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WHEREAS, the City of Auburn has received an application from Apex
Engineering on behalf of Evergreen-Tucci Partners to amend the Final
Development Plan for the Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development; and
WHEREAS, on July 18, 2007, the Hearing Examiner conducted a duly .
noticed public hearing on the matter and on August 1, 2007, issued a decision
recommending the City Council approve the major amendment, subject to
conditions; and,
WHEREAS, final approval is appropriate for City Council action; and
WHEREAS, based on the review given this matter by the Hearing
Examiner, the City Council hereby makes and enters the following:
1. Site/Proposal Description.
A. Background. The applicants request a "Major Amendment" to the
Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan
("Development Plan"). A Major Amendment is subject to the review process of
Chapter 18.76 ACC. The application qualifies as a major amendment because it
involves a change in the number of dwelling units for some of the planning areas
by more than 10%. The Development Plan is essentially a conceptual site plan
for the 765-acre Lakeland Hills South Planned Unit Development (PUD) that
specifies land uses (for each planning area) and general infrastructure. The
Development Plan sets a limit for the number of dwelling units allowed within
each planning area designated for residential development. The total number of
dwelling units for the entire PUD is capped at 3,408 units.
The Development Plan is not the last step in the development review process.
The Development Plan is conceptual and does not authorize specific
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August 14, 2007
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subdivisions or site plan design. These are addressed at subsequent preliminary
plat or site plan applications. A proposed preliminary plat for one of the planning
areas subject to this application (for Area 9) is being processed concurrently with
this application.
The EIS requires phased environmental review for the PUD. This means that
environmental impacts are addressed and mitigated at each step of the
development review process. For the requested amendments, aone-page EIS
addendum was issued. In this addendum, the SEPA-responsible official
determined that no further environmental review or mitigation was necessary for
the requested amendments.
B. Requested Amendment. The proposed amendments are all
incorporated into the Final Development Plan admitted as Exhibit 7. The
amendments do not change the total number of dwelling units allowed for the
Development Plan but only seek to redistribute them. The amendments
incorporated into Exhibit 7 are summarized as follows:
(1) Increase number of dwelling units allowed in Area 7 from 80 to 210.
(2) Increase number of dwelling units allowed in Area 9 from 7 to 9.
(3) Decrease the number of dwelling units allowed in Area 16 from 683
to 511.
(4) Add planned collector roadways and road connections and existing
infrastructure and development.
(5) Designate three subareas within Area 7 for public use or open
space. No dwelling units will be allowed in these areas.
2. Characteristics of the Area. The staff report does not identify
surrounding land uses. The most significant changes involved in the Major
Amendment are located in Areas 7 and 16, located in the southeast portion of the
PUD. The area surrounding Areas 7 and 16 within the City of Auburn appear to
be zoned single-family and moderate density residential. Wetlands also border
Area 7 to the west.
3. Adverse Impacts. Since the total number of dwelling units will not
be changed by the amendments, it is unlikely that the amendments will create
any significant adverse impacts. Notably, the density will be shifted from the
perimeter of Area 7 to Subarea 7A. This will result in the buffering of
development within Area 7 buffered from exterior land uses by open space and
public use tracts in Areas 7A, 7B and 7C. Area 16, which is also located on the
perimeter of the PUD, will also have its density reduced. As testified by staff
during the hearing, this redistribution in density will not result in any changes to
the infrastructure generally approved in the Development Plan.
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4. Adequacy of Infrastructure and Public Services. As previously
noted, the Development Plan will be subject to further review through subdivision
and/or site plan applications. At that time the specific infrastructure needs for
specific development will be assessed. During Development Plan review the
adequacy of infrastructure is assessed at a more general level with the focus
upon ensuring that infrastructure can be generally provided and that it is
coordinated in an efficient manner on a PUD-wide basis. The conditions of
approval address the timing of infrastructure improvements in order to ensure
this coordinated development. As noted previously, staff testified that the density
redistribution proposed in the subject amendments will not necessitate any
changes to the PUD-wide infrastructure systems. Staff also verified that from an
engineering standpoint the change in density could be served by sewer and
stormwater systems. Staff also concluded that the amendments could be served
by water as well. As conditioned by staff, the amendments will include adequate
infrastructure and public services.
1. Zoning Designation. Planned Unit Development District -- Lakeland
Hills South Special Plan Area. Areas 7, 9, and 16 are also all designated
Moderate Family Residential.
