HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-16-2006 Agenda ~ p tIB~ CITY OF" CITY COUNGL ~SPECIAL MEETING November 16, 2006 4:30 PM WASHINGTON AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II. 2007- 2008 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PRESENTATION III. DISCUSSION IV. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 , . City of Auburn 2047 2008 Preliminary Budget Workshop r t;, . _m. .�� Presented by: Shelley Coleman - � �� Finance Direc[or Novemtier 16,2006 4.,.......m...�m�.. .m.....�.u...._.�,........�.,.... - - - Discussion Points a..:: :����� Opening Remarks-Mayor Lewis .- _....._ i� New Biennial Budget Layout �:��Preliminary Budget Summary-All Funds ' -� Preliminary Budget Summary-Gen Fund ��� General Fund Revenue/Property Tax �e General Fund Expenditures ii��;o Dept.98 ;G Program Improvements/Pay increaset �s.Capital ProjeRs � o Funding Sources a�Trensfers ■ Changes from Preliminary to Final New Biennial Budget Layout (ReaGen Gulde-Page 9) ' ■ Summary � Detailt ���� a ProcesyPotldes ■ Program imp�ovements �� � ■ Finandal%an • Cepkal BadgM s • OpereHng Budget ' -- — — •Ciry Council/Meyor - •Human Resources •Finance -... .. � — • Legal •Planning . •Public Safety •Pu61ic Works •Parks ' '— � . Information Services 1 � Preliminary Budget Summary of All Funds�Page:ia-z3� � 2007 ..... - . . �.-: e.Revenues: $118.842.200 :' e Ezpenditures: $741J40,691 � � � - 2008 '� �Reyenues: $111,544,500 ■Expenditures: $121,733,900 Ex<luding/vnObalan�e.working�apital and tnnrlen Preliminary Budget Summary of the General Fund(Page:zazs� � � . . ... ........ 2007 : e Revenues: �$48,246,600 '�� e Expenditures: $52,940.600 2008 . �i ■ Revenues: $49,583,900 ■ Expenditures: $54,066,200 c��wreF��daa�,��a�dre�,rz Preliminary General Fund Revenue � �vase za� . 2007 2006 ._.�. ' ,:�Tax Revenue $39,854,500 $41,017,800 ' ���..e Licenses 6 Permits 1�,721,000 1�,795,000 '� Intergovernmen[al 3,272.500 � 3,336,500 ""i� Charges for Service 2,011,500 2,012,500 - -� ..��.'� Fines 6 Forfeitures 746.000 771,000 � s Misc�llaneous 701 100 651.100 Total�Revenue $48.246,600 $49.583.900 �ernotindu0e@eginningFundBabnm and7ranriers 2 , Property Tax Levy ...��:. ■ 2006 Lery $14 539 746..:.:.. ■ 103%Levy Lid Lift 436,192 � ■ New Construction 637,298 ■ Annexation/Refunds 113 080 " : ■ Total $15,726,316 �' s Assessed Value $5,765,027,710 -�- ■ Levy Rate per$1,000 $2.71 ■ Ordinance will show�y,500.000 Levy I SQ� ��J . Preliminary Gene�al Fund Expenditures cPg.Z4� zoo� "zoos" :;� Salaries/Benefijs $34,019,100 $35;497,300 :=;.e Supplies 1,454,300 1,426;700 _ ��:� Other Charges 8,852,200 8,954,500 � i o �ntergovernmental 2.737,800 2.860.000 � �:� Capital Outlay 576.800 115,000 � za DebTService 250,900 250,500 ■ Intefiund Serv_ces 5,049 500 4.962 200 Totai Ezpenditures $52,940,600 $54.066.200 Nw mn�omse�w smmmra�re�rermm�.r ,;;;,;; Department .98 �i ■Retirement Costs budgeted at 50% ' ■ Retiree Ben�ts � o Mayor Discretionary Funds i o�Will add 3.0 undefined FTE's in 2007 � � ■ Radio Station operations _. . ! a Long�Term health care --�- e Citywide Dues � o Transfers ■ Projects ■Valley Com Payment 3 2007-2008 Preliminary Program Improvements �pg.zo2� e 15.0 FTE's added, all but 1.3 FTE's in Enterprise funds ■Public Safety: Police equipment and Emergency supplies o Parks improvements s Olson Farm grent match e Enterprise fund equipment Cost of Living Pay Increaser _ .:�.�_._... � ��.Unaffiliated........ ......... 3%.Plus 0.5%City � mntribunon to VEBA . � ' Police Commanders& 5.0"/0 ' �. Sergeants ' �CommissfonedPolire 4.0% 'i . ; .