HomeMy WebLinkAbout7111010246 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED 110171ppr Pioneer National Titi Insurance Company WASHINGTON Y TLE DIVISION Filed ;nr Record at Request of E ,1 _ TO x- 719 SECOND AVE., SEATTLE, AWASH. 981104p r ~~cPrf(~Q"7 rE~1~ "L _ y t~ bh THIS SPA ESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE. '~,urcut.a REVENUE STAMPS W@3 W ~ a Q < OQO~ ~ V) FORM L58 p o Statutory Warranty Deed THE GRANTORS SIDNEY E. LEWIS and VELMA B. LEWIS, his wife on April 9, 1969, and all times since, for and in consideration of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND N01100 DOLLARS, in hand paid, conveys and warrants to CITY OF AUBURN, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING , State of Washington_ That portion of the William H. Brannan Donation Claim No. 37, in Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point South 0°59'00" East 157.60 feet from the Northwest corner of said donation claim; thence North 89°19'0011 East 1,117.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 89°19'00" East 1083.10 feet to the West Bank of Green River 'Formerly White River'; thence along said West Bank South 17°24' 0011 West 59.50 feet; thence South 6°48'00" West 242.70 feet; thence South 1°25' 00" West 184.50 feet; thence South 17°53'00"-East 153.10'feet; thence South 6° 28100" East 260.00 feet; thence South 12°25'00" East 298.90 feet; thence South 89°19'00" West 1,148.30 feet more or less, to a point from which the true point of beginning bears North 0°59'00" West; thence North 0°59'00" West 1,183.69 feet more or less, to the true point of beginning, except those portions thereof Deeded to King County for John Reddington Co. Road by Deeds recorded under Aud- itor's file Nos. 2776025 and 2776026, Except portion, if any, lying within 26th Street Northeat~ also known as South 303rd Street, and Except that portion des- cribed as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Donation Claim No. 37; thence North 89° 19' East, along the North line thereof, 1,117 feet; thence South 0°59' East, parallel to the West line thereof, 728.6 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 0059' East 612.27 feet; thence North 89°17'14" East :505 feet; thence North 0°41' West 553.415 feet; thence North 11°23'2311 West 60.00 feet; these Westerly along a curve to the right 'Radius is equal to 538.42 feet, central angle is equal to 10°42'23"', 100.61 feet; thence South 89°19' West 220 feet; thence Westerly along a curve to the Left "Radius is equal to 336.3:45 feet, central angle is equal to 13°33'51", 79.63 feet; thence South 75°45'0911 West 9.505 feet; thence Westerly along a curve to the Right 'Radius is equal to 336.345 feet, central angle is equal to 13°33' 5111, 79.63 feet; thence South 89°19' West 10.00 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO: a. Agreement, dated March 24, 1969, recorded under Auditor's file No. 6494213. b. Easement for Electric Transmission Line, rearded under Auditor's file No. 2199283. c. An Easement for the right to construct and maintain a Rip-Rap Bank protect- ion and remove debris along the left bank of Green River, also any reason- able access necessary for river improvement work; recorded under Auditor's file No. 5222049. d. An Easement for Sewer Out-Fall Line; recorded under Auditor's file No. 5492374. ,.0 e. An Easement for Pedestrian Travel and Sports Fishing; recorded under Auditor's file No. 6320938. "This conveyance is made in consideration of money coming in whole or in part from -the Outdoor Recreation Account of the General Fund of the State of Washington. The purchaser -i:a,e5 subject to the obligatiuns of the Project Agreement contract between it and the Washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation dated October 18, 19:71 , copies of which are in possession of the purchaser and the Interagency Committee. The Project Agreement provides, among other things, that the purchaser shall not at any time convert this porperty to uses other than for which State assistance was originally granted unless it has obtained prior approval of the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation in the manner required by RCW 43:99.100 for Marine Recreation Land,, whether or not the property is marine recreation land." / r , A / r r ' I C\1 CD C7 P`- /l C., DEPT. OF rq c REVENUE Dated this 20th. day SEAL) 411 StA E`,'OF WASHLNGTON, 1 ss Cpunty.of' Ki_,h V' . `4 U --i Ori'lfiis day personally appeared before me SIDNEY E. LEWIS and VELMA B.. LEWES, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 3 ~ day of October, 1971. Notar Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Auburn. 'ESQf0W STATEMENT Escrow No. B-935483-CR ES-7002 vn Title No B-935483 . Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION TO CM OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation. DATE DEBIT CREDIT 11-1-71 Purchase. price $138,600.00 Deposit One half Escrow Fee Recording Fee (Estimate) 147.00 3.00 $138,750.00 $138,750.00 11 $138,750.00 ) 9 1 ~11'1 Pioneer National Title Insurance Company 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 96104 • TELEPHONE (2061 692-6600 DARWIN THOMPOON KIM* COUNTY MANAORR Date November 1, 1971 Re: Our Escrow No. 8-935483-CR Lewis sale to City of Auburn City of Auburn 20 'A' Street, N.W. Auburn, Washington 98002 Gentlemen: WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION A ,1. Attn: Mr. George A. Schuler Documents in our above numbered escrow have been recorded, and in connection therewith, we are enclosing the following: Purchaser's Closing Statement The recorded instruments