HomeMy WebLinkAbout74040204453 7 twee t'' l? >(r- STATE OF WASHINGTON 1 ss COUNTY OF KING On this 97 day of daac-JL19--,before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared e~ha 7nmo~ 1 Nnt~~ to me known to be the individual (s) Lr described in and-,who excuted the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged'-that CD'. he _ gigned the same as His-(th6irl free and voluntary act and deed or the, uses and purposes CV - q:r- therein mentionedo - Z~ i4 WITNESS my hand and official..,seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. OWNER: Mn, on Mu Jama T Ha)Lt STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY'OF KING 1 ~ > ~ ;v •,a ''1•-~,..... NOTAR BLi , in iiciafatI ithe tmte.of Washington, residing-66 Auburn;) OVA On this °~SIN day of192Z before me thelundersigned, a Notary Public.in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and 1 ZZ to me known to be the Mayo and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation, and the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said in- strument to be the free anal voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and r purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seat of said corporation. WITNESS.my hand and official seal written. A TTE~; CITY CLERK el-=4,U) k 0 ,V,ra hereto affixed the day and year first above -3- CITY OF AUBURN: - w ip• 1 1 'An NOTARY PUBLIC, *~#-,and• for..th'e State- of Washington, res~d,i;n ";~.tAc,icu' ' J RECORDEO 1974 APR 2 AM 10 25 RECORDS~~CrOa KING CCUNTY & ELECrjolVs r ILED for Record at Request of F Name......... I R's 1 y. 2251150 B. T.-t7oodo,Yrastob + .,rr,#~'`J(J~-G7'/•':/~S•.G`••u~7%~' •I be od 1- 1 -11-9- Loan Association IN THE DISTRICT:COORT-ON THE tVITED STAffi9, FOR YHIS u.': qr 17S8T.M.DISTRIOT,CP HINOTON, NOR'!lLRN.DIV18YCA ' • ~ I In the tkittor of $ , F In Bankruptcy' No-78114 ?Sabel Kobel, Bankrupt ? ' ~6 4 ~J Yrusteele Deed . {KNOW ALL hM? BY THS59 MUSTS, That 1, B. T. Woods, as trustoo is banktupt'oy of-llabol: Aobol, ' party of the first part, for and in eoaeideration of the sum 'of Too Hundred (0200.) Lollaro, lawful mnonoy the Dnitod States, to me. in hand paid, at or before the snsealing atd delivery of theeo pro %1n, by , the Pcninsular Savings d Loan Association of-Bremerton, ,Raehington,.Ay of, the ccocind'part, roooipb Vh6T 0- of Is hereby acknowledgad,ado hereby give, grant, bargain, sell, and convoy unto the crnid.Pcninonlar SaVO MD d Loaa'Assooietion, its successors and assigns, forever, all my right, title and Antorast, 3i56'aad:.to tho,r V property described as Yollovar Beginning on the nest line of the northeast, quarter of the northwest•quarter.;oP CC3tiO1 nine (9) Township twenty three (23) North of Range,four (4) Bast W.M. 1017.45 feet south from the northeast eornor of said northeast quarter of northeast quarter, which point is the acuthwoot corner of 4•fivo eoro tract deed to Andrew S. Mellon; thence oast along the oouth line of said give Acre traot, 360 foot',:moro or loos; to the easterly right of way line of 14th Avenue South Des Hoinea, King County Road. no. 982, which is tho ' 1 trno.point•of,beginning, thence continue east,slang~oaid south line of oaid Five'Aoro tiaalb.