HomeMy WebLinkAbout8709221482 QUIT CLAIM DEED 092287.l. 1~U.'V l,. i~r--i-4U-~Uil. uJ I.J. , 1 . QUIT CLAIM DEED In the Hatter of 167 State.Hightvay No. Auburn: 17th St. S.W. to South 285th Street KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Grantor The City of Auburn for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ($10.00) Dollars, and other valuable consideration convey' and quit claim to the State of Washington, the following described real estate and any after acquired interest therein, situate in King County, in the State of Washington, to the same extent and purpose as if the rights herein granted had been acquired under Eminent Do- main statute of the State of Washington: All that portion of the following described Parcel "A" lying Southerly and Easterly of the following line: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as H.E.S.) 166-20 and a distance of 470 feet Northeasterly, when measured at right angles and/or radially, to the (center line of Sit 18) of SR 167, Auburn: 17th St. S.W. to So. 285th Street; thence Southeasterly parallel with said center line to a point opposite H.E.S. 168+80 and the end of this line description. PAgC i~1. "A" That portion of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 o'f_;Scct.ion.14,.Tagnship 21 North, Range 4 East, W.M., lying Northwesterly of the 1. B. Knickerbocker Road No. 579 as i established in 1901 by instrument recorded under Auditor's File mo. 694364 also known. !W,.as Cemetery Hill Road and Mount View Drive; EXCEPT those portions thereof lying within Auburn Cemetery and Auburn Cemetery Revised Fourth Addition as per plat, recorded in Voiu.e 45 of plats, pages 45 and 46 and Volume 78 of plats, pages 58 and 59 respectively; Situate in the County of King, State.of Washington. . The lands being conveyed herein contain an area of 8,015 square feet, more or less, the specific details concerning all of which are to be found within that certain map of definite location now of record and on file in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia and bearing date of ap- proval October 23, 1969 and the center line of which is also shown of record in Volume 4 of Highway Plats, pages 131 and 134, records of said county. Also, the grantors herein convey and.warrant to.tho State of Washington all rights of ingress and egress (including all existing, future or potential easements of access, light, viaw and air) to, from and between SR 167,.Auburn: 17th St. S.W. to So., 285th St., and the remainder of said Parcel "A". It is understood and agreed by the Parties hereto that the consideration paid for this conveyance shall not include any compensation to the City of Auburn for damages which may occur through State construction to adjacent properties and that, if any such damages do occur iihe.Cljty odf Au~urn wAl} st•II have it's ic1~t o seek cop e~satdion firom the State II is uric rscoo an agree t aat Mae delivery ol. tras~ eec is n.ei eby n ere and t iat tae terms and obligatioias hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Washington unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the State of Washington, Department-of Highways, by the Chief Right of Way Agent. 