~;',~ ~ ~ ~" x. . ,~ North Open Space Lakeland Hills South Planned City-owned open (Lakeland Hills Unit Development (PUD) space and wetland South Special mitigation area Plan Area South Single Family R1, Single Family Residential Recently constructed Residential single family residential plat (North Ta s Estates East Open Space Lakeland Hills South Planned City-owned open (Lakeland Hills Unit Development (PUD) space and wetland South Special mitigation area Plan Area West Single Family R1, Single Family Residential Recently constructed Residential single family residential plat (North Ta s Estates List of Exhibits Exhibit 1 -Staff Report Exhibit 2 Notice of Application, March 23, 2007 Exhibit 3 Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 4 Affidavit of Posting Exhibit 5 Affidavit of Mailing Exhibit 6 Confirmation of Publication of Legal Notice Exhibit 7 Combined Final Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) and Adoption Notice, 4-11-07 Exhibit 8 Completed Master Land Use Application, 10-5-06 (and Preliminary Plat Application Form) Exhibit 9 Preliminary Plat Lakeland Area 9 (Sheet 1 of 1), Apex Engineering PLLC, Revised 12-22- 06 Exhibit 10 Lakeland -Area 9 Wetland and Stream Analysis Report. Sewall Wetland Consulting Inc., 06-21-06 Exhibit 11 Lakeland Area 9 Preliminary Plat Comment Response Letter, Sewall Wetland Consulting Inc., 01-03-07 Exhibit 12 Preliminary Drainage Report for Lakeland Area 9. Apex Engineering PLLC, 10-02-06 Exhibit 13 Certificate of Water Availability, City of Bonney Lake, 09-28-06 Exhibit 14 Final Plat North Tapps Estates (Sheets 1. 4, 8 and 9 of 10), Pacific Northwest Land Surveyors, Signed 5-2-07 Exhibit 15 Letter from Matthew Sweeney, Attorney far North Tapps Estates/Prium Development, 07- 11-07 Page 2 of 8 Agenda Subject: Public Hearing Application No. PLT06-0006 Date: 7/13/2007 FINDINGS OF FACT Martin Waiss of Lakeland East, LLC, applicant, represented by Jeff Mann of Apex Engineering, PLLC has requested approval of a preliminary plat referred to as "Lakeland Area 9." The proposal includes subdivision of an approximately 1.48-acre site into seven lots and one utility/access tract. The applicant has not identified any phasing of the plat thus, it would occur in a single phase. 2. The tract is proposed to consist of a "T-shaped" area of approximately 8, 938 square feet within the center of the site that would contain underground public water, sewer and storm water lines within easements. The tract would contain an approximately 200-foot length private street to provide access to the proposed lots. 3. The seven lots will be used for single family detached homes. Lot sizes will average 7,559 sq. ft. in size. The smallest lot size will be 6,598 square feet. The density for seven single family lots on 1.48 acres is 4.73 dwelling units per acre. 4. The applicant has also filed with the city a request for a Major Amendment to the Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan. The request for a major amendment as it applies to this property seeks to increase the allowed residential unit count for this area under "Single Family Residential, SFD-5" from five (5) units to seven (7) units. This mapped unit count change however will not increase the total number of dwelling units allowed within the Lakeland Hills South PUD, which is 3,408. The overall unit count will not change and will remain less than the number analyzed in the original 1991 Environmental Impact Statement. The preliminary plat cannot be approved as proposed unless the Major Amendment is approved as it shows subdivision into seven lots when only five are allowed by the current Lakeland ,Hills South Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan. 5. The proposed plat is part of the adopted Lakeland Hills South Special Plan Area, a subarea of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Lakeland Hills South Special Plan Area initially covered approximately 685 acres owned by the Lakeland Company located in Pierce County and contained within the City of Auburn's Potential Annexation Area (urban growth area). The Plan is intended to be consistent with the conditions of approval of the Lakeland Hills South Planned Development District (PDD) (Pierce County Hearing Examiner Case No Z15-90/UP9-70) as amended. The City of Auburn accepted the Lakeland Hills South PUD as an approved PUD. This acceptance is implemented in part through apre-annexation and utilities agreement and subsequent amendments between the city and the developer of Lakeland Hills South PUD. The Lakeland Hills South PUD is further implemented by the City Zoning Code including ACC Chapter 18.76 entitled "Planned Unit Development District -Lakeland Hills South Special Plan Area". 6. Auburn City Code (ACC) Section 18.76.060 applicable to the Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development (PUD) Single Family Detached -Five (SFD-5) zoning district requires a minimum lot size of 2,730 square feet and a minimum lot width of 40 feet (there is no required lot depth). Each of the proposed lots meets or exceeds these minimum area and dimensional standards. Setbacks and lot coverage will be reviewed upon building permit application for each individual lot. 7. The property was annexed to the City of Auburn in 2005 by Ordinance No. 5932. The current zoning of the property was subsequently established in accordance with the earlier pre-annexation and utility extension agreement approved by the City by Ordinance No. 4867 in 1996. Page 3 of 8 Agenda Subject: Public Hearing Application No. PLT06-0006 Date: 7/13/2007 8. The subject property is roughly triangular in shape with the longer axis oriented north-south with the apex towards the north. The site consists of approximately 1.48 acres of undeveloped property bounded to the north and east by wetlands, wetland mitigation areas and open spaces previously dedicated to the City. The site is bounded to the south and west by residential and roadway development. Existing site grades vary in elevation from 544 near the SW corner to 536 near the NE corner as the site slopes gently to the NE. 9. The site does not contain any critical areas. A wetland investigation was prepared and reviewed during the SEPA review process. See Exhibits 9 and 10 (Lakeland -Area 9 Wetland and Stream Analysis Report, Sewall Wetland Consulting Inc. 06-21-06 and Lakeland Area 9 Preliminary Plat Comment Response Letter. Sewall Wetland Consulting Inc., 01-03-07) which indicate there is a Category 2 wetland located off-site to the northeast. The wetland and its associated 100-foot buffers are accommodated off-site. 10. The proposed plat development will increase the proximity of human activity and potential disturbance to the adjacent open space, wetland and wetland mitigation area. Plat conditions are identified to ensure clear identification of the property boundary and to minimize intrusion and disturbance. 11. The subject parcel is predominately covered with native forest consisting of Hemlock, Western red cedar, big leaf Maple, Black cottonwood and associated under story vegetation. The environmental checklist application submitted to support the plat application identifies the site as containing deciduous, evergreen trees, shrubs and grass vegetation. The completed environmental checklist also identifies the proposed construction and grading for home sites would remove trees and other vegetation. 12. No dedication of land for park and recreation purposes is required pursuant to City subdivision code requirements (ACC 17.12.260) since the plat is fewer than fifty dwelling units, the level at which dedication of land is required. The requirement for dedication of park land was previously addressed by the pre-annexation and utility extension agreement approved by the City by Ordinance No. 4867 in 1996 and as subsequently amended. 13. The site is bordered to the south by Lake Tapps Parkway, a City principal arterial roadway. Part of the western property line is bordered by Charlotte Avenue SE (formerly known as 176th Avenue East within the Plat of North Tapps Estates prior to its annexation to the City). Charlotte Avenue SE is a public, local residential street. Pursuant to the City's Public Works Design Standards, Section 10.04, the traffic division requires the plat take access to the lesser classification street. 14. The proposed project includes extending a private street approximately 200 feet, east and then north from Charlotte Avenue SE to serve the lots. To make the physical connection of the private tract to Charlotte Avenue SE, it will be necessary to cross approximately 5 to 15 feet through Tract S, a publicly dedicated access and utilities tract within the adjacent plat of North Tapps Estates. (See Exhibit 13, (Final Plat North Tapps Estates (Sheets 1, 4, 8 and 9 of 10), Pacific Northwest Land Surveyors, Signed 5-2-07). 15. The plat's proposed access tract is 34 feet in width containing a 28-foot wide roadway. Pursuant to City Design Standards, Section, private streets must conform to the street standard that most closely reflects their intended use, with a minimum 34 feet of pavement width or 28 feet of pavement width with a marked fire lane on one side. Private streets shall have a permanent established tract or easement providing legal access to each lot served. A capable, legally responsible owner or home owner's association shall be established to maintain the private street. A plat or short plat with private streets requires an executed recorded Private Street Maintenance Page 4 of 8 Agenda Subject: Public Hearing Application No. PLT06-0006 Date: 7/13/2007 Agreement and a Storm Water Easement and Maintenance Agreement that obligates the future property owners to maintain the infrastructure indefinitely. Per Auburn's Public Works Design Standards, Section and Section, private streets at a minimum shall be designed to the local street standard that most closely reflects their intended use. That standard would be the "Local Residential Street" standard which requires a 28- foot wide roadway. The Local Residential Street standard would ensure that one side of the street does.not allow parking and is marked as a fire lane as would a public street in the City. The preliminary plat drawing shows a 28-foot wide roadway. 16. All access tracts and/or easements must connect to a public street and the maximum length shall be 150 feet as measured from the edge of the public street right-of-way. Additional length may be allowed if the unique physical limitations of the property including but not limited to steep slopes, significant vegetation, or sensitive environmental areas would be impacted less if additional length were provided. The access tract shall not allow for through vehicle access. 17. The adjacent public streets bordering the plat, Lake Tapps Parkway E and Charlotte Avenue SE, are fully developed and thus no off-site street improvements are the responsibility of this development. An exception is the off-site construction needed within the publicly dedicated, Tract S, within the adjacent plat of North Tapps Estates, to connect the proposed plat's private street within the plat to the adjacent public street. 18. No traffic study is required for this development, as the site will only generate 7 PM peak hour trips which does not trigger the need for a study per city traffic impact analysis guidelines. 19. The applicant shall be required to pay the applicable transportation impact fee at the time of building permit application. 20. The City of Auburn will provide police protection, sanitary sewer and storm drainage services. Fire protection would be provided by the Valley Regional Fire Authority. The water service would be provided by the City of Bonney Lake (See Exhibit No.12, Certificate of Water Availability, City of Bonney Lake, 09-28-06). The plat is within the Auburn School District and the City collects impact fees on behalf of the school district. 