HomeMy WebLinkAbout6033 ORDINANCE NO. 6 0 3 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTERS 18.32 AND 18.34 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE, RELATING TO INDUSTRIAL ZONES WHEREAS, from time to time, amendments to the City of Auburn zoning code are appropriate, in order to update and better reflect the current development needs and standards of the City; and WHEREAS, a need has been identified to address concerns over the changing face of industrial and commercial development; and WHEREAS, presently, the City's principal industrial zones (M1 (Light Industrial) and M2 (Heavy Industrial)) allow various manufacturing and wholesale distribution use outright, while commercial uses allowed within these zones are limited to those that complement or support industrial uses and typically require an administrative use permit or a conditional use permit; and WHEREAS, expanding the range of permitted commercial uses in the industrial zones, as well as eliminating the administrative and discretionary land use approval processes currently required to allow commercial uses, will promote the more efficient use of land in the urban growth area; and WHEREAS, with this code amendment, property owners would be offered the ability to develop commercial uses without limiting the range of industrial uses that are currently allowed; and WHEREAS, following proper public notice, the City of Auburn Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 6, 2006, on proposed code amendments regarding uses and development standards in the M1 (Light Industrial) and M2 (Heavy Industrial) zones; and Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page1of13 WHEREAS, after fully considering the testimony and information presented at the public hearing, on June 6, 2006, the Planning Commission made its recommendations for code amendments to the City of Auburn City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the Planning Commission recommendations; and WHEREAS, environmental review on the proposal has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), with a final determination of non-significance (DNS) issued May 22,2006; and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposal was received by State agencies for the 60-day review period on May 2, 2006, also in accordance with state law, RCW 36.70A.1 06. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section One AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE. That Chapter 18.32 of the Auburn City Code, entitled "M-1 Light Industrial District" is amended to read as follows: Chapter 18.32 M-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Sections: 18.32.010 18.32.020 18.32.030 18.32.040 18.32.050 18.32.060 Intent. Permitted uses. Uses requiring conditional use permit. Development standards. Supplemental development standards. 18.32.010 Intent. The purpose of the M-1 Light Industrial zone is to accommodate a variety of industrial and commercial uses in an industrial park environment, to preserve land for light industrial and commercial uses, to implement the economic goals of the comprehensive plan and to provide a greater flexibility within the zoning regulations for Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 2 of 13 those uses which are nonnuisance in terms of air and water pollution, noise, vibration, glare or odor. The light industrial/commercial character of this zone is intended to address the way in which industrial and commercial uses are carried out rather than the actual types of products made. The light industrial character of this zone will limit the 3mount ~of industrial primary activities and other uses which may be conducted outside of enclosed buildings to outdoor displays and sales. Uses which are not customarily conducted indoors, or involve hazardous materials are considered heavy industrial uses under this title and are not appropriate for the M-1 zone. 'Nhile the majority of the M 1 zone is intended for light industri31 uses there may be some commercial uses permitted if the use enhances the quality of the 3rea and does not disrupt the continuity of the industrial uses. Regional shopping centers and GemmefGIaI-feBf~ also be permitted if they are found to be appropriate and consistent with the comprehensive pl3n. An essential aspect of this zone is the need to maintain a quality of development that attracts rather than discourages further investment in light industrial and commercial development. Consequently, site activities which could distract from the visual quality of development of those areas, such as outdoor storage should be strictly regulated within this zone. (Ord. 4910 S 1, 1996; Ord. 4229 S 2, 1987.) 