14a ington for any such damages. i i ry Dated this ~Z_i! day of.` . ! f 1Lr'-~ C:~t " A3: , Accepted and approved . ' .........'....%'C~......... STATE-OF WASHINGTON ~DEi'Ar IL~~NT OF HIGHWAYS ' . Chief Right of iray Agent, ST, . . of.* STATE OF WASI4INGTON, (Individual acknowledgment form ss County of . I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for. the State of 'Vashington, hereby certify that on this ..............................day of..................................................................................................................... personally appeared before m.e to me known to be the individual......:.. described in and who executed the foregoing i7istr nient, 07id ac- knowledged that. .......................signed a7id sealed the sane as.............................. free and volu?7tary act a?id deed., for the uses and purposes therein ntenti.oned. Given under my Itand and official seal the day and year last above written. STATE OF WASHINGTON County of King_ I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington., do hereby certify that on this 7th day of April, 1970, before me personally appeared STANLEY P. KERSEY and GENE WILLIAMS to me known to be the duly electedand qualified Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Auburn, that executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and•deed of the said City of Auburn, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument by resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of ' Auburn, and the the seal affixed is the official seal of the city of Auburn. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Mercer Island C7 C O H 1.1 Z ¢ r l F C7 o Oh r - H . t~ rh U1 a ~ . o CU R J O r 4 CJ .t'• _ ;i r^' stf !'1 CA O 1 N =A u~ U k5 1 V 0H i,' .nom E L PR ,r M . • - i- -::HEADQ ARTERS- USE ONLY, i AGE,NCY..NAME `ORDER NUMBER' DATE BANR 20CT 21J 23 20 26 i,, 1~1at WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION! ' -:i DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS- ' r 1 '.~HIGHWAYS,r LICENSES- BUILDIN(, ' - I' HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER -PENALTY OF' PERJURY THAT, THE ITEMS AND OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON - AMOUNTS LISTED HEREIN ARE PROPER CHARGES AGAINST THE;STATE OF ' - 'WASHIN N, THAT THE SAME'OR ANY PART'THEREOF HAS NOT BEEN ' PAID, AJJ THAT I AM AUTHORIZED TO SIGN FOR THE CLAIMANT GRANTOR OR.CLAIMANT 27-53 - NAM Ofti ma - `V a!'' It f121l t QLty - - 1 } ~ -ADDRESA ~ 18Y3 OY?~ ( . C i . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • I DATE) (SIGN IN INK) - - _ 'PROJECT TI E - : PARCEL: _ 'I Adoml 170 Ste .S.V. 