-M feote• MP M or less, to westerly right of way line of King County Road Ho. 76(lmom as the:O. Praeger Road) thanoo ` 1 eouthwastorly along the westerly right of usy line of said Road, No. TO and Sing County. Romd'Wo. *89 (Indust. , t'• i Zas the Joseph Quinn Road) to the northerly right of =y line of King County Road On. 111E.(tmamn ao the 5 t P. H. Vostorn Road) thence westerly along the northerly right of tay line of said. Hang County. Road Vos ' 1112 to the easterly line of said King County Road.No. 982; thence northeasterly along tho•caaterly,liao'• of said Road No. 982 to the true point.of beginning, in Sing County, 17ashington. Subject to all encumbrances of record, and .all trues and special aooesemonto QpIry t ald_ps+o - YO-HAVE A'71'TO-HOLD come iiiito,tho said party of tho. second part, its ouoooaaoro and asolpop forever. This deed is made' purounnt to the direction of the oonrt, an rooitsfl in the nniantoa.;of "bho a ing of creditor, of the above cmtitled estate, hold an the 9th day of Soptamber, 1926'.r t+ - 0 1P1T145S3 VfIS:,ECP, I have hereunto set my land and coal thin 8th day of 9optombar,r192'6. • ; ,•-•.,~-~.ri B. T. Woods . Trustee in aankraptib~r, of LinDlo;Qob~11•. ' ' ' State of Washington County of King ' On this 9th day of Boptcmbar; 1928, before cis;'p4oonally..appcarc:3,B.' T.'Voodo Bankruptoy, of the estate of Hanel Kobel, to me personally known to be tiro individ¢11. eccovibbd.Ini-c1xd. dho executed. the foregoing instrument, and•soknowledged that he wccautod,the come ao,ouah'tltaolav', na';aQo .rLh said, as his. free ond'voluntary act and, decd, for ther.uose and parpocoa' t"!psi~ppoapQg;,: (L.?I.S.Notarial Seal) Leopold M. Stern (Coa..•8'zoAu6.48, 1929) ..o-r- Rotary Public in and fpr:ths 6t6to.0 'Wan hingbobb 7- , residing at 8oattlo. Filed for 'record'at'request. of ftniaeular.Savingo dr lmarn:Aaan. _ b' Oopt.; 1926 , at if. 4® tsiin `g~ot•' f{ E. Perganaa,Covnty Aunditor. n r L. R. -Abvobam of Wt c ` 4 ~ ~ .'x.. ' ~ . YSS. ' ` ~.i._~.~Qt•1~0Q,Valsa Dodd t~ , . ~ t ` l 't ~ ~ ~ Y'ha City of .AtiEars'• } yy DUTU70By PDIB! ` l ;.r -'253 R Abrcnhara and Luria Abrabaa` , , r• c' CAAAYOA$, L. ..hla wino, of'Un,My'of AatmrA;.'im the 9 . ~ ;t' or., bag' 01id'7ltatb of-Utiohiagtn., ibr'tlio'oonufdoraticn of,C•ao`lbll,cr. ,i lcn$4- QS4bx;o -iai?".: a oat b oewidora #pnna, 4.h, rbaolpt Moroof io hereby o0?m6al0d9C9, by tbo ~toro'`li rc8s'' p t+" 41 '9flfQq'';f Au~era, a 9ity of tho third alaoa,, oitaat> h in Chen OOMW A5, t bo vtato of, ~:acma 'M.'