HomeMy WebLinkAbout6167ORDINANCE NO. 6 1 6 7
AMENDING SECTIONS 18.18.020, 18.18.050 AND
WHEREAS, effectively addressing the problem of homeless individuals requires
the actions of local government, social service and housing providers; and
WHEREAS, a variety of housing models can be useful in addressing the needs
of the homeless; and
WHEREAS, current zoning regulations do not provide the degree of flexibility
needed to address all potential housing models; and
WHEREAS, supportive housing, if properly regulated, can provide needed
housing opportunities for the homeless or those in danger of becoming homeless due to
a variety of circumstances; and
WHEREAS, the proposed code amendment was transmitted to the Washington
State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development and other State
agencies for review as required by RCW 36.70A.160; and
WHEREAS, environmental review on the proposal has been completed in
accordance with the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA); and
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn Planning Commission, after conducting a duly
noticed public hearing on March 4, 2008, has recommended the City Council adopt
amendments to the Auburn City Code which provide standards for supportive housing
as defined herein.
Ordinance No. 6167
April 17, 2008
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Section 1. New Section to City Code. That a new Section 18.04.891 of the
Auburn City Code - Definitions - is created to read as follows:
18.04.891 Supportive housing.
"Supportive housing" means a multiple family dwelling owned or sponsored by a
non-profit corporation or government entity, designed for occupancy by individual adults
that are either 1) homeless or at-risk of homelessness; 2) are experiencing a disability
that presents barriers to employment and housing stability; or 3) generally require
structured supportive services to be successful living in the community; is permitted at a
greater unit density than otherwise allowed within a particular zone; and is intended to
provide long-term, rather than transitional, housing. Long-term housing is
approximately longer than two years, whereas transitional housing no more than
eighteen months.
Section 2. Amendment to City Code. That Section 18.18.020 of the Auburn
City Code is hereby amended as follows:
18.18.020 Permitted uses.
Hereafter all buildings, structures, or parcels of land in an R-4 district shall only
be used for the following, unless otherwise provided for in this title:
A. One detached single-family dwelling not to exceed one single-family
dwelling per lot;
B. Duplexes, 3,600 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit is required;
C. Multiple-family dwellings;
D. Accessory uses to include residential garage, guest cottage, recreation
room, tool shed, noncommercial greenhouse, and swimming pool;
E. Keeping of not more than four household pets. This limit shall not include
birds, fish, or the suckling young of pets;
F. Municipal parks and playgrounds;
G. Home based daycare-i
H. Supportive housing, subject to the provisions of 18.18.050.C. (Ord. 4229 §
2, 1987.)
Section 3. Amendment to City Code. That Section 18.18.050 of the Auburn
City Code is hereby amended as follows:
18.18.050 Supplemental development standards.
Supplemental development standards in an R-4 district are as follows:
A. Multiple-family dwellings that are adjacent to any property line of an R-R,
R-S, R-1 or R-2 zone shall either set back 50 feet from the adjoining property line or
limit the number of units per structure to three or four, in such case the minimum
setback may be 30 feet.
B. Parking areas shall be set back a minimum of 30 feet from any adjoining
R-R, R-S, R-1, or R-2 property line.
C. Supportive housing projects shall comply with the following standards:
1. Minimum lot area r)er unit: 1200 sa. ft. and no more than 25 units oer acre
2. Maximum lot size: 2.0 acres.
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3. Minimum separation from other supportive housinq_proiects: 5 miles.
4. Maximum unit size: 450 sq. ft. (on-site manager unit excepted).
5. Shall provide an on-site resident manager who is accountable to the owner or
manager of the supportive housing project.
6. Appropriate off-site support services shall be available within 1,000 feet. Off-
site support services shall provide residents with case management services,
medication monitoring, help with vocational training and goals access to chemical
dependency services, assistance with activities of daily living, etc.
