HomeMy WebLinkAbout7708250767 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED 082577=1 'V *TITLE I ~ is CD Ce2 a-3 CD r-- 4 • SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON 11051 SECOND AV E Nu E SEAT TI•E. WASHINGTON 90101 MAIN 3 •OE1 Y0 4', THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE,, ( Filed for Record at Request of s IrrC.i 1j In a v C3 NAME CITY OF AUBURN U-) 0 tv Ot 425 E. MAIN STREET to G ADDRESS P.O. BOX 989 am tvu cc CITY AND STATE AUBURN, WA 98002 r- co STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED ca 0 THE GRANTOR MYRON S. JARED AND, JANICE DUFRESNE, In GILL CENTIOLI AND ALMA CENTIOLI ~a r~ for and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONS in hand paid, conveys and warrants to THE CITY OF AUBURN as Grantee, the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING State of Washington: FOR STREET PURPOSES The south 5.00 feet of the fol. desc. parcel of land: The West 21.00 feet of lot #6 and all of Lot #7 in B1k "B" of Arthur C. Ballard's Condict Add. to the City of Auburn, as per plat rec. in Vol. 19 of Plats, on Page 88, records of King County, Washington sit in the City of Auburn, County of King, State of Washington. SOS. 46 S. F. ,T35 EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED ing Co. Records Division By.. _ _ [*Pjjty tt, this 111, 3 tx, 0.01 AC day of `7 /9 2 (SEAL) (SEAL) W STATE OF WASHINGTON r) SS. County of Jl On this 3 day of, / before me, the undersigned.,- a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me known to be the indivi ail ° described in and who execute the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he sighed and sealed•'this.said instrument as 3 free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes thecgin ine honed " GIVEN under my haled and;crificilak seal this day o tary Public in ;id for Abe 'State of Washington, residing at ~~""'G TL-1 3/67 Record and return too City of Auburn 20 "A" Street N.W. Auburn, Washington 98002 .14 7 I)atcd this clay of r I (S E A L-) STATF: OF 4Mt SH-1• GITON . ° 7^u~tr nL s ti . CV c,>unty of CO Ott this day of before me, the undersigned, :L Notary Public in and for file State of ~1, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to rile k own to 17e the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that -he signed and sealed this said instrument as free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purrxisb'srth,erein mentioned GIVEN under tflv.liand and official seal this day of f ,'Votary F'uolic 111 artl Lor the State residing at G~ cc.C 1~ l I C+ Ci _ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 1&.,,,,j78 t ` 1 + Dated this day of (S EAV) STATF: OF WASHINGTON ) f i County of 1 ,..it (Ni this day of Cef)re me, the. undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the. State of Washington, duly commissioned and scaorn, pers,L)i lvc?appe3r,d to me known to be the individual described in and who exeZtL-d the foregoing instrument, and achnvwledged io me that he signed and this sail instrument as tree and voluntary act a:n4-AieldrAjthe- uses and purpuses therein mentioned GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of c _ tit t pl,,r: gtoii;''$ "fAtt;,+t '1~1 "St Notary f'rrhlic in ar,tl jrir the hate o Waslrt►r re.sidirl at .°t. i i; W. for Record at Request of Record aad return to:,, City of Auburd p !'A" Street NO. Auburn, Washington 98002 r '