HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-25-2009 Special 7:30
At *
L URN AUGUST 25,2009
I. CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers
A. Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City Code - Amendments to Chapter
18.56 (Signs)
Amendments pertaining to temporary, portable and non-permanents affecting
sections of Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code including but not
limited to Sections 18.56.010 (Intent), Section 18.56.020 (Definitions) Section
18.56.030 (General Provisions), Section 18.56.040 (Regulation by District)
and Section 18.56.050 (Administrative Provisions). Proposed amendments
would provide with limitations additional and increased opportunities for the
use and siting of temporary, portable and non-permanent signage to support
businesses and the local economy subject to time, size, location, registration
and placement conditions.
The City of Auburn Planning Commission is an eight member advisory body that provides recommendations to the
Auburn City Council on the preparation of and amendments to land use plans and related codes such as zoning.
Planning Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
Actions taken by the Planning Commission are not final decisions; they are in the form of recommendations to the
City Council who must ultimately make the final decision.
Contact: Kevin Snyder, Planning, Building and Community Assistant
Phone: 253-931-3090
Email Address: ksnyder@auburnwa.gov
Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission will conduct a special
meeting on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 beginning at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will
be conducted in the City Council Chambers located on the first floor of Auburn
City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA, 98001. The purpose of the meeting
is to conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56
(Signs) of the Auburn City Code.
Should you have any questions or comments regarding this meeting please
contact Planning, Building and Community Assistant Director Kevin Snyder at
City Clerk's Office
25 West Main Street
Auburn WA 98001
C(TY OF ~~D", f
Agenda Subject Date:
Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City Code - Amendments to Chapter August 20, 2009
18.56 Si ns
Department: Planning, Building Attachments: Refer to Exhibit List Budget Impact: N/A
and Community on Page 2 of 14
Administrative Recommendation: 1) Conduct Public Hearing; 2) Planning Commission recommends
to City Council approval of amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
Background Summary:
Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code contains regulations and standards for the use of different
types of signage on private properties and publicly owned land within the municipal limits of the City of
Auburn. The Auburn City Council has previously passed ordinances establishing and amending Chapter
18.56 (Signs) inclusive of Ordinance No. 4229 in 1987, Ordinance No. 4705 in 1994, Ordinance No. 5993
in 2006 and Ordinance No. 6166 in 2008. The Auburn Planning, Building and Community Department and
the Mayor's Office have received numerous requests from local businesses for increased regulatory
allowances for portable and temporary signs to help stimulate local business activities during the current
significant economic downturn.
Planning, Building and Community Department staff met with the City of Auburn Planning and Community
Development Committee on July 27, 2009 to discuss issues and ideas for possible amendments to
Chapter 18.56 in response to these requests. The Committee requested staff meet with the City of Auburn
Planning Commission and discuss possible amendments to Chapter 18.56 inclusive of the Committee's
input. Planning, Building and Community Department staff met with the Auburn Planning Commission on
August 4, 2009 to discuss possible amendments to Chapter 18.56 at which the Committee's input was
The Committee and the Commission each indicated their interest that any amendments to Chapter 18.56
to provide additional allowances to support local businesses should be temporary and non-permanent.
Staff anticipates that the allowable period for any amendments will be written into a clause of an adopting
ordinance if approved by the Auburn City Council.
The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) address additional flexibility for portable signs,
temporary signs (i.e. special event signs and banners) and off-site directional signs.
Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions:
❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ❑ Building ❑ M&O
❑ Airport ❑ Finance ❑ Cemetery ❑ Mayor
❑ Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal Services ❑ Finance ❑ Parks
❑ Human Services ❑ Planning & CD ❑ Fire ID Planning
❑ Park Board ❑ Public Works 0 Legal ❑ Police
❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Resources
Committee Approval: ElYes ❑No
Council Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Call for Public Hearing
Referred to Until
Tabled Until
Councilmember: Staff: Andersen/Sn der
Meetin Date: Au ust 25, 2009 Item Number: II.A
Page 1 of 10
EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Text Amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City
Code - Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
08/21 /2009
Exhibit 1: Staff Report
Exhibit 2: Proposed Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
Exhibit 3: Request to Publish Notice of Public Hearing
Exhibit 4: Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Public Hearing
Exhibit 5: Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) & SEPA Environmental Checklist
for SEP09-0025
Exhibit 6: August 21, 2009 Expedited Review Submittal Letter to the Washington State
Department of Commerce - Growth Management Services
City of Auburn Planning, Building and Community Department, Cindy Baker, AICP, Director
1. Chris Andersen, Senior Planner, City of Auburn Planning, Building and Community
2. Kevin Snyder, AICP, Assistant Director, City of Auburn Planning, Building and
Community Department
Areas of the City of Auburn having the following designations: Residential Office (RO),
Residential Office-Hospital (RO-H), Neighborhood Shopping District (CN), Light Commercial
District (C-1), Central Business District (C-2), Heavy Commercial District (C-3), Downtown
Urban Center (DUC), Business Park District (BP), Airport Landing Field District (LF), Light
Industrial (M-1), Heavy Industrial District (M-2), Environmental Park District (EP) and the
non-residential used properties in the Terrace View District and the PUD-Lakeland Hills
August 25, 2009
September 8, 2009
1. The City of Auburn is a Mayor/Council form of government subject to the provisions of
RCW 35A (Optional Municipal Code) and more specifically is classified as a non-charter
code city.
2. The City of Auburn conducts land use planning in accordance with applicable provisions
of RCW 36.70A (Growth Management - Planning by Selected Counties and Cities).
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EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Text Amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City
Code - Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
08/21 /2009
3. Vision 2040 and Multi-County Planning Policies - Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC)
Vision 2040 is an update of Vision 2020, the long-range growth, economic, and
transportation strategy for the 4-county central Puget Sound region. The Auburn City
Council recognized Vision 2020 in 2007 with the adoption of the 2007 Comprehensive
Plan Update. The new Vision 2040 update establishes a regional vision for the desired
pattern of population and job growth through 2040 within the four counties. Vision 2040
also contains new and amended Multi-County Planning Policies (MPPs) that provide a
framework and guidance for other regional plans, for Countywide Planning Policies, and
for local comprehensive plans. MPPs also guide PSRC programmatic decisions, such as
plan certification and project evaluation for funding. MPPs address a number of topic
areas, with policy chapters covering the environment, development patterns, housing,
economic development, transportation, and public services.
4. The City of Auburn has through previous ordinance action (Ord. 6198 § 1, 2008; Ord.
6006 § 5, 2006; Ord. 4840 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4304 § 1(46), 1988; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987 and
amended Chapter 18.6824 (Amendments) pertaining to required processes and
procedures for the amendment of the text or map of Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City
Code (ACC).
5. ACC 14.03.060 (Legislative Non-Project Decisions) specifies that legislative non-project
decisions made by the City Council under its authority to establish policies and
regulations are not classified as a"type" of project permit decision. Legislative non-
project decisions include, but are not limited to, the following legislative actions:
a. Amendments to the text and map of the comprehensive plan or development
b. Amendments to the zoning map (rezones) on a city-wide or area-wide basis.
6. ACC 18.68.020 (Initiation of Amendments) specifies the following
A. Zoning Map.
1. One or more property owners of the parcel may submit an application requesting
a reclassification of the parcel;
2. The City Council, or Planning and Community Development Committee of the
City Council, upon its own motion may request the Planning Commission or
Hearing Examiner to conduct a public hearing on the reclassification of a parcel
or parcels of property;
3. The Planning Commission may upon its own motion call for a public hearing on
the reclassification of a parcel or parcels of property.
B. Text.
1. The City Council, or Planning and Community Development Committee of the
City Council, upon its own motion may request the Planning Commission to
conduct a public hearing to amend any portion or all of this title; provided, that
text amendments that are purely administrative or procedural do not require a
public hearing, nor do they require preliminary review or recommendations of the
Planning Commission;
2. The Planning Commission may upon its own motion call for a public hearing to
amend any portion or all of this title, with the exception of purely administrative or
procedural amendments;
3. Any resident or property owner of the city may petition the city to request an
amendment to the text of this title.
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EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Text Amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City
Code - Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
08/21 /2009
C. For the purposes of this chapter, substantive amendments shall be distinguished
from procedural or administrative amendments in accordance with the following:
"Substantive" matters relate to regulations that define or limit what can be done in
terms of conduct, use or action (e.g., what use may be made of land, what
requirements apply to development, what public infrastructure may be required of
certain developments), and "procedural" or "administrative" matters are those that
relate to the process of how an application to take such action must be pursued (e.g.,
time limits for applications and appeals, what forms must be used, and where or how
applications must be submitted. Essentially, "procedural" or "administrative" matters
are the mechanical rules by which substantive issues may be pursued).
7. ACC 18.68.030 (Public Hearing Process) specifies the following:
A. Text Amendments. With the exception of purely administrative or procedural
amendments, the planning commission shall conduct at least one public hearing on
all amendments to this title. The planning commission shall make a recommendation
to the city council that may or may not conduct a public hearing.
B. Zoning Map Amendments.
1. Rezones Initiated by an Applicant Other Than City. All applications for a rezone
shall be reviewed by the planning director prior to the scheduling of a public
hearing. After review of the application, the director shall determine which of the
following two processes should occur to properly hear the rezone:
a. If the rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan, then the hearing
examiner shall conduct a public hearing on the rezone and make a
recommendation to the city council pursuant to ACC 18.66.170;
b. If the rezone is in conflict with the comprehensive plan, or there are no
policies that relate to the rezone, or the policies are not complete, then a
comprehensive plan amendment must be approved by the city council prior to
the rezone being scheduled for a public hearing in front of the hearing
examiner. The planning commission shall conduct a public hearing on the
comprehensive plan amendment and make a recommendation to the city
2. Area-wide Zoning and Rezoning, Initiated by the City. The planning commission
shall conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to the city council. If
applicable, a comprehensive plan amendment may also be processed.
C. City Council Decision. The city council may affirm, modify or disaffirm any
recommendation of the planning commission or hearing examiner with regard to
amendments of the text or map of this title.
8. ACC 18.68.040 (Public Hearing Notice Requirements) specifies the following:
A. Text Amendments.
1. Planning Commission. For text amendments that require a public hearing under
ACC 18.68.030(A), notice of a public hearing shall be given by publication, in a
newspaper of general circulation in the area, at least 10 days prior to the public
hearing and by posting the notice in three general public locations.
2. City Council. Notice of a public hearing shall be given by publication, in a
newspaper of general circulation in the area, prior to the public hearing and by
posting the notice in three general public locations.
B. Zoning Map Amendments.
1. Rezones Initiated by an Applicant Other Than City.
a. Hearing Examiner. Notice of a public hearing shall be given at least 10 days
prior to the public hearing and in accordance with ACC 14.07.040.
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EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Text Amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City
Code - Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
08/21 /2009
2. Rezones, Including Area-wide Zoning, Initiated by the City.
a. Planning Commission. As a minimum, notice of public hearing shall be given
by publication, in a newspaper of general circulation in the area, at least 10
days prior to the public hearing. Additional mailing or posting of notices may,
at the option of the planning commission, be required.
b. City Council. As a minimum, notice of public hearing shall be given by
publication, in a newspaper of general circulation in the area, prior to the
public hearing. Additional mailing or posting of the notices may, at the option
of the city council, be required.
9. Goal 11 (Citizen Participation and Coordination) of the Growth Management Act as
specified in RCW 36.70A.020 encourages the involvement of citizens in the planning
process and ensure coordination between communities and jurisdictions to reconcile
10. RCW 36.70A.035.2.a specifies that except as otherwise provided in (b) of the statute, if
the legislative body for a county or city chooses to consider a change to an amendment
to a comprehensive plan or development regulation, and the change is proposed after
the opportunity for review and comment has passed under the county's or city's
procedures, an opportunity for review and comment on the proposed change shall be
provided before the local legislative body votes on the proposed change.
11. The Auburn City Council has previously passed ordinances establishing and amending
Chapter 18.56 (Signs) inclusive of Ordinance No. 4229 in 1987, Ordinance No. 4705 in
1994, Ordinance No. 5993 in 2006 and Ordinance No. 6166 in 2008.
12. The Planning and Community Development Committee of the Auburn City Council met
on July 27, 2009 to discuss ideas and issues for potentially allowing businesses
additional signage use allowances beyond that currently allowed by the Auburn City
Code. Staff brought this issue to the Committee for discussion in response to numerous
requests from local businesses for increased signage use flexibility to stimulate business
revenue and the City's overall economic climate. At this meeting, the Committee
provided staff with input and requested staff to present this input to the Auburn Planning
Commission for the Commission's use and consideration.
13. The Auburn Planning Commission met on August 4, 2009 at a regularly scheduled
meeting to discuss ideas and issues for potentially allowing businesses additional
signage use allowances beyond that currently allowed by the Auburn City Code. The
Commission also reviewed the ideas and input of the Auburn Planning and Community
Development Committee as forwarded by staff.
14. The amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) addressed by this agenda bill are scheduled
for public hearing on August 25, 2009 before the Auburn Planning Commission. The
Commission will receive public testimony on the proposed amendments to Chapter
18.56 (Signs) before deliberating and forwarding a recommendation to the Auburn City
15. The public hearing notice for the August 25, 2009 Planning Commission public hearing
was published on August 16, 2009 in the Seattle Times that is at least 10-days prior to
the Planning Commission public hearing scheduled for August 25, 2009.
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EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Text Amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City
Code - Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
08/21 /2009
16. A Determination of Non-Significance will be issued, published and transmitted to
reviewing agencies and interested parties in the Seattle Times for the City initiated
Comprehensive Plan Amendments on August 25, 2009 under city file SEP09-0025. The
comment period ends on September8, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
17. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106, the proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
outlined in this agenda bill and specified in detail in Exhibit "2" were sent to the Growth
Management Services Division of the Washington Department of Commerce on August
21, 2009 for a 10-day expedited review request. The City of Auburn requested expedited
review in accordance with RCW 36.70A.106.3.b.
18. The City of Auburn has previously engaged in substantive planning, environmental
analysis and policy analysis that have created a substantive policy background for
current consideration of potential amendments to Title 18 (Zoning). These include:
a. Passage of Ordinance No. 6245 on June 1, 2009 updating certain chapters and
sections of Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City Code.
b. City of Auburn - Final Determination of Non-Significance - Title 18 (Zoning)
Amendments, May 15 2009
c. City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan: Last Revised on December 2008; Amended to
Comply with the Growth Management Act in April 1995 and Amended Annually
d. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance-2007 Comprehensive
Plan amendments. August 2007.
e. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2006 Comprehensive
Plan amendments. August 2006.
f. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2005 Comprehensive
Plan amendments. September 2005.
g. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2004 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. September 2004.
h. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2003 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. October 2003.
i. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2002 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. October 2002.
j. City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2001 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. October 2001.
k. City of Auburn - Auburn Downtown Plan/Final EIS. April 2001.
1. City of Auburn - Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2000 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. October 2000.
m. City of Auburn - Final Determination of Non-Significance - 1999 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. September 1999.
n. City of Auburn - Final Determination of Non-Significance - 1998 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. November 1998.
o. City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance - 1997
Comprehensive Plan amendments. November 1997.
p. City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance - 1996
Comprehensive Plan Amendments. November 1996.
q. City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance -
Comprehensive Plan Amendments to Comply with the Central Puget Sound Growth
Management Hearings Board Decision. October 1996.
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EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Text Amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City
Code - Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
08/21 /2009
r. City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Determination of Non-Significance - 1995
Comprehensive Plan Amendments. November 1995.
s. City of Auburn - Final Determination of Non-Significance - Comprehensive Plan
Amendments to Comply with the Washington State Growth Management Act.
October 1994.
t. City of Auburn - Final Environmental Impact Statement - City of Auburn
Comprehensive Plan: Staff Draft and Recommendations. May 1986.
u. City of Auburn.-Final Determination of Non-Significance - Downtown Design Study.
April 1990.
v. City of Auburn - Final Determination of Non-Significance - Comprehensive Plan
Amendments on City Expansion and Urban Growth. July 1991.
w. City of Auburn - Final Environmental Impact Statement: Auburn North CBD Analysis.
November 1991.
x. City of Auburn -Final Determination of Non-Significance - Comprehensive Plan
Amendments on Sensitive and Critical Lands. January 1992.
y. King County Parks, Planning and Resources Department - Final Environmental
Impact Statement: Soos Creek Community Plan Update. December 1991.
z. King County Parks, Planning and Resources Department - Final Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement: Countywide Planning Policies Proposed
Amendments. May 1994.
aa. King County Parks, Planning and Resources Department - Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement: King County Comprehensive Plan. July 1994.
bb. Pierce County, Department of Planning and Land Services - Proposed Lakeland Hills
South Mining and Reclamation Plan and Planned Community Development: Final
Environmental Impact Statement. July 21, 1992.
cc. Pierce County, Department of Planning and Land Services - Comprehensive Plan for
Pierce County, Washington: Final EIS. September 20, 1993.
dd. Pierce County, Department of Planning and Land Services - Final Supplemental EIS
for the Comprehensive Plan for Pierce County, Washington. June 1994.
ee. Puget Sound Council of Governments - Final Environmental Impact Statement -
Vision 2020: Growth Strategy and Transportation Plan for the Central Puget Sound
Region. September 1990.
19. Title 12 (Streets, Sidewalks and Public Works) and specifically, Chapter 12.60 (Right-of-
Way Use Permits) contains regulations and standards for the use of public rights-of-way
in the City of Auburn.
General Conclusions:
1. The amendments proposed for Title 18 (Zoning) are substantive in nature and would
apply to real properties currently zoned or zoned in the future as Residential Office (RO),
Residential Office-Hospital (RO-H), Neighborhood Shopping District (CN), Light
Commercial District (C-1), Central Business District (C-2), Heavy Commercial District (C-
3), Downtown Urban Center (DUC), Business Park District (BP), Airport Landing Field
District (LF), Light Industrial (M-1), Heavy Industrial District (M-2), Environmental Park
District (EP). The proposed amendments would also apply to the non-residential used
properties in the Terrace View District and the PUD-Lakeland Hills South
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EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Text Amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City
Code - Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
08/21 /2009
2. The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code are
intended to create temporary clear and objective regulations pertaining to additional and
increased opportunities for the use and siting of temporary and portable signs subject to
conditions, including but not limited to time, size, location and placement. These
proposed regulations are intended to support local businesses in the City and the City's
overall economy by providing expanded opportunities to advertise merchandise and/or
services to stimulate local business activities.
3. The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) do not require any changes to the
City's current critical area regulations contained in ACC 16.10 (Critical Areas). Any future
development subject to the proposed amendments to Chapter 18.04 (Definitions) and
Chapter 18.26 (C-1 Light Commercial District) will still be required to demonstrate
compliance to applicable standards and regulation specified in ACC 16.10.
4. The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) will support current and future land
and shoreline uses that are consistent with the City's current Comprehensive Plan and
current Shoreline Master Program. Staff has not proposed substantive or non-
substantive amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) that would be deemed inconsistent
with the City's adopted plans and policies.
5. The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) will not necessitate any
amendments to the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan.
Specific Conclusions:
6. The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) satisfy the requirements of Goal 11
(Citizen Participation and Coordination) of the Growth Management Act as specified in
RCW 36.70A.020 because of the substantive public involvement efforts initiated for
these amendments. These efforts include:
a. The Planning and Community Development Committee of the Auburn City Council
met on July 27, 2009 at a duly advertised regular public meeting to discuss and give
input on possible options for amending certain elements of Chapter 18.56 (Signs) to
address the issues and concerns of numerous local businesses as it pertains to
current regulations for temporary and portable signage.
b. The Auburn Planning Commission met on August 4, 2009 at a duly advertised
regular public meeting to discuss ideas and issues for potentially allowing
businesses additional signage use allowances beyond that currently allowed by the
Auburn City Code. The Commission also reviewed the ideas and input of the Auburn
Planning and Community Development Committee as forwarded by staff.
c. The public hearing notice for the August 25, 2009 Planning Commission public
hearing was published on August 16, 2009 in the Seattle Times that is at least 10-
days prior to the Planning Commission public hearing scheduled for August 25, 2009
d. The Auburn Planning Commission will conduct a duly advertised public hearing on
August 25, 2009 in the City Council Chambers, Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main
Street, Auburn, WA 98001 to receive public testimony on the proposed amendments
to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) before deliberating and forwarding a recommendation to
the Auburn City Council.
e. A Determination of Non-Significance will be issued, published and transmitted to
reviewing agencies and interested parties for the proposed amendments to Chapter
18.56 (Signs) on August 25, 2009 under city file SEP09-0025.The comment period
ends on September8, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
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EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Text Amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City
Code - Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
08/21 /2009
7. The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) have been processed in
accordance with ACC The Planning and Community Development
Committee of the Auburn City Council has previously requested the Planning
Commission and staff to prepare substantive amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs),
conduct the required public hearing (s) on these amendments and forward the
Commission's recommendation to the Auburn City Council for potential ordinance action.
8. The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) are substantive in nature in
accordance with ACC 18.68.020.C in that they pertain to regulations that define or limit
what can be done in terms of conduct, use or action for the use and development of
certain real property in the City of Auburn.
9. The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) have been processed in
accordance with ACC 18.68.030 (Public Hearing Process). The Planning Commission is
scheduled to hold a minimum of one public hearing on August 25, 2009. The Auburn
City Council is currently scheduled to consider an ordinance for the proposed
amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) on September 8, 2009.
10. The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) have been processed in
accordance with ACC 18.68.040.A.1 and ACC 18.68.040.B.2. A public hearing notice
was published on August 16, 2009 in the Seattle Times.
11. In formulating its recommendation, the Commission shall consider, among other things,
the relationship between the proposed ordinance or amendment and the comprehensive
plan, other applicable city policies, and other existing land use controls. The following
conclusions address this requirement:
a. In Chapter 12 of the City of Auburn Comprehensive P/an, signage is discussed
Specifically, the following objectives and polices are applicable:
Objective 22.3: To improve the visual quality of developed areas.
UD-16 Sign clutter should be reduced by updating and revising the City's sign
The proposed amendments would allow additional and increased opportunities for
the use of portable and temporary signs on private properties and, in certain cases,
in the public rights-of-way. These amendments have been proposed in response to
numerous requests submitted by local businesses to City staff for additional
regulatory allowances for increased usage of portable signs and temporary signs in
the City to help stimulate local business activities. These amendments are intended
to be non-permanent or short-term in their applicability and associated allowances to
help local businesses during a significant economic downturn. The actual timeframe
for allowance of these regulations will be determined by the Auburn City Council as
part of an ordinance adoption action. Staff anticipates that this timeframe will be
stipulated as a clause within the adopting ordinance that will further prescribe a
reversion back to the pre-ordinance adoption condition, unless otherwise directed by
the Auburn City Council through a substantive policy-making process.
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EXHIBIT 1: Staff Report for Text Amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City
Code - Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs)
08/21 /2009
The proposed amendments may result in some increase in sign clutter on private
properties and/or within the public rights-of-way, however, this impact will be short-
term per the applicability timeframe specified by the Auburn City Council. Further,
these amendments are intended to help promote and retain a diversified economic
base within the City of Auburn consistent with the City's economic development
strategies, objectives and policies, and in particular, assist local businesses that
generate sales tax revenue for the City to support the provision of services by the
City to citizens.
b. Section specifies that portable signs are prohibited in all zoning districts
except as permitted by ACC 18.56.025 (Real estate signs) and ACC 18.56.040(E)
(C-2 District). The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 would expand the
allowability of portable signs with conditions to other zoning district and planned
areas in the City as previously specified. In addition, the proposed amendments add
a reference in this Section to reference Section that allows portable signs
in the Downtown Urban Center zoning designation subject to conditions.
12. The City to minimize liability and ensure public safety may implement an appropriate
permit process for the authorization of temporary and portable signs in the public rights-
Overall Conclusions:
The proposed amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) as presented in Exhibit "2" are
substantive amendments that are in compliance with the City of Auburn Comprehensive
Plan, as applicable, and are an appropriate use of the City's regulatory authority to
address land use controls and allowances in the City. The amendments are intended to
address an identified policy issue, that being the need for additional flexibility in the
City's signage regulations to help stimulate local business activities. The proposed
amendments have been processed in accordance with the City's specified procedures
for the processing of text amendments to the City's zoning regulations inclusive of the
opportunity for the submittal of written or verbal public testimony.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval of the proposed
amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) to the Auburn City Council.
Page 10 of 10
1 I Chapter 18.56 p R A F~
3 Sections:
4 18.56.010 Intent.
5 18.56.020 Definitions.
6 18.56.025 Real estate signs.
7 18.56.030 General provisions, all districts.
8 18.56.040 Regulation by district.
9 18.56.050 Administrative provisions.
10 18.56.060 Deviations, variances and appeals.
11 18.56.070 Liability.
12 18.56.080 Conflicts repealed.
13 18.56.090 Repealed.
14 18.56.100 Repealed.
16 18.56.010 Intent.
17 The overall purpose of this chapter is to enhance and maintain the aesthetic character, to
18 promote the public health, safety and general welfare, and to increase the effectiveness of visual
19 communication in the city. This chapter is also intended to avoid visual clutter that may
20 adversely impact traffic and pedestrian safety, or be adverse to property values, business
21 opportunities and the city's appearance and to prevent and abate public nuisances. The purpose of
22 this chapter is implemented by controlling the construction, location, use and maintenance of all
23 signs and sign structures. It is also the intent of this chapter to afford noncommercial speech the
24 same or greater protection afforded commercial speech and to not regulate noncommercial
25 speech to a stricter standard than commercial speech. This chanter is further intended to support
26 local businesses in the City and the City's overall econainv bv providing additional and
27 increased opportunities for the use and siting of teinporarv aaid portable si£aiage subtect to
28 conditians including but not linlited to time size location and placement. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006;
29 Ord. 4773 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
31 18.56.020 Definitions.