18.32.020 Permitted uses. Hereafter all buildings, structures, or parcels of land in an M-1 Liqht Industrial districtDistrict shall only be used for the following, unless otherwise provided for in this title: Building and construction contractor services; Caretaker quarters, not more than one per establishment; GE. Cold storage plants; G. Daycare, including mini daycare center, daycare centers, preschools or nursery schools; H. Equipment rental and leasinq; I. Gasoline fillinq station; J. General offices; K. Health and physical fitness clubs; Household movers and storage; Janitorial services; Job training and vocational rehabilitation; GE.. Manufacturing, assembling and packaging of articles, products and merchandise when conducted entirely within an enclosed building; from previously prepared synthetic or natural materials, including but not limited to bristles, canvas, ~Rane, and similaf-sy-At-f-'letics, chalk,-clay (pulverized aRty, with gas-er electric kilnsj, c-lGth,-cork,-feathers,fett,-fiber, fur, glass (including glas& finishing), grapAfte,Aair, horn, 1eatRef,-pa-per, par-af.ffR.;-plastics -ef-resins, preBious or semi precious metals,--Of-stooe&; putty, pumice, rubber (excluding tire manufacturing or recapping, assembling of 3 premaAl::lf.aGtufed-trea4+&-however permitted), shell, textil~bacco, wire, \Nood, woe+, H- .... MafH;tfac4Hftftg-:-pfoees~-eleRding and pacl<3ging of the follovving: Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 3 of 13 +.---Dairy products and by products such as milk, cream, cheese and butter, irwludiA:g the processing and bottlin~ of fluid milk and cream, 2. Drugs, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, and cosmetics, 3. Food 3nd kindred products limited to activities such as confectionery products, bakery products, 3nd beverages bottling, -1. Soaps, detergents, and other household cleaners from previously prepared natural materi31s 3nd not involving the use of liquid ble3ch, liquid chlorine, liq.uidamm.oni.a,{)f..caustic-s; J:-----Manufacturing establishments engaged in electronic, automotive, aerospace, missile, airframe, or related manufacturing and assembly 3cti'lities, including i*eBision m3chine shops producing parts, accessories, assemblies, systems, engines, mater components, and whole electronic or electrical devices, automobiles, airGFa#, m+ssfle~--uflder."Jater vehicles, btit-specifically excluding explosive fuels and propellants; K. Manufacturing, processing, assembling and packaging of precision components and products, including precision shops for products such as radio and television equipment, business machine equipment, home appliances, scientific, optical, medical, dent3!, and drafting instruments, photographic and optical goods, phonograph recofdsandotherrecordingffiedia;-measur-emern-afHi..controJ-devices, sound eGtu i pment and supplies; persoAaI.-aCC-es6ooes, and products of similar character; L-;--...--.-MantJfacturi~----asse~--pa-ckaging and development of computer equipment and software, and related products; Q. Mini-storaqe warehouses: R. Motels and hotels; S. Personal service shops; MI. Printing, publishing, and allied industries including such processes as lithography, etching, engraving, binding, blueprinting, photocopying, and film processing; N,......-P-r-efessiooal--offiGes rel3ted to an on site permitted use or 13rger than 50,000 square feet of floor area;. QU. Research, development and testing of a permitted use; Restaurants~ aAE:l---reJ.ated-eating estabtishments limited to serving a permitted use on the same site; W. Retail sales of all types: X. Retail sales and rental of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles and boats: Q. Reta+l--and 'NAGlesale- trade of products manufactured, f*Ocessed or assembled on site: Y. Reupholstery and furniture repair; Z. Small appliance repair; Warehousing and distribution facilities, to include wholesale trade not open to the general public. This includes motor freight transportation as an incidental use but specifically excludes motor freight transportation as the principal use of the property; &"'---.--........()ft-site daycare serving specified permitted uses; :+.~On site recreational faG#ities serving specified permitted uses; UBB. Other similar uses and accessory uses and buildings appurtenant to a principal use which the p.Elanning director Director finds compatible with the principal Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 4 of 13 permitted uses described in this chapter and consistent with the purpose and intent of the M-1 zone; V'CC. Sexually oriented businesses as provided in Chapter 18.74 ACC. 18.32.030 ReservedUses requiring administrative permits. The following uses and 3ctivities in an M 1 district may be permitted by means of an 3dministrative permit, issued in accord with ACC 18.6-1.020(B), if the development pl3n of such use is found by the planning director to be consistent '.