HomeMy WebLinkAbout6132119 QUIT CLAIM DEED 012567CD CC } q VOL 410CS5 PAGE 5j CJ A M C R V c. T l._ 19 ti¢ v , THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE. r n RE ..488$ . --r VOL CORDED m •-Needs L&_ I ' i Filed for Record at Request of 25 PM 40 r Sm the Ci t Attar D. _ Name. .....Rob... ert tL Y. Y e _ Yw .N. W. C1- 20 "A" Address .Street. • (.I City andState_.Auburn, Wash.-98002 T-A .D 0 M C) Q r- w to cat s -d --a Quit Claim Deed THE GRANTOR JOSEPH '6 and IRENE DEPIETRO, his wife AND ARTHUR R. ANDERSON and BARBARA ANDERSON, his wife for and in consideration of One and no/100 Dollars conveys and quit claims to City of Auburn, a municipal corporation Form 468-1-Rov. the following described real estate, situated in the County of King State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: FOR STREET PURPOSES Joseph DePietro and Irene DePietro, his wife AND Arthur R. Anderson and Barbara Anderson, his wife FOR STREET PURPOSES The North 30 feet of the following described property: The East 134.61 feet of the North 220 feet of the East 335.25 feet of the West 801,35 feet of the North 509.25-feet of Government Lot 8, Uct-!o.n 18 Township 21 North, Range 5 E.W.M. Dated this 27th day of ember , 1966 STATE OF WASHINGTON, u a, LL c k,t..tc~•c 98. County of King -,a,..-- On this day personally appeared before me Joseph DePi etro and I rene DePi etro, his wi fe AND Arthur R. Anderson and Barbara Anderson, his wife. to d4vnI N ~ e ffiq individual s described i n and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and a~le that trkey signed the same as their free and voluntarv act and deed, for the tt$ek- pdrp e9 reieiri: mentioned. er m} ha: and official seal this r~ ' . -1") 3-' day of 10 1 ~r 1966 Notary Pubdie and for the State of Washington, residing at J S ~ J I, ° ~V AC , " ° ` J 11 tltin joitiou` of the hereinafter dosoribed ars: garoe2s'-of land, contained vi bin rip oZ la si~tq. _(60) feet in wilth, raving rtY it, of sxjcb 'Ridth. on each aide of the 10. *0 bad 0800 line,to-wit ib#ingg^`A m ;;mint on the City Limits i q''~tlf of -`Atibt£s, at 1350`, feet, more or lgoe, Qo S_ 4,ad 650 ft, more or 1989; So, of the N. t - - a3 > anon= a3 Toan`BFip"2i; -Xorth°Ftanga E aat- - - 4td,poiatt Zing, the .NA. corner of tbei S. of tie N.E. of said-0 eotio e; t ence ;w ttmg~tii~g 1. 0*501 ietanoe of 100.61 ft; thence •..ftrse to the left with a radius of 955.37 ft, a rY`" ~i+rnaa of. 662.21 ft; thenoe !d. 40°3411. a distance °ot 2561.06 ft; thence on a curve to the right vA a ftAtue of 513. 11, ft. a distanoe of 395.53. ft. to a V61;t on. the. Ont~Thomae Road No. 924a to 2500 ft. -ftre or sey, V. of-and-660-ft. more _or less, west tom. i Co r, of_..Seotion T; Township 21 North " ftid separate lots, tracts and paroele;• of land. above t ~NSaotio~ed, be ng -described ae f ollows, to-wit : NVe 8y G, - that part of Govt. Lot 15,~8ect ion 7,~~ I . to,imimip 21 North, Ran3e 5 E v M lying Zaet.of_.Oounty Road as established by .Cause, .No': 65322,, except 8iiperior Court ~z the west 217.8: feet of. the North 40 feet thereof; That part of the south 160 feet of the leas test 701.25 feet of the William Brannan s r b.• C. No. 37: lying Eac3t of County Road as established by Superior Court-Cause No. g5322► except the,rest 217.5 foet thereof, the portions of such tracts so condemned sn4 appropriated containing 0.15 acre, - - -~taynanB-Dike n,- ana Ane Doe Owners Dikemru, is wife, , Lartln UoDonnell, Mortgngee; 9 ~ ling County Claimant for Taxes.