32 The following definitions are specific to this chapter and are to be used only for the
33 implementation of this chapter:
34 A. "Animated sign" means any sign that flashes or simulates motion with an
35 electronic or manufactured source of supply or contains wind-actuated motion (except for flags
36 and banners). An animated sign may also be a sign that meets the definition of "changing
37 message center" or "revolving sign."
38 B. "Banner" means a temporary sign constructed of fabric, vinyl, or other durable
39 material; which is not the primary identification for the organization, event or product advertised;
40 and which is primarily promotional in nature. ,
41 C. "Billboard" means a large outdoor advertising sign containing a message,
42 commercial or otherwise, unrelated to the use or activity on the property on which the sign is
43 located and/or to any use or activity in the immediate area (such as is the case with an off-
44 premises sign) and which is customarily leased for commercial purposes. The approximate sizes
45 of the billboard faces range from 12 to 14 feet in height and 24 to 48 feet in width.
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1 D. "Changing message center" means an electronically controlled message center
2 that displays different copy changes on the same lamp bank.
3 E. "Directional sign" means a sign which is located to guide or direct pedestrian or
4 vehicular traffic to parking entrances, exits, and service areas, and may not exceed six square feet
5 in area or 10 feet in height. For projects that have parking lots in excess of 500 spaces, the sign
6 area may be 10 square feet and the sign height 15 feet.
7 F. "Double-faced sign" means a sign with two faces.
8 G. "Electrical sign" means a sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring,
9 connections, and/or fixtures are used as part of the sign proper.
10 H. "Facade" means the entire building front, or street wall face, including grade to
11 the top of the parapet or eaves, and the entire width of the building elevation.
12 I. "Flashing sign" means an electrical sign or a portion thereof which changes light
13 intensity in a sudden transitory burst, or which switches on and off in a constant pattern in which
14 more than one-third of the nonconstant light source is off at any one time.
15 J. "Freestanding sign" means a sign that meets the definition of "ground sign" (also
16 commonly referred to as a monument sign), or "pole sign." Signs attached to fences or other
17 structures that are not defined as buildings will be considered freestanding signs.
18 K. "Frontage" means the measurement, in linear feet, of the length of the property
19 line for a single-tenant building or length of leased building frontage for multitenant buildings or
20 multibuilding complexes.
21 L. "Grade" means the relative existing ground level in the immediate vicinity of the
22 sign.
23 M. "Ground sign" means a sign attached to the ground and supported by the ground
24 or a built-up landscaped area such that the sign appears solid with the ground. The height of a
25 ground sign shall be measured from the surrounding grade. Also commonly referred to as a
26 monument sign.
27 N. "Identification sign" means a sign containing the name of the business
28 establishment, occupant of the building or tenant space and/or address of the premises.
29 O. "Incidental sign" means a sign that is generally informational and of a
30 noncommercial nature intended primarily for the convenience of the public and having a
31 maximum area of two square feet. Incidental signs include, but are not limited to: signs
32 designating restrooms, hours of operation, entrances and exits to buildings and parking lots, help
33 wanted, public telephones, etc. Also included are property control and warning signs such as "no
34 trespassing," "no dumping," etc., and plaques, tablets or inscriptions which are an integral part of
35 a building.
36 P. "Mansard roof' means a sloped roof or roof-like facade architecturally able to be
37 treated as a building wall.
38 Q. "Marquee" means a permanent structure attached to, supported by, and projecting
39 from a building and providing protection from the weather elements. For the purpose of this
40 chapter, a freestanding, permanent roof-like structure providing protection from the elements,
41 such as a service station gas pump canopy, will also be considered a marquee. The term
42 "marquee" also includes canopy.
43 R. "Marquee sign" means any sign which forms part of or is integrated into a
44 marquee and which does not extend horizontally beyond the limits of such marquee. For the
45 purpose of this chapter, a marquee sign will be considered as a wall sign.
46 S. "Median sign" means a sign that is placed within the median of a public street.
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1 T. "Multiple-building complex" means a group of commercial or industrial
2 structures, developed as a group either simultaneously or in phases, with more than one building
3 per parcel.
4 U. "Multiple-tenant building" means a single structure housing more than one retail
5 business, office or commercial venture but not including residential apartment buildings, which
6 share the same lot, access and/or parking facilities.
7 V. "On-premises sign" means a sign which carries advertisements incidental to a
8 lawful use of the premises on which it is located, including signs indicating the business
9 transacted at, services rendered, goods sold or produced on the premises, name of the person,
10 firm or corporation occupying the premises.
11 W. "Off-premises sign" means any sign which advertises an establishment,
12 merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment which is sold, produced, and manufactured, or
13 furnished at a place other than on the property on which said sign is located.
14 X. "Parapet" means a false front or wall extension above the roofline.
15 Y. "Perimeter" means a square or rectangle required to enclose the sign area.
16 Z. "Portable sign" means any sign made of any material, including paper, cardboard,
17 wood or metal, which is capable of being moved easily and is not permanently affixed to the
18 ground, structure or building. This also includes sidewalk or sandwich board signs, except those
19 worn by a person.
20 AA. "Premises" means the real estate as a unit, which is involved by the sign or signs
21 mentioned in this chapter.
22 BB. "Projecting sign" means a sign which is attached to a structure or building wall in
23 such a manner that the leading edge extends more than 16 inches beyond the surface of said
24 structure or wall but does not extend more than five feet beyond the property line, extends no
25 more than six inches above any roofline, and meets all standards for ground clearance. Signs that
26 meet the definition of "marquee sign" or "suspended sign" will not be considered a"projecting
27 sign."
28 CC. "Real estate sign" means a portable sign erected by the owner, or the owner's
29 agent, advertising the real estate upon which the sign is located for rent, lease or sale.
30 DD. "Revolving sign" means any sign that rotates or turns in motion by electrical or
31 mechanical means in a circular pattern.
32 EE. "Roof sign" means a sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building or
33 structure. Mansard roof signs shall be considered as wall signs. Roof signs may not extend more
34 than five feet in height above the roof.
35 FF. "Sign" means any visual communication device, structure, or fixture which is
36 visible from any right-of-way intended to aid a land use in promoting the sale or identification of
37 a product, good or service using graphics, symbols, or written copy. For the purpose of this
38 chapter, a sign shall not be considered to be building or structural design. It shall be restricted
39 solely to graphics, symbols, or written copy that is meant to be used in the aforementioned way.
40 This definition shall include inflatable signs, balloons or other similar devices.
41 GG. "Sign area" means:
42 1. The total area of a sign visible from any one viewpoint or direction, excluding the
43 sign support structure, architectural embellishments, or framework that contains no written copy,
44 and includes only one side of a double-faced sign.
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1 2. Individual letter signs using a wall as the background without added decoration or
2 change in wall color shall be calculated by measuring the perimeter enclosing each letter. The
3 combined total area of each individual letter shall be considered the total area of the sign.
4 3. Module signs consisting of more than one sign cabinet shall be computed by
5 adding together the total area of each module.
( 4. Perimeter of sign area shall be established by the smallest rectangle enclosing the
7 extreme limits of the letter module or advertising message being measured.
8 HH. "Sign height" means the vertical distance measured from the adjacent grade to the
9 highest point of the sign.
10 II. "Sign structure" means any structure that supports or is capable of supporting any
11 sign as defined in this chapter. A sign structure may be a single pole or may or may not be an
12 integral part of the building or structure.
13 JJ. "Single-tenant building" means a commercial building or structure that contains
14 one enterprise or occupant. Buildings within a multibuilding complex may not be considered a
15 single-tenant building.
16 KK. "Special event signage" means temporary signs including posters, flags, pennants,
17 and inflatable materials; which are not the primary identification for the organization, event or
18 ~ product advertised; and which are primarily intended for ver-~-short-term promotional periods.
19 LL. "Suspended sign" means a sign that is attached to and suspended from a marquee
20 or canopy, and subject to right-of-way and clearance regulations.
21 MM. "Temporary sign" means any sign or advertising display constructed of wood,
22 vinyl, cloth, canvas, light fabric, paper, cardboard, or other light materials, with or without
23 frames, intended to be displayed for a limited time only. This definition shall include inflatable
24 signs.
25 NN. "Traffic hazard" means any sign which does not meet city standards for clear zone
26 or sight distance or which does not meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
27 00. "Wall sign" means a sign attached or erected parallel to and extending not more
28 than 16 inches from the facade or face of any building to which it is attached and supported
29 through its entire length, with the exposed face of the sign parallel to the plane of said wall or
30 facade. "Window signs" which do not meet the definition of a"temporary sign" shall be
31 considered as wall signs.
32 pP. "Window sign" means a sign located inside or affixed to windows of a building,
33 whether temporary or permanent, lighted or unlighted, which may be viewed from the exterior of
34 the building.
35 QQ "Feather Banner or Sign" means a fabric sim. with printcd advertiselnent on otie
36 or two f'aces that is either stationery or rotates and is attached on one Side to a metal pole_or stake
37 that is placed in the pround ar attached ta a secure obiect.
38 RR "Off premise directional si means asip located on Urivate propertv or in thc
39 public ris;ht of wav as authori7ed that directs ar ~,7uldes persons _to an estabhshinent.
40 rnerc,handise service tToods or entertainment which is sold araduced, and manutactured, or
41 furnished at aplace other than on the propertv or public right-of-wav on which said sigLi is
42 lacated. (Ord. 6166 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4705 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
44 18.56.025 Real estate signs.
45 No sign permit is required, except as provided in subsection F of this section. All exterior
46 real estate signs must be of wood or plastic or other durable material.
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1 The permitted signs are as follows:
2 A. Residential "for sale" and "sold" signs: such signs shall be limited to one sign per
3 street frontage not to exceed five square feet in sign area per side, placed entirely on the property
4 for sale, and not to exceed a height of seven feet.
5 B. Residential directional "open house" signs: such signs shall be limited to one sign
6 per street frontage on the premises for sale and three off-premises signs. However, if a
7 broker/agent has more than one house open for inspection in a single development or
8 subdivision, he/she is limited to four off-premises "open house" signs in the entire development
9 or subdivision. Such signs' are permitted only during daylight hours and when the broker/agent or
10 seller or an agent is in attendance at the property for sale. No such sign shall exceed five square
11 feet in sign area per side. The sign may be placed along the periphery of a public right-of-way,
12 provided it does not interfere with traffic safety, but it may not be attached to a utility pole or
13 traffic safety device.
14 C. Undeveloped commercial and industrial property "for sale or rent" signs: one sign
15 per street frontage advertising undeveloped commercial and industrial property for sale or for
16 rent is permitted while the property is actually for sale or rent. The sign shall not exceed 32
17 square feet in sign area per side and eight feet in height.
18 D. Developed commercial and industrial property "for sale or rent" signs: one sign
19 per street frontage advertising a commercial or industrial building for rent or sale is permitted
20 while the building is actually for rent or sale. If one face of the building is less than 10 feet from
21 the building line, the sign shall be placed on the building or in a window. The sign shall not
22 exceed eight feet in height; if freestanding, it shall be located more than 15 feet from any
23 abutting property line and a public right-of-way line. Said sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in
24 sign area per side.
25 E. Undeveloped residential property "for sale" signs: one sign per street frontage
26 advertising undeveloped residential property for sale is permitted not exceeding 32 square feet in
27 area per side, nor exceeding a height of eight feet. If the sign is greater than five square feet in
28 area, it must be placed more than 30 feet from the abutting property line.
29 ~ F. Additional signs: flite-The planning, building and community director may grant a
30 special permit to allow temporary off-premises signs in addition to those permitted above, not to
31 exceed five square feet in size per side, or 42 inches in height and for a ciuration of
32 I . Notice of adjacent property owners shall not
33 be required. Such addrtional signs may be used to advertise open houses, to provide directions to
34 new developments, or similar purposes. Such signs may be placed along the periphery of the
35 public right-of-way, provided they do not interfere with traffic safety or nose a detriinental effect
36 I on nei~hboring property as deterinined bv the planning buildin~ and cUmmwYity airector, but
37 they may not be attached to utility poles or traffic safety devices. The plammng, building and
38 community director shall determine the number and locations of such signs; -~~~fa =e Yo~-.e--
39 . , shall
40 < , .
42 (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006.)
44 18.56.030 General provisions, all districts.
45 A. Community Signs. The planning, building and community director may approve
46 and permit to be erected entrance signs, at or near the city limits, on city public right-of-way or
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
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1 on privately owned parcels with the owner's permission, on which may be listed institutional
2 names, service clubs or organizations or points of interest or similar public information. Right-
3 I of-way use permits may be required for signs located in the public right-of-way, excq)t as
4 permitted by ACC 18.56.030.B.1, ACC 18.56.030.B.2, ACC or ACC 18.56.030.J.
5 B. Temporary Signs.
6 1. For a duration not exceediiig
7 snecial event signage may be allowed in the R(7 RO-H CN C-1 C-2.
8 C-3, DLC BI' LF, M-1, M-2, EP and the nan-residential used properties in the 1'errace View
9 Disirict and the PUD-Lakeland Hills South subject to the fallowing subject to compliance with
10 the following as applicablc:
11 a. .
12 90 -day pefiwi;
13 b.-The area of any single sign shall not exceed 30 square feet;
14 b. Special event signs as autliorized kierein s11a11 not bave the following:
15 i. Illwnination of any kind
16 ii. Strobing or bLinkitYg or flashing li > ts
17 iii. Electrical animation
18 iv. Chaalgeable reader copy, electronic or masiual
19 c. Special event :;i~,magc shall not exceed the xnaximuin height liinitations of the
20 uiiderlying zoning district.
21 d. Special event signs may have spinnin,g eleinents atlached to them including but
22 not limited to flags or pcnnants or balloons or windsocks attached to them provided th.at thev do
23 not at anv tiine constitute a traffic safet.Yor pedestrian safety hazard.
24 e. Balloons and windsock special event signage shall not be autharized to be placed
25 in the public ri ts-of wav or on-sile landscape area or off-site on another private parcel of 1and
26 that does not contain the business or service beiiig advertised,
,e sliall be autllorized to he placed in the
27 f: Flag a,a pennant special event si~nai,
28 public rights-of-way, on-site Iandscape area wid off=site on another private parcel of land tihat
29 does uot contain the business or service being advertiseci, provided that placement in the public
30 rip-hts-of-way does not constitute a traffic safetv or pedestrian safetv hazard and does not create
31 non-confarmance ta tlie Ainerican wit11 Disabilities Act, placement in on-site landscape areas
32 does not impede sight distance and that off=site nlacernent an another propertv has received priar
33 propertv ocvner authorization.;
34 2. For a duration not exceeding Ban.fiefs
35 bannezs may be allowed in the RO R4-H CN C-l C-2 C-3 DUC BP LF M-l M-2 :EP and
36 the non-residential used praperties in the Terrace View District and the PUD-Lakeland Hills
37 South, subject to the following:
38 a. No more than two such signs may be used per site at any given time;
39 b. s . ,
40 ;
41 c-.-The area of any single banner used bv a single business on a site shall not exceed
42 120 square feet;
43 c. For multi-tenant buildings andJor multi-business complexes, each business shall
44 be authUrized to have a banner provided that the size of each bantier shall be lirnited to maximum
45 of 32 square feet.
46 d. Banners as authori7ed herein shall not have thc following:
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1 i Illuminatian of anv kind
2 ii Strobing or blinkinp, or flasliing lights
3 iii. Electrical animation
4 iv. Changeable reader copv electronic or manual
5 e Baruler si gnage shall not exceed the maximum height liniitations of the
6 underl '~i~ g 7oning district.
7 f Banncrs inav have spiziniiig elements attachcd to them including but ilot limitcd to
g flags or pennants or balloons ar windsocks attached to them provided tliat tliev do not at anv trme
9 canstitute a traffic 5afetv or nedestrian saletv hazard.
10 f Banncrs shall be authorized to be lilaced in thc public rights-of-way on-site
11 landsca e area and aff=site on another rivate arcel of land that does nat c.ontain the business or
12 service being adverti5ed provided thatplaeeinent in the public ri~hts-af-wrav does not constitute
13 a traffic safet or edestrian safet hazard or does not create non-conformance to the Amencatl
14 with Disabilities Act.,placemerit in on-site landscape areas does uot impedc sight distance and
15 that off 5ite placeinent an another pro. erty has received pnor propertv owner authonzaticm.
16 • Signs
17 '
18 , ,
19 dufation stied by the p4afming,
20 ~ ` signatm-e
21 C. Civic Events. Street banners may be permitted subject to approval and installation
22 in accordance with rules and procedures established by the city of Auburn public works
23 department.
24 D. Sign Lighting Provisions.
25 1. All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from any residential zone. No person
26 shall construct, establish, create or maintain any stationary exterior lighting or illumination
27 system or any interior system which is intended to be viewed from a street, highway or other
28 public thoroughfare used for vehicular traffic which system contains or utilizes:
29 a. Any exposed incandescent lamp with wattage in excess of 25 watts,
30 b. Any exposed incandescent lamp with a metallic reflector,
31 c. Any exposed incandescent lamp with an external reflector,
32 d. Any revolving beacon light,
33 e. Any continuous or sequential flashing operation, except as allowed for changing
34 message center signs in subsection F of this section;
35 2. The provisions of subsection (D)(1) of this section shall not apply to:
36 a. Lighting systems owned or controlled by any public agency for the purpose of
37 directing or controlling navigation, traffic, or highway or street illumination,
38 b. Aircraft warning lights.
39 E. Construction Provisions, Sight Distance, Exposed Angle Iron and Wire.
40 1. Each sign shall be adequately constructed in accordance with the requirements of
41 the International Building Codes, as amended;
42 2. Signs containing electrical circuitry shall meet the requirements of the National
43 Electrical Code and all state laws, and shall include an approved testing lab sticker;
44 3. Signs must meet vehicular sight distance requirements established by the city
45 ~ engineer pursuant to ^''r , 4.^4.n~nr~1 the Citv of Auburn En~ineering~Desig1 Standards;
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1 4. When a projecting sign is used, no angle irons, guy wires or braces shall be
2 visible, except those that are an integral part of the overall design, such as decorative metals or
3 woods, or unless they are required for safety.
4 F. Changing Message Center Signs. Where permitted under this chapter, changing
5 message center signs shall comply with the following requirements; provided, that changing
6 message center signs that only display time and temperature or similar public service information
7 shall be exempt from these requirements.
8 1. Where Allowed. Changing message center signs shall only be allowed in the I, P-
9 1, C-1, C-2, DUC, C-3, M-1 and M-2 zones.
10 a. In the I and C-1 zones, changing message center signs shall only be allowed on
11 frontages along a collector, minor or principal arterial street.
12 b. In the I zone, no changing message center sign shall operate between the hours of
13 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
14 c. In the DUC zone, changing message center signs shall only be allovved when
15 located adjacent and oriented to Auburn Way North/Auburn Way South street frontages. (For
16 other sign standards for the DUC zone, see ACC 18.29.060(I)).
17 2. Number. No more than one changing message center sign per street frontage shall
18 be permitted on each property.
19 3. Sign Face Area. Except in the I and P-1 zones, the changing message center shall
20 not constitute more than 75 percent of a sign's total sign face area.
21 4. Display.
22 a. The display of the sign shall not change more rapidly than once every one and
23 one-half seconds.
24 b. No scrolling message shall require more than five seconds to be displayed in its
25 entirety.
26 5. Light Levels.
27 a. Changing message center signs shall have installed ambient light monitors and
28 shall at all times allow such monitors to automatically adjust the brightness level of the sign
29 based on ambient light conditions.
30 b. At no time shall a changing message center sign be operated at a brightness level
31 greater than the manufacturer's recommended levels.
32 c. All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from any residential zone. The
33 director shall have the authority to require a sign permit application include information to
34 ensure the intent of this requirement is met. ~
35 d. The brightness level shall not exceed 8,000 nits when measured from the sign's
36 face at its maximum brightness during daylight hours and 500 nits when measured from the
37 sign's face at its maximum brightness between dusk and dawn.
38 6. On-Premises Advertising Only. Changing message center signs shall only
39 advertise on-premises products and services, or display public service messages or messages on
40 behalf of not-for-profit organizations.
41 7. Additional Requirements. A copy of the manufacturer's operating manual shall be
42 provided to the city upon request.
43 8. Amortization. All changing message center signs that do not comply with the
44 requirements of subsections (F)(4) and (5) of this section shall be brought into compliance with
45 those requirements by April 1, 2009.
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1 G. Change of Copy. The oridrie S~p~~lorf ° gn the f duvvhi~h thereof,
2 right to change the advertising copy
3 without being required to pay any additional fees.
4 H. Exemptions. Unless otherwise specified or unless expressly prohibited, it is not
5 the intent of this chapter to regulate the following signs:
( 1. The flag of a government or noncommercial institutions such as schools, with the
7 poles treated as structures;
g 2. Official public notices, official court notices;
g 3. Incidental signs (see ACC 18.56.020(0), Definitions);
10 4. Signs not visible from public right-of-way;
11 S. Lettering or symbols painted directly onto or flush-mounted magnetically onto an
12 operable vehicle;
13 6. Painting, repainting, cleaning, repairing, and other normal maintenance unless
14 structural or electrical changes are made;
15 7. Religious syrnbols not attached to a permitted sign;
16 8. Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings, dates of erection and the like,
17 which are incorporated into the building material and facade;
18 9. Signs required by law, traffic or pedestrian control signs, signs indicating scenic
19 or historic points of interest, which are erected by or on the order of a public officer in the
20 performance of his or her public duty;
21 10. Sculptures, fountains, mosaics, and design features which do not incorporate
22 advertising or identification;
23 11. Temporary signs limited exclusively to noncommercial speech.
24 I, For the time period snecified in Orciinance No 7°BD. t~artable siwis shall be
25 allowed in the RO RO-H, CN C-1 C-3 BP LF M-1 M-? EP and the and the non-residential
26 used uioperties in the Terracc View District and the PUD-Lakeland I-lills Sauth subject to
27 c.ainnliance «fith the following as onlicabte:
28 d For Single tenant building,s and/or sites one portable sig-m shall be allawed per
29 huiiding or prouerty frontage as applicable.
30 b. Eacli business in a nulti-tenant buildin aildlor Ynulti-buildin com lex shall be
31 limited ta a a maximum of oiie (1) portable si
32 C Por multi tenant buildmgs and/or multi-huilding complexes that propose to nlace
33 one or more ortable si s within the an-srte landsca ed area at the intersection of tNvo ublic, or
34 rivate streets or at a drivewa intersection witli a ublic or rivate street com lias-ice to the
35 Cit 's miniznum si 7ht distance re uirements shall be maintained at all times.
36 d For multi tenant buildings ai1d/or rnulti-building comxrlexes that bropose to uiace
37 ane or niore ortable si s alan the ro ert street fronta e of a ublic, or nvate street the
38 total number of allowable ortable si is alon said fronta e shall be limited as follows to re;duce
39 the visual and aesthetic im~act to the Citv: 3 lineal
40 i 0 25 lineal feet of public or private street fronta~e = 1 norta_b_le sis~n everv
41 feet af stieet irontage up to a maxiinum of three (3) sijzns at anY given time.
42 at 2650 linea] feet of public ar pnvate str~.et frontage l portable si~neverv 3
43 linc,al fcet of street frontage up to a maximum of faur (4) sigms at anv tven tirne.
44 iu 51 75 lineat feet of pubhc or ~nvate street frontage 1 portable sigm everv 3
45 lineal feet of street frontage up to maximum ot five (5) sigils at anv given time.
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1 iv. 76 100 lineal feet of public or Urivate street frontage = 1 portable sim everv 3
2 tixieal feet of strcet frontage up to a maximurn of six (6) si-ns at anv ~j.ven time.
3 V 100 125 linc.al feet of nublic or }?rivate street frozitage 1 t?ortable siwi everv 3
4 Iineal feet of street frontage u:p to a inaximum of seven si47ns at anv gtven t
5 vi 126 150 lineal feet of public ar private sneet irontage = 1 portable sign everv 3
6 Iincal feet of strect frontage up to a maxiintun of eijzht (8) si&Ms at anv ~iven time.
7 vii l 51 175 lineal fec.t ofpublic ar private street ft•antage = 1portahlc sign everY 3
8 lineal feet of street frontag e up to a maximum ofnine (9) si~,ms at any given time.
9 viii 176 lineal feet anclgreater of public ar pnvate street f7ontage = 1 portable si~n
10 c,vcrv 3 lineal feet of strtct frontage up to a maximum of tcn (10) signs at anv given h
11 ix Tlu Plannin g, Director shall liave the discrehonarv authontv to authorize
12 additional partable signs along a public or private street trontage when in llis or her
13 detennination such allowance will not substantivelv impact the visual and/or aeslhetic impact to
14 the Cit r arid such allowance is warranted b h sical site conditians or econoinxc or business
15 consideration5 or other factors as deemed reasonahle bv the Planning' Director.
16 e Portable si ms shall not be located in ane or inore existmg barking spaces on a
17 developinent site.
18 f Portable simis shall be diplayed during res~'ular business hours onlv sllall not be
19 kgpt outside ovc,niight and shall not be chained or otlierwise secured ta anv huildin~.'; or structure
20 or pale or sim or tree or atlier similar vegetation.
21 9 Portable signs as authorized herein shail not have the followi
22 i Iltumination of anv kind
23 ii Strobing ar blinking or flashinglights
24 iii. Electrical animation
25 iv. Cliangeable reader copy, electronic or manual
26 h Portatile si€ms rnay have spiuning elements including but not limited to flags or
27 pc,nnants or ballaon5 or windsocks attached to them pro-6ded that thev do not at _any time
28 eonstitute a traffic safetv ar pedestrian safety hazard.
29 i. Partable si Zs advertisin a business or ser\rice not located on the same site shall
30 be allowed to hc located off site from the business or servicc being advertisc;d provided that prior
31 property owncr authorization has been obtained bv said busine55 onerator or service pravider.