't Sadh 2 14 i IN FULL; COMPLETE AND FINAL PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT FOR - e to ZSiidTi w of ` 09 the pfttl= 10 ; 6cat&W . ps 21 ,4 Rmftm, IffoR. re*dUred f r tft=md rUft et VO W 1 n - AS FULLY SET FORTH. IN 044:b Ma f'Qd DATED AMOUNT J 75R ALL LANDS` CONVEYED FOR ALL IMPROVEMENTS - FOR STATUTORY EVALUATION ALLOWANCE - - P, FOR ALL OTHER ITEMS 84n7fi111 'i~~ a " ~1 C :1 , . SU TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL DEDUCTIONS' - NET TOTAL ESCROW FEE $ SALES TAX-ON ESCROW FEE $ - TOTAL FEE .•,f'. JCB"NUMBER L19~/V~ F.A. PROJECT NUMBER., CONTROL SECTION - AMOUNT TO - I$" Ula BE PAID I OO.00 1.2 - 3~6L 1924 zsa laze 29 3034 3538 39-44 L -56 61 62 70 71 80 APPROVED'. ' PARCEL PROJECT ' UNIT GRP- REA 'FUNC ACCT. SECTION ORG.. NO. NOW PART - AMOUNT NAME y T DA TE - NAME - I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE DATA ARE CORRECT: THAT THE REAL+PROPERTY OR INTEREST THEREIN NEC- TITLE. 'DATE ESSARY FOR THE ABOVE :DESCRIBED HIGHWAY PROI ECT: HAS BEEN ACQUI RED IN THE. NAME OF THE STATE... OF WASHINGTON, AND THAT THE PRICES PAID ARE BASED' ON BONA FIDE~APPRAISALS AND OTHER WRITTEN NAME • JUSTIFICATION CONTAINED IN IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROCEDURES AS SUBMITTED TO AND THE STATE'S FILES. ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i p~ , ACCEPTED BY THE FEDERAL FIIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR. DIRECTOR OF H16HWAYS TITLE DATE - - VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. BY.:'' TITLE: DATE: ~&G_\r +1tiaa~ QUITCLAIM DEED • See • . , . '.\J~J IN THE MATTER OF SR 167, Auburn: 17th St. SW to S. 285th St. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the STATE OF WASHINGTON, for and in accordance with that Agreement of the parties entitled GM 552, dated the 4th day of June, 1970, hereby conveys and quitclaims unto the city of AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, all right, title and interest under the jurisdiction fib of the Department of Transportation, in and to the following described real property situated in King County, State of Washington: i C All those parts of Section 14 and 23, Township 21 North, Range 4 East W.M., shown hachured on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The specific details concerning all of which may be found on sheets 11, 12, and 14 of that certain plan entitled SR 167 Auburn: 17th St. SW to S. 285th St. now of record and on file in the office of the Secretary of Transportation at Olympia, Washington bearing date of approval October 23, 1969. It is understood and agreed that the above referenced property is transferred for street purposes and that all revenue resulting from any vacation, sale or rental of such streets shall be placed in the City Street fund and used exclusively for street purposes. The Grantee herein, its successors or assigns, shall have no right of ingress and egress to, from and between said SR 167 and the lands herein conveyed and will maintain the control of ingress and egress to, from and between the lands herein conveyed and the lands adjacent thereto, as indicated by the prohibition of access symbol appearing on said Exhibit "A"; nor shall the Grantee herein, its successors or assigns, be entitled to compensation for any loss of light, view and air