21. Utilities will be provided to the site as follows: Storm Drainage -Runoff will be generated from the surface of the proposed private access tract. The project proposes a private drainage system to collect runoff via catch basins and oversized underground pipes to provide detention leading to a water quality treatment vault. Treated water will then discharge via sheet flow along the eastern property boundary. This is the current pre- developmentdischarge point. Runoff originating from the lots will be collected and conveyed via underground pipes in easements, detained in oversized pipes and discharged along the eastern property boundary. . Water -Water will be provided by the City of Bonney Lake since the project is located within their service area. An eight-inch diameter line is proposed to be extended east, approximately 170 feet from Charlotte Avenue SE within the private access tract to serve the individual lots. The developer must provide fire hydrants so that no structure is greater than 150 feet from a hydrant in accordance with ACC 15.36A.031(I). Fire hydrants and mains capable of providing the required fire flow shall be provided in accordance with the City of Auburn Design Standards. Fire hydrant location shall be approved by the Fire Marshal. Page 5 of 8 Agenda Subject: Public Hearing Application No. PLT06-0006 Date: 7/13/2007 Sanitary Sewer -Sewer will be provided by the City of Auburn. A sewer line shall be extended east approximately 210 feet from the existing manhole in the adjacent plat, North Tapps Estates. Utility and street design issues will be addressed during the facilities extension process (FAC) with the city. 22. The proposed irregular lot shapes result in the need to ensure that structures meet the applicable setback requirements of City Code. If approved, the preliminary plat should be conditioned to ensure the accurate placement of the home/structure(s) in relationship to the setbacks required from property lines, easements or other similar features associated with a lot. 23. The City received one letter in response to the public comment period for the Notice of Application and the Proposed Determination of Non-Significance and Adoption Notice. The letter from Pierce Transit indicates: "no comment". 24. A Department of Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit is required prior to site work commencing. 25. The City of Auburn is responsible for assigning individual lot addresses for new subdivisions pursuant to Ordinance 6038 (adopted August 21, 2006). Assigned lot addresses shall be depicted on the final plat. 26. The site is located within the Auburn School District. While sidewalks are not proposed within the development, school-age children will be able to use the access tract to traverse the width of one or two lots to access the public sidewalk of Charlotte Avenue SE to catch school buses. The school district has not commented on this proposal. Preliminary Plat Criteria 1. Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds and sites for schools and school grounds. Adequate provisions have been or are capable of being provided to serve the plat. Public utilities, public schools, and a new private street will serve the proposed plat. The seven lot plat falls below the threshold, therefore no dedication of park land is required. The provision of parks was addressed by the previous agreement and no park impact fee is required. The City of Auburn collects school, fire, and traffic impact fees at the time of building permit applications. While sidewalks are not proposed within the development, school-age children will be able to traverse the width of one or two lots (70 to 200 feet) to access the public sidewalk located to the west of the plat along Charlotte Avenue SE. 2. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan. The mapped Comprehensive Plan designation for the site is "Moderate Density Residential" which has a specified density range of 6 to 10 units per acre. While this density range is greater than that proposed by this plat (4.7 units/acre), the plat is part of the adopted Lakeland Hills South Special Plan Area where additional flexibility is accommodated. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes "Residential development within the (Lakeland Hills South) PUD is primarily single family and moderate density dwellings with a wide range of lot sizes, including lots smaller than those typically allowed by the city's zoning ordinance for non-PUD's". The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the general Page 6 of 8 Agenda Subject: Public Hearing Application No. PLT06-0006 Date: 7/13/2007 purposes of the Comprehensive Plan. In particular, it is consistent with the policies within Chapter 2, related to utilizing flexible land development techniques including PUD's while providing the community with an adequate level of predictability. It is also consistent with the policies of Chapter 4, related to housing. 3. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of any other applicable policies or plans that have been adopted by the City Council. The proposed plat is consistent with other adopted policies and plans including the City's Transportation, Sanitary Sewer and Storm water Utilities Plans. 4. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the Land Division Ordinance as enumerated in ACC Section 17.02.030. The plat is consistent with the broad purpose statements of the Land Division Ordinance as enumerated in ACC Section 17.02.030. The plat has been processed in accordance with the regulations of the Auburn City Code, other city plans, policies and land. use controls, and RCW Chapter 58.17. 5. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the Auburn Zoning Ordinance and any other applicable planning or engineering standards and specifications as adopted. by the City. The plat has been or is capable of being designed in accordance with applicable City standards including the Auburn Zoning Ordinance, the City's Design Standards and the City's Construction Standards Manuals. 6. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed subdivision are mitigated such that the preliminary plat will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the quality of the environment. For this project, a Combined Final Determination of Non-Sign~cance (DNS) and Adoption Notice was issued on April 11, 2007. No appeals were filed. A wetland report was prepared and supplemented; (See Exhibits 9 and 10 -Lakeland -Area 9 Wetland and Stream Analysis Report, Sewall Wetland Consulting Inc. 06-21-06 and Lakeland Area 9 Preliminary Plat Comment Response Letter, Sewall Wetland Consulting Inc., 01-03-07) which confirms that no wetlands are present on site; however there is a Category 2 wetland located off-site. The wetland and its associated 100-foot buffers are accommodated off-site and do not extend onto the subject property. Also proposed plat Condition No. 6 is recommended to address potential disturbance to the adjacent open space, wetland and wetland mitigation area. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the Facts, Findings and Conclusions of the staff report, staff recommends that the Hearing Examiner recommend to the City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat, with the following conditions: 1. Proposed Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the future Homeowners' Association (if one is to be created) shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to final plat approval. All tracts not dedicated to the City of Auburn shall be maintained by the future Homeowners' Association and identified in the CC&Rs. 2. Iri order to ensure the accurate placement of the home/structure(s) in relationship to the setbacks required from property lines, easements or other similar features associated with a lot, the City's Page 7 of 8 Agenda Subject: Public Hearing Application No. PLT06-0006 Date: 7/13/2007 Building Official may require that all applicable corners of the structure be surveyed and staked prior to the pouring of footings or foundations. 3. The final plat drawing shall include addresses for each lot as assigned by the City. 4. Approval of the proposed preliminary Plat is conditioned upon the approval of the requested Major Amendment to the Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan. 5. The subject proposed preliminary plat application was submitted to the city prior to approval of the adjacent final plat of North Tapps Estates located to the west and south. The final configuration of the adjacent plat was therefore not known at the time of application, since this proposed plat relies on this adjacent plat for access and utilities, a revised plat drawing of Lakeland Area 9 shall be submitted showing the relationship of this preliminary plat to the final configuration and street name of North. Tapps Estates. 6. The proposed plat development will increase the proximity of human activity and potential disturbance to the adjacent open space, wetland and wetland mitigation area. To ensure clear identification of the property boundary and to minimize intrusion, prior to final plat the applicant shall be responsible to install or financially guarantee the installation of uniform fencing along the northeastern boundary of the site. The type of fence construction shall be reviewed and approved prior to implementation by the Directors of Parks, Arts and Recreation and Planning, Building and Community Department or their designees. Staff reserves the right to supplement the record of the case to respond to matters and information raised subsequent to the writing of this report. Page 8 of 8 CITY OF AUBURN WASHINGTON Exhibit _~_ Piuniber of Pages Peter B. Lewis, Mayor 25 West Main Street * Auburn WA 98001-4998 * www.aubumwa.gov * 253-931-3000 FINAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE AND ADOPTION OF EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT SEP07-0002 Description of current proposal: Subdivision of a 1.48-acre parcel into seven single family residential lots. An approximately 200-foot length of private street tract will be constructed to provide access to six of the lots. The remaining lot will access to 176' Avenue East (a.k.a Charlotte Avenue SE). The proposed action includes the grading of approximately 4,000 cubic yards of excavated site soils and installation of water, sewer, storm and other utilities to serve the individual lots. Proponent: Martin D. Waiss, Lakeland East, LLC Lead Agency: City of Auburn, Department of Planning, Building and Community Location of current proposal: The 1.48-acre site lies at the north east corner of Lake Tapps Parkway and 176' Avenue East (Charlotte Avenue SE) (to be dedicated). The site is located in the SE quarter of the NE quarter of Section 5, Township 20 North Range 5 East, W.M. Title of documents being adopted: Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Lakeland Hills Proposed Residential Community, City of Auburn, May 1980. Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the- Lakeland Hills Proposed Residentia! Community, City of Auburn, October 1981. Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Lakeland Hills South Mining and Reclamation Plan and Planned Community Development, Pierce County Planning and Land Services, July 1991 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Lakeland Hilfs South Mining and Reclamation Plan and Planned Community Development, Pierce County Planning and Land Services, July 1992. Agency that prepared document being adopted: The first two documents were prepared by the City of Auburn Department of Planning and Community Development, 25 West Main Street, Auburn WA 98001-4998. The latter two documents were prepared by the Pierce County Department of Planning and Land Services, 2401 South 35~' Street, Tacoma WA 98409-7460. Date adopted document was prepared: The first set of EIS documents were prepared in May 1980 and October 1981. The second set of EIS documents were prepared in July 1991 and July 1992. Several addendums to the EIS's have been subsequently issued by the City of Auburn based on the greater specification of subsequent development proposals. AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Description of document (or portion) being adopted: The documents being adopted in their entirety consist of a Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Lakeland Hills Proposed Residential Community. The proposed action evaluated in this EIS is a Comprehensive Plan. Amendment, rezone and other approvals for the conversion of approximately 443 acres from vacant -land to low and medium density residential and commercial uses. The proposal would result in 1,420 new single-family dwelling units and 1,056 new multiple family dwelling units and 22 acres of commercial property within the City of Auburri. Associated with the proposed action is the possible future development of adjacent land within the City of Pacific and Pierce County. While the EIS assesses the potential impacts of future development outside Auburn in adjacent jurisdictions, it acknowledges that supplemental impact statements for the such future development may be necessary. Also, the documents being adopted in their entirety consist of a Draft and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. for the Lakeland Hills South Mining and Reclamation Plan and Planned Community Development. The proposed Action evaluated in this EIS involves approval t,y Pierce County of a General Use Planned Development District fora 685-acre site. The proponent seeks to develop a planned