HomeMy WebLinkAbout1370949 DEED 110419Sto to of Washington, Ss. county of King. on this 4th day of November,A.D.1919,before me personally appeared Bernice Hart Smith, to me knowzl to be the President, and. Tillie Starr Taylor, to rae known to be the Secretary, respectively, of David Hart , Inc., the corporation that executed the within and foregoiiL, instrument, axed acknoivl,~dged the said instr,aient to be the free and voluntary act and. deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein raentioned,and on oath each stated that sr.e vras: authori2.ad to execute said instrunent, and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set rrLV hand and affixed my official seal th axid year i 9t ovo written. Notary Public in acidfor-the S to of Washin6ton, residing at Auburn in said St te. ~►r +do& ap w. r THE GRANTOR, RkAr%A =~-r _ ~ for and in consideration of the grading by the City of Auburn of the east 138.69 feet and the west 40 feet of the within described tract of land to the established grade of the said City of Auburn, conveysand warrantsto the said City of Auburn, the grantee, the following desc~` r7 d real est4te in Government Lot04~ , section 19, T 21 N, R5 E of the W.M., particularly described follows; Beginning at the SE corner of said Lot thence S 84%0 31+ 071, W along the S line of said Lot a distance of 438.83 feet to the SE corner of Harts First Add to the City of Auburn; thence N 22Q',141 2011 W a distance of 32.13 feet to the SE corner of loth, block six of said Hart's First Add; thence N 8901311 071+ E parallel with and 30 feet distant at right angles front the S line of Said Government Lota distance of 451.07 feet to the east line of said Lot thence S 00 541 3811 E a distance of 30.03 feet to the place of ~1eF~iiulii7 , all in the County of :King, State of V1 Washington, to be used for street purposes. Signe nce of :Dated NOV 4 1919 .D .191 9 4 ~~J2 a w IT STATE OF WASH11TGTON as. Tai IS TO CERTIFY that on t:iis day of A D .1'19 before me a Notary ublic in ana for the State of Wasrning p, auly cor!iinis i oned and swo n, -oe r s o n, ly came ~TdG~lTv 1'U t3 ''rii II~~LIV1~Ui.LS Li SCt3I13.L 1'1 t~i;1; WHO i1iLCU~i+'i) THE, ' - within instrument , ana acknowledged to Ila . they signed ana sealea the sa,;ie as their free ana voluntary ct ana ae for the uses and purposes there-in identi oned. WIT.:~SS W nana ana spa 1 the ana year in thi certificate first above written. Notary Public in and z or the S 'ate of Washing residing at Auburn. 0 1. AWV 1 be~~En ~ M'. . a w,1~i9 F fill for Rocord atrequest of •r' t~l AT ..MIN, PASTF_X:M. AND RE RDED IN VOL.._ JoJLp s ,,.,__PAGE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASH, NORMAN M. w DALL Qogm Qudikr J{ Q, Deputy o0 ° a ( Uf o ~ ~yN