HomeMy WebLinkAbout5891 Exhibit A CPM #1-#5 EXHIBIT A .~ , e CPM#1 To amend the Comprehensive Plan Map from "Single Family Residential" to "Moderate Density Residential" for properties both within and outside of the Lakeland Hills South Special Plan Area. For those parcels presently outside of the special plan area, the proposal is to incorporate them into the Lakeland Hills South Special Plan Area. (STR 05-20-05) e e PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENT ~ e " o 3 ::; o ~ · o 3 ,; z · z ~ ¡; " · o · z /' Ö NOTE: AREA 16 REFLECTS AN EXPANSION OF THE LAKELAND HILLS SOUTH SPECIAL PLAN AREA t 200' 400' , CPM # 1 SCALE: 1" 400' ø PROPOSED CHANGE AREA LLLL/CITY LIMITS " A'~'" AC~:'.~'--v.,"-- n;gß '._'-'<",~;i' WASHING10 Located in: W 05-20-05 NOTE: The following text amendment to the lakeland Hills South Special Planning Area text in Chapter 14 is approved in conjunction with CPM#1. CHAPTER 14 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP Lakeland Hills South Special Planning Area: The Lakeland Hills South Plan will initiallv covered tI1€ approximately 685 acres owned by The Lakeland Company within Pierce County and contained within the City of Auburn potential annexation area (urban growth area). The Plan j§ intended toffHJ£t be consistent with the conditions of approval of the Lakeland Hills South PDD (Pierce County Hearings Examiner Case No. Z15-90JUP9-70) as amended. The City of Auburn has accepted the Lakeland Hills South PUD as an approved PUD. This acceptance is implemented in part throuqh an annexation and utilities aqreement between the City and the developer of Lakeland Hills South PUD. The Lakeland Hills South PUD is further implemented bv the City's zoninq code, includinq ACC Chapter 18.76 entitled "Planned Unit Development District - Lakeland Hills South Special Plan Area". Residential development within the PUD is '.vill be primarily single family and moderate density dwellings with a wide range of lot sizes, including lots smaller than those Gurrcntly tvpicallv allowed (1995) by the City's zoning ordinance for non-PUD's. The maximum allowable number of residential units provided for oriqinallv wasi& 3.408 based upon an overall gross density of 5 units per acre. High density multifamily units are limited to one area of the PUDwill be limited to approximately 669 units. Twenty acres-willare to be used for light commercial development and significant area has will been set aside as open space. The development will include.§. a developed 15-acre park, an undeveloped 15-acre park, two 5-acre parks and a linear park along Lakeland Hills Way. The locations of the parks are shown on the comprehensive plan map, Changing the location of any or all of the parks does not constitute a comprehensive plan amendment provided that the total park acreage does not change and the location is agreed upon by the City. Page 14-11 I Compo Plan Map Within the Lakeland Hills South Special Plan area only, the permitted density ranges for the comprehensive plan designations are as follows: Single Family Residential: 1-6 units per acre; Moderate Density Residential: 2-14 units per acre; and High Density Residential: 12-19 units per acre. The development j§wiII occurrinq in phases in coordination with the provision of required urban services. Some of the unique 3spects of this development are inGonsistent ','\lith the CitY'Ð Gonventional zoning districts. In order to implement and effiGiently prOGeÐÐ development within the Lakeland SpeGi31 Plan Area, it may be necesÐary to adopt a planned unit dovolopment ordinanGe. In 2004, the developer of Lakeland Hills South PUD requested an expansion to the Lakeland Hills South PUD involvinq several parcels totalinQ approximatelv 77 acres - brinqinq the total PUD acreaqe to approximatelv 762 acres. The proposal desiqnated these additional parcels as "Moderate Densitv Residential" (from "Sinqle Familv Residential") with the objective of increasinq the total number of units allowed in the PUD from 3.408 to approximatelv 3,658. In considerinq expansion to the PUD, the Citv established provisions and conditions to be followed durinq subsequent review of land use actions affectinQ the PUD expansion area. These include: 1. Expansion of the Lakeland Hills South PUD and the amendment to a "Moderate Densitv Residential" comprehensive plan desiqnation (from "Sinqle Familv Residential") shall expire and revert back to a "Sinqle Familv Residential" Comprehensive Plan desiqnation if the applicant fails to complete a rezone as required bv ACC Section 18.76.170(C) to extend the exterior boundaries of the PUD prior to December 1, 2005. This condition shall not applv if the applicant has made a qood faith effort to execute the rezone and a delav is associated with elements other than the applicant's delav in filinq for a rezone in a timelv manner. 