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WHEREAS, in 2002, Auburn Mayor, Peter B. Lewis, designated an Ad Hoc Sign
Code Committee to review the City's existing sign code regulations and to suggest
amendments, as warranted; and,
WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc Sign Code Committee represented a wide range of
community interests including, as examples, a representative from the Chamber of
Commerce, Auburn Downtown Association, City Council, Planning Commission, sign
company~ real estate industry and other city boards and commissions; and,
WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc Sign Code committee established purposes for its work
. Providing community input on the then existing sign code's strengths and
. Serving as representatives of respective professions and/or community
affiliations in addressing the sign code;
. Reviewing the size, number, types, and area of signs that are currently
allowed; and
. Reviewing and suggesting improvements to the sign code to meet the certain
goals; and,
WHEREAS the Ad Hoc Sign Code Committee identified desired outcomes for its
work on a sign code including,
. Recognizing that the function of signage is to effectively communicate
information to targeted audiences;
. Recognizing the importance of commercial signage, both for the current and
future economic vitality of the city, municipal revenues, and the success of
businesses that make important investments in such commercial signage;
. Ensuring (without unduly compromising the purpose or function of
commercial signage) that signs in the city to not unreasonably degrade the
aesthetic character of the city;
. Providing for reasonable visibility for businesses;
. Encouraging improved quality of signage design and materials in the city;
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. Providing consistent, clear guidelines for all sign types;
. Requirements that are easily explained and interpreted for both staff and
. Incorporating tables and graphics in addition to code text;
. Recognizing different signage needs for different districts and special
. Balancing corporate architecture with local character and context; and
. Including mechanisms for administrative interpretation and flexibility; and,
WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc Sign Code Committee sought to recommend
amendments that,
. Support the above outcomes;
. Are supported by their respective constituent groups; and
. Meet the needs of both city staff and the community as a whole to the
greatest extent possible; and,
WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc Sign Code Committee finalized its recommendation on a
sign code update in the summer of 2004; and,
WHEREAS, at about that same time, in June 2004 a federal district trial court
decision ruled that the different treatment of signs based on a sign's content in the
absence of a rational reason for such a distinction and in the absence of a relationship
between the content-based distinction and the safety and aesthetic goals is
unconstitutional; and,
WHEREAS, that decision is now on appeal at the United States Ninth District
Court but has not yet been heard; and,
WHEREAS, the outcome of the appeal has implications for how signs are
regulated, including signage that has traditionally been regulated by content such as
real estate signs; and,
WHEREAS, pending an outcome of the case on appeal, a reasonable response
would be for the City to maintain the City's existing sign code regulations related to real
estate signs so that the City's regulation are no more content based than they are
currently and then to reevaluate those regulations based upon the outcome of the
appeal currently in process;
WHEREAS, this response is reflected in this ordinance; and,
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WHEREAS, numerous study sessions were held with Planning Commission in
the development of the updated and revised sign code; and
WHEREAS, after proper notice published in the City's official newspaper at least
ten (10) days prior to the date of hearings, the City of Auburn Planning Commission on
Wednesday January 4, 2006, conducted a public hearing on the proposed new sign
regulations; and,
WHEREAS, at the public hearings the City of Auburn Planning Commission
heard public testimony and took evidence and exhibits into consideration; and,
WHEREAS, on January 23, 2006 the Planning and Community Development
Committee of the Auburn City Council made a recommendation to the Auburn City
Council; and,
WHEREAS, SEPA review (City SEPA file SEP05-0005) was conducted on the
proposed sign amendments with a Determination of Non-Significance issued April 13,
2005, a final DNS issued with no appeals having been filed; and,
WHEREAS, the proposed sign amendments was sent to the State Department
of Community, Trade and Economic Development and other State agencies for the 60-
day review process in accordance with RCW 36.70A.1 06 and received by DCTED on
February 10, 2005.
Section 1. AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE. That Chapter 18.56 of the Auburn
City Code, entitled "Signs" is amended to read as follows:
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Chapter 18.56
Real Estate Siqns.
Regulation by district. General Provisions. all districts.
Special signs. Requlation bv District.
GeneralAdministrative provisions.
E)(Qmptions. Deviations. variances and appeals.
Prohibited eigns.
18.56.080. Nonconforming signs.
18.56.090 Administrative provisions.
18.56.100 .^,ppeals and variances.
18.56.+-t-G070 Liability.
18.56A.;w080 Conflicts repealed.
18.56.010 Purposelntent.
The overall purpose of this chapter is to enhance and maintain the aesthetic
character, to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, and to increase the
effectiveness of visual communication in the city. This chapter is also intended to avoid
visual clutter that may adversely impact traffic and pedestrian safety, or be adverse to
property values, business opportunities and the City's appearance and to prevent and
abate public nuisances. The purpose of this chapter is implemented by controlling the
design, quality of materials, construction, location, use and maintenance of all signs
and sign structures. It is also the intent of this chapter to afford non-commercial speech
the same or qreater protection afforded commercial speech and to not requlate non-
commercial speech to a stricter standard than commercial speech. (Ord. 4773 ~ 1,
1995; Ord. 4229 ~ 2,1987.)
18.56.020 Definitions.
The following definitions are specific to this chapter and are to be used only for
the implementation of this chapter:
A. "/\bandoned sign" means :3 sign th:3t no longer correctly directs or exhorts
any person, or advortises a bona fide business, lossor, owner, product or activity
conducted or available on the premises where such sign ic located "Animated siqn"
means any siqn that flashes or simulates motion with an electronic or manufactured
source of supply or contains wind actuated motion (except for flaqs and banners). An
animated siqn may also be a siqn that meets the definition ef "chanqinq messaqe
center" or "revolvinq siqn".
B. "Ch:3nging message center" means an electronic:3l1y controlled public
service time and temperature sign; message center; or readerboard where different
copy changes of :1 public service or commercial n:1ture :3re shown on the same
l:1mpbank"Banner" means a temporarv siqn constructed of fabric. vinyl. or other durable
material; which is not the primarv identification for the orqanization, event or preduct
advertised; and which is primarily promotional in nature.
C. "Directional ,;ign" moan,; a ,;ign which is located to guido er diroct
pedostrian or vohicular traffic to parking entmnces, exits, :1nd service aroas, and may
not exceed six square feot in area or 10 feet in height. For projects that h:1ve more
parking lots in excess ef 500 spaces, then the sign aroa may bo 10 square feet and the
sign height 15 feet"Billboard" means a larqe outdoor advertisinq siqn containinq a
messaqe, commercial or otherwise, unrelated to the use or activity on the property on
which the siqn is located and/or to any use or activity in the immediate area (such as is
the case with an off-premise siqn) and which is customarily leased for commercial
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purposes. The approximate sizes of the billboard faces ranqe from twelve (12) to
fourteen (14) feet in heiqht and twenty-four (24) to forty-eiqht (48) feet in width.
D. "Double f3ced sign" means :1 sign with twe faces"Chanqinq messaqe
center" means an electronically controlled public service time and temperature siqn;
messaqe center: or siqns that display different COpy chanqes of a public service or
commercial nature on the same lamp bank. For purposes of the siqn code, a chanqinq
messaqe center shall mean a "readerboard siqn".
E. "Directional siqn" means a siqn which is located to quide or direct
pedestrian or vehicular traffic to parkinq entrances, exits, and service areas, and may
not exceed six (6) square feet in area or ten (10) feet in heiqht. For projects that have
parkinq lots in excess of 500 spaces, then the siqn area may be ten (10) square feet
and the siqn heiqht fifteen (15) feet.
F. "Double-faced siqn" means a siqn with two (2) faces.
G. "Electrical sign" means a sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring,
connections, and/or fixtures are used as part of the sign proper.
~H. "Facade" means the entire building front, or street wall face, including
grade to the top of the parapet or eaves, and the entire width of the building elevation.
G. I. "Flashing sign" means an electrical sign or a portion thereof which
changes light intensity in a sudden transitory burst, or which switches on and off in a
constant pattern in which more than one-third of the nonconstant light source is off at
anyone time.
l=h,L "Freestanding sign" means a sign attached to that meets the definition of
:ground and supported by uprights or bmces pl:1ced on or in tho groundsiqn" (also
c:1llod ground or commonly referred to as a monument siqn), or "pole sign}.-~ Signs
attached to fences or other structures that are not defined as buildings will be
considered freestanding signs.
~!S. "Frontage" means the measurement. in linear feet. of the length of the
property line ef-for a sinqle tenant building fffiR.tor lenqth of leased buildinq frontaqe for
multi-tenant buildinqs or multi-buildinq complexes.
J1. "Grade" means the relative existing ground level in the immediate vicinity
of the sign.
KM. "Ground siqn" means a siqn attached to the qround and supported by the
qround or a built UP landscaped area such that the siqn appears solid with the qround.
The heiqht of a qround siqn shall be measured from the surroundinq qrade. Also
commonly referred to as a monument siqn.
