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Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): 5elddocum9l1t(s) were flled for
record by PacifIC Northwest Tille lIS
Conditional Use Permit (Ordinance 5905) aocommodation only." has not been
examined as to proper execution or
as to its affect upon titie. ~~",
Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned pr rE,1le-9sed: \r;r) .\,
DAdditional reference #'s on page of document '" II' J:T\- "'W" ' "'"\ -\ ::.1" Co "~
Grantor(s)/Borrower(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials)
Auburn, City of
Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: (Last name first)
1. Cingular Wireless
Legal Description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range)
Government Lot 11 of Section 29, Township 21 North, Range 5 East W.M.
r8I Additional legal is on page 12 of document.
Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number
o Assessor Tax # not yet assigned
WHEREAS, Application No. CUP04-0007 dated September 8, 2004,
has been submitted to the City of Auburn, Washington, by Justin Abbott on
behalf of Cingular Wireless and Sprint PCS requesting a Conditional Use
Permit (CUP) for a Type 1-D wireless communications facility and associated
radio equipment to be stored in an enclosed structure adjacent to field three of
Game Farm Park at 3030 R Street, Auburn, Washington; and
WHEREAS, said request above referred to was referred to the Hearing
Examiner for study and public hearing thereon; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to staff review, the Hearing Examiner conducted a
public hearing to consider said petition in the Council Chambers of the Auburn
City Hall on February 23, 2005, of which the Hearing Examiner recommended
approval of Conditional Use Permit on March 2, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, on March 21, 2005, considered said
request and affirmed the Hearing Examiner's recommendation for preliminary
plat based upon the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions, to-wit:
Ordinance 5905
March 15, 2005
Page 1
1. The Applicant requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to
replace an existing SO-foot high wooden athletic field light standard with
a 104-foot high steel light standard to support two antennae arrays for
wireless communications facilities, The proposal includes the request to
allow associated radio equipment to be located in a nO-square foot
enclosed structure at the foot of the new standard. The existing light
standard is located on the outfield of baseball field 3 of Auburn's Game
Farm Park at 3030 R Street SE in Auburn, Washington. Exhibit 1,' page
1; Exhibit 2, page 1; Exhibit 3, page 1.
2. Auburn's Game Farm Park is a 33.5-acre municipal park currently owned
by Washington State Parks Department. The City of Auburn (the City) is
currently in negotiations to acquire the property from the state. The park
includes three baseball fields, soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis
courts, parking, and other facilities. Exhibit 4, Site Aerial photo; Exhibit
1, Staff Report, page 1. The proposed wireless communications facility
(WCF) would be in an area that is lawn and would be outside the existing
outfield fence and gravel track on field 3. The specific site of the project
is in the central north portion of the park, such that the use would be
surrounded by the park to the south, east, and west. North of the site
across Riverwalk Drive SE is a single-family residential area. Exhibit 4;
Exhibit 1, page 1. The closest residence is located approximately 220
feet from the proposed antenna location. Exhibit 16. The light pole is
behind the fifteen foot high scoreboard. Tall trees block views of the light
standard and scoreboard from the view of the closest reisdential
development. A densely wooded hill rises from the grade of the park
directly adjacent to the proposed antenna location, further obscuring the
view of the proposed antenna from surrounding residential development.
Exhibit 1, page 3; Testimony of Mr. Dixon; Exhibit 4; Site view.
3. Game Farm Park is zoned Public Use (P1), which is consistent with the
"Public and Quasi-Public" Comprehensive Plan land use designation for
the site. Exhibit 1, page 1. The intent of the P-1 district is to provide for
the appropriate location and development of public uses that serve the
cultural, educational, recreational, and public service needs of the
community. ACC 18.40.010.
"'Note: All exhibits referenced herein are exhibits attached to the Hearing Examiner's Findings of Fact and
Conclusions, which exhibits are incorporated herein by reference.
Ordinance 5905
March 15, 2005
Page 2
4. Maximum structure height in the P1 district is 45 feet. ACC
18.40.040(F). Exceptions to the maximum structure height are allowed
for certain types of structures, including athletic field light standards, with
CUP approval. ACC 18.48.030(A)(5)(b).
