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ORDINANCE NO. 6 0 7 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 10.20 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE; RELATING TO ARTERIAL STREET DESIGNATIONS WHEREAS, it is necessary to revise ACC Section 10.20.010 to bring it into conformance with the City's Comprehensive Transportation Plan and the Federal Functional Classification System used therein; and WHEREAS, the traffic rules and penalties set forth in ACC 10.20.020 and 10.20.030 for entering a main arterial traveled highway duplicate those set forth in the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance, adopted by reference into the Auburn City Code. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Amendment to City Code. That Chapter 10.20 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Chapter 10.20 ARTERIALS-FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION Sections: 10.20.010 Designated. 10.20.020 Procedure-on entering 1-0.20030 Violation_---Pe~~lty. 10.20.010 Designated. In_accordance withal the_ guidelines„ set_forth__„in ,the, federal functional. classification ystem,_the City has _designated_classified streets including future streets,, as__either pnnc~al _artenals, minor arterials, residential collectors, non,-residential collectors, _or rural collectors. Desi nations for ay_ classified _streets are__ identified in the__Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Pursuact to the provlsicrs cf RC'J\! 46.60.~;.....the fol!ow~g--streets Ordinance 6074 Date January 3, 2007 Page 1 of 4 and--avenues---and parts--~€ streets _and awenues__in the_ city are of#ic~I~r designated--ae-afterial-~~ain-t~a~eled-#igi~-w~~: ,,y ~~,., 1 cf Ctroot Alnrfho~~~~k„~n__~fen~e tO_" „ Ct--YYYir~~ea~,~. 7 JC`Vldlf mil, C- f YV717 I17G 3rd Street Northeast frem QiWision-Street to Auburn A~ereue. 3rd-Sheet Northwes#--fro+~+-"~"~t~eet-No~#hwest-to _Di~i~ion Street: ~~d -Street -Se~#~ reei:-to-"~"-greet-Se~~~east: 3rd Street--S©~ ~re~'°G"-Street-Se~thwee-~ia~i~ia~~treet:.. 4-th Street ~dortMeast-from _Auburn AWer~ue to _"I1~I,, Street Southeast 4th Street Southeast--from _Auburn-VlFay-SQUtb_to_"fVt°° Street_Southea~t: €~th-Street-~lortk~ea~t-truer-n__k-lar~re~_ F#oad-#e the-east--c+ty-limit. 1-2th StreetWSeutheast.._frQm °`A"_-Stree# Sc~atheast- (Sinner-Highway}-te..-«~,, Street-Southeast 1-4th--Street Northwest-and--Northeast -from--the--west--city....limits.. to -Harvey load. 5th--Street.-Southwest from-lJldest 4/aNey~ l~igk~way to "~„ Street_ Sc~utk~west: 16th-Street Northwest-from "A°'--Street Northeast t® "B,, Street-Northwest 2-1-st_ Street Southeast from -"A,, Street Southeast (Summer Highway} to _"R°' Street-Southeast: ~9th~ Str-set-Sauteeast-#~or~a"A„ treat--Seuttaeast--(Sr~er^Ikrway~~~~-to--"~„ Street-Southeast 37th Street Northwest and Northeast (Meredith Road) from-the...west city llrr~lts--te Auburn ~~!a~ ^w^ ~"~;~a- r-Valley k-tiigl~wa}~~: "A" Street_l~lortl~east-#rer~4th...S-treat l~lortheast_.to-'l~tla-Street--Alortl~east: "A"--Street Northwest froral '!_4th_Street l~orthwest_to I~lain Street "A" Street-Southeast-(Sumner--Highway}-from-plain-Street to--south-city-limits. `°A"Street Southwest-frena-R~la+n--Street-to--3rd__Street-Soutl~awest: `°S'°-Strut-l~lorthwest_froa~_.1.4th-Street_Nflrthwest-te bath--Str-set-Northwest: "~„ -Street-Northwest--from -~rd -Street Northwest-t® -!plain-Street. "C"-S#reef-Southwest--from--Alain-Street #o South city limits "E„ Stree# Northeast-from-A~th_Str-ee~tdOrtheas# +0 ^~a;n Streets "F"-StreetSautheast fror;t_~111ain_StrAettO Auhurr~ bray Scat!;: " M" Street-Northeast-from 8th -Street_ Northeast_to Rllain Street „~,,_-Street-Southeast-from--l~lain_ Street_to Auburn _~ay South-. «~" _,Street Northeast #retk~Street~Nertheast-te l~tlain -Street: "!~„ Street Southeast#rern l~4ain-S-treat to-Blael~-t3+a-mood F~lg~way: "R"-Street Southeast from..-Howard-Road to Stuck-River. Auburn..Avenue from 5th-Street- Northeast to Main--Stree#: Au~be~r-n--may--~lo-~-fray-the-e~e#I~-c-+ty-Fits-to-l~aln greet: Auburn ~vay-South -from_l~lain -.Street-te--9th.-Street Soutlaeaet: Auburn--V!!ay South__from IVlain Street t® the east cite limits Gross-Street Southeast--from-°°A" Street-Southeast to--Auburn Way-South Qivision-Street-from 3rd Street Northwest-to-~rd- Street S~+~t'~wes~: East_l\/lain Street~fro~ Dl~islor~ Street tm_".d~"-.Street_l~dartheast/Soutf~east: Harvey Road Northeast froe~ Auburn \J!/ay Nor#h to....8th. Street Northeast. Ho~wa~rel F~oad Southeast from-Aub~ur~-~ay~Sauth-to_DogwOod S#~-eet: Ordinance 6074 Date January 3, 2007 Page 2 of 4 west Main Street-from ll~est Vadtey_High~ay to-Division Street-~ .....High 1-7th--Street-South~dvest: {Ord. 4118 § 3, 1986; Ord. 3084 § 1, 1976; 1957 code § 9.14.010.) _10-:20.020---------Proc-adore ors eater+ng Tie-e~eratflr e#-any- meter-vek~fete-er~ter+ng--uper~--a 'ra tie -city _desic~ated-+n-th~ie-ete~ -as ~-an ~-aster-ial -~a+n-traveled-#i~; from a.. public or private highv~ay, road..,.....street, ~nray or driveway; shall yietd the right o€ eovay_ to _vehicles-_orE sa~ch aster+al -main-traveled k~ighway and sk~atl- e-eme--te--a-#~4t-stap-#~~re~t ~#~era-- where_..signs,-_pests---or c~tk~er ~ar~ers-se_.drect-ar Indic-ate-: {'157-rode § 9:-~4.0~0:) _1..0...20.030_______Vialation --_Penalty~ Vt©Iatiae.4f-_tk~e--p~vi~sic~ne-...of....-Ate...-a~0~2~Q:Q20--~s--~an -~ief~-aEffora,.._.~ob~eE-t-tQ penaities-in_accordance_witf~--ACG-1:~5~050:--{-Ord_._~_5683 §..24;___.2002;..-'1--9b7 cede-§ 9,14.025) Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 3. Severability. .The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ~~ DATED and SIGNED this ~ day of ~'~«c.~-~- , 2007. IN RODUCED: JAN 1 6 2lJ~ ~' PASSED: JAN ~ 6 ZC~c~ ~' APPROVED: JAN 1 6 ; Z~~~~ Ordinance 6074 Date January 3, 2007 Page 3 of 4 OF ~.~ PETER B. LEWIS MAYO R ATTEST: ~~,, t,~~.. ~. Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 ~. f Daniel B. H 'd, ---- City Attorney Published: ~- ~-%-G° "~ Ordinance 6074 Date January 3, 2007 Page 4 of 4