32 j Eac,h portable si m sha11 have a inaxrmum total sign size vt 36 lnches m hei lt
33 aild 30 inches in width and be limited to two faces.
34 k Portable signs shall be allowed in the public ri&ht-of-wav provided that anv and
35 all SigmS arc nat placed withiri vehicie travel ]ane5 ar itnproved/uziimproved vehicle shoulder
36 areas ar bicycle lanes are not placed in tront of or block access to marked bus transit stons, da
37 not iiiterfere with or im ede edestrian traffic or crossin s and do not create non-conforniance to
38 the Amez-ican with Disabilities ,Act.
39 J For the timc,12eriod spccified in Chdinance No TBD aff=nr(inise directianal si
40 sha11 be allowed in the RO RO-H CN. C-l C-2 C-3 DUC BP .LF M-1 M-2 EP and tlie
41 non-residential used ro ei-ties in the Terrace View District and the PUD-Lakeland Hills South
42 subiect ta coMpliance witli the following as applicable:
43 a. Off- remise directianal si ms as authorizcd herein shall not havc the follow•ins~:
44 i Illmnination of any_kind
45 ii Strobing or bliiilcing or flashing lights
46 iii. Electrical animatian
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
August 20, 2009
Version No. 1
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m E A v 7
1 iv. Changeable reacier copv elect7onic ar manual
2 b Off prcmise directional si,~,ms inav have spinning clements including but not
3 limited to flags or pennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them provided that thev da not
4 at any tirne constitute a traftic safety or pedestrimt safetv hazard.
5 c Otf premise directional sigtis shall be authorized to be placecl in the Uublic rights-
6 of wav on sitc landsca~.~e area and off-site on another private parcel of laiid that daes not_coxitam
7 thc, businc.5s ar Servicc being ad`rerti5ed provided fhat placetnent in the nublic nghts-ot-wav
8 daes not constitute a traffic safety or pede5trian safety hazard and does not create non-
9 c,anfonnance to the American with Disabilities Act placement in on-site landscape areas does
10 not impedc sigllt distancc and that off-site placement on another pronet-tv has received nnor
11 property oumer authorization.
12 d Oft premise directianal siWis shall nat be located iii one ar more existin~ parking
13 Waces on a developrnent site.
14 e Off premise directional signs sllall have a maxiinum sign face area of 8 inches bv
15 24 inches and a total heiWlt af 42 inche5 inclusive of anv wood rnetal plastic or othcr sunport
16 and a t-naxiinwn of two (2) sign faces.
17 K. Prohibited Signs. From and after the effective date of the ordinance codified in
18 this chapter it shall be unlawful for any person to erect or place within the city, except as
19 otherwise authorized:
20 1. A swinging projecting sign;
21 2. Portable signs, except as permitted by ACC 18.56.025 (Real estate signs)1~
22 I ACC 18.56.040(E) (C-2 District) and ACC, subsections a throuah k;
23 3. Banners, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, rotating or blinking lights, strings
24 of lights, or similar devices, except as permitted by subsection B of this section (Temporary
25 Signs);
26 4. Flashing signs, except as permitted in subsection D of this section (Sign Lighting
27 Provisions);
28 5. Changing message center signs, except as allowed in the I, P-1, C-1, C-2, C-3, M-
29 1 and M-2 zones;
30 6. Signs attached to, or placed on, a vehicle or trailer parked on private or public
31 property that is not associated with the business advertised on said sign(s). This provision is not
32 to be construed as prohibiting the identification of a firm or its principal products on a vehicle
33 used in the normal course of business. This does not include automobile for sale signs or signs
34 attached to franchised buses or taxis;
35 7. Private signs placed in or on a public right-of-way, except for as expressly
36 permitted by this chapter;
37 8. Any sign which constitutes a traffic hazard or detriment to traffic safety by reason
38 of its size, location, movement, coloring, or method of illumination, or by obstructing the vision
39 of drivers, or detracting from the visibility of any official traffic control device by diverting or
40 tending to divert the attention of drivers of moving vehicles from traffic movement on streets,
41 roads, intersections, or access facilities. No sign shall be erected so that it obstructs the vision of
42 pedestrians by glare or method of illumination or constitutes a hazard to traffic. No sign may use
43 words, phrases, symbols or characters in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse
44 traffic;
45 9. Any sign or advertising structure or supporting structure that is torn, damaged,
46 defaced or destroyed;
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
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Version No. 1
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I I A v T
1 10. Signs attached to poles installed by governmental agencies, utility poles, trees,
2 rocks or other natural features;
3 11. Signs attached to benches, garbage cans, or other street furniture located within
4 the public right-of-way;
5 12. Rotating signs;
6 13. Billboards;
7 14. Any sign which does not structurally or materially conform to the requirements of
8 the city's adopted International Building Code.
9 ~ 3L. Nonconforming Signs. Permanent signs established legally prior to the adoption
10 of the ordinance codified in this chapter that do not conform to the regulations of this chapter
11 with regard to number, size, height or location shall be allowed to remain as legal
12 nonconforming signs except as follows:
13 1. Whenever a new building replaces the principal building.
14 2. When there is an expansion of an existing building, the requirements of this
15 section shall apply only if there is an increase in floor area of 25 percent or more (including the
16 cumulative increase of previous expansions after the effective date of the ordinance amending
17 this section).
18 3. Whenever a nonconforming use is replaced by a conforming use, the requirements
19 of this section shall apply in full to the new use if and only if there is a change in required
20 signage due to the zoning district.
21 4. Any sign, including the sign structure, now or hereafter existing which no longer
22 advertises a bona fide business conducted or a product sold. Such sign(s) shall be taken down
23 and removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the land, building or
24 structure upon which such sign may be found within 90 days after written notification from the
25 building official.
26 ~ KM. Master Sign Plans Authorized. The planning, building and community director
27 has the authority to require a master sign plan to ensure a consistent and coordinated signage
28 scheme for development proposals. In approving master sign plans under the provisions of this
29 subsection, the director has the authority to approve signage schemes that allow for signs greater
30 in area and height than allowed in the particular zone in which the development is located when
31 a coordinated signage scheme is used. Master signage plans shall be recorded. (Ord. 6166 § 2,
32 2008; Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5342 § 2, 2000; Ord. 4705 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
34 18.56.040 Regulation by district.
35 A. R-R, R-S, LHRS, R-l, LHR1, R-2, LHR2, R-3, LHR3, R-4, LHR4, R-MHP,
36 LHRMHP Zoning Districts (Nonresidential Uses, Except as Noted).
37 1. Residential entry monument: A cumulative area of 50 square feet or 10 feet in
38 height (highest point of sign structure) not to exceed two per entrance; provided, that no sign
39 exceeds 32 square feet in area.
40 2. Maximum sign area of all signs is 40 square feet per frontage.
41 3. Freestanding Signs.
42 a. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total freestanding
43 signs per property.
44 b. Maximum height: 10 feet.
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
August 20, 2009
Version No. 1
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D C~
1 c. Maximum area: 32 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
2 sign area for every three lineal feet of frontage. The minimum entitlement for freestanding signs
3 shall be one 16-square-foot sign for those sites with frontages less than 48 feet.
4 4. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
5 a. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total wall signs per
6 building.
7 b. Maximum area: 32 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign area
8 for every three lineal feet of frontage. The minimum entitlement for wall signs shall be one 16-
9 square-foot sign for those sites with frontages less than 48 feet.
10 5. Signs may be indirectly illuminated only.
11 B. RO, RO-H, C-N, C-1, LHC1, BP Zoning Districts (Nonresidential Uses).
12 1. Maximum sign area of all signs is 150 square feet per frontage.
13 2. Freestanding Signs.
14 a. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total.
15 b. Maximum height: 22 feet, 10 feet in the RO zone.
16 c. Maximum area: 100 square feet per face, 75 square feet per face in the RO zone,
17 calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage. Minimum
18 entitlement for freestanding signs shall be one sign at 32 square feet for those sites with less than
19 64 feet of frontage.
20 d. If permitted, the second freestanding sign shall not exceed 50 percent of the area
21 allowed for a single freestanding sign and 150 feet measured in a straight-line distance must
22 separate multiple pole signs.
23 3. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
24 a. Total number permitted: One per frontage.
25 b. Maximum area: 100 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign
26 area for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage. For multitenant buildings where freestanding signage
27 contains the name of not more than one tenant business (e.g., a prime tenant name or a shopping
28 center name), an additional 25 percent of wall signage per tenant space shall be allowed. This
29 increase in signage shall not apply to minimum entitlement for wall signs, which shall be one
30 sign at 16 square feet.
31 c. Signs may be directly or indirectly illuminated.
32 4. Suspended Signs.
33 a. Total number permitted: one per entrance.
34 b. Maximum area: six square feet per face.
35 c. Minimum clearance is eight feet from sign to grade.
36 5. Projecting Signs.
37 a. Not permitted in C-N, RO or RO-H.
38 b. Total number permitted: one in lieu of a permitted freestanding sign.
39 c. Maximum height: height requirement of the zoning district.
40 d. Maximum area: 50 percent of the area allowed for single freestanding signs.
41 C. P-1, LHP1, I, LHI Zones.
42 1. Freestanding Signs.
43 a. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total.
44 b. Maximum height: 18 feet.
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
August 20, 2009
Version No. 1
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1 c. Maximum area: 80 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
2 sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage. The minimum entitlement for freestanding signs is
3 one sign at 32 square feet.
4 d. If permitted, the second freestanding sign shall not exceed 50 percent of the area
5 allowed for a single freestanding sign and 150 feet measured in a straight-line distance must
6 separate multiple pole signs.
7 e. For projects, parcels or complexes that have a single street frontage and more than
8 300 feet of street frontage, a changing message center sign may be permitted for a total of two
9 signs per frontage subject to the following:
10 i. Only one changing message center is provided.
11 ii. Multiple signs are separated by at least 150 feet.
12 iii. The combined area of the two signs does not exceed 120 square feet in size and
13 neither sign is greater than 80 square feet in size.
14 2. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
15 a. Total number permitted: two per street frontage.
16 b. Maximum area: 50 square feet for total of all wall signs per frontage.
17 c. Signs may be directly or indirectly illuminated.
18 D. LF, M-1, M-2 Zoning Districts.
19 1. Maximum sign area of all signs is 150 square feet/frontage.
20 2. Freestanding Signs.
21 a. Total number permitted: two per frontage not to exceed four total.
22 b. Maximum height: 30 feet.
23 c. Maximum area: 125 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
24 sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage. Minimum entitlement for freestanding signs is 32
25 square feet for those sites without 64 feet of frontage.
26 d. The total area of freestanding signs on any given frontage shall not exceed the
27 area allowed for a single freestanding sign.
28 e. The maximum height of signs located on a second or third frontage shall be 20
29 feet.
30 f. Multiple freestanding signs must be separated by 150 feet measured in a straight-
31 line distance.
32 3. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
33 a. Total number permitted: one per frontage.
34 b. Maximum area: 100 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign
35 area for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage.
36 4. Projecting Signs.
37 a. Total number permitted: one in lieu of a permitted freestanding sign.
38 b. Maximum height: height requirement of the zoning district.
39 c. Maximum area: 50 percent of the area allowed for single freestanding sign.
40 E. C-2 Zoning District.
41 1. Maximum sign area of all signs is 200 square feet.
42 2. Hanging signs that are designed to display the availability of a specific product in
43 a business, limited to three square feet and no more than two such signs per business, shall be
44 considered permanent signs, but shall not be calculated as part of the maximum allowed signage.
45 3. Freestanding Signs.
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
August 20, 2009
Version No. 1
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m I a v u
1 a. Freestanding signs are not allowed on properties abutting or oriented toward Main
2 Street.
3 b. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total.
4 c. Maximum height: 20 feet.
5 d. Maximum area: 75 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
6 sign area for each lineal foot of frontage. Minimum entitlement for freestanding signs shall be
7 one sign at 32 square feet.
8 4. Wall Signs.
9 a. Total number permitted: one per frontage.
10 b. Maximum area: 150 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign
11 area for every one lineal foot of frontage. For multitenant buildings where freestanding signage
12 contains the name of not more than one tenant business (e.g., a prime tenant name or a shopping
13 center name), an additional 25 percent of wall signage per tenant space shall be allowed. This
14 increase in signage shall not apply to minimum entitlement for walls signs, which shall be one
15 sign at 16 square feet.
16 5. Suspended Signs. One double-faced suspended sign, not exceeding three square
17 feet per face, may be allowed for each business entrance. There shall be a minimum of eight feet
18 of clearance between the grade and the sign.
19 6. Portable Signs. One portable sign may be allowed for each business entrance, not
20 to exceed one portable sign per building frontage, subject to the following:
21 a. May be placed within public right-of-way subject to the guidelines provided by
22 the planning, building and community development director in consultation with the city
23 engineer such that sign does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic and conforms to the
24 requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
25 b. May not exceed 36 inches in height and 30 inches in width and be limited to two
26 faces.
27 c. May be displayed during business hours only.
28 d. Must be constructed of either wood or another sturdy material to ensure stability
29 in the wind.
30 e. May not move, spin, flash, or otherwise be animated.
31 f. Shall meet applicable supplemental design requirements of the Auburn downtown
32 association.
33 7. Supplemental Sign Standards, C-2 Zone.
34 a. Sign Design and Construction.
35 i. All signs, other than temporary signs, shall be made of professional, durable
36 materials such as wood, metal, and/or glass.
37 ii. Signs that are indirectly illuminated shall have their light sources shielded from
38 view.
39 iii. Internally illuminated signs are not permitted abutting or oriented toward Main
40 Street.
41 b. Sign Placement.
42 i. Signs shall be oriented toward pedestrian visibility and shall be positioned at such
43 a height as to be readable by pedestrians.
44 ii. Externally mounted wall signs shall not be mounted so as to block building
45 windows.
46 F. C-3 Zoning District.
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
August 20, 2009
Version No. 1
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1 1. Freestanding Signs.
2 a. Total number permitted: two per frontage not to exceed four total.
3 b. Maximum height: 30 feet.
4 c. Maximum area: 200 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign
5 area for every two lineal feet of frontage; provided, that the maximum size of any sign does not
6 exceed 125 square foot per face. The minimum entitlement for freestanding signs is 32 square
7 feet for those sites without 64 feet of frontage.
8 d. The total area of freestanding signs on any given frontage shall not exceed the
9 area allowed for a single freestanding sign.
10 e. The maximum height of signs located on a second or third frontage shall be 20
11 feet.
12 2. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
13 a. Maximum area: 125 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign
14 area for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage.
15 3. Projecting Signs.
16 a. Total number permitted: one in lieu of a permitted freestanding sign.
17 b. Maximum height: height requirement of the zoning district.
18 c. Maximum area: 50 percent of the area allowed for single freestanding sign.
19 4. Suspended Signs.
20 a. Total number permitted: one.
21 b. Maximum placement height: 25 feet.
22 c. Maximum area: six square feet per face.
23 d. Minimum clearance is eight feet from sign to grade.
24 5. Off-Premises Signs.
25 a. Total number permitted: one per business and one per parcel.
26 b. Location: Off-premises sign must be located in a zone that permits off-premises
27 signs.
28 c. Maximum height: 20 feet.
29 d. Maximum area: 50 percent of the area allowed for single freestanding sign,
30 calculated using the feet of frontage of the site where the sign is located.
31 e. Must be within 750 feet of the business being advertised.
32 f. Must be separated from any existing pole sign a minimum distance of 150 feet
33 measured in a straight-line distance.
34 g. Sign can be no more than two faces.
35 h. Signs may be directly or indirectly illuminated.
36 G. EP Zoning District.
37 1. Maximum sign area of all signs is 150 square feet per street frontage.
38 2. Freestanding Signs.
39 a. Freestanding signs shall be limited to ground signs.
40 b. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total.
41 c. Maximum height: 10 feet.
42 d. Maximum area: 100 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
43 sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage. Minimum entitlement for freestanding signs is 32
44 square feet for those sites with less than 64 feet of frontage.
45 e. Multiple freestanding signs must be separated by 150 feet measured in a straight-
46 line distance.
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
August 20, 2009
Version No. 1
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D9 n a v T
1 f. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
2 i. Directly illuminated signs: 10 feet;
3 ii. Indirectly illuminated signs: five feet.
4 3. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
5 a. Total number permitted: one per frontage.
6 b. Maximum area: 100 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign
7 area for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage. For multitenant buildings where freestanding signage
8 contains the name of not more than one tenant business (e.g., a prime tenant name), an additional
9 25 percent of wall signage per tenant space shall be allowed. This increase in signage shall not
10 apply to minimum entitlement for wall signs, which shall be one sign at 16 square feet. (Ord.
11 6036 § 4, 2006; Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
13 18.56.050 Administrative provisions.
14 A. Permits Required. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, no signs
15 shall hereafter be erected, re-erected, constructed, altered, or maintained, except as provided by
16 this chapter and, when required, a building permit for the same has been issued by the building
17 official. A separate permit shall be required for a sign or signs for each business entity and/or a
18 separate permit shall be required for each group of signs on a single supporting structure.
19 1. Application for Permits. Application for sign permits shall be made to the
20 building official on a form as provided by the building division. Such application shall require:
21 a. Name of business and address where work is to be performed.
22 b. Name and address of property owner.
23 c. Name and title of the person completing the application.
24 d. Name and address, telephone number of the person or firm doing the work and
25 preferably the owner of said establishment.
26 e. Washington contractor's registration number, industrial use permit number, sales
27 tax number.
28 f. A site plan showing location of the sign in relation to buildings, property lines and
29 street right-of-way including the size and location of all existing signs on the property.
30 g. A scale drawing of the proposed sign or sign revision showing size, height, copy,
31 structural and footing details, and material specifications.
32 h. A description of work to be performed and type of sign.
33 i. Electrical load with name of electrical contractor responsible for installation of
34 service feed wires if other than sign contractor.
35 j. Structural engineer's stamp required on those signs and sign structures subject to
36 wind and seismic forces.
37 2. Revocation of Permit. The building official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a
38 permit issued under the provisions of this chapter whenever the permit is issued in error or on the
39 basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of
40 the provisions of this chapter.
41 3. Permit Fee Schedule. The fees prescribed in the city's fee schedule must be paid
42 to the city for each sign installation for which a permit is required by this chapter and must be
43 paid before any such permit is issued by the building official. Fees for building permits for each
44 sign erected, installed, affixed, structurally altered, relocated, or created by painting shall be set
45 in accordance with the city's fee schedule.
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
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Version No. 1
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1 4. Sign permits shall be processed in accordance with the relevant timelines and
2 procedures identified in ACC Title 14, Project Review.
3 B. Interpretation. In all applications for permits where a matter of interpretation
4 arises, the most restrictive definition shall prevail. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4705 § 2, 1994;
5 Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
7 18.56.060 Deviations, variances and appeals.
8 A. The planning, building and community director may grant up to a 50 percent
9 deviation to the provisions of this sign code related to sign height and sign area. In a petition for
10 a deviation, the planning, building and community director shall have the power and duty to
11 review, decide, grant, grant with conditions or deny the requested deviation. The planning,
12 building and community director may grant a deviation from the provisions of this chapter only
13 when the deviation is within 50 percent of the entitlement and all of the following findings of
14 fact are met:
15 1. The literal interpretation and strict application of the provisions and requirements
16 would cause undue and unnecessary hardship because of unique or unusual conditions pertaining
17 to the specific building, parcel or property in question; and
18 2. The granting of the requested deviation would not be materially detrimental to the
19 public welfare or injurious to the property or property owners in the vicinity; and
20 3. The granting of the deviation would not be contrary to the general objective and
21 intent of this chapter, this title, or the comprehensive plan.
22 B. An applicant requesting an administrative deviation under the provisions of this
23 chapter shall submit the following, along with the required filing fee:
24 1. A letter in memorandum format outlining how the request is consistent with the
25 criteria of this subsection.
26 2. A site plan that is accurately drawn to an engineered scale of one inch equals 40
27 feet, one inch equals 20 feet, one inch equals 10 feet that includes the following information:
28 a. Boundaries and dimensions of the site,
29 b. Location of buildings, parking areas and adjacent streets,
30 c. Graphic representations of all existing signs including their size, height and
31 placement on the site,
32 d. Graphic representation of the proposed sign(s) subject to the request,
33 e. Building elevation showing the placement of the sign on that elevation, if
34 applicable.
35 C. The action of the planning, building and community director rejecting, approving
36 or modifying any decision or application is a final administrative decision subject to appeal to
37 the city's hearing examiner. Appeals of administrative decisions with regard to this chapter shall
38 be processed consistent with ACC 18.70.050.
39 D. The planning, building and community director shall render a written decision on
40 the requested deviation request within seven business days of submittal of all required elements
41 and filing fee.
42 E. Requests that exceed the 50 percent deviation or those not related to allowable
43 sign height or sign area shall be processed as a variance in accordance with ACC 18.70.010.
44 F. The planning, building and community director may allow for the repair or
45 replacement of nonconforming signs that have a significant historical or cultural element or are
46 integral components of a building roof or facade that has a significant historical or cultural
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
August 20, 2009
Version No. 1
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m 2 av T
1 element to which the sign is a contributing component. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4229 § 2,
2 1987.)
4 18.56.070 Liability.
S This chapter shall not be constituted to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any
6 person owning, building, altering, constructing, removing or moving any sign in the city for
7 damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect therein; nor
8 shall the city, or any agent thereof, be held as assuming such liability by reason of permit or
9 inspection authorized herein or a certificate of inspection issued by the city or any of its agents.
10 (Ord. 5993 § l, 2006; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Formerly 18.56.110.)
12 18.56.080 Conflicts repealed.
13 All sections or parts of sections of the municipal code, all ordinances and all resolutions
14 or parts of resolutions, in conflict herewith, be and the same, are repealed to the extent of such
15 conflict. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Formerly 18.56.120.)
17 18.56.090 Administrative provisions.
18 Repealed by Ord. 5993. (Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
20 18.56.100 Appeals and variances.
21 Repealed by Ord. 5993. (Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
Text Amendments to Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the Auburn City Code
August 20, 2009
Version No. 1
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Please publish the following Notice of Public Hearing in the Seattle Times on August 16, 2009
Bill the City of Auburn: City of Auburn
ATT: City Clerk
25 West Main
Auburn, WA. 98001
An "Affidavit of Publication" is requested for this billing. Thank you.
Please publish below this line only.
The Planning Commission of the City of Auburn will conduct a public hearing Tuesday, August 25, 2009
at 7:30 pm in the Council Chambers of the Auburn City Hall located at 25 W. Main Street on the
following matter: Proposed amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Auburn City Code affecting Chapter
18.56 (Signs). A description of the proposed amendments follows below. The public is invited to attend to
express comments or opinions. Written comments may be submitted up until & at the public hearing to
Chris Andersen, Senior Planner, Auburn PB&C, 25 W. Main St, Auburn, WA 98001-4988. Further
comments or questions call Chris Andersen at (253) 876-1962.
For citizens with speech, sight or hearing disabilities wishing to review documents pertaining to this
hearing, should contact the City of Auburn within 7 calendar days prior to the meeting, as to the type of
service or equipment needed. Each request will be considered individually according to the type of
request, the availability of resources, and the fmancial ability of the City to provide the requested services
or equipment.
Description of Proposed Amendments.
Amendments pertaining to temporary, portable and non-permanents affecting sections of Chapter 18.56
(Signs) of the Auburn City Code including but not limited to Sections 18.56.010 (Intent), Section
18.56.020 (Definitions) Section 18.56.030 (General Provisions), Section 18.56.040 (Regulation by
District) and Section 18.56.050 (Administrative Provisions). The amendments are being proposed in
response to numerous requests from businesses for additional regulatory options for business revenue
stimulation. Proposed amendments would provide with limitations additional and increased opportunities
for the use and siting of temporary, portable and non-permanent signage to support businesses and the
local economy subject to time, size, location, registration and placement conditions.
25 WEST MAIN STREET, AUBURN, WA. 98001 (253) 931-3090
Published in the Seattle Times on August 16, 2009
T 40,EXMIBIT m.es "C,
PO Box 70, Seattie, WA 98111
AUBURN, WA 98001
Re: Advertiser Account #30785204
Ad 782753800
Affidavit of Publication
4033367 / 3
Counties of King and Snohomish
The undersigned, on oath states that he/she is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company,
publisher of The Seattle Times of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of
Washington. The Seattle Times has been approved as a legal newspaper by orders of the Superior Court of
King and Snohomish Counties.
The notice, in the exact form annexed, was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers and
distributed to its subscribers during all of the said period.
~ The Seattle Times 08/16/09
Agent Debbie Collantes Signature Aak4--y
A M. sw rn to before me o r~----
a s4`~` ~.OTAR,~ ~ (dAffi
OTARY`SIG , E) Nota Pub i i and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle
i i,t►~~,~ 'a(~~~`G
i a 29
Ohr~uN~~.~~,G~ _
Re Advertiser Account #30785204 Ad # 782753800
(Intent), Section 18.56.020
The Planning Commission of (Definitions)
the City of Auburn Section 18.56.030 (General
will conduct a public hearing Provisions), Sectlon
Tuesday,August 18.56.040 (Regulation by
25, 2009 at 7:30 pm in the District) and Section
Council Chambers of 18.56.050 (Administrative
the Aubum Clty Hali located at Provisions). The
25 W. Main amendments are befng
Street on the following matter: proposed in response to
Proposed numerous requests from
amendments to Title 18 (Zoning) businesses for additional
of the Auburn regulatory options for business
City Code affecting Chapter revenue
18.56 (Signs). A stimulation. Proposed
description of the proposed amendments would provide
amendments follows wkh limitations additional and
below. The public is invked to increased
attend to opportunities for the use and
express comments or optnions. siting of
Written comments temporery, portable and non-
may be submitted up until & at permanent signage to
the public support bus(nesses and the
hearing to Chris Andersen, local economy subject
Senior Planner, to time, sfze, Ixation,
Aubum PB$C, 25 W. Main St, registration and
Aubum, WA placement conditions.