5. The Auburn City Code distinguishes between different types of WCFs.
Wireless antennae located on existing water towers, athletic field light
poles, or similar public utility structures that are not located within a
public right-of-way are defined as Type 1-D wireless communications
facilities. Height restrictions for Type 1-D antennae are as follows: 10%
increase in the existing structure height is allowed without permit; 20%
increase in existing structure height is allowed with approval from the
planning director; and, 30% increase in existing structure height is
allowed with approval CUP. ACC 18.04.912. Based on this definition,
the proposed project is a Type 1-D WCF. Exhibit 3, Application, page 2;
Exhibit 1, page 3. In addition, the proposed antenna use of the existing
light standard is defined as a secondary use, as the athlectic field lighting
would remain the primary use. ACC 18.04.912(1)(3). Type 1-D WCFs
are a permitted use in the P-1 district ACC 18.40.020; Testimony of Mr.
6. The proposed WCF would be located within a lease area approximately
of 38 by 22-feet. The project would increase an existing pole by 24-feet,
or 30%. The existing 80-foot wooden light pole would be replaced with a
104-foot steel pole with two sets of antenna brackets, one each for
Cingular Wireless and Sprint PCS. Each carrier would have three sets of
antennas mounted on three sides of the pole. Cingular's antennae
would be located on the pole between 94.5 and 104 feet up, and would
be 104 inches by 5.3 inches in area. Sprint PCS' antennae would be
located on the pole between 87.7 and 92.3 feet in height, and would
measure 60 inches by eight inches. There would be space on the pole
for future co-location by a third wireless carrier below the Sprint antenna
array. The athletic field lights would be removed and replaced on the
new steel pole at the same height and orientation they occupied prior to
construction. The pole and all exposed antennae, coaxial cable, and
mounting hardware would be painted a light gray color to blend in with
the predominant color of the surrounding sky. Exhibit 3, Application;
Exhibit 10, Sprint Revised final construction drawings; Exhibit 11;
Cingular revised final construction drawings.
Ordinance 5905
March 15, 2005
Page 3
7. The Applicant proposed construction of a 36 by 20-foot accessory
equipment building. Each proposed carrier would occupy an enclosed
12 by 20-foot area within the enclosed structure. A third 12 by 20-foot
space within the equipment structure would be created for use by a
future third carrier. The Applicant proposes to develop the third portion
of the equipment structure as a partially enclosed picnic area, until a third
wireless carrier locates on the proposed pole. The individual equipment
enclosures would house electrical equipment supporting the antennae
above. Exhibit 3, Application, Project Proposal; Exhibit 1, page 4;
Testimony of Mr. Abbott.
8. The accessory equipment would include the use of cabinet fans attached
to thermostats within each equipment unit. The fans would not operate
continuously, but only when the temperature within the equipment
structure triggered their operation. The Applicant submitted an
acoustical report documenting the results of a noise survey performed in
the vicinity of the proposed antenna arrays. The report studied at what
volume noise from the project would be heard at the receiving property
lines. The report indicated that the predicted sound pressure from the
fans at receiving property lines would reach 32.8 dBD. City planning
staff indicated that the predicted noise levels fall within the allowed
daytime and nightime noise standards for the City. Exhibit 16, Acoustical
Report from SSA Acoustics; Exhibit 1, page 5.
9. Chapter 14 of the Comprehensive Plan indicates the purpose of the
subject property's 'Public and Quasi Public' land use designation is "to
designate areas of significant size needed to provide public and quasi
public uses to the community." The City's Comprehensive Plan
recognizes private utilities as providing important and necessary services
to the community and encourages private utilities to bring services to all
neighborhoods and all segments of the Auburn population. The
Comprehensive Plan specifically promotes the location of antennae on
existing poles, structures, or buildings whenever possible for the purpose
of reducing visual clutter. Exhibit 1, pages 4-5; Testimony of Mr. Dixon.
10. Aside from temporary impacts to field 3 during construction, it is not
anticipated that the proposed increase in pole height would create any
adverse impacts to people, property, existing uses in the vicinity, or the
public health and safety. Game Farm Park contains many existing light
poles. The Applicant submitted photo simulations depicting before and
after views of the extended light pole. These simulations demonstrate
Ordinance 5905
March 15, 2005
Page 4
that the 24-foot increase in height in one pole would not impact views
from nearby properties. Intermittent noise created by the accessory
equipment would be within accepted standards. The project would not
cause an increase in traffic, odors, or glare. Existing vegetation in the
vicinity would help to screen the proposed increase in pole height A
condition of approval is necessary to ensure that the exterior building
appearance of the accessory equipment structure maintains a
harmonious relationship between the project and the existing character
of Game Farm Park. The project will improve cellular service coverage
in an area of Auburn that currently experiences frequent interruptions in
service. Exhibit 1, pages 4-6; Exhibits 13, 14, and 16.
