HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-A-1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 4, 2009 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call Mayor Lewis and the following Councilmembers were present: Rich Wagner, Sue Singer, Gene Cerino, Nancy Backus, Bill Peloza, and Virginia Haugen. Councilmember Lynn Norman was excused. Staff members present included: Chief of Police Jim Kelly; Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy; Planning, Building and Community Director Cindy Baker; Information Services Director Lorrie Rempher; Engineering Aide Amber Mund; City Attorney Daniel B. Heid; Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Daryl Faber; Transportation Planner Joe Welsh; Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberlain; Assistant Finance Director Maggie Coleman; Cultural Arts Manager Laurie Rose; Visual/Public Arts Coordinator Maija McKnight; and City Clerk Danielle Daskam. C. Announcements and Appointments 1. Announcements a) King County Veterans and Human Services King County Veterans and Human Services Levy Manager Sadikifu Akina-James provided the Council with an update on services in the area. In 2005, King County voters approved a ballot measure to generate over $13 million annually for six Page 1 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 years to help veterans, military personnel and their families and other individuals and families in need across the county through a variety of housing and supportive services. Half of the revenue generated finances services for veterans, military personnel and their families, including services specific to veterans' needs such as treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. The other half funds regional health and human services, including housing, homelessness prevention, mental health and substance abuse services and employment assistance. Two citizen oversight boards oversee implementation of the levy: the Regional Human Services Levy Oversight Board and the Veterans Citizen Levy Oversight Board. Kathy Lewis is the District Seven representative to the Veterans Citizen Levy Oversight Board. Five investment strategies were established to focus levy efforts and resources:  Enhancing access to services for veterans and their families  Ending homelessness through outreach, prevention, permanent supportive housing and employment  Increasing access to behavioral health services  Strengthening families at risk  Increasing effectiveness of resource management and evaluations Ms. Akina-James thanked Mayor Lewis and Mayor Wise of Enumclaw for their work to bring the levy ballot issue to the voters. Ms. Akina-James distributed an information sheet and levy funding strategy sheets to the Council. Ms. Akina-James was accompanied by Loren Lichte, a nominee for the District 9 position on the Veterans Citizen Levy Oversight Board and Mr. Joel Estey of Page 2 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 King County Veterans Services. Mr. Lichte and Mr. Estey spoke briefly regarding needs of veterans and the services being offered to veterans in the South King County area. b) Puget Sound Regional Council Plaque of Special Appreciation Presented to Deputy Mayor Singer Mayor Lewis presented the Puget Sound Regional Council’s plaque of special appreciation for superlative regional leadership to Auburn Deputy Mayor Sue Singer for her service as President of the Puget Sound Regional Council for the last two years. The award was previously presented to Deputy Mayor Singer at the Puget Sound Regional Council General Assembly meeting. c) Mill Pond Fishing Derby Mayor Lewis and Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Faber introduced Lions Club Member Bob Darrigan to report on the Mill Pond Fishing Derby. Mr. Darrigan reported on the fifth Annual Fishing Derby for special needs youth which was held at Auburn Mill Pond last weekend. Club members and their families joined together to bring this event to Auburn. Approximately 120 special needs children, with their families and their friends participated in this year’s event. Mr. Darrigan thanked the thirteen clubs and organizations that helped sponsor and/or organize the event. Mr. Darrigan thanked the City for its continued support of the fishing derby. d) Proclamation – “Arts Education Month” Mayor Lewis read and presented a proclamation declaring the month of May as “Arts Education Month” in the city of Auburn. Mayor Lewis presented the proclamation to Arts Commission Chair Nancy Colson, Arts Commissioner Leslie Moore, Cultural Arts Manager Laurie Rose and Visual/Public Arts Coordinator Maija McKnight. Chair Colson reported that the Arts Commission is sponsoring a program entitled Art with Artists classes Page 3 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 during the month of May. Chair Colson thanked the City for its support of the arts programs. e) Proclamation – “Relay for Life of Auburn Cancer Walk Days” Mayor Lewis