HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRA Submittal Packet PERMIT CENTER GRADING PERMIT (GRA) SUBMITTAL PACKET Informational Brochure July 2009 GRA Application Checklist GRA Permit Application Plan Review Checklist with Appendices GRA Additional Submittal Requirements Prepared by the Public Works Department 25 West Main St. Auburn, WA 98001-4998 (253) 931-3010 FAX (253) 931-3053 FORM FC192 (Revised 07/09) Page 1 of 32 GRADING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST (GRA) Project Name: _______________________________________ FAC No.: __________________ Applicant Name: __________________ ___________________ Date: _____________________ The following information is needed in order to submit a Grading (GRA) application requiring engineered plans to the City. Depending on the scope of work, some of the below items may not apply or may be combined with related items. Please review each item and provide all applicable information to insure a complete application. The City of Auburn’s current Engineering Design Standards Manual outlines requirements noted on this checklist. The City will verify the completeness of the submittal packet as identified below. The “Additional Submittal Requirements Form,” is attached for reference only and does not need to be completed with the initial submittal but will be completed by city staff during the plan review process. If you have any questions regarding required items, please contact the Public Works Department, Development Engineer at (253) 804-5073 or visit us at Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Second Floor, Auburn, WA 98001. GRADING PERMIT SUBMITTAL PACKET COMPLETED Grading Permit Application Application Fee Grading Permit Plan Review Checklist Indicate the other documents included with the Checklist below: Included N/A Item Required Storm Drainage Report (2 copies) (Design Standards, Chapter 4) Required Geotechnical Report (1 copy) (Design Standards, Chapter 4) Required Plan Set (5 copies) (Design Standards, Chapter 3) Required Cover Sheet (Design Standards, Chapter 3.04.1) Required Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans (Design Standards, Chapter 3.04.2) Required Grading Plans (Design Standards, Chapters 3.04.2 and 5) Required Plans submitted on non-ammonia based prints (Design Standards, Chapter 3) Required All plans and reports sealed by Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer per the requirements of WAC 196-23 (Design Standards, Chapter 3) Required Correct Datum Used (NAVD 88, State Plane Coordinate System) (Design Standards, Chapter 3.04.1) Other:____________________________________________________________ FORM FC192 (Revised 07/09) Page 2 of 32 Copy of Conditions from associated SEPA Determination or Land Use Action: Included with submittal Application made, but not final Application No. ___________________________ NA Copy of Additional Required Reports (see SEPA Determination or Land Use Action for applicability): Critical Areas Report Specify: __________________________________ _____________ Other: __________________________________________________________________ N/A Comments:_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY STAFF: Application Submittal IS NOT COMPLETE as indicated above and must be resubmitted with all required elements. __________________________________________ ______________________ Name Date Application Submittal has all know required documents to begin civil plan review. This checklist has been reviewed and receipted by: __________________________________________ _____________________ Name Date FORM FC192 (Revised 07/09) Page 3 of 32 Building Division 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 (253) 931-3020 Grading Permit Application Project Information/Description: Site Address: Parcel No. (Required): Legal Description: Description of Work: Property Owner: Phone/Hm: Phone/Wk: Address: (City/St/Zip): Project Contact: Phone: Contractor: Phone: Address: (City/St/Zip): State Contractor’s License #: Business Registration #: Engineer: Phone: Address: (City/St/Zip): Architect: Phone: Address: (City/St/Zip): Estimated Completion Date:________ Amount of Fill:___________________ Amount Exported:________________ Amount of Excavation:_____________ Max Depth Fill:___________________ Soil Rpt By:_____________________ Max Depth of Exc:________________ Max Slope Fill:___________________ Eng Geol Rpt By:_________________ Max Slope Exc:__________________ Amount Imported:________________ Project Value:___________________ NOTE: This permit does not constitute approval or compliance with the rules, regulations, or requirements of any other jurisdiction, which may relate to the above project. Check with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for possible permit requirements. Permits are non-transferable. HAUL ROUTES SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL FILLS IN EXCESS OF 500 CUBIC YARDS. HAUL ROUTES SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE GRADING PERMIT. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FURNISHED BY ME IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND THAT THE APPLICABLE CITY OF AUBURN REQUIREMENTS WILL BE MET. Owner/Agent: __________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Printed: _______________________________________________________ For Staff Use Only Application No: FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 4 of 32 CITY OF AUBURN GRADING PERMIT PLAN REVIEW CHECK LIST (To be completed by Applicant) Project Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Prepared By: ______________________________________________________________________ This checklist correlates to the City of Auburn Design Standards (DS). The applicant should read Section 1, General Requirements, prior to proceeding with this checklist. Please note that the information contained in the Design Standards and this checklist cannot provide for all situations and conditions that may be encountered. Specific provisions contained within the Design Standards and the checklist may not apply to all locations and existing conditions. These documents are intended to assist, but not substitute for, competent work by a professional civil engineer. PROCEDURE The applicant’s engineer submits this checklist as part of the plan submittal package. The applicant’s engineer will mark the “Complete” box to show that the described item has been completed in accordance with the Design Standards. The City’s Development Review Engineer will verify the plans and reports for the project conform to the City’s Design Standards. If deficiencies are identified during the review of the plans and reports, written comments and relined plans will be prepared and returned to the applicant upon completion of the plan review. A. APPLICATION Complete Item For City Use Only 1. Grading Permit Application (GRA) completed and attached. 2. GRA Application Check List attached. (FC192) B. GENERAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS 1. Each sheet of the plan set has been stamped/sealed by a professional civil engineer, licensed in the State of Washington as required by WAC 196-23. The stamp/seal on the final mylars, to be submitted for approval, shall be wet signed and dated per WAC 196-23. 2. North arrow either to top, right, or left and scale shown on each sheet. 