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SECTIONS 18.04.570, 18.45.040 AND 18.48.020 OF
WHEREAS, the current provisions of the Auburn City Code (ACC) allow
taller fences within front and street side yard setbacks in the Lea Hill area that
are allowed within other residential zones within the city; and
WHEREAS, individual lot owners desire to have fences tall enough to
provide privacy when their lots' rear yards abut streets; and
WHEREAS, decorative fences (such as wrought-iron) taller than 42 inches
in height should be allowed within front yards as attractive' additions to
neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable to have uniform fence regulations throughout
the City of Auburn.
Section 1. Amendment to City Code.
That section 18.04.570 of
the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
18.04.570 Lot lines.
"Lot lines" means the lines bounding the lot.
A. Front lot line:
1. For an interior lot, the front lot line shall be that lot line which abuts
the street right-of-way.
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May 22, 2006
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2. For a corner lot, the front lot line shall be that lot line which abuts a
street right-of-way and bests conforms to the pattern of existing site development
and/or the pattern of adjacent development, as determined by the Director. that
Jot-mline(s)-which-abuts-a-€lesignatBd-afterial. If neithef--0F-b0th-~slaFem.a.-desig.nated
arterial, the builder/owner sh311 at tho time of applying for a permit havo the
option of selecting which lot line shall be the front lot line, the other line lot
3. For a through lot, the front lot line shall be that lot line which abuts a
non-arterial street or from which primary access is provided. both lot liftBS-Wh.i.Gh
abut 3 street right of way shall be considered the front lot line,
Section 2. Amendment to City Code.
That section 18.45.040 of
the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
18.45.040 Development standards - Lots previously approved.
A. For any residential lot that had received final plat approval, final
short plat approval, preliminary plat approval or that King County had received
and determined the application complete for a preliminary plat or short plat, prior
to the effective date of annexation, the development standards in the following
table shall apply. The property owner/applicant shall be responsible to provide to
the city evidence of these previous approvals.
B. Any further subdivision of any lot and its subsequent use must
conform to the permitted uses and standards referenced in ACC 18.45.020 and
18.45.030, with the exception of farm animals, then ACC 18.45.070 shall apply.
Setbacks* Building
Lot Lot Heiqht
Zoning Lot areal Lot Lot Coverage Side
District Area Unit Width Depth (%) Front Rear Side Street Main Acc.
LHRS 8,000 N/A 35 0 35 20 5 5 10 35 35
LHR1 2,500 N/A 30 0 35 10 5 5 10 35 16
LHR2 2,500 6,000 30 0 35 10 5 5 10 35 16
LHR3 2,500 3,600 30 0 40 10 5 5 10 35 35
LHR4 2,500 2,400 30 0 55 10 5 5 10 35 35
* Garages and other similar structures with a vehicular access require a 20-foot
setba ck fro many street -o-F-eRGes-up-to-si)(-feet-in-fleight--may-be-GGflstruBted-in
any setbaG~
(Ord. 5342 9 2, 2000.)
Section 3. Amendment to City Code.
That section 18.48.020 of
the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
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May 22, 2006
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A. Height Regulations. The minimum or maximum height requirements
as stipulated throughout this chapter shall be considered to be met if the height
of the-~fence is within six percent of the height required allowed. The height of
themm~fence shall be determined from the existing, established grade on the
property. The heiQht of any retaininq wall or rockery constructed after initial lot
creation shall apply to the fence heiqht limitation, except where such wall is
constructed as part of a public street or other improvement project; provided that
a minimum 42 inch high fence shall be allowed in all instances.
1. The following regulations shall apply in the RR, R-S, LHRS, R-1,
LHR1, R-2, LHR2, R-3, LHR3, R-4, LHR4, R-MHP, LHRMHP, RO, RO-H, I, LHI,
CN, C-1, LHC1, aAd-.l.C-2 and C-3districts:
a. Fences may be constructed to a height not to exceed the following
in each of the required setback areas, as regulated per each zone, or as modified
by subsection B of this section:
Front yard: 42 inches; provided that fences constructed with....materials
having--ne---gr-eater-tAan-2.Q-o/o--0-pasity--of chain-link, wrought iron or similar
materials that provide visibility may be 72 inches in heiQht;
Side yard: 72 inches; provided, hovvever, that an\, pgrtion of a fence lying
nearest the--froAt-l3fGp.eRy-l.klO, sh311 not exceed a he~t-ef-42.--inGhes;.