N. "Identification siqn" means a siqn containinq the name of the business
establishment. occupant of the buildinq or tenant space and/or address of the
O. "Incidental sign" means a small sign that is qenerally informational and of
a noncommercial nature 'Nithout advertising intended primarily for the convenience of
the public and having a maximum area of two square feet. Included 3relncidental siqns
include, but are not limited to: signs designating restrooms, hours of operations,
entrances and exits to buildings and parking lots, help wanted, public telephones, etc.
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Also included are property control and warning signs such as "no trespassing," "no
dumping," etc., and plaques, tablets or inscriptions which are an integral part of a
bE'.. "Mansard roof' means a sloped roof or roof-like facade architecturally able
to be treated as a building wall.
MQ. "Marquee" means a permanent structure attached to, supported by, and
projecting from a building and providing protection from the weather elements. For the
purpose of this chapter, a freestanding, permanent roof-like structure providing
protection from the elements, such as a service station gas pump islandcanopy, will
also be considered a marquee. The term "marquee" also includes canopy.
NR. "Marquee sign" means any sign which forms part of or is integrated into a
marquee and which does not extend horizontally beyond the limits of such marquee.
For the purpose of this chapter a marquee sign will be considered as a wall sign.
QS. "Median siqn" means a siqn that is placed within the median of a public
1- "Multiple-building complex" means a group of commercial or industrial
structures, developed as a qroup either siMultaneously or in phases, with more than
one buildinq per parcel.
PU. "Multiple-tenant building" means a single structure housing more than one
retail business, office or commercial venture but not including residential apartment
buildings, which share the same lot, access and/or parking facilities.
QV. "On-premises sign" means a sign which carries advertisements incidental
to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, including signs indicating the
business transacted at, services rendered, goods sold or produced on the premises,
name of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises.
RW. "Off-premises sign" means any sign which advertises an establishment,
merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment which is sold, produced, and
manufactured, or furnished at a place other than on the property on which said sign is
"Parapet" means a false front or wall extension above the roof-line.
"Perimeter" means a square or rectangle required to enclose the sign
U. "Political sign" means :1 temporary sign which advortises :1 cundidato(s)
for public elocti'/o offico or urges a particular vote on :1 ballot moasuro in :1 pending
public eloction 'Nhether local, state or national.
V-l,. "Portable sign" means any sign made of any material, including paper,
cardboard, wood or metal, which is capable of being moved easily and is not
permanently affixed to the ground, structure or building. This also includes sidewalk or
sandwich board signs, except those worn by a person.
WAA. "Premises" means the real estate as a unit, which is involved by the sign
or signs mentioned in this chapter.
X. "Principal streot frontage" means tho principal streot which tho sign fronts
upon. If the businoss establishmont fronts upon more than ono street, tho sign
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applicant may choose which strcot frontage tho me3surcments f-or sign area arc to be
bnsed upon.
Y. "Projocting sign" means a sign, othor thnn :1 wall sign, which is attached to
and projects from :1 structuro or building faco.
ZBB. "Proiectinq siqn" means a siqn which is attached to a structure or buildinq
wall in such a manner that the leadinq edqe extends more than sixteen (16) inches
beyond the surface of said structure or wall but does not extend more than five (5) feet
beyond the property line, extends no more than six (6) inches above any roofline, and
meets all standards for qround clearance. Siqns that meet the definition of "marquee
siqn" or "suspended siqn" will not be considered a "proiectinq siqn,"
CC. "Real estate sign" means a portable sign erected by the owner, or histhe
owner's agent, advertising the real estate upon which the sign is located for rent, lease
or sale, or directing pooplo to tho property..
AADD. "Revolving sign" means any sign wfliBRthat rotates or turns in
motion by electrical or mechanical means in a circular pattern :1nd doos not oxcoed
oight rovolutions per minute.
BB. "Rooflino" moans the top edge of 3 roof or p:1rapet or the top lino of :1
building silhouette.
GGEE. "Roof sign" means a sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet
of a building or structure. Mansard roof signs shall be considered as wall signs. Roof
siqns may not extend more than five (5) feet in heiqht above the roof.
OOFF. "Sign" means any visual communication device, structure, or fixture which
is visible from any right-of-way intended to aid tho business establishment in questiona
land use in promoting the sale or identification of a product, goods or service using
graphics, symbols, or written copy. For the purpose of this chapter, a sign shall not be
considered to be building or structural design. It shall be restricted solely to graphics,
symbols, or written copy that is meant to be used in the aforementioned way. This
definition shall include inflatable siqns. balloons or other similar devices.
€EGG. "Sign area" means:
1. 1. The total area of a sign visible from anyone viewpoint or direction,
excluding the sign support structure, architectural embellishments, or framework
wfliBRthat contains no written copy, and includes only one side of a double-faced sign.
2. 2. Individual letter signs using a wall as the background without added
decoration or change in wall color shall be calculated by measuring the perimeter
enclosing each letter. The combined total area of each individual letter shall be
considered the total area of the sign.
3. 3. Module signs consisting of more than one sign cabinet shall be
computed by adding together the total area of each module.
4. 4. Perimeter 9f-of sign area shall be established by the smallest
rectangle enclosing the extreme limits of the letter module or advertising message
being measured.
~HH."Sign height" means the vertical distance measured from the adjacent
grade to the highest point of the sign.
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GGll. "Sign structure" means any structure which that supports or is capable of
supporting any sign as defined in this chapter. A sign structure may be a single pole or
mayor may not be an integral part of the building or structure.
FlMJJ. "Single tenant building" means a commercial building or structure that
contains one enterprise or occupant and is generally under one ownorship. Buildings
within a multibuilding complex may not be considered a single tenant building.
II. "Temporary building sign" means a sign orocted and maintained, on
promises undergoing construction, by an mchitect, contractor, subcontractor, 3nd/or
materi31m3n upon which proporty such individu31 is furnishing labor or m3torial.
JJ. "Temporary sign" means any sign or advortising display constructod of
cloth, canV3S, light fabric, paper, cmdboard, or othor light materials, with or without
fr3mos, intended to bo displayed for 3 Iimitod time only. Signs painted upon window
surfacos 'Nhich are readily remo'lod by '.'\lashing sholl bo considorod temporarj signs.
KK. "Under m3rquee sign" means a sign which is 3ttachod to 3nd susponded
from a mmquoe but doos not oxtond boyond such marquoe"Special Event siqnaqe"
means temporarv siqns includinq posters, flaqs, pennants, and inflatable materials;
which are not the primarv identification for the orqanization, event or product advertised:
and which are primarily intended for verv short-term promotional periods.
LL. "Wall sign" moans 3 sign attachod or eroctod par31101 to and oxtonding not
more than 1 g inches from the fac3do or face of any building to which it is 3tt3ched and
supported through its ontiro longth, with th:J exposed faco of tho sign parallol to the
plane of said wall or fncade"Suspended siqn" means a siqn that is attached to and
suspended from a marquee or canopy, and subiect to riqht-of-way and clearance
MM. "Monllmontlmedi3n sign" moans a sign that is placod within tho median of
a public streot. Thoso signs shall only be 3110wed to serve a multitenant dO'lelopment of
50 3CroS or more. The sign shall only h3vo l\\'o f.uces, be no higher than six foot and no
longer than 1 g f-oot. Only the namo of the dovelopmont and/or logo shall bo 3110wed
with no product advortising. The signs aro only 3110'.,,'Od 3t intersecting streets with the
sign placed in tho right of 'N3Y of the stroot th3t is tho entranco to the dO'lolopment.
Only one sign per intersection is 3110'Ned and only three signs per dovolopment mo
allo'.ved. The median adjacont to the sign shall be landsc3pod in all directions of the
sign with either sod, annuals, groundco'lGr, low growing shrubs, or a combination
thoroof. The landsc3ping shall extend to the odgo of the median or be five foet in any
direction from the sign. A right of way use pormit is requirod th3t addresses insur3nce,
mainten3nco, sight distanco 3nd othor applic3ble roquiremonts of the city ongineer.
"Temporarv siqn" means any siqn or advertisinq display constructed of wood, vinyl,
cloth, canvas, liqht fabric. paper, cardboard, or other liqht materials, with or without
frames, intended to be displayed for a limited time only. This definition shall include
inflatable siqns.
NN. "Traffic hazard" means any siqn which does not meet city standards for
clear zone or siqht distance or which does not meet the requirements of the Americans
with Disabilities Act
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00. "Wall siqn" means a siqn attached or erected parallel to and extendinq not
more than sixteen (16) inches from the facade or face of any buildinq to which it is
attached and supported throuqh its entire lenqth, with the exposed face of the siqn
parallel to the plane of said wall or facade. "Window siqns" which do not meet the
definition of a "Temporarv Siqn" shall be considered as wall siqns.
PP. "Window siqn" means a siqn located inside or affixed to windows of a
buildinq. whether temporarv or permanent. liqhted or unliqhted. which may be viewed
from the exterior of the buildinq. (Ord. 4705 ~ 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 ~ 2, 1987.)
18.56.025 Real Estate Siqns.
No siqn permit is required. except as provided in subsection F below. All exterior
real estate siqns must be of wood or plastic or other durable material.