occasioned by the location, construction, maintenance or operation of said Highway. EXCEPT that said Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have reasonable ingress and egress to, from and between the lands herein conveyed and said Highway by means of off and on ramps thereto as shown on said Exhibit "A". The grantee as part consideration herein does hereby agree to comply with all civil rights and anti-discrimination requirements of RCW Chapter 49.60, as to the lands herein described. The lands herein described are not required for State highway purposes and are conveyed pursuant to the provisions of RCW Chapter 4 .24.020. Dated at Olympia, Washington, this ay of , 19 K"~°{yC0UN7Y STATE OF WASHINGTON 0 EXCISE TAX SEP:?~.19$T ~ 9ss0.3~ DUANE BERENTSON Secretary of Transportation -'''-1L•'*2 414e2 RIEUD F- 12. 0 11 Page 1 of 2 I. C. # 1-17-04824 r • , APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Asjstt4jt Attorney General REVIEWED AS TO FORM: B : . The City of Auburn STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss County of Thurston ) On this day of , 19 , before me personally appeared DUANE BERENTSON, known to me as the ecretary of Transportation, Washington State Department of Transportation, and executed the foregoing instrument, acknowledging said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the State of Washington, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute said instrument. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year last above written. Please return to: STATE OF WASHINGTON Department of Transportation-KF-01 Land Management Office Transportation Building Olympia, Washington 98504 a 1 r I Z 3J IV[i I a 0 1 4 _ C u ._3e S U a!Vi s ' O c,7 ~ r a . `n e~V air M 4- o N'r d I.O,.V4 i'9 Cc L~ O .n lC. ~K S i) QOrin95 Ord distances an asterisk are -token :parts and plat maps. l Vt) T i N. R:4 E. WM. ` TEa RH, S,.M iEO No FISCAL SKEET TOUE DIV. NO. PJ. ND. YEP N0. 7MEE T5 !0 WASH. IF. 023-4 )1 1 I Ili _ _ _ KING COUNTY CORPORATE L1M177S AUBURN 1 i I NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec 14 r. 0, F. {•rD~7o ai5o 11' ..........25.77' 40 Qo' VI. r `'R t N~ J 11 a 0 ZCi9 ` Q Q _ I N ) V V S~`~•. This plain c-It-mN. ie ih¢ace¢at (arovrctent the finding%andorderiaeueq byfiha Highway Cemmiscion on Nov.t8, 1968; 16491 /r~~ r• `.6p O0 U'J•.., \ - amand¢d Mntj l9,19b4. U 66 IT 9 ~ ~ Q EArl ~ ° o + SR 167 ASP 13.66 OT MP 17.42 a'~ K• AU3URN:I7TH ST. SW TO S. 285TH ST. WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY NE va SE v4 sec 14 nr~ KiNG CouNrY LIGHT OF WAY AND LIMITED ACCESS Vp(;i•IVERS.STEVEr1S.TKOINOCC,y 9 A;>OCi RTES is u. u Ile, for retinpuishme?t to city - {•6462 r r 1 NCb'SV2t"E N 26SI.f?4' ` o w NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec 2 r' _ _ - ~ " tP N ~ trl ~ I Ioo' G Iao' Scof¢ in F¢¢t ' For total parcal details see Vicinity Map, Sheet l OWN ERSHIPS PARCEL NO. NAME TOTAL AREA TAKE LT REMAINDER RT. 1:6482 GEORGE MURAKAMI atux S- hae No ) 1.6484 R08ERTOaBLO.LAYOS S,.Sheet_ ' No.4 1-6485 A.M.WELLS S..5heet No 