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Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein):
Conditional Use Permit (Ordinance No. 6080)
Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released:
?Additional reference #'s on page of document n ?- rj
Grantor(s)/Borrower(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials)
Auburn, City of
Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: (Last name first)
1. Washington Federal Savings
Legal Description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range)
The west 130 feet of lots 18, 19 and 20 Riverview Addition to Auburn
® Additional legal is on page 15 of document.
Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number
? Assessor Tax # not yet assigned
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Whereas, Application No. CUP06-0004, dated November 6, 2007 was
submitted to the City of Auburn, Washington by Sam Chung, Driftmier Architects
as agent for John Yeckel, Facilities Manager for Washington Federal Savings
Bank, property owner, to allow a one lane drive through bank at 206 A Street SE
on a 0.41-acre parcel at the southeast corner of A and 2nd Streets SE.; and
Whereas, said application was referred to the Hearing Examiner for study
and public hearing thereon, along with staff review; and
Whereas, the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing to consider said
application in the Council Chambers of the Auburn City Hall on February 21,
2007, and the Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the application on
March 5, 2007, subject to certain conditions; and
Whereas, on March 19, 2007, the City Council considered said application
and approved the Hearing Examiner's recommendation and proposed conditions
for the issuance of a. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a one lane drive
through bank at 206 A Street SE on a 0.41-acre parcel at the southeast corner of
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March 14, 2007
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A and 2nd Streets SE. in Auburn Washington based on the following Findings of
Fact and Conclusions, to-wit
Sam Chung (the Applicant) requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit
(CUP) for the construction and operation of a one-story bank building,
one-lane drive-through facility, and remote teller station at 206 A Street SE
in Auburn, Washington. The property subject to the application is a corner
lot approximately 0.41 acres in area, located at the intersection of A Street
SE and 2nd Street SE in Auburn, Washington.1 Exhibit 3.
2. The City of Auburn (City) received the CUP application on November 16,
2006, and gave notice of the public hearing associated with the application
by publishing notice on February 8, 2007. The City posted notice of the
hearing on the proposed site of the conditional use on February 9, 2007.
The City mailed notice of the hearing to all owners of property within 300
feet of the proposed site of the conditional use on February 9, 2007.
Exhibit 4; Exhibit 5; Exhibit 6; Exhibit 7.
3. The City Staff Report states that the level of construction activity involved
in development of the proposed conditional use falls below the threshold
that triggers review of the potential environmental impact of proposed
conditional use development. Thus, the City did not analyze the
environmental impact of proposed conditional use development. Exhibit 1,
page 4.
4. The City received the complete CUP application when the property subject
to the application was part of the City's C2 Central Business District
Commercial zoning district. The C2 zoning district permits drive-in facilities
in the zone with a conditional use permit. Jeff Dixon, City Planner, testified
at the public hearing that a zoning change occurred "-sometime after the
first of the year" in 2007, changing the zoning classification of the property
from C2 Central Business District Commercial to DUC Downtown Urban
Center (DUC) classification. Mr. Dixon testified that he evaluated the
application according to C2 Central Business District Commercial zone
requirements because the application is vested as to these requirements.
Rick Driftmier testified that the Applicant was unaware of the zoning
'Note: All exhibits referenced herein are exhibits attached to the Hearing Examiner's Findings of
Fact and Conclusions, which exhibits are incorporated herein.
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classification change and does not want to re-file an application under the
new zoning classification because the new classification's development
requirements would require the Applicant to apply for variances to develop
the proposed use. Exhibit 1, page 3; Testimony of Mr. Dixon; Testimony of
Mr. Driftmier.
5. The C2 Central Business District zoning classification requires that a
building on property within the zone is not taller than the width of the
adjacent street or average of two or more adjacent streets, and that
parking and signage is governed by Chapter 18.52, Auburn City Code
(ACC) and Chapter 18.56, ACC, respectively. The CUP application states
that the building height limitation is 45 feet, according to adjacent streets.
The Applicant proposed a 16-stall parking lot to meet the requirements of
ACC Section 18.52.020.B.12 (one stall for every 300 square feet of floor
area), considering the reduction allowed by ACC Section 18.52.030.A.1.a
for downtown properties. The Applicant also proposed signage to
accompany the conditional use. The City Staff Report stated that the
signage would require separate permitting from the CUP process. ACC
18.28.040; Exhibit 1, page 4; Exhibit 3; Exhibit 17.