3. A title block has been provided along the right-hand edge on each plan sheet. The title block shall include the development title, (in bold print), the name, address, and phone number of the firm preparing the plan, the name of owner/applicant, a revision block, page (of pages) numbering, and sheet title (i.e. grading, erosion/sedimentation control, road and drainage, water and sewer, etc.) FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 5 of 32 B. GENERAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS (cont.) Complete Item For City Use Only 4. Units of measurement have been indicated for all slope callouts as either % or ft. /ft. Do not mix units of measurement on a plan set. 5. All match lines with matched sheet numbers (stationing) are provided. 6. The street classification has been provided under the street name on all plan views. 7. City of Auburn Engineering approval block (4”x2”) has been provided in lower right corner of each civil and public landscape plan sheet. Show project reference, (FAC #) in the approval block area. (See Appendix A for Sample Block B-1) 8. A Record Drawing Certification block has been provided on each plan sheet, located directly to the left of directly above other approval block(s). (See Appendix A for sample block B-4) Are there critical areas that are to be identified and/or mitigated on this project? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: 9. City of Auburn Planning approval block (4”x2”) has been provided in the lower right corner of each critical mitigation plan sheet. Show project reference, (FAC #), in the approval block area. (See Appendix A for Sample Block B-3) General Drafting Standards 10. Plan sheets are on sheet sizes 24 x 36 inches. Any variation must be approved by the City prior to plan submittal. Approved plans shall be good quality, 4-mil thickness mylar, or approved equal. No stick-on type material will be allowed. No Xerox, sepia or toner printed mylars are allowed, unless cold rolled. Margins shall be set to provide for ½ size drawings to fit on 11x 17 inches. 11. Lettering sizes are no smaller than 1/10 of an inch in height and shall be uppercase. 12. Existing features are shown with dashed lines, and/or half-toned (screened) 13. Proposed features are shown with solid lines. The intent is to clearly distinguish existing features from proposed improvements. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 6 of 32 B. GENERAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS (cont.) Complete Item For City Use Only 14. Minimum scale is as indicated below. Any variation must be approved by the City prior to plan submittal. a. Site work: 1” = 40’ horizontal b. Site work: 1” = 4’ vertical c. Public facility work: 1” = 20’ horizontal d. Public facility work: 1” = 2’ vertical 15. APWA symbols have been used and are included in the legend of existing and proposed improvements and utilities. C. PLAN SHEET ELEMENTS I. Cover Sheet (Always Required) The Cover Sheet(s) has the following applicable items: 1. GRA # is one inch (1”) bold lettering above the title block on the cover sheet only. Initial submittal may read: GRAXX-XXXX. 2. A general scaled site plan covering an area approximately ten inches (10”) square. 3. Impervious surface calculations provided with the following information: Impervious surface: a. Total Existing Impervious (SF) ____ b. Total Proposed Impervious (SF) ____ c. Net Change (subtract item b from item a) (SF) ____ Note: Gravel areas are not considered an impervious surface. 4. Vicinity map with north arrow covering an area approximately five inches (5”) square. 5. Site address. 6. Owner/Developer address, contact person, and phone number. 7. Engineer/Surveyor/Architect address, contact person, and phone number. 8. Elevations with City datum (NAVD 88). City benchmark reference numbers and locations are indicated. 9. Sheet index. 10. Legend. 11. Legal description, including quarter section, section, township, and range. 12. Parcel number (King and Pierce County Tax Assessor No.) for site only. 13. Applicable plat name, lot numbers, site zoning and adjacent zoning. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 7 of 32 C. PLAN SHEET ELEMENTS (cont.) Complete Item For City Use Only 14. An overall site plan key map shall be shown if the plan set includes more than five (5) plan sheets, unless otherwise directed by the City. 15. Applicable site information, including the number of parking spaces required and the number of parking spaces approved. 16. Type of building construction as defined by the adopted Building Code. 17. Site access, including adjacent driveways, roadways, and intersections, that may have an impact on the location and type of site access. 18. Construction Sequence Required for all projects: A construction sequence has been shown on the plans indicating the relative timing of key construction activities on the project, such as, site clearing, erosion control placement, grading, temporary detention and water quality phasing into permanent detention and water quality facilities, utilities, paving, landscaping and illumination, activities in the right-of-way and any other construction event needing special attention. For work within right-of-way, the plans shall indicate the time limits for such work are applicable. 19. City of Auburn General Notes: Eight (8) General Notes have been provided on the cover sheet. Other City standard construction requirements are referenced by General Note “2.” Electronic copies of these notes are available on request. (See Appendix B) 20. Add the applicable required permits based on the Non-Building Permit Checklist. (See Appendix C) II. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan Sheet (Always Required) 1. All existing site features are shown including existing topography. 2. A phasing schedule has been provided for installing and removing TESC measures, including the transition from the temporary storm drainage system to the permanent storm drainage system. This schedule needs to be included within the Construction Sequence. 3. A construction entrance is shown per Detail Erosion – 01. A wash pad or other mitigation measure may be required by City Representatives during construction. 4. Siltation control measures (i.e. siltation ponds, silt fences, setbacks, hay bales, ditches, etc.) are provided to protect adjacent properties and shall be sized for runoff volumes associated with the graded site. Detention/retention facilities designed per requirements noted in Design Standards, Section 5.01.2&3. 5. If used as a Demolition Plan, structures to be removed/demolished and those to remain are shown. 6. Protection of downstream conveyance facilities are provided (i.e. CB protection, etc.). FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 8 of 32 C. PLAN SHEET ELEMENTS (cont.) Complete Item For City Use Only 7. Limits of clearing are shown. 8. Site stabilization criteria has been provided, including hydro seeding mixture and application rates. (See Construction Standards, Division 8-01 for general purposes and Design Standards, section 6.06.3 for storm drainage facilities.) 9. Grading and Erosion Control Notes: The six (6) Grading and Erosion Control Notes have been provided on the grading plans. Other City standard construction requirements are referenced by General Note “2.” (See Appendix B) III. Site Development Does this project include pavement and landscaping? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: 1. Finish elevations for pavement are provided. 2. Where storm drainage is directed against a curb, the curb used is concrete curb and gutter or concrete vertical curb (extruded curb or asphalt wedge curb in any form is not allowed). 3. Final pavement design section provided. 4. Sight distance triangles have been graphically shown for all intersections and driveways in accordance with Section 10.03 of the Design Standards on a composite sight plan that includes all above ground utilities and landscaping. 5. Root barriers have been used for all trees planted within five feet (5’) of public underground utilities or paved surfaces. 6. The location, species, and size of planting materials are shown on the plans. IV. Grading and Private Storm Drainage Plan (Site Development) Does this project include onsite private storm facilities? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: 1. Approximate excavation and fill quantities in cubic yards are indicated. 2. No fill or cut slopes proposed are steeper than two horizontal to one vertical (2:1) unless in accordance with an accepted geotechnical report sealed by a Washington Stated Licensed Engineer. 3. Type of fill material and associated compaction requirements are shown. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 9 of 32 FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 10 of 32 C. PLAN SHEET ELEMENTS (cont.) Complete Item For City Use Only 4. Existing trees are shown: Evergreens six inches (6”) in diameter or larger, deciduous trees four inches (4”) or larger, measured four feet (4’) above ground. Indicate if trees are to be removed or to remain. If trees are to remain, show method of tree protection during project construction. 5. Temporary retention or detention facilities including the City of Auburn’s Standard Control Structure Detail No. STORM-04 are provided. Include water surface (W.S.) elevations, sizes, design storms for the W.S. elevations and release rates. 6. A minimum horizontal setback of five feet (5’) has been provided between the bottom of any fill placement and the top of the bank of a defined drainage channel. 7a. If not addressed in the SEPA process, a haul route and proposed times that material will be hauled to and from the project site has been provided. The following needs to be provided in the plans for all site grading of more than 500 cubic yards: a. What type of material is being hauled? (Imported fill material for all structural fill and other fill activities shall be approved by the City.) b. Total quantity hauled as a part of this action. c. Total haul days of this action. d. Total quantity of material moved per day. e. Estimated number of trips per day. f. Estimated start date. g. Estimated completion date. h. Intended time of day of the haul. i. Intended route of the haul. (Clearly shown on a site map.) 7b. If haul routes are not provided during plan review, the following note has been added to the plans: Prior to moving any materials or equipment on Public Streets, the Contractor shall submit a haul route plan to the Engineer for approval per section 1-06.7 of the Construction Standards. Note: The haul route plan must be approved by the Engineer prior to the start of construction. 8. Typical ditch sections are shown. (Reference on the plans the City Standard Detail Number. Do not include the detail in the plans.) 9. Building roof and foundation drains are connected to site drainage system. 10. Existing topography has been screened back and overlaid by the proposed grades. At least one sheet showing all boundary survey information, (i.e. bearings, distances, lot sizes, etc.), has been provided. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 11 of 32 C. PLAN SHEET ELEMENTS (cont.) Complete Item For City Use Only 11. Spot elevations have been provided for very flat sites. Provide spot elevations along property line and thirty feet (30’) beyond property line, at least every fifty feet (50’). If your project includes a parking lot provide spot elevations at all grade changes and along curbing. 12. Standard City of Auburn Detail Numbers have been referenced on the plan sheets appropriately and not copied into the plan sheets. If a project specifies modification to a Standard Detail a new detail must be shown on the plans. 13. Notes to protect and maintain erosion control facilities during grading operations have been provided. 14. Arrows to indicate drainage flow direction on the surface of parking lots, roadway intersections and cul-de-sacs have been provided. 15. Layout of the entire storm drainage pipe with length, slope, and material type labeled and direction of flow indicated has been shown. 16. Site specific details and cross-section sheets for storm drainage detention or retention facilities such as control discharge structures and pond cross-sections have been provided. Indicating water surface elevations, allowable discharge rates, and design storms. 17. An emergency overflow to the public storm system has been provided. 18. Berm dimensions, materials, compaction requirements for ditches and detention ponds are shown where applicable. 19. Locations of manholes and catch basins are shown, indicating type, stationing, offset, lid type, rim and invert elevations, and number of manholes and catch basins consecutively. 20. Existing and proposed sanitary sewers and water mains (use ghost lines) are shown, identifying crossing and minimum vertical distance between utilities. 21. Type of material and size of energy dissipaters (riprap, etc.) has been provided. 22. Details of storm water quality control facility has been provided. 23. Limits of surface water ponding in parking lots has been provided. 24. Trash racks are shown, if applicable. 25. Location, widths and type of easements are shown. 26. Location and types of pumps, if applicable, are shown. 27. Bio-swale location, length, width, slopes, and cross-section are shown. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 12 of 32 C. PLAN SHEET ELEMENTS (cont.) Complete Item For City Use Only 28. Planting and seeding requirements with establishment procedure in construction sequence for water quantity and quality systems has been provided. 29. Finish floor elevations are shown. 30. The controlling downstream storm drainage elevations have been shown including the associated design conditions. 31. If the detention/retention pond impounds water to ten feet (10’) or more in depth at any point, or will impound a volume of ten (10) acre-feet or more than dam safety requirements have been met and a copy of the Department of Ecology Dam Safety Construction Permit has been provided. 32. Where practical to do so, ponds have been consolidated to minimize the total number of ponds required by the site. 33. Liners on the pond have been provided as recommended by a Geotechnical Engineer. 34. Fencing of the pond facility at the 10 year water surface elevation has been provided. 35. Pond aesthetics have been addressed. 36. Adequate maintenance access has been provided to pond cell #1, control structures and structures. 37. Bypass surface flows have been addressed. 