2. The rezone and anv related applications shall demonstrate that the northernmost approximatelv 20-acres adiacent to and contiquous with the Lakeland Hills South PUD neiqhborhoods of Everqreen and Eastpointe shall not be developed as "for rent", "semi-detached" or "attached" housinq products so that the existinQ sinqle familv residential character can transition to and be extended into the subject parcels. Development within this northerlv 20 acres shall be restricted to utilizinQ the development standards no more intense than "Sinqle Familv Detached (SFD)" provisions of ACC Chapter 18.76. Page 14-21 e CPM#2 To amend the Comprehensive Plan Map from "Public/Quasi-Public" to "Light . Industrial" for properties located on the south side of 49th Street NW, west of Auburn . Way North. (Parcel No.'s 9360000152 and 9360000166) (STR 36-22-04) e e /' /''/ e . e f . , PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENT /////././/// ./ I "- CHANGE FROM PUBUC - QU TO UGHT INDUSTRIAl ,... ¡. SCALE: 1" = 200' PUBU CPM # 2 cWY 'c__'~^' ,__ CT,,>:r~77.f1.tI ø PROPOSED CHANGE AREA CPM #3 To amend the Comprehensive Plan Map from "Light Industrial" to "Heavy Commercial" at 715 30th Street NE (NW Corner of 30th Street NE and I Street NE) (Parcel Number 0004000026). (STR 06-21-05) CPM #3 is not approved (see following pages). CPM #3 is not approved Instead, the text for Chapter 14 of the Comprehensive Plan is amended as follows lNew text in Bold Underline} "Problems Related to Existing Uses West Auburn Area: South of West Main between the rail lines. Problem: This is an older part of town developed in a pattern of commercial uses along Main Street and residential uses south to Highway 18. This area is in the Region Serving Area as designated in this Plan. The homes in this area are typically older singer family homes that have been converted to multi-family housing. Some may have historic significance, Preservation and restoration of the existing housing in this area is apriority. Policy II!.H, This area should be planned for local serving multiple family uses even though it is in the Region Serving Area, Western and Clay Streets Area: Existing residential area north of West Main Street served by Western and Clay Streets, Problem: There is an established residential area in the middle of a designated industrial area, This Plan recognizes the desire of the area's residents to maintain residential use, However, economic pressure coupled with adjacent development patterns will ultimately convert this area to other uses, Policy IlL!. As long as this area remains viable as a residential area, City policy will try to support that use in assessing the industrial development of adjacent areas, Airport Area Area: Industrially designated area east of the Airport. Problem: This area is highly suited for air related activities. Other industrial type uses are now located here. Policy IIl,J. The City will encourage use in this area to take advantage of its proximity to the Airport, 30th and I Street Area: Northwest corner of I street NE and 30th Street NE Problem: This area includes property that is desianated "Liaht Industrial" and is located within the community servina area of the city. It is the only "Liaht Industrial" desi~nated parcel in the Auburn Way North/l Street NE corridor from about 12 Street NE to the north citv limits. The property is occupied by a liaht industrial non-profit business. Policv III.K. No further expansion of the "Liaht Industrial" plan desianation in the communitv servin a area is appropriate. Retention of the "Liaht Industrial" desianation for this propertv is onlv appropriate so lona as liaht industrial use of the property remains compatible with the surroundina heavy commercial and hiah density r esidentialland uses," e CPM #4 To amend Auburn's Potential Annexation Area/Urban Services Area to inçlude additional property and right-of-way and des-ignate the property as "Single Family Residential". (STR 05-20-05) e e PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENT ~ " o 3 ::; o o " · o 3 ,; z · z ~ ~ /' ~ ~ o · Z /' Ö fINGLE FAMILY RESIDE~TIAL I ' NOTE: I THIS PORTION '-~~~~~l~-l OF PM EXPANSION L._~~! TO BE PERMANENT UPON EXECUTION OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH THE CITY W OF BONNEY LAKE W > '" " z ru ~ t 200' .,.. CPM # 4 SCALE: 1" = 400' ø PROPOSED CHANGE AREA LLLL.'CITY llMITS ÂUBÛ ' - ,"',,)^~" W^~It!N(;TOK Located in: SE 05-20-OS e CPM#5 To amend the comprehensive plan map from "Moderate Density Residential" to "Light Commercial" for certain properties locªted on A Street SE (east side), south of Lakeland Hills Way. (STR 05-21-31) e e I . 1\ i\ ~ 1\ i\ !\ I !\ I III ~ ~I ~ - I) III i\ C/) ~ I~ I~ I 1\ I ~ I \ I \ I \ I \ \ I~ ~ k ~ i\ f\ ~ !i i\ ¡I r\i\ ! :1 Ii:, ¡//i/ I ! ' '" -. ¡ S~ALE: I" = 2~O' PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENT I' I II \ ¡ I II I I ( ( //-:~~, ~~/ ~~ LAKELAND r \-\l"-~ e Moderate Density Residential to Light Commercial .> < e I o o , , , , , , i. -ì i I CPM # 5 ø PROPOSED CHANGE AREA ~ L-"'::L/""~" , 'In"''' , ~,,_., __.. r'''''" ..., ",..