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AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of
Auburn, Washington, amending Chapter 5.22 of the
Auburn City Code, and providing for residential
housing business license and crime free strategies
and fees
WHEREAS, in connection with the City's activities to address the problems
occurring in rental and higher density residential areas of the City, the City, established
Chapter 5.22 of the City Code to work with the rental housing and multi-family
residential complex owners and managers, in providing coordination and training, to
assist in better controlling the problems and addressing the social concerns incident to
such locales; and,
WHEREAS, in furtherance of that approach, the City has reviewed its ordinance
and strategy for addressing said problems and concerns; and,
WHEREAS, the City desires to insure that there are multiple options and steps
that could be taken to address problems short of license revocation; and,
WHEREAS, in order to more effectively address the problem and to apply greater
enforcement consistency, certain changes were developed, as set forth herein.
Section 1.
That Chapter 5.22 of the Auburn City Code is amended to read as
Chapter 5.22
Ordinance No. 5882
January 4, 2005
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Business license - Fee.
Advisory board on rental housinqmullifamily rm;idenlial complexes.
Rental housinq Multifamily residential oomplex enforcement criteria.
License application - Required - Form.
License application - Approval or disapproval procedure.
License - Display - Nontransferability - Responsibility.
License - Revocation.
Employment of law enforcement officers.
Duty to comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations
- Business license revocation.
Reimbursement for transitional costs.
Violation - Penalty.
Nonexclusive enforcement.
5.22.010 Definitions.
The followinq words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the
meaninqs set forth below:
A. "Multifamily residential complox," 3S used in this ohapter, me3ns any complex
of eight (8) or more re!>idential unite of 3ny nature or oh3r3cler on one property or on
aej3cent property owned by the !>ame person, person!> or business entity, or multiples
thereof and/or oombinations thereof, or eight (8) or more suoh multifamily residential
properties looated within the city of I\uburn, not on adjaoent properties but owned, in
whole or in part, by the !>3me owner(c). By W3Y of iIIustr3tion, the term "multifamily
residenti31 oomplex" includes, but is not limited to, 3partment oomplexes, mobile home
parks, rental recidenti31 dwellings or oombinations thereof,
J;,-"Rental housinqMultif3mily residential complex owners," as used in this
chapter, means the individualí.§l and/or individuals, p3rtnership(s), oorporation(s) or 3ny
oombination thereof business entities owning or having an ownership interest in any
multibmily recidenti31 complex or oomplexes rental housinq unit(s) within the city of
GB. "Non-owner managers," as used in this chapter, means any person(s) or
business entity hired or engaged for the purpose of providing management services for
any multifamily residential complex(es)rental housinq units within the city of Auburn,
where the manager(s) has/have no ownership in the multihoucing complexrental
housinq units being managed.
C. "Rental unit" means any dwellinq unit in the City which is occupied pursuant to
a lawful rental aqreement, oral or written, express or implied. which is not owned by its
occupant(s) as a condominium unit or cooperative unit on the effective date of this
ordinance provision. For the purposes hereof, rental housinq and rental units shall have
the same meaninq unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
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January 4, 2005
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€cD. "Residential unit," as used in this chapter, means a buildinq or portion of a
buildinq intended to be occupied by one (1) family and containinq sleepinq, eatinq.
cookinq and sanitation facilities as required by this code.
FE. "Onqoinq criminal activity," as used in this chapter, occurs when:
(a) within any six (6) month period, the property of a rental housinq business
which is subject to the licensinq requirements of this chapter, and which has UP to ten
(10) rental units, is the location for three (3) or more crimes. as defined by the Revised
Code of Washinqton or the Auburn Municipal Code. as a result of three (3) or more
separate factual incidents that have been independently investiqated by any law
enforcement aqency: or
(b) within any twelve (12) month period. the property of a rental housinq business
which is subject to the licensinq requirements of this chapter, and which has more than
ten (10) rental units, is the location for three (3) or more crimes, as defined by the
Revised Code of Washinqton or the Auburn Municipal Code, as a result of three (3) or
more separate factual incidents that have been independently investiqated by any law
enforcement aqenCy.7
F. "Onqoinq nuisance activity," as used in this chapter, occurs when:
(a) within any six (6) month period, the property of a rental housinq business
which is subject to the licensinq requirements of this chapter. and which has UP to ten
(10) rental units, is the location for three (3) or more nuisance activities. as defined by
the Auburn Municipal Code. as a result of three (3) or more separate factual incidents
that have been independently investiqated by any law enforcement aqency: or
(b) within any twelve (12) month period, the property of a rental housinq business
which is subject to the licensinq requirements of this chapter, and which has more than
ten (10) rental units, is the location for three (3) or more nuisance activities, as defined
by the Auburn Municipal Code. as a result of three (3) or more separate factual
incidents that have been independently investiqated by any law enforcement aqency.