38. Subsurface flows have been addressed and water surface elevations have been indicated. 39. Private drainage facilities have been clearly indicated on the plans. If a facility is proposed to be a joint public and private facility, justification for such a facility has been provided for City consideration. 40. Walls installed within the pond have a design provided by a Structural Engineer, including structural calculations and finish treatments. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 13 of 32 C. PLAN SHEET ELEMENTS (cont.) V. Private Storm Profile Is the private storm system to be installed such that it will cross under, over, or within proximity of public utilities? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: Complete Item For City Use Only 1. Structures are shown, including size, location, type, station, invert elevation, type of lid or grate, grate elevation. 2. Pipes are shown include materials, size, slope (% or ft/ft), and lineal footage. 3. All utility crossings are shown and identify elevation, type and size of utilities. 4. Ditches are shown, where applicable, and indicate slope (% or ft/ft) and type. 5. Existing and finished grade along centerline is shown. 6. Connections to existing structures are shown. VI. Cross Section Sheet 1. Cross-sections for fill and grading are shown through all properties to minimum thirty feet (30’) outside of property lines. Minimum one section each way has been provided. More may be necessary to adequately represent the site. 2. Cross-sections through the temporary detention pond are shown and include inlet and outlet structures when applicable. 3. Horizontal scale of cross-section matching the plan view of the site has been provided. Vertical scale is 1/10 of the horizontal scale. VII. Detail Sheet 1. Any detail specific to the project has been provided. 2. Standard City of Auburn Detail Numbers have been referenced on the plan sheets appropriately and not copied into the plan sheets. If a project specifies modification to a Standard Detail a new detail must be shown on the plans. 3. Storm control manhole, overflow structures, etc. with specific dimensions per site design have been provided. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 14 of 32 C. PLAN SHEET ELEMENTS (cont.) VIII. Private Wall Plans Does this project include structural walls greater than four feet (4’) in height or in unstable soil? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: Complete Item For City Use Only 1. Wall design is sealed by a Washington State Licensed Engineer. 2. Structural calculations have been provided. 3. Design details include all applicable sections, surfacing terracing, zone of influence for geogrids, easements, wall finish, etc. 4. Drainage facility, its conveyance and discharge system for the wall system has been shown. 5. Walls over two and a half feet (2.5’) have a minimum of forty-two inch (42”) railing or fencing provided. Note: If the wall or wall system encroach into the public Right-of-Way, a Right-of-Way Use Permit will be required prior to plan approval. IX. Utility Service Plans Does this project include the private connections to public utilities? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: Complete Item For City Use Only 1. Show water services per the Design Standards, Chapter 7 – Water Facilities, and include the following items: a. Existing water pipe size, location, and type of material b. Proposed details of connections to existing water mains c. Existing valve size, locations, and type d. Existing fire hydrant locations e. Existing water easements shown on plan f. Proposed domestic meter service and line size and location g. Proposed irrigation meter and line size and location h. Proposed backflow prevention devices shown for domestic and irrigation meters i. For buildings requiring fire sprinklers add Fire Sprinkler Note from Appendix B FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 15 of 32 C. PLAN SHEET ELEMENTS (cont.) 2. Show sanitary sewer service, per the Design Standards, Chapter 8 – Sanitary Sewer Facilities, and include the following items: a. Existing public sewer pipe size, location, type of material, station b. Existing location of manholes, type, stationing, offset, rim and invert elevations c. Proposed stationing of side sewers from downstream manhole d. Proposed connection of side sewer to City’s sanitary sewer pipe with a tee e. Proposed location of sanitary sewer cleanouts f. Existing Location of sanitary sewer easements, Right-of-Way, adjacent property lines, parcel numbers for all lots g. Proposed Floor drain, drain from other covered areas potentially subject to pollutants, and wash areas within parking lots shall be connected to the sanitary sewer through an approved oil/water separator FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 16 of 32 D. REPORTS (All reports shall be sealed by a Washington State licensed engineer.) I. Storm Drainage Report and Calculations Is a Storm Drainage Report required? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: Complete Item For City Use Only 1. Title page, including project name and address has been provided. 2. Project Overview provided including a general description of the proposed construction. The description indicates existing site location and conditions (prairie, forest, farmland, etc.) and what is proposed for site improvements. Provides soil conditions, existing and proposed grading, adjacent properties and land use, significant geographic features and critical areas (lakes, streams, steep slopes). Provides basic summary tables of existing and developed site conditions with flow rates for the different design storms. Also provides summary of required and provided storm facilities for quantity and quality control as a synopsis of the proposed project improvements that will be addressed in more detail later in the report. Show impervious surface calculations as existing, proposed, and net difference in the report and on a site plan with supporting calculations. Totals are to be shown on the plan cover sheet. Note: Gravel areas are not considered an impervious surface. 3. Summary of conditions and requirements for this project from environmental and land use documents are provided. 4. Off-site drainage information for adjacent lands upstream of the project site are provided. 5. An analysis of the downstream drainage system has been provided for a minimum of a quarter of a mile. Indicates the condition of the conveyance system (i.e. Does the ditch or pipe need cleaning or needs to be replaced due to deterioration? Is there evidence of surcharging of flows in the downstream system under existing conditions?) The controlling factors downstream have been identified such as the controlling downstream water surface elevation, conveyance system capacity and condition, and a basis for design identified. What impact on the downstream system will the proposed improvement make? If there is a capacity problem with the downstream system the applicant’s engineer needs to make recommendations on what could be done to correct the capacity concerns. 6. Storm system affects on a critical area (i.e. wetland, stream, etc.) are identified. 