4 1-6310 CITY OF AUBURN S¢¢ 51taet Noll 1-6491 ASSOCRESTAURANTS INC. 5¢¢5naet D 4 -6360 MARTIN LOUIS BELUS S- Sheet No 4 l b49 f N07 USED - 4.10233 A.03URt_1 WEST AS-OC. See ShEai Ncn4 (FGEV Access to be prohibited shown thus rlrrrrlur Piopcrjy owner3bp numbers f-4006 Lr.;ne.riy i~:~s No±e: All E preceded b, from title r . L\r i LC to \ j C 0 \I A ` \ JE FULLY CONTROLLED West Valley Highway WASKNGTON STAII HIGHWAY COKWSSION p, OEPASTMENT OF NICKWATS All p:,- are w6jacl tv unman. 11 OLYMPIA. WASHw=ow ArtKa ax+i!g Curent Vvrr iT •Y . aroJU Svr,1uP aw v;IICd v'an vn EM in `~i n. 7 ~ aw In CNr:"Ja ~ a the t¢'.+:~ral d m4v.+ . .,r a.... war lr. 1G..a, 0ac,ber ~3.?964 SN.Sa 14 OF as SNSYS _I h.l~•~•an 1.,..a. A-c..~ Coy f.af o1 Gnm cy ~ 15 ,:..I~ F`+ B"'We k+11 tn..U=5,e.5'•b:':57•ASiY.v.'lb O tsE -~~F:3ECUr!'1 AC~•n•l at ~ 1'rJ ~n I L~1 r- .0 r ~O L u J t! 3 o f (i,~U fl b In aL/~.C rn ~Hr y G J(-r nl 4- to - ,9 e 1 { r o ,;T<-Qv 1n V' ~l NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec 14 e8 52t Aoil I o ! ~ ~ ~ RA>ra u X ~roSRS h V ` pX R, u {A• T21 N. R.4 E. W. M. See match tine street rR 4) Note: All oreas are shoN,n to acres unless otherwtse noted. 5 F = 5quare Feet For total porcel details see Vicinity Map. Sheet ! I OWN ERSHIPS PARCEL NO NAME TOTAL AREA TAKE LT. REMAINDER RT. 1-6486 J,GOULD B J,F. CHARLTON 5ee Sheet- No." 1.64RB AUBURN WEST ASSOC. _ See Sheet- N-,4 1-6496 AU8URiiWEST ASSOC. _5,B505.f 5BSM+F _4 1-6361 HUMBLE OIL CO. See S No.^ I-6372 ELMER L. SPENCER, it ox 312! 2.670 0451 01 REAL BON CORP.^ Sh¢¢ NolO K M°cUROY See Sheet o.4 441 K.M.50DER5TROM sae Sh¢o-t No.S CURVF- DATA Pt SFA774N d R _ t L sR18 I6151,75 23'32 08"Lt. 2850.04 593.?3 1170.71 SRI81 43.'4A:5,c- 05"i2'45' LT 15i7.34=: _ 1 154.48' 308.25' L£G£ND Access to be prohibited shown thus IJrrrlrrr Property ownership numbers I-4006 Properly lines I r _ OWNERSHIPS R4RCEL NO NAME 6490 EDWIN L. NELSON See Sheet No 4 1-6491 ASSOC. RESTAURANTS INC. 5ee Sh ¢ No. A t 6 3 LEONA NEELY 5¢e5ha t o I !oe3S AUBURN WEST A55or- See St ee+ t,,lo. 4 NIDTE:All Eieorin9s And Distcnces preceded J By An Asterisk AreTZn From T)fl¢ R¢aort$ Ant/ or Plat Maps. ,oo" o wa' eoc' , scale'-, Feel , z VOGT- tVER$• STEVEN 5•THg1P$ON A AS'OC!-TES ROAD APPROAC14 SCHEDULE SPECI FLED USER STATION ON ROADWAY TY Jc Grexn R,Yer Fiowi Cont rat D'etckt SRlSf 52t50 on Rt.(Maint. o4 tnannal chan4e ) C-5 lit t 613.04 SR181 fito =.:},t^~-=. 4c,.c5,es RO. T= WEST VALLEY HWY 41--t SRO 40bbrn >6 r~+3~$POt 42t 21 &1 P.O.C. W¢st Val1¢4 µWY- P.O.T Peasley Canyon Rd, it63.42 -5.7 toSIS•60( SR!ro7) 6488 ACCESS NOTE 9~ra' Pedestrian traUt*c N111 be permitted access and use of ~C the trail System designated on the right between sta. IGZ+oOit and Sta.168t00*_. Access to the trap 1496 will-be permitted at 5ta.30t20 right of the Relocated el) ~1. c jil ?7 ~T Wu~• i i , in Q I :I, NW.U4•.SWV4`Se~cl3.._.._.z.. e 1 1. ! I i A ~ ' 1-to442 Peasley Canyon Road. Use of the trail is subject to i the conditions of Permit No.Kent 3656. Noaicees• 4Z! Type C opproach is an Oft and On approach in