read and presented a proclamation declaring May 15 and 16, 2009 as “Relay for Life of Auburn Cancer Walk Days” in the city of Auburn to JD Drollinger, Chairman of the Auburn Relay for Life Committee. Mr. Drollinger thanked the City for its support of the Relay for Life event. f) Proclamation – “National Day of Prayer” Mayor Lewis declared May 7, 2009 as the “National Day of Prayer” in the city of Auburn. Mayor Lewis presented the proclamation to the representative for Marge Gordon who coordinates the event. g) Proclamation - – “National Police Week and National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day” Mayor Lewis read and presented a proclamation declaring May 15 as Peace Officers’ Memorial Day and the week of May 10-16, 2009 as Police Week in the city of Auburn to Chief of Police Jim Kelly. Mayor Lewis encouraged citizens to commemorate law enforcement officers for their service. Chief Kelly thanked Mayor Lewis and the City Council for their continued support of the Auburn Police Department. 2. Appointments a) Arts Commission City Council confirm the appointment of David Sader to the Arts Commission for a three year term expiring December 31, 2011. Deputy Mayor Singer moved and Councilmember Wagner seconded to confirm the appointment of David Sader to the Arts Commission. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. Page 4 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 D. Agenda Modifications Agenda modifications included the removal of Ordinance No. 6238 from the agenda and the transmittal of a revised exhibit for Resolution No. 4482 transmitted under Item VIII.B.4 of these minutes. II. CITIZEN INPUT, PUBLIC HEARINGS & CORRESPONDENCE A. Public Hearings 1. Application Number V01-09 O3.9 V01-09 City Council to conduct a public hearing on a petition on a st proposal to vacate a portion of the alley located south of 1 Street NE between North Division Street and Auburn Avenue NE in the city of Auburn and legally described in Resolution No. 4455. Engineering Aide Amber Mund presented an oral staff report on the petition for vacation of the remaining 1,983 square feet of the eastern portion of the alley between North Division and Auburn Avenue in the block east of City Hall. The block is currently under construction for the Auburn Professional Plaza and City Hall annex. The western portion of the alley was vacated on August 18, 2008 by Ordinance No. 6195. City departments, other jurisdictions, and utility purveyors reviewed the vacation petition. Staff supports the vacation with the condition that easements are reserved for the City of Auburn sewer facilities and Puget Sound Electric gas and electric facilities located in the right- of-way. Public benefits of the vacation include: decrease in right-of-way maintenance obligation, the property will be subject to property taxes, an increase in the economic viability for redevelopment of the property, and an increase in the flexibility of design and construction for the entire block. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 8:11 p.m. There being no one present to speak regarding the petition for vacation, Mayor Lewis closed the hearing. Page 5 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 (See Item VIII.A.1, Ordinance No. 6225, for further action on this item.) 2. Moratorium – Conditional Use Permits O3.10.1 Resolution No. 4357, adopted May 19, 2008, established an initial six-month moratorium on the filing of applications for conditional use permits (CUP) for property located within the R-2 Single Family Residential District, the R-3 Two-Family (Duplex) Residential District and the C-1 Light Commercial District within the City of Auburn, including, specifically, CUPs pursuant to Section 18.14.030 of the Auburn City Code (ACC), paragraphs (C), (F) and (H) for the R-2 District; CUPs pursuant to Section 18.16.030 ACC, paragraphs (G) and (J) for the R-3 District; and CUPs pursuant to Section 18.26.030 ACC, paragraph (A) for the C-1 District. On April 20, 2009, the Auburn City Council adopted Resolution No. 4472 extending the moratorium for an additional six months. RCW 35A.63.220 requires the Council to conduct a public hearing on this moratorium within sixty days. Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberlain presented an oral staff report regarding the extension of the moratorium. An initial moratorium was established on May 19, 2008 (Resolution No. 4357) for three specific uses in the zones mentioned above. The moratorium was extended an additional six months on December 8, 2008, in order to continue work on the first phase of the code update project. The first phase of the code update, which addresses residential uses, is scheduled to be complete in June 2009. Phase 2 of the code update project, which addresses commercial uses, will be complete in September 2009. