HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II-A Int oF _DRAFT c PLANNING COMMISSION ~ WASHINGTON August 4, 2009 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA. Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, Vice Chair Kevin Chapman, Peter DiTuri, Michael Hamilton, and Dave Peace. Commissioners Bob Baggett and Ron Copple were excused. Staff present included: Assistant Planning Director ICevin Snyder, Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberlain, Senior P3anner Chris Andersen and Planning Secretary Renee Tobias. Audience members included: Susan Hauck, Nicole Petrino-Salter and Karen L. Campbell. 111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner DiTuri moved and Commissioner Hamilton seconded to approve the minutes from July 7, 2009 meeting as submitted. The motion passed unanimously 6-0. III. PUBLIC COMMENT Nicole Petrino-Salter, 31021 132"d Way SE, Auburn, WA 98092, wished to impress upon the Commission how negatively she and her neighbors have been impacted by the CUP application moratorium for the Lea Hill. Karen L. Campbell, 31049 129th Ave SE, Auburn, WA 98092, concurred with statements made by Ms. Petrino-Salter. Susan Hauck, 31110 129th Ave SE, Auburn, WA 98092, concurred with statements made by Ms. Petrino-Salter. IV. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberlain reported that the City Council did not receive any public comments at the July 20, 2009 public hearing on the creation of the Auburn Revitalization Area. The purpose of the Auburn Revitalization Area is to secure the financial means for making key infrastructure improvements in downtown Auburn in the vicinity of the Downtown Transit Center. Council approved the resolution to create the Local Revitalization Zone, which is the Urban Center boundary, and authorizing the Mayor to submit the application for Local Revitalization funding (LRF). The deadline for the application is September 1, 2009. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES August 4, 2009 The companion piece to the LRF is the Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant for the Promenade is moving forward and the application is due September 1, 2009 as well. The Department of Revenue has 60 days to take action on LRF application. The City has been told that most likely we would be funded in their fiscal year 2010, which begins October 2009 and expect to receive the funds second quarter. Assistant Planning Director Kevin Snyder announced that the Bird Viewing Tower at the Environmental Park is open. City's application for the Energy and Efficiency Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) has been submitted. The EECBG is administered by the US Department of Energy, which is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARAA) of 2009. The City will receive a direct formula grant of $235,500. Three projects have been identified for the $235,500 grant: new energy efficient lighting at Game Farm Park, Greenhouse Gas Inventory, and participation in the Puget Sound New Energy Solutions (PSNES). If the PSNES does not go forward, an alternate project would be to purchase an electrical vehicle, with a charging station, for use by staff on in- city business. Staff updated Commission on pending projects and new development. V. PUBLIC HEARING A. Amendments to Chapter 18.04 (Definitions) and Chapter 18.26 (C-1 Light Commercial District) of the Auburn City Code. Assistant Planning Director Kevin Snyder provided background information on this item and reviewed the exhibits with the Commission. Staff distributed the following additional exhibits. • Exhibit 7, replacement for Page 11 of Exhibit 2, Proposed Text Amendment - Chapter 18.04 (Definitions) • Exhibit 8, Area Circulation Plan, Concept Summary • Exhibit 9, Development Status C1 Light Commercial District map The Auburn City Council passed Resolution No. 4357 on May 19, 2008 establishing an initial six-month moratorium on the filing of applications for conditional use permits (CUPs) for multifamily development in the previously adopted R-2 Single Family District and R-3 Two Family (Duplex) District and currently adopted C-1 Light Commercial District. The Council passed this Resolution in response to its questions and concerns about how to apply conditional use permits in the aforementioned zones. The resolution directed Council and staff to evaluate potential changes to the conditional use permit status of multi-family development in these zoning districts. Resolution No. 4357 was subsequently extended by Resolution No. 4412 on October 28, 2008 and again by Resolution No. 4472 on April 20, 2009 that expires on October 20, 2009. The existing moratorium is limited to the land use impacts of multi-family development in the C-1 zoning district. Land use impacts, in this instance, apply to Page 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES August 4, 2009 concerns of the appropriateness of multi-family land uses, compatibility with other permitted and/or conditional uses, scale and type of development and impacts on surrounding land uses. On July 8, 2009, the Planning and Community Development Committee directed staff to follow a prioritized work schedule for completion of the Code Update Project. Tier 1 priorities, which included addressing the moratorium. The Planning and Community Development Committee provided direction on text amendment options presented by staff for Title 18 (Zoning) that would address the moratorium. At the July 13, 2009 Planning and Community Development Committee meeting, staff prepared draft text amendments for Chapter 18.04 (Definitions) and Chapter 18.26 (C-1 Light Commercial District) of the Auburn City Code. The text amendments