G. "Rental housinq business," as used in this chapter, means any person,
company, association or entity that rents or leases, or makes available for rent or lease
one or more rental units for rent or lease as residential units. (Ord. 5651 § 1, 2002.)
5.22.020 Business license - Fee.
Each rental housinq multif3mily recidenti31 complex business operatinq in the
city, as defined herein, shall obtain and maintain in good standing a "rental housinq
multifamily residential oomplex business license" issued by the city in accordance with
the procedures of this chapter and this title.
A. The fee for a rental housinq muJtibmily residenti3l oomplex business license
shall be $<15.00 per year for the multihousing oomplex businessas set forth in the City of
Auburn Fee Schedule.
B. The business license fee shall be for the fiscal year (July 1st through June
30th), and each applicant for the business license must pay the full business license fee
for the current fiscal year or portion thereof during which the applicant has engaged in
business, regardless of when during the fiscal year the license is obtained.
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January 4, 2005
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C. Duly lioensed multibmily residential complex businesses, as defined in this
ohapter, &hall not also be required to oomply with the bu&iness regi&tmtion requirements
of Chapter 5.10 ACC unless the business also engages in business aotivities falling
outside the definition of multif{1mily residential complex businesses and the parameters
of the provisions of this chapterThe rental housinq business license fee required by this
chapter is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the qeneral business license fee required by
Chapters 5.05 and 5,10 of the City Code: provided, however. that any person required
to obtain a rental housinq business license must also obtain a qeneral business license.
at no cost. pursuant to Chapters 5.05 and 5.10 of the City Code.. (Ord. 5651 § 1, 2002.)
5.22.030 Advisory board on rental housinqmultifamily residential oomplexes.
There is hereby established as an advisory board to the city, to be known as the
advisory board on rental housinqmultifamily residenti31 complexes. The advisory board
shall be comprised of interested owners and managers of rental housinq
unitsmultifamily reGÌdenti31 complexes and other interested persons, appointed by the
mayor to serve on an as-needed basis. The police chief or designee shall serve as an
ex officio member of the board. The advisory board shall meet not less than quarterly,
or as needed. The advisory board shall act in an advisory capacity and assist aAG
advise the city, as needed. in connection with rental housinq multifamily rOGidential
oomplex related issues in the city and regionally, including:
A. Facilitate cooperation and coordination with the city police department on
rental housinq multifamily residential complex issues;
B. Recommend to the city programs and strategies to enhance community
awareness of rental housinq multif3mily rOGidenti31 oomplex related issues:
C. Recommend approaches for rental housinq multifamily residential complox
training programs, including city and police sponsored training;
D. Develop networking and strategies for city police to deal with rental housinq
multifamily residenti31 complex issues and develop partnership and support programs,
educational programs, consistent crime-free approaches, "no-tolerance for crime,"
property protection and preparation programs;
E. Coordinate, develop and disseminate procedures for tenant screening, rental
housinq multibmily residential oomplox agreements (including language to include
enforcement of rules and protection of facilities and neighborhoods), eviction techniques
and strategies;
F. Proyide ongoing management resources, including regular, periodic meetings,
telephone and other response strategies;
G. Monitor inappropriate activities by owners, managers and operators of rental
housinq unitsmultifamily residential oomplexes, and counsel said owners, managers
and operators in reasonable alternatives such monitorinq to be done throuqh the
receipt of complaints or by any other leqally viable method;
H. Promote strong ties and build mutually beneficial relationships between police
and rental housinq multifamily residential complex operators, by teachinq inoluding
methods for recognizing illegal activity, identifying and reporting crimes, knowing police
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January 4, 2005
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functions and roles, exchanging information with police and other agencies and by usinq
any other reasonable method;
I. Develop linkages to other agencies and resources, including the fire
department, HUD and Section 8 Programs, Safe Streets, Neighborhood Watch, etc.;
J. Develop and/or identify dispute resolution alternatives, and similar resources
that may be utilized in disputes between the owners, managers and operators of rental
housinq unitsmultifamily residenti31 oomplexes and tenants, and others with interests
K. Recognize and incorporate programs and procedures that identify and reflect
cultural influences, and sensitivities, and which promote qreater understanding of
differences in the tenant/community population;
L. Act as an unoffioial liaison between the rental housinq multibmily residential
cemplex community and the police department whenever possible;
M. Partner, on behalf of the city, with other agencies or entities to seek programs
and grants to support and enhance rental housinq multifamily residential stock in the
city; and
N. Participate in such other and related roles and functions as requested by the
city. (Ord. 5651 § 1, 2002.)