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 8:14 p.m. nd Nicole Petrino-Salter, 31021 132 Way SE, Auburn Ms. Petrino-Salter stated that two contracts for the purchase of her property on Lea Hill have fallen through due the moratorium. She urged the council to end the moratorium. Karen L. Campbell, 31049 129th Place SE, Auburn Ms. Campbell stated that she represents one of five families in the C-1 District that has been trying to sell their property Page 6 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 for development. She urged the Council to lift the moratorium. th Dwight Hauck. 31110 129 Avenue SE, Auburn Mr. Hauck spoke against the moratorium and urged the Council to lift the moratorium. nd Michael Salter, 31021 132 Way SE, Auburn Mr. Salter spoke against the moratorium and urged the Council to end the moratorium. nd Rudolph Terry, 31011 132 Avenue SE, Auburn Mr. Terry urged the Council to lift the moratorium and allow conditional use permits in the C1 District. There being no further comment, Mayor Lewis closed the hearing at 8:25 p.m. Mayor Lewis reviewed the history of the moratorium and commented that the moratorium affects districts city-wide. The moratorium was implemented in order allow time for the Council to evaluate conditional use permits in the affected districts. 3. Moratorium – 100 Year Floodplain O3.10.8 Resolution No. 4416, adopted November 17, 2008, established an initial six-month moratorium on the filing, receipt, and approval of applications for development within areas of the city located within, in whole or in part, designated 100 Year Floodplains as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. A six month extension of the moratorium is proposed. City Attorney Heid presented an oral staff report on the proposed extension of the moratorium. The moratorium stems from a lawsuit where the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) sued the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) because of its operation of its flood insurance program alleging that the program was not sufficiently protective of endangered species. Auburn and several other cities throughout the State of Washington that have floodplains within their corporate limits received a Page 7 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 letter from FEMA that warned that if the City issues a permit for construction in the floodplain, the City and developer may be subject to criminal and civil penalties. Staff have been in communication with FEMA and NMFS since last fall. FEMA recently advised that the draft model ordinance is being routed through their agencies. In order to continue to limit liability for the City and developers, it is recommended that the Council extend the moratorium an additional six months to await the model ordinance. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 8:32 p.m. There being no one present to speak regarding the moratorium, Mayor Lewis closed the hearing. (See Item No. VIII.B.1, Resolution No. 4476, for further action on this item.) B. Audience Participation This is the place on the agenda where the public is invited to speak to the City Council on any issue. Those wishing to speak are reminded to sign in on the form provided. Terry Davis of Comcast, 4020 Auburn Way North, Auburn Mr. Davis thanked Mayor Lewis for reconvening the Citizen Arterial Street Task Force to assist the City in looking at the continuing problem of deteriorating arterial and truck route road surfaces. Mr. Davis recalled the original report from the Task Force. He noted that the City moved forward with implementing a one percent tax on utilities for arterial preservation but did not move forward with the capital needs. Mr. Davis reported that the Task Force members have already met and the business community and interested citizens have come together to identify the key priority routes to maintain for local trucks. The Task Force urges the Council to remain open to possible solutions to recondition the arterials and truck routes. Nancy Wyatt, President and Chief Operating Officer of the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce, 108 South Division Street, Auburn Ms. Wyatt urged the Council to provide funding for necessary improvements to the City’s infrastructure over other community improvement investments. Ms. Wyatt stated that by investing in Page 8 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 the City’s infrastructure, specifically the truck routes, the City will be ensuring the continued and future economic success of the city. th Robert Whale of the Auburn Reporter, 37 Street NW, Auburn Mr. Whale is a reporter for the Auburn Reporter. He expressed concern that the Police Department’s daily activity report that ends up as the newspaper’s police blotter now excludes the address of the incident. Mr. Whale stated that he believes that it is the public’s right to know regarding activities in their city. Mayor Lewis requested that Mr. Whale contact him for more information. C. Correspondence There was no correspondence for Council review. III. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS A3.7.6 A. Municipal Services Chair Cerino reported the Municipal Services Committee met April 27, 2009. The Committee approved consent items and discussed Resolution No. 4475 regarding tobacco free parks, and a request from a model airplane club for use of airport facilities. The Committee also received reports related to golf course and restaurant operations, red light photo enforcement, fireworks, and the SCORE regional jail facility. The next meeting of the Municipal Services Committee is scheduled for May 11, 2009. B. Planning & Community Development Vice Chair Backus reported the Planning and Community Development Committee met April 27, 2009. The Committee approved Resolution No. 4477 approving membership in ICLEI, which is local government for sustainability and advancing climate protection, and Resolution No. 4475 regarding tobacco free parks. The Committee also discussed the accomplishments of the Urban Tree Board, the healthcare district overlay, proposed code changes for underground wiring, the code update project including design standards and binding site plan review, and private art. Later that same evening, the Planning and Community Development Committee met in a joint session with the Planning Commission to review the code update project. The next regular meeting of the Planning and Community Development Committee is scheduled for May 11, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. Page 9 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 C. Public Works Chair Wagner reported the Public Works Committee met this afternoon at 3:00. The Committee approved right-of-way permits for the Valley Regional Fire Authority and Scarff Motors and contract administration items including advertisement of the 2009 Local Street Pavement Preservation Project, final pay estimate for the Green River Pump Station Modifications, and a service agreement with Eden Advanced Pest Technologies for mosquito control. The Committee also approved Resolution No. 4478 authorizing an interlocal agreement with King County for road services. The Committee reviewed Ordinance No. 6238 regarding undergrounding utilities, Resolution No. 4480 relating to federal grants, Resolution No. 4477 approving membership in ICLEI, which is local government for sustainability and advancing climate protection, the design standards updates, and capital projects. The next regular meeting of the Public Works Committee is scheduled for May 18, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. D. Finance Chair Backus reported the Finance Committee met this evening at 6:30. The Committee approved consent items consisting of claims and payroll vouchers and Ordinance No. 6236 regarding water utility fees and Resolution No. 4482 regarding a lease agreement between the City and the Valley Regional Fire Authority. The Committee also discussed Resolution No. 4478 authorizing an interlocal agreement with King County for road services, and an agreement with AOT Public Safety for tracking and billing services related to false alarms. Chair Backus also spoke about a citizen in her neighborhood who walks the streets routinely to pick up litter and garbage for the betterment of the neighborhood. The next regular meeting of the Finance Committee is scheduled for May 18, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. Page 10 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 E. Community Center Chair Wagner reported the Community Center Committee met April 24, 2009 to review bids received for the construction of the community center and activity building. The City received bids from nineteen qualified contractors. The low bids were approximately 25 percent under the engineer’s estimate. The City has a May 31 deadline to accept or reject the bids; however, an extension of the deadline may be possible. The next meeting of the Community Center Committee has not be scheduled. Councilmember Wagner commented on the City’s funding for streets and the fact that the state’s funding for street repair and construction has steadily decreased over the years. Councilmember Wagner noted that the City of Auburn is one of a few cities in the region that does not have a community center. He expressed disappointment that funding for the construction of the community center must compete with funding for arterial street improvements. F. Downtown Redevelopment The Downtown Redevelopment Committee has not met since the last Council meeting. IV. REPORTS At this time the Mayor and City Council may report on significant items associated with their appointed positions on state, regional and local organizations. A. From the Council Deputy Mayor Singer reported on meetings with the Washington State Transportation Commission regarding regional road needs and meetings on regional coordination for federal stimulus funds. She also reported on her attendance at the Cities and Schools Forum, the volunteer luncheon, a Tourism Board meeting, the Puget