\lith the purpose of the zone 3nd the rel3ted policies of the comprehensive plan: A. ,A.uction houses, excluding animals; B. Automobile service station; C. ,A.utomobile service and repair; D. Automobile washes; E. Banks 3nd financi31 institutions; r:.,--.------GonveRieflBe--g-rooery-stores;- G~--.--.--GayGare;.-iHGtud+ng__.mffif--d_ayBa re center, daycafe--Beflt.ers;---preschoo+s.-€}f K. Horticultural nurseries; L-:-----....Miffi.-storage- warehouses; M. Person31 service shops; N. Professiona+-Gffices, including corporate headquarters; O. Retail sales of the follo'Jving and similar related products: 1. Computers, ~ Farm and garden supplies, 3. Hardware, including electrical,heating, plumbing, glass, paint, 'Nallpaper, and related goods, 4;........_....-Lumber-and-wik#flg--materlals; 5,. ...Gf.fiGe-supf3ties-.a~nt-;. f2-. Reupholstery and furniture repair; Q. Secretarial services; R. Small appliance repair. 18.32.040 Uses requiring conditional use permit. The following uses may be permitted when a conditional use permit has been issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.64 ACC: A. Auction houses, excluding animals Automobile sales nev\' and/or used to include passenger trucks and recreational vehicles; B. Automobile and truck rental; Commercial recreation, including animal race tracks; Heliports; €;. . He3vy equipment s3les, limited to ne\N equipment with used equipment being 3 second3ry use; F. Government facilities; G. Motels; U~. Radio and television transmitting towers; F. Reliqious institutions. to be located in existinq facilities only; Ordinance No. 6033 July OS, 2006 Page 5 of 13 ShOPPtngcenter-s;must+nvo.lve.am+Rfmum~OOO-square feet of-fioer area. JG. Utility substations, unless clearly incidental and part of a permitted use. Then the substation shall be permitted outright; K. VVarehouse sales, open to the public, must h3ve a minimum of 50,000. square feet of floor area; L. Religious institutions, to be located in existing f3cilities only; MH. Work release, prerelease or similar facilities offering alternatives to imprisonment under the supervision of a court, state or local government agency, and meeting the standards established under ACC 18.48.090; NJ Secure community transition facilities meeting the standards established under ACC 18.48.150 and Chapter 71.09 RCW. (Ord. 5863 S 3, 2004; Ord. 5835 S 6, 2004; Ord. 5690 S 1, 2002; Ord. 4910 S 1, 1996; Ord. 4590 S 6 (Exh. E), 1992; Ord. 4304 S 1 (17), 1988; Ord. 4229 S 2, 1987.) 18.32.050 Development standards. Development standards in an M-1 Liqht Industrial district are as follows: A. Minimum lot area: none required; B. Minimum lot width: none required; C. Minimum lot depth: none required; D. Maximum lot coverage: none required; E. Maximum building height: 45 feet. Structures may exceed 45 feet if one additional foot of setback is provided for each foot the structure exceeds 45 feet; F. Minimum yard setbacks: 1. Front: 20 feet, 2. Side, interior: none required, 3. Side, street: 20 feet, 4. Rear: none required; An additional 30 feet-foot of-setback shall be required for any and each yard that abill&;-~-or is separated, by a street less th3n 50 feet in width, fromif adiacent to or separated by a street less than 50 feet in width of any residentially zoned property. This additional setback requirement also applies to residentially zoned property that is unincorporated county land; G. Fences and hedges: see Chapter 18.48 ACC; H. Parking: see Chapter 18.52 ACC; I. Landscaping: see Chapter 18.50 ACC; J. Signs: see Chapter 18.56 ACC; K. Performance standards: see Chapter 18.58 ACC. (Ord. 4910 S 1, 1996; Ord. 4304 S 1 (19), 1988; Ord. 4229 S 2, 1987.) 18.32.060 Supplemental development standards. Supplemental development standards in an M-1 Light Industrial district are as follows: A. follows: 1. a. the lot. b. Outdoor storage shall be located between the rear lot line and the extension of the front facade of the principal structure, provided also that for corner lots All activities shall be conducted entirely within a building except as Outdoor storage subject to the following requirements: Outdoor storage shall be limited to an area no greater than 50 percent of Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 6 of 13 no outdoor storage would be allowed between a building and a side street lot line. For through lots, the location for outdoor storage shall be determined by the ~anning Planninq directorDirector. c. Outdoor storage shall not be located in a required yard/setback area. d. Outdoor storage shall not be permitted on vacant lots. e. Outdoor storage shall be limited to 15 feet in height. f. Outdoor storage areas shall be landscaped in accordance with ACC 18.50.050iE}. g. Outdoor storage areas shall consist of a hard surface material of either gravel or paving. h. Outdoor storage shall be supplemental to a permitted use on the property. i. Outdoor storage shall consist of supplies, materials, and/or equipment that are in working and usable condition. Outdoor storage of unworkable and/or unusable equipment, supplies or materials is not permitted. 