6. A Street SE is a four-lane principal arterial connecting to Auburn Way
North to the north and 2nd Street SE is a three-lane non-residential
collector running through the downtown center. The intersection of these
two streets is signalized and contains pedestrian-activated crossing
signals. Exhibit 1, page 4.
7. The proposed bank and remote teller station site is located with an area
designated "Downtown" by the City Comprehensive Plan. The
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Objective 6.2 provides that downtown
should be maintained as an area that uniquely serves both regional and
community needs. Policy LU-6 provides that the downtown center shall be
the focal point of the Auburn community, including a mix of uses such as
retail, residential and appropriate services. Policy LU-6A provides that
growth should be focused in the Auburn Downtown urban center to
support economic development, complement transit oriented
development, direct growth pressures away from residential
neighborhoods, and implement regional growth management strategies.
Comprehensive Plan (last revised December 2005), page 3-12; Exhibit 1,
page 2.
8. The proposed bank and remote teller station site is also within the area
governed by the City Downtown Plan. The site is within the A Street NW
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and South Central Districts Plan area. The Plan identifies the area south
of Main Street between Auburn Way and A Street SW as a mixed use
district, and identifies the land use focus for the area as retail, service,
office, and housing that will phase in pedestrian-oriented mixed use over
time. The Plan states the emphasis in this area will be on buildings located
adjacent to the street, parking located at the rear of parcels, and first floor
retail on parcels along A Street SE. The Plan states that A Street SE
should be revitalized by private investment and revitalized by public
investment in the street corridor to improve vehicular and pedestrian
facilities and landscaping. The Plan recommends a 10-foot building
setback or easement for properties along A Street SE, which would
contain a planting strip between curb and sidewalk to buffer the pedestrian
from moving traffic. Downtown Plan (last revised May 2001), pages 154 -
9. The subject property is surrounded on all sides by property also
designated "Downtown" by the City Comprehensive Plan and located
within the C2 Central Business District zoning classification at the time the
CUP application vested to the C2 zoning classification. Property to the
north across 2nd Street SE is used as a grocery store and parking lot,
property to the south is a retail auto parts and auto repair shop, property to
the east is a restaurant, and property to the west across A Street SE is a
restaurant with drive-through. Exhibit 1, page 2.
10. The subject property is currently a vacant lot consisting primarily of paved
surfaces. The City Staff Report states that the lot has been "underutilized"
for more than 15 years since removal of a gas station previously on site.
The conditional use proposed for the site would replace an existing
Washington Federal Savings Bank with a two-lane drive-through located
approximately two blocks north of the subject property on A Street SE.
The CUP application states that the existing Washington Federal Savings
Bank location is being abandoned. Exhibit 1, pages 3 and 5; Exhibit 3.
11. An existing public sidewalk borders the north and west portions of the lot
adjacent to 2nd Street SE and A Street SE, respectively. The proposed
bank building would be located adjacent to the east and south of existing
sidewalks, oriented to maintain proper sight lines at the intersection. The
building would incorporate extensive glass windows along the building's
sidewalk frontage. The building's exterior would consist of brick
wainscoting, painted stucco, transparent and opaque (spandrel glass)
windows and a dark-colored metal roof. The building would be a one-story
building a maximum of 24 feet, 8 inches-high and approximately 2,353
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square feet in area. The building would contain pedestrian entrances at
the northwest corner of the building facing the sidewalk and at the south
side of the building facing a proposed 16-stall parking lot for bank
customers. Mr. Driftmier testified that parking is necessary to
accommodate the average bank customer, who would likely be a motorist
and likely be 70 years of age or older. Exhibit 1, page 3; Exhibit 9; Exhibit
11; Exhibit 17, Exhibit 18; Testimony of Mr. Driftmier.
12. The proposed use would incorporate a pedestrian path extending south
from 2nd Street SE to the proposed parking lot and a one-lane drive-
through remote teller station to the east of the path in the east-central
portion of the subject property about 30 feet from the proposed building.
