HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-A CTTY OF 0 Memorandum * AIJBURN 4YA5HINCaTC'fN TO: Planning Commission FROM: Kevin Snyder, AICP, Assistant Director/ Chris Andersen, Senior Planner CC: Cindy Baker, AICP, Director- Planning, Building & Community Department Dennis Dowdy, P.E., Public Works Director Dennis Selle, P.E., City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director Ingrid Gaub, P.E. Assistant City Engineer DATE: June 24, 2009 SUBJECT: Code Update Project - Phase 2 At the July 7, 2009 meeting of the Planning Commission, staff will provide the Commission with an overview of the schedule and work program for Phase 2 of the Code Update Project. ~ Please find attached a list of issues that have been identified to be addressed as part the Phase 2 effort. The listed issues are based on staff input, prior focus group input from early 2008, one-on-one community member interviews conducted by BHC Consultants, Inc, in the Fall of 2008, and input from the citizen advisory Code Working Group and the City Council Planning and Community Development (PCD) Committee provided during Phase 1 of the project. At their meeting on June 22, 2009, the PCD Committee further refined and prioritized the list of issues and requested that staff provide information at the PCD Committee special meeting on June 30th regarding expected level of effort to address the priority issues. Based on the direction of the PCD Committee at that upcoming meeting, staff will finalize the schedule for the Phase 2 work and present that information to Commissioners at the July 7th Commission meeting. ~ REVISED DRAFT ~ Code Update Project Phase 2- Issues to be addressed PRIORITY PHASE 2 ISSUES: ➢ Resolution of C-1 Zone Moratorium Issues. Develop code amendments as appropriate to address the underlying issues of the current Conditional Use Permit moratorium for multi-family development in the C-1 Light Commercial zoning district. ➢ Temporarv Uses. A review of whether a broader range of uses should be provided for under the City's Temporary Use permit process and the processing of most temporary uses at a staff review level rather than a Hearing Examiner public hearing level. ➢ Expanded Non-Industrial Uses in Liqht Industrial Zoninp District. Consideration of expanded allowable non-industrial land uses within the M-1 or Light Industrial zoning district to create additional job and revenue generation opportunities. ➢ Sustainabilitv (scope of this topic to be determined). Review and recommendations for opportunities to include sustainable principles, standards, and practices in the City's zoning regulations. This is a very broad topic, and some refinement in the scope of this effort as it ~ relates to the City's zoning code is anticipated. ➢ Environmental Park (EP) District. Build on the recent review and evaluation work that has been done for the EP District and develop amendments to the code that will better provide for the types of uses and development that the City would like to see in this zone. ➢ Downtown Parkinq standards. Review and update of the City's Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards for the Downtown Urban Center. OTHER PHASE 2 ISSUES: Administrative vs. Conditional Uses. A review of those uses that are currently treated as Conditional Uses requiring a public hearing and decision by the Hearing Examiner and whether some of those should be processed as an Administrative Use approval. Flexible Development- Commercial and Industrial Uses. Completion of the flexible development matrix in Chapter 18.49 ACC established under Phase 1 of the Code Update to include Commercial and Industrial, and development. Review to determine whether the flexible development approach would be also be appropriate for the development of ~ institutional uses such as churches. Revised 6/24/2009 1 of 2 0 Establishment of a Site Plan Review process. Evaluation and if appropriate, creation of new site plan review process for the City. Airport-related repulations. Evaluate airport land use compatibility issues, update the City's Landing Field Zoning District, and creation of a runway protection zone (possible overlay) to meet Federal Aviation Administration runway clear area requirements for Auburn Municipal Airport. Special Plan Area requlations. Creation of implementing regulations for Auburn Special Plan Area Comprehensive Plan policies. Special Plan areas include Northeast Auburn, Auburn North Business District, Academy, Lakeland Hills, Lakeland Hills South, Downtown, Mount Rainier Vista, Stuck River Road, Rail Yard, and Lakeview. Currently, the goals and policies for some Special Plan Areas in the Comprehensive Plan are used to guide development in those areas. Phase 2 would establish specific corresponding development regulations to implement adopted Special Plan area policies. Parkinq standards (remaininq zones). Review and update of the City's Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards for areas of the City outside of the Downtown Urban Center. Previous Directors interpretations (non-residential). Staff will review and recommend ~ appropriate code amendments relating to zoning issues that have previously required clarification as evidenced by past Planning Director Administrative Interpretations. Phase 1 implementation items. It is anticipated that as the Phase 1 amendments are implemented, there may be items requiring clarification and/or correction for more efficient implementation of the Phase 1 amendments. These items will be tracked by staff and brought forward with the Phase 2 amendments for City Council consideration. ~ Revised 6/24/2009 2 of 2