The permitted siqns are as follows:
A. Residential "for sale" and "sold" siqns: such siqns shall be limited to one
(1) siqn per street frontaqe not to exceed five (5) square feet in siqn area per side,
placed entirely on the property for sale, and not to exceed a heiqht of seven (7) feet.
B. Residential directional "open house" siqns: such siqns shall be limited to
one (1) siqn per street frontaqe on the promises for sale and three (3) off-premises
siqns. However, if a broker/aqent has more than one (1) house open for inspection in a
sinqle development or subdivision, he/she is limited to four (4) off-premises "open
house" siqns in the entire development or subdivision. Such siqns are permitted only
durinq dayliqht hours and when the broker/aqent or seller or an aqent is in attendance
at the property for sale. No such siqn shall exceed five (5) square feet in siqn area per
side. The siqn may be placed alonq the peripherv of a public riqht-of-way, provided it
does not interfere with traffic safety, but it may not be attached to a utility pole or traffic
safety device.
C. Undeveloped commercial and industrial property "for sale or rent" siqns:
One (1) siqn per street frontaqe advertisinq undeveloped commercial and industrial
property for sale or for rent is permitted wr.ile tile properly is actually for sale or rent.
The siqn shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in siqn area per side and eiqht (8)
feet in heiqht.
D. Developed commercial and industrial propertv "for sale or rent" siqns: One
(1) siqn per street frontaqe advertisinq a commercial or industrial buildinq for rent or
sale is permitted while the buildinq is actually for rent or sale. If one face of the buildinq
is less than ten (10) feet from the buildinq line. the siqn shall be placed on the buildinq
or in a window. The siqn shall not exceed eiqht (8) feet in heiqht. if freestandinq, it shall
be located more than fifteen (15) feet from any abuttinq property line and a public riqht-
of-way line. Said siqn shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in siqn area per side.
E. Undeveloped residential property "for sale" siqns: One siqn per street
frontaqe advertisinq undeveloped residential property for sale is permitted not
exceedinq thirty-two (32) square feet in area per side, nor exceedinq a heiqht of eiqht
(8) feet. If the siqn is qreater than five (5) square feet in area, it must be placed more
than thirty (30) feet from the abuttinq property line.
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F. Additional siqns: The Planninq. Buildlnq and Community Director may
qrant a special permit to allow temporarv off-premises siqns in addition to those
permitted above. not to exceed five (5) sqllare feet in size per side, or forty-two (42)
inches in heiqht. Notice of adjacent property owners shall not be required. Such
additional siqns may be used to advertise open houses, to provide directions to new
developments, or similar purposes. Such siqns may be placed alonq the peripherv of
the public riqht-of-way, provided they do not interfere with traffic safety, but they may
not be attached to utility poles or traffic safety devices. The Planninq, Buildinq and
Community Director shall determine the number and locations of such siqns, and the
period durinq which they may be displaved. The Planninq, Buildinq and Community
Director shall take into account the number of existinq siqns in any proposed location,
and shall limit or prohibit new ones so as to prevent a traffic safety hazard or a
detrimental effect on neiqhborinq property.
RC31 ost3te: seo /\CC 18.56.010(C);
Home occupation: cee ACC 18.60.020 (H);
Political: 800 /\CC 18.56.010(B);
Temporary building: ono sign per projoct not to excood 16 squaro feet in
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1. Tomporary building: one sign per project not to mweod 16 square feet in
total aroa;
5. Permanent dovolopment sign: one por entnmco not to excood 50 square
feet in area and 12 feet in height;
6. Freestanding (nonrosidential uses only):
a. Single ten3nt building: one sign por streot frontago v.'ith a m3ximum sign
3rea calculated at one squ3re foot per each linoal foot of frontage, not to exceed 50
square feet per bco 3nd 12 feet in height,
b. Multiten3nt building 3nd multibuilding complex: one sign por street
front3ge with a maximum sign area c3lcul3tAd at one squaro foot per each lineal f-oot of
frontago, not to exceod 75 square feet per faco and 12 feet in hoight;
7. \'Vall (nonresidontial uses only):
a. Single tenant building: more than one 3110....'ed with a maximum sign aroa
c31culated at ono square foot por oach lineal foot of frontage, not to oxceod 50 square
feet tot31 for 311 wall signs,
b. Multiten3nt building and multibuilding complex: oach loased space may be
allowod outside '....all signago with a maximum sign are3 calculated at one square foot
per lineal foot of loa sod front3go not to exceod 50 square feet of total '11311 signs per
e3ch loased space. Tho oVlner/man3ger shall be rosponsible foF tho placement of tho
8. Any sign m3Y bo indirectly illuminated, only.
1. Special Event siqnaqe may be allowed subject to the followinq
a. Use of such siqnaqe is limited to ten (10) days per display, not to exceed
ten (10) days in any ninety (90) day period:
b. The area of any sinqle siqn shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet;
2. Banners may be allowed subject to the followinq:
a. No more than two such siqns may be used per site at any qiven time;
b. Use of such siQns is limited to ninety (90) consecutive days, and may not
exceed ninety (90) days in any 120-day period;
c. The area of any sinqle banner shall not exceed 120 square feet.
3. Siqns which are placed upon or within a window and which are intended
to be viewed from the riqht of way shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the window
4. Permits are not required, except that siqns exceedinq the allowable size
and time duration must receive a permit issued by the Planninq, Buildinq and
Community Director if special circumstances exist that warrant the additional siqnaqe.
C. Pormitted signs in R 1, LHR1, RO, R MHP, LHRMHP, P 1, LHP1, I, and
LHI zones:
Roal ostate: see ACC 18.56.010(C);
Homo occup3tion: GOO I\CC H1.60.020 (H);
Political: soe /\CC 18.56.010(B);
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5. Temporary building: one sign por project not to oxceod 32 squ3ro foet in
total 3rea;
6. Freestanding:
u. Singlo tonant building: one sign per street frontage 'Nith a maximum sign
aroa calculated at one square foot per each linoal foot of frontage, not to oxceed 100
squ3re feet per tace and 30 filet in height,
b. Multitenant building and multibuilding complex: one sign l30r stroot
frontage with a maximum sign 3roa calculated at one square foot por e3ch linoal foot of
frontage, not to oxceed 125 squ3re feot por taco and 30 foet in hoight;,
7. '-Nail:
u. Singlo tonant building: more than one 3110wed with a m3ximum eign aroa
culculutod 3t one square foot por each lineal foot of frontage, not to excood 100 squuro
foot total for all wall signc,_
b. Multitenant building and multibuilding complex: each leasod space may be
ullowod outeide 'I'.'all eign3ge with 3 maximum sign 3re3 c31culatod 3t one cquare f<Jot
por lineal foot of leased frontago not to excood 100 square foot of total wall signs por
e3ch leased space. The ownor/ manager shall be rosponsible f<Jr the placoment of the
8. Any sign may be indiroctly illurninatod, only. Civic Events. Street hanners
may be permitted subject to approval and installation in accordance with rules and
procedures established by the City of Auburn Public Works Department.
D. Pormitted signs in RO Hand CN zones:
1. Roal estate: soe ,^,CC 18.56.040(C);
2. Politic31: soe ACC 18.56.040(B);
3. Directional;
4. Temporary building: ene sign per project not to exceod 32 squ3ro foot in
total 3re3;
5. TempOFary windo'N signs: soe ACC 18.56.040(E)(2);
6. Temporary signs, oxtern31 to a building: soo ACC 18.56.040(E)(1), this
provision does not allow ponnunts;
7. Portable: see ACC 18.56.040(D);
8. Freest3nding:
3. SinglG tenant building: one sign por street frontage with a maximum sign
3reu calcul3ted 3t ene square foot per each lineal foot of frontage, not to oxceod 125
square filot per face and 30 filet in hoight,
b. Multiten3nt building and multibuilding complox: ono sign per street
front3ge with a maximum sign arou calculatod at one and one h31f square foet per each
line3l foot of frontage, not to e)(coed 150 square feet per face and 30 feot in height;
9 Wall:
u. Singlo tenant building: more than one ullowod with a m3ximum sign aroa
calculated at one squaFO foot per oach linoal foot of frontage, not to exceed 125 square
foot total for all wall signs,
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9. Wall:
a. Single tenant building: more than one allowed with a m3ximum sign area
calculated at ono and ono h31f square feet per each lineal f<Jot of front3go, not to
oxceod 150 square feet total for all .....all signs,
b. Multitenant building 3nd multibuilding complex: ouch leased spaco may be
allowed outside 'Null signage with a maximum sign area calculated 3t one 3nd one half
squ3ro feet per linoal foot of leased frontago not to oxceod 150 squme foet of tot31 wall
signs per 03ch le3sod epace. The o'Nner!munagor shall be rosponsible for tho
pl3cement of tho eigns;~
10. Projecting and roof: one projecting or ono roof sign m3Y be allowod in liou
of 3n 3110'Ned freost3nding sign '.\lith tho sign 3re3 not to oxceed 50 percont of that
allO'.ved for tho freest3nding sign. Roof signs me not allowod in tho C 2 zono and
projecting eigne may only project a m3ximum of 21 inches from tho building face in the
C 2 zone;
11. Marqueo: one double faco under marquoe sign, not excoeding six equmo
foot per face may bo allo.....ed for oach business entrance. Them shall be a minimum of
oight feet of cl03r3nce betweon tho grade and tho sign;
12. Any sign m3Y either be indiroctly or directly illuminated;
13. Revolving froestanding on premises signs aro permittod;
14. Monumentlmedi3n signs.Construction Provisions, Siqht Distance,
Exposed Anqle Iron and Wire.