residential community on a 685-acre site over a 15-year period. A topsoil and gravel mining operation on approximately 250 acres of the .site would be conducted concurrently with the initial phases of the development. A mixed use planned community would be developed in conjunction with a reclamation plan for the mining operation. Development would be implemented in phases beginning approximately in 1992 or 1993 and would include: o Mining of approximately seven million cubic yards of gravel and topsoil over a ten year period; o Phased construction of approximately 1,092 single family residential units and 2,316 multi-family units, o Phased construction of approximately 191,000 square feet of commercial space; o Set aside of approximately 167 acres of parks and open space; and o Set aside of approximately 20 acres of community facilities including a school site. If the documents being adopted have been challenged (WAC 197-11-630), please describe: The EIS documents have not been challenged. The documents are available to be reviewed at: Auburn City Hall, Department of Planning, Building and Community, 25 Wesf Main, Auburn, WA 98001-4998 during regular business hours. The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Art environmental impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information an file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public up request. The City has identified and adopted this document as being appropriate for this proposal after independent review. The document meets our environmental review needs for the current proposal and will accompany the proposal to the decision maker. Name of agency adopting document: City of Auburn Contact person, if other than responsible official: Jeff Dixon, Senior Planner Telephone Number: - (253) 931-5033 Responsible Official: Michael Davolio, AICP Telephone Number: (253) 931-3090 Position/title: Director of Planning, Building and Community Address: Auburn City Halt, Department of Planning Building and Commurryy' 25 West ain, Auburn, WA 98(~1f4?~ Date: April 11, 2007 Signature: Any person aggrieved of this final .determination may file an a~peal with the Aubum City Clerk within 21 days of the date of issuance of this notice. All appeals of the above determination must be filed by 5:00 P.M. on May 2, 2007 with required fee. ~~ ` p~To~ - ~ook~ _ Ea6ibit * Nnlmber of Pages CITY Of *.. ~LT$URN WASHINGTON planning, Building, and Community Department MASTER LAND I/SEAPPLICATION- PLANNINGAPPLICATIONS Project Name Area 9 Date October 5, 2006 Parcel No(s) 052005-1-036 Site Address 1700 Lake Taps Parkway East. Legal Description (attached separate sheet if necessary) See attached. Applicant Name: Lakeland East, LLC Attn: Marty Waiss Mailing Address: 1302 Puyallup Street, Sumner, Washington 98390 Telephone and Fax: TEL (253) 826-5378 FAX (253} 826-5379 Email: mwaiss@investco.net Si nature: Owner (if more than one attach another sheet) Name: Lakeland East. LLC Attn: Martv Waiss Mailing Address: 1302 Puyallup Street, Sumner, Washington 98390 Telephone and Fax: TEL (253) 826-5378 FAX (253} 826-5379 Email: mwaiss@investco.net Si ature: Engineer/Arch itectu re/Other Name: Apex Engineering PLLC Attn: Jeffrey D. Mann Mailing Address: 2601 South 35th Street, Suite 200. Taeoma, Washington 98409 Telephone and Fax: TEL (253} 473-4494 FAX (253) 473-0599 Email: mann@apexengineering.net Description of Proposed Action: T e of A lication Re uired (Check alt that A 1 Administrative Appeal* Short Plat Administrative Use Permit* Special Exception* Annexation Special Home Occupation Permit* Boundary Line Adjustment Substantial Shoreline Development* Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Text or Map)* Surface Mining Permit* Conditional Use Permit* Temporary Use Permit Critical Areas Variance* Variance* Development Agreement* Environmental Review (SEPA)* *Please note that public notification is Final Plat required. A separate cost is charged x Preliminary Plat* for the signs. City prepares signs but PUD Site Plan Approval applicant responsible for sign posting. Rezone sites ecific Page 1 of 2 AUBURI~T '~ MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED l : 1V ~ V JL ~l ~ - wASHtnrcTOrl planning, Building, and Community Department LETTER FROM PROPERT OWNER GRANTING AUTHORIZATION TO ACT (A copy of this letter must be submitted for each property owner involved) I, Martin D. Waiss, President of Investco Financial Corporation, a Washington corporation, Manager of Lakeland East, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, being duty sworn declare that I am the owner of the property Involved in the application. I hereby grant Jeffrey D. Mann of Apex Engineering, PLLC to act on my behalf. I further declare that all statements, answers, and information herein submitted is in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~~ Signature 1302 Puyallup Street Sumner, Washington 98390 Address I ~ ~-~ ~~ Date Subscribed and sworn to before me this J ` day of D(~~1~ , ~~J~~ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, ~\~' ~CQ_ ~ ~~~ Residing at ~c.~~ V~a,h~ RAE A. NOEHL NOTARY PUBt.IC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 9. 2010 Page 2 of 2 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Proiect Description The proposed project is located within the Lakeland Hills PUD. The client is proposing to take the 1.42 acre parcel (052005-1-036) and create 7 single family lots. Access will be off of 176`h Ave East from preliminary plat North Tapps Estates by a private street tract with a square footage of 8,938. The minimum lot area is 6,598 SF and the average lot size is 7,559 SF. Water will be provided by the City of Bonney Lake, sewer by City of Auburn. Exhibit Number of Pages PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION ..............................................................................................................................................:..................... L~.~,~~an~. ~~.~~, ~C {ALT O~~ Oo~~ PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME APPLICATION NUMBER Sec. Twp. Rng. Zone Existing Staff Project Coordinator: Area Code Scheduled Hearing Date Received ............................................................................................................................................................. DO NOT WRITE OR TYPE ABOVE THIS LINET APPLICANT: COMPLETE THIS FORM WITH ALL ENTRIES BEING TYPED (except signatures) OR NEATLY PRINTED IN INK. IF ADDED SPACE IS NEEDED, ATTACH THE ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PAGES TO THIS APPLICATION. NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lakeland Area 9 Total area of subdivision: Acres: 1.42 Total number of lots: ~ Total number of dwelling units: ~ Proposed zoning: 1'RD Existing zoning: PRD Proposed land use: Residential Minimum size of lot as shown on plat: 6,598 Minimum tot width as shown on plat: 60 Minimum lot depth as shown on plat: I~I__ Proposed source of domestic water supply: City of Bonney Lake Proposed sewage disposal system: City of Auburn. Preliminary Plat Revised 6/2712004 Page 4 of 6 Sq. Ft.: 61,855 sq. ft. feet feet ALL PROPERTY OWNERS INCLUDED IN THIS APPLICATION MUST BE LISTED BELOW OPPOSITE A "PARCEL NUMBER" WHICH IS ALSO SHOWN ON THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND INDICATES THE PROPERTY OWNED BY EACH APPLICANT. YOUR SIGNATURE ALSO INDICATES YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE CONTENTS OF THIS APPLICATION AND ITS ATTACHMENTS. PARCEL NAME, ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER NUMBER (Please Print) 0520052039 Lakeland East, LLC Attn: Marty Waiss 1302 Puyallup Street Sumner, WA 98390 (253) 863 - 6200 DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON: Name: Apex Engineering PLLC Attn: Jeff Mann AddfeSS: 2601 South 35th Street, Suite 200 City: Tacoma, WA 98409 Phone: (253) 473 - 4494 Preliminary Plat Revised 6/272004 SIGNATURE Page 5 of 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY See attached. FEE PAYMENT: $1,030.00 and $52.00 per lot plus $721.00 for Environmental Checklist T.R. #: DATE RECEIVED: CASHIER'S INITIALS: Preliminary Plat Page 6 of 6 Revised 6/27!2004 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HAU= ~ 1HE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST OF W.M., IN PIERCE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY OF THE FOLLOIMNG DESCRIBED UNE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER ~' THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE NORTH 03'05'14" EAST 458.44 FEET Al-0~1G 1TiE WEST UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE SOUTH 4554'00" EAST 19293 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15'i6'27" EAST 119.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 12'17'54" EAST 179.43 FEET TO 1HE NORTHERLY UNE OF LAKE TAPPS PARKWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTH 89109'19" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY UNE 101.63 FEET 70 THE EAST UNE OF THE Sa1THWEST (,~/ARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARIER OF THE SOUTHWEST (,~1ARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, BEING THE TERMINUS ~' THIS UNE DESCRIPTION. EXCEPT .THAT POR110N CQtVUEYEQ.-#TO PIERCE COUNTY FOR ADDITIONAL RIGHT OF WAY FOR LAKE TAPPS PARKWAY. EAST AND "MINING ACCESS RAMP," BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S N0. 9703120171. Sewall Wetland Consulting, inc. LAKELAND -AREA 9 WETLAND AND STREAM ANALYSIS REPORT CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON ~~ibit~_ ..~ ~xmber oiPages -- Prepared For: Investco 1302 Puxallup St. Sumner, WA 98390 June 21, 2006 Job #AS-305 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. Phone: 253-859-0515 1103 W. Meeker Street Fax: 253-852-4732 Kent, WA 98032 1103 W. MeeKerb'L Kent, WA98032~751 LAKELAND EAST -AREA 9 WETLAND AND STREAM ANALYSIS REPORT CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Location suiting, Inc. Phone: 2x3$,59-0515 Fax 2538524732 This report describes our findings in regards to jurisdictional wetlands, streams, and buffers on the Lakeland Area 9 property (the "site"}. The triangular shaped property is approximately 1.47 acres in size and located north of Lake Tapps Parkway East and approximately .32 miles west of the intersection of 182nd Avenue East and Lake Tapps Parkway in the City of Auburn, Washington (Parcel #052005-1-036). Generally the site is located in a portion of the northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 20N, and Range SR, W.M. Thomas Brothers: Vcinity Map / '~ ~ 2ND '< ST '< LSr STCT E E ~ "' ~ "' } } ,° ~ 17800 y W ~ W D W N W ~ fti ~ 4TM sT E 4TH ,~ iezoo mans q~ b~ g L1 G 6 $ILC ! g W ~ t \ ~ BIMA SILT W `v''. E (~ ~ ~i ~( ~.p N 8TN n i E ~ '(~' J820D f r. _ d vtiex Formerly known as B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc Lakeland -Area 9, AS-305 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. June 21, 2006 Page 2 of 7 1.2 Existing use The site is forested and undeveloped. 2.0 METHODOLOGY Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc inspected the site on June 19, 2006 to identify any jurisdictional wetlands, streams, or buffers. Any streams are delineated by the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). The definition of the OHWM as defined by the Washington State Department of Ecology as a part of the Shoreline Management Act is, "the mark on all lakes, streams, and tidal water that will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971, as it may naturally change thereafter, or as it may change thereafter in accordance with permits issued by a local government or the department: PROVIDED, That in any area where the ordinary high water mark cannot be found, the ordinary high water mark adjoining salt water shall be the line of mean higher high tide and the ordinary high water mark adjoining fresh water shall be the line of mean high water". A combination of field indicators (including vegetation, soils, and hydrology) were used to determine wetland edges. Soil colors were identified using the 1990 Edited and Revised Edition of the Munsell Soil Color Charts (Kollmorgen Instruments Corp. 1990). The wetlands on site were identified using methodology described in the Washington State Wetlands Identification Manual (WADOE, March 1997). This is the methodology currently recognized by the City of Auburn and the State of Washington for wetland determinations and delineations. The wetland areas identified would also be considered wetlands using the methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987), as required by the US Army Corps of Engineers. The Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual and the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual both require the use of the three-parameter approach in identifying and delineating wetlands. A wetland should support a predominance of hydrophytic vegetation, have hydric soils and display wetland hydrology. To be considered hydrophytic vegetation, over 50% of the dominant species in an area must have an indicator status of facultative (FAC), facultative wetland (FACW), or obligate wetland (OBL), according to the National List of Plant Species That Lakeland -Area 9, AS-305 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. June 21, 2006 Page 3 of 7 Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9) (Reed, 1988). A hydric soil is "a soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part". Anaerobic conditions are indicated in the field by soils with low chromas (2 or less), as determined by using the Munsell Soil Color Charts; iron oxide mottles; hydrogen sulfide odor and other indicators. Generally, wetland hydrology is defined by inundation or saturation to the surface for a consecutive period of 12.5% or greater of the growing season. Areas that contain indicators of wetland hydrology between 5%-12.5% of the growing season may or may not be wetlands depending upon other indicators. Field indicators include visual observation of soil inundation, saturation, oxidized rhizospheres, water marks on trees or other fixed objects, drift lines, etc. Under normal circumstances, indicators of all three parameters will be present in wetland areas. The onsite portions of a wetland were flagged with "Wetland Delineation" flagging and data points were flagged with orange and black stripped flagging both labeled consecutively. The wetland was surveyed by Apex Engineering. 