Pedestrian walkways would also extend from the sidewalk to the building's
northwest entrance, from the proposed parking lot to the building's south
entrance, and from the A Street SE sidewalk east to the proposed
pedestrian pathway extending south from 2nd Street SE. The pathways
would be constructed of decorative pavers, except for sidewalk on the
pedestrian path extending east from A Street SE. Sam Chung testified that
the decorative pavers are a requirement in the new design standards that
would govern the subject property. The teller station would consist of a
vacuum tube system for financial transactions, a pre-made 60 square foot
canopy supported by two posts 11 feet 6 inches above grade. The canopy
would be the same color as the building roof. Exhibit 1, pages 3 - 4,
Exhibit 3; Exhibit 9; Exhibit 11; Testimony of Mr. Chung.
13. Landscaping beds of 5 to 10 feet wide would be constructed along the
east and south perimeter of the subject property, separating the proposed
use from neighboring uses. Landscaping would include perennial grasses,
shrubs, bamboo and trees. Landscaping beds would also surround
proposed pedestrian pathways, the northwest building entrance, and the
south building entrance. Mr. Chung testified that the proposed shielded
lighting, screened trash areas and entrance orientation toward the street
would comply with the new design requirements that would govern the
subject property. Mr. Chung added that the proposed use would likely
meet most, perhaps all, of the new design standards. Exhibit 11;
Testimony of Mr. Chung.
14. The Applicant does not propose any projected canopies or awnings from
the proposed building's northwest entrance to ensure visibility at the A
Street SE-2nd Street SE intersection. Auburn City Code (ACC) Section 1 1 requires that there shall not be anything constructed or
reconstructed, and no obstruction permitted to grow, other than a post,
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column or tree not exceeding one foot square or one foot in diameter,
between a height three feet and 10 feet above the established grade
within the triangular area formed by a line extending 20 feet along street
right-of-way lines, measured from the point of the intersection and the
lines connecting the ends of the two 20-foot long lines. ACC
18.48.020.B.1; Exhibit 3.
15. The Applicant would construct two driveways that would serve the
conditional use. One driveway would extend south through the subject
property from 2nd Street SE and the other would extend east through the
subject property from A Street SE. Both driveways would allow for
entering and exiting vehicles. A raised median curb currently exists in A
Street SE along the frontage of the proposed use that would restrict turn
movements. Exhibit 1, page 4, Exhibit 3; Exhibit 9.
16. Mr. Dixon testified that deviations from City standards are needed to
permit proposed driveway access. Both proposed driveways would be
within the prohibited access zone of the A Street SE/2nd Street SE
functional intersection boundary so deviations from Auburn Design
standards must be granted to authorize the proposed driveway locations.
City approval of the proposed deviations would hinge on restricting the A
Street SE driveway to right-in, right-out access according to Auburn
Design Standards (ADS) and 1.03, and on the actual
observed vehicle queue lengths at the 2nd Street SE driveway. Moreover,
the Applicant would be required to enforce sight distance triangles at the
site's driveways and at the street intersection by easements or dedications
of property, according to ADS 10.03.2. Exhibit 1, page 4; Testimony of Mr.
17. The Applicant's traffic engineer reported that total traffic associated with
the proposed use would peak in the PM peak hours (4-6 PM) and that the
proposed conditional use would add 63 new primary vehicle trips to
adjacent roadways in the PM peak hours. The traffic engineer
distinguished "primary" trips from the 45 new vehicle "pass-by" trips that
would be generated by the proposed use in the PM peak hours. The traffic
engineer defined a pass-by trip as a trip made as an intermediate stop
on the way to a primary destination that would be generated from traffic
"passing by" a site `on an adjacent street that contains direct access to the
trip generator. The traffic engineer reported that he does not expect "pass-
by" trips to have any effect on outlying intersections. Exhibit 12.