5.22.040 Rental housinq Multifamily residential oomplex business license
enforoement criteria.
A. Manaqers and operators of rental housinq businesses shall comply with the
criteria established in this section and chapter in order to maintain their rental housinq
business license in qood standinq as required by ACC 5.22.020. The city shall identify
and communicate with the managers and operators of rental housinq multifamiJy
resideAtia1- complex businesses. as it deems appropriate, reqardinq the criteria
established in this chapter. in the city generally predictable/identifiable enforcement
oriteria, and The city shall establish forums for information sharing and enforcement
review, as it deems appropriate, in order to encouraqe voluntarv compliance with these
criteria prior to mandatorv enforcement. Rental housinq business owners or their non-
owner manaqers shall comply as necessary with the followinq specific criteria as well as
all other requirements of this chapter in order to maintain their business license in qood
standinqThe oity polioe dep3rtment shall promote a business license enforcement
ctrategy generally based on the f-ollo'A'ing priority:
1. Attendance and participation in cGrime-free housing training programs when
such are offered by the Auburn Police Department or other city department and the
license holder is qiven written notice to attend - attendance and participation may be
required by the City whenever a residential unit is the location for any criminal or
nuisance activity which results in an arrest for criminal activity or the issuance of an
infraction citation in the case of a nuisance. whether or not the arrestee or cited person
is a tenant;
2. Mutually derived crime prevention strategies as established and aqreed to by
and between the City and the rental housinq owner and/or manaqer;
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January 4, 2005
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3. City directed crime prevention strategies. If the implementation of criteria 1
and 2 is unsuccessful in eliminatinq reoccurrinq criminal or nuisance activity the city will
notify the rental housinq business owner or manaqer in writinq of the requirement to
comply with a particular city directed crime prevention strateqy. The city may implement
a city directed crime prevention strateqy whenever a residential unit is the location for
any criminal or nuisance activity which results in an arrest or issuance of a citation
whether or not the person arrested or cited is a tenant. Strateqies will be reasonably
tailored to particular location and situation and will be consistent with strateqies
implemented by other municipalities in similar situations. Strategies will be consistent
with "best praotices" taught in cost free city training and industry ctandards;
4. Upon written request the rental housinq owner or manaqer shall allow
inspection In&peotion of tfle-rental housinq residential units of multif.amily residential
complexe& consistent with their ability to do so under the requirements of the landlord-
tenant statutes of the State of Washinqton and the Auburn City Code. The City may
with the leqally obtained consent of an occupant or owner, or pursuant to a lawfully
issued warrant. enter any buildinq, structure or premises in the City to inspect or
perform any duty imposed by this code;lt is provided. however, that exoept in the oace
of emergencies or other exigent oircum&tanoes. or in instancec where it is impraotioable
or unreasonable to provide 3dvanoe notice, such inspeotionc shall be preoeded by not
leGs than 18 hours' advanoe notioe to the tenants;
5. In the event that reoccurrinq criminal or nuisance activity continues at any
particular location which is subiect to the licensinq requirements of this chapter and the
imposition of criteria 1 - 4 has failed to eliminate the reoccurrinq criminal or nuisance
activity at the location, the rental housinq owner may hire security officers selected by
the manaqer-operator. Voluntary implementation of manaqer-operator selected security
shall stay revocation of the business license so lonq as the security is effective in
eliminatinq the reoccurrinq criminal and/or nuisance activity at said licensed location;
6. In the event that criminal or nuisance activity continues to occur at any
particular location which is subject to the licensinq requirements of this chapter and the
imposition of criteria 1 - 4 and implementation of criteria 5 has failed to eliminate
reoccurrinq criminal or nuisance activity at the particular location the rental housinq
owner may request or aqree to City directed off-duty police security. Voluntarv
implementation of City directed off-duty police security shall stay revocation of the
business license so lonq as the security is effective in eliminatinq onqoinq criminal
and/or nuisance activity at the particular licensed location;
7. In the event that the rental housinq business owner does not comply with
criteria 1 - 6, above the city may revoke the rental housinq business owner's license.
