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WHEREAS, RCW Chapter 35.96 sets forth the procedures for cities to
follow when converting overhead electric and communication facilities to
underground facilities; and
WHEREAS, RCW Chapter 35.96 requires the owners of structures and
improvements served by those facilities to convert their service connections to
underground service when those utilities are converted; and
WHEREAS, ACC Chapter 13.32 sets out the City's procedures for
implementing RCW Chapter 35.96; and
WHEREAS, those procedures are cumbersome to use and often leave
property owners unclear as to the scope of their underground conversion
responsibilities; and
WHEREAS, the procedures set forth in ACC Chapter 13.32 may be
clarified while remaining in compliance with RCW Chapter 35.96,
Section 1. Amendment to Citv Code. That Chapter 13.32, Underground
Wiring, of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as
Chapter 13.32
Purpose and scope.
Property owner's responsibilities.
Conversion work by local improvement districts.
Notification of service availability, requirement to convert. and
noncompliance action.
Mandatory disconnection and removal of overhead services.
Conversion complaint and appeal review.
Local improvement regulations apply.
Violation - Penalty.
13.32.010 Purpose and scope.
The purpose and scope of this title is to establish policies and standard
procedures for regulation of installation, operation, and management of all
underground utility wiring and communication conduits within the city of Auburn.
The scope of this title includes new subdivisions, new construction on private
parcels, agreements and franchises for cable television, telecommunications,
gas, and power utilities operating within public ways. This chapter clarifies the
applicability of all other titles of the city code regarding the subject of
undergrounding, to foster management of future rights-of-way to the benefit of
the public, and to prescribe the specific procedures and permits to be used to
regulate each activity. (Ord. 5043 ~ 1 (Exh. A), 1998.)
13.32.020 Definitions.
The definitions of this chapter are specific to this chapter.
"Aerial" means those t1Utility Facilities services which currently exist on poles or
which may be installed at a future date with the city engineer's approval, owned,
and managed by private utilities, located within city rights-of-way or city utility
"Electric Utilitv" means anv publiclv or privatelv owned utilitv enqaqed in the
business of furnishinq electric enerqy to the public in all or part of the conversion
area and includes electric companies as defined bv RCW 80.04.010 and public
utility districts.
"Communication Utility" means any utility enqaqed in the business of affordinq
telephonic. teleqraphic. cable television or other communication service to the
public in all or part of the conversion area and includes telephone companies and
teleqraph companies as defined by RCW 80.04.010.
"Conduit" means any pipeline, duct, or protective enclosure for electrical
conductors, coaxial cable, multi-conductor cable, or fiber optic cable,
communications trunkline or used for conveyance of gas, petroleum, or other
commercial products.
"Service Connection" means anv and all equipment used to connect structures or
improvements to a Utility Facility.
"Utility" means those companies providing electric power, telecommunications,
cable television, telephone, and natural gas services within the corporate
boundaries of the city of Auburn, Washington. (Ord. 5043 ~ 1 (Exh. A), 1998.)
"Utility Facility" means any and all Utility-owned or operated conduits, wires.
cables. fiber optics. pipelines. or other devices used to transmit. transport. or
distribute electric power. telecommunications services. cable television. or
natural qas. and any appurtenances thereto.
13.32.030 Requirements.
A. General. All Utility Facilities and Service Connections wires, cables or
other electrical and communication appurten:mces, pipelines, and dovices shall,
where technically feasible, be installed underground in connection with the
1. All new platted subdivisions (including streets and rights-of-way
within subdivisions) and all new public street and street frontaQe improvements;
2. All completely new permanent-type residential and commercial
buildings on private property (temporary construction Service Connections
requirements may be overhead);
3. All lines extended into areas where no adequate aerial system
exists-wRefe feasible;
4. As an exception to the above, all aerial Utilitv fFacilities in existence
as of January 16. 1998 the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter
are grandfathered at current capacity to remain above ground; however, should 2
Utility the owner of such facilities desire to increase the capacity of its SIffiI:l-Utility
fEacilities, the Utility he/she shall apply for an amendment to its his/her franchise
with the city.