3.0 OBSERVATIONS 3.1 Existing Site Documentation. A review of several natural resource inventory maps was conducted prior to visiting the site. Resources reviewed included the Soil Survey, Pierce County Area, Washington (Zalauf, A. S.), National Wetlands Inventory Map, Pierce County Sensitive Areas Map, City of Auburn Sensitive Areas Map, and the Catalog of Washington Streams and Salmon Utilization. The City of Auburn Sensitive Areas Map was viewed at City Hall and no wetlands were shown on or near the site. 3.1.1 Pierce County Soil Survey According to the Pierce County Soil Survey the site is mapped as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes (1C) and Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes (1D) near the eastern property line. Alderwood soils are characterized as moderately well drained soils that formed in glacial till on broad uplands. Alderwood soils are not listed as "hydric" according to the publication, Hydric Soils of the United States (USDA NTCHS Pub No. 1491, 1991). Lakeland -Area 9, AS-305 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. June 21, 2006 Page 4 of 7 Pierce County Soil Survey ~~ ` ..~ Y3 ~ r ~ '• . ~'" ~~ro x~~t ~ « ~. _~ w "gs , y ~j:'r j ~.•4 ~. `i y r '.~ ~„ '. ~ ~ ~ ~' iR yY ~ ~ ~~: f ~ ~ . 3.1.2 National Wetlands Inventory According to the National Wetlands Inventory there is a palustrine, scrub-shrub, temporarily flooded wetland (PSSA) and a palustrine, scrub-shrub, seasonally flooded wetland (PSSC) located to the west. This wetland was observed during the site visit and is located at least 330 feet to the west of the site. There aze no other wetlands mapped on or near the property.. lvattona[ Wetland Inventory F ~~ 'ti, ~~ ~ Site ' ~-.;~ • .. , .PSSA ~ x LIU6H _ g-PSSC .~ ~, P1 t~ - \ ~ ~ ?FOG %;, ~, ,. ' 1 ~~ •1 Lakeland -Area 9, AS-305 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. June 21, 2006 Page S of 7 3.2 Field Observations The site is forested and generally flat. A depressional wetland was located near the eastern property line. This is a lazge forested wetland that extends off site to the north and east. 3.2.1 Uplands Uplands aze forested and vegetation includes Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), Western red cedar (Thuja plicata), Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), big leaf maple (Ater macrophyllum), red alder (Alms rubs), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa), sword fern (Polystichum munitum), salal (Gaultheria shallop), red huckleberry (I/accinium parvifolium), trailing blackberry (Rubus ursinus} and false lily-of-the-valley (Maianthemum dilatatum). Soil pits excavated revealed upland soils that were dry during our visit and a loamy soil with a color of lOYR 2/2 and no redoximorphic features at depths of 0-14 inches. 3.2.2 Wetlands Wetland G Wetland G was flagged with pink "wetland delineation" flagging numbered Gl to G27 and GG1 to GG7 and as already stated, is located near the eastern property line. (See attachment). Soil pits excavated within the wetland revealed loamy soil. with a soil color of lOYR 2/1 in the A-horizon, lOYR 3/1 in the B-horizon from 5-9 inches and 2.SY 5/2 and 5/3 from 9 to 14 inches with few, medium, and distinct mottling. Soils were saturated during our visit and water was present in the soil pit at a depth of 6". Vegetation includes Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia), red-osier dogwood (Corylus sericea), sahnonberry (Rubus spectabilis), Douglas spiraea (Spiraea douglasii), lady fern (Athyrium~liz femina), sedge (Carex sp.) and skunk cabbage (Lysichitum americanum). Wetland G is a depressional wetland with an interspersion of hummocks and areas of ponding with an average depth of approximately 6 inches. The wetland was forested primarily with Oregon ash and the under-story was dominated by salmonberry. Large woody debris was present throughout the wetland.. The wetland appears to be receiving water from overland flows, precipitation, and possibly groundwater. Lakeland -Area 9, AS-305 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. June 21, 2006 Page 6 of 7 Based on observations, data collected and the use of the Washington state Wetland Rating System for Western Washington, {Washington State Department of Ecology publication number 04-06-025), Wetland G would be rated as a Category II wetland. According to Auburn City Code 16.10.090 Buffer areas and setbacks, a Category II wetland would receive a buffer of a minimum of 50 feet and maximum buffer of 100 feet. 4.0 PROPOSED PROJECT At this time there is no proposed project for the site. If you have any questions regarding this report or need any additional information, please contact us at (253) 859-0515 or by email at Shannon _,bl2assoc.com. Sincerely, B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. ~:..,.~ LAC. Shannon Stragier Wetland Scientist ~.~--~~- Edgar K. Sewall III President Senior Wetland Ecologist PWS #212 File: ss/AS-305 Investco Lakeland Area 9 wa.doc WETLAND EXHIBIT --------~~1~------------I------------ I I I ODPG-1 ~ WETLAND 'G' // I I ~~DPG-2 ~ -1 / I I -~ ~ ~ I L I I ~ J WETLAND "GG" I I CITY OF ~ CITY t3~ ,~~, AUBURN ~ AUBURN ~~~ sF I I I ~ N ~ ~ o ' ~ ~ N= I O ~ ~ p `~ LAKELAIVL~ ~j DP-1 N®rITH AREA ~ ~ TAPPS R=1010.00 ~ I ~~~• L=138.00 i s I Tan=69.11 o N I S83'Ol'04"E X7'49'44" `'~ n I 25.56' S89'09'12"W I 67.44' I -----~ ~~ 1°~+0p ies+ao ~et+ao u ~e~+oo ~ee+oo ia~+m 0 LAKE TAPPS PKWY E SCALE 1• = 1OO' APDC JOB N0. 3025¢ ~"G Engineering d 2601 South 35th, Suite 200 Tacoma, Washington 98409-7479 (253) 473-4494 FAX: (253) 473-0599 Eabibit _~ l~Tu>rnber of Page January 3, 200'7 Jeff Du~on City of Auburn Planning Department 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001-4998 Sewall Wetland Inc. 1103 W. Meeker' St Pf'nne: X9.0515 Key WA ~i2b751 Fax 253$52.4732 JAN 0 4 2007 RLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: Lakeland Area 9 Preliminary plat Comment Response S'DVC Jab#AS-305 Dear Jeff, Thzs letter is to clarify the wetland edge location on the Lakeland Area 9 P~J~t• The scientist who worked on this project rto longer works for our company. I conducted a site visit on December 26, 2006, to inspect this ~'ea myself and noted the wetland edge as historically depicted east of the project area is accurate. The edge appears discontinuous north/northeast of the project site, as depicted in the revised 2006 delineation. The 100' buffer edges were still identified in the field by the blue Pierce County buffer signs and these are located along the east edge of the pxope1-xy. If you need any additional information or have any questions in regards to this information please feel free to contact me at (253) 859-0515 or at e~wa1_~sewa.~Iwc com Sincerely, Sewall Wettund Consulting, Inc. a~ Ed Bewail Senior 'UVetland Ecologist Fomieriy known as 8-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc 1~/TLAt~L? ~~CH/B17~ _. _ __ SCALE 1" = 100' APEX JOB N0. 30254 r '~ ~' -- '~ j _ ~`/..h ~ rc x .. \ ~ f,~., r- r(~ f~ ~LN 1, ,.'~ ^1+~ ,y kY~v L ~ ~?~' "~,~~~JY I~~I~ ~v~vTe ~G.: 2~' -::'-:. .... .. .... r $ . ~i S', _ j ~ J a 2601 South 35th, Suite 200 Tacomc, Washington 98409-7479 (253) 473-4 494 FAX: (253) 473-0599 PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT FOR LAKELAND AREA 9 Prepared for: Prepared by: Investco Financial Apex Engineering PLLC 1302 Puyallup Street 2601 South 35th Street, Suite 200 Sumner, Washington 98390 Tacoma, Washington 98409 (253) 826-5302 (253) 473-4494 File #30254/0 October 2, 2006 F` 1~.r J 1 ~~ Design Engineer: ~'' Reeves Rouser Project Manager: Je A. Wakefi d, P.E. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION: "I hereby state that this Storm Drainage Report for Lakeland Area 9, has been prepared by me or under my supervision and meets the standard of care and expertise which is usual and customary in this ' community for professional engineers. I understand that the City of Auburn does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability, or performance of drainage facilities prepared by me." ~:_ ~- 8' -. EXPIRES i-31- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Conceptual Overview. Report Section 1 Project Overview ......................................... .................................................................... l Section 2 Off-site Drainage Analysis ............................................... ............................................... l Section 3 Existing Site Hydrology ......................................................................................... 2 Section 4 Developed Site Hydrology .................................................................................................. 2 Section 5 Hydraulic Analysis .............................................................................................................. 3 Section 6 Detention System Sizing .....................................................................:............................... 3 ''' Section 7 .......................................................................... Conveyance System Analysis and Design 3 Section 8 Erosion/Sedimentation Control Design ............................................................................... 3 Appendices Appendix A Soils Map/Curve Numbers/Isopulvials Appendix B Pre -Developed. Basin Map Appendix C Developed Basin Map Appendix D Detention Analysis Appendix E Water Quality Analysis CONCEPTUAL OVERVIEW REPORT SECTION 1- PRODECT OVERIVEW The proposed project site is located within Section 5, Township 20 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian, in the City of Auburn, Washington. The site abuts the existing North Tapps Estates Plat to the South and West. The northern portion of the site borders undeveloped property. The eastern portion of the site abuts an existing wetland. This report will follow the Development Guidelines per the City of Auburn Design Standards. Lakeland Area 9 is a proposed a 7-lot single family residential subdivision that encompasses an area of approximately 1.25+/- acres. The proposed lots will be su~~°y~c~ by private roads and an enclosed private storm system. ~,.,~~ Runoff from the developed site will be released to one of two separate drainage basins. The first drainage basin will collect runoff from the on-site road. Runoff will be detained in an oversized conveyance system and released at controlled rate into a proposed storm filter vault for quality control. Treated water will then discharge via sheet flow along the eastern boundary of the site. This is the current discharge point of the pre-developed basin. The second drainage basin will collect runoff from the proposed lots. Likewise, runoff will be detained in an oversized conveyance system. Runoff will then discharge via sheet flow around the eastern boundary of the site. This is the current discharge point of the pre-developed basin. There is no off-site contribution to the proposed project site. The proposed facility was analyzed to account for the on-site drainage from Lakeland Area 9. ~~ter's Estates Impervious Area (Roads/driveways/walks/roads/etc.) Pervious Area (Lawns/landscaping/etc.) Pervious Area (Trees, woods) sed 1.03 +/- Acres 0.22 +/- Acres N/A Existing N/A N/A 1.25 +/- Acres Offsite N/A N/A SECTION 2 -OFF-SITE DRAINAGE ANALYSIS As previously mentioned in Section 1, there is no off-site contribution to the proposed project site. SECTION 3 -EXISTING SITE HYDROLOGY The pre-developed site was assumed to be in a poor pasture condition. Drainage from the pre- developed basin currently discharges to the wetland east of project site. Refer to the pre- developed basin map for clarification. The following assumptions were used: • SBUH methodology using the "Stormshed" software to calculate runoff volumes. • The curve numbers used to calculate runoff are as follows: Pervious CN Impervious CN Pre-developed 85 N/A According to the Pierce County Soil Survey, the site contains the following soils: • 1 C, alderwood gravely sandy loam, NSG: C • 1 D, alderwood gravely sandy loam, NSG: C SECTION 4 -DEVELOPED SITE HYDROLOGY Runoff from the developed site will be released to one of two separate drainage basins: The first drainage basin will collect runoff from the on-site road. Runoff will be detained in an oversized conveyance system and released at controlled rate into a proposed storm filter vault for quality control. Treated water will then discharge via sheet flow along the eastern boundary of the. site. This is the current discharge point of the pre-developed basin. The second drainage basin will collect runoff from the proposed lots. Likewise, runoff will be ` detained in an oversized conveyance system. Runoff will then discharge via sheet flow around the eastern boundary of the site. This is the current discharge point of the pre-developed basin. 