Business license revocation shall be the - ultimate resort for enforcement purposes.
Business license revocation shall occur as otherwise set out in this chapter.
B. The criteria listed above shall be implemented in a priority beqinninq with
criteria 1 and endinq with criteria 7. It is envisioned that most problems can be resolved
by participation in crime-free housing training and implementation of its recommended
practices. Failure to participate in strategies in subsections ffil(11 through @41 of this
section may subject the licensedfregistered party to revocation. Any expense incurred in
Ordinance No. 5882
January 4, 2005
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connection with subsections ®(21 through i51 of this section will be borne by the
licensed/registered party. Provided, that thi£ priority shall be a guide, with aotu31
requirements for the licensed/registered party refleoting measured, appropri3te
determinations based on the level of £eriousne&s of violations, the enforoement hiGtory
and other relevant factors. It is further provided that the "inspection of the residential
units of rental housinq unitsmultifamily re&idential oomplexes," subsectionitem-®(41 of
this sectionabove, includes inspection of residential units in the complex for any
applicable health, building, fire, housing or life-safety code violations, or other serious
violations. (Ord. 5651 § 1,2002.)
5.22.050 License application - Required - Form.
A. Every person required to have a license under the provisions of this chapter
shall submit an application for such license to the city olerkmayor or desiqnee. The
application shall be a written statement upon a form provided by the city olerkmayor or
B. Whenever a license cannot be issued at the time the application for the same
is made, the city clerk mayor or desiqnee shall issue a receipt to the applicant for the
money paid in advance subject to the following conditions: such receipt shall not be
construed as the approval of the oity clerkmayor or desiqnee for the issuance of a
license, nor shall it entitle or authorize the applicant to open or maintain any business
contrary to the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 5651 § 1,2002.)
5.22.060 License application - Approval or disapproval procedure.
The city clerk mayor or desiqnee shall collect all license fees and shall issue
licenses in the name of the city to all persons qualified under the provisions of this
chapter and shall:
A. Adopt all forms and prescribe the information required to implement this
B. Submit all applications to department heads of the city of Auburn building, fire,
planning and police departments;
C. Notify any applicant of the acceptance or rejection of his/her application and
shall, upon denial of any license, state in writing the reasons therefor, the process for
appeal and deliver them to the applicant;
D. Deny any application for license upon written findings that the granting would
violate this chapter. A violation of this chapter shall be considered to -be detrimental to
the public peace, health or welfare:
1. Whenever any such license is denied the applicant may within 15 days from
date of action file written notice of appeal to the appropri3te committee of the city's
hearinq examiner. Action of the appropri3t<J committoe of the oityhearinq examiner may
be appealed 15 days from date of action to the Wll-city council and action of the council
shall be conclusive and not subject to review.
2. When the issuance is denied and any action instituted by the applicant to
compel its issuance, such applicant shall not engage in the business for which the
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January 4, 2005
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license was refused unless a license is issued pursuant to a judgment ordering the
same. (Ord. 5651 § 1, 2002.)