__ ... .. '�. aiNoncommissianedPolice 2.5°h �I � � �� ' Teams[ers 2J5% �'�.Fire 5.0% �Fire Cleriwl Will be in con[rec[ � �' � ' --�- ; negonanons.In,2007 _j Transportation Capital Projec.ts ' p.245 zoo� xoos • A Stree11JW.Phau I p.2C6 $1.823.000 3.195.ODD � • UrLan Area Tmnv Sy4em p.396 522700 D '. , • Cltywitle ITS p.i96 276.500 0 • Harvey 6 8'^StreA NE p.]48 1]5.000 350.000 . • Tmtfi<Slgnal 8'^St NE 6 � R St NE p.298 150,000 0 � • West Main Stree�mpe P�Z49 SI5.000 0 - . ' • Annual Atlerial Vavement Reservation Vrogram p.25I 675.000 6]5.000 ' s local Sheft Impmvement ProBram P.251 1.300.000 I,ZOO.00D 4 Capital Projeds by Fund :�, ... �� .._ � ■ General Fund-0Ol .�ceiewev v.olec�p.iac 5 iao.000 ioo.oao • Nel@M1OOMOMIitqtmn�renl p.lB6 IW,MU 0 • Wry Ontling�ignay p.386 BB,bJJ O �� '�■ Perks Constmction Fund-321 ."vne�am van�mm�r.iemia�a�o:xie' 3io.000 0 . cu ie.a���riem uenn�e o.ne z ieo izs.000 0 . r��:r.�p.ne� 30,000 0 . imeNna�n,no.nv so,000 0 .'C.Ceiene Hne wrt p.zm so,000 0 � CumeFa�inSw.arFieMp.2]9 1.3W.� 0 . �.�o�rrea v,�a.�m 3a.aoo o , .com�m�v,ce�hrn.zeo im.000 s.000.000 . amarvv.nsmavvooi<oaimso.xei ns.000 a �OLmCrexk6Fermp.381 ]AI,DYJ SCO,Q.'O � • AUWmEmLmmm�alWhp.282 2303,9W 0 'Valams P✓h bWp&wllllnoaese by St10000 in 0e SC09 YeaEMLWge1 AtlluaVmanl - . Capital Improvement Projects Fund-328 aoo� . . . zooe .�.:.�..p.�Downtown Revltelirntfon p.287 500.000 500.000 - � ' ' . I��.�Sdewalklmprovemmtsp.2W 200.000 0 . ._. . '."��.�Tmfflc Celming Improvements p.287 200.000 200.000 �-.,`�ha(Flc Signal Imprwemenn p.288 0 200.000 ;�'�.e Fad1lry Imprwemenss p.288 250,000 250,000 �'�e Cfry Hell FIVAC p.288 400.000 300.000 - oFireStetionBonds" p.789 10,000,00� 0 "fire Ration Dontls will be removed in the Final Budget . Available Funding Sources ' (2W]Butlgetetl erMing fund GalancesJ t` �REET I $ 2,476,844 ' o REEI' 11 1,608,464 e Gumulative Reserve Fund 4.595,983 5 2007 Transfers �Fund .._. In ...... �' :-�r...., . . . . �'.[General Fund I'l,000 1,625,500�� 1 �Artetlal Slreet Fund 2,142,340 0' - '�..Lowl Street Fund . .. .. . . . 6]5.000 � O I �'�,OtherSpedal Reoenue � ]]00 2,096,900i _ -�Deb15ervice 306,500 IO,OOOI - �.,�ParksCapitalConrtruction 2,W1,900 0� "��,,Capital Improvement Funtl 500.000 3,0]0,000� �'�,U[iliry Funds 0 I50.000 �''�,,CemAery FunA ]0,500 0 _OtherFunds 239,000 ]],500 2008 Transfers . ________.__, FunO '� In Ou[ ' ,Generel Fund �'.., . . ..17.000 I.940.1 W� .... . . . . . . .. . . �Merial Street Funtl � 1,956.300'�. 0� 'Local Rreet FunA - 3]5,000.�� 0 i . .i ...... .._ .: . . . _ . .... MkigarionFund �� 0 909,000''��. ' .;, .Debt Sevice.... '�,, 30].200 10.000'��,'.. �CapltellmprovementFund �'. 500.000. 1,150,000'��. � '.' Pa�ks ConnmRion PunA �'� 250,000 �,0� UtlliryFunes�� �'�, � 0 150.000� �CemHeryFunA ]0.5001 �O�i i Golf Fund � 63.000...� 0��,. �"';E9uipmeert Rental Fund j 133.9W��'��'�. 0''.. ��.�'�.Olher FunAs ..'. 63J001 ]]500'-. Chan es from Prelimina to ' S rY Final Budget - _ -- -__ � . :; 2007 2008 � . '�Properry Tex—Revenue 300,000 300.000 � ���In�rease3.OFTE's �251.600 "268.000 . - ' '�.�VMeren's Building. 240,000 O 'I �: �Airport Parellel Taxhvay 157,900 573,400 - � � �.��:�Remove Fireitation bonds -$10,000,000. 0 _ . ._ . . . _ _._ . �Tram(er ro Gen Pond tmm Equlp Rental' S�.�A00 0 �Cha�qe Transfer from GF to 1 W from Saln Tav to 0.EELImm 328 •[��::���.e moe:�o ee�d ro r��d�,�.o�,;,e,,,y por,<:aoa a::�n wun 6 Council Feedback �. _.��� _._. , � � �. r �� , � � � _._...� • � ,� ,�a� �... �y�x�. r 1 a,;. � t, '2: ��p .r, ''"' rv G. : . 7