7. Existing Site Hydrology: Provided existing hydrology for the project site. Discussion of assumptions and site parameters used in analyzing the existing site hydrology include: a. Pre-developed runoff coefficients (CN) b. Time of Concentration (Tc) c. Travel time (Tt) to determine existing runoff data for the project site FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 17 of 32 D. REPORTS (CONT.) Complete Item For City Use Only 8. Developed Site Hydrology: Provided a detailed narrative, mathematical and graphic representation of the parameters selected and values used for the developed site conditions which include developed runoff coefficients and time of concentration for determination of developed runoff from the site for comparison to the existing flows for determination of storm water quality and quantity control requirements for the project. 9. Hydraulic Analysis: Provided a discussion of the parameters required to calculate the sizing of public/private storm water treatment systems including the following information: a. Retention or detention facilities design using hydrographic analysis b. Basin Summary including basin map with detailed Tc line shown. c. Hydrograph summary. d. Stage storage tables for retention/detention system. e. Stage discharge tables for discharge structures. f. Level pool routing summary. g. Apply the appropriate factor of safety to the pond sizing. h. Route the 24-hour, 100-year post-development storm event through the retention/detention facility to verify performance standards i. Biofiltration or other approved storm water quality system design. j. Maximum seasonal groundwater elevation provided. 10. Storm Drainage Report Design Criteria included a. Total acreage. b. Pervious acreage. c. Impervious acreage. d. Soil type(s). e. Curve Numbers (CN). f. Precipitation for: 72% of the 2-year/24-hour storm event. g. 10-year/24 hour storm event. h. 25-year/24 hour storm event. i. 100-year/24 hour storm event. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 18 of 32 D. REPORTS (CONT.) Complete Item For City Use Only 11. Retention/Detention System Sizing: a. Provided detail drawings showing the pond facility with appurtenances. b. Control structure detail is provided showing dimensions, elevation and sizing of the orifices. c. Included all calculations, equations, references, storage/volume tables, graphs and other aides necessary to clearly show design results and methodology. d. Used narrative and charts to provide a clear sequence of how the retention/detention facility size was determined and include the following information: total acreage, pervious acreage, impervious acreage, soil log information (include sail types and existing land characteristics), precipitation for the design storm discharge and storage times, season high groundwater information, infiltration rates for retention facilities, topographic map of site with Tc line, slope, and basins. 12. Drainage Basin Report Summary included a. Pre and post development basins. basins. b. Time of concentration calculations. c. Time of concentration topographical map (can be included in Appendix). d. Summary of pre-development conditions with post development requirements. 13. Conveyance System Analysis included a. Storm drainage system is designed to convey the volume form the 100-year/24-hour post development storm event. b. A backwater analysis method shall be used for the analysis of both proposed and existing systems to convey the developed rate of runoff for the 25-year/24-hour and 100-year/24-hour design storm events. c. Provide design printout showing each run of pipe and structures, rim and invert elevations for piping at each structure, and water elevation at each structure for each storm event. d. Drainage structures shall not be surcharged for 10-year/24-hour storm event. e. Drainage structures shall only be surcharged to a maximum of two feet (2’) above the downstream pipe crown elevation and shall have one foot (1’) if freeboard above the 25-year/24-hour storm event. f. Overtopping of the manholes for the 100-year/24-hour storm event is allowed only when the overflow is then conveyed within the curb/gutter of the street system. g. The City designated numbers for all catchbasins and manholes within the public storm system will be incorporated into the final storm report. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 19 of 32 D. REPORTS (CONT.) Complete Item For City Use Only 14. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Design: Provided all hydrologic and hydraulic information used to analyze and size the erosion/sedimentation control (ECS) shown on the engineering plans. Described the methodology and attached any graphics or drawings used to size the ESC facilities. 15. Conclusions and Recommendations are provided. 16. Sealed and signed by a Washington State licensed engineer. 17. Appendix with Storm Drainage Pollution Prevention Plan and other project reports (i.e. geotechnical report, exhibits, site design plans, etc.) are provided. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 20 of 32 D. REPORTS (CONT.) II. Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan Is a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan required for this project? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: 1. Title: Storm Drainage Prevention Plan for [name of project or development], included the application or permit number for SEPA, Building, Grading, and/or FAC and Storm permits, and stamped/sealed by a Washington State licensed professional engineer. 2. Site Address: Included street address and tax parcel number. 3. Introduction: Introduction of project described the site and facilities. Including the amount of impervious surface on the site. Indicating the natural system to which the runoff drains (i.e. Green River, Mill Creek, etc.) and how it gets there. 4. Plan Goal: Description of the goal of the plan is provided. 5. Prevention Best Management Practices (BMPs): Outline BMPs, Spill Response Plan (for facilities installed on-site) is provided. 6. Treatment BMPs: Outline BMPs. design criteria as needed (i.e. minimum height to which grass in a swale must be maintained) is provided. 7. Inspection: Indicates frequency (minimum two (2) per year) and state that records of inspection and maintenance will be kept for five (5) years and will be available for City inspector review. Includes a copy of the inspection checklist for the site. 8. Maintenance: Outlines frequency for routine maintenance and what triggers “as needed” maintenance. Indicates what maintenance results are to be. 9. Includes a list of people responsible for the project, including the owner and engineer information. A boilerplate form can be acquired from the City on request. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 21 of 32 D. REPORTS (CONT.) III. Geotechnical Report Is a Geotechnical Report required? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: 1. Title page, includes project name and address. 2. General information includes existing site conditions and proposed improvements to the site. Provides a summary of the engineer’s findings on proper methods to be used for the proposed project. 3. Site history, including any prior earthwork (i.e. cuts and fill work, imported soils, etc.) is provided. 4. Subsurface soil information and conditions, including groundwater elevations and subsurface flows is provided. Season high groundwater elevations need are provided based on site testing during the wet season. 