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18. The Applicant's traffic engineer stated in the Traffic Impact Analysis for the
site of the proposed use that motorists entering the proposed 2nd Street
SE driveway would require a minimum right-turn entering sight distance
(ESD) of 290 feet and a minimum left-turn ESD of 335 feet for a 30 mph
design speed. The engineer reported that the site of the proposed use
would meet the requirement for sight distance to the west because over
600 feet of sight distance would be available to motorists turning left into
the driveway. However, the engineer stated that the requirement would
not be met for sight distance to the east because a nearby fence and cars
parked along the street limit sight to the east to roughly 190 feet. The
engineer recommended that the existing fence be removed to ensure sight
distance requirements are met for the proposed full-service driveway
extending south from 2nd Street SE. The City Staff Report states that the
City's Traffic Engineering Division reviewed the traffic impacts of the bank
and drive through operation and recommended conditions of CUP
approval that would "ensure the project's access points represent safe
connections to city streets." The City Staff Report states that "as
conditioned, the project will provide sufficient parking and maneuvering
area to avoid spillover impacts to adjacent properties or streets." Exhibit 1,
page 5; Exhibit 12.
19. The City Staff Report states that the proposed use is expected to be
similar to other banks that currently exist in the downtown Auburn area,
that the proposed use would not result in adverse noise or odors, and that
the proposed building would be required to meet City construction
standards and building and fire code requirements. City staff would review
proposed landscaping and pedestrian facilities for compliance with City
standards prior to building permit issuance. Exhibit 1, page 5.
The Hearing Examiner is granted jurisdiction to hear and make a
recommendation to the Auburn City Council on an application for a Conditional
Use Permit pursuant to ACC 18.64.020(A) and 18.66, and RCW 35.63.130. The
Hearing Examiner is also granted authority to place conditions on the conditional
use permit pursuant to ACC 18.64.050.
Criteria for Review
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Auburn City Code 18.64.040 provides criteria for review for CUP
applications. A CUP application shall only be approved if the Applicant can
demonstrate that:
The use will have no more adverse effect on the health, safety, or comfort
of persons living or working in the area and will be no more injurious,
economically or otherwise, to property or improvements in the surrounding
area than would any use generally permitted in the district.
2. The proposal is in accordance with the goals, policies, and objectives of
the Comprehensive Plan.
3. The proposal complies with all requirements of ACC Title 18.
4. The proposal can be constructed and maintained so as to be harmonious
and appropriate in design, character, and appearance with the existing or
intended character of the general vicinity.
5. The proposal will not adversely affect the public infrastructure.
6. The proposal will not cause or create a public nuisance.
Conclusions Based on Findings
With conditions, the use will have no more adverse effect on the health,
safety or comfort of persons living or working in the downtown Auburn
area and will be no more injurious, economically or otherwise, to property
or improvements in the surrounding area than would any use generally
permitted in the downtown Auburn area. According to City staff, the
proposed use is a permitted land use under the new DUC zoning
classification for the site of the proposed use, without a CUP. Under the
vested C2 zoning classification, the bank is a permitted use, however, the
drive-through lane requires a conditional use permit. There are two other
drive-through lane service providers within 2 blocks of the proposed use.
The proposed use will incorporate construction that falls below the
threshold for review of the proposal's environmental impact. The proposed
use will not cause adverse noise or odors, and the operation of the
proposed use is expected to be very similar to other businesses that
currently exist in the downtown business area. The proposed use will be
required to meet City construction standards and building and fire code
requirements. The proposed use will replace an existing bank and drive-
through lane that is being abandoned. The proposed use will develop
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currently vacant underutilized property to provide banking services to City
residents in the downtown area, furthering development goals of the
Auburn City Downtown Plan.
Conditions of CUP approval are necessary to ensure safe ingress and
egress from a proposed driveway onto A Street SE. Findings 1, 3, 4, 10,
11, 19.
2. The proposal is in accordance with the goals, policies and objectives of
the City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use would provide banking
services to residents of Auburn and the surrounding region. The proposed
use would construct a new bank building and remote teller station on
currently vacant property located in downtown Auburn to support
downtown Auburn economic development. The proposed use would
provide banking services that are pedestrian-oriented in a building
adjacent to the street with landscaping and parking in the rear, in step with
City Downtown Plan goals. Findings 1, 6-8, 10-12.
3. With conditions, the proposal will comply with all requirements of ACC
Title 18. The proposed use is permitted in the C2 zoning district with a
conditional use permit. The proposed bank building will meet the C2 zone
building height requirement and parking requirement. The City will review
proposed signage under a permitting process other than the CUP
approval process.
Conditions of CUP approval are necessary to ensure that the proposed
use will meet C2 zoning district design requirements and that the
proposed use will meet City construction standards, building and fire code
requirements through the building permit approval process. Findings 1, 4,
5, 11.