Sound Regional Council General Assembly meeting, and a meeting of the downtown catalyst project redevelopment team. Councilmember Wagner reported he attended the volunteer luncheon at the Senior Center. Councilmember Cerino reported he attended the Puget Sound Regional Council General Assembly meeting. Page 11 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 Councilmember Peloza reported on his attendance at the Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 9 meeting where the main topic of discussion was the 2010 Budget and work plan. Councilmember Peloza also reported on his attendance at the King County Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee meeting. Councilmember Peloza stated that the life of the Cedar Hills landfill has been extended to the year 2018 due to compaction and reduction in the waste stream. Councilmember Peloza also reported that King County is establishing a hazardous waste drop center in the Supermall which will be open twice a month beginning in July. Councilmember Haugen reported that she attended the volunteer luncheon at the Senior Center. B. From the Mayor Mayor Lewis presented a briefing on the 2009 Budget utilizing a PowerPoint presentation. Mayor Lewis reviewed the annual sales and use tax revenues for the past six years which reflects a steady drop in sales and use tax beginning in 2007-2008 in part due to streamlined sales tax. Although the City receives state mitigation for the streamlined sales tax, revenues continue to decrease. Mayor Lewis also displayed a graph of revenues from charges and services. Revenues from charges for services are cyclical and dependent on the time of year. Revenue from development and permitting fees has also steadily decreased and may have leveled out recently. Mayor Lewis reviewed the real estate excise tax revenue from 2004-2009, which is now at a lower level than 2004. Mayor Lewis reviewed the 2008 Budget reductions of $3,272,100 in the General Fund and $480,600 in other funds. The 2008 Budget reductions included a 2.5% budget reduction and the freezing of 22 positions. Amendment 1 to the 2009 Budget included a reduction in the General Fund of $2,184,475 and $884,745 in other funds, which included freezing 11.25 positions. Amendment No. 2 to the 2009 Budget includes union concessions and unaffiliated reductions, removal of temporary salaries and a reduction in force (24 positions) reducing the General Fund by $892,206 and $479,594 from other funds. Mayor Lewis stated with the reductions already implemented the City can continue to offer the best level of services possible. V. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed. Page 12 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 A. Minutes 1. Minutes of the April 20, 2009 regular City Council meeting. 2. Minutes of the April 23, 2009 special City Council meeting. B. Vouchers F4.9.2, F4.9.5 1. Claims Claims check numbers 384812 through 385212 in the amount of $2,083,466.84 and dated May 4, 2009. 2. Payroll Payroll check numbers 526313 to 526422 in the amount of $356,871.25 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,193,398.98 for a grand total of $1,550,270.23 for the pay period covering April 16, 2009 to April 29, 2009. C. Contract Administration 1. Public Works Project Number CP0804 O4.11.1 CP0804 City Council approve Final Pay Estimate No. 2 to Contract 08-23 in the amount of $7,295.25, for a total contract price of $62,766.59, with Gary Harper Construction and accept construction of Project No. CP0804, Green River Pump Station Modifications. 2. Police Department Agreement A3.16.8 City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with AOT Public Safety for administrative services related to false alarms in the City of Auburn. 3. Public Works Agreement Number AG-S-025 A3.16.9 City Council grant permission to enter into Service Agreement No. AG-S-025 with Eden Advanced Pest Technologies for mosquito control at wet stormwater ponds. Page 13 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 4. Public Works Project Number CP0901 O4.9.1 CP0901 City Council grant permission to advertise for bids for Project No. CP0901, 2009 Local Street Pavement Preservation. Deputy Mayor Singer moved and Councilmember Wagner seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business. VII. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. VIII. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS A. Ordinances 1. Ordinance No. 6225 O3.9 V01-09 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, approving the vacation of a portion of the alley st south of 1 Street NE between North Division Street and Auburn Avenue NE Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Cerino seconded to introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6225. Councilmember Haugen indicated she would vote no on Ordinance No. 6225 in keeping with her previous votes on alley vacations. MOTON CARRIED. 