and policy of title insurance will be forwarded to you at a later date. Very t my yours, C s) Do ores M. Lewis, Escrow Officer /smk Buyer's Closing 12-67 E 40r POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Providing direct title services or referral TD ~ services throughout the United States and 12H'' the territory of Guam. Pioneer National 'title Insurance Company Home Office 433 South Spring Street j~/- ` / Los Angeles, California 90054 -1, xz Pioneer National Title Insurance Company HOME OFFICE 433 South Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90054 NUMBER 8 B-935483 DATE 8 NOVEMBER 3o AMOUNT a $138o60040 PREMIUMa 5462o00 1971 AT 6800 AoMo SCHEDULE A 1o INSURED CITY OF AUBURNo A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION WLTA 20 TITLE TO THE ESTATEd LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN THE NAMED INSURED 3o ESTATEo LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED FEE SIMPLE ESTATE 4o DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICE" IS ISSUED THAT PORTION OF THE WILLIAM He BRANNAN DONATION CLAIM NOo 37 IN TOWNSHIP 21 NORTHc RANGE 5 EASTo WoMoo IN KING COUNTYo WASHINGTONF DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS8 BEGINNING AT A POINT SOUTH 005900010 EAST 157x60 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID DONATION CLAIMS THENCE NORTH 8901900010 EAST loll`ioOO FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINGS THENCE NORTH 89419000" EAST 1083olO FEET TO THE WEST BANK OF GREEN RIVER /FORMERLY WHITE RIVERO6 THENCE ALONG SAID WEST BANK SOUTH 179240000 WEST 59o5O FEETB THENCE SOUTH 644800001 WEST 242070 FEETB THENCE SOUTH 1425100" WEST 184050 FEETB THENCE SOUTH 1705310001 EAST 153010 FEETB THENCE SOUTH 6428/0010 EAST 260000 FEET6 THENCE SOUTH 12425000" EAST 298090 FEET6 THENCE SOUTH 89019,009, WEST 10148o30 FEET MORE OR LESSo TO A POINT FROM WHICH THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, BEARS NORTH 005910099 WESTB THENCE NORTH 045910000 WEST 1o183o69 FEET MORE OR LESSo TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINGo EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS THEREOF DEEDED TO KING COUNTY FOR JOHN REDDINGTON COo ROAD BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NOS' 2776025 AND 2776026o EXCEPT PORTIONO IF ANYO LYING WITHIN 26TH STREET NORTHEASTo ALSO KNOWN AS SOUTH 303RD STREETo AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSS COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID DONATION CLAIM NOo 378 THENCE NORTH 890190 EASTo ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF' 1o117 FEETB THENCE ;SOUTH 04590 EASTO PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE THEREOF' 72806 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNINGS THENCE SOUTH 04599 EAST 612o27 FEETB THENCE NORTH 89417114" EAST 505 FEETB THENCE NORTH 04410 WEST 5530415 FEETB THENCE NORTH 11423123" WEST 60m00 FEETB THENCE WESTERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT ORADIUS IS EQUAL TO 538o42 FEETo CENTRAL ANGLE I5 EQUAL TO 100420230100 100c6l.FEETB THENCE SOUTH 894190 WEST 220 FEETB B-935483 PAGE 1 THENCE WESTERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT ORADIUS IS EQUAL TO 3360345 FEETo CENTRAL ANGLE IS EQUAL TO 130331511"o 79063 FEETe THENCE SOUTH 75045009Q0 WEST 90505 FEET$ THENCE WESTERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT °RADIUS IS EQUAL TO 336345 FEETo CENTRAL ANGLE IS EQUAL TO 130331510100 79063 FEET3 THENCE SOUTH 890190 WEST 10000 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNINGo B-935463 PAGE 2 SCHEDULE B DEFECTSo LIENSO ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURER GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ALL MATTERS SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPHS NUMBERED 1 TO 4 INCLUSIVE ON THE COVER SHEET OF THIS POLICY UNDER THE HEADING SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS is AGREEMENT EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HEREIN NAMED UPON THE CONDITIONS THEREIN PROVIDED BETWEEN a CITY OF AUBURNO A MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONO AND CLARA MAE BRANNANO CLAUDE DALE BRANNANO CADDIE MAE CORNWELLo LEN Lo BRANNANO AND FRED Lo BRANNAN DATED R MARCH 240 1969 RECORDED R APRIL 90 1969 AUDITOROS NOoR 6494213 PROVIDING a FOR REZONING AMONG OTHER THINGSo TO THE RECORD OF WHICH REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR FULL PARTICULARS 20 AN EASEMEN STATED HEREINo FOR e RECORDED R AUDITORDS NOes AFFECTS R T AFFECTING THE PORTION OF AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSESo ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE JUNE 15o 1926 2199283 AN UNDISCLOSED PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES SAID PREMISES 3o AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREINo AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSESo FOR a THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A RIP-RAP BANK PROTECTION AND REMOVE DEBRIS ALONG THE LEFT BANK OF GREEN RIVERo ALSO ANY REASONABLE ACCESS NECESSARY FOR RIVER IMPROVEMENT WORK IN FAVOR OF R KING COUNTY RECORDED a NOVEMBER 10o 1960 AUDITORQS NOoa 5222049 AFFECTS a SAID PREMISES 4o AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREINo AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSESo FOR R SEWER OUT-FALL LINE IN FAVOR OF R THE CITY OF AUBURN RECORDED a OCTOBER 150 1962 AUDITOR'S NOoa 5492374 AFFECTS a THE NORTH 15 FEET OF SAID PREMISES ' B-935483 PAGE 3 5o AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREINo AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSESo FOR 8 PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL AND SPORTS FISHING IN FAVOR OF s THE STATE OF WASHINGTONo THE DEPARTMENT OF GAME RECORDED 8 MARCH 22, 1968 AUDITOR'S NOoe 6320938 AFFECTS a THE EASTERLY 25 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING EAST OF JOHM REDDINGTON ROAD NOo 2 6o ANY QUESTION THAT MAY ARISE DUE TO SHIFTING OR CHANGE IN THE COURSE OF THE RIVER OR CREEK HEREIN NAMEDo OR DUE TO SAID RIVER OR CREEK HAVING CHANGED ITS COURSEo NAME OF RIVER/CREEKS GREEN RIVERo FORMERLY THE WHITE RIVER 7o POSSIBLE IMPLIED DEDICATION OF RIGHTS OF WAY AS DISCLOSED BY MAPS OF THE AREA oooEND OF SCHEDULE Baoo B-935483 PAGE 4 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records;'rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents : right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with re- spect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or occupancy; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights, claims, instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 4. "Consumer credit protection," "truth-in-lending," or similar law, or the failure to comply with said law or laws. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or clefect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; re- serving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the insured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the insured is a par- ty to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the in- sured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the in- sured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above pro- vided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall ter- minate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Company shall be actually preju- diced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial de- termination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest insured is defeated or im- paired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or ex- cepted herein, claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its home office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with re- spect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty clays. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named in- sured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall be- come an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may ' any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every payment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Com- pany as an incident to defense or settle- ment of claims hereunder,. shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Com- pany shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifically segregated herein. If this pol- icy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Companv may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebt- edness secured thereby, with all instru- ments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial sat- isfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule, any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to services rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged here- in and sliall be enforceable only under the terms, conditions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named in- sured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy: (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each succes- sor in ownership of any indebtedness se- cured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or succes- sor in ownership of any such indebted- ness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agen- cy or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corpor- ation deriving an estate of interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the -dis- solution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date here- of": the exact day, hour and minute spec- ified in Schedule A; (d) "public rec- ords": records which, under the record- ing law, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) home of- fice: the office of the Company at the address shown hereon; ( f ) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument described in Schedule A. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement. in writing required to be ,furnished the Company stall include the number of this policy and shall be addressed to it at the office which issued this policy or to its Home Office, Claims Department, 433 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, California 90054. TO 1483 PNTI (7-69) WA. TK(U~ POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY ioneer -P' NationalTitle Hnsurance Company a California corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of'this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named _ in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in items 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date hereof, not shown in Sched- ule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or encumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not b liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or' perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder. This policy shall not be valid or binding until countersigned below by a validating officer of the Company. Countersigned: By. J l 0 Validating Signatory WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM SECRETARY lv In Witness Whereof, Pioneer National Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the effective date of this policy. u~ Pionee'r' N#ional Title Insurance Company s by PRESIDENT Attert : '