6 There is no off-site contribution to the proposed project site. The following assumptions were used: • 65% impervious lot coverage • SBUH methodology using the "Stormshed" software to calculate runoff volumes. • The curve numbers used to calculate runoff are as follows: Pervious CN Impervious CN Developed 86 98 SECTION ~ -HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS N/A. To be provided at time of final design. ~~~ SECTION 6 -DETENTION SYSTEM SIZING The project's onsite facilities were analyzed with the "Stormshed" software. Refer to Appendix D for detention analysis. The following design criteria per the City of Auburn design standards were used: The 24-hour 2-year pre-developed storm event peak Q discharge. rate shall match 50% of the 24-hour 2-year post-developed storm event peak Q discharge rate. • The 24-hour 10-year post-developed storm event peak Q discharge rate shall match the 24-hour 10-year pre-developed storm event peak Q discharge rate. • The 24-hour 25-year post-developed storm event peak Q discharge rate shall match the 24 hour 25-year pre-developed storm events peak Q discharge rate. • The 24-hour 100 year. post-developed storm event peak Q discharge rate shall match the 24-hour 100-year pre-developed storm event peak Q discharge rate. • The storm filter vault was sized for the 6-month/24 hour storm event. Refer to Appendix E. Runoff from the both detention systems will match the existing site hydrology. SECTION 7 -CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN N/A. To be provided at time of final design. SECTION 8 -EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DESIGN N/A. To be provided at time of final design. l:\Lakeland-East1302541Docs-ReportslReporis130254_rr_]00206_Lakeland Area 9 Storm Report.doc ~. <:. .,,. ~; Yw, - - ~, ~'' . 4°.° . SOILS Iv1AP/ ?~ CURVE NUMBERS/ ~_ ` I~flP`ULVIALS r ~. ~~~ ~~ ~. t° - _, , , _. ;, s ~~ ° .: ~,. , s, ' , 1 °~ :_ ~> ,.. . ,; ;, 4z ;~ ,: ,4 , 4 g _ ;~,. r, I'" ~,~ ~`~ ir. ~' ~~, f I ~~, ~µµ~~~'i ~Alw„ I `z '''~ Sr,y~q~' 1 V ~ YI'S F }}~~,' ~ CO ~ K ~d m ~ ~ Z w Iv,. w ~ Z ~ y ': r ` J ti ~I 1 ~ O kk ~ 1 Z i ~ 1 ~, ~ ~ $` C~~ 4 r yS~~ °~, j o U w U ~knw w ~ ~ -~ R ~ ,"' I _~ .. 4 ~~ ~ ~ ~'°' a , F~ ~,~1 ~,' t .C:I c Table 2.2 H drologic Soil Series for Selected Soils in Washin ton State Soil T e Hydrologic Soil Grou Soil Tye H drolo is Soil Grou Agnew C Hoko C Ahl B Hoodsport C Aits C Hoogdal C Alderwood C Hoypus A Arents, Alderwood B Huel A Arents, Everett B Indianola ~, Ashoe B Jonas $ Baldhill B Jumpe B Barneston C Kalaloch C Baumgard B Kapowsin C/D Beausite B Katula C Belfast C Kilchis C Bellingham D Kitsap C Bellingham variant C Klaus C Boistfort B Klone B Bow D Lates C Briscot D Lebam B Buckley C Lummi D Bunker B Lynnwood A Cagey C Lystair B Carlsborg A Mal C Casey D Manley B Cassolary C Mashel g Cathcart B Maytown C Centralia B McKenna D Chehalis B McMurray D Chesaw A Melbourne B Cinebar B Menzel B Clallam C Mixed Alluvial variable Clayton B Molson B Coastal beaches - variable Mukilteo C/D Colter C Naff B Custer D Nargar A Custer, Drained C National B Dabob C Neilson A Delphi D Newberg B Dick A Nisqually B Dimal D Nooksack C Dupont D Norma C/D Earlmont C Ogarty C Edgewick C Olete C Eld B Olomount C Elwell B Olympic B Esquatzel B Orcas D Everett A Oridia D Everson D Orting D Galvin D Oso C Getchell A Ovall C Giles B Pastik C Godfrey D Pheeney C Greenwater A Phelan D Grove C Pilchuck C Harstine C Potchub C Hartnit C Poulsbo C Hoh B Prather C August 2001 Volume 111 -Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs 2-19 Ev_ ~! ', Table 2.3 Runoff Curve Numbers for Selected A ricultural, Suburban, and Urban Areas (Sources: TR 55, 1986, and Stormwater Management Manual, 1992. See Section 2.1.1 for ex lanation) CNs for hydrologic soil roup Cover e and hydrologic condition. A B C D Curve Numbers for Pre-Develo ment Conditions Pasture, grassland, or range-continuous forage for grazing: Fair condition (ground cover 50% to 75% and not heavily grazed). 49 69 Good condition (ground cover>75% and lightly or only occasionally grazed) 39 61 79 74 84 80 Woods: Fair (Woods are grazed but not burned, and some forest litter covers the soil). 36 60 Good (Woods are rotected fmm razin ,and litter and brush ade uatel cover the soil). 30 55 73 70 79 77 Curve Numbers for Post-Develo went Conditions Open space (lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, landscaping, etc.) Fair condition (grass cover on 50% - 75% of the area). 77 85 Good condition (grass cover on >75% of the area) 68 80 90 8,{~ 92 90 Impervious areas: Open water bodies: lakes, wetlands, ponds etc. 100 100 Paved arkin lots, roofs', drivewa s, etc. (excludin ri ht-of-wa) 98 98 ] 00 100 98 98 Porous Pavers and Permeable Interlocking Concrete (assumed as 85% impervious and 75% lawn) Fair lawn condition (weighted average CNs). 95 96 Good lawn condition (weighted average CNs). 94 95 97 96 97 97 Paved 98 98 ,q$;~ 98 Gravel (includin ri t-of-wa) 76 85 89 91 Dirt (including. right-of--way) 72 82 87 89 Pasture, grassland, or range-continuous forage for grazing: Poor condition (ground cover <50% or heavily grazed with no mulch}. 68 79 Fair condition (ground cover 50% to 75% and not heavily grazed). 49 69 Good condition (ground cover>75% and lightly or only occasionally grazed) 39 61 ~ 79 74 89 84 $0 Woods: Poor (Forest litter, small trees, and brush are destroyed by heavy grazing or regular burning). 45 66 Fair (Woods are grazed but not burned, and some forest litter covers the soil). 36 60 Good (Woods are protected from grazing, and litter and brush adequately cover the soil). 30 55 77 73 70 83 79 77 Single family residential : Should only be used for Average Percent Dwelling UnitJGross Acre subdivisions > 50 acres impervious area3~a I.0 DU/GA I S Se arate curve number I.5 DU/GA 20 shall be selected for 2.0 DU/GA 25 pervious & impervious 2.5 DU/GA 30 ortions of the site or 3.0 DU/GA 34 basin 3.5 DU/GA 38 4.0 DUlGA 42 4.5 DU/GA 46 5.0 DU/GA 48 5.5 DU/GA 50 6.0 DU/GA 52 6.5 DU/GA 54 7.0 DU/GA 56 7.5 DU/GA 58 PUD's, condos, apartments, commercial %impervious Separate curve numbers shall businesses, industrial areas & must be be selected for pervious and & subdivisions < 50 acres computed impervious portions of the site For a more detailed and complete description of land use curve numbers refer to chapter two (2) of the Soil Conservation Service's Technical Release No. 55 , (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986). ' Composite l:N's may be computed for other combinations of open space cover type. ''Where roof runoff and driveway runoff are infiltrated or dispersed according to the requirements in Chapter 2, the average percent impervious area maybe adjusted in accordance with the procedure described under "Flow Credit for Roof Downspout Infiltration" and "Flow Credit for Roof Downspout Dispersion" in Chapter 2. 'Assumes roof and driveway runoff is directed into streeUstorm system. °All the remaining pervious area (lawn) are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. ~: ,~ August 2009 Volume 111 -Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs 2-23 t :} Western Washington Isopluvial 2-year, 24 hour A-2 Volume 111 -Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs August 2001 Western Washington Isopluvia110-year, 24 hour August 2009 Volume ill -Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs A-3 ~so~,xs+unoaKC~now~rxKCO~~rt.wain~.rn-t~s - Western Washington Isopluvial 100-year, 24 hour osor.scsrarwau wrromcvw~c czntrx cr. wacn~. rz-t vu A-4 Volume 111 -Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs August 2001 124 123 122 121 eBYG eoi B5 uej0u v:eMY Yr-ciY (c52) M)HVW Ntl38 MLLY BLC9-8ZB (E9L) Q OOL e11n5a'419[ VInoS 1092 Oie ~ IXJQIDw6YM ~~ _ a W W W ~I aaul6u~ / lbI~1N NI O~1S3M11 _ 1N31'I~ ~~~~M ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~I ~ L/ `~4 1V'W AIfdWWn3Hd ~ ~ 4 ,~ yea N«~a~~ 91bIB1._. «,,,~ ~~ 6 b'~l~b' dN`dl3~lb'l a~~(1 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ w~M ~~ ~~ 5 ~_~ ~~~~~~~m ~~ ~~„ ~q~1~y~_~q~~~ 3~ v~9~F~t~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~6 ~~ ~b ~~~~~a~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ R~~ s ~ „ b° ~a~~~~~ a~~ ~~~~s~~~~~~~~ ~~ m 9~ p a p * ° ~ ~ ~_ ~~w ~ ~~~" a Q ~ ~_ ~ 2 LL~=N LLLLg. 8~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ g ~~~~~~~~~ ~ 3~ ~ a ~~~~~~ a I~W ~ ~ ~ V AYM A lSb3N Z O !3~ v, ~ G j ~+ W € 13 v,Y a9u ~ ~. W ~ UQ d ~°9' Nal ~c4 p d¢ 3 y ~ ~i~ I° ;:i 3 l~~{7{ V e~t(•1$TLgIY \ F ~k~3 0~~ W LL~ O O a h~ ~ \ Qim w -.~/ C7 A N - ---a ~ _ o ~ ~ e3 ~v ~,Sw ~ ~~`~ ~ & ~ C 9- J. ~ N ~3~ F y J _ a ---~ a I / 1^ / _~ G- i~ / ~_..._ I \/ . ~' i W !' ~iW i __ ~ .!, _..i ^ l \, We /~`.~Q \~ / 's`7f~Eie ~ ~5 -~ ;~ ~& ~ ~ ~ ¢ p-, j i _ i l {y p- i l ~~' I ~~ /i ~ ~ ii sa Is' Y ~- ~ M' ~ c~ L ~ i i; - - ~0~. AHtlNIW •• i ~ ~- . i ~ ~~ --_ - ~- ~,~ ~.- ,: ~. - - - -- ) + ~ _- .. _. ,_ a. ~ - .. _ _.... w ...__ -zrs--- ~ .- _. ... - a -_..._- . _... .. -...._... 5u-' ... ~ ._ __ - _ __ __. ~6, _. ... _.- . -_ 5. -. _ _. _. _._- ... ~ /• / ..___ -3 1 - _ ___ _ __ ____r _ __ ~ __._____~.__.- ______r______ ~~ __ __________ _____ // .~ / ____ ' I ~ -. ____.-__ ~~ 1 ana ae 1[c9t ~AN'd!6\ILixvlsv3-av/vm\i Predev Event Summary: BasinlD Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss Predev 0.15 8.17 0.0822 1.24 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Predev 0.33 8.17 0.1555 1.24 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 10 yr Predev 0.57 8.00 0.2466 1.24 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 100 yr Drainage Area: Predev Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 1.2400 ac Impervious 0.0000 ac Total 1.2400 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Pervious Area Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Sheet Sheet Flow Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 CN TC 85.00 0.31 hrs 0.00 0.00 hrs 85.00 1.2400 ac Length: Slope: 220.00 ft 3.64% Coeff: Travel Time 0.1500 18.33 min APpENY?I~ C ~ ,~ DEV~~.OP~D BASIN MAP ~~ ~ _ y „- -~ ;y yr{ t.x .J~ 86S0-CGf (C ~) ~MY1 ro»-scy (t5L) M1HYY1 NV3a RWY BL449zi (6YL) Q ouc-eowe ~wiwnw 'eweeei OBEB80NpID1ID~NYM ~.y~ oe •ims ~wsc wMs lose _ W ~ WI ~ ,y S 6m~aaul6u ~~ ~~ zar `~S ~~ ~ lb'I~NVNI~ 0.71S3MII 1N311~ ~ g ~ ~# ~ ~ ~~:; a ~ ~ g 1Vid.WV18Wl3W ~ ~ ~ 14 ._ _.__ .._.. _._....,.,..~.~, .~.d ~ 6 b'~llb' oN`d~3~ib"7 a~.ul a ~ ~ >~ b£ U a G U € W a ~~g ~~~~~ ~~ ~y t~~~ ~ ~ .~ ~.~ Q 3~ b~'3~~~b~i i5~ ~w ~. z~ a ~~ b~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ '~ ~_~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~$K ~ ~ ~ rn ~ ~~ ~~fy~b~ ~k ~ Q ~y~ ~~ N ~~& 3 `~. rn~~~ a~~ ~3 Q J ~ W4~ J ~~ a ~~ ~~ a ° ..~ ~~ N~ 3~~ ~v~ J 3 a -/ i ~ / ~' , ~ . J ~ ~ :.. pp i / I ~..// I I ~ I ~-J i / ~~ ~ ~a ~ r' ;,-'-' ~ lady ~ ~ r/ ~ / ~^~ 1 li p/j/~ ___ _ i0 ~, f- I F ~ ~ o~ I/ ~ m ~I § ~ §,~ w ~ ~ I ~~ I ~ „a I / 6 ~, f / ~,~ / ~ ~.. ~- ~- _- ~ y --' -~ , ~ /•,,C~~ - 631V 3 1 N - ~ / .: ~" ~ - / / 4 _ -~ _ _ _ '. ~ ~ / ~y ~~_ I I .. / .,/ ~p 'y .n ;sa _ ~ _. _._.. 