98001-4988. Further comments
or quesfions call DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING,
Chris Andersen at (253) 876- BUILDING AND COMMUNITY
AUBURN, WA. 98001
For cftizens wtth speech, sight (253) 931-3090
or hearing
disabilities wishing to review Published in the Seattle Times
dceuments on August 16,
pertatning to this hearing, 2009
should contact the
City of Auburn wRhin 7 calendar
days prlor to
the meeUng, as to the type of
service or
equipment needed. Each
request will be
considered individually
according to the type of
request, the availability of
resources, and the
financial ability of the City to
provide the
requested services or
DescHpNon of Proposed
Amendments. Amendments
pertaining to temporary,
portable and non-permanents
affecting sections
of Chapter 18.56 (Signs) of the
Auburn City Code
including but not limited to
Sections 18.56.010
; TO: Interested Parties
` FROM: Chris Andersen, Senior Planner
; Department of Planning, Building, and Community
DATE: August 25, 2009
RE: Notice of Determination of Non-Significance (SEP09-0025) for City of Auburn
; Zoning Code Amendments - Chapter 18.56 Auburn City Code.
Please find enclosed a copy of the determination of non-significance in accordance with 197-11-
340(2) for the above referenced project. Also included are the following:
1, Environmental Checklist and Final Staff Evaluation
2. Draft Text Amendments, Chapter 18.56 Auburn City Code
If you have any questions regarding this process or would like to received additional
documentation on the proposed amendments, please contact Chris Andersen, Senior Planner, at
253-876-1962 or via e-mail at candersen@aubumwa.gov
AV BU_`~1 ~1 Peter B. Lewis, Mayor
*WASHINGTON 25 West Main Street * Auburn WA 98001-4998 * www.auburnwa.gov * 253-931-3000
i DetermiHation of Non Significance SEP09-0025
Description of
Proposal: City of Aubum Zoning Code Amendments - Chapter 18.56 Auburn City Code
(see detailed description of proposal on attached page).
Proponent: Chris Andersen, Senior Planner
City of Auburn Planning, Building, and Community Department
Location: City-wide and within the City of Auburn's potential annexation areas.
Lead Agency: City of Auburn
The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it dces not have probable significant adverse impact
on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW
43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other
information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request.
This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from
~ the date issued below. Comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m, on September 8, 2009 and should be
submitted to the Responsible Official listed below.
Responsible Official: Cynthia Baker, AICP
Position/Title: Director of Pianning, Building, and Community Department
Address: 25 West Main Street
Auburn, Washington 98001
Date Issued: August 25. 2009 Signature:
Note: This determination does not constitute approval of the proposal. Approval of the proposal
can only be made by the legislative or administrative body vested with that authority. The proposal
will be required to meet all applicable regulations.
Any person aggrieved of this final determination may file an appeal with the Auburn City Clerk within 14
days of the date of issuance of this notice. All appeals of the above determination must be filed by 5:00
P.M. on September 8, 2009 with reauired fee.
1 of 2 ;
wis, Mayor
Peter B. Le
B v~ 253 931 3000
* WAS H IN GTO N 25 West Main Street * Aubum WA 98001-4998 * www.auburnwa.go
Description of Proposal
i The proposal amends the City of Auburn Sign Code, Chapter 18.56 ACC as follows:
Section 18.56.010 - Section amended to further clarify the intent of Chapter 18.56 ACC.
Section 18.56.020 - Section amended and renumbered to add definitions for "Feather or Banner Sign"
(ACC 18.56.020.QQ) and "Off premises directional sign" (ACC 18.56.020.RR).
Section 18.56.025 - Section amended to clarify requirements for special permit for temporary off-
premises real estate signs during duration of time-limited amendments (ACC 18.56.025.F).
Section 18.56.030 - Section amended and renumbered to add allowance and requirements for
temporary signs, portable signs, and off-premises directional signs in the following City of Auburn
zoning districts and areas during duration of time-limited amendments: RO/RO-H Residential
Office/Residential Office-Hospital District, C N Neighborhood Commercial District, C-1 Light
Commercial District, C-2 Central Business District, C-3 Heavy Commercial District, DUC
Downtown Urban Center District, BP Business Park District, LF Landing Field District, M-1 Light
Industrial District, M-2 Heavy Industrial District, EP Environmental Park District, and non-residential
areas in the TV Terrace View District and the PUD-Lakeland Hills South District (ACC 18.56.030,
paragraphs A, B, I, J, K).
2 of 2
S~ ~(7S Pt 0 25
; WAC 197-11-960 Environmental checklist.
Purpose of checklist:
The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all
governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making
decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with
probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this
checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your
proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the
agency decide whether an EIS is required.
Instructions for applicants:
This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your
proposal. Govemmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental
impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions
briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can.
You must answer each question accurately and cazefully, to the best of your lrnowledge.
In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project
plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does
not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "dces not apply." Complete answers to the
questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later.
Some questions ask about governmental regularions, such as wning, shoreline, and
landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the
govemmental agencies can assist you.
The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them
over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will
help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this
checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional inforniation reasonably
related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact.
Use of checklist for nonproject proposals:
Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions ma.y be
answered "does not apply." IN ADDTTION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR
For nonproject actions, the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant,"
and "property or site" should be read as "ProPosal," «ProPoser," and "affected geographic area "
respectively. '
1 ~
; 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable:
~ City of Auburn Zoning Code Amendments - Chapter 18.$6 Auburn City Code
{ 2. Name of applicant:
( City of Auburn
3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person:
Planning, Building, and Community Department
City of Auburn
25 West Main Street
~ Auburn, WA 98001
+ (253) 931-3090
Attn: Chris Andersen, Senior Planner
4. Date checklist prepared:
August 21, 2009
5. Agency requesting checklist:
City of Aubum
6. Proposed timing or schedale (including phasing, if applicable):
The amendments proposed in Item A.11 of this checklist aze scheduled for Auburn Planning
Commission review on August 25, 2009, one or more public hearings, and Auburn City
Council consideration and adoption on September 8, 2009.
7. Do you have any plans for futare additions, expansion, or further activity related to or
connected with this proposal? If yes, ezplain.
Nonproject action. This nonproject SEPA Environmental Checklist addresses proposed
amendments to the Chapter 18.56 of Auburn City Code (ACC). The proposed amendments
constitute time limited amendments to the City of Auburn sign code regulations. Upon
expiration of the effective time period to be specified by Auburn City Council ordinance, the
sign code regulations will revert to those regulations in effect prior to the proposed
8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be
prepared, directly related to this proposaL City of Auburn. Deternunation of Non-Significance SEP09-0021- City of Auburn Zoning
Code Amendments - Chapters 18.04 and 18.26 ACC. July 30, 2009.
~ City of Auburn. Final Deternunation of Non-Significance SEP09-0012 - Amendments to
~ Title 17-Subdividions and Title 18-Zoning, of the Auburn City Code, and amendments to the
Auburn Comprehensive Zoning Map. May 2009.
j City of Auburn. Final Deternunation of Non-Significance - 2008 Comprehensive Plan
~ amendments. August 2008.
! City of Auburn. Final Deternunation of Non-Significance - 2007 Comprehensive Plan
~ amendments. August 2007.
~ City of Auburn. Final Deternrination of Non-Significance - 2006 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. August 2006.
City of Auburn. Final Detennination of Non-Significance - 2005 ComPrehensive Plan
amendments. September 2005.
~ City of Aubum. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2004 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. September 2004.
~ City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Sigttificance - 2003 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. Odober 2003.
City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2002 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. October 2002.
City of Auburn. Final Determination of Non-Significance - 2001 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. October 2001.
City of Auburn - Auburn Downtown Plan/Final EIS. Apri12001.
City of Auburn - Final Determination of Non Significance - 2000 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. October 2000.
City of Auburn - Final Deternnination of Non-Significance -1999 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. September 1999.
City of Auburn - Final Detennination of Non-Significance -1998 Comprehensive Plan
amendments. November 1998.
City of Auburn - Addendum to the Fixial Detennination of Non Significance -1997 '
Comprehensive Plan amendments. November 1997.
City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Determination of Non Significance -1996 ~
Comprehensive Plan Amendtnents. November 1996. '
City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Detemvnation of Non-Significance -
Comprehensive Plan Amendments to Comply with the Central Puget Sound Growth
Management Hearings Board Decision. October 1996. I
City of Auburn - Addendum to the Final Deternnination of Non-Significance -1995 (
Comprehensive Plan Amendments• November 1995. ~
` City of Aubum - Final Determination of Non-Significance - Comprehensive Plan Amendments to
; Comply with the Washington State Growth Management Act. October 1994.
! City of Aubum - Final Environmental Impact Statement - City of Aubum Comprehensive Plan:
~ Staff Draft and Recommendations. May 1986.
~ City of Auburn. Final Detennination of Non Significance - Downtown Design Study. Apri11990.
City of Aubum - Final Determination of Non-Significance - ComPreliensive Plan Amendments on
City Expansion and Urban Growth. JuIY 1991.
City of Aubum - Final Environmental ImPact Statement: Auburn North CBD Analysis. November
City of Aubum -Final-Determination of Non Significance - Comprehensive Plan Amendments on
Sensitive and Critical Lands• January 1992.
King County Parks, Plaming and Resources Department - Final Environmental Impact Staternent:
Soos Creek Community Plan Update. Dacember 1991.
King Countj, Parks, platuung and Resources DTartrimt - Final Supplementat Environme.ntal
Impact Statement: Countywide Planning Policies Proposed Amendments. May 1994.
King County Parks, Planning and Resources Department - Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement: King County Comprehensive Plan. July 1994.
Pierce County, Department of Planning and Land Seivices - Proposed Lakeland Hills South
Mining and Reclatnation Plan and Planned Community Development: Final Environmental Impact
Statement. July 21,1992.
Pierce County, Department of Planning and Land Services - Comprehensive Plan for Pierce
County, Washington: Final EIS. Septexnber 20,1993.
pierce County, Deparirnent of Planning and I,and Services - Final SupPlemental EIS for the
Comprehensive Plan for Pierce CountY, Washington. June 1994.
Puget Sound Council of Governments - Final Environmental Impact Stateaneut - Vision 2020:
Growth Strategy and Transportation Plan for the Central Puge,t Sound Region. September 1990.
9. Do you know whether applicutions are pending for .governmental approvals of other
proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposnl? If yes, eaplain.
Non-project action. The proposed amendments would be applicable City-wide to all
properties within the following zoning districts: Gl Light Comxnercial District, G2 Central
Business District, C-3 Heavy Commeroial District, DUC Downtown Urban Center, C N
Neightwrhood Shopping District, M-1 Light Industrial District, M-2 Heavy Industrial
District, EP Environmental Park District, BP Business Park District, and LF Landing Field
District, and non-residential areas in the TV Terrace View District and the PUD-Lalceland
Hills South District. Some properties in the affected zoning districts may 1ave pending
applications for government approvals of other proposals.
' 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if
j known.
~ The City of Auburn Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed zoning
I code amendments addressed in this environmental checklist and will forward a
j recommendation to the Auburn City Council. The City Council may or may not hold a public
~ hearing prior to taking action adopting, adopting in part, or not adopting the amendments.
Although not an approval or permit, the proposed amendments area also subject to the State
Agency review process pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106.
11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the
size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checkiist that ask
you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those ,
answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional
specific information on project description.)
The proposal amends the City of Auburn Sign Code, Chapter 18.56 ACC as follows:
Section 18.56.010 - Section amended to further clarify the intent of Chapter 18.56 ACC.
Section 18.56.020 - Section amended and renumbered to add definitions for "Feather or
Banner Sign" (ACC 18.56.020.QQ) and "Offpremises directional sign (ACC 18.56.020.RR).
Section 18.56.025 - Section amended to clarify requirements for special permit for temporary
' off-premises real estate signs during duration of time-limited amendments (ACC
Section 18.56.030 - Section amended and renumbered to add allowance and requirements for
temporary signs, portable signs, and off-premises directional signs in the following City of ,
Auburn wning districts and areas during duration of time-limited amendments: RO/RO-H
Residential Office/Residential Office-Hospital District, C-N Neighborhood Commercial
District, C-1 Light Commercial District, G2 Central Business District, C-3 Heavy
Commercial District, DUC Downtown Urban Center District, BP Business Park District, LF
Landing Field District, M-1 Light Industrial District, M-2 Heavy Industrial District, EP
Environmental Park District, and non-residential areas in the TV Terrace View District and
the PUD-Lakeland Hills South District (ACC 18.56.030, paragraphs A, B, I, J, K).
12. Location of the proposal. Give suWicient information for a person to understand the
precise IocaHon of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section,
township, and range, if lmown. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide
the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity
map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans
required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans
submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist.
This is a nonproject action located in the City of Aubum municipal boundaries and potential '
annexation areas (PAAs).
5 . ~
1. Earth
l, a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes,
' mountainous, other
The City of Aubtun is characterized by a relatively flat valley floor bordered by steep
hillsides and upland plateaus overlooking the valley. See Section D, Nonproject Action.
b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)?
The slopes vary in the city and PAA areas, but in some locations slopes associated with the
` valley walls reach 100%. See Section D, Nonproject.Action.
c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for ezample, clay, sand, gravel, peat,
muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any
prime farmland.
I See Section D, Nonproject Action. The valley floor is made up prirnarily of soils of the
Oridia, Renton, Snohomish, and Briscott series. These soils are poorly drained and formed in
the alluvium (river sediments) associated with the White and Green rivers. These are
considered good agricultural soils, though in many areas, are not well-drained. There is no
designated farmland within the City of Auburn.
The hillsides and plateaus are made up of primarily Alderwood associated soils and a small
amount of Evere.tt associated soils (U.S. Department of Agriculture,1973). Alderwood soils
are moderately well drained gravelly sa.ndy loams 20-40 inches deep. Beneath these soils is
glacial til with low permeability. Roots penetrate easily to the hardpan layer. Runoff
potential is slow to medium. Erosion and slippage hazard is moderate, ranging to severe on
steeper slope phases The Everett series consists of somewhat excessively drained soils that
are underlain by very gravelly sand. These soils fomned in very gravelly glacial outwash
deposits under conifers. They are found on terraces and terrace fronts and are gently
undulaiing to moderately steep.
d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If
so, describe.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Many factors affect slope stability including soil type,
parent material, slope and drainage. These factors can be further affeded by human
intervention such as slope alteration, and vegetation removal. The city has identified
categories of geologic hazard areas and inventoried these azeas. Maps of the erosion and
landslide hazard areas are provided as Maps 9.6 and 9.7, respectively in the City's
Comprehensive Plan.
e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or gradin:g
proposed. Indicate source of fill.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. The proposed amendments to Title 18
aze non project actions, no site alteration, construction, or earthwork is proposed. ,
6 ;
f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
' g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project
I construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)?
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. The action does not involve site specific
development proposals.
h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any:
See Section D, Nonproject Action. This is a non-project action, no site specific erosion
control is proposed. However, the existing comprehensive plan includes numerous policies
to reduce or control erosion through the use of best management practices, landscaping
requirements, limitations on alteration of steep slopes and other critical areas protections.
Impacts to earth will be identified and, if necessary, mitigated during the development review
process as specific development proposals are made that xnight be associated with these plan
The city also has adopted a City [ettgineering] Design Standazds Manual and a City
[engineering] Construction Standards Manual that address erosion impacts (ACC Chapter
12.04 as referenced by ACC 15.74).
2. Air
~ a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile,
odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed?
i If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non project action.
b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so,
generaliy describe.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-projed action. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impncts to air, if any:
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
3. Water
a. Surface:
1) Is there any surface water body on or in the imruediate vicinity of the site (including
year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe
type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into.
Citywide nonproject action - See Section D, Nonproject Action. The major bodies of water
within Auburn are the Green River, the White River, Mill Creek, Bowman Creek, and White
; Lake. The city has conducted an inventory of wetlands within the city limits. These are
shown on Map 93 of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Shorelines of the State are reflected in
i Auburn's recently adopted revised Shorelines Master Program in Apri12009.
~ 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) of the
j described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans.
~ See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed
from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected.
Iudicate the source of fdl material.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action.
4) Will the proposal reqnire surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give generat
description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action.
5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Several areas within Auburn lie within the 100-year
floodplain of the Green or White River and Mill Creek. The 100 year floodplain areas as
well as frequently flooded areas (as defined by the City of Auburn Public Works Department)
are shown on Map 9.4 of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so,
describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non project action.
' b. Ground:
1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give
general description, purpose, and approaimate qaantities if known.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non project action.
2) Describe waste materiai that will be discharged into t6e ground from septic tanks or
other sources, if any (for ezample: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the
following chemicals; agricultuml; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the
number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the
number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action.
~ c. Water runoK (including stormwater):
~ 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and
i disposal, if any (include quanNties, if known). Where will this water ilow? Will this
~ water flow into other waters? If so, describe.
; See Section D, Nonpmject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action.
2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action.
d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is non-project action.
4. Plants .
a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site:
X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other
X evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other
X Shrabs
X Grass
X Pasture
X crop or grain
X wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk
cabbage, other
X water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other
, X other types of vegetation
See Section D, Nonproject Action.
' b. What lund and amount of vegetation will 6e removed or altered?
See Section D, Nonproject Action. However, in general urban development can result in the
removal or alteration of vegetation. City standards address oritical areas protection, e.g.
wetlands, and landscaping.
c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. None lrnown at this time.
d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance
vegetation on the site, if any:
The City Comprehensive Plan includes policies on retaining vegetation, ACC Chapter 15.74
governs tree and vegetation retention, and the City's landscaping regulations (ACC 18.50)
govern landscaping within the City. See Section D, Nonproject Action. This is a non-project
i 5. Animals
~ a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are
, known to be on or near the site:
i haw heron, ea 1 sonebirds, other: geese, ducks,
crows, etc.
~ mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: urban
animals such as dogs, cats, squirrels, rodents,
opossums, raccoons, etc. are also present in the city
fish: bass, salmo trout, herring, shellfish, other:
i See Section D, Nonproject Action.
b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. There are nesting/breeding sites of bald eagles, gi'eat blue
herons and green back heron within Auburn as shown on Map 9.2 of the City's
Comprehensive Plan. The Environmental Impact Statement for the Auburn Thoroughbred
Racetrack indicates that peregrine falcons, bald eagles, and the Aleutian Canadian Goose
have been seen in the Auburn area. Chinook salmon are currently listed as a threatened species by the National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS). Bull trout are also listed. Chinook salmon are known to use the Green and
White Rivers.
c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain.
~ See Section D, Nonproject Action. Aubum is a portion of the Pacific Flyway for migratory
d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any:
The City's Comprehensive Plan includes policies that encourage preservation of wildlife .
habitat and environmental features supportive of wildlife habitat. In addition, the City's
critical areas regulations (Chapter 16.10 of the ACC) offers protection for critical wildlife
habitat, atnong other things. See Section D, Nonprojed Action. This is a non-project action.
6. Energy and natural resources
a. What lunds of energy (electric, natural"gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet
the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating,
` manufactaring, etc.
See Section D, Nonproject Action, Not applicable. This is a non-projed action.
b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If
so, generally describe.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non project action.
~ c. What ldnds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal?
i List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any:
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
7. Environmental health
a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk
of £lre and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this
proposal? If so, describe.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
1) Describe special emergency services that might be required.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any:
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non project action.
8. Noise
a. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example:
traffic, equipment, operation, other)?
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non project action.
b. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a
short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non project action.
, c. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if sny:
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
9. Land and shoreline use
a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties?
See Section D, Nonproject Action. The City contains a variety of land uses including
residential, industrial, commercial, open space, and public land uses. The proposal would
provide for increased opportunities for businesses to utilize temporary and portable
promotional signage within areas of Auburn that aze zoned for commercial and/or industrial
b. Has the site been used for agricutture? If so, describe.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Much of Green River Valley and the City of Auburn were
used for agriculture at some tune in the past. Over the last several decades, rapid growth in
the area resulted in much of the agricultural land converting to urban uses. No land within
the city is designated as agricultural in city plans or zoning code, though some parcels
continue to be farmed.
i c. Describe any structures on the site.
~ See Section D, Nonproject Action. Structures within the City and Potential Annexation
Areas (PAA) range from small single family detached homes to large industrial and
warehousing facilities.
d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what?
~ See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-project action.
e. What is the current zoning classification of the site?
See Sectian D, Nonproject Action. The proposed amendments would be applicable City-
wide to all properties within the following zoning districts: Gl Light Commercial District,
; C-2 Central Business District, C-3 Heavy Commercial District, DUC Downtown Urban
Center, C-N Neighborhood Shopping District, M-1 Light Industrial District, M-2 Heavy
Industrial District, EP Environmental Park District, BP Business Park District, LF Landing
Field District, and to properties locatecl in commercial areas of the TV Terrace View and
PUD-Lakeland Hills South Districts.
' f. What is the current comprehensive plan designadon of the site?
See Section D, Nonproject Action. A Comprehensive Plan map of the City is contained in '
the City's Comprehensive Plan and includes 13 different plan designations. In general, the
Comprehensive Plan land use designations for the zoning districts affected by the proposed
amendments are as follows: Office Residential, Neighborhood Commercial, Light
Commercial, Heavy Commercial, Downtown, Light Industrial, and Heavy Industrial.
g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site?
See Section D, Nonproject Actioa Portions of the City along the Green and White Rivers
fall under the Shoreline Master Program. A map of the shoreline designations for those areas
is Map 9.1 of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Shorelines of the State are reflected in
Auburn's recently adopted revised Shorelines Master Program in Apri12009.
h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so,
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-project action. However,
areas of the city do contain sensitive areas and the regulation and protection of sensitive areas
aze addressed through the city's critical areas ordinance.
i. Appro3dmately how many people would reside or work in the completed project?
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This is a non-project action and no
specific development is proposed.
j, Approacimately how many people would the completed project displace?
~ See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. Zfiis proposal is a non-project action and
I no specific development is proposed.
I k, Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any:
' See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project acrion and
no specific development is proposed.
1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compaNble with existing and projected
land uses and plans, if any:
See Section D, Nonproject Action. This proposal is to amend the City of Auburn Zoning
Code as described in response to the environmental checklist application question A.11
above. The proposed amendments are consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies as
described above and in Section D.
Also, the proposed amendments are circulated to Washington State agencies for review in
accordance with RCW 36.70A.106.
10. Housing
' a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high,
middle, or low-income housing.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action.
b. Approximately how many units, if any, would 6e eliminated? Indicate whether high,
middle, or low-income housing.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. This proposal would not eliminate any housing units.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any:
See Seetion D, Nonproject Action. None specifically, as tlus is a non project action.
11. Aesthetics
a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is
the principal exterior building material(s) proposed?
See Section D, Nonproject Action. This proposal is a non project action that provides
allowances for the increased use of temporary and portable commercial signage• The
proposed amendments establish that the maximum height for any tempoiary sign shall not
exceed the maximum height limit of the zoning district in which it is located, and fiuther that
the maximum height limit and/or maximum area limits for each type of temporary or portable
sign shall be as follows:
Portable Signs: maximum height 36 inches; maximum width 30 inches; Off-premises
directional signs: maximum height 42 inches; maximum sign face 8 inches by 24 inches;
Temporary signs: maximum area 30 sq. ft.; and Banners: maximum area 120 square feet.
• Principal materials for signage that would be allowed by the proposed amendments include:
I Wood, metal, vinyl, cloth, canvas, light fabric, paper, plastic, cardboard, latex, or other light
i materials.
~ What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed?
~ See Section D, Nonproject ActiorL Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action.
b. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any:
See Section D, Nonproject Action. The proposed amendments would limit potential aesthetic
impacts by establishing limits on the number, size, location, and duration of temporary and
portable signs. In addition, illumination; strobing, blinking, or flashing lights; electrical
animation; or electrical or manual changeable reader copy would not be allowed on
temporary or portable signs.
12. Light and glare
= a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it
mainly occur?
~ See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action.
b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with
See Section D, Nonproject ActiorL Not applicable. This proposal is a non projed action.
c. What ezisting off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal?
See Section D, Nonproject ActiorL Not applicable. This proposal is a non-pmject action.
d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light snd glare impacts, if any:
See Section D, Nonproject Action. The proposed amendments would limit potential light and
glare impacts by establishing requirements for temporary and portable signs, including that
any illumination; strobing, blinking, or flashing lights; electrical animation; or electrical
changeable reader copy would not be allowed on temporary or portable signs.
13. Recreation
a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity?
See Sectiott D, Nonproject Action. The City of Auburn provides a full range of parks and
recreational facilities. Map 11.1 of the City's Comprehensive Plan shows the location of
these facilities.
b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreationat uses? If so, describe.
See Section D, Nonproject ActiorL The proposal would not displace any existing mcreational
; c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreaNon, including recreation
i opportunities to be provided 6y the project or applicant, if any:
I See Section D, Nonproject Action. This proposal is not expected to result in any adverse
~ impacts on recreation facilities in the City of Aubum or recreation oppodunities for City of
V Auburn residents. To the extent that commercial providers of recreation services choose to
increase their promotional signage as allowed by the proposed amendments, public awareness
of such opportunities and services may increase.
14. Histor.ic and cultural preservation
a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local
preservation registers lnown to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe.
I See Section D, Nonproject Action. The following sites in the City of Auburn are listed on the
, National Register of Historic Places and the Washington State Heritage Register: Auburn
Public Library, 306 Auburn Avenue NE; Auburn Post Office, 20 Auburn Avenue NE; Oscar
Blomeen House, 324 B Street NE; Mary Olson Farni, 28728 Green River Road NE.