legs! manner, will be allowed to the traveled highway lanes or J for speciol purpose and width to be agreed upon. It may be ramps of SR 18. reserved with the width and for the use specified at a point satis4actory to the state at or between designated highway stations I s~I -203 wrs. No 5 This opproach is to be used only rfor the operation, moinievance and repair of the existing utility spedl:ied.The approach shall not exceed 20 fleet in width and shall be gated and locked when not in use. is ? 314 1 ! ~ J! Irrrrrlr,rrr.,,... ~ O ~ y- r`~~ "a-P -o RAMP L. To Auber N84'55'32 E. I 0 - - SR i8 I 2 \ s 0 -01 a 1 rr I m / N+rrr h A/ +7 r!rl 4P/ i SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec 13 (b i 0 . I 0 tr Q 9q EXHOff -66 ~ U / I I ll l 1 ( 7hi~ p{an coniormp io the acceet QroviSinns Intha findin99 and order i%%4ad >,y 1h¢ H',9hegy Commiscion on Nor. t$, 196$, I omandad May 19, f%9. SR 167 MP 13.66 TO MP 17.42 AU3URN: 17TH ST. SW TO S. 285TH ST. KINC COUNIT RIGHT OF WAY AND LIMITED ACCESS FULLY CONTROLLED SRIS Sta.167.503OSIa.174.00 B Sta.190+00-osto e8.0; AASHLiC'roN STAIr WGHWAt COMMW'014 OI/ASTMfN- f W ni F;-, t,0 WD.Kt C'L :.i. NIGH O ATS r OLVMMA, WAiH!!;GTCIN vu:xa we!:~:3 prix, c: :;lit a*.raSz+ i A~ n 401J!~ r.'LLi: ti! 11 r.~ in ~v..-a-. u r. 1 l......N. Jq" ~ a* + • cska,6"2'ro' SMET 12 or 30- S4tI75 Stc ell.`. _r__+__-_ !n .y c.y ,ni.,t,-ned A«e., CaMrol 'e, Con n, R.r r4e.aS, LS, Rho. ' ~ Okrt~ a, fb 1 • .v fL0, t0}a lt0.}!D r~K AL tH[R T OTAL pY. NO. RAR ltOJ. NO. YlAt MO. tNl LTt , !o I wASx. F ! 6i . ) 4Z • aT Al NOTE' FOR PLANS WEST SEE SR 18, ,TCT. P.S.H.I TO AUBURN, RIGHT OF 0 WAY APPROVED DEC. 21,1954 T ?-I M. R.4 , W. M. LIMITED ACCESS £STA1~,LISHE0 BY p 9 COMM. RES. Na. 1-3(b, DEC. 20, 1054 APPROVED MAY G, 1958 A Sy1,/4 5ect4 or3G7 o N~rr,r ~ ; , Sw ltd S ,L 1 0 I/4 -77-7-77777-777-777, ti EQUATION 911, I1 t+6Cane nearoN wo, ar.n rro. ua rnaxcY Ho. wt to Np_- !D WASH. F- 167 ( NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec 14ch lin? 3;,eet I4..r.. J 16370 PNE,fi see,,. WSH~ ~a r PC.C.136+84.70 BKx "p - „L.. -I _ 5 4,,na 16z+60.41 Pr. m" ~a - r a'aCCi38*20.OOAHD -----5=- rsT--- - 'i ° a' 'V ;21.2?P.i~ x= 33 $7REEj " S~geA o '1 17` BI k~o/Z'L~ a?tAP Ids- h ~AB,Si. Y Q d d° a ~I'., 6 T .....ice ' m 0' ~ S xo Eqo' ~ 5 RFtnP A -,1 ~0-v En 9 n 1 m o P n t 3 , O I, 8X St R CO _ 'r _ _ r "w~4K"~~✓ 10 No. Ha A' N d a a \ ,YTi~r r 1t67i~~ 14" SR-~8 i•._..F `571°3Z'20'E - 777,,777777-1777'7 T7n C, If To Auburn '`y_ loz`,63` ~4 0 I t C- a-- ti-- ,T`3+,~a d. ~T~ fJ7~T1T/77T1 ii't 1 Q - tri - 1- - - { - 24_olg 4~ - _ u I PAMP UW7 1/4 SE 1/4 ~tf r Nab - - - - ~Q S Sec 14 al r . z - i- - Er k40 0 '35 E - e` Canyon'_ 0",, 8~°A5t5~ Ha helr p ti 5852 P.t 10 - " peosf ! i ' S ) 1 SSg° r (1 0 &305 ` I l , 53, p _ _ J l , n, rt „r " S~ o o;,n Snrr, 4 \ Teti - £xlst(^4_ - „r i t/ e 5` ' ~ rr , n re nn n n r rr~ , z r ~'ia +r ~ ~ - - ~t' r ..,rrr bock Une f I-6364 F J nt E t Q ' S \ N~ NS r , i I , ' I I I ! I I ~ , , I I I „ I I , ~ I I~ II I ~ i I E I ! I e „ I I I , l Sn / N.p 0 S71 41 30 E µo a Q N / G _ r lelocated Peasley Canyon ROCIC1775 01 1 - 0 ZO Orr IF ~ z a et ws..a ~ • R,H, oo-=. ~.0o a f ~ToNxr T Conv¢ytd to K,ng County by S'. - Govzrnnr'c decd T„1a 70. f91:k = 1. 