propose to: • Establishment of a new definition (Section 18.04.625) for Mixed Use Development Chapter 18.04 (Definitions); • Establishment of Mixed Use Development as a permitted use in Section 18.26.020 (Permitted Uses) in the C-1 Light Commercial District - Section 18.26.020. KK; • Establishment of an allowance for multi-family development only as part of a mixed use development as a permitted use in Section 18.26.020 (Permitted Uses) in the G1 Light Commercial District - Section 18.26.020.LL; and, • Removal of apartments as a conditional use in Section 18.26.030 (Uses Requiring Permit) in the in the C-1 Light Commercial District Senior Planner Chris Andersen reviewed Exhibit 9, Development Status C1 Light Commercial District map with the Commission. The map indicated vacant and redevelopable parcels inside the C1 zones, as well as Lea Hill, West Hill and Urban Separators overlays. Staff confirmed for Commission that there are relative few parcels and relative small accumulative area that is zoned C1. The map does not consider vacant or redevelopable parcels that may have terrain or other constraints. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the Auburn City Council the proposed amendments to Chapter 18.04 (Definitions) and Chapter 18.26 (C-1 Light Commercial District). Staff responded to Commissions' question about ways to ensure that changes to or increases in traffic patterns, that may not have been apparent at the time of the application, are addressed after the development is completed and ensure that the traffic changes will not preclude future developments, Traffic or transportation studies usually have a validity period to them. The City Engineer could attach conditions requiring study updates if it was felt that the validity period would not be upheld by the length of the phasing process. The City has the authority under SEPA and discretionary authority given to the City Engineer and Planning Director. Chair Roland opened the Public Hearing at 7:46 p.m. Page 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES August 4, 2009 Nicole Petrino-Salter, 31021 132"d Way SE, Auburn, WA 98092 Ms. Petrino-Salter stated that there is one 15 acre section remaining on Lea Hill that is redevelopable, which belongs to her family and two neighbors. Due to the moratorium, two real estate contracts were voided. The proposed Mixed Use amendment would have the flexibility needed to acquire a buyer that will not be dismayed by onerous requirements to build. Ms. Petrino-Salter stated that she wants to sell her property so her family can move to a rural area. Karen L. Campbell, 31049 129th Ave SE, Auburn, WA 98092 Ms. Campbell concurred with Ms. Petrino-Salter and expressed her fondness for Auburn until the development occurred around her property and the rural feeling was lost. Susan Hauck, 31110 129th Ave SE, Auburn, WA 98092 Ms. Hauck spoke in favor of the amendments to Chapters 18.04 and 18.26 and concurred with comments made by Ms. Petrino-Salter and Ms. Campbell. Chair Roland closed the Public Hearing at 7:53 p.m. Commissioner DiTuri moved to recommend to City Council the adoption of the amendments to Chapter 18.04 Definitions and chapter 18.26 C-1 Light Commercial District. Commissioner DiTuri amended the motion to substitute the relevant components of Exhibit 7 to replace those in Exhibit 2. Commission Hamilton seconded the full motion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0 VI. OTHER BUSINESS A. Review of the 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Transportation Project Manager Tiffin Goodman presented a briefing on the 2009 Comprehensive Transportation Plan utilizing a PowerPoint presentation. The major focus has been to incorporate Lea Hill and West Hill annexation areas into the Plan. Other updates include sidewalk priorities/projects; bicycle facilities; transit; policies and Intelligent Transportation Systems. Ms. Goodman reviewed various related maps with the Commissioners. Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberlain reviewed the draft 2009 Comprehensive Plan map and text amendments with the Commissioners and answered questions. There will a public Open House on August 18, 2009 between 6 pm and 8 pm in Council Chambers. The draft Comprehensive Plan amendments will be available with a focus on the Transportation Plan and Utility Plan. At the public hearing on September 9, 2009, the City map amendments 1-4, the City- initiated policy text amendments (school district, capital facilities plan, policy text amendments and water comprehensive plan). Page 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES August 4, 2009 B. Options for Amendments to Signs/Outdoor Sales Displays/Seating Areas for Food/Beverage Establishments to Support Locai Businesses The City has received numerous requests from businesses to increase and expand the use of signage in an effort to increase business activity and revenue. Staff developed a decision matrix that was reviewed by the Planning and Community Development (PCD) Committee at their July 27, 2009 meeting. Three options were considered by the PCD Committee, which were 1) Expand the allowance of portable and temporary signs; 2) Expand the allowance of outdoor sales displays; or 3) Allow outdoor storefront seating for food and beverage establishments. Staff compiled the PCD Committee preferences into matrices for Commission's review. At the Commission's request, staff briefly reviewed the areas of concern identified by the PCD Committee. Commission will indicate their individual preference in the space provided on the matrix and return the information to staff at the August 11, 2009 meeting. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Page 5