Additionally, the Auburn Masonic Temple located at 310 East Main Street is designated as a
City of Auburn Landmark.
b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or
cultural importance known to be on or nezt to the site.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Several Indian campsites have been identified along the
Green and White rivers in the Auburn Thoroughbred Raeetrack EIS and in preliminary work
for the Army Corps of Engineers' Special Area Management Plan.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or conhol impacts, if any:
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Auburn City Code Chapter 18.49-Flexible Development
Alternatives and Chaptex 18.25-Infill Residential Development Standards provide incentives
for additional measures of protection and/or restoration beyond those othervvise required
under FederallState law and Auburn City Code for sites of historic or cultural significance.
This proposal is a non project action. All non-exempt projects will be required to conduct
project-level SEPA analysis. 15. Transportation
a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to
the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Figure 2-1 of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan ,
(transportation element) shows the City's current an,d future classified street system.
b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to
the nenrest transit stop? ~
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Figure 4-1 of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan I
(transportation element) shows the location of public transit routes within the City. Also, a ~
Sound Transit Sounder regional commuter rail station exists along the Burlington Northern
Santa Fe railroad right-of-way just south of West Main Street and east of C Street SW.
; c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the
; project eliminate?
~ See Section D, Nonproject Action. The proposal would not eliminate any parldng spaces.
The proposed amendments require that portable signs may not be placed in one or more
existing parking places on a development site.
d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to eacisting roads
or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or
See Section D, Nonproject Action. Not applicable. This proposal is a non-project action.
I e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air
transportation? If so, generally describe.
" See Section D, Nonproject Action. There is no water transportation in the Auburn area other
than for reareational uses. The area is particulazly well served by rail. At tlus time, local
freight service is available. Burlington Northern Santa Fe and Union Pacific both operate
' freight lines within Auburn. Auburn is also a commuter rail station site for the Sounder
commuter rail line between Tacoma and Seattle. Amtrak trains pass through, but do not stop
in Auburn. The Auburn Municipal Airport is located north of 15th Stree# NE.
f. How many velucular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If
known, indicate when peak volumes would occur.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. The proposed amendments would allow greater
opportunities for the use of temporary and portable commercial signage in the City of
Auburn. To the extent that businesses increase their use of such promotional signage as
allowed by the proposed regulations, business patronage may also increase. The predicted
number and timuig of vehicle trips associated with individual commercial uses in the City of
Auburn are evaluated (and if necessary, mitigated) as part of the City's process for permitting
and/or licensing new or expanded commercial uses. Any changes in actual citywide trip
generation associated with the inereased use of temporary and portable promotional signage
are expected to be within predicted parameters.
See Section D, Nonproject Action for additional discussion. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any:
See Section D, Nonproject Action. '
16 i
~ 16. Public services
; a. Would the project result in an increased need for pu6lic services (for example: fire
~ protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe.
1 The proposal is not expected to affect the total number of housing units, the number or types
! of commercial developments that could be built, or to result in an increased need for public
services as compared with the current zoning regulations.
See Section D, Nonproject Action.
b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any.
See Section D, Nonproject Action. The comprehensive plan contains policies that seek to
maintain a sufficient level of service for public services as development occurs. Also,
Auburn reviews the impacts of significant development on these public services during
project-level review and SEPA. Mitigation measures are required to reduce significant
adverse impacts.
17. Utitifies
a. Circle utilities currently availabte at the site: electricity, natural eas, water. refuse
service, teleuhone, sanitarv sewer, seutic svstem, other.
All of the above utilities are available within the City of Auburn.
b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service,
and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity. wtuch
might be needed.
~ This is a non-project action. However, the Comprehensive Plan includes a utilities element
(as required by the Growth Management Act), which describes the utilities that serve the
. Auburn area and includes policies for their provision.
Also, the city actively engages in planning for public facilities. The Comprehensive Water
Plan and Comprehensive Sewer Plan were adopted by the city in 2001. The Comprehensive
Drainage Plan was adopted in 2002. A new six year Capital Facilities Plan was adopted in
2008 (2009-2014).
These plans ensure that utility impacts are adequately monitored and evaluated on a project
level and city-wide basis.
The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand
f that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision.
Date Submitted: Z-O d
ig j
~ (Do not use this sheet for proj ect actions)
Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with
the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questians, be aware of the
extent the proposal or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect
the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented.
Respond briefly and in general temis.
1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air;
produetion, storage; or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise?
The proposal would not be likely to increase discharge to water, emissions to air, production,
storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise. This nonproject
~ action does not affect the existing City performance standards currently contained in ACC
18.31 that regulate noise, emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or
' hazardous substances.
Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: The City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan contains provisions to reduce increases or emissions
caused by new development. Einphasis in the Comprehensive Plan on reducing the reliance
on the automobile for transportation should reduce the amount of emissions to the air.
Policies in the Environment Chapter also provide guidance in the review of development
proposals to encourage native vegetation. This supports wildlife habitat azeas, particularly
near streams, as the policies assist the City in addressing adverse impacts to water quality and
wildlife habitat from runoff since native plantings may require less pesticide use.
Non-exempt development will be subject to SEPA requirements to evaluate and mitigate
impacts related to discharges, exnissions, and the release of toxic substances. Evaluation of
the site specific proposals will be based on the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and
appropriate mitigation will take place on a case by case basis.
City development standards including but not limited to the critical areas ordinance (ACC
16.10), shoreline master program regulations (ACC 16.08), the City's Engineering Design
Standard and Conshuction Standard Manuals (ACC 12.04) also provide additional protection
for these types of impacts. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life?
Generally, the proposal will not directly affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life.
The proposed amendments would not affect the City's critical areas regulations and they aze
not expected change the developable area of the City. The proposed amendments would not
introduce any new land uses in azeas where they are not currently allowed.
19 .
` Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are:
~ Generally, the adopted Auburn Comprehensive Plan and critical areas ordinance seek to
protect and conserve plants, animals, fish, and marine life. SEPA environmental review of all
non-exempt development is conducted to measure and mitigate impacts. Evaluation based on
~ the policies of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan and appropriate mitigation will take place for
~ each future development proposal on a case-by-case basis.
Policies within the Environment Chapter also provide guidance in the review of development
~ proposals to encourage native vegetation be used and/or retained. This should support
, wildlife habitat areas, particularly near streams as the policies assist the city in addressing
adverse runoff impacts to water quality and wildlife habitat since native plantings may ,
require less pesticide use.
City development standards including but not limited to the critical azeas ordinance and the
shoreline master program regulations also provide additional protection for these types of
3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources?
1 There are no expected significant increases in the use of energy or natural resources resulting
' fi-om the amendments being proposed to the over what might occur under existing sign code
Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are:
None specifically, as ttus is a non-project action. However, in addition to the provisions of
. the Auburn Energy Management Plan (adopted in 1986), which encourages energy
conservation in public buildings, street lighting, and recycling, the comprehensive plan places
an emphasis on providing for alternative methods of travel to the automobile such as transit,
walking, and biking.
An environmental review under SEPA of all non-exempt development will be conducted to
measure the project impacts.
4. How wonld the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or
areas des[gnated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as
parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat,
historic or cultaral sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands?
This proposal will amend the City's sign code regulations. There are no proposed changes to
the City's critical area regulations which govern environmentally sensitive areas (ACC
16.10). The proposal is unlikely to affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated
for governxnental protection.
20 i
Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are:
; The comprehensive plan and, in particular, the critical areas ordinance (ACC 16.10), seek to
protect environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands, streams, geologically hazard areas,
floodplain, wildlife habitat, and aquifer recharge areas) and to reduce the impacts of
j development on them. The Auburn Comprehensive Plan provides for the implementation of
i innovative land management techniques to protect these resources. Among the innovative
~ land xnanagement techniques, the Flexible Development Alternatives Chapter (ACC 18.49)
~ includes incentives for enhancement or restoration of critical area buffers, and/or encouraging
~ development to locate farther from critical areas than currently required by code.
SEPA environmental review for all non-exempt development will be conducted to evaluate
5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it
would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans?
This proposal will amend the City's sign code regulations. The proposal is expected to
encourage land and shoreline uses consistent with the City's existing plans, including the
City's Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Master Program. The proposed amendments are
l consistent with the City's adopted plans and policies.
j Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are:
The comprehensive plan, critical areas ordinance, and other development regulations, such as
the zoning ordinance and shoreline master program, seek to protect these land and shoreline
resources and to reduce the effects of development on them. An environmental review under
SEPA of all future development that is non-exempt will also be conducted to evaluate a
proposal's land use and environmental impacts.
6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or pubtic
services and utilities?
The proposal is not expected to affect the total nuxnber of housing units or the number or
types of commercial developments that could be built in the City of Auburn, therefore the
proposal is not expected to increase demands on transportation or public seivices and utilities
as compared with the current zoning regulations.
Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are:
The City has adopted a six-year Transportarion Improvement Program (2009-2014) that
identifies projects to meet safety needs, capacity nceds, access needs, projected funding. The
Comprehensive Transportation Plan is an element of the City's overall Comprehensive Plau.
It is the City's long-range plan for developing its transportarion system over the next 15 years.
This plan helps ensure that transportation impacts are adequately monitored and evaluated on
a project level and city-wide basis.
The City has an adopted 2008-2014 Capital Facilities Plan. Also, the city actively engages in
planning for public facilities. The Comprehensive Water Plan and new Comprehensive
Sewer Plan were adopted by the city in 2001. The Comprehensive Drainage Plan was
adopted in 2002. A Comprehensive Transportation Plan was adopted in 2005 with updates
! during the 2006 Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle. These plans help ensure that utility
` impacts are adequately monitored and evaluated on a project level and city-wide basis.
An environmental review under SEPA for all non-exempt development will be conducted to
evaluate environmental impacts. Environmental impacts that must be addressed during the
SEPA review process include traffic, public services, and utilities.
7. Identify, if possiblc, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws
or requirements foi the protection of the environment.
The proposal does not conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for protection
of the environment.
Date: August 21, 2009
i Project Name: City of Auburn Zoning Code Amendments - Chapter 18.56 Auburn City Code
~ Applicant: City of Auburn
I Department of Planning, Building, and Community
25 West Main Street,
Auburn, WA 980014998
(253) 931-3090
Contact: Chris Andersen, Senior Planner
Department of Planning, Building, and Community City of Auburn
25 West Main Street,
Aubum, WA 980014998
(253) 931-3090 •
Location: City of Aubum - citywide nonproject action.
Legal Description:
City of Auburn - citywide
~ S-T-R: N/A Citywide
I. Principal Parcel Numbers: N/A Citywide
Related Parcel Numbers: N/A Citywide
Parce[ Size: N/A Citywide.
Proposal: Amendment of City of Auburn Zoning Code, Chapter 18.56 ACC. See Question A.11 of
Environmental Checklist for details of proposal.
Existing Zoning: See Question B.9.e of Environmental Checklist for list of affected zoning districts.
Proposed Zoning: The proposal would amend the sign code chapter of the City of Auburn Comprehensive
Zoning Code, Chapter 18.36 ACC. See Question A.11 of Environmental Checklist for details of proposed
Comprehensive Plan Designation: See Question B.9.f of Environmental Checklist for the Comprehensive
Plan land use designations of the zoning districts that would be affected by this proposal.
Page 1 of 2 - '
' A. Background: Pursuant to WAC 197-11-340(2), the City of Auburn is required to send any DNS which
i may result from this environmental review, along with the checklist, to the Washington State Departxnent of
j Ecology, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, other agencies with jurisdiction, affected tribes, and interested
i parties. Therefore, the City will not act on this proposal for fourteen days after the DNS issuance.
~ 1. through 12. Concur with Environmental Checklist. No additional information to add.
B. Environmental Elements: .
1. Earth: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
2. Air: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
3. Water: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
4. Plants: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
3. Animals: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
6. Energy and Natural Resources: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
7. Environmental Health: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
8. Land and Shoreline Use: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
9. Housing: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
' 10. Aesthetics: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
i Il. Light and .Glare: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
12. Recreation: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
13. Historic and Cultural Preservation: Concur with Environmental Checklist. .
14. Transportation: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
15. Pablic Services: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
16. Utilities: Concur with Environmental Checklist.
C. Conclusion: Based on this analysis, with applicable regulation and mitigation measures identified in the
environmental checklist, the proposal can be found to not have a probable significant adverse impact on the
environment. The City will require all non-exempt development activities to conduct a project-specific or
proposal-specific SEPA evaluation to determine environmental impacts, if any, at the time of application.
Prepared By. Chris Andersen, Senior Planner
Planning, Building, & Community Department
City of Auburn
Page 2 of 2
Chapter 18.56 SIGNS
i 18.56.010 Intent. 18.56.020 Definidons.
i 18.56.025 Real estate signs.
18.56.030 General provisions, all districts. '
18.56.040 Regulation by district.
18.56.050 Administrative provisions.
i 18.56.060 Deviations, variances and appeals.
18.56.070 Liability.
18.56.080 Conflicts repealed.
18.56.090 Repealed. .
18.56.100 Repealed.
18.56.010 Intent.
The overall purpose of this chapter is to enhance and maintain the aesthetic
chazacter, to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, and to increase the
effectiveness of visual communication in the city. This chapter is also intended to avoid
visual clutter that may adversely impact traffic and pedestrian safety, or be adverse to
property values, business opportunities and the city's appearance and to prevent and abate
i public nuisances. The purpose of this chapter is implemented by controlling the
I construction, location, use and maintenance of all signs and sign structures. It is also the
intent of this chapter to afford noncommercial speech the same or greater protection
afforded commercial speech and to not regulate noncommercial speech to a stricter
standard than commercial speech. This chapter is further intended to SUppOft IOCaI
businesses in the Cit and the Citv's overall economv bv nrovidin¢ additional and
' increased o,pportunities for the use and siting of temporarv and vortable signaMe subiect
to conditions includina but not limited to time size location and ulacement. (Ord. 5993
§ 1, 2006; Ord, 4773 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.56.020 Definitions.
Ttie following definitions are specific to this chaptei and are to be used only for
the implementation of this chapter: A. "Animated sign" means any sign that flashes or simulates motion with an
electronic or manufactured source•of supply or contains wind-actuated motion (except for
flags and banners). An animated sign may also be a sign that meets the definition of
"changing message center" or "revolving sign."
B. "Banner" means a temporary sign constructed of fabric, vinyl, or other
durable material; which is not the primary identification for the organization, event or
product advertised; and which is primarily promotional in nature.
C. "Billboard" means a large outdoor advertising sign containing a message,
commercial or otherwise, unrelated to the use or activity on the property on which the
sign is located and/or to any use or activity in the immediate area (such as is the case with
an off-premises sign) and which is customarily leased for commercial purposes. The
~ approximate sizes of the billboard faces range from 12 to 14 feet in height and 24 to 48
~ feet in width.
! D. "Changing message center" means an electronically controlled message
i center that displays different copy changes on the same lamp bank.
i E. "Directional sign" means a sign which is located to guide or direct
pedestrian or vehicular traffic to parking entrances, exits, and service areas, and may not
exceed six squaze feet in azea or 10 feet in height. For projects that have parking lots in
excess of 500 spaces, the sign area may be 10 square feet and the sign height 15 feet.
F. "Double-faced sign" means a sign with two faces.
G. "Electrical sign" means a sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring,
connections, and/or fixtures are used as part of the sign proper.
H. "Facade" means the entire building front, or street wall face, including
grade to the top of the parapet or ea.ves, and the entire width of the building elevation.
I. "Flashing sign" means an electrical sign or a portion thereof which
changes light intensity in a sudden transitory burst, or which switches on and off in a
constant pattern in which more than one-third of the nonconstant light source is off at any
~ one time.
~ J. "Freestanding sign" means a sign that rneets the definition of "ground
sign" (also commonly referred to as a monument sign), or "pole sign." Signs attached to
fences or other structures that aze not defined as buildings will be considered freestanding
K. "Frontage" means the measurement, in linear feet, of the length of the
property line for a single-tenant building or length of leased building frontage for
multitenant buildings or multibuilding complexes.
L. "Grade" means the •relative existing ground level in the immediate vicinity
of the sign.
M. "Ground sign" means a sign attached to the ground and supported by the
ground or a built-up landscaped area such that the sign appears solid with the ground. The
height of a ground sign shall be measured from the surrounding grade. Also commonly
referred to as a monument sign.
N. "Identification sign" means a sign containing the name of the business
establishment, occvpant of the building or tenant space and/or address of the premises.
0. "Incidental sign" means a sign that is generally informational and of a
noncommercial nature intended primarily for the convenience of the public and having a
maximum azea of two square feet. Incidental signs include; but are not limited to: signs
designating restrooms, hours of opera.tion, entrances and exits to buildings and parking
lots, help wanted, public telephones, etc. Also included are property control and warning
signs such as "no trespassing," "no dumping," etc., and plaques, tablets or inscriptions
which are an integral part of a building.
P. "Mansard roof" means a sloped roof or roof-like facade, architecturally
able to be treated as a building wall. •
Q. "Marquee" means a permanent structure attached to, supported by, and
projecting from a bui7ding and providing protection from the weather elements. For the
purpose of this chapter, a freestanding, permanent roof-like structure providing protection
from the elements, such as a service station gas pump canopy, will also be considered a
marquee. The term "marquee" also includes canopy.
R. "Marquee sign" means any sign which ~~e llm~. ts of such marquee. For
; marquee and which daes not extend honzontally bey
' the purpose of this chapter, a marquee sign will be considered as a wall sign.
~ S. "Median sign" means a sign that is placed within the median of a public
T. "Multiple-building complex" means a group of commercial or industrial
structures, developed as a group either simultaneously or in phases, with more than one
building per parcel.
U. "Multiple-tenant building means a single structure housing more than one
retail business, office or commercial venture but not including residential apartment
j buildings, which share the same lot, access andlor parking facilities.
V. "On-premises sign" means a sign which carries advertisements incidental
to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, including signs indicating the
business transacted at, services rendered, goods sold or produced on the premises, name
of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises.
~ W. "Off-premises sign" means any sign which advertises an establishment,
merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment which is sold, produced, and
manufactured, or furnished at a place other than on the property on which said sign is
X. "Parapet" means a false front or wall extension above the roofline.
Y. "Perimeter" means a square or rectangle required to enclose the sign area.
Z. "Portable sign" means any sign made of any material, including paper,
cardboard, wood or metal, which is capable of being moved easily and is not permanently
aff'ixed to the ground, structure or building. This also includes sidewalk or sandwich
board signs, except those worn by a person.
AA. "Premises" means the real estate as a unit, which is involved by the sign or
signs mentioned in this chapter. •
gB, "Projecting sign" means a sign which is attached to a structure or building
wall in such a manner that the leading edge extends more than 16 inches beyond the
surface of said structure or wall but does not extend more than five feet beyond the
property line, extends no more than six inches above any roofline, and meets all standards
for ground clearance. Signs that meet the definition of "marquee sign" or "suspended
sign" will not be considered a"projecting sign."
CC. "Real estate sign" means a portable sign erected by the owner, or the
owner's agent, advertising the real estate upon which the sign is located for rent, lease or
DD. "Revolving sign" means any sign that rotates or turns in motion by
electrical or mechanical means in a circular pattern.
EE. "Roof sign" means a sign erected upon or above a roof or pazapet of a
building or structure. Mansard roof signs shall be considered as wall signs.- Roof signs
may not extend more than five feet in height above the roof.
FF. "Sign" means any visual communication device, structure, or fixture
which is visible from any right-of-way intended to aid a land use in promoting the sale or .
identification of a product, good or service using graphics, symbols, or written copy. For
the purpose of this chapter, a sign shall not be considered to be building or structural
design. It shall be restricted solely to graphics, symbols, or written copy that is meant to
be used in the aforementioned way. This definition shall include inflatable signs, balloons
or other similar devices.
` GG. "Sign area" means:.
' 1. The total area of a sign visible from any one viewpoint or direction,
f excluding the sign support structure, architectural embellishments, or framework that
contains no written copy, and includes only one side of a double-faced sign.
2. Individual letter signs using a wall as the background without added
decoration or change in wall color shall be calculated by measuring the perimeter
f enclosing each letter. The combined total area of each individual letter shall be
considered the total area of the sign.
3. Module signs consisting of more than one sign cabinet shall be computed
by adding together the total area of each module.
4. Perimeter of sign azea shall be established by the smallest rectangle
~ enclosing the extreme limits of the letter module or advertising message being measured.
~ HH. "Sign height" means the vertical distance measured from the adjacent
grade to the highest point of the sign.
I II. "Sign structure" means any structure that supports or is capable of
supporting any sign as defined in this chapter. A sign structure may be a single pole or
' may or may not be an integral part of the building or structune.
7J. "Single-tenant building" means a commercial building or structure that
contains one enterprise or occupant. Buildings within a multibuilding complex may not
be considered a single-tenant building.
KK. "Special event signage" means temporary signs including posters, flags,
pennants, and inflatable materials; which are not the primary identification for the
~ organization, event or product advertised; and which are primarily intended for vefy
short-term promotional periods. LL. "Suspended sign" means a sign that is attached to and suspended from a
rnarquee or canopy, and subject to right-of-way and clearance regulations.
. MM. "Temporary sign" means any sign or advertising display constructed of
wood, vinyl, cloth, canvas, light fabric, paper, cardboard, or other light materials, with or
without frames, intended to be displayed for a limited time only. This definition shall
include inflatable signs. •
NN. "Traffic hazard" means any sign which does not meet city standazds for
clear zone or sight distance or which does not meet the requirements of the Americans
with Disabilities Act. .
00. "Wall sign" means a sign attached or erected parallel to and extending not
more than 16 inches from the facade or face of any building to which it is attached and
supported through its entire length, with the exposed face of the sign parallel to the plane
of said wall or facade. "Window signs" which do not meet the definition of a"temporary
sign" shall be considered as wall signs.
PP. "Window sign" means a sign located inside or affixed to windows of a
building, whether temporary or permanent, lighted or unlighted, which may be viewed
from the exterior of the building.
QQ "Feather Banner or Sign" means a fabric sign with printed advertisement
on one or two faces that is either stationery or rotates and•is attached on one side to a
metal pole or stake that is glaced in the ground or attached to a secure object.
RR "Off premise directional sign" means a sig,n located on private property or
in the Rublic right of way as authorized that directs or guides versons to an establishment,
1 merchandise service goods or entertainment which is sold produced, and
~ manufactured or furnished at a place other than on the propertv or pubhc right-of-way on
which said sign is located. (Ord. 6166 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4705 § 2,
~ 1994; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
; 18.56.025 Real estate signs. No sign pernut is required, except as provided in subsection F of this section. All
exterior real estate signs must be of wood or plastic or other durable material.
The pernutted signs are as follows:
A. Residential "for sale" and "sold" signs: such signs shall be limited to one
sign per street frontage not to exceed five square feet in sign area per side, placed entirely
on the property for sale, and not to exceed a height of seven feet.
B. Residential directional "open house" signs: such signs shall be limited to
, one sign per street frontage on the premises for sale and three off-premises signs.
However, if a broker/agent has more than one house open for inspection in a single
development or subdivision, he/she is limited to four off-premises "open house" signs in
the entire development or subdivision. Such signs are pexmitted only during daylight
hours and when the broker/agent or seller or an agent is in attendance at the property for
sale. No such sign shall exceed five square feet in sign area per side. The sign may be
placed along the periphery of a public right-of-way, provided it does not interfere with
traffic -safety, but it may not be attached to a utility pole or traffic safety device.
C. Undeveloped comnpercial and industrial property "for sale or rent" signs:
one sign per street frontage advertising undeveloped commercial and industrial property
for sale or for rent is pemutted while the property is actually for sale or rent. The sign
shall not exceed 32 square feet in sign azea per side and eight feet in height.
D. Developed commercial and industrial property "for sale or rent" signs: one
sign per street frontage advertising a commercial or industrial building for rent or sale is
pernutted while the building is actually for rent or sale. If one face of the building is less
than 10 feet from the building line, the sign shall be placed on the building or in a
window. The sign shall not exceed eight feet in height; if freestanding, it shall be located
more than 15 feet from any abutting property line and a public right-of-way line. Said
sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in sign azea per side. •
E. Undeveloped residential property "for sale" signs: one sign per street
frontage advertising undeveloped residential property for sale is permitted not exceeding
32 squaze feet in area per side, nor exceeding a height of eight feet. V the sign is greater
than five square feet in area, it must be placed more than 30 feet from the abutting
I property line.
F. Additional signs: d-+e-The planning, building and community director may
grant a special permit to allow temporary off-premises signs in addition to those
pernutted above, not to exceed five square feet in size per side, or 42 inches in height,.
I and for a duration of . Notice of
adjacent property owners shall not be required. Such additional signs may be used to
advertise open houses, to provide directions to new developments, or similar purposes.
Such signs may be placed along the periphery of the public right-of-way, provided they
do not interfere with traffic safety or pose a detrimental effect on neighboring propertv,
~ I as determined by the planning, building and community director, but they may not be
; attached to utility poles or traffic safety devices. The planning, building and community
' director shall deternune the number and locations of such 'signs, ' b
. T-he , .
b ir-oposed ,
Pivnxvrt--f22W--9t3eSrs6-8S-t9-YrevCiir~ -r-Affi.. -;.,fer., i,.,.,...-.1 (leta..:me.,r.,l _eFfe..r e'-
neighbor-ing . Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006.)
; 18.56.030 General provisions, all districts. . .
A. Community Signs. The planning, building and community director may
approve and permit to be erected entrance signs, at or near the city limits, on city public
right-of-way or on privately owned parcels with the owner's permission, on which may
be listed institudonal names, service clubs or organizations or points of interest or similar
public information. Right-of-way use permits may be required for signs located in the
public right-of-way, except as permitted by ACC 18 56.030.B.1 ACC 18.56.030.B.2,
~ ACC or ACC 18.56.030.J.
! B. Temporary Signs.