5-1. Councilmember Haugen voted no. 2. Ordinance No. 6229 A1.12.1 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, creating a new Chapter 2.96 of the Auburn City Page 14 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 Code relating to the Auburn International Farmers Market Advisory Board Councilmember Backus moved and Councilmember Peloza seconded to introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6229. In response to questions from Councilmember Haugen, Councilmember Peloza stated that the Farmers Market steering committee submitted an application to become a nonprofit organization, but the committee later decided to go under the auspices of the City of Auburn. Councilmember Peloza spoke in favor of Ordinance No. 6229 and thanked the Mayor and Council for their support and the steering committee members for the dedication. Councilmember Peloza stated that the Farmers Market will provide an economic development boost to the downtown area as well as offer farm fresh products to the public. The market will open June 14, 2009. Councilmember Haugen stated that she has reservations regarding the planning process for the market and will vote no on the ordinance. Councilmember Wagner spoke in favor of Ordinance No. 6229 and commended Councilmember Peloza on working through the market formation issues in a business-like fashion getting expert advice and sound financial estimations. MOTION CARRIED. 5-1. Councilmember Haugen voted no. a) Appointments Auburn International Farmers Market Advisory Board City Council to confirm the following appointments to the Auburn International Farmers Market Advisory Board: Three year terms expiring December, 31, 2011: Trudy Viola Ginther Page 15 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 Burr W. Mosby Ronnie Roberts Margaret Greenslit Two year terms expiring December 31, 2010: Jeff Viney Paula Wiech One year terms expiring December 31, 2009 Joanne Macnab Deputy Mayor Singer moved and Councilmember Wagner seconded to confirm the appointments to the Auburn International Farmers Market Advisory Board. Councilmember Peloza spoke regarding the selection process for the advisory board members. The intent was to create a mix of members, including a local farmer, a local master gardener, a local business member, market experience, and continuity of steering committee members. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. 3. Ordinance No. 6236 F4.3 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Section 13.06.511 of the Auburn City Code relating to water utility service fees Councilmember Backus moved and Deputy Mayor Singer moved to introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6236. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. 4. Ordinance No. 6238 O4.9 An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Section 13.32.030 of the Auburn City Code relating to undergrounding utilities Ordinance No. 6238 was removed from the agenda. Page 16 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 B. Resolutions 1. Resolution No. 4476 O3.10.8 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, extending the moratorium created and established by Resolution No. 4416, as amended by Resolution No. 4442, related to the filing, receipt, and approval of applications for development within areas of the City located within, in whole or in part, floodplains as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Administration Councilmember Backus moved and Councilmember Wagner seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4476. MOTION CARRIED. 5-1. Councilmember Haugen voted no. 2. Resolution No. 4477 O3.7.4 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, relating to the City joining the Local Governments for Sustainability (“ICLEI”) Councilmember Backus moved and Councilmember Wagner seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4477. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. Page 17 City of Auburn Council Meeting Minutes May 4, 2009 3. Resolution No. 4478 A1.3 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Interlocal Agreement with King County for the purpose of providing road services Councilmember Wagner moved and Councilmember Cerino seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4478. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. 4. Resolution No. 4482 A3.17, O2.7 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum No. 1 to the Lease Agreement for use of City owned property between the City of Auburn and the Valley Regional Fire Authority Councilmember Backus moved and Councilmember Peloza seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4482. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m. APPROVED THE ______ DAY OF MAY, 2009. Peter B. Lewis, Mayor Danielle Daskam, City Clerk City Council agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk’s Office, on the City website, and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk’s Office and at the Library. Internet: http://www.auburnwa.gov Page 18