HomeMy WebLinkAbout5648277 QUIT CLAIM DEED 100863VO14461 PA066 #IS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE, I RECORDED VOL....... 4461- DEEDS i PAGE 6 REQUEST OF Filed for Record at Request of 1%3 OCT $ PM 12 18 `D Robert M Smythe, City Attorne ' Name ,t...••-----•---•---•-•----•-------•-•Y---------....... p ROBERT A. 1',110;Rfi'1S AUDITOR f•C0U11 Y G Mh. ' 20 "A" Street N W ' Address (--e-ti. DEPUTY Auburn, Washington ' ..`.r~,~~' ' City and State Quit Claim Deed Form 468-1-Rev. THE GRANTORS, George McLaughlin and LaRae McLaughlin, his wife, for and in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable consideration conveys and quit claims to The City of Auburn the following described real estate, situated in the County of King.. State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: FOR STREET PURPOSES: Beginning at a point 30 feet east and 297 feet south of the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 30, Township 21 north, Range 5 east, W.M.;'thence east parallel with the north line of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of aforesaid section 30, 160 feet; thence north- easterly to a point 205 feet east and 282 feet south of aforesaid northwest cor- ner; thence east parallel with the north line of the aforesaid northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 30, 65.00 feet; thence south parallel with the west`-lirre---_ cf-a-fore-said-northeast- nuart~er= 60;00°=feet;-=thence .west-para3lel-7'with-- the- north line of the aforesaid northeast quarter, 65.00 feet; thence northwesterly to' ,a point 190 feet east and :34.7feet south of the northwest corner of the north- east quarter of the southeast quarter of aforesaid Section 30; thence west paral- lel°-wit# the north line of aforesaid northeast quarter, 160 feet; thence north 561.60-~feet to the point of beginning; Dated this nineteenth - _ day of September, 196 3. STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. County of KING On this day personally appeared before me George McLaughlin and LaRae McLaughlin osn70 ii3Q;;._ :o=` FEc,o 'tee S6T~a4°'e$c be the individual s described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and ..;they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the S ;therein mentioned. e my hand and official seal this 19th day of September , 196 3. Notar u lic in and fo the State of Washington, resi ine Auburn gAMF v y ~ a f O • ~SURANG~ Filed for Record 'at Request of NameRobert M. Smythe, City Attorney - 20 QA" Street N. W. Address Auburn Wash i n ton g.__.... 98002 and State ...................o THI I i , P 1 I , 1 , 1 ~ 1 ~ I I I 1 I 1 1 ~ 1 , 1 ~ I ~ 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 , I i 1 ' Quit Claim -Deed Form 468-1-Rev. THE GRANTOR Elmer R. Nearing and Claire L. Nearing, his wife for' and in consideration of one and no/lOoSrdollars. conveys and. quit, claims to City of Auburn the following 'described real estate, situated in the County of State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: King FOR STREET PURPOSES South 50 teet'of-'the North 155 feet of the foliowing described property; „Portion.6f the t%% of W" of E~ of NEA of SSA of 1 .ti.oia _)__.21 4 5 lying Nly of V3I (is Road 07th St. S. E.). Dated -this STATE OF WASHINGTON, ( ss. County of King J1 On this day personally appeared before me E l mer R., Near l ng and CI a ire L . Near i ng, his Wife to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowleged that • they, signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses " and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of L> 1?~6 6. 1 "L<l - . 4:~~ . . . . Notary ' ublic n and for the State oflPashington, -,----------V f- - i CE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE: ~ 1-9 residing at