~ 1. For a duration not exceeding
Speei 9-secial event signage may be allowed in the RO RO-HCN C-1 C-2 C-3 DUC BP LF M-1 M-2 EP and the non-residential used propeities
' in the Terrace View District and the PUD-Lakeland Hills South subj,ect to the followin
subject to compliance with the following as applicable: a. r r f sueh t• a«„ 10 a., a: .,la<,, „ot «o e eea 10
b-The area of any single sign shall not exceed 30 square feet;
b Special event sig`ns as authorized herein shall not have the followim.
i. Illumination of any kind
ii. Strobing or blinkinQ or flashing livhts .
iii. Electrical animation
iv. Changeable reader copy, electronic or manual
c S_pecial event signape shall not exceed the maximum height limitations of
the underlyin zg oning district. '
d Special event si n~s may have spinning elements attached to them
including but not limited to flags or pennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them
provided that they do not at any time constitute a traffic safety or pedestrian safety
e. Balloons and windsock special event signage shall not be authorized to be
placed in the public rights-of-way.or on-site landscape area or off-site on another private
parcel of land that does not contain the business or service being advertised,
f Flag and pennant special event signage shall be authorized to be placed in
the public rights-of-way, on-site landscape area and off-site on another private parcel of
land that does not contain the business or service being advertised, provided that
placement in the public rights-of-way does not constitute a traffic safety or pedestrian
safety hazard and does not create non-conformance to the American with Disabilities
Act lacement in on-site landsca e areas does not im ede si ht distance and that off-site
placement on another~rouertv has received vrior pronertv owner authorization.;
' 2. For a duration not exceedin
~-banners may be allowed in the RO RO-H CN C-1 C-2 C-3 DUC BP LF M-
1 M-2 EP and the non-residential used ro erties in the Terrace View District and the
I PUD-Lakeland Hills 5outh subject to the following:
a. No more than two such signs may be used per site at any given time;
b. ib '
e. -The azea of any single banner used bv a single business on a site shall not
exceed 120 square feet;
c For multi tenant buildings and/or multi-business complexes each business
shall be authorized to have a banner rovided that the size of each banner shall be limited
to maximum of 32 square feet.
d Banners as authorized herein shall not have the followin~
i Illumination of anv kind ii Strobing or blinkinj~ or flashing li~hts
iii. Electrical animation
iv. Changeable reader copy, electronic or manual
e Banner sip-nag,e shall not exceed the maximum height limitations of the
underlvin; zoning district.
f Banners may have spinning elements attached to them including but not
. limited to flags or nennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them nrovided that thev
do not at anv time constitute a traffic safetv or nedestrian safetv hazard.
f Banners shall be authorized to be placed in the Uublic ri ~hts-of-wav, on-
site landsca e area and off-site on another rivate arcel of land that does not contam the
business or service being advertised provided that placement in the public rights-of-wav
does not constitute a traffic safet or destrian safet hazard or does not create non-
conformance to the American with Disabilities Act placement in on-site landscane areas
does not impede sight distance and that off-site placement on another propertv has
received nrior propertv owner authorization.
' ;
C. Civic Events. Street banners may be pernvitted subject to approval and
installadon in accordance with rules and procedures established by the city of Auburn
public works department. •
D. Sign Lighting Provisions.
1. All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from any residential zone.
No person shall construct, establish, create or maintain any stationary exterior lighting or
illumination system or any interior system which is intended to be viewed from a street,
highway or other public thoroughfare used for vehiculaz traffic which system contains or
a. Any exposed incandescent lamp with wattage in excess of 25 watts,
i b. Any exposed incandescent lamp with a metallic reflector,
c. Any exposed incandescent lamp with an externai reflector,
d. Any revolving beacon light, ; e. Any continuous or sequential flashing operation, except as allowed for
~ changing message center signs in subsection F of this section;
I 2. The provisions of subsection (D)(1) of this section shall not apply to:
a. Lighting systems owned or controlled by any public agency for the
purpose of directing or controlling navigation, traffic, or highway or street illumination,
b. Aircraft warning lights. ' E. Construction Provisions, Sight Distance, Exposed Angle Iron and Wire.
~ 1. Each sign shall be adequately constructed in accordance with the
~ requirements of the International $uilding Codes, as amended;
2. Signs containing electrical circuitry shall meet the requirements of the
National Electrical Code and all state laws, and shall include an approved testing lab
3. Signs must meet vehiculaz sight distance requirements established by the
I city engineer pursuant to AGE 14.44.020(B) the City of Auburn En i~ neering Design
' Standards;
' 4. When a projecting'sign is used, no angle irons, guy wires or braces shall
be visible, except those that are an integral part of the overall design, such as decorative
metals or woods, or unless they aze required for safety.
F. Changing Message Center Signs. Where pernutted under this chapter,
changing message center signs shall comply with the following requirements; provided,
that changing message center signs that only display time and tempera.ture or similar
public service information shall be exempt from these requirements.
1. Where Allowed. Changing message center signs shall only be alloweri in
the I, P-l, G1, G2, DUC, C-3, M-1 and M-2 zones.
a. In the I and C-1 zones, changing message center signs shall only be
allowed on frontages along a collector, minor or principal arterial street.
b. In the I zone, no changing message center sign shall operate between the
hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
c. In the DUC zone, 'changing message center signs shall only be allowed
when located adjacent and oriented to Auburn Way North/Auburn Way South street
frontages. (For other sign standazds for the DUC zone, see ACC 18.29.060(n).
2. Number. No more than one changing message center sign per street
frontage shall be pernutted on each property.
3. Sign Face Area. Except in the I and P-1 zones, the changing message
center shall not constitute more than 75 percent of a sign's total sign face area.
4. Display.
a. The display of the sign shall not change more rapidly than once every one
and one-half seconds. .
b. No scrolling message shall require more than five secands to be displa.yed
in its entirety.
5. Light Levels. ,
; a. Changing message center signs shall have installed ambient light monitors
( and shall at all times allow such monitors to automatically adjust the brightness level of
1 the sign based on ambient light conditions.
~ b. At no time shall a changing message center sign be operated at a
~ brightness level greater than the manufacturer's recommended levels.
c. All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from any residential zone.
i The director shall have the authority to require a sign permit application include
information to ensure the intent of this requirement is met.
d. The brightness level shall not exceed 8,000 nits when measured from the
; sign's face at its maximum brightness during daylight hours and 500 nits when measured
~ from the sign's face at its maximum brightness between dusk and dawn.
( 6. On-Premises Advertising Only. Changing message center signs shall only
: advertise on-premises products and services, or display public service messages or
messages on behalf of not-for-profit organizations.
7. Additional Requirements. A copy of the manufacturer's operating manual
shall be provided to the city upon request.
8. Amortization. All changing message center signs that do not comply with
the requirements of subsections (F)(4) and (5) of this section shall be brought into
compliance with those requirements by April l, 2009.
G. Change of Copy. The holder of a pernut, for the duration thereof, shall
have the right to change the adverfising copy on the structure or sign for which the pernut
was issued without being required to pay any additional fees.
H. Exemptions. Unless otherwise specified or unless expressly prohibited, it
is not the intent of this chapter to regulate the following signs:
1. The flag of a government or noncommerciai institutions such as schools,
with the poles treated as structures;
2. Official public notiees, official court notices;
3. Incidental signs (see ACC 18.56.020(0), Definitions);
4. Signs not visible from public right-of-way;
5. Lettering or symbols painted direcdy onto or. flush-mounted magnetically
onto an operable vehicle;
6. Painting, repainting, cleaning, repairing, and other nornial maintenance
unless structural or electrical changes are made;
7. Religious symbols not attached to a permitted sign; 8. Memorial signs or tablets, names of huildings, dates of erection and the
like, which are incorporated into the building material and facade;
9. Signs required by law, traffic or pedestrian control signs, signs indicating
scenic or historic points of interest, which are erected by or on the order of a public
officer in the performance of his or her public duty;
10. Sculptures, fount.ains, mosaics, and design features which do not
incorporate advertising or identification;
11. Temporary signs limited exclusively to noncommercial speech.
I. Foi the time period sUecified in Ordinance No TBD uortable signs shall
be ailowed in the RO RO-H CN C-1 C-3 BP LF M-1 M-2 EP and the and the non-
residential used ro rties in the Terrace View District and the PUD-Lakeland Hills
South subiect to compliance with the following as anvlicable:
' a For single-tenant buildings andlor sites one portable sign shall be allowed
' per building or propertv frontage, as applicable.
b Each business in a multi-tenant building and/or multi-building complex
; shall be limited to a a maximum of one (1) portable sign.
! c For multi-tenant buildings and/or multi-buildincomplexes that propose
' to place one or more Qortable signs within the on-site landscaped area at the intersection
' of two public or private streets or at a driveway intersection with a public or private
1 Street compliance to the City's minimum sieht distance requirements shall be maintained
at all times.
d For multi-tenant buildings and/or multi-building complexes that nropose
~ to place one or more portable signs along the proverty Street frontage of a public or
I private street the total number of allowable portable si n~ s along said frontage shall be
~ limited as follows to reduce the visual and aesthetic impact to the Citv:
' i 0-25 lineal feet of public or private street frontaize = 1 portable si n~ everv
3 lineal feet of street frontage up to a maximum of three (3) signs at any given time.
ii 26-50 lineal feet of•public orprivate street frontage = 1 portable sign everv
3 lineal feet of street frontage un to a maximum of four (4) sigtns at any piven time.
iii 51-75 lineal feet of public or private street frontage = 1 portable si ng everv
3 lineal feet of street frontage up to maximum of five (5) signs at any given time.
iv. 76-100 lineal feet of public or private street frontage = 1 portable sign
every 3 lineal feet of street frontage up to a maximum of six (6) signs at anv g,iven time.
v 100-125 lineal feet of public or private street frontage = 1 portable sign
every 3 lineal feet of street fi•ontage up to a maximum of seven (7) si n~t anv given
vi 126-150 lineal feet of public or private street frontage = 1 portable sipn
everv 3 lineal feet of street frontage up to a maximum of'eight (8) signs at any given
vii 151-175 lineal feet of public or nrivate street frontage=l portable sign
every 3lineal feet of street frontage up to a maximum of nine (9) signs at anv gi.ven time.
viii 176 lineal feet and g~reater of public or private street fronta-ae = 1 portable
sign everv 3 lineal feet of street fronta eup to a maximum of ten (10) signs at any ig ven
time. •
ix The Planniniz Director shall have the discretionary authority to authorize
additional portable signs along a public or private street frontage when in his or her
determination such allowance will not substantively impact the visual and/or aesthetic
impact to the City and such allowance is warranted by physical site conditions or
economic or business considerations or other factors as deemed reasonable bv the
Planning Director.
e Portable signs shall not be located in one or more existing parking snaces
on a development site.
f Portable signs shall be displayed during regular business hours onlv, shall
not be kept outside overni¢ht arld shall not be chained or otherwise secured to anv
building or structure or pole or sign or tree or other similar vegetation.
g. Portable signs as authorized herein shall not have the followina:
i. Illumination of any kind ii. Strobing or blinking or flashing lights
~ iii. Electrical animation
; iv Changeable reader copy, electronic or manuat
h Portable signs mav have spinnin= elements including but not limited to
j flags or pennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them urovided that thev do not at
1 anv time constitute a traffic safetv-or pedestrian safetv hazard.
i i. Portable si ns advertisin a business or servtce not located on the same
~ site shall be allowed to be located off-site from the business or service bein~ adv~
provided that prior prouertv owner authorization has been obtained bv said business
oNrator or service provider.
i j. Each portable sign shall have a maximum total sign size of 36 inches in
hei ht and 30 inches in width and be limited to two faces.
k Portable signs shall be allowed in the vublic riaht-of-wav provided that
anv and all siQns are not Ulaced within vehicle travel lanes or imUroved/unimproved
vehicle shoulder areas or bic cle lanes are not laced m front of or block access to
marked buS hansit stops do not interfere with or impede pedestrian traffic or crossin~s
and do not create non-conformance to the American with Disabilitaes Act.
J For the time neriod specified in Ordinance No. TBD, off-premise
directional si ns shall be allowed•in the RO RO-H CN C-1 C-2 C-3 DUC BP.LF
M-1 M-2 EP and the non-residential used ro rties in the Terrace View District and
the PUD Lakeland Hills South subiect to compliance with the following as avnlicable:
a. Off- remise directional si ns as authorized herein shall not have the
i Illumination of anv kind
ii Strobine or blinking or flashing lights
iii. Electrical animation
iv. Changeable reader copy, electronic or manual
b Off premise directional si n~s may have spinning elements including but
not limited to flags or )ennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them provided that
they do not at anv time constitute a traffic safetv or vedestnan safetv hazard.
c Off premise directional siQns shall be authorized to be ulaced in the nublic
rihts of wav on site landscape area and off-site on another pnvate parcel of land that
does not contain the business or service beina advertised urovided that placement in the
public riahts of way does not constitute a traffic safetv or nedestnan safetv hazard and
does not create non conformance to the American with Disabilities Act , placement in on
site landscM areas does not impede sight distance and that off-site placement on another
propertv has received prior propertv owner authorization.
d Off_preinise directional si~ns shall not be located in one or more existin
parkiniz spaces on a development site.
e Off-premise directional siQns shall have a maximum sign face area of 8
inches b 24 inches and a total height of 42 inches mclusive of anv wood, metal, plastic
or other support and a maximum of two (2) sign faces.
K. Prohibited Signs. From and after the effective date of the ordinance
codified in this chapter it shall be unlawful for any person to erect or place within the
city, except as otherwise authorized:
1. A swinging projecting sign;
: 2. Portable signs, except as permitted by ACC 18.56.025 (Real estate signs)1
'i Iand ACC 18.56.040(E) (C-2 District) and ACC, subsections a through k;
; 3. Banners, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, rotating or blinking lights,
; strings of lights, or similar devices, except as pernutted by subsection B of this section
(Temporary Signs);
4. FlasYiing signs, except as pemutted in subsection D of this section (Sign
Lighting Provisions); •
5. Changing message center signs, except as allowed in the I, P-1, C-1, C-2,
C-3, M-1 and M-2 zones;
6. Signs attached to, or placed on, a vehicle or trailer parked on private or
public property that is not associated with the business advertised on said sign(s). This
; provision is not to be construed as prohibiting the identification of a firm or its principal
products on a vehicle used in the normal course of business. This does not include
automobile for sale signs or signs attached to franchised buses or taxis;
7. Private signs placed in or on a public right-of-way, except for as expressly
permitted by this chapter;
8. Any sign which constitutes a traffic hazard or' detriment to traffic safety by
reason of its size, location, movement, coloring, or method of illumination, or by
obstructing the vision of drivers, or detracting from the visibility of any official traffic
control device by diverting or tending to divert the attention of drivers of moving vehicles
from traffic movement on streets, roads, intersections, or access facilities. No sign shall
be erected so that it obstructs the vision of pedestrians by glare or method of illumination
or constitutes a hazard to traffic. No sign may use words, phrases, symbols or characters
in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic;
9. Any sign or advertising structure or supporting structure that is torn,
damaged, defaced or destroyed; .
10. Signs attached to poles installed by governmental agencies, utility poles,
trees, rocks or other natural features;
11. Signs attached to benches, garbage cans, or other street furniture located
within the public right-of-way; '
12. Rotating signs;
13. Billboards;
14. Any sign which iloes not structurally or materially conform to the
requirements of the city's adopted International Building Code.
~ 3L. Nonconforming Signs. Permanent signs established legally prior to the
adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter that do not conform to the regulations
of this chapter with regard to number, size, height or location shall be allowed to remain
as legal nonconforming signs except as follows:
1. Whenever a new building replaces the principal building.
2. When there is an expansion of an existing building, the requirements of
this section shall apply only if there is an increase in floor area of 25 percent or more
(including the cumulative increase of previous expansions after the effective date of the
ordinance amending this section).
3. Whenever a nonconfornung use is replaced by a confornung use, the
requirements of this section shall apply in full to the new use if and only if there is a
change in required signage due to the zoning district. ,
4. Any sign, including the sign structure, now or hereafter existing which no
' longer advertises a bona fide business conducted or a product sold. Such sign(s) shall be
taken down and removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the
i land, building or structure upon which such sign may be found within 90 days after
written notification from the building official.
~ KM. Master Sign Plans Authorized. The plannirig, building and connmunity
director has the authority to require a master sign plan to ensure a consistent and
coordinated signage scheme for development proposals. In approving master sign plans
4 under the provisions of this subsection, the director has the authority to approve signage
; schemes that allow for signs greater in area and height than allowed in the particular zone
; in which the development is located when a coordinated signage scheme is used. Master
signage plans shall be recorded. (Ord. 6166 § 2, 2008; Ord. •5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5342 §
2, 2000; Ord. 4705 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
~ 18.56.040 Regulation by district.
i A. R-R, R-S, LHRS, R-l, LHR1, R-2, LHR2, R-3, LHR3, R-4, LHR4, R-
~ MHP, LHRMHP Zoning Districts (Nonresidential Uses, Except as Noted).
1. Residential entry monument: A cumulative area of 50 squaze feet or 10
feet in height (highest point of sign structure) not to exceed two per entrance; provided,
that no sign exceeds 32 square feet in area.
` 2. Maximum sign area of all signs is 40 squaze feet per frontage.
3. Freestanding Signs:
- a. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total
freestanding signs per property.
b. Maximum height: 10 feet. '
c. Maximum area: 32 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one squaze
foot of sign area for every tlu'ee lineal feet of frontage. The minimum entitlement for
freestanding signs shall be one 16:square-foot sign for those sites with frontages less than
48 feet.
4, Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
a. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total wall
signs per building.
b. Maximum area: 32 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign area for every three lineal feet of frontage. The minimum endtlement for wall signs
shall be one 16-square-foot sign for those sites with frontages less than 48 feet.
5. Signs may be indirectly illuminated only.
B. RO, RO-H, C-N, C-1, LHC1, BP Zoning Districts (Nonresidential Uses).
1. Maximum sign area of all signs is 150 square'feet per frontage.
2. Freestanding Signs.
a. Total number pemutted: one per frontage not to exceed two total.
b. Maximum height: 22 feet, 10 feet in the RO zone.
c. Maximum area: 100 square feet per face, 75 square feet per face in the RO
zone, calculated at a rate of one squaze foot of sign area for every two lineal feet of
frontage. Minimum entiflement for freestanding signs sha11 be one sign at 32 square feet
for those sites with less than 64 feet of frontage.
d. If permitted, the second freestanding sign shall not exceed 50 percent of
the area allowed for a single freestanding sign and 150 feet measured in a straight-line
~ distance must separate multiple pole signs.
i 3. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
~ a. Total number pemutted: One per frontage.
b. Maxunum area: 100 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign azea for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage. For multitenant buildings where
freestanding signage contains the name of not more than'one tenant business (e.g., a
prime tenant name or a shopping center name), an additional 25 percent of wall signage
per tenant space shall be allowed. This increase in signage shall not apply to minimum
entitlement for wall signs, which shall be one sign at 16 square feet.
c. Signs may be directly or indirectly illuminated.
4. Suspended Signs. .
a. Total number permitted: one per entrance. . b. Maximum area: six square feet per face.
c. Minimum clearance is eight feet from sign to grade.
' S. Projecting Signs. .
a. Not permitted in C-N, RO or RO-H.
b. Total number pernutted: one in lieu of a pernutted freestanding sign.
c. Maximum, height: height requirement of the zoning district.
d. Maximum area: SO percent of the area allowed for single freestanding
C. P-1, LHP1, I, LHI Zones.
1. Freestanding Signs:
a. Total number permitted: one per fronta.ge not to exceed two total.
b. Maximum height: 18 feet. c. Maximum area: 80 square feet per face, calcnlated at a rate of one square
foot of sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage. The minimum entitlement for
freestanding signs is one sign at 32 square feet.
d. If pernutted, the second freestanding sign shall not exceed 50 percent of
the area allowed for a single freestanding sign and 150 feet measured in a straight-line
distance must separate multiple pole signs.
e. For projects, parcels or complexes that haw a single street frontage and
more than 300 feet of street frontage, a changing message center sign may be permitted
for a total of two signs per frontage subject to the following:
i. Only one changing message center is provided.
ii. Multiple signs are separated by at least 150 feet.
ui. The combined area of the two signs does not exceed 120 squaze feet in
size and neither sign is greater than 80 square feet in size.
2. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space). '
a. Total number permitted: two per street fronta,ge. b. Maximum azea: 50 square feet for total of all wall signs per frontage.
c. Signs may be directly or indirectly illuminated.
D. LF, M-l, M-2 Zoning Districts.
1. Maximum sign area of all signs is 150 square feedfrontage.
2. Freestanding Signs. .
a. Total number pernutted: two per frontage not to exceed four total.
~ b. Maximum height: 30 feet.
~ c. Maximum area: 125 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one squaze
~ foot of sign azea for every two lineal feet of frontage. Minimum entitlement for
freestanding signs is 32 square feet for those sites without 64 feet of frontage.
d. The total area of freestanding signs on any given frontage shall not exceed
the azea allowed for a single freestanding sign.
e. The maximum height of signs located on a second or third frontage shall
~ be 20 feet.
f. Multiple freestanding signs must be separated by 150 feet measured in a
straight-line distance.
i 3. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
~ a. Total number permitted: one per fronta.ge.
i b. Maximum area: 100 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign azea for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage.
' 4. Projecting Signs. '
' a. Total number permitted: one in lieu of a pernutted freestanding sign.
b. Maximum height: height requirement of the zoning district.
c. Maximum azea: 50 percent of the area allowed for single freestanding
E. C-2 Zoning District.
l. Maximum sign area of all signs is 200 square feet.
2. Hanging signs that are designed to display the availability of a specific
product in a business, limited to three square feet and no more than two such signs per
business, shall be considered permanent signs, but shall not be calculated as part of the
maximum allowed signage.
3. Freestanding Signs.
a. Freestanding signs are not allowed on properties abutting or oriented
toward Main Street. b. Total number pernutted: one per frontage not to exceed two total.
c. Maacimum height: 20 feet.
. d. Maximum area: 75• square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square
foot of sign area for each lineal foot of frontage. Minimum entitlement for freestanding
signs shall be one sign at 32 square feet.
4. Wall Signs. a. Total number permitted: one per frontage.
b. Maximum area: 150 squaze feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign area for every one lineal , foot of froritage. For multitenant baildings where
freestanding signage contains the name of not more than one tenant business (e.g., a
prime tenant name or a shopping center name), an additiona125 percent of wa11 signage
per tenant space shall be allowed. This increase in signage shall not apply to minimum
entitlement for walls signs, which shall be one sign at 16 square feet.
5. Suspended Signs. One double-faced suspended sign, not exceeding three
square feet per face, may be allowed for ea.ch business entrance. There shall be a
minimum of eight feet of clearance between the grade and the sign.
, ;
able Signs. One portable sign may be allowed for each business
6. Port
entrance, not to exceed one portable sign per building frontage, subject to the following:
a. May be placed within public right-of-way subject to the guidelines
provided by the planning, building and community development director in consultation
j with the city engineer such that sign does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic
j and conforms to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
! b. May not exceed 36 inches in height and 30 inches in width and be limited
~ to two faces. •
c. May be displayed during business hours only.
d. Must be constructed of either wood or another sturdy material to ensure
~ stability in the wind, .
e. May not move, spin, flash, or otherwise be animated.
f. Shall meet applicable supplemental design requirements of the Auburn
downtown association.
, 7. Supplemental Sign'Standards, C-2 Zone.
' a. Sign Design and Construction.
i. All signs, other than temporary signs, shall be made of professional,
durable materials such as wood, metal, and/or glass. '
' ii. Signs that are indirecdy illuminated shall have their light sources shielded
; from view.
iu. Internally illuminat~ed signs aze not permitted abutting or oriented towazd
Main Street.
b. Sign Placement.
i. Signs shall be oriented toward pedestrian visibility and shall be positioned
at such a height as to be readable by pedestrians.
ii. Externally mounted wall signs shall not be mounted so as to block
building windows.
F. C-3 Zoning District.
1. Freestanding Signs.
a. Tota1 number permitted: two per frontage not to exceed four total.
b. Maximum height: 30 feet. . c. Maximum area: 200 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage; provided, that the maximum size of any
sign dces not exceed 125 squaze foot per face. The minimum entitlement for freestanding
signs is 32 square feet for those sites without 64 feet of frontage.
d. The total area of freestanding signs on any given frontage shall not exceed
the area allowed for a single freestanding sign. •
e. The maximum height of signs located on a second or third frontage shall
be 20 feet.
2. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
a. Maximum area: 125 squaze feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign area for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage.
3. Projecting Signs.
a. Total number permitted: one in lieu of a pernutted freestanding sign.
b. Maximum height: height requirement of the zoning district.
c. Maximum area: SO percent of the area allowed for single freestanding
' 4. Suspended Signs.
~ a. Total number permitted: one.
~ b. Maximum placement height: 25 feet.
~ c. Maximum azea: six square feet per face.
~ d. Minimum clearance is eight feet from sign to grade.
~ 5. Off-Premises Signs.
+ a. Total number pernutted: one per business and one per parcel.
b. Location: Off-premises sign must be located in a zone that permits off-
; premises signs.
c. Maximum height: 20 feet.
d. Maximum azea: 50 percent of the area allqwed for single freestanding
sign, calculated using the feet of frontage of the site where the sign is located.
e. Must be within 750 feet of the business being advertised.
f. Must be separated from any existing pole sign a minimum distance of 150
feet measured in a straight-line distance.
g. Sign can be no more than two faces.
h. Signs may be directly or indirectly illuminated.
G. EP Zoning District. 1. Maximum sign area of all signs is 150 square feet per street frontage.
2. Freestanding Signs.
a. Freestanding signs shall be limited to ground signs.
b. Total number pemutted: one per fronta.ge not to exceed two total.
c. Maximum height: 10 feet.
d. Maximum azea: 100 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square ,
foot of sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage. Minimum entitlement for
freestanding signs is 32 square feet for those sites with less than 64 feet of fronta.ge.
e. Multiple freestanding signs must be separated by 150 feet measured in a
straight-line distance.
f. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Direcdy illuminated signs: 10 feet;
ii. Indirectly illuminated signs: five feet.
3. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
a. Total number permitted: one per frontage.
b. Maximum azea: 100 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign area for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage. For multitenant buildings where
freestanding signage contains the name of not more tlian one tenant business (e.g., a
prime tenant name), an additional 25 percent of wall signage per tenant space shall be
allowed. This increase in signage shall not apply to minimum entitlement for wall signs,
which shall be one sign at 16 square feet. (Ord. 6036 § 4, 2006; Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006;
Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.) .
18.56.050 Administrative provisions.
A. Pemuts Required. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, no
signs shall hereafter be erected, re-erected, constructed, altered, or maintained, except as
• ~
~ .
~ provided by this chapter and, when required, a building permit for the same has been
~ issued by the building official. A separate pernut shall be required for a sign or signs for
each business entity and/or a separate permit shall be required for each group of signs on
a single supporting structure.
1. Application for Pernuts. Application for sign permits shall be made to the
building official on a form as provided by the building division. Such application shall
a. Name of business and address where work is to be performed.
b. Name and address of property owner. '
c. Name and title of the person completing the application.
d. Name and address, telephone number of the person or fum doing the vvork
and preferably the owner of said establishment.
e. Washington contractor's registration number, industrial use pernut
number, sales tax number.
f. A site plan showing location of the sign in relation to buildings, property
lines and street right-of-way including the size and location of all existing signs on the
g. A scale drawing of the proposed sign or sign revision showing size,
height, copy, structural and footing details, and material specifications.
h. A description of work to be performed and type of sign.
i. Electrical load with name of electrical contractor responsible for
installation of service feed wires if other than sign contractor.
j. Structural engineer's stamp required on those signs and sign structures
subject to wind and seismic forces. 2. Revocation of Pemut. The building official may, in writing, suspend or
I revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter whenever the permit is issued
in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of any ordinance
or regulation or any of the provisions of this chapter. •
3. Permit Fee Schedule. The fees prescribed in the city's fee schedule must
be paid to the city for each sign installation for which a permit is required by this chapter
and must be paid before any suCh permit is issued by the building official. Fees for
building pernuts for each sign erected, installed, affixed, structurally altered, relocated, or
created by painting sha11 be set in accordance with the city's fee schedule.
4. Sign permits sha11 be processed in accordance with the relevant timelines
and procedures identified in ACC Title 14, Project Review.
B. Interpretation. In all applieations for permits where a matter of
interpretation arises, the most restrictive definition shall prevail. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006;
Ord. 4705 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.56.060 Deviations, variances and appeals.
A. The planning, building and community director may grant up to a SO
percent deviation to the provisions of this sign code related to sign height and sign area.
In a petition for a deviation, the planning, building and community director shall have the
power and duty to review, decide, grant, grant with conditions or deny the requested
deviation. The planning, building and community director may grant a deviation from the
' provisions of this chapter only when the deviation is within 50 percent of the entitlement
and all of the following findings of fact are met:
l. The literal interpretation and strict application of the provisions and
j requirements would cause undue and unnecessary hardship because, of unique or unusual
conditions pertaining to the specific building, parcel or property in question; and
2. The granting of the requested deviation would not be materially
detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or property owners in the
vicinity; and
3. The granting of the deviation would not be contrary to the general
I objective and intent of this chapter, this title, or the comprehensive plan.
B. An applicant requesting an administrative deviation under the provisions
of this chapter shall submit the following, along with the required filing fee:
1. A letter in memorandum format oudining how the request is consistent
with the criteria of this subsection:
2. A site plan that is accurately drawn to an engineered scale of one inch
equals 40 feet, one inch equals 20 feet, one inch equals 10 feet that includes the following
~ information: a. Boundaries and dimensions of the site,
' b. Location of buildings, pazking areas and adjacent streets,
c. Graphic representaxions of all existing signs including their size, height
and placement on the site,
d. Graphic representation of the proposed sign(s) subject to the request,
e. Building elevation showing the placement of the sign on that elevation, if .
C. The action of the planning, building and community director rejecting,
approving or modifying any decision or application is a final administrative decision
subject to appeal to the city's hearing examiner. Appeals of administrative decisions with
regard to this chapter shall be processed consistent with ACC 18.70.050.
D. The planning, building and community director shall render a written
decision on the requested deviation request within seven business days of submittal of all
required elements and filing fee.
E. Requests that exceed the 50 percent deviation or those not related to
allowable sign height or sign area shall be processed as a variance in accordance with
ACC 18.70.010.
F. The planning, building and community director may allow for the repair or
replacement of nonconforming signs that have a significant historical or cultural element
or are integral components of a building roof or facade that has a signif'icant historical or
culfural element to which the sign is a contributing component. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006;
Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.56.070 Liability.
This chapter shall not be constituted to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of
any person owning, building, altering, constructing, removitig or moving any sign in the
city for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect
therein; nor shall the city, or any agent thereof, be held as assuming such liability by
reason of permit or inspection authorized herein or a certificate of inspection issued by
the city or any of its agents. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Formerly
I .
! 18.56.080 Conflicts repealed.
All sections or parts of sections of the municipal code, all ordinances and all
~ resolutions or parts of resolutions, in conflict herewith, be and the same, are repealed to
{ the extent of such conflict. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Formerly
~ 18.56.120.)
i 18.56.090 Administrative provisions.
Repealed by Ord. 5993. (Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
~ 18.56.100 Appeals and variances.
Repealed by Ord. 5993. (Ord. 4229 § 2> 1987.)
Request for Expedited Review
of Development Regulations
Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106, the following hereby provides notice of intent to adopt and requests
expedited state agency review of the following development regulation or amendments.
Jurisdiction Name: City of Auburn
25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001
August 21, 2009
Contact Name for Ordinance:
Kevin Snyder, AICP, Assistant Director,
Planning, Building & Community Dept.
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
E-Mail Address:
Brief Description of the
Proposed Development Amendments to Chapter 18.56 of the
Regulation or Amendment• Auburn City Code (ACC) relating to
~ regulations for temporary and portable
Planned Public Hearing Date:
August 25, 2009
Planned Date of Adoption:
September 8, 2009
Please Attach a Draft of the
Proposed Amendment. Please find draft of proposed
(Attachment Required) amendments attached.
Chapter 18.56 SIGNS
; 18.56.010 Intent. 18.56.020 Definitions.
18.56.025 Real estate signs.
~ 18.56.030 General provisions, all districts. •
18.56.040 Regulation by district.
18.56.050 Administrative provisions.
18.56.060 Deviations, variances and appeals.
~ 18.56.070 Liability.
18.56.080 Conflicts repealed.
18.56.090 Repealed. .
18.56.100 Repealed.
18.56.010 Intent.
The overall purpose of tTus chapter is to enhance and maintain the aesthetic
character, to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, and to increase the
effectiveness of visual communication in the city. This chapter is also intended to avoid
visual clutter that may adversely impact traffic and pedestrian safety, or be adverse to
property values, business opportunities and the city's appearance and to prevent and abate
public nuisances. The purpose of this chapter is implemented by controlling the
construction, location, use and maintenance of all signs and sign structures. It is also the
intent of this chapter to afford noncommercial speech . the same or greater protection
! afforded commercial speech and to not regulate noncommercial speech to a stricter
~ standard than commercial speech. This chApter is further intended to sunnortlocal
~ businesses in the Citv and the City's overall economv bv nrovidin additional and
~ increased opportunities for the use and sitm-g of temuorarv and nortable sa ¢na~e subtect
~ to conditions including but not limited to time size location and vlacement. (Ord. 5993
§ 1, 2006; Ord. 4773 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.56.020 Definitions.
The following definitions are specific to this chaptet and are to be used only for
the implementation of this chapter:
A. "Animated sign" means any sign that flashes or simulates motion with an
electronic or manufactured source•of supply or contains wind-actuated motion (except for
flags and banners). An animated sign may also be a sign that meets the definition of
"changing message center" or "revolving sign."
B. "Banner" means a temporary sign constructed of fabric, vinyl, or other
durable material; which is not the primary identification for the organization, event or
product advertised; and which is primarily promotional in nature.
C. "Billboard" means a large outdoor advertising sign containing a message,
commercial -or otherwise, unrelated to the use or activity on the property on which the
sign is located and/or to any use or activity in the immediate area (such as is the case with
an off-premises sign) and which is customarily leased for commercial purposes. The
approximate sizes of the billboard faces range from 12 to 14 feet in height and 24 to 48
feet in width.
D. "Changing message center" means an electronically controlled message
i center that displays different copy changes on the same lamp bank.
E. "Directional sign" means a sign which is locaEed to guide or direct
pedestrian or vehicular traffic to parking entrances, exits, and service areas, and may not
exceed six square feet in area or 10 feet in height. For projects that have pazking lots in
excess of 500 spaces, the sign azea may be 10 squaze feet and the sign height 15 feet.
F. "Double-faced sign" means a sign with two faces.
G. "Electrical sign" means a sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring,
connections, and/or fixtures aze used as part of the sign proper.
H. "Facade" means the entire building front, or street wall face, including
grade to the top of the pazapet or eaves, and the entire width of the building elevation.
I. "Flashing sign" means an electrical sign or a portion thereof which
changes light intensity in a sudden transitory burst, or which switches on and off in a
constant pattern in which more than one-third of the nonconstant light source is off at any
~ one time.
~ J. "Freestanding sign" means a sign that meets the definition of "ground
sign" (also commonly referred to as a monument sign), or "pole sign." Signs attached to
fences or other structures that are not defined as buildings will be considered freestanding
' K. "Frontage" means the measurement, in linear feet, of the length of the
property line for a single-tenant building or length of leased building frontage for !
' multitenant buildings or multibuilding complexes.
L. "Grade" means the •relative existing ground level in the immediate vicinity
of the sign.
M. "Ground sign" means a sign attached to the ground and supported by the
ground or a built-up landscaped area such that the sign appears solid with the ground. The
height of a ground sign shall be measured from the surrounding grade. Also commonly
referred to as a monument sign.
N. "Identification sign" means a sign containing the name of the business
establishment, occupant of the building or tenant space and/or address of the premises.
0. "Incidental sign" means a sign that is generally informadonal and of a
noncommercial nature intended primarily for the convenience of the public and having a
maximum area of two squaze feet. Incidental signs include; but aze not limited to: signs
designating restrooms, hours of operation, entrances and exits to buildings and parking
lots, help wanted, public telephones, etc. Also included are property control and waming
signs such as "no trespassing," "no dumping," etc., and plaques, tablets or inscriptions
which are an integral part of a building.
P. "Mansard roof' means a sloped roof or roof-like facade architecturally
able to be treated as a building wall. •
Q. "Marquee" means a permanent structure attached to, supported by, and
projecting from a building and providing protection from the weather elements. For the
purpose of tlus chapter, a freestanding, permanent roof-like structure providing protection
from the elements, such as a service station gas pump canopy, will also be considered a '
marquee. The term "marquee" also includes canopy.
R. "Marquee sign" mefans any sign which forms part of or is integrated into a
i marquee and which does not extend horizontally beyond the limits of such marquee. For
the purpose of this chapter, a mazquee sign will be considered as a wall sign.
S. "Median sign" means a sign that is placed within the median of a public
,i T. "Multiple-building complex" means a group of commercial or industrial
j structures, developed as a group either simultaneously or in phases, with more than one
, building per pazcel.
j U. "Multiple-tenant building" means a single structure housing more than one
~ retail business, office or commercial venture but not including residential apartment
buildings, which share the same lot, access and/or parking facilities.
V. "On-premises sign" means a sign which carries advertisements incidental
to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, including signs indicating the
business transacted at, services rendered, goods sold or produced on the premises, name
; of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises.
W. "Off-premises sign" means any sign which advertises an establishment,
merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment whicli is sold, produced, and
manufactured, or fumished at a place other than on the property on which said sign is
X. "Parapet" means a false front or wall extension above the roofline.
Y. "Perimeter" means a square or rectangle required to enclose the sign area.
Z. "Portable sign" means any sign made of any material, including paper,
cardboard, wood or metal, which is capable of being moved easily and is not permanently
affixed to the ground, structure or building. This also includes sidewalk or sandwich
boazd signs, except those worn by a person.
AA. "Premises" means the real estate as a unit, which is involved by the sign or
signs mentioned in this chapter. •
BB. "Projecting sign" means a sign which is attached to a structure or building
wall in such a manner that the leading edge extends more than 16 inches beyond the
surface of said structure or wall but does not extend more than five feet beyond the
property line, extends no more than six inches above any roofline, and meets all standards
for ground clearance. Signs that meet the definition of "marquee sign" or "suspended
sign" will not be considered a"projecting sign."
CC. "Real estate sign" means a portable sign erected by the owner, or the
owner's agent, advertising the real estate upon which the sign is located for rent, lease or
DD. "Revolving sign" means any sign that rotates or turns in motion by
electrical or mechanical means in a circulaz pattern.
EE. "Roof sign" means a sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a
building or structure. Mansazd robf signs shall be considered as wall signs.- Roof signs
may not extend more than five feet in height above the roof.
FF. "Sign" means any. _ visual communication device, structure, or fixture
which is visible from any right-of-way intended to aid a land use in promoting the sale or
identification of a product, good or service using graphics, symbols, or written copy. For
the purpose of this chapter, a sign shall not be considered to be building or structural
design. It shall be restricted solely to graphics, symbols, or written copy that is meant to
be used in the aforementioned way. This definition shall include inflatable signs, balloons
~ or other similar devices.
GG. "Sign area" means:.
1. The total area of a sign visible from any one viewpoint or direction,
excluding the sign support structure, architectural embellishments, or framework that
' contains no written copy, and includes only one side of a double-faced sign.
2. Individual letter signs using a wall as the background without added '
decoration or change in wall color shall be calculated by measuring the perimeter
enclosing each letter. The combined total area of each individual letter shall be
considered the total area of the sign.
3. Module signs consisting of more than one sign cabinet shall be computed
by adding together the total azea of each module.
4. Perimeter of sign area shall be established by the smallest rectangle
enclosing the extreme limits of the letter module or advertising message being measured.
HH. "Sign height" means the vertical distance measured from the adjacent
grade to the highest point of the sign.
II. "Sign structure" means any structure that supports or is capable of
supporting any sign as defined in this chapter. A sign structure may be a single pole or
may or may not be an integral part of the building or structure.
JJ. "Single-tenant building" means a commercial building or structure that
contains one enterprise or occupant. Buildings within a multibuilding complex may not
be considered a single-tenant building.
KK. "Special event signage" means temporary signs including posters, flags,
i pennants, and inflatable materials; which are not the primary identif'ication for the
organization, event or product advertised; and which aze primarily intended for veff
short-term promotional periods. ~ LL. "Suspended sign" means a sign that is attached to and suspended from a
marquee or canopy, and subject to right-of-way and clearance regulations.
MM. "Temporary sign" means any sign or advertising display constructed of
wood, vinyl, cloth, canvas, light fabric, paper, cardboazd, or other light materials, with or
without frames, intended to be displayed for a limited time only. This definition shall
include inflatable signs. NN. "Traffic hazard" means any sign which does not meet city standards for
clear zone or sight distance or which does not meet the requirements of the Americans
with Disabilities Act. ,
00. "Wall sign" means a sign attached or erected parallel to and extending not
more than 16 inches from the facade or face of any building to which it is attached and
supported through its entire length, with the exposed face of the sign parallel to the plane
of said wall or facade. "Window signs" which do not meet the definition of a"temporary
sign" shall be considered as wall signs.
PP. "Window sign" means a sign located inside or affixed to windows of a
building, whether temporary or permanent, lighted or unlighted, which may be viewed
from the exterior of the building.
QQ. "Feather Banner or Sign" means a fabric sign with printed advertiseme_nt
on one or two faces that is either stationerv or rotates and-is attached on one side t_o_a
metal pole or stake that is placed in the ground or attached to a secure object.
RR "Off-premise directional sign" means a sign located on private property or
in the public right-of-way as authorized that directs orguides persons to an establishment,
' merchandise service izoods or entertainment which is sold, produced, _and
~ manufactured or furnished at a place other than on the property or public rijzht-of-way on
i which said sign is located. (Ord. 6166 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4705 § 2,
j 1994; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
~ 18.56.025 Real estate signs. .
No sign pernut is required, except as provided in subsection F of this section. All
exterior real estate signs must be of wood or plastic or other durable material.
, The permitted signs are as follows:
A. Residential "for sale" and "sold" signs: such signs shall be limited to one
sign per street frontage not to exceed five square feet in sign area per side, placed entirely
on the property for sale, and not to exceed a height of seven feet.
B. Residential directional "open house" signs: such signs shall be limited to
. one sign per street frontage on the premises for sale and three off-premises signs.
However, if a broker/agent has more than one house open for inspection in a single
development or subdivision, he/she is limited to four off-premises "open house" signs in
the entire development or subdivision. Such signs are permitted only during daylight
hours and when the broker/agent or seller or an agent is in attendance at the property for
sale. No such sign shall exceed five square feet in sign area per side. The sign may be
placed along the periphery of a public right-of-way, provided it does not interfere with
traffic $afety, but it may not be attached to a utiliry pole or traffic safety device.
C. Undeveloped commercial and industrial property "for sale or rent" signs:
< one sign per street frontage advertising undeveloped commercial and industrial property
for sale or for rent is pernutted while the property is actually for sale or rent. The sign
shall not exceed 32 squaze feet in sign area per side and eight feet in height.
D. Developed commercial and industrial property "for sale or rent" signs: one
sign per street frontage advertising a commercial or industrial building for rent or sale is
pernutted while the building is actually for rent or sale. If one face of the building is less
than 10 feet from the building line, the sign shall be placed on the building or in a
window. The sign shall not exceed eight feet in height; if freestanding, it shall be located
more than 15 feet from any abutting property line and a public right-of-way line. Said
sign shail not exceed 32 squaze feet in sign area per side. -
. E. Undeveloped residential property "for sale" signs: one sign per street
frontage advertising undeveloped residential property for sale is permitted not exceeding
32 square feet in azea per side, nar exceeding a height of eight feet. U the sign is greater
than five squaze feet in area, it must be placed more than 30 feet from the abutting
property line.
~ F. Additional signs: t-1ie-The nlanning, building and community director may
grant a special permit to allow temporary off-premises signs in addition to those
( pernutted above, not to exceed five square feet in size per side, or 42 inches in height,.
and for a duration of . Notice of
adjacent property owners shall not be required. Such additional signs may be used to
advertise open houses, to provide directions to new developments, or similar purposes.
Such signs may be placed along the periphery of the public right-of-way, provided they
; do not interfere with traffic safety or pose a detrimental effect on neighboring property,
i I as determined by the planning, building and community director, but they may not be
attached to utility poles or traffic safety devices. The planning, building and community
j director shall deternune the number and locations of such 'signs> ^~a ^°r~°`' ''""'^b
1.,.:1.~1: .,.1 .+:r .1: ..rer- sl+.+il ♦ Le
I . Tl,o ..1a ~
ghboring . Ord. 5993 § l, 2006.)
~ 18.56.030 General provisions, all districts. . .
A. Community Signs. The planning, building and community director may
approve and permit to be erected entrance signs, at or near the city limits, on city public
right-of-way or on privately owned parcels with the owner's permission, on which may
be listed institutional names, service clubs or organizations or points of interest or similar
public information. Right-of-way use permits may be required for signs located in the
I public right-of-way, except as permitted by ACC 18.56.030.B.1, ACC 18.56.030.B,
ACC or ACC 18.56.030.J.
; B. Temporary Signs.
1. For a duration not exceeding
Speeig-s_p2!Lial event signage may be allowed in the RO RO-H
CN. C-1, C-2, C-3, DUC, BP, LF, M-l, M-2, EP and the non-residential used properties '
in the Terrace View District and the PUD-Lakeland Hills South subject to the followinQ
subject to compliance with the following as applicable: ' • '
a. ,
b. -The area of any single sign shail not exceed 30 square feet;
b. Special event sijzns as authorized herein shall not have the following:
; i. Illumination of anv kind ; ii. Strobing or blinking; or flashing lights ,
iii. Electrical animation '
' iv. Changeable reader copY, electronic or manual
~ c. Special event signage shall not exceed the maximum height limitations of
the underlying zoning district. '
d. Special event signs mav have spinning elements attached to them
including but not limited to flags or pennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them
' provided that they do not at an.y time constitute a traffic safety or pedestrian safetv
e. Balloons and windsock special event signage shall not be authorized to be
placed in the public rights-of-way.or on-site landscape azea or off-site on another private
parcel of land that does not contain the business or service being advertised,
f. Flag and pennant special event signage shall be authorized to be placed in
thepublic rights-of-way, on-site landscape area and off-site on another private parcel of
land that does not contain the business or service being adver[ised, provided that
placement in the public rights-of-way does not constitute a traffic safety or pedestrian
safety hazard and does not create non-conformance to the American with Disabilities
; Act placement in on-Site landscape areas does not impede Sig~ht distance and that off-site
placement on another property has received prior property owner authorization.;
2. For a duration not exceeding
Baiiner-s-banners may be allowed in the RO RO-H CN C-1, G2, C-3, DUC, BP, LF, M-
I 1 M-2 EP and the non-residential used properties in the Terrace View District and the
i PUD-Lakeland Hills South, subject to the following:
+ a. No more than two such signs may be used per site at any given time;
~ b r rs „F s ,.h i:.,-,:.ed 90 eenseoutive d., n ana ,'..V^ fnay .,.,e~
i '
E-The area of any single banner used by a single business on a site shall not
exceed 120 square feet;
c. For multi-tenant buildings and/or multi-business complexes, each business
shall be authorized to have a banner provided that the size of each banner shall be limited
to maximum of 32 square feet. d. Banners as authorized herein shall not have the followiniz:
i. Illumination of any kind ii. Strobing or blinking or flashinl'ights
iii. Electrical animation
iv. Changeable reader copY, electronic or manual
e. Banner signage shall not exceed the maximum height limitations of the
underlying zonin-g district.
£ Banners mav have spinning elements attached to them including but not
limited to flags or pennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them provided that thev
do not at any time constitvte a traffic safety or pedestrian safetv hazard.
f. Banners shall be authorized to be placed in the public rights-of-way, on-
site landscape area and off-site on another private parcel of land that does not contain the
~ business or service being advertised provided that placement in the public rights-of-wav
does not constitute a traffic safety or pedestrian safetv hazard or does not create non-
~ conformance to the American with Disabilities Act placement in on-site landscape areas
I does not impede sight distance and that off-site placement on another propertv has
received prior propertv owner authorization.
3. Signs .,t,:,.h ..t.,,.oa , .,:,-t,:,, ..a,..., .,,,a wb;eb _..«e.,de
4. D :f.. e e e.a, e ..r rt,ar signs oo.i;.,n the ..11.. .,l.te
~ ~ s.z..
C. Civic Events. Street banners may be pernutted subject to approval and
installation in accordance with rules and procedures established by the city of Auburn
; public works department. .
i D. Sign Lighdng Provisions. . 1. All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from any residential zone.
No person shall construct, establish, create or maintain any stationary exterior lighting or
illumination system or any interior system which is intended to be viewed from a street,
highway or other public thoroughf,are used for vehicular traffic which system contains or
' utilizes:
a. Any exposed incandescent lamp with wattage in excess of 25 watts,
i . ~
i '
b. Any exposed incandescent lamp with a metallic reflector,
i c. Any exposed incandescent lamp with an external reflector,
~ d. Any revolving beacon light,
; e. Any continuous or sequential flashing operation, except as allowed for
changing message center signs in subsection F of this section;
2. The provisions of subsection (D)(1) of this section shall not apply to:
a. Lighting systems owned or controlled by any public agency for the
purpose of directing or controlling navigation, traffic, or highway or street illumination,
b. Aircraft warning lights. E. Construction Provisions, Sight Distance, Exposed Angle Iron and Wire.
1. Each sign shall be adequately constructed in accordance with the
requirements of the Intemational $uilding Codes, as amended;
2. Signs containing electrical circuitry shall meet the requirements of the
National Electrical Code and all state laws, and shall include an approved testing lab
3. Signs must meet vehicular sight distance requirements established by the
I city engineer pursuant to AGG 15.48.02A(~`, the City of Auburn Engtiineering Design
~ 4. When a projecting'sign is used, no angle irons, guy wires or braces shall
~ be visibie, except those that are an integral part of the overall design, such as decorative
' metals or woods, or unless they aze required for safety.
F. Changing Message Center Signs. Where permitted under this chapter,
changing message center signs shall comply with the following requirements; provided,
that changing message center signs that only display time and temperature or similar
public service information shall be exempt from these requirements.
1. Where Allowed. Changing message center signs shall only be allowed in
the I, P-1, C-1, C-2, DUC, C-3, M-1 and M-2 zones.
a. In the I and C-1 zones, changing message center signs shall only be
allowed on frontages along a collector, nunor or principal arterial street.
b. In the I zone, no changing message center sign shall operate between the
hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
c. In the DUC zone, 'changing message center signs shall only be allowed
when located adjacent and oriented to Auburn Way North/Auburn Way South street
frontages. (For other sign standazds for the DUC zone, see ACC 18.29.060(I)).
2. Number. No more than one changing message center sign per street
frontage shall be pernutted on each property.
3. Sign Face Area. Except in.the I and P-1 zones, the changing message
center shall not constitute more than 75 percent of a sign's total sign face area.
4. Display. -
a. The display of the sign shall not change more rapidly than once every one
and one-half seconds. .
b. No scrolling message shall require more than five seconds to be displayed
in its entirety.
5. Light Levels. ,
a. Changing message center signs shall have installed ambient light monitors
and shall at all times allow such monitors to automatically adjust the brightness level of
; the sign based on ambient light conditions.