1. Each siqn shall be adequa~ely constructed in accordance with the
requirement of the International Buildinq Codes, as amended;
2. Siqns containinq electrical circuitrv shall meet the requirements of the
National Electrical Code and all state laws, and shall include an approved testinq lab
3. Siqns must meet vehicular siqht distance requirements established bv the
city enqineer pursuant to ACC 18.48.020(B).
4. When a proiectinq siqn is used, no anqle irons, quy wires or braces shall
be visible, except those that are an inteqral part of the overall desiqn, such as
decorative metals or woods, or unless they are required for safety.
F. Pormitted signs in C 3, M 1, M 2, and LF zones:.
1. Roal ostute: see .^,CC 18.56.0~~
2. Politiccll: see ACC 18.56.010(B);
3. Diroctional;
4. Tompomry building: one sign per projoct not to exceed 32 squaro feot in
total area;
Temporary '.vindow: soe ACC 18.56.010 (E)(2);
Tompor3ry, external t<l a building: soo /\CC 1 8.56.010(E)(1 );
Portable: seo .^.CC 18.56.010(D);
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The holder of a permit. for the duration thereof, shall have the riqht to chanqe the
advertisinq COpy on the structure or siqn for which the permit was issued without beinq
required to pay any additional fees.
G. Exemptions
Unless otherwise specified or unless expressly prohibited, it is not the intent of
this Chapter to requlate the followinq siqns.
a. The flaq of a qovernment or noncommercial institutions such as schools,
with the poles treated as structures;
b. Official public notices, official court notices:
c. Incidental siqns (see ACC 18.56.020(0), Definitions);
d. Siqns not visible from public riqht-of-way;
e. Letterinq or symbols painted directly onto or flush-mounted maqnetically
onto an operable vehicle.
f. Paintinq, repaintinq, c1eaninq, repairinq, and other normal maintenance
unless structural or electrical chanqes are made;
q. Reliqious symbols not attached to a permitted siqn;
h. Memorial siqns or tablets, names of buildinq, dates of erection and the
like, which are incorporated into the buildinq material and facade;
i. Siqns required by law, traffic or pedestrian control siqns, siqns indicatinq
scenic or historic points of interest, which are erected by or on the order of a public
officer in the performance of his or her public duty:
i. Sculptures, fountains, mosaics, and desiqn features which do not
incorporate advertisinq or identification.
k. Temporarv siqns limited exclusively to non-commercial speech.
H. Prohibited siqns.
From and after the effective date of this chapter it shall be unlawful for any
person to erect or place within the city. except as otherwise authorized:
1. A swinqinq proiectinq siqn:
2. Portable siqns, except as permitted by ACC 18.56.025 (Real Estate
Siqns) and ACC 18.56.040(E) (C2 District);
3. Banners, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, rotatinq or blinkinq
liqhts, strinqs of lights, or similar devices, except as permitted by ACC 18.56.030(B)
(Temporarv Siqns);
4. Flashinq siqns, except as permitted in ACC 18.56.030(D) (Liqhtinq
5. Siqns attached to, or placed on, a vehicle or trailer parked on private or
public property that is not associated with the business advertised on said siqn(s). This
provision is not to be construed as prohibitinq the identification of a firm or its principal
products on a vehicle used in the normal course of business. This does not include
automobile for sale siqns or siqns attached to franchised buses or taxis;
6. Private siqns placed in or on a public riqht-of-way: except for as expressly
permitted by this chapter:
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7. Any siqn which constitutes a traffic hazard or detriment to traffic sflfety by
reason of its size, location, movement. colorinq, or method of illumination, or by
obstructinq the vision of drivers, or detractinq from the visibility of any official traffic
control device by divertinq or tendinq to divert the attention of drivers of movinq vehicles
from traffic movement on streets, roads, intersections, or access facilities. No siqn shall
be erected so that it obstructs the vision of pedestrians by qlare or method of
illumination constitutes a hazard to traffic. No siqn may use words, phrases, symbols or
characters in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic;
8. Any siqn or advertisinq structure or supportinq structure that is torn,
damaqed, defaced or destroyed;
9. Siqns attached to poles installed by qovernmental aqencies, utility poles,
trees, rocks or other natural features;
10. Siqns attached to benches, qarbaqe cans, or other street furniture located
within the public riqht-of way.
11. Rotatinq siqns.
12. Billboards.
13. Any siqn which does not structurally or materially conform to the
requirements of the City's adopted International Buildinq Code.
I. Nonconforminq siqns.
Permanent siqns established leqally prior to the adoption of this chapter that do
not conform to the requlations of this chapter with reQard to number, size, heiqht or
location shall be allowed to remain as leqal nonconforminq siqns except as follows:
1. Whenever a new buildinq replo;ces {he principal buildinq.
2. When there is an expansion of an existinq buildina. the requirements of
this section shall apply only if there is an increase in floor area of twenty-five (25)
percent or more (includinq the cumulative increase of previous expansions after the
effective date of the ordinance amendinq this section).
3. Whenever a non-conforminq use is replaced by a conforminq use, the
requirements of this section shall apply in full to the new use if and only if there is a
chanqe in required siqnaqe due to the zoninq district.
4. Any siqn, includinq the siqn structure, now or hereafter existina which no
lonqer advertises a bona fide business conducted or a product sold. Such siqn(s) shall
be taken down and removed by the owner, aqent or person havinq the beneficial use of
the land, buildinq or structure upon which such sian may be found within ninety (90)
days after written notification from the buildinq official.
J. Master Siqn Plans Authorized
The Planninq, Buildinq and Community Director has the authority to require a
master siqn plan to ensure a consistent and coordinated siqnaqe scheme for
development proposals. In approvinq Master Siqn Plans under the provisions of this
subsection, the Director has the authority to approve siqnaqe schemes that allow for
siqns qreater in area and heiqht than allowed in the particular zone in which the
development is located when a coordinated siqnaqe scheme is used. Master siqnaqe
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plans shall be recorded. (Ord. 5342 ~ 2, 2000; Ord. 4705 ~ 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 ~ 2,
18.56.040 Special E:igns.Requlation by District
A. Civic Signs. The building official may approve and pormit to be eroctod
entrance signs, at or near the city limits, on private property 'Nith the owner's
permission, on which may bo Iistod institution31 n3mos, or points of interest. The tot31
3roa of such sign sh311 not exceod 21 square feet per taco or 12 feet in hoight. Such
sign Sh311 not be pl3cod so as to C3use :3 traffic h3zard, and shall bo 3pprovcd 3S to
placomont by the city enginoerR-R. R-S, LHRS, R-1, LHR-1, R-2, LHR-2, R-3, LHR-3,
R-4, LHR-4, R-MHP, LHRMHP Zoninq districts (non-residential uses, except as noted)
1. Residential entrv monument: A cumulative area of fifty (50) square feet or
ten (10) feet in heiQht (hiqhest point of siqn structure) not to exceed two (2) per
entrance provide that no siqn exceeds thirty-two (32) square feet in area.
2. Maximum siqn area of all sians is forty (40) square feet per frontaqe.
3. Freestandinq siqns
a. Total number permitted: One (1) per frontaqe not to exceed two (2) total
freestandinq siqns per property,
b. Maximum heiqht: Ten (10) feet.
c. Maximum area: Thirty-two (32) square feet per face, calculated at a rate
of one (1) square foot of siqn area for everv three (3) lineal feet of frontaqe. The
minimum entitlement for freestandinq siqns shall be one (1) sixteen (16) square foot
siqn for those sites with frontaqes less than 48 feet.
4. Wall siqns (for buildinq or tenant space):
a. Total number permitted: One (1) per frontaqe not to exceed two (2) total
wall siqns per buildinq
b Maximum area: Thirty-two (32) square feet. calculated at a rate of one (1)
square foot of siqn area for everv three (3) lineal feet of frontaqe. The minimum
entitlement for wall siqns shall be one (1) sixteen (16) square foot siqn for those sites
with frontaqes less than 48 feet.
5. Siqns may be indirectly illuminClted only.
B. Politic31 Signs.
1. Politic31 signs shall not be placed upon public stroets, public proporty,
highways, or rights of way within the corporate limits of tho city. Signs placed on private
property roquiro permission of proporty owner.
2. Political signs Sh311 be removed within 11 days aftor tho election, oxcopt
that 3 candidate who wins a primary election may continuo to display political si!jns until
11 days after the general eloction.