5~9- I~ _ _ ._- ~ sy~.. - ~_ _ _ _ / ~ ...__. _. _._. 4 _. I~ _ ... __/ i --- --- --- / ------- I , __ _r------ F---- --- '.-, ~ Gov «~uN~~K~a~,n-a, Dev Event Summary: BasinlD Peak Q -- (cfs) Dev 0.49 Dev 0.75 Dev 1.05 Drainage Area: Dev Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 0.2100 ac Impervious 1.0300 ac Total 1.2400 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Pervious Area Impervious CN Data: Impervious Area Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed Assummed Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed Assummed Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss 8.00 0.1671 1.24 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 2 yr 8.00 0.2566 1.24 SBUHlSCS TYPE1A 10 yr 8.00 0.3596 1.24 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 100 yr Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 . CN TC 86.00 0.08 hrs 98.00 0.08 hrs 86.00 0.2100 ac 98.00 1.0300 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min Predev-Lots Event Summary: BasinlD Peak Q Peak T --- (cfs) (hrs) Predev-Lots 0.13 8.17 Predev-Lots 0.28 8.17 - Predev-Lots 0.47 8.00 Drainage Area: Predev-Lots Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor. 484.00 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs Area CN . ~ Pervious 1.0200 ac 85.00 Impervious 0.0000 ac 0.00 Total 1.0200 ac ' Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Pervious Area 85.00 Pervious TC Data: "" Flow type: Description: Sheet Sheet Flow Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event (ac-ft) ac /Loss 0.0676 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 2 yr 0.1279 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 10 yr 0.2028 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 100 yr Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 TC 0.31 hrs 0.00 hrs 1.0200 ac Length: Slope: 220.00 ft 3.64% Coeff: - Travel Time 0.1500 18.33 min Dev-Lots Event Summary: BasinlD Peak Q Peak T (cfs) (hrs) Dev-Lots 0.35 8.00 Dev-Lots 0.56 8.00 Dev-Lots 0.80 8.00 Drainage Area: Dev-Lots Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs Area CN Pervious 0.3600 ac 85.00 Impervious 0.6600 ac 98.00 Total 1.0200 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Pervious Area 85.00 Impervious CN Data: Impervious Area 98.00 Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed Assurnmed Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed Assummed Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event (ac-ft) ac /Loss 0.1214 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 2 yr 0.1919 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 10 yr 0.2743 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 100 yr Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 TC 0.08 hrs 0.08 hrs 0.3600 ac 0.6600 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min RLPCOMPUTE [Det-Lots-RLP] SUMMARY 2 yr Match Q: 0.0636 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.0639 cfs -Peak Stg: 101.88 ft -Active Vol: 1671.08 cf 10 yr Match Q: 0.2751 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.2739 cfs -Peak Stg: 102.08 ft -Active Vol: 1926.26 cf 100 yr Match Q: 0.4680 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.4407 cfs -Peak Stg: 102.50 ft -Active Vol: 2531.86 cf Running C:\302541Det-Lots-RLP Report.pgm on Friday, September 29, 2006 Summary Report of all RLPooI Data Project Precips [2 yr] 2.00 in [5 yr] 0.01 in [10 yr] 2.90 in [25 yr] 3.40 in ,: [100 yr] 3.92 in [6-mo] 1.44 in BASLIST2 ` [Predev-Lots] Using [TYPE1A] As [2 yr] [Predev-Lots] Using [TYPE1A] As [10 yr] [Predev-Lots] Using [TYPE1A] As [100 yr] [Dev-Lots] Using [TYPE1A] As [2 yr] .[Dev-Lots] Using [TYPE1A] As [10 yr] [Dev-Lots] Using [7YPE1A] As (100 yr] LSTEND BasinlD Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss Predev-Lots 0.1272 8.17 0.0676 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Predev-Lots 0.2751 8.17 0.1279 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10 yr Predev-Lots 0:4680 8.00 0.2028 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 100 yr Dev-Lots 0.3494 8.00 0.1214 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 2 yr ~._„ Dev-Lots 0.5570 8.00 0.1919 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 10 yr Dev-Lots 0.7991 8.00 0.2743 1.02 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr BASLIST [TYPE1A] AS [2 yr] DETAILED [Predev-Lots] [Dev-Lots] LSTEND . Drainage Area: Predev-Lots Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs Area CN TC Pervious 1.0200 ac 85.00 0.31 hrs Impervious 0.0000 ac 0.00 0.00 hrs Total 1.0200 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Pervious Area 85.00 1.0200 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time [+ Sheet Sheet Flow Drainage Area: Dev-Lots Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs Area CN Pervious 0.3600 ac 85.00 Impervious 0.6600 ac 98.00 Total 1.0200 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Pervious Area 85.00 Impervious CN Data: Impervious Area 98.00 Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed Assummed Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed Assummed HYDLIST SUMMARY 220.00 ft 3.64% 0.1500 18.33 min Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 TC 0.08 hrs 0.08 hrs 0.3600 ac 0.6600 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min [Lots-2yr-Out] [Lots-10yr-Out] [Lots-100yr-Out] LSTEND HydtD Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Cont Area (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) (ac) Lots-2yr-Out 0.06 12.83 0.1210 1.0200 Lots-lOyr-Out 0.27 8.50 0.1914 1.0200 Lots-100yr-Out 0.44 8.33 0.2737 1.0200 STORLIST [Det-Lots] LSTEND Node ID: Det-Lots Desc: Detention Vault Start EI: 100.0000 ft Max EI: 102.5000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Length ss1 ss2 Width ss3 30.0000 ft 3.OOh:1 v 3.OOh:1 v 19.0000 ft 3.OOh:1 v DISCHLIST [Det-Lots-Orif] ~~~~ ~~- ~; ~~~~ . ~~~ G~ ~~~ LSTEND Control Structure ID: Det-Lots-Orif -Multiple Orifice Structure Descrip: Multiple Orifice Start EI Max EI Increment 100.0000 ft 103.0000 ft 0.10 Orif Coeff: 0.62 Bottom EI: 0.00 ft Lowest Diam: 1.3000 in out to 2nd: 1.8800 ft Diam: 4.1500 in ss4 3.OOh:1v ~. -. F '..n ~ ~ I~ Predev Onsite-Rd Event Summary: BasinlD Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss Predev Onsite-Rd 0.03 8.17 0.0146 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 2 yr Predev Onsite-Rd 0.06 8.17 0.0276 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10 yr _ Predev Onsite-Rd 0.10 8.00 0.0437 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 100 yr Drainage Area: Predev Onsite-Rd Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs ,, Area CN Pervious 0.2200 ac 85.00 Impervious 0.0000 ac 0.00 Total 0.2200 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Pervious Area 85.00 Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Sheet Sheet Flow Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 TC 0.31 hrs 0.00 hrs 02200 ac Length: Slope: 220.00 ft 3.64% Coeff: Travel Time 0.1500 18.33 min Onsite-Rd Event Summary: BasinlD Peak Q Peak T (cfs) (hrs) Onsite-Rd 0.10 8.00 Onsite-Rd 0.14 8.00 Onsite-Rd 0.20 8.00 Drainage Area: Onsite-Rd Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs Area CN Pervious 0.0000 ac 86.00 Impervious 0.2200 ac 98.00 Total 0.2200 ac Supporting. Data: Impervious CN Data: Impervious Area 98.00 Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed Assummed Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event (ac-ft) ac /Loss 0.0325 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 2 yr 0.0489 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 10 yr 0.0676 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 TC 0.00 hrs 0.08 hrs 0.2200 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min RLPCOMPUTE [Det-Rd-RLP] SUMMARY 2 yr Match Q: 0.0137 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.0134 cfs -Peak Stg: 1.01.66 ft -Active Vol: 584.55 cf 10 ~yr Match Q: 0.0593 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.0592 cfs -Peak Stg: 101.76 ft -Active Vol: 642.34 cf 100 yr Match Q: 0.1010 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.1005 cfs -Peak Stg: 102.02 ft -Active Vol: 803.02 cf Running C:1302541Det-Rd-RLP Report.pgm on Friday, September 29, 2006 ~~; Summary Report of all RLPooI Data Project Precips [2 yr] 2.00 in [5 yrj 0.01 in [10 yr] 2.90 in [25 yr] 3.40 in [100 yr] 3.92 in (6-mo] 1.44 in BASLIST2 [Predev Onsite-Rd] Using [TYPE1A] As [2 yr} [Predev Onsite-Rd] Using [TYPE1A] As [10 yrj [Predev Onsite-Rd] Using [TYPE1A] As [100 yr] (Onsite-Rd] Using [TYPE1A] As [2 yr] [Onsite-Rd] Using- [TYPEIA] As [10 yr] [Onsite-Rd] Using [TYPE1A] As [100 yr] LSTEND BasinlD Peak Q Peak T - Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss Predev Onsite-Rd 0.0274 8.17 0.0146 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Predev Onsite-Rd 0.0593 8.17 0.0276 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10 yr Predev Onsite-Rd 0.1010 8.00 0.0437 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr OnsBe-Rd 0.0972 8.00 0.0325 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 2 yr Onsite-Rd 0.1442 8.00 0.0489 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 10 yr Onsite-Rd 0.1970 8.00 0.0676 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr BASLIST [TYPE1A] AS [2 yr} DETAILED [Predev Onsite-Rd] [Onsite-Rd] LSTEND Drainage Area: Predev Onsite-Rd Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs Area CN Pervious 0.2200 ac 85.00 Impervious 0.0000 ac 0.00 Total 0.2200 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Pervious Area 85.00 Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 TC 0.31 hrs 0.00 hrs 0.2200 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Sheet Flow Drainage Area: Onsite-Rc Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 0.0000 ac Impervious 0.2200 ac Total 0.2200 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Impervious Area Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed Assummed HYDLIST SUMMARY 220.00 ft 3.64% 0.1500 18.33 min Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 CN TC 86.00 0.00 hrs 98.00 0.08 hrs 98.00 0.2200 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 Travel Time 5.00 min [Rd-2yr-Out] [Rd-10yr-Out] [Rd-100yr-Outj LSTEND HydID Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Cont Area - (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) (ac) Rd-2yr-Out 0.01 15.67 0.0270 0.2200 Rd-10yr-0ut 0.06 8.67 0.0434 0.2200 Rd-100yr-Out 0.10 8.33 0.0621 0.2200 STORLIST [Det-Rd] LSTEND Node ID: Det-Rd Desc: Detention Vault Start EI: 100.0000 ft Max EI: 102.0000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Length ss1 ss2 Width ss3 18.0000 ft 3.OOh:1 v 3.OOh:1 v 10.0000 ft 3.OOh:1 v DISCHLIST D Rd O if ' a `~ ~" 1 '~ ~ ' r ] [ et- - ;~ :`~ ~ r£~-~ .. / _ f lj ~+ , r LSTEND Control Structure ID: Det-Rd-Orif -Multiple Orifice Structure Deserip: Multiple Orifice Start EI Max EI Increment 100.0000 ft 102.0000 ft 0.10 Orif Coeff: 0.62 Bottom EI: 0.00 ft Lowest Diam: 0.6200 in out to 2nd: 1.6600 ft Diam: 2.3000 in ss4 3.OOh:1 v ~Z 0 'i c. E 0 U 9Z f~Z ZZ 0 O Z 0 0 w w 0 8~ J O 9~ ~ .~ E m F- a m ti~ a` Z6 0 >+ 0 0 ~~ m D S 9 b t` CC t[y d: M N r O O O O O O O O O S}~ UI MO~j ~: g~ - s` 1-, APP~NDX~ E ;' r ~ ~AT~R QUALITY ANALYSIS zF . - ,_ . .~ ., ~, ~: i ,,- Determining the number of StormFilter cartridges ~- .- ..- The number of filter cartridges that you must use in your StormFilter system depends on agency requirements, the amount of stormwater runoff from your site that must be treated, pollutant loading to your system, and certain site-specific characteristics. Your local jurisdictional agency usually determines the requirements for treating runoff in your area. Typically your agency will specify one of two primary design methods, aflow-based method or a volume-based method, that you should use to determine the amount of runoff that must be ' treated. If you do not know what the required method is in your area; contact the Stormwater Management Engineering Department at (800). 548-4667, and they will assist you with determining this information. Use the flow chart below to identify the set of calculations that you should use for the design - method identified by your local jurisdictional agency. Step-by-step instructions for completing these calculations can be found on the following pages. Establish agency guidelines Flow-based Volume-based design method design method / Use volume-based design calculations, Is the p. SF-11 StormFilter downstream of detention? T ~~~,548.~~67 F SU~.Sti € . € 27~ ~~ st€~rrr~vaterinc.cor;~ SF-3 Use design \ / calculations for Y detention, p. SF-8 NO. Using the flow-based method ~m~~ ~ ~' r~~ ,:-~-~. _..~ ~`~'''o~ std , e ~ = b seer , ~ +r~` ~ ,r ~.