11, The Applicant would be required to apply for a building permit prior to
construction. Building permit approval would address compliance with
zoning, fire code, and building standards. Exhibit 1, page 6; Testimony
of Mr. Dixon.
12. The proposed WCF would connect to existing electrical and telephone
services and would share existing driveways and parking areas on site.
While the project includes construction of a four-foot wide, 220-foot long
asphalt path leading to the equipment structure, it would not create
additional access to public streets. The record contains no indication
that the project would result in adverse impacts on surrounding
infrastructure or in a public nuissance. Exhibit 1, pages 4-6; Testimony
of Mr. Dixon; Exhibit 1, page 7; Exhibit 3, Application.
13. The CUP application was routed to City review agencies for comments
on compliance with City requirements. The Fire Department noted that
the frequencies used by Cingular and Sprint could potentially interfere
with the frequency of the emergency service signal used by the Fire
Department, as has previously happened with Nextel. A condition of
approval is necessary to ensure that the project reduces the possibility of
or avoids signal interference and that the Applicant submits a
contingency plan in the event that signal interference occurs for approval
by the Fire Department. Exhibit 1, page 6; Exhibit 13.
14. The Applicant submitted a "Notice of Construction" application to the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). FAA approval of the proposed
WCF is pending. Based on experience with similar facilities, the
Applicant reports that the FAA may require warning lights to be installed.
Such warning lights would likely consist of two steady-burning red lights
Ordinance 5905
March 15, 2005
Page 5
(L-810) mounted on the top of the tower would be required to provide
aircraft warning in accordance with FAA Chapter 5. The lighting is
shown on the (Sprint) project plans. Exhibit 3, Application, Code
Compliance; Exhibit 15, notice of Proposed Construction; Exhibit 1, page
4. A condition of approval is necessary to ensure that the Applicant
submits the FAA determination in response to the application to the City.
15. At the time a third wireless provider should co-locate onto the proposed
light pole, no new application for CUP would be required. The third
carrier would be required to apply for a building permit and to submit site
plans depicting the proposed antenna array as well as conversion of the
picnic shelter for use as an accessory equipment storage area.
Testimony of Mr. Dixon; Testimony of Mr. Scamporlina.
16. The City of Auburn, acting as lead agency for review of environmental
impacts caused by the proposal, issued a Determination of
Nonsignificance (DNS) on February 1, 2005. No appeal was filed prior to
expiration of the appeal period on February 22, 2005. Testimony of Mr.
Dixon; Exhibit 9, DNS.
17. The City provided reasonable notice of the February 23, 2005 public
hearing. No public comments were submitted. Testimony of Mr. Dixon;
Exhibits 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Conclusions Based on Findinas
1. The proposed use is permitted within the zone. The requested
antenna arrays placed on an existing athletic field light standard are a
Type 1-D wireless communications facility. Type 1-D wireless
communications facilities are permitted in the P-1 zoning district. The
requested height increase is allowed in the P-1 district. Findings of Fact
Nos. 3, 4, and 5.
2. The project will not harm property or improvements in the
surrounding area and will not have an adverse effect on the health,
safety, or comfort of persons living or working in the area. Game
Farm Park is a 33.5-acre public park that contains many light poles. The
24-foot incremental increase in height of one pole will not adversely
impact surrounding properties. Changes to the views of surrounding
Ordinance 5905
March 15, 2005
Page 6
properties will be minimal. The project will not create noise above
allowed City standards and will not create odor or light intrusion.
Wireless service coverage will be increased for the area. Findings of
Fact Nos. 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 16.
3. The proposal is in accordance with the goals, policies, and
objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Co-location of two to three
wireless carriers' antenna arrays on top of an existing athletic field light
pole within an area designated 'Public and Quasi Public' is in accordance
with the Comprehensive Plan. Findings of Fact Nos. 3 and 9.