3. Politic31 signs loss than 16 square feet shall not be roquired to havo a
permit or pay a foe. ~Jo other regulations apply excopt as outlined in subsoction (B)(1)
of th is sectio n.
1. Political signs 16 squ3re foet or larger Sh311 be limited to one sign per
candidato or issue, on 3 private lot and shall be regul3ted 3S foIlO'.....c: no person,
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association, corpomtion, or organization shall place, construct, erect, or install any
politiC31 or campaign sign of 3ny kind or n3turo in any election, upon any 'IaC3nt
property or abandoned vehiclo or machinory placed on V3cunt property llnloss 3 pormit
hac been socured from the building official and tr.e follo'Ning information sllppliod:
u. Numbor of signc;
b. Location;
c. Written permission from property owners;
d. Size of signs.
5. Political signs in excess of 32 squ3re feet ch311 conform to the provisionc
of tho off premicos cigns, ACC 18.56.030(F)(12) oxcepting paragraph (3).R-O, RO-H,
C-N, C-1, LHC-1, B-P Zoninq districts (non-residential uses)
1. Maximum siqn area of all siqns is 150 square feet per frontaqe.
2. Freestandinq siqns:
a. Total number permitted: One (1) per frontaqe not to exceed two (2) total.
b. Maximum heiqht: Twenty-two (22) f~et. ten (10) feet in the RO zone.
c. Maximum area: 100 square feet per face, 75 square feet per faCe in the
RO zone, calculated at a rate of one (1) square foot of siqn area for everv two (2) lineal
feet of frontaqe. Minimum entitlement for freestandinq siqns shall be one (1) siqn at
thirty two (32) square feet for those sites with less than sixty-four (64) feet of frontaqe.
d. If permitted, the 2nd freestandinq siqn shall not exceed fifty (50) percent
of the area allowed for a sinqle freestandinq siqn and 150 feet measured in a straiqht-
line distance must separate multiple pole siqns.
3. Wall siqns (for buildinq or tenant space):
a. Total number permitted: One (1) per frontaqe.
b. Maximum area: 100 square feet, calculated at a rate of one (1) square
foot of siqn area for everv 1.5 lineal feet of frontaqe. For multi-tenant buildinqs where
free-standinq siqnaqe contains the name of not more than one (1) tenant business
(e.q., a prime tenant name or a shoppinq center name), an additional twenty-five (25)
percent of wall siqnaqe per tenant space shall be allowed. This increase in siqnaqe
shall not apply to minimum entitlement for wall siqns. which shall be one (1) siqn at
sixteen (16) square feet.
c. Siqns may be directly or indirectly illuminated.
4. Suspended siqns:
a. Total number permitted: One (1) per entrance.
b. Maximum area: Six (6) square feet per face.
c. Minimum clearance is eiqht (8) feet from siqn to qrade.
5. Proiectinq siqns:
a. (Not permitted in, C-N, R-O or RO-H.)
b. Total number permitted: One (1) in lieu of a permitted freestandinq siqn.
c. Maximum heiqht: Heiqht requirement of the zoninq district.
d. Maximum area: Fifty (50) percent of the area allowed for sinqle
freestandinq siqn.
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C. Re31 Estate Signs. No sign :;>enT,it Is roquired, excopt 3S providod in
subsection (C)(6) of this section. 1\11 oxterior real est3te signs must be of 'Nood or pl::lstic
or othor dumblo materi31.
Tho permittod signs 3ro as follows:
1. Rosidenti31 "for s3le" and "sold" signs: such signs sh311 be limited to one
sign per streot frontago not to oxceod fivo squ3re feet in sign are3 por side, pl3cod
entirely on the proporty for salE:), 3nd not to exceod a height of sevon fGet.
2. Residontiul directional "open house" signs: such signs shull bo limited to
one sign por street frontago on tho premises for sale 3nd threo off prE:)misos signs.
However, if a brokor!agent has more th3n one house opon for inspection in a single
dovelopment or subdivision, he is limitod to four off premises "opon houso" signs in the
ontiro dovelopment or subdivision. Such signs 3re permittGd only during d3ylight hours
3nd whon the brokor!agont or seller or an 3gont is in attend3nco at tho property for
sale. No suoh sign shall oxceGd fi'{e squaro feot in sign are3 per side. The sign may be
placed 310ng tho poriphory of 3 public right of way, providod it does not intorfere with
tr3ffic safoty, but it may not bo attached to a utility polG or traffic safoty devico.
3. Undevolopod commercial and industrial proporty "for sale or rent" signs:
ono sign per streot front3go advertising undoveloped commorci31 3nd industrial
proporty for s310 or f-or rent is pormittod '""hile the proporty is 3ctually for eale or rent.
The sign sh311 not exceed 32 square feet in sign are3 per side and oight feet in height.
4. DevolopE:)d commorciul 3nd industrial proporty "for Gulo or rent" signs: one
sign por etrGot frontage advortising a commercial or industrial building for ront or sale is
permitted while tho building Ie actually for rent or salo. If one taco of the building is loce
th3n 10 feet from the building line, the sign sh311 be placed on the building or in a
'J','indo'N. Tho sign shall not oxceed eight foet in hoight, if froost3nding, it shall be loc3tod
more than 15 feet from 3ny 3butting property line and a public right of way lino. Said
sign shall not oxcood 32 equaro foet in eign area por side.
5. Undovolopod residontial property "for salo" signs: ono sign per street
front3ge advertising undevoloped rosidentiul property for salo is pormitted not
oxceeding 32 square feet in area per sido, nor exceeding a height of eight feet. If tho
sign is greater than fivo square feet in arGa, it must be placod moro than 30 feet from
the abutting proporty lino.
6. /\ddition31 signs: tho he3ring examiner m3Y gmnt a special permit to allow
tompomry off promises signs in addition to thore pormitted abo'{o, not to exceod five
squaro feet in size por side, or 42 inches in hoight. Notice of adj3cent proporty O'.\'ners
Sh311 not be required. Such 3dditionul signs may bo usod to advertiso open housos, to
provide directions to new dovelopments, or simil::lr purposes. Such signs may be placod
310ng the periphery of the public right of way, provided thoy do not interfere with traffic
sufoty, but thoy may not be attached to utility poles or traffic saf-oty dovices. The
hearing oX3miner shall determine tho number and locutions of such signs, and the
period during which they may be displayod. The hearing oxaminer sh311 take into
account tho number of OJcisting signs in any proposod location, and sh3111imit or prohibit
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nO'.... onos so oc to provent a tr3ffic s3foty hozard or a detrimental effect on neighboring
propertyP-1. LHP-1, "I", LHI zones
1. Freestandinq siqns
a. Total number permitted: One (1) per frontaqe not to exceed two (2) total.
b. Maximum heiqht: Eiqhteen (18) feet.
c. Maximum area: Eiqhty (80) square feet per face, calculated at a rate of
one (1) square foot of siqn area for every two (2) lineal feet of frontaqe. The minimum
entitlement for freestandinq siqns is one (1) siqn at thirty two (32) square feet.
d. If permitted, the 2nd freestandinq :;iqn shall not exceed fifty (50) percent
of the area allowed for a sinqle freestandinq siqn and 150 feet measured in a straiqht-
line distance must separate multiple pole siqns.
e. For projects, parcels or complexes that have a sinqle street frontaqe and
more than 300 feet of street frontaqe, a chanqinq messaqe center siqn may be
permitted for a total of two (2) siqns per frontaqe subject to the followinq:
i. Only one (1) chanqinq messaqe center is provided.
ii. Multiple siqns are separated by at least 150 feet.
iii. The combined area of the two (2) siqns does not exceed 120 square feet
in size and neither siqn is qreater than eiqhty (80) square feet in size.
2. Wall siqns (for buildinq or tenant space):
a. Total number permitted: Two (?) per street frontaqe.
b. Maximum area: Fifty (50) square feet for total of all wall siqns per
c. Siqns may be directly or indirectly illuminated
D. Portablo Signs. One port3ble sign may be ullo'Nod per oach bucincss
slli:;ject to tho f-ollowing:
1. May not be placod within public right of way nor intorfore with pedestri3n
or vohicul3r tr3ffic;
2. M3Y not be pl3ced in landscaped aroas;
3. M3Y not exceed nine SqU3ro foot per f3ce and be limited to two faces;
1. M3Y be displ3yed during businoss hours only;
6. Existing portable cigns which do :lot comply 'Nith thocc provisions will
have one ye3r, from tho 3d option d3te of this chaptor, to comply with theso provisions;
6. Sign permits 3re not requirod.L-F, M-1, M-2 Zoninq districts
1. Maximum siqn area of all siqns is 150 square feet/frontaqe
2, Freestandinq siqns:
a. Total number permitted: Two (2) per frontaqe not to exceed four (4) total.
b. Maximum heiqht: Thirty (30) feet.
c. Maximum area: 125 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one (1)
square foot of siqn area for everv two (2) lineal feet of frontaqe. Minimum entitlement
for freestandinq siqns is thirty two (32) square feet for those sites without sixty four (64)
feet of fro ntaqe.
d. The total area of freestandinq siems on any qiven frontaqe shall not
exceed the area allowed for a sinqle freestandinq siqn.