~..Y~ ...._ .g._- ...,.. ~~ . ' To determine the number of StormFilter cartridges needed for a highly impervious site . (>_ 70% impervious): 1. Calculate the peak flow rate from the water quality storm (Q,~t) for your site using the approved hydrologic models established by your local agency. If there are no agency guidelines, we recommend using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Method. 2. Calculate the number of cartridges required to treat the peak water quality flow rate (N~„) for your site. N,b,,,, = Qa~t (449 y~°ts / Q~rt s~~rt) Notes: • Assume Q~,~ = 15 gprn/cart, which is the maximum flow rate that an individual cartridge can treat. In some areas or situations, cartridges with a flow rate other than 15 sPm may be required, resulting in a different Q~~ value. • If the number of cartridges is not a whole number, round the number of cartridges up to the next whole number. Example of cartndge,number s~z~ng for.'a highly imperr~u~t #~><e ,~,~,~~~ ~ ~t ~ ~L '~`~ i.}x ~, '~ ~.s<+',s -ti7 -._ k~..,x 4.;pt a'bt ,n+''...~'~{~ y+ y<4 Y~,~~a` '' nr ~,~ ~ ,4ssu e t)~a ~ ~ as a peak flow rate f t3 ~s~ t ~~ a ~~ * [ '~~*.~ ~'~ '1 ~ 'v ,...r.~ t. -; n,~i~v'Tf~ ,., ~' .YrA~ q, ~~. Ks.. ~ ^s.ya.y~E ~ ~ r 2 Deterrn*,'ne;. e y urr~~(er Aof~ :cartndges;required to trea~~;th~?s flow rate ~~ , ~r`L I~ ~; ~.~I Vt~~+. ,({] 44 U5~('~t~t~,~PfTI~C-~5 / ~~a~(]P[1llCalt),a.~t~3-L Cdf UlO~~t,~, zLj{~z` y ~4 ~ .. fj J^ text ~ °~ ~vr ~ ~ t~~ R{~3 ~~~~~y, t.+4.,., Y, .~' ~~~ ~"ct~ '~y't Y ~' ~,y._~F s ~:{C;3 1 ham} ~ r nswer ~ Rounding up;'to the next wholeFiiumbei-, the number~of recjwred i ~ t t } s ' v :~ t3''z.; ~ ~' ~ #' i ~4r '4 -rbst ,~ h` ~ t~ ~nY~;X gti K~ 2,~ k ; .F s~i~ ~ arfndges~s "t4~'~ ~ -~~ ~~~~ r .....~ ~ :~~~ar ~~- ~~ f, ~~~,.~.~ , w.~,~ ~ ~'~ ~ , ~ ; t.. 11 yy ~ s .`3 fi_~.. Y 1!'~ir 1~ ~l: L - L 4 - J ~~~ j4i.'S~ i `rah' ~.~ h ii~T: ~~~ ry.~~Ct.e i'f•~ ; ~ ~' >` ~. ?.. ~G0.~4~.4557 s= 3J.55t,~ ~~'~ Ly storr{waterirF~.~oF~~ SF-5 t Selecting and Sizing your StormFilter The StormFilter is offered in five configurations: Precast, Linear, Catch Basin (CBSF), Cast-In-Place (CIP), and in a Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) form. Use the number of cartridges that you calculated in "Determining the number of StormFilter cartridges" and the StormFilter selection guide below to identify the StormFilter configuration that will most closely meet. your filter cartridge and depth requirements. Once you have selected a StormFilter configuration, tum to the facts and sizing page for that configuration, located in the remainder of this section, #o read more information and to calculate an accurate system vault size. Number of Cartridges (per catchment) Depth from surface to i.e. out (feet) 4 8 1 2 30 9 0 °° CBSFe Lineare ---- ------------------ ----------- -- - Precast Precast --------------------- Precast ------------p-- Multi le CIP 6 x 8 6 x 12 8 x 16 Precast or or or or Units CMP ` CMP CMP Precast or 8 x 18b CIP or or CMP CMP 0 2.2 3 4 5d 7 12a Notes: a Depth restriction is approximate for most systems. Contact the SMI Engineering Department for more information on additional approved vault depths. b The Precast 8 x 18 vault is only available on the East Coast. c The CMP configuration is only offered at depths greater than 6 feet. d Typically, vaults greater than 5 feet in depth will have a door or a frame and cover. However, units at shallower depths can be open or grated. Contact the SMI Engineering Department for more information. e Only CBSF and Linear models are available at depths less than 3.5 feet. f i.e. =invert elevation. T $C~.S~.4~6~ 1= ~g~r.5~1.1~?~ ~~~ stcrr~~_va~erin~.com SF-31 Onsite-Rd Event Summary: BasinlD Peak Q Peak T (cfs) (hrs) Onsite-Rd 0.07 8.00 Drainage Area: Onsite-Rd Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur 24.00 hrs Area CN Pervious .0.0000 ac 86.00 Impervious 0.2200 ac 98.00 Total 0.2200 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Impervious Area 98.00 Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed Assummed Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event (ac-ft) ac /Loss 0.0224 0.22 SBUH/SCS TYPEIA 6-mo Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 TC 0.00 hrs 0.08 hrs 0.2200 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00 ft 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min ~! d. ~ ~~.=~ . a~ Mt~TT~~W L. SV~N~Y ~Eforney aE Law ' P.O. Box 7935 Tacoma, Washington 98406-0935 (253) 565-1728 FAX 565-0968 July 11, 2007 Steve Pilcher, Development Services Coordinator City of Auburn 25 W Main St, Auburn, WA, 98001 RE: Application No. PLT06-0006 Six Lot Preliminary Plat Dear Mr. Pilcher: xbibit Number of Page ~I V JUG 1 2 2107 PANNING D,EpgR~MEN Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed six lot preliminary p1at..As you know, I represent North Tapps Estates and Prium Development Company, the developer of the residential subdivision North Tapps Estates. The proposed plat will access off of one of the plat roads that my client constructed and will be finishing and dedicating to the City in the near future. At the time of dedication, my client will be required to post financial guarantees to ensure the integrity of the constructed improvements for at least a year. We have no objection to the proposed subdivision but want to go on record that my client will not be responsible for any damage to the plat improvements of the North Tapps Estates plat caused by the development of the 6 lots. The existing street as constructed made no provision for the private road extension that will be constructed to serve the 6 lots. The developer of the proposed plat will have to tear up portions of the curbing and sidewalk my client constructed to create an access point for the private road. Utility trenching for sewer and water lines will be needed for the plat and during the plat build out and the developer will have to move heavy equipment over the existing street to access the site. So long as it is understood that the financial guarantees posted by my client do not insure against damage to my client's plat improvements resulting from the construction of the proposed project, we have no objection to the project as proposed. Yours s' cerel ~~ - "/ j _. Matth ` L. S~e>/iey A rney for North T ps EstateslPrium Development MLS:ms ~~ _-!~ Nnmber ®f Pages _~ New Additional Finding of Fact: X. Management of stormwater runoff for the seven (7) lot subdivision and private road system is proposed to be accomplished using a private storm drainage system. Due to the proposed private storm drainage facilities, there is a need to ensure the continued maintenance of the private storm drainage system for long term water quality and quantity control and avoid adverse impacts off-site and downstream. It is expected that initially, this maintenance will be performed by the plat developer and eventually by the plat's Home Owner's Organization (HOA). New Additional Conditions: X. The proponent shall provide the City with an access easement for the plat's private storm drainage facilities. The easement shall be shown on the final plat. X. The applicant shall submit legal instrument setting forth a plan or manner of permanent maintenance, inspection and operation of the private stormwater management system. All operation and maintenance of the private stormwater system shall be the responsibility of the property owners within the plat. The instrument shall further provide that the City may perform stormwater system maintenance at the expense of the property owners if the owners fail to perform needed maintenance within a reasonable time as specified by the City. Additionally, the obligation to maintain the stormwater system shall be an obligation binding on the owners of the lots of the plat and City maintenance efforts may be enforced by liens on the lots of the plat, and the obligation for such maintenance shall be stated on the face of the plat, and shall be binding on the owners of the lots of the plat and their heirs, assigns and successors in interest. The instrument shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to final plat approval. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 EXHIBIT ~ ~ ___.. '7 ~~,~~:..s BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN Phil Olbrechts, Hearing Examiner RE: Lakeland East LLC FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS Preliminary Plat OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION PLT06-0006 INTRODUCTION The applicants have applied for preliminary plat approval of a seven-lot residential subdivision of 1.48 acres. The Examiner recommends approval of the preliminary plat. ORAL TESTIMONY Jeff Dixon with the City's Planning Department introduced and summarized the staff report. He noted that the application is for a subdivision of a 1.4-acre site into seven lots and an access and utility tract. This tract will be approximately 8,900 square feet, and the seven lots will be an average 7,559 square feet in size, with the smallest lot being 6,598 square feet. Proposed development is consistent with Single Family Residential 5, which allows 2 14 units per acre in the Lakeland Hill South PUD area. Bordering the site to the north and east are publicly dedicated lands consisting of open areas and wetlands. Lake Tapps Parkway is to the south, and Charlotte Avenue (labeled 176th Ave E. on the preliminary plat, Exhibit 9) is to the west of the site. Access to the subdivision will be via publicly dedicated streets in the North Tapps Estates development. Tim Carlisle, City Storm Drainage Engineer, testified that the City's design standards and code do not adequately address long-term maintenance of private storm-drainage systems. Mr. Carlisle submitted Exhibit 16 as proposed conditions to ensure maintenance of the private storm system on the proposed project. Responding to the Hearing Examiner inquiry, staff confirmed that the Fire Department had approved the "hammer-head" turnaround proposed for the subdivision. Shawn Martin, representing the applicants, testified that the applicants had no concern or comment to the staff report, including all conditions, as presented and reported. {PA0669571.DOC;1/00p83.900000/} Preliminary Plat Recommendation p. 1 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Matthew Sweeney, attorney for North Tapps Estates, LLC, testified that his client wanted the record to reflect that although it did not object to any of the conditions, the development of the subdivision as proposed would require damage of street improvements made and dedicated to the City by North Tapps. Because these improvements were conditions of approval of North Tapps and they were bonded, North Tapps is concerned that it will be held responsible for damages thereto caused by the instant development. Staff responded that the street in question has been publicly dedicated; therefore, the City can require the instant development to connect to the street. The City would not look at North Tapps as the bonded and dedicating party for damages caused by others subsequent to public dedication. EXHIBITS The Exhibits listed on page 9 of the staff report dated July 13, 2007 are admitted into the record. In addition, Exhibit 16 was admitted during the hearing. Exhibit 16 contains one additional Finding of Fact and two additional conditions recommended by staff to address stormwater facility maintenance. FINDINGS OF FACT Procedural: 1. Applicant. The applicant is Lakeland East, LLC. 2. Hearin .The Hearing Examiner conducted a hearing on the application at 5:30 p.m. at Auburn City Hall in the Council Chambers on July 18, 2007. Substantive: 3. Site/Proposal Description. The applicants request approval of a seven-lot residential preliminary plat of 1.48 acres. The plat includes construction of an approximately 200-foot private street to provide access to six of the lots. The remaining lot will access Charlotte Avenue S.E., a public street bordering the plat. Lots will average 7,559 square feet in size, with the smallest at 6,598 square feet. The density will be 4.7 dwelling units per acre. The site is currently vacant and predominantly covered by native forest. The site is bordered to the south by the Lake Tapps Parkway, a principal arterial of the City. The site is located in the Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development ("Lakeland Hills S. PUD"). Approval of the preliminary plat is contingent upon the approval of a Major Amendment to the Lakeland Hills South PUD Development Plan, because under the original Development Plan, only five dwelling units for the site are allowed. { PA0669571.DOC;1/00083.900000/ } Preliminary Plat Recommendation p. 2 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4. Characteristics of the Area. The project site is bounded by North Tapps Estates, asingle-family