+.,C h all laProroot Stn tai fo;lcrlda doooribCd rcal oatafior Kota,m=tord four cnnd f ivb (4' b 8) in bloats `QA° (and ' $oto tat b ir+~1 ' OitY"D ~ , S9vc~;•• o ~?o oEt~3t6, sips (8, 9'0 Q,4),4it'bIcAloop ell is 0alo!a brClan.Yraotor nny'tha opp r.' Csrar Cn rgovQC3 (}lp0 rs °'oP iu> i oPn sgti>ro', e ' spa; oor~iiy At BtorQa Offiao o'f mile oc ntq, C~ohlaaDcal Yls r, : oia4,od c9no 6cxrlsrrbP.;S4aB bqq` p12. taohiaa: z s s adtwl rP,hio tp~ Cay oP OopCcabsr, i9ito. , n` ~ ~ (:7 ~ ay ~'',S L ~ t , [ V•1' h:.,y,'` ` Sew * Ku• Lt,Sli 'TGh r !y!l+.Y~ ° • .p : ' ~Lt. ~r L~i•}'. I aR •.'x $ 1. r4 4; >;..W.`~,. X~: ~}',•^~r , ,.x - I: `.~.~~.~L~,c F%'~ ^ r.'~• ~~J fV~+. .fY_ F, t.1-er' - , • r,~18688pd. p~,~; , Y>tt t .8tarviad.:... P h ' x t _ r. uro aco•, ; 40 Cortificato of pr Alffod S.Kspnos : - 1 1 < .-n THE SaMIOR COURT .07 gM'STATR or amB IIiO'i'08 PoR' ma CouNTX OF, KING 13 , kkffp 'ji $:dTS,OT MSH19GTOA + + • `f . %.'6Td783D BoR!!P'Lf"n31, ' ' ~ . r j ti Pla Latiff Ia.' 1 7 6'8"3 a - din Atdgmut rtndered on tho 19th dam:, O + 882 A88LABD ' HWD AffiiI~ NAo k ` gifo-and RAVI OP ALA93A, a ba kIM nonobor, 18YA. . i Wfsndonto. ' , Stato of Haohlagtoa/ 'k iif )DO r I. ' . ca~aty of Kin3 4 a I, tbtt Storviah, Sdoriff of Uve County: in the State of WeabinStmt, do hereby oortI*,tbot under cigY-osaaatIOti'an3 afd~r-o---°.. _.e d`> .logtod..out-,of tho_ebovo•-onticlod--Ooa'rt_,iij } - 12 ~ t :'tho ab0vo ontitlel action, . on the l:th,day o f Bovmbor, 1924 duly attooted and to-me diroctod tad i . dollvorod by tZlob I me o=zmmdod to,ooll the property boroinafter doocribod according to 1aa, and ' apply %be procooao of moh mlo to the eatiefeeties of the jndgaont in said action anoaatioa to tbo f~} t of four thousand tao tandred fifty-and no/100 W4UO.00) dollero, -tot b interest and'** sto of ealt , ! . . on by, aid sao0ution ond order of aelo (roforonoo thereto baing bad) moro folly gppaa;o.. I Only loviod . . :.on and Nava this day at tho boar of ton 0'010011 AX. cold at public auction is ►p.Araan~~pzotaaaBod•. ;4 - by lea, and aftor duo and legal notice, to Alfred S.Lopaer, vho vao the highoot-aa8-b0btMii e3~er tbero- a for, at ouch nlo, for tbo ona of forty-oevca-hmdzcd._gorxy-tta..and_B7/lw-(Oa?68.®7Z . dollaro t2tich. + - _ - a bo hil3heot cum bla at crab pale, the real astato, oltuatcd in King Caanty,Stoto, of.'~lsohin$tari + banffiod.cad docaribod ao fellova, towaitt - C ~ Y r - x-~1Ct throo t8) in Block °D" Plot' of U dddc4d1o'Additioa to'tho oily of Soaftlo,' { o00ording to tho plat tboreof;' roeardod in Vol= 1 of Plato, pe3a 197, reeordo of ' oaanty, oxaoVtlt3 therefraa that portion thereof ooado=d. tr8_.tDo_R.lty,_of.._..~.•'-.--------~-•=--• . h. 8`oa~o, wag 05rAintaoo U0. 187E0 for tDO aIItoaoiaa of Etpooa cam Boulevard, , bcmrlb:-l ao,follwot Bcgbanisg at apoint of tho snot lim of mid lot, - isail ..Of..t.tq..I7orthgot..coraor..therooft-tbonco•8auth'alon "ttCe «eot lino 3.66 fact r - 1". '.So tho Sosthoaot:oornort'thonoo Uoot close the Scath line 3.86 fcstt' thOMAO, North 42 6oarcbo W-WO Punt 647 foot to tho point of baginning•X 5 :Y f i" s tbat tho prlco paid far aach d1r3Lnot lot and parool cao'aa' fallovor and tho 41olo prioo paid for ca td, AltA a II r I G' _ + pool ootato caa tb?. our of 04742-W aid that acid D v lo'cubaoof to rrdtaPlion avant to' otEtato in Ouch oaooo mado aid providod: t ^ i 81Q uadar cam' baai thin 2 Mb dep. of Daaombar, 1884.' , ` - thtt Starviah, ShOgiff of sut Guinn!. I~ I i . . . _ " • ~ State of 4 Ancbing9vn. k`.) t ti ' By A:Rutebooon, Daputy. I % 1 D llod: Ypr r00M ct rogocot 0•f Alfred: S.Kopaor, Jaa.