HomeMy WebLinkAbout6669729 QUIT CLAIM DEED 070870.9 4 U3 PACE 28S y QUIT.CLAI•M:DEED The: 'Grantors, .:STEPHEN.:F. LONE and AGNES C. LONE;- his. wife, and. FRANK. X. LONE and FLORENCE K. LONE, his wife, for.and-'in consideration of,One•-and,No One Hundred Dollars. convey and quitclaim to the CITY OF AUBURN, 'a municipal corporation, 'the following described real estate;'situated:in the'County of King State of. Washington including any interest •therei n which Grantors- may hereafter;.acqu.i re FOR'STREET PURPOSES DESCR.I.PTION: The portiop-of '"Parc'ea A' io, be,';used`foght-of-way together with easements al ong'. si de. of- same. All that part :of the hereinafter' described "Parcel! A" ly.ing within the right-of-way' described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner:of the'Joseph:-Brannon D.L:C. No.. 38's tuated in -Section 7; Township 21 North, Range 5 East,.W.M.; thence 'North 00°39'38" East~_al;ong , the East boundary of said Brannon .D:L.C., 216.00 ft.; thence _So htu 89°29~'a17"~,East;,__Vv%t 35.00 feet.to a point on,the Westerly limits of Auburn' Way.North and the true point,of beginning of this-right-of-way description:.. Thence North 00°39'38 East along said.Westerly'•limits,o'f Auburn Way North 36:00 ft.;. thence North 89029'11". West parallel with the. South boundary,of the. Brannon D.:L.C.', 1925.37 ft.; thence along a curve to the right having a radius, of 1864.00 ft. and a. central angle:of 20°18'27", 660.66 ft.; thence North•69RIO '50" West, 37.29 ft. to a point on the West boundary of the Joseph Brannon D.L.C.•No. 38;,thence North 00°30'.13" West, along said West boundary., 100.24 ft.-; thence 'North' 69"1.0' 50West, 534.44 - ft.., thence .South._20°49'1:0" West, '.10.00. .,ft. ; thence . aa.ong._a .curve..ao the .1 eft haul ng a back tangent of North ; 69°10'.50 West,' a radius of 3020.00.'ft, , and a central angl a of 05°05 41", 268.54 ft.; thence.North 10°26'23 West; 254:1;1 ft.; thence South 84°53'.15" West, 787.96 ft .•to a point on the East.margin of "H St. N.W.;'thence-South 01°15'01" West, 49,89 ft'. along said ri_ght,-of-way; thence North 86024'59" West parallel with the East/ - East, W.M., 932:21 ft. to a :West centerline of CSection.,12,.,Township 21' North,. Range 51 point on 'the right-of-way of. the. proposed "Valley Freeway", SR 167; thence South 03°35' South. 86°24'59" East and 01" West-along said freeway right-of-way, 260.00 ft.'; thence parallel with said centerl'fne of said Section 12; 1135.49 ft.; thence North 03°35'01" East, 10.00 ft.; thence along a`curve to the right.having a back tangent of South 86° 24'59" East, a radius-of 2780.00 ft.; and a.central angle of.08011'*22", 397.36 ft. thence'South 18°15'24".East,-180.84 ft.;;thence South 76°45'30" East;-848.64 ft. to•a point on. the West margin of the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way; thence North 00'39'28" East 56.51: feet along: said right-of-way;, thence South 69°10'.50" East .107..89 ft.; thence South 75°.10'54" East, 23:39 ft. to'a point on the West boundary of said Joseph Brannon D.L.C. ft .'38; thence North 0°30'.13" East along.said West boundary 97.63 ft:; thence South 69°1'0'50" East, 10.63 ft.; thence along a,,curve to the left having-a radi.us.. of• 1936:00 ft. and a central 'angle of 20°18'-27'', 686..18•ft. ; .thence South 89°29' 17." East parallel with the. South line-of-said Brannon D.L:•C'..1925.19 ft::to a point on the Westerly. limits of•Auburn Way.North; thence North 0039'38 East along said Westerly limit.li_ne,. 36.00 ft: to the i•true, point. o.f beginni:ng of the: herein described. right-of-way. Parcel "A": The South•50 acres.. of the Joseph Brannon D.L.C. No. 38 i6 Secti_on__1,2, ;Town- ship 21 North, Range5 East, W.M., and No. 38 in Section 7, Township 21 North Range 51 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT'the.East 30 ft. condemned for road . purposes under King County Superior Court',Cause'No. 85322.; EXCEPT that.portion conveyed to the City-of Auburn for street purposes, under Auditor's File No'. 6310372. Page One VOL PACE Page Two , ' Together with 'an. easement-jor 'slopes and drainages' and public uti l iti es , said,easement described as follows: s. Beginning-at a point ' common to : the Westerly :1 i mi is of. Auburn Avenue and `the : Northerly limits of •the' above' descri bed ri ght'-of-way thence North 00'39'38" East ' along the Westerly Ti-mi is of` A:uborn Avenue :19.00.