5.22.070 License - Display - Nontransferability - Responsibility.
A. Upon receipt of the license the license shall be retained on the premises of the
rental housinq business owner's principal office or place of business where it may be
inspected at any time, or shall be carried, as appropriate.
B. No license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be transferable or
C. The agents or other representatives of nonresidents who are doing business
in this city shall be personally responsible for the compliance of their principals and the
businesses they represent with this chapter. (Ord. 5651 § 1, 2002.)
5.22.080 License - Revocation.
A. Any license issued under the provisions of this chapter may be revoked by the
city clerkmayor or desiqnee and/or police chief and/or building official and/or fire chief
for any reason if the further operation thereof would be in violation of this chapter and
therefore detrimental to public peace, health or welfare. Any license issued under the
provisions of this chapter may also be revoked in the followinq circumstances:
a. The license was obtained throuqh fraud or misrepresentation of fact;
b. The owner or manaqer has been convicted of a crime, or suffered civil
iudqment or is the subiect of a consent decree which bears a direct relationship to the
rental housinq business,
c, The owner or manaqer takes action or contributes to action in violation of
the City's zoninq codes or development requlations, or commits or permits a public
nuisance on the premises licensed pursuant to this chapter
, or the '.'iolation of any federal or st3te law or any ordinanoe or regulation of the city.
The city clerk Ghall oaUGe to be Gerved upon suoh p3rtie& aG m3Y be deemed to be
interC!Gted therein suoh FOason3ble notioe as may be determined to be proper of
intention to revoke such lioense.
B. Where deemed neoe&sary to prevent further detriment to public pe30e, health
or welfare, or violation of any foderal or state la'.\' or any city ordinanoe or regulation the
police ohief, fire ohief or building offioial may immediately rC!voke any license issued
under the provisions of this chapter.
B.G, Except in the case of emerqency due to siqnificant physical danqer to one
or more tenants, a notice of intent to revoke the business license shall be mailed to the
owner and posted on the premises at least 30 days in advance of the effective date for
revocation. In the case of emerqency described above the notice of intent to revoke
shall be provided to the owner and posted on the premises as early as possible. The
premises shall be completely vacated upon the date the revocation becomes effective
unless the city determines that there is no imminent physical danqer to the tenants. If
the city determines that there is no imminent physical danqer they may make
arranqements with the tenants to continue to reside on the premises for a reasonable
amount of time in order to allow time for orderly relocation. Whenever any such license
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is revoked or notice of impendinq revocation is sent out, the licensee may within 15
days from date of action file written notice of appeal to the appropriate committee of the
city's hearinq examiner. Action of the 3ppropri3te commilteehearinq examiner may be
appealed within 15 days from date of action to the ftHI-city council and action of the
council shall be conclusive and not subject to review. (Ord. 5651 § 1,2002.)
5.22.090 Employment of law enforcement officers.
In the eyent it becomOE: neoe£s3ry for the oity to require that a the owner,
operator or manaqer of the rental housinq businessmultifamily residential complex
owner, man3ger or operator secure§ the services of one or more law enforcement
officer(s) to properly enforce the applicable laws, rules and regulations and to maintain
order in the rental housinq businessmultifamily residential oomplex. pursuant to section
5.22,040(A)(6), all expense for such service shall be borne by the rental housinq
businessmultifamily re£identi31 complex owner, manager or operator, and it is hi£!her
duty to seoure the services of such officer or offioers at 3 level prescribed by the oity
3nd as are deemed by the city to be neoessary to preserve order 3nd enfDrce the ruleG
and regulations prescribed in this title, the oity code and £tate law. Failure to oomply
with thi& requirement, if imposed by the oity, will re&ult in revocation of the business
license in tho manner proscribed herein and by this title. (Ord. 5651 § 1,2002,)
5.22.100 Duty to comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations -
Business license revocation.
All persons licensed pursuant to this chapter must comply with all federal, state
and local laws and regulations which relate to or in any way effect the rental housinq
business, includinq all criminal laws for which the violation could neqatively effect the
tenants of rental housinq units. Violation of this section shall constitute grounds for
revocation of the business license, (Ord. 5651 § 1,2002.)