` 27, 1S?B` of 08 min. giot 11 An . 1 I s 1 ~ 1 '!F 13 D ' O f ~ . arGao ¢a, ,~y/ _D. aoat y Auditor. , ' bO JbA Lt11a BrBsy lap : o9 02 7 + $U4 4161m XbOd nib MI. ' r^ , ` 93tti ':3ALa'065, r)lln 3o*04. a VMao. Rlla S.RAtin,, ao fteiiltPla-oe td0 SOtnto of ahorloo;AMCU t-; _ P I 40.aj E60r' dC=o 81rtn=a- and 113rg Mart=. hio'iiifo,•'L~aold Hartilac'; a,ooitg3mticrn,,:IJaP:h'~aP1o r + A110o.L.b7oa7'lo;, h1o v+tfo,, Harald L.Olori't'tsid.Olive A.Clartr, Aib git9, Gb oa.©ngo and Laura lizoagga' o.1&o,•rs'nob plkx-ano S U.Uara and t o g Donis 4.Unro,hiQ crifo,, B:S.tWCna and 010rn C 0. hip V71 . r and in"poru~laM?%if o„Clt~,f_Clba,-wally Of-tba TW'd-Clao0.,"o g itrizatod la,tbo gGAty of ts[, ita. ~.thp Atoto of y0obiV36*0, for a .S gablto i3troot and Hi&gq pntpao08 nrq 90.8' part; af. C.Otroat_.,$.D In EBo' . :.J - -~Otty Of l~9bttrn•and for: cataa 9ttDl~o btroolane 11I.Muy pnrpoooo onyq all intor~a8 -in LBO f0~3ov1ezf s + be l~bod 17 nl ' c3taCC ~ a ~ixy° V+, p13''0404.OOy44 trams nf:ian r. 004DrfL`97>Q T,0 i+ t , 18• W~ D46td;0II,'r p 0 (1Q0t:, .119'.ohd 6bo•Llortbaot,.gnartar, oY t`0o41ne 10,'I,Teotoohlp r-- j . x ~ ,~Ai r:O~A~oY Go~~~ P~Ct p.t3y D~tlouLul,yy bqus~.od and donoribod oo fol„}~'~p, ~9.i~r~iit~:-;,~._-=--• -tj--.' "77 i * r ~ ~ ~aat~act ~ I tom.:-- , y,i + i 7 goglnniag at o point on the 8auth line of,Bivorviov lddition,to Auburn .677.26-f Ot loot of too yaathasof aoraor of mid 8lverviev Additiont thcc00 3=1h 0068'80 D. a 410tano0 of ~'ll 873091 foot„ mom or l c3u, to the o wth marglaal 11w of tho r sdbt- 0f-arc of the, E arthara ` pCntrio 8allagy OOmpaatt. Balch point on tho South.msrgioal line of said riPt1Of-uW onoo• 10 horoby deoldpOatod 80 the true point of toglnningt thonoe south 00439800,000t a dial ' of 1368.89 feat to a point 11.76 fcot oouth of the 000tor lign.of Slath Btfw, 8011:+,grCffiSaoB. I F,aotcr1yt.thcua0 SGath 0006011" Baot a dictanoo of 461068,fe0t t0 the Novthcaot,:Oorasar"y „ x 11I~ ii of 8art'a pipet Pdd►tioo to.Aatmrni thence South 87006'11" Rant o 41atanca,of•192.16 feet. fl 'r'- to. a point 86.21 abet Booth of the-0oater ling of Blghth Stroot S.S. thOnoo 8cutt6aetorly• I along a. 246 foot -md1uD a diotcmoc of 800.06 foot to tho Borthcoot Oornor, of Lot 1 lit. block 4 in Walnut tuna BcOOffi Addition to Anburnt thcno0 North 80I0~ti80'09" [lao6 a diotanao.. .4!p ~ ~ II of 82.26 foot to tho ooatter' lino of Blath 8tro0t S.U. tbonao'Son 18086'E0", Bast' a• i diat0neo of 81.78 feet to tho Scathvoat oarnor of LO.t 26„ In Sloot 1 of MAJUS Lmca- hr 1 Addition to Atmasnt thono0 Aorthmatcrly along a 161. foot radino a diatanco'of-173.12••fe t. to a point 19.68 foot Douth of the cantor lim of 210th Dtt+oet,B.