HomeMy WebLinkAbout5538488 QUIT CLAIM DEED 013163Vot-43 10 roai9t_`Z~ 1 W - t c CV c138 UGEIF 6 1. jul B 4370 - DEEDS 31 P„. 2 GPI l.-t 1 flvt'',.-,, I i11,:,lit CR }.11 Y 4- Norm 469-C-RLW- F Quit Claim Deed (CORPORATE FORM) 1 , r[rr: c;lin r~l: CORPORATION OF THE CATHOLIC t'1 MIR 1S,N01"' OF EA'n-t_E for and in consideration of One and no/.1.00s dol I ar ~ cunN-cys and quit claims to CITY OF AUBURN? ,a mtn't i c i pa I Corporation the following described real estate, sil ialcd in the County of K I NG State of N ashington: FOR S TR EFT I'll R PPS CS The Southerly. 15 feet of the following described property: 5E of the NW-A4 0 e'ct'ilo9, Township 21 N, Range. That portion of the , 5 E.W.M. 1 y i nq Southwesterly of ca line beg. on the W I i ne. of said sub- hh* division at a point 540 feet. S of the NW corner thereof and running i.... Th S 46002'50" E 1108.30 ft to a point on the S title. of said.subdivisio distant .538 ft westerly of the SE cornrsr thereof EnCEPT that Dort i oll thereof l y i nf-3 Easterly of .a I i ne beginning on the northeasterly I i ne of the above described property at a point N 46002'50" W 155«65 ft from the most easterly corner thereof' and runn inn th S 0o23'45" W 108.76 ft to the S I ine of the above described property, and That portion of the SE of N!'! of Section 19, T 21 N, R .5 E.W.M. described as follows: Be9 . at the SE corner of said subdivision; th S 89017'.50" W along the S i ne of sa i d su d i v i s ion 650.c81 Ft; t:h N Oo23 '45" E 108.76 Ft to the ~4 P.O.B., th N 4XV 50" W 158.81 ft, tit N 890'37' 50" E 115.10 ft, th S P 0023'45" W 110.97 ft to the point of beta i nn i ng. I I .'A•!TNI:Sfi 11'1'3ERF.01', said corporation has caused this instrument to be execiacd by ;t Proper oflwers and its corporate seal to lie hereunto afiixcd this l oth day of January ].9 b3 G r. CORP0RAT-1PNI'-.JF--. TR ---UTNOL.I C C.HG.1SK0P_...0.F..SEAT'f'LE i,.! c~l~+' •;t.1 n • ' l / fry .........t-`'...!>.tC.il U15}...P....., e n 1 ,STA'rf? OF WASHINGTON. ,s. County of K I NG On this 10th da~• of January , 19 63 before me, the tindersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly cunm)issioned and sworn, personally appeared 'Chornas A. C~;of no11y and r1t•ch75ts~to to n1e I:ilYittin.io.lie the f err rt''rt~ ~irf S4tvK~ti 2; i lti; W~`~f COi2POf:aT ION OF THE C TIIOL•AI:C11131S1-1Oi) OF SEATTLE , a Corporation Sole t.hi 'cerl+nrafiojl.that e:uccuted the forcgoinl, instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and ~IblLill tjry .tct- s'id, deed of said corpor;ltion, fur the uses and porltoses therein mentioned. and on oath suttrd that. The%-iyere' r',; authorized to eseCllte the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said :'WitAes-*v. hand and official seal hereto affi%ed the day and year first above v.,ritten. V7 ` /f .4--9•~•C~1......~..._.. `'V...J..:-~- Notary Public in and for 1h(: State of lf'ashj jgton, P_0 6 residing at Auburn tt ~ j, ~ I r o t VOL43'70 A w w A~ caw UJ r~+ as 99 1 Ln C.) o try H u `r r«••t wE264 ~ O Co t~G co VOL. DEEDS_ W JAN 31 Pty 2 04 S- G ~J o a /y Kf)f3ER:f Y "IS. EPUTY Form 488-C-Rev. Quit Claim Deed (CORPORATE FORM) THE GRANTOR CORPORATION OF THE CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF SEATTLE for and in consideration of One and no/100s dollar conveys and quit claims to CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING State of Washington: FOR STREET PURPOSES: The Southerl•,y, 15 feet of the following described property: That portion of the SE-1 4 of the NW4 ofd$0 c Townsh ip 21 N, Range 5 E.W.M. lying Southwesterly of a line beg. on the W line of said sub- division at a point 540 felt. S of the NW corner thereof and running Th S 46002'50" E 1108.30 ft to a point on the S line of said subdivision distant 538 ft westerly of the-SE corner thereof-EXCEPT that portion thereof lying Easterly of a line beginning on the northeasterly line of the above described property at a point N 46002'50" W 155.65 ft from the most easterly corner thereof and running th S 0023'45" W 108.76 ft to the S line of the above described property, and That portion of the SE4 of NW4 of Section 19, T 21 N, R 5 E.W.M. described as follows: Beg. at the SE corner of said subdivision; th S 89037'50" W along the S line of said subdivision 650.81 ft; th N 0023'45" E 108.76 ft to the P.O.B.., th N 46 02'50" W 158.81 ft, th N 89037'50" E 115.10 ft, th S 0023'45" W 110.97 ft to the point of beginning. jNj7AI' DZ ESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and it, ooPribf&4erq~A.to be hereunto affixed this 10th day of anuary , 19 63 0 P.4 ° t: , CORPORAT.1. ...Of--.T _CATHOL.I CH>31SHQP...O.E..-SEATTLE 1 . ' A!t ~ Qom,„` 0 ' - ,a gy Its Archbishop P: d(. ~400000pa By_ - STATE. OF _tiVASH1NGTON, , > SS. County of K I NG On this 10th day of January 19 63 before me, the undersigned, a Notary„Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared .Thomas q o noll and r A^~ chSi is no ~X ,~~►e• o~ io;be the f CORPORATION OF THE Gs IO'LU--%ARCHB ISHOP OF SEATTLE , a Corporation Sole _t. Lem 7orat t .executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and . yufir'y'ieed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ThOy'et! yy,a` t-orized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said Witriessnd and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notar Public in and or the State o Washington, residing at Auburn u FILED for cord at Request of s $MYTWF jigmeELL I OTT, SCNNC IQ LE 17 West Main Address, A!jbv r ~1.,_-.''4AU.no.t Qn::: :