HomeMy WebLinkAbout9008310289 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED 083190TMIS VAO MUNID Filed"far Record at Request of TO CITY CLERK'S OPPIC9 CITY 26 Wei-a• p airy Auburn. WA 99001 1 Dy THE r~ I Of ri+i~~"f tlC (IJ ON KIM INI ` , MO EXCISE T A U G 31 190 E x.15 3'7 9'7 ,:?--1- 5- FORM L58F Steitutorr Warranty D*W - PRQTE(?I':. "I'' Street N.E. PARCEL: '?11,5-4 © Z_.:5-j'._. THE GRANTOR John Burtch and Vera Burtch (H/W) ONE THOUSAND AND FORTY DOLURS hr and in coasideratba of in hand paid, conveys and wwrasts to, the City of Auburn, a Municipal Corporation the following described real estate, situated in the County of King , iRats of Washington: SEE EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED HEREPO AND BY THIS P12 Elm MADE A PART HEREOF. GC? 90,'08,-'31 *0289 ] F: RECCE F 6.00 RF_CFEE 00 CASHSL r ?I v:r. 00 This deed is given in fulfillment of that certain real estate contract between the parties hereto. dated . 19 , and conditioned for the conveyance of the above described property, and the covenants of warranty herein contained shall not apply to any title. interest or encumbrance arising by. through or under the purchaser in said contract, and shall not apply to any taxes, assessments or other charges levied. assessed or becoming, due subsequent to the date of said contract. Real Estate Excise Tax was paid on this sale or stamped exempt on . Rec• no. Dated this dy of c->-, /yra (am) STATE OF WASHINGTON, IL County of e~ On this day personally appeared before me John W. and Vera Burtch to me known to be the individual described in and wbo esecutsd the witble and forgpiog instrument, said acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary at and 'dead, for the uses and purpoeei tberdn eseatieae A GIVEN under my hand and O& W seal fait /r APPROVED AS TO FORM day of r~ No Pub* is ow Jar 1AW Seote s/ W"Nagtas, es _S:e4' ~ COMMISSION EXPIRES . ~ - ~G'7rtY'nyn< r~.we9' •",N. Y k.. P `1 X~`'~' ~L~Y 1 / -Y\x ~,}.x Vc::: _ . i Submit to County Treasurer of the REAL ESTATE EXCISE k TAX : This form is your receipt when stamped ' county in which property is located g i . by cashier. Pay by cash or certified h k C T is CHAPTER 82.45 RCW c ec to reasurer. ounty. PLEASE ,TYPE OR PRINT CHAPTER 458.61 WA C . ' THIS 'AFFIDAVIT WILL NOT / RF ACCEPTED IINLFS9 ITFrtS 1 T - l 1 NRAIIP.N M ARF FI11 IV cnUDI FTFn - t O. ~t/s° /1 d A N.M. r.d.3(.•/J't!AX",r 11 G+ ~..:''fA"'1 A( 71 f_.,I(fd~a.f,~'^f«,...F' O Name CITY O AU13 JRN IS . - w A VMICIPAL CORPORATION JZ t r St }Z 25 S U.STREE' ~ ree Street a AA' City A '.~.LJ)v~~ State 1/4',►t zip ~i✓M~. ~ r Cit BM State WA Zi 98001°"49e' O NEW OWNER'S Name CITY of ALL TAX PARCEL NUMBERS PERMANENT ADDRESS 1 103 FOR ALL PROPERTY Street TAX RELATED' CORRESPONDENCE city/State AUBM, Zip 98001-4x958 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN UNINCORPORATED COUNTY® OR IN CITY OF AL) SEE . ..BIT "A," AWACHIM ME TO AND BY: WIS W: e CE VMDE'.s A T MMk . Is this property currently: YES . NO. Classified or designated as forest land? Chapter 84.33 RCW ❑ Classified as current use land (open space, , farm and agricultural, or timber)? Chapter 84.34 RCW Exempt from property,tax under' nonprofit ❑ organizations Chapter 84:36 RCW? ` Receiving special valuation as historic ❑ property under Chapter 84.26 RCW? ` Type Property: ® land only El land with new building'. - ❑ land with previously ❑ land with mobile home` used building SEE TAX OBLIGATIONS ON REVERSE SIDE O (1) NOTICE.OF CONTINUANCE (RCW) 84.33 or RCW 84.34) If the new owner(s) of land that is classified or designated as current use or forest and wish(es) to continue the classification or designation of such land, the new owner(s) must sign below: if the new owner(s) do(es) not.desire to continue such classification or designation, all compensating or additional tax calculated pursuant to RCW,84.33.120 and 140 or RCW 84.34. 