7. Registered sex offenders shall not be allowed to reside within supportive
housing projects located within 880 feet of a school, church, daycare facility or public
8. A written management plan shall be provided for the review and approval of
the director. At a minimum, a management plan shall address the following:
a. the specific nature of the supportive housing project and its intended
b. its potential impact on nearby residential uses and proposed methods to
mitigate those impacts;
C. identification of the project management or agency to whom support staff
are responsible and who will be available to resolve concerns pertaining to the facility;
d. identification of staffing, supervision and security arrangements
appropriate to the facility;
e. If the director determines at any time there is evidence of fraud in
obtaining the permit; concealment or misrepresentation of any material fact on the
application or on any subsequent applications or reports; or that the supportive housing
proiect is found to be in violation of the approved plans, conditions of approvals, or the
terms of the permit or management plan, and the owner has failed to correct the
violation after proper notice thereof; then the director may order the closure of the
9. If a supportive housing project is discontinued or abandoned, future use of
the property shall be in conformance with the use and development standards of the R4
zone. (Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
Section 4. Amendment to City Code. That Section 18.52.020 of the Auburn
City Code is hereby amended as follows:
18.52.020 Required off-street parking - Minimum standards.
The number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined for each principal
use of the land, building, or structure. For ancillary uses to the principal use, required
parking shall be calculated the same as for the principal use, or as otherwise provided
for in this chapter. The following standards are applicable in all zoning districts except
the DUC zone; refer to Chapter 18.29 ACC for specific requirements for that zone.
A. Residential.
1. Single-family: one parking space per two bedroom dwelling, two parking
spaces per three or more bedroom dwelling;
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2. Two-family (duplex): one and one-half parking spaces per one bedroom
and two bedroom living units, two parking spaces per three or more bedroom living
3. Multifamily: one and one-half parking spaces per one bedroom and two
bedroom units, two parking spaces per three or more bedroom units, for developments
in excess of 50 dwelling units, one screened space for each 10 dwelling units shall be
provided for recreational vehicles;
4. Mobile homes: one parking space per one bedroom and two bedroom
units, two parking spaces per three or more bedroom units. Within mobile home parks,
parking space shall not be allowed within required setbacks; recreation and laundry
areas shall provide off-street parking spaces equal to one per each 10 mobile home
sites within the development;
5. Boardinghouses and lodging houses: one parking space for the proprietor
plus one space per sleeping room for boarders and/or lodging use plus one additional
space for each four persons employed on the premises;
6. Fraternities, sororities, and dormitories: one parking space for each four
7. Multifamily dwellings, for the elderly, operated under contract with a public
agency or subsidized under a state, local or federal program: one parking space for
each four dwelling units; a minimum of four spaces shall be provided. A binding legal
agreement must be executed guaranteeing that the dwellings will be used exclusively
for this use. The agreement shall be approved by the city attorney and recorded at the
appropriate King County office, for properties located in King County, or recorded at the
appropriate Pierce County office, for properties located in Pierce County..-i
8. Assisted living facility: one parking space per two units, plus one parking
space for each two employees..-i
9. Supportive housing: one space per every two units, either located on-site
or on an abutting property. Required parking may be reduced up to twenty-five percent
(25%) if a supportive housing project is located within 500 feet of public transit, support
services and/or retail facilities meeting basic daily needs.
B. Commercial Activities.
1. Auto, boat, or recreational vehicle sales or leasing, new or used: one
space per 5,000 square feet of outdoor sales area, one space per 1,000 square feet of
showroom and services facilities, and one space per each 250 square feet of office
area, but in no case shall there be less than six spaces provided. The outdoor sales
area shall be paved in accordance with ACC 18.52.050(A) and landscaped in
accordance with ACC 18.50.060(H)(1);
2. Repealed by Ord. 5777;
3. Food retail stores and markets: one parking space per 200 square feet of
gross floor area; a minimum of six parking spaces shall be provided;
4. Mini-marts and self-service gas stations: one parking space per 200
square feet of gross floor area in addition to pump island spaces;
5. Health and physical fitness clubs: one space per 100 square feet of gross
floor area;
6. Laundry, self-service: one parking space per four washing machines; a
minimum of five parking spaces shall be provided;
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7. Manufactured home sales lots: one space per 5,000 square feet of
outdoor sales area, and one space per 250 square feet of office area;
8. Mortuaries or funeral homes: one parking space per four seats in the
assembly area, computed as seven square feet of floor area per seat;
9. Motels, motor hotels and hotels: one and one-quarter parking spaces per
sleeping unit;
10. Motorcycle and other small engine vehicle sales and service: one space
for each 400 square feet of gross floor area of the building and one space for each
1,000 square feet of outdoor sales area. The outdoor sales area shall be paved in
accordance with ACC 18.52.050(A) and landscaped in accordance with ACC
11. Motor vehicle repair and services: one parking space per 400 square feet
of gross floor area; a minimum of three spaces shall be provided;
12. Offices, including professional and business, banks and related activities:
one space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. Up to 400 square feet of unfinished
basement floor area used exclusively for storage may be excluded from the parking
requirement. "Unfinished basement floor area" is defined as any floor level, below the
first story of a building, which floor level is not provided sufficient light, ventilation, exit
facilities, or sanitary facilities, as required for any legal occupancy classification. (See
subsection D of this section for doctor's offices and clinics, etc.);
13. Personal service shops: one parking space per 400 square feet of gross
floor area; a minimum of two shall be provided;
14. Restaurants, nightclubs, taverns and lounges: one space per 100 square
feet of gross floor area;
15. Shopping centers: one parking space per 250 square feet of gross
leasable floor area;
16. Video arcades: within a range of one space per three video machines and
one space per one machine as may be determined appropriate by the planning director,
considering availability of existing parking, the nature of related business, and expected
clientele of the arcade;
17. Other retail establishments, including but not limited to appliances,
bakeries, dry cleaning, furniture stores, hardware stores, household equipment service
shops, clothing or shoe repair shops: one parking space per 500 square feet of gross
floor area;
18. Private lodges, with no overnight boarding facilities: one parking space per
100 square feet of gross floor area.
