HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Modifications , C ITY O F FINANCE COMMITTEE . 014 WAS H I NGTON September 8, 2009 AGENDA MODIFICATION The agenda modification adds Ordinance No. 6263. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS E. Ordinance No. 6263* (Baker) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Chapter 18.56 (Signs), of the Auburn City Code ti * * CITY OF 4 FINANCE COMMITTEE * WASHINGTON September 8, 2009 AGENDA MODIFICATION (#2) The agenda modification adds Resolution No. 4525 to Discussion Items. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS F. Resolution No. 4525* (Dowdy) A Resolution of the City Council of the Cit of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to submit applications to the Federal Emergency Management Administration for grants for hazard mitigation projects * * . CI"['Y OF * AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM WASH[NGTON Agenda Subject: Date: Resolution No. 4525 Se tember 8, 2009 Department: - Attachments: Budget Impact: $1,658,000 Public Works Resolution No. 4525 & Exhibits "A" Administrative Recommendation: City Council adopt Resolution No. 4525. Background Summary: The City has been provided an invitation to apply for up to two applications for FEMA hazardous mitigation grants with Washington State's Military Department, Emergency Management Division ("State EMD"). The City has within its Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan two stormwater capital improvement projects (South 296th Street South pond expansion and Bry's Cove pond expansion) whic~h qualify for federal and state grant funding. For this grant application, the project cost for the South 296 Street South pond expansion is estimated to be $1,525,000 and Bry's Cove pond expansion project is estimated to be $133,000. Resolution No. 4525 authorizes the Mayor or his designee to apply to the State EMD for FEMA hazardous mitigation grant funding for these capital improvement projects as a combined grant application. The date for applying for this grant is September 15, 2009. W0908-14 Reviewed by Cauncil & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ❑ Building ❑ M&O ❑ Airport ED Finance ❑ Cemetery ❑ Mayor ❑ Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal Serv. 0 Finance ED Parfcs [D Planning ❑ Fire ❑ Human Services ❑ Planrnng & CD ❑ Park Board OPublic Works 0 Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other 0 nforma on Services ~ Human Resources Action: Committee Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Council Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Call for Public Hearing Referred to Until Tabled Until Councilmember: Wa ner Staff: Dowd Meetin Date: Se tember 8, 2009 Item Number: AU$~RN* MORE THAN Y4U IMAGINED . RESOLUTION NO. 4525 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION FOR GRANTS FOR HAZARD MITIGATION PROJECTS WHEREAS, the City has within its Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan two stormwater capital improvement projects (South 296th Street South pond expansion and Bry's Cove pond expansion) which may qualify for federal and state grant funding; and WHEREAS, the project cost for the South 296th Street South pond expansion is estimated to be $1,525,000 and Bry's Cove pond expansion project is estimated to be $133,000 (Exhibit "A"); and WHEREAS, the federal government #hrough Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) has available hazard mitigation grant funding which is administered through Washington State's Military Department, Emergency Management Division (State EMD); and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn has submitted a mitigation plan letter of interest for the finro stormwater capital improvement projects and has been provided an invitation from the State EMD to apply for up to one application for grant funds with a maximum of $1.5 million; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn's share of the cost of each mitigation project is 12.5% of the total eligible costs; and WHEREAS, the City intends to fund the local match by utilizing storm drainage capital improvement funds; and Resolution No. 4525 September 8, 2009 Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, the City Council will amend the City's Annual Budget dependent upon a grant award and the City's ability to fund required matches. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Purpose. The Mayor or his designee is authorized to apply to the State EMD for FEMA hazard mitigation grants for the South 296th Street South pond expansion and Bry's Cove pond expansion capital improvement projects and, as necessary, to prepare amendments to the Annual Budget as the grants are secured and matching funds are identified within the existing Budget or where a new Budget is appropriafed. Section 2. Imptementation. The Mayor of the City of Auburn is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this Resolution. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. DATED and SIGNED THIS DAY OF , 2009. CITY OF AUBURN PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk Resolution No. 4525 September 8, 2009 Page 2 of 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: S;~ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney Resolution No. 4525 September 8, 2009 Page 3 of 3 Exhibit "A" South 296th St South Pond Expansion and B's Cove Pond Ex ansion Ca ital Im rovement Pro'ects Bud et Revenues Items Amount South 296th St. S. Pond Ex ansion - FEMA rant 1,125,000 - State share 187,000 - Cit Stormwater Utili funds 213 000 Subtotal 1,525,000 B's Cove Pond Ex ansion - FEMA rant 0 - State share 0 - Ci Stormwater Utili funds 133 000 Subtotal 133,000 Total Revenues 1,658,000 Expenditures Items Amount South 296th St. S. Pond Ex ansion - Phase I Ca ital Im rovements 453,000 - Phase II Ca ital Im rovements 1 072 000 Subtotal 1,525,000 B's Cove Pond Ex ansion - Phase I Ca ital Im rovements 133,000 Subtotal 133,000 Total Expenditures 1,658,000 Prepared: 9/8/2009 Resolution No. 4525 Exhibit "A" September 8, 2009 Page 1 of1