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e. The maximum heiqht of siqns located on a second or third frontaqe shall
be twenty (20) feet.
f. Multiple freestandinq siqns must be separated by 150 feet measured in a
straiqht-Iine distance.
3. Wall siqns (for buildinq or tenant space):
a. Total number permitted: One (1) per frontaQe.
b. Maximum area: 100 square feet, calculated at a rate of one (1) square
foot of siqn area for everv 1.5 lineal feet of frontaqe.
4. Projectinq siqns:
a. Total number permitted: One (1) in lieu of a permitted freestandinq siqn.
b. Maximum heiqht: Heiqht requirement of the zoninq district.
c. Maximum area: Fifty (50) percent of the area allowed for sinqle
freestandinq siqn.
E. Tomporary Signs.
1. Tomporary signs, banners, postors, flags, pennants, and balloons which
aro intonded to announce tho oponing of 3 now businoss, celebrato businoss
anniversaries, announce major sulos, or ud'/ertiso othor similar ovents m3Y be allowed
subjoct to the following:
a. No more than four such signs may bo 3110wod per calond3r year and there
must bo 60 d3Ys between the pl3coment of the signs;
b. No such sign shall rem3in up for more than 15 days;
c. The tot31 sign area shall not excoed 30 squmo foot;
d. Permits 3re not requirod except as outlinod in subsection (E)(1)(e) of this
e. Signs which excoed the 3110wable size and time dumtion must roceivo a
permit issued by the hearing eX3miner if spoci31 circumstances exist that 'N3rrant the
3dditional signage.
2. Temporary signs to be displuyod within a window may be allowod subject
to the f-ollmving:
a. The total sign 3rea shall not exceed 50 porcent of the window aroa in
which case there shall be no time rostrictions on tho display;
b. For those signs which oxcood 50 percent of tho window aroa there shull
bo a timo limitation of 15 days for such signs. Those signs shull occur no more than
four times por year and thero must be a minimum of 60 days bet\':eon the placement of
such signs;.
c. Pormits are not requirod excopt as outlinod in subsoction (E)(1)(o) of this
d. Signs which exceed tho allowable size and time duration must roceive 3
permit issuod by the homing eX3minor if spock:.1 circumst3ncos exist th3t W3rrant the
additional signage. .
3. Stroot bannors of a nonpolitical n3ture advortising civic ovents sponsored
by a nonprofit org3nization may be installod at 3 prodesignuted loc3tion within the 200
block of East Main Streot for 3 period not oxceeding W'JO 'fIoeks in dumtion. Requosts to
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install banners shall be made by application to the city ongineer who shull have the
authority to administer the iesuanco of 3ny fuch ,:>ermits. The 3pplicution eh311 be made
on forme provided by the city ongineer, and issuanco of 3ny of such pormit shall be
subject to insurance requiroments, bond requiroments, hold harmless agreements, and
other udministr3tive dotails 3S administered by the city ongineer.C-2 Zoninq District
1. Maximum siqn area of all siqns is 200 square feet
2. Hanqinq siqns that are desiqned to display the availability of a specific
product in a business, limited to three (3) square feet and no more than two (2) such
siqns per business. shall be considered permanent siqns, but shall not be calculated as
part of the maximum allowed siqnaqe.
3. Freestandinq siqns:
a. Freestandinq siqns are not allowed on properties abuttinq or oriented
toward Main Street.
b. Total number permitted: One (1) per frontaqe not to exceed two (2) total.
c. Maximum heiqht: Twenty (20) feet
d. Maximum area: Seventy-five (75) square feet per face, calculated at a
rate of one (1) square foot of siqn area for each lineal foot of frontaqe. Minimum
entitlement for freestandinq siqns shall be one (1) siqn at 32 square feet.
4. Wall siqns:
a. Total number permitted: One (1) per frontaqe.
b. Maximum area: 150 square feet. calculated at a rate of one (1) square
foot of siqn area for everv one (1) lineal foot of frontaqe. For multi-tenant buildinqs
where freestandinq siqnaqe contains the name of not more than one (1) tenant
business (e.q., a prime tenant name or a shoppi'lq center name), an additional twenty-
five (25) percent of wall siqnaqe per tenant space shall be allowed. This increase in
siqnaqe shall not apply to minimum entitlement for walls siqns, which shall be one (1)
siqn at sixteen (16) square feet.
5. Suspended Siqn: One (1) double-face Suspended siqn, not exceedinq
three (3) square feet per face may be allowed for each business entrance. There shall
be a minimum of eiqht (8) feet of clearance between the wade and the siqn.
6. Portable Siqns. One (1) portable siqn may be allowed for each business
entrance, not to exceed one (1) portable siqn per buildinq frontaqe, subiect to the
a. May be placed within public riqht-of-way subject to the quidelines provided
by the Planninq, Buildinq and Community Directcor in consultation with the City Enqineer
such that siqn does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic and conforms to the
requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
b. May not exceed thirty-six (36) inches in heiqht and thirty (30) inches in
width and be limited to two faces.
C. May be displayed durinq business hours only.
d. Must be constructed of either wood or another sturdv material to ensure
stability in the wind.
e. May not move, spin, flash. or otherwise be animated.
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f. Shall meet applicable supplemental desiqn requirements of the Auburn
Downtown Association.
7. Supplemental Siqn Standards, C2 Zone
a. Siqn desiqn and construction
i. All siqns, other than temporarv siqns, shall be made of professional,
durable materials such as wood, metal. and/or qlass.
ii. Siqns that are indirectly illuminated shall have their Iiqht sources shielded
from view.
iii. Internally illuminated siqns are not permitted abuttinq or oriented toward
Main Street.
b. Siqn Placement
i. Siqns shall be oriented toward pedestrian visibility and shall be positioned
at such a heiqht as to be readable by pedestrians.
ii. Externally mounted wall siqns shall not be mounted so as to block buildinq
F. C-3 Zoninq district
1. Freestandinq siQns:
a. Total number permitted: Two (2) per frontaqe not to exceed four (4) total.
b. Maximum heiqht: Thirty (30) feet.
c. Maximum area: 200 square feet. calculated at a rate of one (1) square
foot of siqn area for everv two (2) lineal feet of fruntaqe. PROVIDED That the maximum
size of any siqn does not exceed 125 square foot per face. The minimum entitlement
for freestandinq siqns is thirty-two (32) square feet for those sites without sixty-four (64)
feet of frontaqe.
d. The total area of freestandinq siqns on any Qiven frontaqe shall not
exceed the area allowed for a sinqle freestandinq siqn.
e. The maximum heiqht of siqns located on a second or third frontaqe shall
be twenty (20) feet.
2. Wall siqns (for buildinq or tenant space):
Maximum area: 125 square feet, calculated at a rate of one (1) square foot of
siqn area for everv 1.5 lineal feet of frontaqe.
3. Proiectinq siqns:
a. Total number permitted: One (1) in lieu of a permitted freestandinq siqn.
b. Maximum heiqht: Heiqht requirement of the zoninq district.
C. Maximum area: Fifty (50) percent of the area allowed for sinqle
freestandinq siqn.
4. Suspended siqns:
a. Total number permitted: One (1 ).
b. Maximum placement heiqht: Twenty-five (25) feet.
C. Maximum area: Six (6) square feet per face.
d. Minimum clearance is eiqht (8) feet from siqn to qrade.
5. Off-premises siqns:
a. Total number permitted: One (1) per business and one per parcel.
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b. Location: off-premises siqn must be located in zone that permits off-
premises siqns.
c. Maximum heiqht: Twenty (20) feet.
d. Maximum area: Fifty (50) percent of the area allowed for sinqle
freestandinq siqn, calculated usinq the feet of frontaqe of the site where the siqn is
e. Must be within 750 feet of the business beinq advertised.
f. Must be separated from any existinq pole siqn a minimum distance of 150
feet measured in a straiqht-line distance.
q. Siqn can be no more than two (2) faces.
h. Siqns may be directly or indirectly illuminated. (Ord. 4229 ~ 2, 1987.)
18.56.050 Genor:.lIAdministrative provisions.
A. Sign /\rea, Placoment, Additienal Front3ge, Additional Signage.
1. Tho ullOW3blo sign area Sh311 be c31culated by using the building frontoge
or lot frontago, whichever is greater.
2. The business person m3Y pi3ce the sign or signs any pl3ce on the
businoss ost3blishment or lot; however, froost3nding signs must be locatod entirely
upon privuto property and shall not project ever public right of way.
3. In order to encourage the setting back of froest3nding signs an 3dditional
1.25 percont of sign 3rea may bo 3ddod, for ouch ono foot of setback provided, up to ;]
maximum of 25 percont.