1 aI o I \ C-5 c0 o U1 0 SW 1/4 sW+/4 sec 14 6I cl.e Oa'St\ dl LIMIT OF PLAN_M.P. 1.99 t 6368 E_:: Sling Ste. 134+97.7OSK.(29-57'Rt.)= SR IB Sta.135+03.62 PC. AHD. PO.C. BK. T ~ ICO 0 00' t9C SCALE IN FEET OWNERSHIPS QARCELMO NAME TOTAL TAKE T. REMAINDER RT. 1.6362 WHcELER_,-i H. (0.78t 0.7 8 6,OZ -6444 OAkIrS , R.W, 3.8205 0.354 3,415 I-6368 STEWART, L. 11.4}0 1.00(0 10.404 i-6363 ALLEN. S.W. 8.54 1.00'> 7.359 I-6364 ALLEN P. L. et at 11.500 ..f. 9,50051 2,500s f. {-634,5 ALL.EN,P.L. b 0s.. bA005f 2.6 sf o3(no WARREN, et ux 4.015 - 2-7-251 1.784 6310 ' CITY OF AUBURN 2Il59 0A54 2.915 1.06361 KING COONTY 5.33'1_ 1,857 3AF30 Note'. Areas ore shown ;n Acres unless otherwise noted. s.F. - square feet For Tota{ Parcel Oeto;ts See Vicinitut Map, Sheet 1 All Bear;rgs And Distances Preceded by an ASterisk Are Taken From Title Reports And Plat Maps LEGENID Access to be Prah',U~ted Shown Thus tl~lu~Jl Property Ownership Numbers 0494 Ownership Lines I 1 a~ C I J~J M! ~I DI I- 6362 ~yy 1 .CURVE DATA P.I. STATION 6 R T : : L 5R - 16 140+95.00 14°15'00"Rt. 2200.00' 215.00' 541.Ihr~ 148+93.87 i6°20'5252"Lt. 1,900.00' 272.9I' 542.1' 459 * 2i. Z2 20'5602"Rt 1,900.00' 351.01' 63ZiTz- 195*94.20 4°13'31"Rt. 2,45Sap 9Q.58' 181.06' Relocated Pensley Ca nt;a Road 4+99.93 29°07't8"Rt. 95000' 241 19' 48290' I6+38.92 11l'545"Lt. 1,900.00' 199.01 396.69' 24-51+++ 3025C3-O''a t 100.00' 593.20' 377.01' 32+38.99 IS°28'30_'Lt. 100.00' 95.1!' 89.00' 91 I QJ' N Sw 4!d T~~~Sec t4 SE 1!A 1.636) eere!, Lt11t_I~ L`. 1 t i A!I Plana a'a ~,b acz to CHt,p 1 Partrea teMS~ =-i . "n..' Mxm,ebM t cp:'x «mu:t 7w cMcii pun pn hM n II( M D v^vd C inntM.nca m Cnm:a 4 '"'c Germit}ea pn Rt. S'm lad .i, }p Sha !w~.b0: pnd'rtbni OT Or,_LNp_KP nn ;l(, _ _ 0.15 :R an tan l=.s ta.1513 63.OS to 51.0. is-ito' ` r 2 3 fib 94 ED) Th i♦ p Rn eonformt to thz access P:-,+,%.! n% mihe findin9t ang ordcn ittuzd by thz Hl9hwny Commitsion on N.- Le, 1964, amxrtQad May I%31969. SR 167 MP 13.66 TO MP 17.42 AUBURN: 17TH ST. SW TO S. 285TH ST, KING COUNTY RICHT CF WAY AND LitdITED ACCESS ('LILLY CONTROLLED SR 18 Station 135.03.62 to Station 167.50 _ rASHHWrON STATE HIGHWAY COMM6S:c+N DEPA4FMErC OF HIGHWAYS OLYMPIA WASHINGTON .Q1,11f1iVl}]~~AfA"1 rtOcTO.yr'Lj, \4u9 14 ~.a" "»"tea' EHEET 11 OF 3¢ SHEETS p ay.,nt.n ce• ~ ~n~toA Acc¢ as Cen+rol b3 Conn. Raa.1,°?S,J~ry 13,1' 1 c 1 r' ~I a '30 0 M/ %`\63g6 / h ' N . S :t- ff U PI Q ~7 'C Cn/ r fi' ~j r~ .r(~ Gel r ACCESS NOTtj U 14 (<~r~ + m Pedestrian trct~ic will be permitted access and use of v 40 i the trail s;siim designated on the right bet-per! O ¢ %I r St,A I62i00t c?!d Sta.I68+00:. Access to the trail Y 0 wltl be perm1tEd of Sta 30+20 right of the Relocated r Peesley Cgnyor. Road. Use or the trail is subject to the cond'ttioas of Permit No. Kent 3655, No access 0 . ~ will be ollovJed -to the traveled highway lanes or zl~ ramps or SR . A/w 5 . F. 3