B. Cable Television. Chapter 13.36 ACC governs the installation and
management of all underground facilities related to cable television services and
franchises within the corporate boundaries of the city.
C. New Subdivisions. Chapter 17.12 ACC governs the installation of all
underground facilities related to the integration of all utilities that serve new
subdivisions within the corporate boundaries of the city.
D. Telecommunications and Commercial Utilities. ACC Title 20,
Telecommunications and Other Commercial Utilities, and Chapter 12.24 ACC,
Construction Permits, govern the installation and management of all underground
facilities related to commercial utilities and telecommunication services and
governing right-of-way agreements, franchises, and leases within the corporate
boundaries of the city.
E. Temporary Uses. The city engineer may grant an exemption from
undergrounding the Service Connections for electricpower and communication
services for temporary structures or for mobile containers for up to one year. The
city engineer may grant an extension to such uses providing the permittee
provides proof of either a commitment to relocate the use to another site, or a
bonded commitment to underground the ~ervice Connections within the one
year extension if granted. The intent of this section is to allow small businesses
to economically determine if a site is suitable for the planned use without having
to make a significant financial investment in undergrounding such sService
Connections. The exemption will not be granted without business registration and
a determination of compliance with zoning.
F. Permitting. All permits for the tjnstallation of all--aerial and underground
Utilitv fFacilities within existing city rights-of-way or easements shall be
processed and reviewed permittod under Chapter 12.24 ACC, Construction
Permits. (Ord. 5043 ~ 1 (Exh. A), 1998.)
13.32.040 Property owner's responsibilities.
A. The owner(s) of real property served by aerial electric or communication
Utility Facilities that are beina relocated underaround shall. at the owner(s)'s
expense. decommission. disconnect. and remove the Service Connections from
those Utilitv Facilities to any structures or improvements located on the pro pertv.
The owner(s) shall also. at the owner(s)'s expense. either install underaround
Service Connections to those structures or improvements or. upon approval of
the City Enaineer, discontinue Utility service to one or more of the structures or
improvements on the property. Property owners wishina to discontinue Utility
service shall provide written notice of that intent to the City Enaineer within 30
calendar days of receipt of the City Enaineer's notice that the underaround
system is available for service.
B. Such conversion of the Service Connection. includina installation of any
underaround Service Connections. shall be completed within 90 calendar days of
the City's mailinq or deliverv of the notice set forth in ACC 13.32.060 and RCW
35.96.050 that service from the underaround Utility Facilities is available.
The owner(s) of real pr-operty abutting an underground wiring project shall be
responsible at his/her or their expense for converting to such underground wiring
service within 90 days after the date of the mailing of the notice as set forth in
.'\CC 13.32.060. Time in consummating such connection and disconnection of
overhead services is of the essence and such notice to the property owner or
occupant of the affected premises may be mailed, or delivered in person. (Ord.
5043 ~ 1 (Exh. A), 1998.)
13.32.050 Conversion work by local improvement districts.
All ef-such conversion of electrical and communication Utility fFacilities to
underground facilities may be undertaken by local improvement district or as
otherwise permitted by law and as further authorized by RCW 35.96.030 and
35.96.040. (Ord. 5043 ~ 1 (Exh. A), 1998.)
13.32.060 Notification of service availability, requirement to convert, and
noncompliance action.
A. When service from the underground electric and communication Utility
fEacilities is available in all or part of a conversion area, the city enqineer shall
issue a directive mail a notice to the owners of all structures or improvements
with Service Connections to served from the existing overhead Utility fEacilities in
the area by means of mailinq a certified notice or hand deliverinq a notice~
notice shall statioge that:
1A. Service from the underground Utility fEacilities is available;
~8. To facilitate completion of the citv's proiect. A!!II electric and
communication s~ervice Connections lines from the existing overhead Utilitv
fEacilities within the area to any structure or improvement must be
decommissioned, disconnected and removed within 90 calendar days after the
date of mailing or delivery of the notice;
~G. Should such owner fail to complete conversiont...Qf such sService
Connections tiAes-from the overhead system to the underground system within
90 calendar days after the date of mailing or delivery of the notice, the city will
order the electric and communication t1Utilities to disconnect and remove the
sService ConnectionsJ.iRes;
1Q. Should tThe owner may object to the disconnection and removal of
the service lines as provided in ACC 13.32.080. , he may by-filinge his a written
objection thereto with the city clerk within 30 calendar days after the date of-#le
mailing of the notice, and failure to object within such time will constitute a waiver
of his right thereafter to object to such disconnection and removal.