2. Gasoline pumps. 3. Refuse containers, provided they are screened from adjoining property and public or private right-of-way with a masonry fence and a 5 foot width Type III landscapinq. 4. Horticulture activities. 5. Those uses listed as conditional or administrative use permits which require-someolltdooractivityer4isplay; Sales and rental of automobiles. trucks, B. A.l1 odors, noise, vibrations, heat, glare, or other emissions are controlled within the confines of a building unless specifically permitted elsewhere by this title. C. No highly combustible, explosive or hazardous materials are permitted, unless clearly incidental and secondary to a permitted use. GC. Loading and unloading docks th3t have frontage on a street shall be fElq-lI-ired to provide 3n additional 10 foot 'Nidth of Type Iii 13ndscaping or, in lieu of the additional 10-foot-width, a Type II landscaping may be providedshall not be visible from the street. No on-site hazardous substance processing and handling, or hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, shall be permitted, unless clearly incidental and secondary to a permitted use. On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities shall be subject to the state siting criteria (Chapter 70.105 RCW). (Ord. 5863 S 4, 2004; Ord. 4910 S 1, 1996; Ord. 4304 S 1(18), 1988; Ord. 4294 S 3, 1988; Ord. 4229 S 2, 1987.) Section Two AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE. That Chapter 18.34 of the Auburn City Code, entitled "M-2 Heavy Industrial District" is amended to read as follows: Chapter 18.34 M-2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Sections: 18.34.010 18.34.020 18.34.030 18.34.040 Intent. Permitted uses. ReservedUses requiring administrative permits. Uses requiring a conditional use permit. Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 7 of 13 18.34.050 18.34.060 Development standards. Supplemental development standards. 18.34.010 Intent. The M-2 J:J.Heavy llndustrial zones are iL.intended to provide for general manufacturing and processing and grouping of industrial enterprises which possess common or similar characteristics and performance standards involving manufacturing, assembling, fabrication and processing, bulk handling of products, large amounts of storage and warehousing, outdoor storage, processing and other related uses that cannot meet the development standards of the M-1 zone. While other uses may be sited within this zone, permits for such uses should not be issued if such uses will discourage use of adjacent sites for heavy industry, interrupt the continuity of industrial sites, or produce traffic in conflict with the industrial uses. (Ord. 4910 S 1, 1996; Ord. 4662 S 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 S 2, 1987.) 18.34.020 Permitted uses. Hereafter all buildings, structures, or parcels of land in an M-2 district shall only be used for the following, unless otherwise provided for in this title: A. Alcoholic beverage processing, distilling and fermentingAutomobile and Basic wood processing including sawmills, planing mills, veneering and laminating of wood; E Buildinq and construction contractor services, includinq storaqe yards; Building movers; 9G. Caretakers quarters, not more than one per establishment; €;. Commerci31laundries: F. Cold storage plonts: G;--.^----GontraGtoftf-ade^.ser-viGeSiRGlu.Q.j~r_age_yarosi H. Convenience grocery stores; I. Enameling, galvanizing and electroplating; J^ Equipment rental and leasinq and sales: JK Equipment repair and storage; L. Gasoline fillinq station: M. General offices includinq corporate headquarters; N. Health and physical fitness clubs; KO. Heavy equipment and truck repair; hP. Household movers and storage; MQ. Janitorial services; -NeB. Job training and vocational education; Lumber yards; Manufacturing, assembling and packaging of articles, products, or merchandise; from...prev+oHsjy.prepafednatuf-alof-^syfl-t-f-1etiG'-ffiater-+als,4ABttItH~t--not only.WlthgasofejectflGk~4fl-st,GJ.et-f-1,WFk, feothers,-.felt,-fi.ger-,--M, 9 lass (iAGlOOiflg~ f~raphite, hair, horn, leather, paper, paraffin, plastic and resins, precious or semi precious metals or stones, putty, pumice, rubber, shell, textiles, tobacco, 'Nire, 'Nood, 'Nool, and ymn; Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 8 of 13 Q:-------.Maffitrac-t-ur-iflf}---establishments eAgaged in electronic, al:rtGm-otWe, aerospaGe-;-m+ssi1e,.aiffraffie;' or related manufa.Bturi-Rg and assembly ac-tMties,~ precision machine shops producing parts, accessories, assemblies, systems, engines, majBf-'-Bomponents, and whole electronic or electrical devices, automobiles, aircraft, missiles, aerosp3ce or underwater vehicles, but specifically excluding explosive fuels ~tEr, R Manufacturing, processing, assembling and pack3ging of precision c{)mpefle~r-odttGts,-if1cluding precision machine shops for products such as radio and televisioo equipment, business machine equipment, home appliances, scientific, optical, medical, dental, and drafting instruments, photographic and optical goods, phonographic records and prerecorded audio visual tape, measurement and cORtrGt devices, sound equipment and supplies, personal accessories, and products of similar +- Manufactunng,. processing, blending and packaging of products such as me-f0-OOwjft~r: 1. Soaps, detergents and other basic cleaning and cleansing materials, 2. Mineral products such as abr3sives, asbestos, chalk, pumice, etc., 3. Clay and cement products such as brick, tile, pipe, etc.; U. Manufacturing, f)f-ecessing, blending and packaging of the followffi{;f. 1. Dru!JS,-pharmaceuticals, toiletries, 3nd cosmetics, 2-,...---F-ood-a-Ad kindred--prodttets,-&U:Gf:l--.as confectioners products, chocotate, cereat---breakfast food, bakery products, paste products, fruits and veget3bles, ttever.ages, prepared food specialties (such as coffee, dehydrated and instant food, 8J<frac.:tB&pices-artG--dressffigs ) and si m i lar proOO6t&,- aGa~Af'1*-eduBts 3nd by products such as milk, cream, cheese and butter, !H€~~ftFOCessing and bottling of fluid milk, and cream and wholesale distributiort;- v;.... ....--Manldfactl:lf4Hg,---as&efl"tl:)lmg,--.p-a€k~eJ.op-meffi of computer e€l-uipmeRt--aftd-sefiware,-and--r-e~rod ucts; U. Mini-storaqe warehouses: wy. Motor freight terminals and transportation; W. On-site daycare servinq a specified permitted use; X. Outside storage yards; Y. Offices rebted to 3n on site permitted use or brger than 50,000 square feetofffoor-area Z. Printing, publishing, and allied industries including such processes as lithography, etching, engraving, binding, blueprinting, photocopying, and film processing; AA. Research, development and testing of a permitted-tlSe; Retail sales of the following and similar related products: Bottled qas, Computers, Farm and qarden supplies, Hardware and equipment. Lumber and buildinq materials, Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 9 of 13 BBDD. Retail and wholesale trade of products manufactured, processed or assembled on-site; EE. Reupholstery and furniture repair; FF_ Small appliance repair; GGGG. Warehousing and distribution facilities, to include wholesale trade not open to general public; OOHH. Other similar uses and accessory uses and buildings appurtenant to a principal use which the planning director finds compatible with the principal permitted uses described in this chapter and consistent with the purpose and intent of the M-2 zone; EE------GA--sit-e-eaycare serving a specified permitted usei- ~. On site recreational facilities serving a specified permitted use; Sexually oriented businesses as provided in Chapter 18.74 ACC. (Ord. 5835 S 7, 2004; Ord. 4910 S 1, 1996; Ord. 4662 S 2, 1994; Ord. 4304 S 1 (20) - (23), 1988; Ord. 4229 S 2, 1987.) 18.34.030 ReservedUses requiring administrative permits. The follo'Ning uses and activities in an M 2 district may be permitted by means of an administrative permit, issued in accord with l',CC 18.61'1.020 (B), if the development plan of such use-i&oond-by the pkmning -director to be consistent 'Nith the purpose of the zone and the related policies of the comprehensive plan: F-----Gonvenience grocery stores; H. Equipment rental and leasing and s3les; t;--------Mealt~Gal-fitness cll:lbs-;- J, MiA-i-storage warehouses; K. Personal service shops; L Professional offices including corporate headquarters; M. Reupholstery and furniture repair; N.:---- .. R esta u ra At&; G--.-Retai+sales of -the following and similar rel3ted products:- 3,-------FarmaAG-garden--8Uwties, 4. Hardware and equipment, 5. Lumber and building materials, &:- Office supplies; P. Sm311 appliance repair; Q;--~--SeBretafiaj.-serviGes; R... -Daycare-if:t.cltddif:t.g--mffii--€laycare--Genter-; d ayca re--BeAters;--.pre8CMol-s-or AUfsery-sGhools(-Grd,4910~-4-;A-9W;--Gr-d;4002--%.-2;--+004;--Gr.EJ-;-4W4--s-1-f24}---(-2-et, 18.34.040 Uses requiring a conditional use permit. Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 10 of 13 The following uses may be permitted in an M 2 district when a conditional use permit has been issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.64 ACC: A. Animal and food processinq includinq the followinq: 1. Animal slauqhterinq, 2. CurinQ, canninq, freezinq and processing of meat and seafood, C. Auction houses, includinq animals,A,nimal auction houses; B. Automobile sales ne',J\' and/or used to include passenger trucks and recreational vehicles; GO. Automobile wrecking and salvage; O. i\nimal 3nd food processing including the following: .:h-----::t-8nrHftg-and-d ressi ng of hides, 2-:-----....