C. Industrial and Manufacturing Activities.
1. Manufacturing, research and testing laboratories, creameries, bottling
establishments, bakeries, canneries, printing, and engraving shops: one parking space
per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area;
2. Warehouse and storage:
Building Size Parking Requirements
Up to 20,000 sq. ft. 1 per 2,000 sq. ft. (3 minimum)
20,001 to 100,000 sq. ft. 1 per 2,500 sq. ft. (10 minimum)
100,000 sq. ft. and up 1 per 3,000 sq. ft. (40 minimum)
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3. Uncovered outdoor storage areas, which are incidental and subordinate to
a principal use that otherwise meets the parking requirements, need not provide
additional parking;
4. Office space shall provide parking as required for offices.
D. Medical Facilities.
1. Convalescent, nursing and health institutions: one parking space for each
employee per employee shift, plus one space for each three beds;
2. Hospitals: two parking spaces for each bed, plus parking for nonhospital
space computed as determined elsewhere in this section;
3. Medical, dental, and other doctors offices: one space per 200 square feet
of gross floor area.
E. Public Assembly and Recreation.
1. Assembly halls, auditoriums, stadiums, sports arenas, and community
clubs: one parking space per three fixed seats; where fixed seats consist of pews or
benches, the seating capacity shall be computed upon not less than 18 linear inches of
pew or bench length per seat. Where movable chairs are provided, each seven square
feet of the floor area to be occupied by such chairs shall be considered as a seat;
2. Bowling alleys: five spaces per bowling lane, additional parking for food
and beverage on same premises shall be required as per subsection (B)(14) of this
section and for spectator or assembly seating as per subsection (E)(1) of this section;
. 3. Churches: one parking space per five seats; in computing seating capacity
and requirements for assembly area without seats, use requirements as set forth for
assembly halls per subsection (E)(1) of this section;
4. Dance halls: one parking space per 100 square feet of gross floor area;
5. Libraries and museums: one parking space per 250 square feet of gross
floor area;
6. Miniature and/or indoor golf: one parking space per hole;
7. Parks: as determined by the planning director and/or hearing examiner on
an individual basis;
8. Skating rinks: one parking space per 400 square feet of gross floor area.
F. Educational Activities.
1. Elementary and junior high schools: one and one-half parking spaces for
each classroom or teaching station;
2. High schools: one parking space for each employee, plus one parking
space for each eight students;
3. School auditoriums, stadiums and sports arenas: see requirements as set
forth in subsection (E)(1) of this section;
4. Colleges and universities: upon review by planning director and hearing
5. Nursery schools and daycare centers: one parking space for each
employee plus loading and unloading areas;
6. Business and/or beauty schools: one parking space per 200 square feet of
gross floor area.
G. Other Uses. For uses not specifically identified in this chapter, parking
shall be provided as specified for the use which, in the opinion of the planning director,
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is most similar to the use under consideration. (Ord. 6140 § 2, 2007; Ord. 6071 § 3,
2007; Ord. 5777 § 1, 2003; Ord. 5556 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4949 § 1,
1997; Ord. 4304 § 1(40), (41), 1988; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
Section 5. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such
administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this
Section 6. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are deemed to be
separate and severable. The invalidity if any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision,
section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the remainder of this ordinance,
or the validity if its application to other persons or circumstances.
Section 7. Effective date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five
days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
APR 212008
APR 21 2008
Da Ile E. Daskam,
City Clerk
Published: C4- Z.q -,7-
Ordinance No. 6167
April 17, 2008
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