4. With conditions, the proposal can be constructed and maintained so as to
be harmonious and appropriate in design, character, and appearance with
the existing or intended character of the general vicinity. The proposed
use would incorporate pedestrian-oriented design with decorative paving,
windows, and pedestrian entrances so to be harmonious with the adjacent
sidewalks and downtown pedestrian traffic. The proposed use will replace
an existing Washington Federal Savings Bank with drive-through lane
located nearby.
Conditions of approval are necessary to ensure that the proposed use
meets C2 zoning district design requirements. Findings 1, 10, 11.
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5. With conditions, the proposal will not adversely affect the public
infrastructure. As conditioned, the proposed use will provide sufficient
parking and maneuvering, area to avoid spillover impacts to adjacent
properties and streets. Pass-by trips associated with the proposed use will
not have an effect on outlying intersections. The applicant for the
proposed use will need to enforce sight distance triangles at the proposed
use site's driveways and at the street intersection by easements or
dedications of property. The Applicant will provide for on-site parking.
Conditions of CUP approval are necessary to ensure that the proposed
driveway onto A Street SE disallows left turns, in conformance with the
existing raised median curb in A Street SE restricting turn movements.
Findings 1, 5, 6, 15 - 19.
6. The proposal will not cause or create a public nuisance. The proposed use
is a use permitted by the Auburn City Code with a conditional use permit.
As conditioned, the proposed use will not endanger the life, health or
property of the public. The proposal will not cause adverse noise or odors.
Rather, the proposed use will provide banking services to Auburn
residents that will replace existing bank services being abandoned. The
proposed use will provide these services by converting a currently vacant
lot to a landscaped lot with pedestrian-oriented design elements. Findings
1, 4, 5, 10- 14, 16- 19.
Based upon the preceding Findings and Conclusions, the Hearing
Examiner recommends that the Auburn City Council APPROVE the Applicant's
request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a bank and remote teller station
on property located at 206 A Street SE in Auburn, Washington, subject to the
following conditions:
1. Site development shall occur in substantial conformance with the
submitted plans and building elevations.
2. Prior to the issuance of construction permits the applicant shall submit a
final site plan and specifications of the design features for review and
approval by the Planning Director as required by ACC 18.28.050(F) for the
C2 zoning district.
In accordance with building orientation (design requirements) of the C2
zoning district (ACC 18.28.050(F)) the Planning Director shall review and
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March 14, 2007
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approve the color, material and location of the decorative paving treatment
prior to the issuance of building permits.
3. In accordance with building orientation (design requirements) of the C2
zoning district (ACC 18.28.050(F)) the project includes a main pedestrian
building entrance at the northwest corner of the site oriented to the street
intersection. This northwest corner building entry shall remain functional
as a main entrance and not be locked or eliminated in the future.
4. The proposed driveway to A Street SE shall be signed "No Left Turn". The
Applicant shall be responsible for installing and maintaining a turn
restriction sign oriented to the parking lot at the western driveway. The
sign shall be installed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits for the
building, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
Section 1. The Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision of the
Hearing Examiner are adopted herein by this reference to allow a to allow a one
lane drive through bank at 206 A Street SE on a 0.41-acre parcel at the
southeast corner of A and 2nd Streets SE in Auburn Washington, and as legally
described in Exhibit A attached hereto, subject to the conditions as outlined
Section 2. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to
be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph,
subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application
thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the
remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or
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Section 3. Recording. Upon the passage, approval and publication of
this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Auburn shall
cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the King County Auditor.
Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to
implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the
directions of this legislation.
Section 5. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in
force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
MAR 1 9 2007
MAR 19 2007
MAR 1 9 2007
Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk
Ordinance No. 6080
March 14, 2007
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Published Yn ar -Z-, z-.cx-,^7
Ordinance No. 6080
March 14, 2007
Page 13 of 13
The West 130 feet of lots 18, 19, and 20, Riverview addition to Auburn, according
to the plat thereof recorded in volume 9 of plats page 90, in King County,
Washington; except the South 40 feet of lot 20 thereof; also except that portion
conveyed to the city of auburn for street purposes by documents recorded under
recording numbers 7704110577 and 7704110579.