5. Soil log information and location on a site map is provided showing the proposed improvements. 6. Soil characteristics including suitability for fill compaction requirements is provided. 7. Slope stability analysis is provided. 8. Seismic hazards is provided. 9. Site plan showing the topography and proposed structures and paving is provided. Updates to the plans must be submitted to the City when they occur. 10. Grading information including depth of cuts and recommended slopes is provided. 11. Provided analysis of subgrades of proposed roadways (public and private) and determination of subgrade California Bearing Ration (CBR) for determination of street design section. 12. Analysis on the erosion potential of onsite soils and recommendation on temporary erosion control methods being used is provided. 13. Provided design analysis and calculations for rockery or Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls over four feet (4’) in height if proposed as part of the project design. 14. Conclusions and recommendations for all earthwork activity proposed for the project are provided. 15. Appendix with test pit and boring logs are provided. 16. Provided information on infiltration rates for retention systems. 17. The report is sealed and signed by a Washington State licensed geotechnical engineer. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 22 of 32 D. REPORTS (CONT.) IV. Critical Area Report Does the proposed project include critical areas? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: The written report is in accordance with Auburn City Code (ACC) 16.10 and includes, at a minimum, the following: Complete Item For City Use Only 1. The name and contact information of the applicant, the name, qualifications, and contact information of the primary author(s) of the Critical Area Report, a description of the proposal, and identification of all the local, state, and/or federal wetland related permits required for the project, and a vicinity map for the project. 2. A statement specifying the accuracy of the report and all assumptions made and relied on. 3. Documentation of any fieldwork performed on the site, including field data sheets for delineations, functional assessments, baseline hydrologic data, etc. 4. A description of the methodologies used to conduct the wetland delineations, functional assessments, or impact analyses including references. 5. Identification and characterization of all critical areas, wetlands, water bodies, shorelines, floodplains and buffers on or adjacent to the proposed project area. For areas off-site of the project site, estimate conditions within three hundred feet (300’) of the project boundaries using the best available information. 6. For each wetland identified on-site and within three hundred feet (300’) of the project site, provide the wetland rating, required buffers, HGM classification, wetland acreage based on a professional survey from the field delineation (acreage for on-site portion and entire wetland are including off-site portions), Cowardin classification of vegetation communities, including vegetation characterization, habitat elements, soil conditions based on site assessment and/or soil survey information, and to the extent possible, hydrologic information such as location and condition of inlet/outlets, estimated water depths within the wetland, hydro period patterns based on on visual cues (i.e. algal mats, drift lines, flood debris). Provide acreage estimates, classifications, and ratings based on entire wetland complexes, not only the portion present on the proposed project site. 7. A description of the proposed actions including an estimation of acreages of impacts to wetland and buffers based on the filed delineation and survey and an analysis of site development alternatives, including a no development alternative. 8. An assessment of the probable cumulative impacts to the wetlands and buffers resulting from the proposed development. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 23 of 32 D. REPORTS (CONT.) Complete Item For City Use Only 9. A description of reasonable efforts made to apply mitigation sequencing to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts to critical areas. 10. A discussion of measures, including avoidance, minimization, and mitigation, proposed to preserve existing wetlands and restore any wetlands that were degraded prior to the current proposed land use activity. 11. A habitat and native vegetation conservation strategy that addresses methods to protect and enhance on-site habitat and wetland functions. 12. Evaluation of functions for the wetland and adjacent buffer using a functions assessment method recognized by local or state agency staff and including the reference for the method and all data sheets. 13. A copy of the site plan with the following: a. Scaled maps depicting delineated and surveyed wetland and required buffers on-site and off-site critical areas that extend on to the project site, grading and clearing limits, development development proposal, areas of proposed impacts to the wetlands/buffers. b. Depiction of the proposed storm water management facilities and outlets (to scale) for the development, including estimated areas of intrusion into the buffers of any critical areas. The written report shall contain a discussion of the potential impacts to the wetland(s) associated with anticipated hydro period alterations from the project. FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 24 of 32 D. REPORTS (CONT.) V. Traffic Impact Analysis Are you required by SEPA or by the Design Standards to have a Traffic Impact Analysis performed as part of a Grading or Site Development Approval? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: Complete Item For City Use Only 1. Executive Summary is provided. 2. Table of Contents is provided, consisting of: a. List of Figures (Maps) b. List of Tables 3. Introduction is provided, consisting of: a. Description of proposed project. b. Location of the project. c. Site plan, including all access to City streets. d. Circulation network, including access to City streets. e. Land use and zoning. f. Phasing plan, including proposed dates of project (phase) completion. g. Project developer and contact person. h. References to other traffic impact studies. 4. Traffic Analysis is provided, consisting of: a. Clearly stated assumptions. b. Existing and projected traffic volumes (including turning movements), facility geometry (including storage storage lengths), and traffic controls (including signal phasing and multi-signal progression where appropriate) figures. c. Project trip generation, including references (tables). d. Project generated trip distribution and assignment figures. e. Level of Service (LOS) and warrant analysis, existing conditions, cumulative conditions, and full-build of plan conditions with and without project. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations are provided, consisting of: a. LOS and appropriate Measure of Effectiveness (MOE) quantities of impacted facilities with and without mitigation measures. b. Mitigation phasing plan including dates of proposed mitigation measures. c. Define responsibilities for implementing mitigation measures. 