HomeMy WebLinkAbout6034 ORDINANCE NO. 6034 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 13.20.440 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE FOR THE PURPOSE OF REVISING THE CITY'S SEWER RATES, AMENDING SECTIONS 13.06.340, 13.20.390, AND 13.48.120 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLARIFYING BILLING PROCEDURES, AND CREATING A NEW SECTION 13.20.075 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO SEWER SERVICES EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the rates charged by the City for sewer service have not been increased for several years; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that those rates should be revised to reflect increased costs in providing sewer services; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to clarify the procedures for applying the City's sewer and other utility charges; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Code specify the date of water meter connection as the date on which service charges begin for sewer and stormwater utility charges; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Code does not specify the date on which service charges for these utilities begin if a property is not served by the City's water utility; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to allow customers of the City's water utility to request water meter testing without paying a deposit to the City for such tests. Ordinance 6034 July 10, 2006 Page 1 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Amendment to City Code. That Section 13.06.340 of the Auburn City Code is amended to read as follows: 13.06.340 Meter testing. Any owner/operator who requests a water meter accuracy test may make application to the City to have their meter tested. The City shall test. repair or replace the meter t9 ensure that the meter functions properly. If the test shows that the meter was over registering, the City shall refund to the owner/operator any o'!.tfl~L~U~e test shows that the meter was uDder registE?Lin~the QltY~J?h.91LPill the o'!.tm2J1~Jlrator fOL^^s;m~Ldu~amOl!Dt___The refund .Qr due__flmOl,!nt shall be based on the City's analysis of thJLProperty's past billing records. If additionaL.wgl~r metE?_LClcgJJ[.9,Q.'Ltest~J:lre requested by the owner/operato~_Y\t'ithLI} a twelve,JJ'.Q!llbpslJ::[Qgl..9_9~I29_sit9f the amount listed in the C.lly,Qf Aub~r::LEE?Jl Schedule sha!Lgp.pJy. The CM shall test. repair or replace such meter to en~ur~ that the meter J!Jnctions pro~rly. ILthe te~t shows that the meter was over registering, the_~~PQ,~[Lshall be returned by the City to the owner/operator aloQg 'yyitJl_.9,rE2f!JmtJQ[gDY.QYflIJ2illlng that the City can establish has occurred,_..lUb~ 1~~L~bQY\t'~JhqLth~LmE21~LY\t'flS ~PfQPflIrLil,Lncti9n in9QL.!l.mter -regI~tE2ri n9...JbJillJh~ 9-~posit sh91L_Q?~aC.Qn<;;e transferred into the water fund of the ~~Any ewnefleper.aterwhe-dajmsthat.-~the-water-~-metef..-serving-their-premises-is registering h~e-8l>pHpatieA--to the city to have such meter tested. Upon the eepesit-0f-tRe-amoont-HsteG-iR.the-eity of Auburn-fee-scheeule-ey--the ewner/eperater-withthe-dty;thecityshaU-testjrepairerreplacesuchmeterte the.endthal~thepremiseswiHbesefVedthreughapreperlyfunctieningmeter:--In case such testshewsthatthe-ffleter-was-0ver--registering,--the depesit--ameHnt shaU-be-retwned.ey-the--eity.-te4he--ewner/eperater-;--If--the-test.~hews-that-the meterwaspreperlyfunctiening-orregisteringlow,-thensuchdepesit-shallbe-at enee-tr-ansferred inte the water fHnd efthe city; (Ord. 5849 S 1,2004; Ord. 5849 S 1, 2004; Ord. 5216 S 1, 1999; Ord. 4878 S 3, 1996.) Section 2. Amendment to City Code. That Section 13.20.390 of the Auburn City Code is amended to read as follows: 13.20.390 Sewage conveyance and disposal service charge - Payment dates - Payment delinquency. Rates and charges for sev.'age conveyance and disposal service shall be due and payable-aHRe-same-t+rne-as--f-ixe4-for water ~iGe-supplied-by the city, as-ioentif.ied-inAGC-13,06,280Payment for sewerage conveyance. and__disposal Ordinance 6034 July 10, 2006 Page 2 service charges shall be due and 'payable tQ the finance depart,menLQffice _~Q g_gY~_ aft~r the billing date appearing on th~ bill, and shall be delinquent as identified in ACC 13.06.300. A late charge as listed in ACC 13.06.511 will be assessed if the account is delinquent. (Ord. 5852 S 1,2004; Ord. 5302 S 1, 1999; Ord. 5212 S 1 (Exh. I), 1999; Ord. 4241 S 2, 1987.) Section 3. Amendment to City Code. That Section 13.20.440 of the Auburn City Code is amended to read as follows: 13.20.440 Rates and charges. A. Sewer Rates. The monthly sewer charge to city of Auburn sanitary sewer customers consists of two separate fees. Auburn sanitary sewer utility imposes a charge to maintain, expand and operate the utility's sewer conveyance facilities, and King County imposes a separate fee for the service King County provides. No charge shall be imposed by the city on the amount charged by King County, which amount the city shall pass directly onto the customer as the cost of the service that King County is providing. Effective as of the first full billing cycle after January 1, 2003, Auburn's portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows{KingmGeunty'smratesmhavenotmyet eeenestablished;butwiUbepassedendirectlytethe--custemer): Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $9.25 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $13.87 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $9.25 Plus for each additional 1 00 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $0.93 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $13.87 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $1.39 Effective as of theJirst full billing cycle after January 1, 2007, Auburn's portion of the monthly sewer rate~ shall be as follows (King County's rates have not yet been established, but will be passed on directly to the customer): Ordinance 6034 July 10, 2006 Page 3 Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $9.81 Single-family residential rate outside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $14.71 Commercial rate inside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $9.81 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $0.99 Commercial rate outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate ... ~1.4. 71 Plus for each additional 100 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $1.48 Effective as of the first full billin~cle__9fter January 1 , 2008, Auburn's portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: ~ingL~=f.9mjIYI~_~i~t~ntLc;!LmlE2^llJJ)lg~gjYJimj~..Q.E2LmQntb~ City of Aubl,Jrn mQnthly_mte $10.39 Single-family r~sidential rate outside cityJimits per month: qty of Aul;)j,lrn monthly rate $1 Q,~~ Commercial rate inside city limits p~r month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City oC~u burn monthJ~'.I.91~~~_^^^______"^_._________.__~._____$lQ!.~_~ Plus for each additional 1 00 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $1.04 ~ommercial rate. outside city limits per month for the first 750 cubic feet of water used each month: City of Auburn monthly rate $15.59 Plus for each additional 1 00 cubic feet thereafter: City of Auburn monthly rate $1.56 Effective as of the first full billing cycle after January 1 , 2009, Auburn's portion of the monthly sewer rates shall be as follows: Single-family residential rate inside city limits per month: City of Auburn monthly rate $11.02 Ordinance 6034 July 10, 2006 Page 4 Section 8. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. DATED and SIGNED this /1 ~ay of t~ INTRODUCED: JUL 1 770nn ,2006. PASSED: JUl 1 7 7006 APPROVED: JUl 1 7 Zg06 ~RN - PETER ~EWIS ~-' MAYOR ATTEST: A)12~ ~ '>- Danlelle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Published: .... j -' l\_j Z-\l 2COb Ordinance 6034 July 10, 2006 Page 8