2. Review Criteria and Application. ACC 18.76.170 requires a property
owner to apply for a Major Amendment if the owner seeks to change the number
of dwelling units allowed in any planning area within a planned unit development
by more than 10%. As noted in the Findings of Fact, the subject amendments
propose more than a 10% change in Areas 7, 9, and 16. ACC 18.76.140
governs the criteria for Major Amendments. Relevant criteria are quoted below
with corresponding conclusions of law.
ACC 18.76.140(A): Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety
and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other
public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, or sites for
3. As identified above in Finding of Fact No. 6, the project is served by
adequate infrastructure. As noted in Finding of Fact No. 5, the project should not
create any significant adverse impacts as conditioned. For these reasons the
criterion above is satisfied.
ACC 18.76.140(6): The proposed Major Amendment to the PUD is in
accordance with the goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.
4. Staff has concluded that the future collector road dividing Areas 7A and 16
(as depicted in Exhibit 7) and other traffic-related conditions are consistent with
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the Transportation Element of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan. The proposed
densities are also consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Medium Density
Residential designation for the PUD.
ACC 18.76.140(C): The Major Amendment is consistent with the purpose of this
chapter, ACC 18.76.010, provides for the public benefits required of the
development of PUDs and does not result in only increasing the number of units
that would otherwise be attained through a development using the existing
zoning and subdivision standards.
ACC 18.76.010 provides as follows:
ACC 18.76.010 Purpose. The comprehensive plan provides the
Lakeland Hills South special area plan is intended to be
consistent with the conditions of approval of the Lakeland Hills
South PDD (Pierce County Hearings Examiner Case No. Z15-
90/UP9-70) as amended. The conditions of approval which
remain applicable are attached to Ordinance No. 5092 as
Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference.
Auburn has accepted the Lakeland Hills South PUD as an
approved PUD. Therefore, this purpose section shall apply to
minor and major amendments to the Lakeland Hills South PUD.
The purpose of a planned unit development (PUD) district is to
offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through innovative
and alternative development standards. A PUD district also
allows for a greater range of residential development scenarios,
provides for internal transfers of density, and may result in more
dwelling units than may be realized by using the existing
development standards. In exchange for this enhanced
flexibility, the city will require the PUD to result in a significantly
higher quality development, generate more public benefit and
be a more sensitive proposal than would have been the case
with the use of standard zoning or subdivision procedures.
In order for a PUD to be approved it will be the applicant's
responsibility to demonstrate, to the city's satisfaction, that the
proposed PUD achieves or is consistent with the following
desired public benefits and expectations in whole or in part:
A. Preservation of Natural Amenities. Preservation of desirable
site characteristics such as open spaces and the protection of
sensitive environmental features including steep slopes, rivers,
creeks, wetlands, lakes and scenic views.
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B. Pedestrian-Oriented Communities. Use of traffic
management and design techniques to reduce traffic congestion
and increase the potential use of alternative modes of travel
such as mass transit, pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
C. Land Use Efficiencies. Provide efficient and effective use of
land, open space and public facilities that result in lower
development cost and make housing more affordable.
D. Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Provide
development that is consistent with the goals and policies of the
comprehensive plan. PUDs may also allow for a small amount
of development from other comprehensive plan designations if
determined to be appropriate for the PUD and its surroundings.
E. Enhanced Design Features. Provide building and structural
designs that complement surrounding land uses and their
environment. Design standards should reflect quality site
planning, landscaping and building architecture.
F. Creation of Public Amenities. Enhance parks and open
spaces consistent with the comprehensive park plan and
nonmotorized plan.
G. Affordable Housing. Provide affordable housing options in
accordance with Auburn's comprehensive plan.
5. The amendments create a net increase in public benefit by the dedication
of a significant amount of additional open space in Area 7. This in turn creates
greater consistency with ACC 18.76.010(A), which encourages the preservation
of open space. See above. Greater consistency is also achieved by the
designation of major street connections in Areas 7 and 16, because this
promotes effective and efficient use of public facilities as encouraged by ACC
18.76.010(C). Beyond this, the other amendments are fairly neutral in their
impact on consistency with ACC 18.76.010. As noted previously, there is no
increase in the number of dwelling units and no adverse impacts associated with
the reallocation of dwelling units amongst planning areas.
ACC 18.76.140(D): The proposed Major Amendment to the PUD conforms to
the general purposes of other applicable policies or plans which have been
adopted by the City Council.
