HomeMy WebLinkAbout4316612 SEWER EASEMENT 021853WDL3229 PHGE398 ;II:1 S , The :.'estern I.iaslLin ;ton Coxt~orat i on of Seventh Darr Adventitts, are the owners of Lot 1 Bloch, 1 Di.tzer's "addition to the City of `.ubum. 'ffl= AS there is now in operation a public seiner "C" St. S. El. and the undersigned desires to have a lateral sewer connected to said public sewer to serve -their property. 1'1UT r H-T- LET011 4 in consideration of the above premises, the undersigned hereby give and grant to the City of eaubuim a perpetual easement to ro upon tile North 10 ft. of Lot 1 Block 1 B.i.tzer Is Addition to the City of Auburn, in said City, for the purposes of ins,pecting the sewer connections on the above described property and to make any necessary repairs to said sewers and =nnec- tions, or o:.,dering the then owners of any portions of the above described property to l-ce necessary repairs. .+i ;,ashing on this 24th day of March s 1950 'rtu The Western WashinSton Corporation cf Seven . i ~p A. t!y By A*k ident SecretaV ~ 4,i~€~`ll~~++ 1--ton: SS tie . ~ ^ 1 .1 Oje persigned, a Notary Publ_-i:c in and for the State of :Tashington, duly ci~,e -d ~ or c~ci.d szrorn, hereby certify that on this City personally appeared 'before P id nt and L Alexander Secty-Treas. to 1m an /,yob ' . be the President and Secretary, respectfully, of the corporation that elf ) ,q e foregoing instrument, and ac rlowrledged that they signed and dealed the sa`1e as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes there- in :lontioned and the said officers of said Corporation's on oath stated that they are aut:-Iorized to e::ecute said instrument and that the seal official is the Corpor=- ate seal of the said Corporation. Given under i y hand and official sealkhis 24th day of March 1950 C) ivota Public in and fo rof ~-!ashington, residing at Auburn, ?rash. 431.6612 1~AS_,LI•1T TO TF E- CITE' 0:' AUM'_'J~! row for RecaJ~-J• is 5 3 a ~i :1111. Request of 'c.ac. 4. ROBERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor r La, C-i L~ ®pig cl, _ (LI y. GCL'~ i ~nil 4,3 RECORDED 3229. VOL ' OF Deeds PAGE ...39$._.. REO'•.;.FST OF 1953. FE6 16 PM 2 51 ROB . T A. NORhIS AUDITOR COUNT!', WASH. l.~' DEPUTY r~ 1 - 1,'s.:: sd 1. e •t VT ~ • ,,y t o- S gAY vr. i 4 r z t V tg r b eY~ i e S a• sw ~ sic, i~3 98 VOL LI1S Il.T TO .TII.'~ CI2Y 0 F AU]?[11 T 1,,Jm1 ~.rR.F.A3)3 ` The u!estein ti~ashi, i~i6n Corporat7..on'of Seventh Day Adventibts, l are the :m hers. of Lot 1 Block 1 Bitzer's Addition "to the "City of Auburn. ' j„it i'"^,~,, i iO.. Ci- 'l== 1 471 l rn i t Itn 11! .rye' ''1Li. - there ' is .'lf ].i7 C7p:.C,- ~r.I,C1_._4,.p...1~__1C '3ei'.,_I'. __7 . .li • Y~`;,-- f.., and the -andersigzed desires.'-to have a lateral sei•;er` connected,. tb"said public 'sewer to serge their, property. { I'aTIC-~ItnOrL, in consideration oT _ the;.above pier.;..Lis.es,, the undersigned'' hereof give and grant •to. the city of -,Uol) n a perpetual ea.sa7ent to go -upon-che North 10 ft. of Lot 1 Block, 1 Bitzer l s Addition to` the City of Auburn, in said City, for he purposes of.,4nspecting;the sewer.; connections on,the.above described property` a.nd to ;_.a he any necessary„ repairs ,.to said 641 ers' and, =nnec- Vg, _Igd ng: tl-ie then ov'mers of any, portions' of :the above described property Lions, cox to, T-i1~I: n5 Cessary repairs. M 3. "AY llashj nb~on tl~is 24th day,' of March 1950 ~~y t v r' I P I„ TYie` Wester` Washin ton-Corporation cf .rSisz sr. , ~ `lr ! ' u h; a`sr one t S®Ve21 • By lderit 1 ~d~b t e , Y J ur~ ! ~s' y 1 y .!I lb!/ a.sy Yjj t{A« ' R ..~y~ _ Secret aVy on: 90, 4 '1?tiy. Oj;d JS r v Z, -4 'l e~U4ersigried; `a Notary 1'ub~- c in: anc for -the. estate of yuTasliliton- duly -ip i~ e sib c d' sti urn herebcer"tif~ that . on this ersonallsr' a geared 'before . y y..p , P. % 1pc X;6,., ':I P id t" and L R® Alexgihdgr.'Se ety~'i're~S! to be„ the:.'President., and Secretary, „respec-tful].y, of,.-the corporation that E' i, and-ac knowled`t li a- theJy siF~ned.and' dea.led 'k~i ,tI~e foregoing 'instrui en~, ?ed the s.tio as their free and voluntary act :snd`,deed' for the .uses and purposes there in Licht on d°and the said off cers .of '.said Corporations on oath, stated that t:~ it are authorized: to e ecute said iiistruriEnt and; tYiat theseal offici al i s the Corpor- ate seal'. of the`said Corporation. Given under Liy !hand and official sea~fi Yii s , 24th ' day of March 1950 : it' Off,! •~~4Gi4' ^S• a,, r 'No.ta ) ubiic - in , and fo of: H udashli? tons' residing at Aubujm .I•+asYi V- g } 7 wy k v fr! 1 r. y , I s } , , I f r,1 r ~r S " a s• ~L 3 ' ✓ ~ s! r r t l r I ) ; t 4 ~ ( ~ r I !A >ti n r 6 1 t a °.:i s s rt ` f 1 - { a r ,.,.~E uy t r J F u. , _ G t~ , r' r ° t x7 A4 { ; ~ j d ~ s h a`~, r 4~y, ' k A, q" . ~r ti P 4 yl a v _o s $ t e v n~ s1 to r ~'~~{ff~n~. t 1 4/> 'iti ~f L y " a ~ t• 7.r, lfr><. Yx f ,.K ,k~+^ t 4 r itz 'j.11`>~ ~.t,. +lo- X~,4 a 1j 1µi' ''yw r ~i Ir S 1 ru 11I ~s'I a4' ks l~t y r 1 I r. ,y I• d d Pf'Y~yt ! IM a r Yil 'lr4 ~ 7'!}~ t rK ~t r ~ J f1k r u a a r 4 b 7f . ( `r 9°r i, t .1 s ° a 0 'l+ 5,P 4 1{) Y r r r } //~~!ri ,.r~l .-a. . ~ a ~ ~ 1 - ' i- i 4 '7 '~~.,F ✓,f - 1 •i kr e S ~ ~ t } +{f,, ' sv '"F P~~' ~ w ~L : t, ~ S T~ S' A 4 r '1 1 t r b$• VVV VV , '4 jt r]] r ~e S, Fy.~~}q. ,J' , - r a f ~ s 1` ` , ~ ~"1 y~' , u ~ r. si - ~ {r P niP b~S 'N ~ . P ~r z +*'~i s f. ~ •rr ~ a I~ i''{ r 4 1• ^c'~''i'?. -3 + 4 - : :.,o} ro f S Z'ti"' a ~'I,~2g'r > ! r'd'P S Ct 1'< ~y r,~'i t /~SG. C~ ~/~7i 1' Ii• M [Y~V RR /{VU-IE } k s~"'n: ~~k+'~p "R''y~ysn iriK3~ ti.✓- .LSD" c't eJ k'*~`I }*1~d tar5 q a i ~'r' $,-Jg'• i/ORIk'~~ C~V~flot• g• ? 7 f 1 ~J~ 55,1 ! M! ,,yvr 4, °'11 AV4^ Y71,y !e. ~'+'.ra`4 ra N} U.'' r' d - e.~: .'fro.. , •~Y!'.wg' w~i...d „ a,,.. . +ak a ..-.,;5+` t. , b9:. , ~ . ..<'xhi? .rv .f ,n, m; ~,..e . , 7 r:~'~•Si° a , 4', °c"6 .,,r'.