' b. At no time shall a changing message center sign be operated at a
i brightness level greater than the manufacturer's recommended levels.
c. All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from any residential zone.
The director shall have the authority to require a sign permit application include
information to ensure the intent af this requirement is met.
d. The brightness level shall not exceed 8,000 nits when measured from the
sign's face at its maximum brightness during daylight hours and 500 nits when measured
from the sign's face at its maximum brightness between dusk and dawn.
6. On-Premises Advertising Only. Changing message center signs shall only
advertise on-premises products and services, or display public service messages or
messages on behalf of not-for-profit organizations.
7. Additional Requirements. A copy of the manufacturer's operating manual
' shall be provided to the city upon request.
8. Amortization. All changing message center signs that do not comply with
the requirements of subsections (17)(4) and (5) of this section shall be brought into
compliance with those requirements by April l, 2009.
G. Change of Copy. The holder of a permit, for the duration thereof, shall
have the right to change the advertising copy on the structure or sign for which the permit
was issued without being required to pay any additional fees.
H. Exemptions. Unless otherwise specified or unless expressly prohibited, it
is not the intent of tlus chapter to regulate the following signs:
l. The flag of a government or noncornmercial institutions such as schools,
with the poles treated as structures;
2. Official public notiees, official court notices;
3. Incidental signs (see ACC 18.56.020(0), Definitions);
4. Signs not visible from public right-of-way;
5. Lettering or symbols painted directly onto or. flush-mounted magnetically
onto an operable vehicle;
6. Painting, repainting, cleaning, repairing, and other normal maintenance
unless structural or electrical changes are made;
7. Religious symbols not attached to a pernutted sign;
8. Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings, dates of erection and the
like, which are incorporated into the building material and facade;
9. Signs required by law, traff'ic or pedestrian control signs, signs indicating
scenic or historic points of interest, which are erected by or on the order of a public
officer in the performance of his or her public duty;
10. Sculptures, fountains, mosaics, and design features which do not
incorporate advertising or identificadon;
11. Temporary signs limited exclusively to noncommercial speech.
I. For the time period sUecified in Ordinance No. TBD portable signs shall
be allowed in the RO RO-H CN G1 G3 BP, LF, M-1. M-2iEP and the and the non-
residential used _proQerties in the Terrace View District and the PUD-Lakeland Hills
South subject to compliance with the following as applicable:
i '
; a For single tenant buildings and/or sites one portable sien shall be allowed
{ per buildiniz or property frontage as applicable.
i b Each business in a multi-tenant building and/or multi-building comnlex
~I shall be limited to a a maximum of one (1) portable sign.
! c For multi tenant buildings and/or multi-building~comnlexes that proAOSe
~ to place one or more portable si,g,ns within the on-site landscaped area at the intersection
~ of two public or private streets or at a driveway intersection with a pubhc or pnvate
street compliance to the Citv's minimum sight distance requirements shall be maintained
at all times.
d For multi tenant buildingLs and/or multi-building comnlexes that proqose
to place one or more portable signs along the^property street frontage of a nublic or
, private street the total number of allowable portable sip-ns alonQ said frontage shall be
! limited as follows to reduce the visual and aesthetic impact to the Citv:
i 0 25 lineal feet of public or private street fronta~e = 1 t~ortable sign everv
3 lineal feet of street frontage up to a maximum of three (3) sip-ns at anv iziven time.
ii 26 SO lineal feet of public or privaCe street fronta~e = 1 portable sign every
3lineal feet of street frontage up.to a maximum of four (4) signs at anv ~iven time.
' iii 51 75 lineal feet of public or private street frontage = 1 nortable sign everv
3lineal feet of street frontage up to maximum of five (5) signs at anv given time.
iv. 76 100 lineal feet ofpublic orprivate street frontage = 1 nortable sign
everv 3 lineal feet of street frontage up to a maximum of six (6) signs at anv given time.
v 100 125 lineal feet of nublic orprivate street frontage = 1 vortable siSn
everv 3 lineal feet of street frontage up to a maximum of seven (7) signs at anv ~IVen
vi 126 150 lineal feet of public or private street frontage = 1 uortable sign
ever 3 lineal feet of street frontage un to a maximum of'eight (8) signs at anv glven
vii 151 175 lineal feet of public or private street frontage = 1 portable sign
every 3 lineal feet of street frontagg up to a maximum of nine (9) signs at anv Qlven time.
viii 176 lineal feet and greater of public or private street frontage = 1 nortable
sign every 3 lineal feet of street frontage up to a maximum of ten (10) signs at anv given
time. ix The Planning Director shall have the discretionary authoritv to authorize
additional portable signs along apublic or private street frontage when in his or her
determination such allowance will not substantively imnact the visual and/or aesthetic
impact to the City and such allowance is warranted by phvsical site conditions or
economic or business considerations or other factors as deemed reasonable bv the
Planning Director.
e Portable signs shall not be located in one or more existin- varking suaces
on a development site.
f Portable signs shall be displayed durinE regular business hours onlv, shall
not be kept outside overnight aiid shall not be chained or otherwise secured to anv
building or structure or pole or sign or tree or other similar vegetation.
9 Portable sig,ns as authorized herein shall not have the following:
i Illumination of any kind ii Strobing or blinking or flashing lights
; iii. Electrical anitnation
; iv Changeable reader copy, electronic or manuat
~ h Portable signs may have spinning elements includin~ but not limited to
fla s or pennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them provided that thev o not at
any time constitute a traffic safety•or pedestrian safetv hazard.
i. Portable si ns advertisin a business or service not located on the same
site shall be allowed to be located off-site from the business or service being advertised
provided that prior propertv owner authorization has been obtamed bv said busmess
operator or service provider.
Each ortable si n shall have a maximum total si n size of 36 inches in
! hei ht and 30 inches in width and be limited to two faces.
k Portable si ns shall be allowed in the public ri~ht-of-wav Urovided that
anv and all si ns are not placed within vehicle travel lanes or improved/unimvroved
vehicle shoulder areas or bic cle lanes are not laced m front of or block access to
marked bus transit stons do not interfere with or imvede tiedestrian traffic or cross~
and do not create non-conformance to the American with Disabilities Act.
~ J For the time period specified in Ordinance No. TBD, off-vremise
directional si ns shall be allowed•in the RO RO-H CN C-1 C-2 C-3 DUC BP .LF
M-1 M-2 EP and the non-residential used ro rties in the Terrace View District and
the PUD Lakeland Hills South subject to compliance with the followinA as aUplicable:
a. Off- remise directional si ns as authonzed herein shall not have the
i Illumination of anv kind
ii Strobin~ or blinkinizor flashinglights
iii. Electrical animation
iv. Chanizeable reader copv electronic or manual
b Off vremise directional signs may have sainnin~ elements includin but
" not limited to flaQS or uennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them nrovided that
thev do not at anv time constitute a traffic safetv or pedestrian safetv hazard.
c Off-premise directional signs shall be authorized to be nlaced in the nublic
rights of way on site landscape area and off-site on another nnvate parcel of land that
does not contain the business or service bemg advertised nrovided that vlacement in the
public ri hts of wav does not constitute a traffic safetv or vedestnan safetv hazard and
does not create non conformance to the American with Disabilines Act nlacement in on
site landscave areas does not impede sight distance and that off-site nlacement on another
pronertv has received nrior propertv owner authonzataon.
d Off premise directional si ryns shall not be located in one or more e~
parkiniz spaces on a develonment site,
e Off uremise directional sigrns shall have a maximum si~n face azea of 8
inches bv 24 inches and a total heigLht of 42 inches inclusive of anv wood metal lastic
vr other support and a maximum of two (2) sign faces.
' K. Prohibited Signs. From and after the effective date of the ordinance
codified in this chapter it shall be unlawful for any person to erect or plaee within the
city, except as otherwise authorized:
1. A swinging projecting sign;
' 2. Portable signs, except as permitted by ACC 18.56.025 (Real estate signs)1
~ I affd ACC 18.56.040(E) (C-2 District) and ACC, subsections a through k;
I 3. Banners, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, rotating or blinking lights,
~ strings of lights, or similar devices, except as permitted by"subsection B of this section
(Temporary Signs);
4. Flasliing signs, except as permitted in subsection D of this section (Sign
Lighting Provisions); •
5. Changing message center signs, except as allowed in the I, P-1, C-1, C-2,
C-3, M-1 and M-2 zones;
6. Signs attached to, or placed on, a vehicle ot trailer parked on private or
' public property that is not associated with the business advertised on said sign(s). This
provision is not to be construed as prohibiting the identif'ication of a firm or its principal
products on a vehicle used in the normal course of business. This does not include
; automobile for sale signs or signs attached to franchised buses or taxis;
7. Private signs placed in or on a public right-of-way, except for as expressly
i pemutted by this chapter;
: 8. Any sign which constitutes a traffic hazazd or detriment to traffic safety by
reason of its size, location, movement, coloring, or method of illumination, or by
obstructing the vision of drivers, or detracting from the visibility of any official traffic
control device by diverting or tending to divert the attention of drivers of moving vehicles
from traffic movement on streets, roads, intersections, or access facilities. No sign shall
be erected so that it obstructs the vision of pedestrians by glare or method of illumination
or constitutes a hazard to traffic. No sign may use words, phrases, symbols or characters
in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic;
9. Any sign or advertising structure or supporting structure that is torn,
damaged, defaced or destroyed; .
10. Signs attached to poles installed by governmental agencies, utility poles,
trees, rocks or other natural features;
11. Signs attached to benches, garbage cans, or other street furniture located
within the public right-of-way; '
12. Rotating signs;
13. Billboazds;
14. Any sign which does not structurally or materially conform to the
I requirements of the city's adopted International Building Code.
IL. Nonconforming Signs. Permanent signs established legally prior to the
adoption of the ordinance codified m tlus chapter that do not conform to the regulations
of this chapter with regard to number, size, height or location shall be allowed to remain
as legal nonconforming signs except as follows:
1. Whenever a new building replaces the principal building.
2. When there is an expansion of an existing buildiag, the requirements of
this section shall apply only if there is an increase in floor area of 25 percent or more
(including the cumulative increase of previous expansions after the effective date of the
ordinance amending this section).
3. Whenever a nonconforming use is replaced by a confornung use, the
requirements of this section shall apply in full to the new use if and only if there is a
change in required signage due to the zoning district.
; 4. Any sign, including the sign structure, now or hereafter existing which no
i longer advertises a bona fide business conducted or a product sold. Such sign(s) shall be
~ taken down and removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the
I land, building or structure upon which such sign may be found within 90 days after
written notification from the building official.
I KM. Master Sign Plans Authorized. The plannirig, building and community
director has the authority to require a master sign plan to ensure a consistent and
coordinated signage scheme for development proposals. In approving master sign plans
under the provisions of this subsection, the director has the authority to approve signage
~ schemes that allow for signs greater in area and height than allowed in the patticular zone
~ in which the development is located when a coordinated signage scheme is used. Master
signage plans shall be recorded. (Ord. 6166 § 2, 2008; Ord. .5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5342 §
2, 2000; Ord. 4705 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.56.040 Regulation by district.
A. R-R, R-S, LHRS, R-l, LHR1, R-2, LHR2, R-3, LHR3, R-4, LHR4, R-
MHP, LHRMHP Zoning Districts (Nonresidential Uses, Except as Noted).
1. Residential entry monument: A cumulative area of 50 square feet or 10
feet in height (highest point of sign structure) not to exceed two per entrance; provided,
that no sign exceeds 32 square feet in area.
2. Maacimum sign area of all signs is 40 square feet per frontage.
3. Freestanding Signs:
- a. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total
freestanding signs per property.
b. Maximum height: 10 feet. '
c. Maximum area: 32 squaze feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square
foot of sign area for every three lineal feet of frontage. T'he minimum entitlement for
freestanding signs shall be one 16:square-foot sign for those sites with frontages less than
48 feet.
4. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
a. Total number pernutted: one per frontage not to exceed two total wall
signs per building.
b. Maximum area: 32 squaze feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign area for every three lineal feet of frontage. The minimum entitlement for wall signs
shall be one 16-square-foot sign for those sites with frontages less than 48 feet.
5. Signs may be indirectly illuminated only.
B. RO, RO-H, C-N, C-1, LHC1, BP Zoning Districts (Nonresidential Uses).
1. Maximum sign area of all signs is 150 square 'feet per frontage.
2. Freestanding Signs.
a. Total number pern-►itted: one per frontage not to exceed two total.
b. Maxirnum height: 22 feet, 10 feet in the RO zone.
c. Maximum azea: 100 squaze feet per face, 75 squaze feet per face in the RO
zone, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign area for every two lineal -feet of
frontage. Minimum entidement for freestanding signs shall be one sign at 32 square feet
for those sites with less than 64 feet of frontage.
d. If pernutted, the second freestanding sign shall not exceed 50 percent of
the area allowed for a single freestanding sign and 150 feet measured in a straight-line
i distance must separate multiple pole signs.
i 3. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
~ a. Total number pernutted: One per frontage.
( b. Maximum azea: 10() square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
i sign area for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage. For multitenant buildings where
freestanding signage contains the name of not more than *one tenant business (e.g., a
prime tenant name or a shopping center name), an additional 25 percent of wall signage
' per tenant space shall be allowed. This increase in signage shall not apply to minimum
entitlement for wall signs, which shall be one sign at 16 square feet.
c.- Signs may be d'uectly or indirectly illuminated.
4. Suspended Signs.
a. Total number permitted: one per entrance. -
b. Maximum area: six square feet per face.
~ c. Minimum clearance is eight feet from sign to grade.
' S. Projecting Signs. .
a. Not permitted in C-N, RO or RO-H.
b. Total number pernutted: one in lieu of a permitted freestanding sign.
c. Maximum.height: height requirement of the zoning district.
' d. Maximum azea: 50 percent of the area allowed for single freestanding
C. P-1, LHP1, I, LHI Zones.
1. Freestanding Signs:
a. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total.
b. Maximum height: 18 feet. c. Maximum area: 80 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square
foot of sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage. The minimum entitlement for
freestanding signs is one sign at 32 square feet.
d. If pemutted, the second freestanding sign shall not exceed 50 percent of
the area allowed for a single freestanding sign and 150 feet measured in a straight-line
distance must sepazate multiple pole signs.
e. For projects, parcels or complexes that have, a single street frontage and
more than 300 feet of street frontage, a changing message center sign may be pernutted
for a total of two signs per frontage subject to the following:
i. Only one changing message center is provided.
ii. Multiple signs are separated by at least 150 feet.
iii. The combined area of the two signs does not exceed 120 squaze feet in
size and neither sign is greater than 80 squaze feet in size.
2. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space). a. Total number permitted: two per street frontage. -
b. Maximum area: 50 square feet for total of all wall signs per frontage.
c. Signs may be directly or indirectly illuminated.
D. LF, M-1, M-2 Zoning Districts.
1. Maximum sign azea of all signs is 150 square feedfrontage.
2. Freestanding Signs.
~ a. Total number pernutted: two per frontage not to exceed four total.
! b. Maximum height: 30 feet.
i c. Maximum area: 125 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square
' foot of sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage. Minimum entitlement for
i freestanding signs is 32 square feet for those sites without 64 feet of frontage.
d. The total area of freestanding signs on any given frontage shall not exceed
the area allowed for a single freestanding sign.
e. The maximum height of signs located on a second or third frontage shall
be 20 feet.
f. Multiple freestanding signs must be separated by 150 feet measured in a
straight-line distance.
3. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
a. Tota1 number permitted: one per frontage.
b. Maximum area: 100 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign area for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage.
4. Projecting Signs. a. Total number pemutted: one in lieu of a permitted freestanding sign.
b. Maximum height: height requirement of the zoning district.
c. Maximum area: SO percent of the area allowed for single freestanding
E. C-2 Zoning District.
1. Maximum sign area of all signs is 200 squaze feet.
2. Hanging signs that aze designed to display the availability of a specific
product in a business, limited to three square feet and no more than two such signs per
business, shall be considered permanent signs, but shall not be calculated as part of the
maximum allowed signage.
3. Freestanding Signs.
a. Freestanding signs aze not allowed on properties abutting or oriented
toward Main Street. b. Total number permitted: one per frontage not to exceed two total.
c. Maximum height: 20 feet.
d. Maximum area: 75. square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square
foot of sign area for each lineal foot of frontage. Minimum entitlement for freestanding
signs shall be one sign at 32 square feet.
4. Wa11 Signs. •
a. Total number pernutted: one per frontage.
b. Maximum area: 150 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign azea for every one lineal , foot of frontage. For, multitenant buildings where
freestanding signage contains the name of not more than one tenant business (e.g., a
prime tenant name or a shopping center name), an additional 25 percent of wall signage
per tenant space shall be allowed. This increase in signage sha11 not apply to minimum
entitlement for walls signs, which shall be one sign at 16 square feet.
5. Suspended Signs. One double-faced suspended sign, not exceeding three
squaze feet per face, may be allowed for each business entrance. There shall be a
minimum of eight feet of cleazance between the grade and the sign.
6. Portable Signs. One portable sign may be allowed for ea.ch business
entrance, not to exceed one portable sign per building frontage, subject to the following:
a. May be placed within public right-of-way subject to the guidelines
; provided by the planning, building and community development director in consultation
' with the city engineer such that sign does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traff'ic
( and conforms to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
~ b. May not exceed 36 inches in height and 30 inches in width and be limited
~ to two faces. •
c. May be displayed during business hours only.
d. Must be constructed of either wood or another sturdy material to ensure
' stability in the wind. .
i e. May not move, spin, flash, or otherwise be animated.
f. Shall meet applicable supplemental design requirements of the Auburn
~ downtown association. .
' 7. Supplemental Sign 'Standards, C-2 Zone.
a. Sign Design and Construction.
' i. All signs, other than temporary signs, shall be made of professional,
~ durable materials such as wood, metal, and/or glass. '
ii. Signs that aze indirecdy illuminated shall have their light sources shielded
from view.
iii. Internally illuminated signs are not perinitted abutting or oriented towazd
Main Street.
b. Sign Placement.
i. Signs shall be oriented toward pedestrian visibility and shall be positioned
at such a height as to be readable by pedestrians.
ii. Externally mounted wall signs shall not be mounted so as to block
building windows.
F. G3 Zoning District.
1. Freestanding Signs.
a. Total number permitted: two per frontage not to exceed four total.
b. Maximum height: 30 feet. - c. Maximum area: 200 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign azea for every two lineal feet of frontage; provided, that the maximum size of any
sign dces not exceed 125 square foot per face. The minimum entitlement for freestanding
signs is 32 square feet for those sites without 64 feet of frontage.
d. The total area of freestanding signs on any given frontage shall not exceed
the azea allowed for a single freestanding sign. •
e. The maximum height of signs located on a second or third frontage shall
be 20 feet.
2. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
a. Maximum area: 125 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign azea for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage.
3. Projecting Signs.
a. Total number permitted: one in lieu of a permitted freestanding sign.
b. Maximum height: height requirement of the zoning district.
c. Maximum area: 50 percent of the area allowed for single freestanding
' 4. Suspended Signs.
~ a. Total number permitted: one.
~ b. Maximum placement height: 25 feet.
j c. Maximum area: six square feet per face.
d. Minimum cleazance is eight feet from sign to grade.
5. Off-Premises Signs.
a. Total number permitted: one per business and one per parcel.
, b. Location: Off-premises sign must be located in a zone that permits off-
premises signs.
c. Maximum height: 20 feet.
d. Maximum area: 50 percent of the area allQwed for single freestanding
sign, calculated using the feet of frontage of the site where the sign is located.
e. Must be within 750 feet of the business being advertised.
f. Must be sepazated from any existing pole sign a minimum distance of 150
feet measured in a straight-line distance.
g. Sign can be no more than two faces.
h. Signs may be directly or indirectly illuminated.
G. EP Zoning District.
1. Maximum sign area of all signs is 150 square feet per street frontage.
2. Freestanding Signs.
a. Freestanding signs shall be limited to ground signs.
b. Total number pernutted: one per frontage not to exceed two total.
~ c. Maximum height: 10 feet
d. Maximum area: 100 square feet per face, calculated at a rate of one square
foot of sign area for every two lineal feet of frontage. Minimum entitlement for
freestanding signs is 32 square feet for those sites with less than 64 feet of fronta.ge.
e. Multiple freestanding signs must be separated by 150 feet measured in a
straight-line distance.
f. Minimum Yard Setbacks.
i. Directly illuminated signs: 10 feet;
ii. Ind'uectly illuminated signs: five feet.
3. Wall Signs (for Building or Tenant Space).
a. Tota1 number permitted: one per frontage.
b. Maximum area: 100 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of
sign area for every 1.5 lineal feet of frontage. For multitenant buildings where
freestanding signage contains the name of not more ttian one tenant business (e.g., a
prime tenant name), an additional 25 percent of wall signage per tenant space shall be
allowed. This increase in signage shall not apply to minimum entitlement for watl signs,
which shall be one sign at 16 square feet. (Ord. 6036 § 4, 20()6; Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006;
Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.) •
18.56.050 Administrative provisions.
A. Permits Required. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, no
signs shall hereafter be erected, re-erected, constructed, altered, or maintained, except as
; provided by this chapter and, when required, a building permit for the same has been
; issued by the building official. A separate permit shall be required for a sign or signs for
j each business entity and/or a separate permit shall be required for each group of signs on
I a single supporting structure.
1. Application for Permits. Application for sign permits shall be made to the
building official on a form as provided by the building division. Such application shall
a. Name of business and address where work is to be performed.
b. Name and address of property owner. c. Name and title of the person completing the application.
d. Name and address, telephone number of the person or firm doing the work
~ and preferably the owner of said establishment.
e. Washington contractor's registration number, industrial use permit
number, sales tax number.
£ A site plan showing location of the sign in relation to buildings, property
lines and street right-of-way including the size and location of all existing signs on the
g. A scale drawing of the proposed sign or sign revision showing size,
height, copy, structural and footing details, and material specifications.
h. A description of work to be performed and type of sign.
i. Electrical load with name of electrical contractor responsible for
installation of service feed wires if other than sign contractor.
j. Structural engineer's stamp required on those signs and sign structures
subject to wind and seismic forces. 2. Revocadon of Pernut. The building official may, in writing, suspend or
revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter whenever the permit is issued
in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of any ordinance
or regulation or any of the provisions of this chapter. 3. Pernut Fee Schedule. The fees prescribed in the city's fee schedule must
be paid to the city for each sign installation for which a permit is required by this chapter
and must be paid before any suCh permit is issued by the building off'icial. Fees for
building pernuts for each sign erected, installed, affixed, structurally altered, relocated, or
created by painting shall be set in accordance with the city's fee schedule.
4. Sign permits shall be processed in accordance with the relevant timelines
and procedures identified in ACC Title 14, Project Review.
B. Interpretation. In all applieations for permits where a matter of
interpretation arises, the most restrictive definition shall prevail. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006;
Ord. 4705 § 2, 1994; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.56.060 Deviations, variances and appeals.
A. The planning, building and community director may grant up to a 50
percent deviation to the provisions of this sign code related to sign height and sign area.
In a petition for a deviation, the planning, building and community director shall have the
power and duty to review, decide, grant, grant with conditions or deny the requested
deviation. The planning, building and community director may grant a deviation from the
provisions of this chapter only when the deviation is within 50 percent of the entitlement
and all of the following findings of fact are met:.
' 1. The literal interpretation and strict application of the provisions and
requirements would cause undue and unnecessary hazdship because. of unique or unusual
i conditions pertaining to the specific building, parcel or property in question; and
~ 2. The granting of the requested deviation would not be materially
detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or property owners in the
vicinity; and
3. The granting of the deviation would not be contracy to the general
objective and intent of this chapter, this title, or the comprehensive plan.
B. An applicant requesting an administrative deviation under the provisions
of this chapter shall submit the following, along with the required filing fee:
1. A letter in memorandum format outlining how the request is consistent
I with the criteria of this subsection:
2. A site plan that is accurately drawn to an engineered scale of one inch
equals 40 feet, one inch equals 20 feet, one inch equals 10 feet that includes the following
information: ~ a. Boundaries and dimensions of the site,
I, b. Location of buildings, parking areas and adjacent streets,
c. Graphic representalions of all existing signs including their size, height
and placement on the site,
d. Graphic representation of the proposed sign(s) subject to the request,
e. Building elevation showing the placement of the sign on that elevation, if
applicable. C. The action of the planning, building and community director rejecting,
approving or modifying any decision or applica.tion is a final administrative decision
subject to appeal to the city's hearing examiner. Appeals of administrative decisions with
regard to this chapter shall be processed consistent with ACC 18.70.050.
D. The planning, building and community director shall render a written
decision on the requested deviation request within seven business days of submittal of all
required elements and filing fee.
E. Requests that exceed the 50 percent deviation or those not related to
. allowable sign height or sign area shall be processed as a variance in accordance with
ACC 18.70.010.
. F. The planning, building and community director may a11ow for the repair or
replacement of nonconforming signs that have a significant lustorical or cultural element
or are integral components of a building roof or facade that has a significant historical or
cultural element to which the sign is a contributing component. (Ord. 5993 § l, 2006;
Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.56.070 Liability.
This chapter shall not be constituted to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of
any person owning, building, altering, constructing, removing or moving any sign in the
city for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect
therein; nor shall the city, or any agent thereof, be held as assuming such liability by
reason of pernut or inspecdon authorized herein or a certificate of inspection issued by
the city or any of its agents. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Formerly
; .
j 18.56.080 Conflicts repealed.
` All sections or parts of sections of the municipal code, all ordinances and all
resolutions or parts of resolutions, in conflict herewith, be and the same, are repealed to
the extent of such conflict. (Ord. 5993 § 1, 2006; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987. Former y
18.56.090 Administrative provisions.
Repealed by Ord. 5993. (Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)
18.56.100 Appeals and variances.
Repealed by Ord. 5993. (Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.)