-ft: thence: North 89929' 17" :West and•'paral 1 el wi"th the above described; right-of-.way, '363.24 ft `thence `No.rth 00°30' 43" East, 5.00 . ft.; thence; North •89°'29' 17" West and paraTl.el with' the above"descri bed .riight-of-way' t 400.00 ft.;.thence North-00930'43"•'.East,',.5.00 ft.;'thence-North 89°29.'17" West and. pparallel *with the above: 'descr:ibed right of way.; 162..18. ft. thence'North 82°08'42" West 228.46 ft. ; thence -North :69°31.:' 36'.',.West,' 412.48.-ft. thence North; -69°10' 54'•'. West, 72.09 . r..► . ft. to. a;point' common to the North'er1y' line of the above described right-of-way: and .to 01. the West boundary 'of:.the.Jo;seph• Brannan D.L.C. No..•38; thence continuing along sai.d ` right-af-way' as follows; South: 00°30•''13" West, 100:24`ft. thence ;So.u.th 69°10'50 East;• 37.29 ft:-;,thence along-'a curve: to' the Teft havi riga 'ra'di us :of -1864.00 ft..'and a• central angle of 20`.18'27"• 660.:'66-,`ft: thence `South '89°29"17'' East, 1925.37 ft. 'to the point of begi nni ng.;,and, .Together with .an easement for slopes :and; drat n,ages', and: publ i c Ri Ti ti est,: sai d• easement described, as follows-.- ' Beginning . at a ' point common to the Westerly limits "of 'Auburn Avenue and to the Southerly :1imits`of, the above described right-of-way;. thence=•Southf4p0°39:38'"West along;the Westerly limits of Auburn -Avenue:, 19:00. ft'..; thence'...North 89929"17" West and parallel -with the above described right=of-way, 1362.96 ft. ; thence South 00930' 43". West,` 5:00 ft. ; thence North 89°29'17" West and`parallel with..'the` above. described' right-of=way, 400.00 ft: ; thence 'South 00°30'.43 West, 5:00 ft.; thence'. North 89-29 '~1'7~"-'West and parallel, with, the above described right-of-way 162.18:.ft.., `thence North 89°21•'56". West, 247.81 ,ft. thence, North 84°05' 48" West, 317:78 ft: thence North. '7501.0'54" West, 121'.44 ft. to a . poi n.t.. common to the Southerly line •'of ;'the above- des,c,ri,bed ri ght-of-way and. .to*. the., West boundary' of the. Joseph Brannon D. L . C. No 38; thence continuing along said • ri gFit-of.-way., as follows : North 00°30' 1'3" East, `97.63 ft. ; thence. South 69°10'`50" ' East, :10.,63 ft. ; thence a=Long a _curve ..to the .l eft -havi ng ; a .rad.i us, of . 2936.00 .ft.. ,and a central arigl e of 20°.1`827" , 686:.18 the. point of begi hni ng. ft.; thence South 89°29' 17" East, 1925.19. it to A DATED and SIGNED this day of 1970. •0 c t STEPNEN F, ON ES~ C. L'ONE' A MFR NKr X. ON . FLORENCE K. LONE S'TATE':OF.WASHINGTON) )SS Y County.' of King On this. day personally appeared ,before me STEPHEN •F. LONE••and1 AGNES- C.-LONE, his wife, and FRANK X. LONE and FLORENCE 'K. LONE:; :his wife, to me 'known to be the individuals des-. cribed'in and who executed the within and,'foregoing.instrument,,and acknowledged that they . signed the same as . their free.'and vol un.tary;.act and dcj~dfor 'the uses and purposes therein' mentioned: GIVEN: under my. hand and official seal'.this, day of Piled-for.tlec6 d IId. /O. Notary 'Public i n an f r e.. State of Washington, . Request, of residing -at Auburn. EDW. LOAN, R®corder , ' + .i4 ~r 'r;'t `•y"tr.s' r5" ~ •~•..t~ i1j, ,~~1'~Y~f ' r' )~•i~ ~ ti• !j'.7 ^ ..r.~ ' .F.ti~ .a-. •.r /Y.•' }.f*7~'•L '~r'~ t~'~-'• s . _ cil ~'.-,i`~ Zy .4 t'• i1.Yi, ~`F: C~Ck• 'j ;3 ^'t.," .ti .,:..7~: :1 r r ~ tr rr's:'1` J._ J' k W d" ~~~Zr4 {_L.•4 ,_r, S:{`SSS. 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IJ• tii"'.4 - ' ^ r` ` ~ • f 4 4 C ti G t L, . An i- a* 4°•-_r\~ t t('.e k..~+,% O '''s i - Col. ,01-.- +.Iwl ' ~ 'r; iJ~,'. ryi. ~y7.W'C'i7 ~.s t{ir. _ J sJ' )"t fir,-. -t. .,r.'':w ~-vyii .l, vij-.' s •SI• ~ ,u i ~ ;s "k _ 't ~51~ J: .1 •t: 4 I• _....;'''^+'i ic,. ,±1.1 .1•r,, i P,' ' F a•i F ' ~i i ' 4~ z r•' t ,I a,: i~ 1. t 1 1 ,4, i t... t. P .l . n _C h _ k,J r C Gf l i i x 711, 1 i i G a . On y _ fy r , - 1 . •0 _ r lot. 4p f..4 g, ' J : t:' r v + mt , i. "W". Cal : { +TC i ' 'l: i 5r Y u .f R fi.1l ttl~ ~r r'•~y. 'h •vS 'l. •Y tk AS, A S&(.. R'f rt ,}°.+C: k. ~•1 I _ / ro x I { r L a _ rr-. v.. 1 • TI • S 'r: } ~ t~ .y. , 1. u. t - :t " ~.7 ' til~.• ' .at::utt.dt.nnsl+i.M7?)y, ~ ~I:~'sr/~~CNxew~+~=_~..,,F.., v:,;u:.::::..nws_•(u,c:..,a,_nz..~.._....-_ s..:~-•_~ ~ ~ ~ /o~ v ~,1~' ~ jC~~, •:C ~ a ~ ex .int. ~ ~ ~7 f' ~ . _ _ ~ -