residential subdivision, to the south and west and City-owned open space and a wetland mitigation area to the north and east. 5. Adverse Im acts. As discussed under Finding of Fact No. 6 below, the infrastructural needs of the project are met by staff-recommended conditions of approval. Beyond infrastructural needs, the project creates no appreciable adverse impacts. The project is consistent and compatible with adjoining residential development. No state or federal threatened or endangered animal or plant species or animal habitat are on the site. No critical areas or critical area buffers are on the site. The developer of the North Tapps Estates expressed concern that he would be responsible for damage to North Tapps improvements created by construction of access to the subject subdivision. Staff testified that they would not use the financial guarantees of North Tapps to repair any damages created in constructing improvements to the subject subdivision. The subject preliminary plat will be conditioned to prohibit use of those guarantees as well. 6. Adequacy of Infrastructure and Public Services. The applicants have acquired a water certificate from the City of Bonney Lake to serve all seven lots. Sewer and police protection will be provided by the City of Auburn. Fire protection will be provided by the Valley Regional Fire Authority. According to staff, the proposed internal roads comply with City of Auburn street design standards. Staff has apparently determined that sidewalks are not necessary for the plat because no one would have to traverse more than two lot widths to get to the sidewalk on Charlotte Street. No off-site road improvements will be necessary, other than some road improvements to five-to-fifteen feet of Tract S of the adjoining North Tapps development. The applicants will also pay traffic impact fees to pay for their share of City-wide transportation improvements. Impact fees will be paid for school and fire facilities. The staff report states that the site is served by adequate schools. Power will be provided by Puget Sound Energy. At the hearing, staff added a couple of conditions to their recommendations to ensure adequacy of stormwater maintenance. The project will be conditioned upon compliance with the proposed stormwater detention and conveyance system outlined in the preliminary storm drainage report (Exhibit 12). As noted in the staff report, the City has set the threshold for park dedications as fifty dwelling units, so the subdivision is too small by City standards to create any addressable need for park improvements. Given these factors the proposed plat will be served by adequate infrastructure. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Procedural: 1. Authority of Hearing Examiner. ACC 17.06.030 and .050 provides the Hearing Examiner with the authority to conduct a hearing and issue a recommendation to the City Council on preliminary plat applications. { PA0669571. DOC;1 /0008 3.900000/ } Preliminary Plat Recommendation p. 3 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation 1 ~ ~ Substantive: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2. Zoning Designation. Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development. 3. Review Criteria and Application. ACC 17.06.070 governs the criteria for preliminary plat approval. Relevant criteria are quoted below with corresponding conclusions of law. ACC 17.07.070(A): Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds and sites for schools and school grounds. 4. As identified in Finding of Fact No: 6 above, the project is served by adequate infrastructure and public services. As noted in Finding of Fact No. 5, as conditioned the project will not create any significant adverse impacts. For these reasons the criterion above is satisfied. ACC 17.07.070(B): Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan. 5. As discussed in the staff report, the subdivision is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. ACC 17.07.070(C): Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of any other applicable policies or plans that have been adopted by the City Council. 6. As noted in the staff report, the project is consistent with the City's Transportation, Sanitary Sewer, and Stormwater Utility Plans. ACC 17.07.070(D): Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the Land Division Ordinance as enumerated in ACC Section 17.02.030. ACC 17.02.030 provides as follows: The purpose of this title is to regulate the division of land lying within the corporate limits of the city, and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and prevent or abate public nuisances in accordance with standards established by the state and the city, and to: A. Prevent the overcrowding of land; B. Lessen congestion and promote safe and convenient travel by the public on streets and highways; { PA0669571. DOC;1/00083.900000/ } Preliminary Plat Recommendation p. 4 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation ,,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 C. Promote the effective use of land; D. Provide for adequate light and air; E. Facilitate adequate provision for water, sewerage, drainage, parks and recreational areas, sites for schools and school grounds, and other public requirements; F. Provide for proper ingress and egress; G. Provide for the expeditious review and approval of proposed land divisions which comply with this title, the Auburn zoning ordinance, other city plans, policies and land use controls, and Chapter 58.17 RCW; H. Adequately provide for the housing and commercial needs of the citizens of the state and city; I. Require uniform monumenting of land divisions and conveyance by accurate legal description; J. Implement the goals, objectives and policies of the Auburn comprehensive plan; K. Prevent or abate public nuisances. 7. In utilizing a private easement instead of a public street, the proposal promotes the effective use of land by avoiding odd lot shapes with unusable space resulting from the larger space required for a public road. As noted in the Findings of Fact, there is adequate provision for all public infrastructures. By placing the access point away from the intersection of Lake Tapps Parkway and Charlotte, and by accessing onto Charlotte instead of Lake Tapps Parkway, the project lessens congestion on a major thoroughfare, promotes safe travel, and provides proper egress and ingress. The proposed residential use at the proposed density is consistent with the existing residential development in the adjoining North Tapps Estates, so there is no potential for nuisance. For these and other reasons, the proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the purpose of the Land Division Ordinance. ACC 17.07.070(E): Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the Auburn Zoning Ordinance and any other applicable planning or engineering standards and specifications as adopted by the City. 8. Staff has found that the preliminary plat complies with all applicable development standards. The most significant code compliance issue is the use of a private road to serve the subdivision with a length that exceeds 150 feet. ACC 18.48.130(B)(2) provides that private roads may only be created through the subdivision review process, so special attention is merited during this review. ACC 18.48.130(B)(1) authorizes private easements when it is physically impractical to provide a lot with direct access to a public street due to unique physical limitations of the property, including sensitive environmental areas. The odd shape of the lot, the wetlands to the east and north, and the location of the access point all combine to make a private road necessary. Section of the Public Works Design Standards prohibits access to Lake Tapps Parkway East because access is available to { PA0669571. DOC;1 /00083.900000/ } Preliminary Plat Recommendation p. 5 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a street with a lower classification (Charlotte Ave. S.E.). The Standards also require the access point to be located away from the intersection of Lake Tapps Parkway East and Charlotte Ave. S.E. for safety reasons. Combined with the fact that access cannot go through the wetlands located to the north and east, these standards leave no option other than the proposed access point through Tract S of Lake Tapps Estates. If a public road is used for this access, Section of the Standards would require a 90-foot right-of-way and 75-foot-diameter paved surface. These dimensional requirements in the middle of the triangular parcel would lead to highly irregular lot shapes with narrow strips of unusable land surrounding the turn-around. Consequently, the odd shape of the lot, the wetlands, and the limited access satisfy the ACC 18.48.130(B)(1) "physical impractical" requirement to justify a private street. The length of the private road must also be justified, because its 200-foot length exceeds the 150-foot maximum set by ACC 18.48.130(B)(4), which provides that additional length may only be allowed as follows: "... if the unique physical limitations of property including but not limited to steep slopes, significant vegetation, or sensitive environmental areas would be impacted less if additional length were provided. " As previously discussed, the requirements for a public road would require a significantly larger paved area. This added impervious surface would create more run-off and accompanying pollutants that could adversely affect the adjoining wetlands. For this reason the additional fifty feet is appropriate under ACC 18.48.130(B)(4). A somewhat disturbing element to the request for added length is that it is a self- created hardship. In the Major Development application accompanying this application, the applicants have requested the addition of two lots to the subject parcel, knowing that it is already unsuitable for public road access. If the subject parcel had only five lots instead of seven, it is unlikely that the private road would have to be 200 feet or even over 150 feet in length. This is a significant consideration, because the private easement has no sidewalks and children walking to a school bus stop on Charlotte Avenue or Lake Tapps Parkway East will have to walk up to 200 feet on the traveled portion or unimproved shoulder of a relatively narrow private road. On the other hand, the proposed lots are already at least 50°Io larger than the lots in the adjoining Lake Tapps Estate. Reducing the number of lots from seven to five would make the lot sizes even less compatible with those in the surrounding development. ACC 17.07.070(F): The potential environmental impacts of the proposed subdivision are mitigated such that the preliminary plat will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the quality of the environment. (PA0669571. DOC; l /00083.900000/ } Preliminary Plat Recommendation p. 6 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9. No critical areas or critical area buffers are on the project site. All environmental impacts were assessed as required by the Washington State Environmental Policy Act. The SEPA responsible officer concluded that the project does not have probable significant adverse environmental impacts and issued a Determination of Nonsignficance (Exhibit 7) on April 11, 2007. Staff has also recommended that the applicant construct a fence to separate the project from wetlands on adjoining property. As mitigated, the project will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the environment. ACC 17.07.070(G): Adequate provisions are made so the preliminary plat will prevent or abate public nuisances. 10. The proposed subdivision is for a residential use that is moderately less dense than adjoining residential development. There is no potential for a nuisance inherent in the proposal. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the application and Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Hearing Examiner recommends approval of the preliminary plat with the conditions recommended in the staff report, Exhibit 16, and the following additional conditions: 1. Fire hydrants shall be located within 150 feet of every dwelling as required by ACC 15.36A.031. 2. Stormwater conveyance and detention shall be designed and constructed as outlined in the Preliminary Storm Drainage Report for Lakeland Area 9 (Exhibit 12). 3. The financial security provided by Lake Tapps Estates for its improvements shall not be used to pay for damage caused by improvement work for the subject subdivision. s+ Dated this ~-" day of ~ , 2007. ~- Phil Olbrechts City of Auburn Hearing Examiner { PA0669571.DOC;1/00083.900000/ } Preliminary Plat Recommendation p. 7 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation