HomeMy WebLinkAbout4316635 SEWER EASEMENT 021853431 3X E S=172 TO THE; CITY OF :U =L W.1 Z•;H.,i~M, the undersigned, his rife,,,are-1thc o^ers O 15e16-% /4~3 i ~lOL •e• s:a, ~ f•~,Gt i l., 17 i II I' ~`,S Lherr is nor in opera .io.1 a public sewer in n fz~ ~9 A and the undersigned desires t6 have a lateral sewer connected to said public sewer to serve their pro•erty. i .1 !'T?~~ 0RE in consideration of tiie above nrezises, the undersigned here- by _Live end ;xant to the City of AL a^iz aPerp.4yAal egLseqent,,to Sq,upon the in said City, for the purmoses of :.ns ~ecting the sewer connections `on the above described-property, and to rake any necessary repairs to said sewers and connections, or ordering the then owners of any portions of the above described property to make_a y necessary repairs. Dated this day of at Auburn, Washington -,0" 1AW It STATE OF ' ALSHL"GTON) COU';TY 0 Iill?G ) SS I the undersi;;ned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washii gton, duly com iissiojn and ct~ro n . here'o~~ certify that n tY ' s clay ~rsonally appeared before :1ian , Yfis wife; to i_.e l oti:n to Wlh t ie in viduals escri'oE inan vrho :,&cut the foreSoin.•3,nstrument, and ackn lec.ged that they signed and ue^led tie same as tlz,~ir free;nd voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mbr~tr*ni~d. iv -"'6bd6r my hand and offi ciul seal t t`rv':? r I! this 6A0` dad- of P.,oLary L uoi V4 Washington, and r th of tiuburn, Wash. 3 ,Ilea sas twxaraa 3 . (Oquast of ROBERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor bd $ RECORDED cef VOL 5225t............ OF Deeds W PAGE ..421...... RFQUEST OF r ~ ark J953 FEB 19 PM 2 53. cn ~ O cz W t~ u w ROBERT A. MURRio AUDITOR •NT V ~/~1SH. t~ v7i ,11f DEPUTY d' Lu 1117 G mil, c.~-/.d1~.Ly SFG• ~Q-,~ ^:,i;T TO TI'S CITE' O v the v.a d signe ( ail - Uzu--his~Jfaeeare tlZC o ers 1-_,:S t. err now in operation a public serer ;n I's and the urdersi6 ;ed des res to '-ave a lateral sewer connected to said public sewer to serve their pro )erty. T'-:?G in consideration of cile above nreruses the undersigned here- r; 'a.Ir i ve mad grant to the City of 1L,_ui•i, aperp,,e~y~al e#se~ent~to p ,upon the n said CitUT, for the nuryoses of :ns-)ectinc the sewer connections n the above described, property, and to rake any necessary repairs to said sewers and connections, or ordering the then owners of any portions of the above described propertyake any necessary repairs, Dated this ~ Lay of 4 at Auburn, Washington .._........,6r04.+~.SJ.~l6_~ A d STATE OF ' 'SHI-D TORT) COU: TX OF i:IiTG "I SS a notary Public in and for the State of i'lashinCton, duly Yned I the undersi; , ; corim-Lissior and io n hereb-ir certify tl.a'- n t 's day - ~rsonally apy--) eared before k~ R tirife; to ~:.e sown to- bc in an itio ;.ecut the t e in vic uals sri Loresoin4-a nstrurient, and ackn • lec.-od that tl:ey si ;ned and o6al :.led t e same • nci voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein a;: t;izr ' ree,,< < rihE+ 8i r my hand and day- of official seal this/ Uotary 'Public in and t of. ilashington, residin, imburn, Hash, c ~oiN