Rear yard: 72 inches;
Street side yard: 42-72 inches.
freRtages. One of the street frontages must be an existing or planned arterial
street and the lots do not have vehicle access to said arterial. In such C3ses-a
the.yaromsetbaek-abuttiAg tho 3rteriaJ-stfeet-sooje.ct--te-the--feIlGwingc....jf--sHGh--a
fence is proposed it must be for all or 3 majority of the 3rterial street frontage the
subject lots abut. Individual fences, t311er than 12 inches, on independent lots "'A:ill
including-.deeid-1JGUs-troes ptafrted at an avefage--spaciAg-ef---2.5--tG--30--feet,.-is
fBtluired between the fence 3nd the abutting arterial. 1\ homeowners' associ3tion,
or similar organization, is required and shall perpetually maintain the fence and
evid.ence--of-such--.perpetual-maintenance-. The planniAg-directer--shaH-appreY.e-of
the fence material, 13ndscaping and evidence of the homeowners' associ3tioA
m3intenance and the timing of the installation of fence and 13ndscaping.
2. Fences and walls built within the building area of a lot may be as high
as the maximum building height allowed within the applicable zone district.
BuildinQ permits for fences exceedinq 6 feet in heiqht are required.
B. Special Height Restrictions.
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May 22, 2006
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1. There shall not be anything constructed or reconstructed, and no
obstruction permitted to grow, other than a post, column or tree not exceeding
one foot square or one foot in diameter, between a height three ililJeet and (ten)
10 feet above the established grade within the triangular areas described below,
without the express approval of the city engineer:
a. The triangular area formed by a line extending 20 feet along the
right-of-way lines of a street and alley or edge of a private driveway-et:--two
~nterseeHng-street-s, measured from the point of intersection-of--the-right--ef-way
Jines, and the line connecting the two ends of the two 20-foot lines;
b. The triangular area formed by a line 15 feet along the street right
intersection of tho street ond alley right of way lines and the line connecting the
unconnected ends of the 1'."/0 lines.
b. Fences located at the corner of intersectin~ streets shall comply
with the sight distance requirements of the City of Auburn Desiqn Standards.
2. In general, no fence, hedge, structure or other obstruction shall act
as a sight hazard to traffic, and the city engineer may order the removal of such
hazard whether or not such object otherwise complies with the provisions of this
C. Screened Fence Defined.
1. A screened fence shall consist, at a minimum, of a chain link fence
interwoven with slats placed in every row or available space in the fence;
2. A 100 percent sight-obscuring fence shall be constructed of solid
wood, metal, concrete or other appropriate material which totally conceals the
subject use from adjoining uses.
D. Fences and Associated Landscaping.
1. When landscaping is required along the property line, the fence
shall be set back a minimum of five feet if the fence abuts a street right-of-way,
so as to not obscure such landscaping;
2. At other property lines the landscaping shall be located to serve the
greatest public benefit.
E. Obstructions - Generally Prohibited.
1. In no case shall any fence and/or hedge be constructed or grown,
within a distance of three feet, around any fire hydrant; as well as no fence or
hedge shall deter or hinder the fire department from gaining access to any fire
department connection, fire protection control valve, fire hydrant, or fire
department appliance or device;
2. In no case shall any fence and/or hedge obstruct the visibility of any
fire hydrant from a distance of 150 feet, in any direction, of vehicular approach to
the hydrant;
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3. In no case shall any fence and/or hedge be constructed or grown in
a manner which interferes with access to storm or sanitary sewer manholes and
other appurtenances which require access for maintenance purposes.
F. Other than in the P1, G3, M1 or M2 zones, no fence may include the
use of barbed wire or razor wire; provided that pasture areas a minimum of one
acre in area may be fenced with barbed wire in any zone. Barbed wire Gf-f8-Z-0f
wire may be attached to the top of and in addition to the height of a 72 inch
fence, provided it does not extend more than one additional foot in height.
G. Any fence located within a front yard that features a 10ckinQ Qate or
similar security device shall provide emerqency access in a manner acceptable
to the fire marshal.
Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to
implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the
directions of this legislation.
Section 5. Severability.
The provisions of this ordinance are
declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence,
paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the
application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of
the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons
or circumstances.
Section 6. Effective date.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be
in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as
provided by law.
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May 22, 2006
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Danielle E. Daskam,
City Clerk
Ordinance No. 6031
May 22, 2006
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