6. As noted previously, the amendments are consistent with the Auburn
Comprehensive Plan, including the transportation element and the land use
designations. The amendment is also consistent with the Development Plan,
because the conditions of approval assure proper timing of infrastructure
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improvements to assure coordinated infrastructure development on a PUD-wide
basis, and the dedication of additional open space increases the overall public
benefit of the PUD.
ACC 18.76.140(E): The approval of the Major Amendment will have no
more adverse impact upon the surrounding area than the approved Lakeland
Hills South PUD as shown on the Official Lakeland Plan Map.
7. The amendments result in the redirection of density towards the interior of
the PUD (Area 7A) while also providing for open space designations on the
perimeter of the PUD (in Areas 7C and 7D). This creates a net benefit to
adjoining uses. There are no adverse impacts to adjoining uses discernable from
the record.
NOW THEREFORE, Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and
DO ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Approval. The requested Major Amendment to the Lakeland
Hills South Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan, is hereby
approved, subject to the following conditions:
1. Future developments within the PUD shall require individual
environmental (SEPA) review and project conditioning, through the
appropriate mechanism for the type of development proposed (i.e.,
preliminary and final plat approval for subdivisions or binding site plan
approval for no-plat projects). This requirement shall not apply to site
grading activities already under review for Areas 7A, 16B, 16C and 16D.
2. Area 7B shall be designated as "Parks/Public Use" and Areas 7C and 7D
shall be designated as "Open Space." Any desired change from that use
category shall require a subsequent amendment to the Final
Development Plan and potentially, additional environmental review.
3. As part of the review of development permits for Planning Area 7A and
Planning Area 16D, the applicant shall demonstrate the following to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer:
• All storm water runoff from public areas shall be conveyed to an
approved public storm facility, preferably the existing storm pond
located to the west of the project areas.
• All storm water from private surfaces must be collected, conveyed
and treated in accordance with the City's Design and Construction
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• In the event any storm water within Planning Area 16D results from
public surfaces, a public storm water facility shall be designed,
developed and dedicated to the City of Auburn.
4. Prior to the issuance of any building permit for Planning Areas 7A, 16C or
16D, adequate right-of-way shall be dedicated at the intersection location
on Sumner-Tapes Highway to allow for installation of a traffic signal,
which shall be constructed by the project developer prior to the
cumulative 251st dwelling unit constructed within any or all of these
planning areas. This intersection shall be designed to serve as the
principal access point for these three planning areas.
5. Prior to occupancy of any structures within Planning Areas 7A, a public
collector road shall be constructed and dedicated to the City from the
intersection noted in Condition #4 above to the northern boundary of
Planning Area 16D. Prior to the occupancy of any structures within
Planning Area 16D, the road shall be extended south to the Williams
(Northwest) pipeline, terminate in a temporary cul-de-sac, and
subsequently be dedicated to the City. No building construction shall be
allowed within Area 16D until the roadway is constructed to its northern
6. Planning Area 16C shall be allowed one access point to the existing
public roadway system, on Sumner-Tapes Highway at its intersection with
the new collector roadway. This access point shall be constructed as a
boulevard design. In addition, an emergency only access point onto
Sumner-Tapes Highway will also be required.
7. The intersection with Sumner-Tapes Highway of the collector roadway
serving Planning Areas 7A and 16D shall be constructed as a boulevard
design to ensure proper alignment with Planning Area 16C access. In
addition, two emergency only access points will be required, one located
west and one located east of the collector road's intersection with
Sumner-Tapes Highway.
8. The applicant shall install street trees and aCity-approved street lighting
system to complete the previously constructed frontage improvements
along Sumner Tapes Highway East from Station 30+00 to Station 45+40
as depicted on the Sumner Tapes Highway East Extension plans
prepared by CH2M Hill for Pierce County, dated December 29, 1998.
Section 2. Constitutionality or Invalidity. If any section, subsection
clause or phase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or
unconstitutional such invalidity unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or
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constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, as it is being hereby
expressly declared that this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence,
clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed adopted and
approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that nay one or more section,
subsection, sentence, clause or phase be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
Section 3. Recordation. Upon the passage, approval and publication
of this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Auburn shall
cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the Pierce County Auditor.
Section 4. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to
implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the
directives of this legislation.
Section 5 Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in
force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as
provided by law.
PASSED: AUG 2 0 2007
APPROVED: A~~2 0 2007
Dan'elle E. Daskam,
City Clerk
D iel B. Heid
City Attorney
Published: (1~' - ~ 3- ~~~~ ~
Ordinance No. 6115
August 14, 2007
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