1,08 shall be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of'sale. The-'county assessor must determine if the land transferred qualifies 'to'continue classification or designation and must so indicate below. Signatures do not necessarily.meah the land will remain in classification or designation. If it no longer'qualifies, it'will be removed and the compensating taxes will be applied. All new owners must sign. This land ❑ does ❑ does not qualify for continuance. DEPUTY ASSESSOR DATE (3) NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE (Chapter 84.26 RCW) If the new owner(s) of, property with special valuation as, historic property wish(s) to continue this special valuation the new owner(s) must sign below.Jf the new owner(s) do(es) not' desire to continue such special valuation, all addi- tional tax calculated pursuant to Chapter 84.26 RCW, shall be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale. (3) OWNER(S) SIGNATURE O The following optional questions are requested-by-RCW 82.415.1210 . Is property at the time of sale: YES' NO a. Subject toelderly, disability, or physical improvement 1 ❑ 2 0 ' exemption.. b. Does building, if any, have a heat 'pump or solar 1 ❑ 2 ❑ heating or cooling system? e.. Does this conveyance divide a current°parcel of land? 1 ❑ 211 d. Does sale include current crop or merchantable ; ❑ 2 ❑ timber? 0, Description of personal property if included in sale (furniture, ap- pliances, etc.) NA If exemption claimed, explain k ICIPAL COM?0RATT,C. N Type of Document Date of Document ' ~f~ y • f ~~~`<•"~'~==''i Gross. Sale: Price 1 / $ ' A'r;1 6", co ' Personal Property (deduct) 2/ $ Taxable Sale Price $ Excise Tax: State $ Local 3/ $ Delinquent Interest: 4 /State $ Local $ Delinquent Penalty: 4,/State $ Total Due $ (SEE 1-5 ON REVERSE SIDE) AFFIDAVIT O. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT (see. #5on reverse for penalties). SIGNATURE at. Mi" ~y~!sta`~' s, x . NAME (print) 4 1A mi Pi`` ~f 10 6.:,r' /A DATE &,PLACE OF SIGNING: 7 Az6;r/ A V" SPECIFY (circle): grantor/grantee/grantor's agent/, grantee's agent Address, of residence or place of busines2of person signing (specify): 25 W PSI STMEr AUBURN, €A ; 98001-4998 ~I e. Does conveyance involve a trade, partial interest, corporate affiliates, related parties, YES NO 1 ❑ 2 ❑ trust, receivership or an estate? I, Is the grantee acting as a nominee for a third 1 El 2 1:1 party?. g. Principal use: . 1 ❑ agricultural 2 ❑ condominium 3 ❑ recreational 4' ❑ apt (4+ units) 5 ❑ industrial 60 residential 7 ❑ commercial 8 ❑ mobile home 9 ❑ timber FOR TREASURER'S USE ONLY FORM REV 84-0001 3m (7/88) -1155- - TAXPAYER U/ GROSS SALE PRQCE "Selling Price" shall mean consideration, including money or anything of value, paid or delivered or contracted to be paid or delivered in return for the transfer of the real property or estate or interest in real property, and shall include the amount of any lien, mortgage, contract indebtedness, or other incumbrance, either given to secure the purchase price, or any part thereof, or remaining unpaid on such property at the time of sale (WAC 458-61-030(13)). When consideration is other than money and the transfer is taxable, market value is to be reported. 2/ PERSONAL PROPERTY The transfer of personal property is subject to the use tax and is the liability of the grantee.. Use separate form for mobile home. 3/ LOCAL REAL ESTATE [EXCOSE STAN Cities and/or counties are authorized to adopt by ordinance an additional real estate excise-tax to be collected and distributed by the county treasurer (CHAPTER 82.46 RCM!). 