4. Off promises freost3nding signs '.viII h3ve a 20 foot setb3ck measured
from 3ny streot right of way. No bonuses of sign ar03 will be allowed for additional
5. Corner loc3tions or locations with frontage on more th3n ono street are
permitted ono 3ddition31 sign for the addition31 stroot frontage; provided, that no
freestanding sign shall be loc3ted closer th3n 1 (JO foot to anothor freostanding sign on
tho same lot. Such socondary freostanding, projocting or roof signs Sh311 be limitod to
an aroa not groator than 50 porcont of the area 3110wed for tho S3mo type of sign on tho
main stroet front3ge. 'Nail signs aro allowod on each frontage with its sizo c31culuted by
03ch frontage. For projects that have 500,000 squ3re foot or more of floor 3rea and
more than one front3ge each freestanding cign shall bo allowed its maximum are3 for
oach sign, calculatod by its frontago. The additional signs must be pl3cod to be
primarily viewed from the secondary street and not placed to add 3dditional signs to the
principal street front3ge.
. 6. On a business, multitenant building, or multibuilding complex 'Nith tot31
frontage on tho m3in stroot of more than 300 f{)et, the bucinoss sh311 bo 3110wed ono
additional freestanding sign for each 300 foot of front3go, not to exceed 150 cquare
feot per face. Each sign shall bo placed 150 feet apart. This shull only apply to
commercial or industrial zonod property. If undor this provision only one freestanding
cign is usod for the entiro frontage thon tho allowable sign arC3 may bo incre3sed up to
350 square feot per taco with no other aroa bonuses 3110wod.
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7. Tho arc3 of a sign may bo incroasod up to 25 percont when only ono sign
is used; provided, that 311 other sections of this ch3pter 3re complied with.
8. For dovelopments that havo substantial building setbacks, 3t least 100
foet, from tho public right of '.'lay, the square footage of wall signs may be increusod by
one h31f squ3ro f-oot for e3ch foot tho sign is sot back from public right of way. The
m3ximum 3dditionul square footage shull be 150 square f€et. Permits Required. Except
as provided in subsection (B) of this section, no siqns shall hereafter be erected, re-
erected, constructed, altered, or maintained, except as provided by this chapter and,
when required, a buildinq permit for the same has been issued by the buildinq official. A
separate permit shall be required for a siqn or siqns for each business entity and/or a
separate permit shall be required for each qroup of siqns on a sinqle supportinq
1. Application for permits: application for siqn permits shall be made to the
buildinq official on a form as provided by the buildinq division. Such application shall
a. Name of business and address where work is to be performed.
b. Name and address of property owner.
c. Name and title of the person completinq the application.
d. Name and address, telephone number of the person or firm doinq the
work and preferably the owner of said establishment.
e. Washinqton contractor's reqistration number. industrial use permit
number, sales tax number.
f. A site plan showinq location of the siqn in relation to buildinqs, property
lines and street riqht-of-way includinq the size and location of all existinq siqns on the
q. A scale drawinq of the proposed siqn or siqn revision showinq size,
heiqht. COpy, structural and footinq details, and material specifications.
h. A description of work to be performed and type of siqn.
i. Electrical load with name of electrical contractor responsible for
installation of service feed wires if other than siqn contractor.
i. Structural enqineer's stamp required on those siqns and siqn structures
subject to wind and seismic forces.
2. Revocation of permit: the buildinq official may, in writinq, suspend or
revoke a permit issued under provisions of this chapter whenever the permit is issued in
error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of any ordinance or
requlation or any of the provisions of this chapter.
3 Permit fee schedule: the fees prescribed in the city's fee schedule must
be paid to the city for each siqn installation for which a permit is required by this chapter
and must be paid before any such permit is issued by the buildinq official. Fees for
buildinq permits for each siqn erected, installed, affixed, structurally altered, relocated,
or created by paintinq shall be set in accordance with the city's fee schedule.
4. Siqn permits shall be processed in accordance with the relevant timelines
and procedures identified in Auburn City Code Title 14, "Project Review".
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B. Projection, Clearance and Sight Dist3nce.
1. No projecting sign Sh311 project more than six inches 3bove or over the
wall, roof Iino or p3rapet ef tho building to which it is att3ched.
2. Projecting signe may not projoct more than five feet from the proporty line
or building fuco and must be a minimum of F.\'0 foet from 3 curb unless othol\vieo
cpocified by this chuptor, 3nd sh311 conf-orm to Soction 103 of the Uniform Sign Code.
Projocting signe within tho C 2 zone may only project 21 inches from the building taco.
3. All projocting signs over the public right of 'Nay must bo a minimum of
eight foot abovo the sidewalk oxcopt when located in an 3110y or in an 3rea whoro motor
trucks may bo required to pacs, in which caso tho minimum vorticul cloarance shull be
11 feet and conform to Section 103 of tho Uniform Sign Code.
1. Roof signs may not oxtond more th3n five foot in hoight 3bove the ;-0 of.
5. Signs must meet vehicul3r sight distance requiremonts ostublishod by the
city enginoer pursuant to I\CC 1 8.18.020(B).lnterpretation. In all applications for permits
where a matter of interpretation arises. the most restrictive definition shall prevail.
C. Exposed /\ngle Iron 3nd VViro. When a projecting or roof sign is used, no
angle irons, guy wires or br3cos Sh311 be visible, except those that are an int€gr31 part of
tho overall design, such as decorativo mot31s or woods, or unless they are roquired for
D. Lighting Provisions.
1. ,^,II lighting shall be 3rranged to refloct 3way from any residential zone 3S
woll as no person shall construct, establish, create er maintain any st3tionary exterior
lighting or i1lumin3tion systom or :lnY interior systom which is intended to bo viewed
from a street, highway or other public thoroughfare used for vehicul3r traffic which
systom contains or utilizes:
a. Any exposed inc3ndescent I3mp with a w3tt3gO in excess ef 25 watts,
b. Any exposod inc3ndescent I3mp 'Nith un intornal motullic roflector,
c. /\ny oxposed incandescent lump with un extornal refloctor,
d. Any revolving beacon light,
e. Any continuous or sequontial flushing operation in which more than one
third of the lights aro turnod off at 3ny ono time and/or which uses light of more than 25
2. These provisions shull not apply to:
u. Lighting systems ownod or controlled by 3ny public ugoncy for the
purpose of directing or controlling navig3tion, tmffic, or highway or streot illumin3tion,
b. Aircraft warning lights,
c. Electronic information systems which display tho timo of the day und!or
the atmospheric tomper3ture or programmable olectronic messages of 3 public service
or commercial nature.
E. Construction Provisions.
1. E3ch sign shall be 3dequ3toly constructed in 3ccordance with the
requirement of tho Unif-orm Building 3nd Sign Cedes, as 3mendod;
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2. Signs containing electrical circuitry shall moot tho roquiroments of the
N3tion31 Electric31 Code 3nd all state laws, and chall includo 3n approved (ecting lab
F. Ch3nge of Copy. The holder of a permit, f-or tho duration theroof, shall
have the right to chango tho 3d'lertising copy on the structure or sign for 'Nhich tho
permit 'NUS issued without boing required to pay 3ny 3dditional fees. (Ord. 4705 ~ 2,
1994; Ord. 4229 ~ 2, 1987.)
18.56.060 Exemptions.Deviations, variances and appeals.
The following ::!re exempt from the provisions of this chapter:
/\. P3inting, rep3inting, cleaning, repairing, 3nd other norm31 m3inton3nce
unloss structur31 or electrical changos me mudo;
B. Temporary signs 3nd docorations custom::!!)' for spoci::!1 holidays orectod
on private property;
C. Religious symbols;
D. Momori31 signs or tablets, names of building, d3tes of eroction and the
E. Signs required by law, traffic or pedostri3n control signs, signs indic3ting
sconic or historic points of interest, which are erectod by or on tho ordor of a public
officor in the porformance of his public duty;
F. Sculptures, fountains, mosaics, and design featuros 'Nhich do not
incorpor3te advertising or idontific3tion;
G. The f13g of a govornmont or noncommercial institutions such 3S schools,
with the polos tro3tod 3S structures;
H. Official public notices, official court notices;
I. Incidental signs;
J. Signc not intended to be viowed from street right of 'N3Y;
K. Lottering or symbols p3intod diroctly onto or flush mounted magnetically
onto 3n oper3ble vehicle.
A. The Planninq, Buildinq and Community Director may qrant UP to a 50%
deviation to the provisions of this siqn code related to siqn heiqht and siqn area. In a
petition for a deviation. the Planninq, Buildinq and Community Director shall have the
power and duty to review, decide. qrant, qrant with conditions or deny the requested
deviation. The Planninq, Buildinq and Community Director may qrant a deviation from
the provisions of this chapter only when the deviation is within 50% of the entitlement
and all of the followinq findinqs of fact are met.
1. The literal interpretation and strict application of the provisions and
requirements would cause undue and unnecessarv hardship because of unique or
unusual conditions pertaininq to the specific buildinq. parcel or property in question: and
2. The qrantinq of the requested deviation would not be materially detrimental to
the public welfare or iniurious to the property or property owners in the vicinity: and
3. The qrantinq of the deviation would not be contrarv to the qeneral objective
and intent of this chapter, this title, or the comprehensive plan.
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B. An applicant requestinq an administrative deviation under the provisions
of this chapter shall submit the followinq, alonq with the required filinq fee.
