HomeMy WebLinkAbout5522263 QUIT CLAIM DEED 122062t-r•,~~~~T .ti Filed for Record at Request of ,.""-''Yt l;~•.CL \hSlKVI.I) I*Ok AICOMI.WS USCG I n:- 4 i 4015 Deods i CIS ~ 2Q L-LUOTT, SCHNEIDER & SMYTHE Address 17..Y1(EST_. M1Ulr....................................... AUd BRIT, WASH. s City and State ~ - Quit Claim Deed r;,,,,, nsr,-I•kov. TlIE: GItANTOR LAWRENCE E. VAN W I N KLE and PAUL I NF V. VAN W I N KLE, 11 is 1,1 1 Fe for and in ronsidc:ration of One and no/100s Dollar conveys and quit claims to CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation the following descrihcd real cstatc, situated in the C)nnty of KING State of Washinrtort, to;etht.r with all after acquired till, of the ;grantor(s) therein: FOR STREET PURPOSES: The Souther) 15 feet of the fol Iowin(.) described property: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Government Lot 2, e4 io_u~;~ , Township 21 north, 'Zange 7 E.W. NI. thence- north aIon(i th c. ine. of said Lot 2 583.5 feet; thence west par-al lel wit), the south line of said government Iot 2, 222Y.13 feet; thence south parallel witit the east line of Boyd's First Addition to the City of Auburn according to plat recorded in Vo l umn 21, page 14, records of said county a distance of 583.5 feet to the South I ine of said government lot 2; thence east alone-) said south line 224.13 feet to the southeast corner of said government lot 2 and the point of beginning. Less: the South 'I S feet for St,rec:t. Dated this SuVerrt:,h day of JC rrber 196 2. t 641 STATE: OF W,\S11INGTO. . r ss. Count, of K I NG ) O^ 4.tW-da), )ersnn:tllc' If,lwatcd before me 1,;' ' ~ LAWRENCE E. VAN W 1NKLf` and PAUL INE V. WINI: LE, his wife, mr, ltuo»tn~ fn.; L4: he irlrli~ irllt:llg derv crilwd in and %dw. execut,•tl tLc within and forrstt)ing in=trtttt)i'nt. and ~ckrh(}u`3't eitl tl sir they ~miallcd ihr: s:une as the i t free and \oluntarc act and teed. for the °..yres ,gn~l~~tt~.)~;~ns-tltrrt•in nr,•ntir)nrtl. . C' 'y. C'~lVdhl air{fir ntc hand ;rt,l „ffiri:rl ..;11 tltis--=`{-:.,~ (lay of Uc'.!~:rij C_x' 1962 .......•.if !laloe r- in arul for the State of TF'ashrngtott, resttlingat Auburn VAN 4 4. 552 263. E 22, 0 L Filed for Record at Request of THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE, ' t L I ----V L ' L ' I ' I ' 1 I , L , Ri:CORDE0 ' ' I VOL..._. 4356 Det3ds L reel:-_~4. -.rt'ci)UEsT.... OF L ; I 9n,~ DCC 20 PP4 2 2 , Name ELLIOTT, SCHNEIDER & SMYTHE r'•'_i' Address .....................................XZ..YVEST.AAAIIII.►................................. AUBURN, WASH. I City and State ' Form 468-1-Rev. Quit Claim Deed THE GRANTOR LAWRENCE E. VAN W I N KLE and PAUL I NE V. VAN W I N KLE, h i s w i fe for and in consideration of One and no/100s Dollar conveys and quit claims to CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation State of Washington, the following described r6al estate, situated in the County of KING together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: FOR STREET PURPOSES: The Southerly 15 feet of the following described property: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Government Lot 2, Section 19, Township 21 north, Range 5 E.W.M. thence.-.north along the east line of said Lot 2 583.5 feet; thence west parallel with the south 1 ine of said government lot-2, 224.13 feet; thence south parallel with the east line of Boyd's First Addition to the City of Auburn according to plat recorded in Volumn 21, page 14, records of said county a distance of 583.5 feet to the South line of said government lot 2; thence east along said south line 224.13 feet to the southeast corner of said government lot 2 and the point of beginning. Less the South 15 feet for Street. seventh day oZD tuber 196 2. Dated this ~ ~t - STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. Countxj69Ajr j l NG:, VAN WINKLE and PAU L I NE V. VAN 4Q~~ l j~rr,}•a~ p+ sonally appeared before me LAWRENCE E. 4„ ~ti;~;P r~ WINKLE , his wife, described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, an he individuals' +IdCnow."t' s3 ~ free and voluntary act and deed, for the • _ rnae ~ thiu19 1:hey signed the same as the i r t..v-. __c3 1~ ~1~a+da-r rem mentioned. :ss~, 7 '•44Pk .;frr. ' 7th f .iv hand and official seal this-2; day of neC~m er 1962 I Y . lie in and for the State o Wdshington,, Notar r res:ng t Auburn' "J,w:. ,:p.~r.aM j::~~ \fat,Fitfi'~":w:.rb'w..~~:..ra~rc`u~ij-!~'k`.~'w'l7~'~r ~z!`+^t;+,~ 1r,a .;~y;~. `1~lis,}° +r~t'~~4,1} :'f"1~~~..~►S.rl-•1►"s~L9tc~~1' ~O N C`J n VOL4356 gat A 4 552 263 Filed for Record at Request of Name ELLIOTT, SCHNEIDER & SMYTHE Address..._ Z.MEST.111AIN.,'li&........ AUBURN, WASH. City and State------ Quit Claim Deed Form 468.1-Rev. THE GRANTOR LAWRENCE E. VAN WINKLE and PAULINE V. VAN WINKLE, his wife for and i n consideration of One and no/100s D o l l a r conveys and quit claims to CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: FOR STREET PURPOSES: The Souther-l y - 15 feet of the fo I I ow i ng described property: Beg inn i ng at the Southeast corner of Government Lot 2,<~ 4biWM Township 21 north, Range 5 E.W.M. thence-north along the east I i'ne of said Lot 2 583.5 feet; thence west parallel with the south line of said government lot 2, 224613 feet; thence south parallel with the east line of Boyd's First Addition to the City of Auburn according to plat recorded in Vo l umn 21, page 14, records of said county a distance of 583.5 feet to the South line of said government lot 2; thence east along said south line 224.13 feet to the southeast corner of said government lot 2 and the point of beginning. Less the South 15 feet for Street. Dated this seventh day of D mbar 196 2. ! . STATE OF WASHINGTON, sq. Count f KING 4R yk'";personally appeared before me LAWRENCE E. VAN WINKLE and PAULINE V. VAN b`'y`^u:`~ WINKLE, his wife, .4eahe individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and a they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the Mr f T r. r41~', ~s s~tlrerein mentioned. ' . • h 7 '%0..f4x;•my hand and official seal this day of Dec. m er 1962 ~r.V'1T ` -r Nota7lp-i lie in and for the State o/ Washington, res;dIng t Auburn ; 31 ?A, HIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE, r , RECOROEp VOL ' 4356 Deeds PAGE.-6,1 'REQ!lEST-p ; 19{'' DEC 20 PM 2 2 RO3 i !f r1 . + jop". ,1 ;~l yl +f; Sid, r CUF SV~ DEC ~31 1962 ELL10~ &~DER s