4/ DIE6.MUEM7 OM7 ER EST A PENALTY - EVASiOM PENALTY If the tax due is not paid within 30 days from the time of sale, interest of 1% per month shall be charged from the sale date until date of payment. If the payment of any tax is not received by the county treasurer within thirty days of the date due, there shall be assessed a penalty of five percent of the amount of the tax; if the tax is not received within sixty days of the date due, there shall be assessed a total penalty of ten percent of the amount of the tax; and if the tax is not received within ninety days of the date due, there shall be assessed a total penalty of twenty percent of the amount of the tax. Nonpayment or underpayment resulting from intent to evade the tax is subject to 50% penalty (Chapter 82.45 RCW!). Each of these items, interest and/or penalty, is to be computed tvRhout a compounding eifec4, that is, each is to be based solely upon the tax owing. 5/ PERJURY Perjury is a class C felony which is punishable by imprisonment in a state correctional institution for a maximum term of not more than five years, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both such imprisonment and fine (RCW/ 9A.20.020 (1C)). The tax paid by this document is subject to audit by the Department of Revenue under RCW/ 82.45.150. RCM! 82.45.080 specifies that this tax is the obligation of the seller and remedies for its enforcement are specified in Chapter 82.32 RCW. RCW/ 82.45.080 states that such tax and penalities... "shall be a specific lien upon each piece of real property sold from the time of sale until the tax shall have been paid, which lien may be enforced in the manner prescribed for the foreclosure of mortgages". TAN OBO.0 A710M FOR FOREST LAND CLASSOMQYMM OR DIESOCMATT00M, CURRENT USE (OPEN SPACE) COASSO(EOCA71 OH, PROPERTY [EXEMPT FROM 7AXA700M OR FOREST LAND iLOABE . T Y (RCW 84.33.120 and 84.33.140) Upon withdrawal or removal of this land from classification or designation a compensating tax shall be imposed which shall be equal to: 1. The difference between the amount of tax last levied on such land as forest land and an amount equal to the new assessed valuation of such land multiplied by the millage rate of the last levy extended against such land, multiplied by 2. A number, in no event greater than ten, equal to the number of years for which such land was classified or designated as forest land. Reforestation or conversion requirements should be consulted according to Chapter 76.09 RCW. CURRENT USE 4.0c@B, LOTY (RCV 84.34.108) Upon withdrawal or removal of this land from classification, an additional tax shall be imposed in the following manner. 1. Land under classification for a minimum of ten years shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the tax computed on the basis of "current use" and the tax computed on the basis of true and fair value plus interest at the same statutory rate charged on property taxes. The additional tax and interest shall be paid for the seven years last past. 2. Land withdrawn because of a change to a nonconforming use or land withdrawn prior to the minimum ten- year period or failure to comply to two-year notice of withdrawal shall be liable to pay the additional tax as in 1. above plus a penalty of 20% of the additional tax and interest. The additional tax, interest and penalty shall be paid for the past seven years. PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM 7ANA700H (RCW 84.36.890 and 84.36.262) Sale of exempt property may cause taxes and interest to be assessed for up to last ten years, depending on type and life of exemption. SP'fc AL VALUATM AS HOST'ORIC PROPERTY L. ABOO_01TY (Chaptev 84.26 RCW) Whenever property classifed and valued as eligible historic property is removed or disqualifies for the valuation, an additional tax shall become due and payable which is equal to (a) the actual costs of the substantial improvement multiplied by the levy rate in each year the property was subject to special valuation: plus (b) interest on the amounts of the additional tax at the statutory rate charged on delinquent property taxes from the dates on which the additional tax could have been paid without penalty if the property had not been valued as historic property; plus a penalty equal to twelve percent of the amount determined in (a) and (b). FORM REV 84 0001 (7/88) (BACK) OX-85 3