C. A letter in memorandum format outlininq how the request is consistent
with the criteria of this subsection.
D. A site plan that accurately drawn to an enqineered scale of one (1) inch
equals forty (40) feet, one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet. one (1) inch equals ten (10)
feet that includes the followinq information:
1. Boundaries and dimensions of the site,
2. Location of buildinqs, parkinq areas and adiacent streets,
3. Graphic representations of all existinq siqns includinq their size, heiqht and
placement on the site.
4. Graphic representation of the proposed siqn(s) subiect to the request.
5. Buildinq elevation showinq the placement of the siqn on that elevation, if
E. The action of the Planninq, Bllildinq and Community Director reiectinq,
approvinq or modifyinq any decision or application is a final administrative decision
subiect to appeal to the city's Hearinq Examiner. Appeals of administrative decisions
with reqard to this chapter shall be processed consistent with ACC 18.70.050 of this
F. The Planninq, Buildinq and Community Director shall render a written
decision on the requested deviation request within seven (7) business days of submittal
of all required elements and filinq fee.
G. Requests that exceed the 50% deviation or those not related to allowable siqn
heiqht or siqn area shall be processed as a Variance in accordance with ACC
18.70.010 of this Title.
H. The Planninq, Buildinq and Commun:ty Director may allow for the repair or
replacement of non-conforminq siqns that have a siqnificant historical or cultural
element or are inteqral components of a buildinq roof or facade that has a siqnificant
historical or cultural element to which the siqn is a contributinq component. (Ord. 4229 ~
2,1987.) .
18.56.070 Prohibitod signs.
From and after the offoctive d3te of this chapter it Ghall bo unl3wful for any
porson to erect or place within the city:
!\. 1\ swinging projecting sign,
B. Strings of lights, banners, balloons, ponnants, ribbons, stroamers,
spinnors, rotating or blinking lights, or simil3r devicos, oxcept as permitted by /\CC
C. Flashing signs, excopt 3S pormitted in I\CC 18.56.050(D);
D. Signs attachod to, or placod on, 3 vehiclo or tmiler p3rkod on priv3to or
public property. This provision is not to be construod 3S prohibiting tho identification of 3
firm or its principal products on a vehiclo oper3ting during the normal course of
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business. This does not includo automobile for sale signs or signs att3ched to
fr3nchised busos or t3xis;
E. Private signs placod in or on a public right of way; monumontlmodiun
signs pormitted by this ch3ptor 3re, however, 3110wod;
F. Any sign which constitutes 3 tr3ffic haz3rd or detriment to tr3ffic safety by
reason of its size, location, movomont, content, coloring, or method of illumination, or
by obstructing tho vision of drivers, or detracting from the visibility of 3ny offici31 traffic
control devico by divorting or tending to divort the 3ttention of drivers of moving vehicles
from traffic movement on streets, roads, intersections, or 3ccess bcilities. No sign sh311
be erectod so that it obstructs tho vision of porlestrians which by glare or method of
illumin3tion constitutes 3 h3zard to tr3ffic. No sign m3Y use 'Nords, phrusos, symbols or
ch3r3cterc in such 3 m3nner 3S to interforo with, misl03d, or confuse traffic;
G. .^.ny sign or 3dvertising structure or supporting structuro which is torn,
damaged, defaced or destroyod;
H. Any sign, including tho sign structure, nO'.... or horeaftor oxieting which no
longor advertises 3 bona fide business conducted or a product sold shull bo taken down
and removed by the ownor, agent or porson having the beneficial uso of the land,
building or structuro upon which such sign m3Y be found within 90 days after written
notific3tion from the building official;
I. Signs 3tt3ched to utility poles, trees, rockc or other natural features;
J. Signs 3tt3ched to bonches on public right of way. (Ord. 1705 S 2, 1991;
Ord. 1229 S 2, 1987)
18.56.080 Nonconforming cigns.
Permanont signs established legally prior to the adoption of this chapter that do
not conform to the regul3tions of this ch3pter with reg3rd to number, size, height or
locution ch311 be 3110'Nod to remain 3S legal nonconforming signs until tho sign is
removod, structurally or eloctrically chungos, or moved. In such cases the sign shall be
tre3ted as 3 new sign. (Ord. 1229 S 2, 1987.)
18.56.090 Administr3tive provisions.
A. Permits Required. No signs shall horoafter be erected, roeroctod,
constructed, 3ltered, or maint3ined, except as provided by this ch3pter ane, 'Nhen
required, a building permit for the same h3s beon issued by the building official. /\
sep3r3te permit shall bo required for a sign or signs for each business ontity 3nd/or 3
sopar3te permit shall be requirod for oach group of eigns on 3 single supporting
1. Applic3tion for permits: application for sign permits shull be made to the
building official on 3 form as provided by the building division. Such application sh311
Name of business and address where work is to bo performod;
Namo and title of the person completing the 3pplic3tion;
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c. Name 3nd address, tolophone number of the porson or firm doing the
work and preferably the owner of said ostublishment;
d. Washington contractors registr3tion number, industrial use permit
numbor, sales tax numbor;
e. A site plan showing location of the sign in rel3tion to buildings, property
lines 3nd streot right of way including the size and 10cGtion of 311 existing signs on the
f. /\ scalo dr3wing of the proposod sign or sign revision showing size,
height, copy, structur31 and f{)oting dotails, 3nd mGtori31 specifications;
g. .^. description of Vlork to be performod 3nd type of sign;
h. Electrical load with n3me of eloctrical contr3ctor responsible for
installation of service food wires if other than sign contmctor;
i. Structural enginoor's st3mp roquired on those signs and sign structures
subject to wind and seiGmic forces.
2. RO'Jocation of pormit: the building offici31 m3Y, in writing, suspend or
revoke 3 permit issuod undor provisions of this ch3pter whonover the permit is issued in
error or on tho b3sis of incorrect inform3tion suppliod, or in violation of 3ny ordin:mco or
regulation or any of the provisions of this chr1pter.
3. Permit feo schedule: the feos proscribed in the city's foe schodulo must
be paid to tho city for each sign installation for which 3 permit is requirod by this chapter
3nd must bo p3id before any such permit is icsuod by tho building official. Fees for
building pormits for oach sign erected, installed, uffi)(od, structurally altered, relocated,
or cre3ted by painting Sh311 be set in accord3nce with tho city's foe schedule.
B. Interpretation. In all applications for pormits where a matter of
interpret3tion arises, the most rostrictive definition shall prevail. (Ord. 4229 ~ 2, 1987.)
18.56.100 I\ppoals 3nd variancos.
V3ri3nces to the ordinance and 3ppeals from docisions of tho building offici31
shall bo made to the h03ring eX3minor.
I\. .^.ppoals of udministrativo decisions with regard to this chapter shull be
procossod in 3 manner consistent with /\CC 18.70.050.
B. In a petition for 3 v3rianco, tho h03ring exuminor shall have the power and
duty to hour, decide, grant, gr3nt with conditions, or dony the requested VGri3nCe 3ftor a
public he3ring has been hold pursu3nt to /\CC 18.70.040. Tho oxaminer may gmnt a
v3riance from the provisions of this chaptor only whon all of tho following findings of fact
3ro mot:
1. Tho litoral intorprotation 3nd strict 3pplic3tion of tho provisions 3nd
requirements would C3use undue and unnecessary h3rdship becauso of uniquo or
unusual conditions port3ining to the specific building, purcel or proporly in quostion; 3nd
2. The granting of the requested variance would not bo m3terially
detriment31 to the public welf3re or injurious to the proporty or proporty owners in the
vicinity; 3nd
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3. The unucual conditions 3pplying to the specific proporty do not apply
gonerally to other propertios in the city; 3nd
1. Tho granting of the vmianco would not be contrary to the genor31
objoctive 3nd intent of thic chapter, thic titlo, or the comprohom;ivo plan.
Tho action of tho hearing eX3miner rejecting, 3pproving or modifying any
docision or 3pplication is fin31 subject to appe31 to tho city council. (Ord. 1229 3 2,
18.56.+-t-G070 Liability.
This chapter shall not be constituted to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of
any person owning, building, altering, constructing, removing or moving any sign in the
city for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any
defect therein; nor shall the city, or any agent thereof, be held as assuming such liability
by reason of permit or inspection authorized herein or a certificate of inspection issued
by the city or any of its agents. (Ord. 4229 ~ 2, 1987.)
18.56.~080 Conflicts repealed.
All sections or parts of sections of the municipal code, all ordinances and all
resolutions or parts of resolutions, in conflict herewith, be and the same, are repealed to
the extent of such conflict. (Ord. 4229 ~ 2,1987.)
Section 2. SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be
separate and severable. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion
of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of
competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and
independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions thereof.
Section 3. IMPLEMENTATION. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement
such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
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Section 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force
five days from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law.
FEB - 6 2006
FES - 6 7nn~
FEe - 6 2006
Da 'elle E. Daskam,
City Clerk
aniel B. Heid,
City Attorney
~~t]jJM J J.-J ~/N'j.;, b
Ii .....(,. ::J~_.
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