5.22.110 Reimbursement for transitional costs.
In the event that a rental housinq business is closed by the city or any agency
acting on behalf of or in coordination with the city stemming from enforcement of the
provisions of this chapter or any applicable criminal code or any health, building, fire,
housing or life-safety code, or other serious violations, it shall be a prerequisite
condition for the license to be reinstated and/or the rental housinq units multifamily
residenti31 complex to be allowed to re-open/available for rental that the operator of the
rental housinq business multifamily residential oomplex reimburse the city for any
transitional costs and/or tenant relocation costs incurred by the city that are directly
attributable to such closure. For the purposes hereof, "transitional costs and/or tenant
relocation costs" include but are not limited to tenant travel costs and temporary hotel
vouchers or other expenses incurred to procure alternate housing following tenant
displacement for a reasonable time to alleviate the impacts of displacement. The
amounts of such costs shall be as determined in the discretion of the mayor in
consultation with the police chief and with representatives of agencies engaged in
providing social services within the city. It is provided, however, that nothing in this
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chapter shall preclude the city from seeking and obtaining funds from grants or other
sources to cover or help defray the transitional costs, and receipt of such grants or other
funds shall not relieve the operators of the rental housinq businessesmultibmily
residential complex from the reimbursement requirements hereof. (Ord. 5651 § 1,
5.22.120 Violation - Penalty.
Failure of a rental housinq businessmultibmily recidenti31 comple)( owner,
manager or operator to operate a rental housinq multifamily rosidential complex
business without obtaining or maintaining in good standing a rental housinq multibmily
residential complex business license, as required by this chapter, is a misdemeanor
punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or by a jail sentence of up to 90 days, or by a
combination of said fine and jail sentence. (Ord. 5651 § 1,2002.)
5.22.130 Nonexclusive enforcement.
The city's action to enforce one provision of this chapter or to pursue one avenue
of enforcement shall not preclude the city from enforcing any other provision of this
chapter and/or from pursuing any other avenue of enforcement, and the mayor or
designated city official is entitled to use any methods or processes available under the
law to enforce the requirements hereof. (Ord. 5651 § 1, 2002.)
Section 2. Notice to Businesses. The Mayor or designee shall endeavor to
provide notice to affected rental housing business owners, managers and/or operators
of the licensing requirements hereof in advance of the effective date of this Ordinance,
including at least one notice published in the City's official newspaper.
Section 3. Amendment to City of Auburn Fee Schedule.
The Fee Schedule of the City of Auburn is amended to include and provide for
the fees for Rental Housing Business Licenses, and for other areas of municipal activity
of the City, and the City of Auburn Fee Schedule is updated with the inclusion of the
fees as set forth on the document attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and
incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 4. Severability. If any portion of this Ordinance or its application to
any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or the
application of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.
Section 5. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement
such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
Section 6. Effective Date. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance, as provided by law, and on
July 1, 2005
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JAN 1 8 ZUU¡-
JAN 1 8 lïJUfj
, ~(?'
Danielle Daskam, City Clerk
t· I '--:, -C=-~
Ordinance No. 5882
January 4, 2005
Page 11
Rental Housing Business License Fee.
(1) The fee for a license to operate rental housing businesses in the City, as
defined in Chapter 5.22 of the City Code shall be based on the total number of units as
(a) One to four dwelling units: $50.00 per year;
(b) Fiye to 24 dwelling units: $100.00 per year;
(c) Twenty-five or more dwelling units: $200.00 per year.
(2) The fee for a license to operate rental housing businesses in the city shall be
for the license year from July 1 through June 30, and each applicant must pay the full
fee for the current license year or any portion thereof during which the applicant has
engaged in the operation of rental housing businesses.
(3) The rental housing business license fee required by this chapter is in lieu of,
and not in addition to, the general business license fee required by Chapters 5.05 and
5.10 of the City Code; provided, however, that any person required to obtain a rental
housing business license must also obtain a general business license, at no cost,
pursuant to Chapters 5.05 and 5.10 of the City Code.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (1) of this section, the fee for
operating rental housing facilities for any single individual, partnership, corporation or
entity shall not exceed $400.00 per year
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