6. Appendices are provided, consisting of: a. Description of traffic data and how data was collected. b. Description of methodologies and assumptions used in analyses. c. Worksheets used in analysis (i.e. signal, warrant, LOS, traffic control information). FC193 (Revised 07/09) Page 25 of 32 D. REPORTS (CONT.) VI. Winterization Report Will this project have exposed soil or be worked on from October 1st to March 31st? Yes No If yes, then the following applies: Complete Item For City Use Only 1. Purpose is clearly stated. 2. Property location is provided. 3. Property description is provided. 4. Contacts are provided and include: a. Name b. Title c. Organization d. Phone number or person, or persons, responsible for maintaining the site. 5. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan is provided. 6. Inspection and monitoring schedule is provided. 7. Maintenance and repair responsibility is clearly identified. 8. A stockpile of TESC materials and their location is identified. 9. An Exhibit A – legal description is provided. 10. An Exhibit B – vicinity map is provided. 11. Inspection report form is provided. 12. Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be employed that are site specific are provided. FORM FC188 (Revised 11/08) Page 25 of 32 Appendix A Sample Engineering Approval Block (B-1): Sample Planning Approval Block (B-2): Sample Critical Area Approval Block (B-3): PROJECT REF: __________________________ THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN’S ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS. APPROVED BY: _________________________ DATE APPROVED: _______________________ PROJECT REF: _________________________ THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN’S PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. APPROVED BY: ______________________ ___ DATE APPROVED: ______________________ PROJECT REF: _________________________ THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN’S CRITICAL AREA REQUIREMENTS. APPROVED BY: _________________________ DATE APPROVED: ______________________ FORM FC188 (Revised 11/08) Page 26 of 32 Sample Record Drawing Certification Block (B-4): Sample Parks Department Approval Block (B-5): Sample Postmaster Approval Block (B-6): RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR’S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY _______________________ DATE ___________ TITLE/POSITION _____________________________ CONFIRMED BY CITY ____________ DATE _______ PROJECT REF: _________________________ THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS THE CITY OF AUBURN PARKS DEPARTMENT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS APPROVED BY: _________________________ PARKS DIRECTOR DATE APPROVED: ______________________ CITY OF AUBURN POSTMASTER APPROVAL APPROVED BY: ________________________ TITLE/POSITION: _______________________ DATE APPROVED: __________________ ____ FORM FC189 (Revised 7/09) Page 27 of 32 Appendix B General Notes 1. THIS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUBURN’S REQUIREMENTS AND BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. ANY CHANGES FROM THE APPROVED PLAN WILL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER, ENGINEER, AND THE CITY. 2. ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE “WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSDOT) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION (2002),” EXCEPT WHERE SUPPLEMENTED OR MODIFIED BY THE CITY’S CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL. 3. A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE START OF ALL CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT 253-931-3010, TO SCHEDULE A MEETING. 4. LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR EXISTING UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE TRUE ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND THE EXTENT OF ANY HAZARD CREATED BY OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES. IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION, MARKING, AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES OR UTILITIES, IS GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 19.122 REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON (RCW). PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL ONE-CALL (1-800-424-5555) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS (WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, GAS, POWER, TELEPHONE, AND CABLE). 5. IF A PROPOSED ROUTE IS NOT INCLUDED ON THESE PLANS, A PROPOSED ROUTE AND SCHEDULE FOR HAULING MATERIAL TO THE SITE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. IF THE CITY BELIEVES THAT THE PROPOSED HAUL ROUTE WILL ADVERSELY IMPACT THE STREET NETWORK, A SEPA AMENDMENT MAY BE REQUIRED TO EVALUATE THE IMPACTS AND DETERMINE MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. HAULING MAY BE LIMITED TO APPROPRIATE OFF-PEAK HOURS OR ALTERNATIVE ROUTES, AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ON AND AROUND THE PROJECT. PRIOR TO THE START OF WORK, ALL METHODS AND EQUIPMENT USED FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND STREET MAINTENANCE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL. CONTRACTORS AND THEIR SURETY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES AND DAMAGES TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY SUFFERED BECAUSE OF CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS OR NEGLIGENCE CONNECTED WITH THEM. 7. ALL CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING FOR EXTENSIONS OF PUBLIC FACILITIES SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A WASHINGTON LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR A WASHINGTON LICENSED PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER. 8. CERTIFIED DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO PROJECT ACCEPTANCE. REFER TO THE CITY’S “RECORD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT” HANDOUT. FORM FC189 (Revised 7/09) Page 28 of 32 Appendix B (cont.) Grading and Erosion Control Notes 1. WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, ALL REQUIRED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO LAND CLEARING AND/OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THESE FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND UPGRADED, IF NECESSARY, TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENT-LADEN WATER AND STORM DRAINAGE RUNOFF DOES NOT IMPACT THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES, NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS, OR THE EXISTING CITY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 2. THE SOURCES FOR ALL MATERIAL IMPORTED TO THE SITE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY. 3. THE STORM DRAINAGE DETENTION (RETENTION IF INFILTRATION SYSTEM IS USED), SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED TO BE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO MEET ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES MAY BE REQUIRED AS SITUATIONS WARRANT DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE IMPLEMENTATION, MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND ADDITIONS TO THESE CONTROL SYSTEMS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITEE. 4. THE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES, INCLUDING ALL PERIMETER CONTROLS AND THE DETENTION (RETENTION IF INFILTRATION SYSTEM IS USED), CONTROL PONDS, SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL SITE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. AFTER CITY APPROVAL, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING ALL TEMPORARY FACILITIES. 5. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO WATER THE SITE, AS NECESSARY, TO REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO SWEEP ALL AFFECTED PUBLIC ROADS, AS NECESSARY, TO REMOVE MATERIAL DEPOSITED AS A RESULT OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. 6. ALL AREAS OF ACTIVE EARTHWORK WHICH HAVE THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION IMPACTS ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES, NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS, OR THE EXISTING CITY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM MUST BE STABILIZED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: FROM APRIL 1ST TO SEPTEMBER 30TH, AREAS AT FINAL GRADE AND THOSE THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS. FROM OCTOBER 1ST TO MARCH 31ST EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN STAGES ORDER TO MINIMIZE SOIL EXPOSURE. EXPOSED SOILS WITH AN AREA GREATER THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS AND EXPOSED AREAS OF LESS THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET THAT WILL REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN SEVEN (7) DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY. FORM FC189 (Revised 7/09) Page 29 of 32 Appendix B (cont.) FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS NOTES SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1. FIRE LINE TO BE SIZED BY A FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEER. 2. BACKFLOW PROTECTION IS REQUIRED ON FIRE SPRINKLER LINES 3. A SEPARATE DETAILED PLAN OF THE UNDERGROUND FIRE SPRINKLER LINE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY FIRE MARSHALL AND INSTALLED BY A WASHINGTON STATE CERTIFIED LEVEL “U” CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 212-80-010. A POST INDICATOR VALVE WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE SPRINKLER LINE TO ISOLATE THE SYSTEM FROM THE CITY’S WATER SYSTEM WHEN REQUIRED FOR REPAIR. CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL NOTES CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1. INSTALLATION OF ALL BACKFLOW ASSEMBLIES MUST COMPLY WITH THE CITY’S TECHNICAL MEMO – INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES. 2. A BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY PLUMBING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL ASSEMBLIES INSTALLED WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND/OR THE CITY’S WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 3. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLIES MUST BE ON THE CURRENT WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH – BACKFLOW ASSEMBLIES APPROVED FOR INSTALLATION LIST. 4. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLIES MUST BE TESTED BY A STATE CERTIFIED BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TESTER, AND INSPECTED BY A CITY OF AUBURN CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL SPECIALIST. 5. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, SUBMIT TO THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ENGINEER FOUR (4) SETS OF BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY PLANS, INCLUDING THE CONNECTION POINT TO THE CITY MAIN FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. FORM 150 (Revised 07/09) Page 30 of 32 Appendix C PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING NON-BUILDING PERMIT CHECKLIST FOR GRADING/OTHER PROJECTS Complete the checklist and include with the next submittal. (Check and complete all applicable items.) Special Permit Required Sidewalk, driveway, and/or curb and gutter proposed in the right-of way Construction Permit Required Construction proposed in the right-of-way that is not covered by another permit Water Permit(s) -number required: _____ Domestic Water Meter -_____ meter(s) Irrigation Water Meter -_____ meter(s) Fire Hydrant Relocation -_____ hydrant(s) Fire Line Connection Permit(s) – number required: _____ Fire Line -_____ connection(s) Sewer Permit(s) -number required: _____ Side Sewer -_____ connection(s) Oil and Water Separator -_____ separator(s) Side Sewer Repair -_____ repair(s) Storm Permit(s) -number required: _____ Permanent storm system and/or new impervious surface Multi-family Building -_____ building(s) Residential Storm Permit(s) -number required: _____ Residential Infiltration System -_____ single-family home(s) Backflow Permit(s) -number required: _____ Non-residential Domestic Water Meter -_____ meter(s) Irrigation Water Meter -_____ meter(s) Fire Line -_____ connection(s) FORM FC195 (Revised 07/09) Page 31 of 32 GRADING PERMIT (GRA) ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Project Name: __________________________________________ FAC No: ______________ Applicant Name: ________________________________________ Date: _________________ This form will be returned to the Applicant with the First Review Comments indicating the additional documents required based on the information provided in the initial submittal. Additional documents may be required at a later date if the project information changes from that represented in the initial submittal. PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF PLANS Required Completion Date Item Seal/Stamp with signature and date of signing, per WAC 196-23, mylars, 4-mil thickness, black and white only, no text in shaded hatched areas, no sticky backs, no sepia mylars, no Xerox mylars unless cold rolled Executed Utility Non-Remonstrance Agreements Executed Street Delay Agreements Executed Traffic Mitigation Agreement Payment of VRFA Review Fees Other: ___________________________________________________ PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Provide copies of plans per transmittal requirements City of Auburn Business License Contractor’s L&I License Certificate of Insurance Emergency Call-Out List Preliminary Electronic Drawing File (AutoCAD 2006) Storm water pollution prevention plan/report Preliminary on-site storm easement Dedication of right-of-way Haul Route information and approval (for more than 500 cubic yards of earthwork) FORM FC195 (Revised 07/09) Page 32 of 32 PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE (cont.) Required Completion Date Item Executed private joint access easements Executed joint side sewer easement and agreement Executed Critical Areas easements Executed Storm Water Easement and Maintenance Agreement Executed Developer Participation Agreement Performance Bond Traffic Control Plan Issued Storm Permit(s) Issued Water Permit(s) Issued Sewer Permit(s) Other: ___________________________________________________ PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION Pre-construction meeting completed Winterization Plan Issued WSDOT Permit Other: ___________________________________________________ PRIOR TO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY/PROJECT ACCEPTANCE Contractor Redline Construction Plans Record Construction Drawings (Redline Mylars) Final storm drainage report (2) and cover letter Other: ___________________________________________________