& thong Doi¢h 87006111° , QOat a diotcnao 662.02 fcOtt thOnOo''Aorih 00481801`.Ubot•a diclanoo ODUS ::oe mom -or loan- - ------------r- ---to"tL0"80nthoi]y ~irC3iim~1'liae •of Sh0 r1ghL~Of~gy`Of the UOr8h02n Pa01Y1o &Si1c Oamegm, j thonoo South SWO911260 Mot along 0ald o catborly mai>31na1• ltua 'a dlotmoo Of 300.02,1cOt•.to. the trno point of boginni3t containing ram-or loon of lcadt r I'!I~I aiteatcd in tha OEUaty ovstag, Btato Of:aaahiaptoo.' ~ u. ~ _ - - DA^a8D thin 16tti d4.1 Jnanesy, 1928« iM ]113a B'.Rgan a.: if t B1 B ffiocatrin.of't4o 40%ata OC N T Lwrca0o dcme0 8artmOn D.R. Duo Corp 3: a 1► vid Barg 1~a.1 Go- i II :r } - . Hy J (s Hari.. DA s -777 e P - .1 4 o• Al Leo L.Scarl Cl! 9 d0t LavPa ei.uon ~•v~1,0 Aa~3'0 • ~ r , • w r.. ~}:•a -'+fM tom} yl Hy {P. (Q.Z1r17.8n0.QOrp.~0a1) 1 r jly prPvo i C: 1y , ARd.aotoj_X to 8-41ttadhed-by rldlro -State of• Doohington 40a. t k^ er 1 t .DOa:nty of ~ f ' I, ^.Y ~ •',r: tom,, + ^ l 1 ~~",r Oa'S41o 17th dap'of daimary,,¢.D.1£860 b@fOro'cporoacolly appeoro9 OOasSO'ur~ LO aD tc4att=a Y. ti• to bo_tho.ProoWant and Prcdorich a 4~or, to co In= to t* the 5loorotary, of 1lavid Ba8808 a,..o• Ito, x owporattao that onoontod Mo within and forogoing l20trtara1dt apd aomavlc."3o0 thoaaa1w3vU=o Y } ' Eo bo the free calY v@1nnSary cat aid 4666 of said carpomtiCa, ftir Lho 0c00 and pcogQoaa thoroSta ~m-o 5tlimcl cmd On oath 0aah.atatcd that to uD outhorlacd to. clocato 0ald 1nptY1=CAt0 a~ Eti t ;t ho oba` 1 - offlacd ip the oorpomt6 aql of Mid oerporation. i ED:gfif3~8$'RRw0D I bovo hcaconeo cot ug hand and affigCd nbr'offtoi l Seal rthp d sjrrnd yvos4_ -klrct. 61po yr ittcao . ~{4.~teA.;II04osil'sl .4.t'ta11._ 5+300. A [~cb ZfoSa1® ~'N"bll0 S~~OUdrfar~6ho ~'~7 state Of Bctiohbog4on r0o141a~ 4y. 4~9ttan> {0 .80:'•1887. . Q . r ti _ 4. a. r r - Df 1 880 •of t7a0hiR'$tQa r'00° a ^ as g StaEOo v~ j~ x f yw ! ~ • 1 r f .'f I Shto l7tb day of jckgagr v, e.Dab WP'bvPero ate; pora,"VS -wpcaro0 d L rP 4o pkLiaacs bD ~ ' 1, O.ootfpOLa• .cUwAm. •8 shio•aml• eapop8n(~ 1La00 a16-DII$. ••r S' r - ~~i ? Oho •mid-In6r7ncd8 to bg:.tho,,few and,aolantoiy7 not aVA d00a_pf Mid o~lgo tS io 4$ ape vlGl?0 C> A` 4 ~A . a . . . x.44.twat.oln_axaOicaC30.aa3..ott'Ot3lt.ooah.ota6c8 tpaa i c16'atrShonlp4 to Oa nLh~:B~~za*y kcivr4'pdCS9.81ao,pal CCfc~sCl,lo gho.a~sgorCAO 0c31 of mid'oaapO:istlc?0 93 4~U00 C__QD I ba h?rc=Sc cot lqbwd my affIn+Cl r,~ $PSIdll01,OC cam' idlttdBfO $G70`C?tCEC1d " ; r :s~r~''p I~Ot13%rtjl$18[3 Cad • f98 J~t~ a k1E.D,CC:z'>0'JoaA~b DC~'}1' cC^A QODdGOft~t70DWWt~cb'POO yid` i r 1 _1 ^ +4.. f- I ~ ,TF ! F`~ ~ Soo 1 4 x ~ r i.,y_"lr~~~ 1 y Y~ r'~s, s 1 ~~CJP~3~'irla~O ~ r ~ ~r r r ~ ~lS~ ' r 1, r 1 ~fi < ~`fa a,~s~'trS"k .,~+•r x , -~!v rw- < a: t £ , .,,'r, d + r- r~<2,,•{S;} r•eF1'~~'Pr?.y,„s•{~'•''v, ' r~1;' Vie, a,>1. :~~.._t,', r:...•..k wS :yf rc, ..r-~, F.z ..,,5'. , ' j N:, S ':w f.?;f11. i t, ...,.....na,. .S 'i;; car""