HomeMy WebLinkAbout1552128 QUIT CLAIM DEED 080421~ P (Srantnr.ks APOaeo, Marine3al and_.Qone..j... rlni ~jj ~.11~.a..~:itiagAnY t aEo.N l t.:_ :°~.~x°$ 9e~son~h L ~a°...-.........- For the consideration-of 4210...., Q ~?4....rT?.. k r,,,..4nd ..f Qz..9 d~$lr°~-- tionsa----------- - - 'r Gonvcy. and quit-claim.-°_ to..... Mia--01:ty...of..,Allbuim.3,A--.city. ...af.-.:the.--tl]ird...C7:ass.. situaf ad...in,.King..fcSrE mty,.i.S1._. the...state ..of_.IN~ all interest iai the • following described Real Estate:.--_--.___--------.-_..-----------.---------.-e-.•---•--------..----•.--------- g-- ~s Lt..feet ..AY...the_.sAUth.. ? ...fe~t...of... feet of Government Lot 12, in Section 1,8g TOM18hIp 21 north o~ ~'i7"'W"4-+WCO.9._.w.._..w.__rw.._rw.._m...+w~__-ew...aw...~w...wa_.so...n~...~w..wo...sw_._aw..aw..sw yea and 7M ifi est 15,3 fe®t---O-f--tre --east...330 .feet.._Bf tYl® BDUth 26 ~ee,t.. of the north 2 Se J-46hW5 feet of Government 10t..12p 1n Section M1 , wnship 2l north aast Vo;fta- - - - - - - - S i tuat ed in the County of King, in the State of Washington; : It being expressly understood, covenanted and agreed. -that the two---8t r4p~-~b~'-~ l~tift~3~~srein...comreyed---are--tn---be-•n~s-e-d--- f~..t1~e..pux~;.. Pose of public streets and for no other _purp©a",, Ghat___the..akOve 3~foot strip oi` Mari s riereby conveyed for the purpose of Widen-, ---------.d...that. tra,~ above described `15:04 strip of 1-and is hereby conveyed for the I1~ J1 ply e---of--•widening -..L.-Streat ---sea--9,.,(-f or-1~.Le2^1;y-- Imem arB •-$hi' 1' me)*- - - - _ - - - - - - _ - - t......_......-- - - ............._......../rd I~NA~C lflr ~1hB { 9NIN6fr'°T.--------^----_-------------------^-.-.. e~ ~4811at~t21i. Dated this........ 4th--------- -------------------------------day of-----------41L guat.------------•-------- , 19 a- 11 ITNES B steer. c. _ ! NUAL . 11/ r~ ~9fMTP Df ~IIIS~tII~#IItt . (Ovatng of....----. IME& I, ......_...~.d$q ieKer-bocker a Notary Publiciio hereby certify that- on thds............... Uh--- daJ..of........... AUg"t............................... 19.21-., personally appeared before me h {ueEa.N!:!x;@Qxb._. e} .._1JT~].80x1,h1 .__Y6i~f to me known to be the individual.-9 described in, and who executed the -within instrument, and acknowl• edged that. th-ey............ signed and sealed the same as...... 11ejX....... -fi•ee and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein'mentioned. .Given under my hand and official seal this......... n day _ s t o Au ~ of - A. D. 19.... 10 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at.....AUb]urn..In•..Ba Cd.. ZtatOe... ' Lowman h Hanford Oo.. Seattle. Form No. BB"UIT•CLAIM DEED-STATUTORY FORM. P4 -j 17, - 11.50 %G ~ Wo ;y 10 - o c ° ~ , ~u< 542 yti ~ a- iv b i ptD p"3 O Una 0 C~L a R Grants e ZZ) pds!es M. CO I i i Y"! 17, _..v--_--~. .._.-....,s..r+.+.>:..~.~..-n.-~.y ..,.»-~-rr~-•-~.^Y'+Ss,T-•~a,.--=~=--•Y.•RC•.:..c:-..~-..r~+?~c-~_.....- .~-'r.-._~-..i-.. 71 77 ^ - ~H w J ...1 ti ~ 7 d j r / _ - y°.--....sc--• sx•,fi: 'a.'a'r"'.;f~{3•~ :+,_b^~t~-='•~.:.s ~~-z•--°--+-^•~-s•-~ ar _ - _ . _..r ~-~a-. ~rw-sc _ . / r i i l _ .i. J . ..,,.......,..,.......'cre. y z':.:.,; 'S:. ~4A~ I dxq I~ °EZ6T6 ST s0.1T. no~ss~uoatop° 4 094V45 PTVs UT 14V 2UTPTsex "`ezOs -MUTN" ;o e4lez S qua ,X t TIT-,O ttltld SX 4OR K P~ ` ao ~t:p ST114 -mos DTI ao Pule' Ptm'q _ u '.zdPun uOt~TO °POIXOT4119M UT9aetT4 Seeodxnd.ptzu~.e®Btt• etz4 aoa6poep ptre 40v z~4untoa pu-e: 99j; xTou4 -'Bu etnes e114 PaT as pum . Pai, s• -Ra4 •PuLI14us 40UT- uUMA euz' Gb-4na®xe...otm•.pu'e. ~'su4 1~a~pet of o~ uT :pegTxos'ep s-1-VIP ATPUT 9114 .To oAa4., eq 04 U*OmT .OUI.. 04 a®axm.. ST-4 `PZtauTxvx.: T4:49uo~ P vat-w'~.. ooseousxA euz exoaeq re.xvedd-e S-Ttvu6s.tddg'[Z'6," ao svp. s 114 uo 4' t4 t g4:za6 °Sgeaag ot..a=0ja10 ''put, •Pauo'T raT;mo S-Zt~pR~4os "GUUTH ao 94m4s eu4' aoa Pus UT.,0T-LOIN_:.&m;.4,OkI-..`e.aPa - TSxepun eua.`I , a~ o S4unoc) eSS a1131.0,8e x ~0 "J.'C;s