HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-A-1 MINUTESFINANCE COMMITTEE WASHINGTON MINUTES JULY 20, 2009 L CALL TO ORDER Chair Nancy Backus called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Conference Room at Auburn City Hall, located at 25 West Main Street in Auburn. Chair Backus, Vice Chair Bill Peloza and Member Lynn Norman were present. Present during the meeting were Mayor Peter B. Lewis, City Attorney Daniel B. Heid, Chief of Police Jim Kelly, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Grant Writer Michael Wilson, and City Clerk Danielle Daskam. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Minutes of the July 6, 2009 Finance Committee meeting. Vice Chair Peloza moved and Member Norman seconded to approve the July 6, 2009 minutes. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. III. CONSENT ITEMS Committee members reviewed the consent items after Item No. IV.8.2. A. Vouchers 1. Claims F4.9.5 Claims check numbers 386976 through 387391 in the amount of $4,232,016.09 and a wire transfer in the amount of $4,904.00 and dated July 20, 2009. 2. Payroll F4.9.2 Payroll check numbers 526863 to 526967 in the amount of $816,329.21 and electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,146,275.51 for a grand total of $1,962,604.72 for the pay period covering July 2, 2009 to July 15, 2009. Page 1 Finance Committee Minutes July 20, 2009 Committee members reviewed the consent items and briefly discussed claim vouchers 387092, 387104, 387177, and 387047. Vice Chair Peloza moved and Member Norman seconded to approve the consent items. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. IV. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS A. Ordinances 1. Ordinance No. 6246 F3.22 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 6215, the 2009-2010 Biennial Budget Ordinance as amended by Ordinance No. 6226 authorizing amendment to the City of Auburn 2009- 2010 budget as set forth in Schedule "A" Committee members reviewed Ordinance No. 6246. Vice Chair Peloza moved and Member Norman seconded to approve and forward Ordinance No. 6246 to the full Council. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. B. Resolutions 1. Resolution No. 4504 F5.2.15 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to accept grant funds from the Washington State Department of Transportation Aviation Division in the amount of Thirty Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($39,500.00) which represents 2'/2% match of funds needed for Phase II of the Taxiway Alterations and Improvements Project Committee members reviewed Resolution No. 4504. Vice Chair Peloza moved and Member Norman seconded to approve and forward Resolution No. 4504 to the full Council. Page 2 Finance Committee Minutes July 20, 2009 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. 2. Resolution No. 4505 F4.7 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the transfer of funds for the purpose of making a loan or loans from the Capital Projects Fund to the Airport Fund for up to a 120 day period of time Committee members reviewed Resolution No. 4505. Vice Chair Peloza moved and Member Norman seconded to approve and forward Resolution No. 4505 to the full Council. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3-0. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Resolution No. 4503 A3.16.8, 01.7 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, approving the Proceeds Distribution and Hold Harmless Agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Bellevue regarding the cities' Jail Services Agreement Chief Kelly presented Resolution 4503 for discussion. The Resolution was previously reviewed by the Municipal Services Committee. The Agreement sets out the distribution ofi the proceeds from the sale of property that was acquired by JAG cities through negotiation of the Jail Services Agreement with King County in 2002 The City of Bellevue was designated the lead agency for disposing of the property, and the property was recently sold for $13.1 million. Chief Kelly stated that all JAG cities that are part of SCORE are reinvesting the proceeds in the SCORE facility. B. Community and Activity Center Projects Strategic and Financial Plans 04.4.13 City Council approve the Community Center and Activity Center Projects Strategic Plan and Financial Plan. Page 3 Finance Committee Minutes July 20, 2009 Committee members reviewed the Community Center and Activity Center Projects Strategic Plan and Financial Overview. Grant Writer Michael Wilson stated that the budget to complete the project is $11.2 million. Committee members discussed the potential need for additional parking should the street be vacated for the Housing Authority's project. ' Mr. Wilson briefly reviewed the project's financial overview. He noted that the City may be able to obtain $3 million in New Market Tax Credit Structured Finance. Also, projected revenues include a Community Development Block Grant loan in the amount of $2,050,000 which would be repaid through the annual CDBG allocation. The City is also pursuing a 50/50 partnership with the Boys and Girls Club. Mr. Wilson stated that the partnership with the Boys and Girls Club and the CDBG loan are critical to the City's ability to issue New Market Tax Credit financing. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. APPROVED THE DAY OF AUGUST 2009. Nancy Backus, Chair Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Page 4