---R-eAderi ng of. an i m al or-#SA-i3fB8se--er- ta Ilow , 3. Animal slaughtering, 4:--------G-ttr+ng, canning, freeziAg, and processing of meat and seafood, Bulk storage or processing of oil, gas, petroleum, butane, liquid petroleum, gas and similar products, unless clearly incidental and secondary to support a principally permitted use; Bulk storage of explosives and fireworks; Commercial laundries; Commercial recreation, includinq animal racetracks; Concrete mixing and batching plants, including ready-mix concrete G. H. HI. facilities; +4. Drive-in theaters; Government facilities; Heavy metal processing, including blast furnaces, drop forges, and similar heavy metal operations; Heliports; Manufacture of: Ammunition and explosives, Paving and roofing materials or other products from petroleum M.N 1. 2. derivatives; N.O GE.. -P-Q. QR. RQ. Motels; Processing or pulping of wood or other fibers; Radio and television transmitting towers; Rock crushing plants; Refining of materials such as petroleum, metals and ores, fats and oils; Salvage yards for the storage of metals, paper, glass, rags, building materials, and similar activities; !J Solid waste processinq facility; Taverns; YW. Utility substations, unless clearly incidental and part of a permitted use. Then the substation shall be permitted outright; V:f::_. Warehouse sales, open to the public, must have a minimum of 50,000 square feet of floor space; Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 11 of 13 W-~---SGHdwaste-pr.sGeSsiAg~~ Xy'. Off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities subject to compliance with the state siting criteria (Chapter 70.105 RCW); 'f.~-- -GGfnmerBlal--reBreatfeft, in cI u din g ani m a I ra cetr3 cks: Z. Secure community transition facilities meeting the standards established under ACC 18.48.150 and Chapter 71.09 RCW. (Ord. 5835 S 8, 2004; Ord. 5690 S 2, 2002; Ord. 4910 S 1, 1996; Ord. 4662 S 2, 1994; Ord. 4294 S 4, 1988; Ord. 4262 S 2, 1988; Ord. 4229 S 2, 1987.) 18.34.050 Development standards. Development standards in an M-2 district are as follows: A. Minimum lot area: none required; B. Minimum lot width: none required; C. Minimum lot depth: none required; D. Maximum lot coverage: none required; E. Maximum building height: 45 feet. For those structures that exceed 45 feet, one additional foot of setback shall be provided for each foot the structure exceeds 45 feet; F. Minimum yard setbacks: 1. Front: 30 feet, 2. Side, interior: none required, 3. Side, street: 30 feet, 4. Rear: none required. An additional 30 feet-foot Gf,-setback shall be required for any and each yard tJ:tat abuts, adjoiRs,-er is separated, by a street less th3n 50 feet in 'Nidth, from if adiacent to or separated bv a street less than 50 feet in width of any residentially zoned property. This additional setback requirement also applies to residentially zoned property that is unincorporated county land; G. Fences and hedges: see Chapter 18.48 ACC; H. Parking: see Chapter 18.52 ACC; I. Landscaping: see Chapter 18.50 ACC; J. Signs: see Chapter 18.56 ACC; K. Performance standards: see Chapter 18.58 ACC. (Ord. 4910 S 1, 1996; Ord. 4662 S 2, 1994; Ord. 4304 S 1 (27), 1988; Ord. 4229 S 2, 1987.) 18.34.060 Supplemental development standards. A. No on-site hazardous substance processing and handling, or hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, shall be permitted, unless clearly incidental and secondary to a permitted use. On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities shall be subject to the state siting criteria (Chapter 70.105 RCW). (Ord. 4910 S 1, 1996; Ord. 4662 S 2, 1994; Ord. 4294 S 3, 1988.) B..__ LoadinQ and unloadinQ docks shall not be visible from the street. C. Outdoor storaqe shall be landscaped in accordance with ACC 18.50.050(G). D. Refuse containers shall be screened from adjacent properties and public or private riqht-of-way with a masonry fence and minimum of Type III landscapinQ 5 feet in width. Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 12 of 13 Section Three CONSTITUTIONALITY OR INVALIDITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance, is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section Four IMPLEMENTATION. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section Five EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: OVED: JUL 1 7 2006 JUL 1 7 2006 JUL 1 7 2006 ATTEST: J_r2G PETER B. LEWIS MAYOR Danl lie E. Daskam, City Clerk Z\ zco(, " --, Ordinance No. 6033 July 05, 2006 Page 13 of 13