B. Time in consummatina such connection and disconnection of overhead
services is of the essence and such notice to the property owner or occupant of
the affected premises may be mailed or delivered in person. (Ord. 5043 ~ 1
(Exh. A), 1998.)
13.32.070 Mandatory disconnection and removal of overhead services.
If the owner of any structure or improvement with a Service Connection served to
frBm-an tAe-existing overhead electric and/or communication Utility fFacilityies
within a conversion area fails to convert the Service Connection from overhead to
underground tAe-service lines from such overhead facilities to such structure or
improvement within 90 calendar days after the date of the mailing or delivery te
him-of the notice set forth in ACC 13.32.060, the CGity Enaineer shall order the
electric and/or communication t1Utilities to disconnect and remove all such
sService ConnectionJ.iRes; provided, that if the owner has filed his .;Lwritten
objections to such disconnection and removal with the city clerk within 30
calendar days after the mailing or deliverv of the notice, then the city shall not
order such disconnection and removal until after the hearing on such objections.
(Ord. 5043 ~ 1 (Exh. A), 1998.)
13.32.080 Conversion complaint and appeal review.
A. A property owner may obiect to the disconnection and removal of
an aerial Service Connection by filinq a written obiection thereto with the City
Clerk within 30 calendar days after the date of the mailinq or deliverv of the
notice set forth in ACC 13.32.060. Failure to obiect within such time will
constitute a waiver of the owner's riqht thereafter to obiect to such disconnection
and removal.
B. Upon the timely filing by the owner of illLobjections to the
disconnection and removal of the service lines pursuant to this chapter, the
owner shall have the right to file an appeal of the City Enqineer's directive. which
shall be heard by the City of Auburn Hearina Examiner. complaint with the public
worl(!:; director as foIlO\'.'s:
CA. All appeals complaints filed pursuant to this section must be filed in
writing with the public works director within 10 working days of the filinq date of
the owner's written objection decision being disputed;B. All complaints filed
pursuant to this section and shall specify the error of law or fact, or new evidence
which could not have been reasonably available at the time of the city engineer's
decision, which shall constitute the basis of the complaint;
DG. Upon receipt of a timely written notice of an appeal complaint, the
public works director shall review the materials submitted and prepare a written
staff paper detailing the rationale of the city engineer's directivedectsieA- _and
findings of fact for the hearing examiner;
];;Q. The public works director shall schedule the hearing in accordance
with ACC 1.25.090 and Chapter 18.66 ACC and notify the contesting party of the
scheduled hearing. (Ord. 5677 ~ 5, 2002; Ord. 5043 ~ 1 (Exh. A), 1998.)
13.32.090 Local improvement regulations apply.
Unless otherwise provided for in RCW 35.96.010 et seq., all the general
provisions related to local improvements of cities and towns shall likewise apply
to local improvements for the conversion of overhead electric and
communications facilities to underground facilities within the city limits. (Ord.
5043 ~ 1 (Exh. A), 1998.)
13.32.100 Violation - Penalty.
Any violation of this chapter shall be enforced pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 1.25 ACC. (Ord. 5043 ~ 1 (Exh. A), 1998.)
Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to
implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the
directions of this legislation.
Section 3. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to
be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph,
subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application
thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the
remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or
Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in
force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
MAR J ~ 2Q06
MAR 2 0 2006
MAR 2 0 2006
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Danlelle E. Daskam, City Clerk
Published: 3. ,21- 200'1 G.