4. The proposal complies with all requirements of the Zoning Code.
The Applicant has demonstrated that the requested increase in the
height of an existing athletic field light standard satisfies the criteria of the
zoning code. Findings of Fact Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 11.
5. With conditions, the project will be harmonious in design,
character, and appearance with the existing character of the general
vicinity. As conditioned, the increase in height of the existing athletic
field light standard will be harmonious with other uses in the area. Trees
and topography will help to shield the incremental height increase from
the view of nearby residential development. Conditions of approval will
ensure that the design of the accessory equipment structure is consistent
with the character of other similar structures within the park and that the
increased pole height is consistent with surrounding aviation uses.
Finding of Fact No.2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
6. The proposal will not adversely affect the public infrastructure.
There will be no traffic impacts and no adverse effect on infrastructure.
A condition of approval will ensure that the WCF does not interfere with
emergency services signal frequency. Findings of Fact Nos. 12 and 13.
7. The proposal will not cause or create a public nuisance. No
concerns were presented at hearing that approval will cause or create a
public nuisance. Finding of Fact No. 12.
For each of the above reasons, the Hearing Examiner recommended
approval of the Conditional Use Permit to the Auburn City Council, subject to
conditions set forth below:
Ordinance 5905
March 15, 2005
Page 7
1. Prior to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall submit evidence to
the satisfaction of the Fire Department that the operation of the wireless
communication facility will not interfere with the City's emergency
communications. The documentation shall indicate remedial measures
that will be undertaken by the Applicant/operator in the event that a conflict
occurs in the future.
2. Prior to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall submit building permit
application demonstrating that the proposed building will be similar in
appearance and design to other park buildings. The new building shall
have a pitched roof and similar exterior building materials and colors as
determined by the Planning and Parks Directors.
3. Prior to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall submit to the City the
FAA response to the Applicant's Notice of Proposed Construction or
Alteration (Exhibit 15).
4. The Applicant shall provide a noise study that demonstrates, to the
satisfaction of the Parks Director, that sound levels from all project sources
as measured at a distance within ten feet of the building will be less than 55
dBA daytime and less that 45 dBA nighttime.
5. This project will not interfere with scheduled activities at the park.
Section 1. The Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision of
the Hearing Examiner are adopted herein by this reference, and the Conditional
Use Permit for a Type 1-D wireless communications facility and associated
radio equipment to be stored in an enclosed structure adjacent to field three of
Game Farm Park at 3030 R Street, Auburn, Washington, on property legally
described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated herein, is hereby approved.
Ordinance 5905
March 15, 2005
Page 8
Section 2. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared
to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence,
paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of
the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity
of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other
persons or circumstances.
Section 3. Recordina. Upon the passage, approval and publication
of this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Auburn shall
cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the King County Auditor,
Division of Records and Elections.
Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to
implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out
the directions of this legislation.
Ordinance 5905
March 15, 2005
Page 9
Section 5. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in
force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
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Ordinance 5905
March 15, 2005
Page 10
1'1ove:mment Lot II of Se.et.ion 2.9.1' xowns.t>..ip 21 North, Range: 5 Ease, W.M..,l
in King COunty, w~:s:hU1gt:on,
EXCEPT the North .ij feet as conveyed to King cwnty by deed "e",,,,&d
undex- Record..i.ng' No~ :2 G.9 lre87 ~
AND EXCBP'1' that po:rtion com...y..d to the city ot Aubm:u by CIeed reao:rded
under Recording No. 59%:1.741
TOGllT!Illlt lIITll vacated Jos. Br~ Road No. U8, as vacated _ City
of Seattl.. O:rdl.=a No. 1.806. wbicb. upon vacation attach-ad to aud
p:roperty by operation of law.
Situate in the COUnty of KiDg, State of Washington.
The tol1ewing 1l1ay be used as an o,hb~"ted legal ds8orlption on tile
dDouments to be reeo_. per """",dad. RClI 85.1l4. Said ol:>ln:evl.ated J.egal.
de,;Ct'iption is"",t a substitute tor a c:omplete legal. description within
the body of f:lle dDCtl11le:lt. .
Pm GL J.:l. 29-21-5
'l'hi.s property is located in King County.
ll.eoordins. to be delive:red to,
i'1delity National 'l."l.l:le CO., 720 olive Way fSJ.5, seattle, IIA 9lUO:!.